Searchable transcript for the Serious

This one I heard on October 24th of 2024. Uh, so just a few days ago, about four days ago, and it’s called
My children, your enemy’s firewall has been breached. A firewall that protected their most secret plans and crimes they have buried behind these walls. An explosion is about to take place, a proof that cannot be denied. ANOTHER SERVER has been found by my infiltrators, and they have been able to breach these servers, and what they have found will tear apart the long-lasting Establishment machine running Washington. Secrets to blackmail, and it is beyond anything anyone could ever have imagined. PRESIDENTIAL CRIMES Political corruption, so unprecedented it will completely reset an entire government body on every level. And most elections this nation has had over the last 60 plus years. This corruption runs so deep that it would implicate almost every political career politician you see before you. My children, this information will shake this country like never before. It is much deeper and much darker than anyone could have imagined. So prepare yourselves for the bumpy road ahead as this will all come out and new elections will take place.
Your enemies will try and start a civil war and unrest. They will try anything as their last-ditch efforts to stay in power, but they will not work. Nothing they do is working or will be able to help them move forward. The machine is breaking with no way to repair it, says the Lord.
A MAJOR FINANCIAL SCANDAL among politicians is coming out in the open. A SCANDAL SO MASSIVE it will bring major shockwaves to this nation. How your tax dollars have been used, How lobbyists control the bills that were passed, and I will show you the corruption attached to every major bill and who all profited from it. I will also show you the ones who control Wall Street. I will show you insider trading. I will show you proof of money changing hands of foreign spies inside your government and giving it to their own nations. I will show you all the judges who were paid off for all the indictments. I will show you the blueprints to prove all of them were a lie for a coup to try to keep President Trump away from Washington. I will show the intricate details on how they manipulated the laws to try and find a crime. I will prove this was all a setup not only against MY David but against this nation to destroy it once and for all. These indictments were meant for more destruction than you think. I will show it all to you and destroy the ones who designed them, saith the Lord.
MY David will be handed more proof of these crimes and all who were involved, how they accomplished what they had so far. A chess piece is about to move, to be Played or a chess move is about to be played. Your enemies will never see coming The Establishment is in over its head Everything they are doing against MY David in this nation. They don’t have the power or intelligence To accomplish such plans. That’s why all of them will implode before your eyes says the Lord of Hosts
A ROVER is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. Many things have been hidden in the space program is about to come out, about to come to the surface. There are things that have been covered up that will be revealed.
A high-profile politician will be exposed for child pornography and child trafficking. They will let this person go to protect others in your government. Many things they are hiding with P. Diddy and Epstein they’ll not be able to cover up much longer. Every child predator in your capital soon will pay for the crimes for the world to see.
The AEROSPACE CORPORATION has been a cover-up for federal spending. There is more to this corrupt corporation than meets the eye. Everything your enemies were hiding behind will soon all be uncovered.
BIG PHARMA and every company and all their contracts and deals they have made with globalists and the Establishment is soon to be completely uncovered. How your government has been a part of many deaths. I told you your White House is actually red because it’s dripping with the blood of many lives that have been killed for the agenda. Every honeypot and every honey hole your government has is about to be raided by me, says the Lord. My children brace for the impact and the exposure and truth will bring to the enemy’s camps. This is the time to press more into me and my words because this battle is about to take a turn you don’t see yet. If your hearts are fixed on me, you will not be affected by the devastation your enemies are about to endure. Their control is over, their reign is over, and it’s coming to an abrupt end. I will always have the final say, and I will always have my way. says the Lord your Redeemer.

A second server has been found. detailing High level and PRSIDENTIAL corruption for some 60 years.
Implicated re virtually all the career politicians you can think of..
“A chess piece is about to move, to be Played or a chess move is about to be played. Your enemies will never see coming The Establishment is in over its head”
“A ROVER is about to be in your news for a shocking reason” Mars Rover photos closely rtsemble a Canadian Island it was speculated years ago. LOL. Potential Great cost saving there.
Much more revelations coming regarding P. Diddy and Epstein
“Every child predator in your capital soon will pay for the crimes for the world to see“
Long ago Donald Trump executive order to seize all assets of any human trafficker includes many corporate CEOs jumping ship in record numbers. today.
Establishment is surrendering to Donald Trump such as the puppet Jeff Bezos Washington Post editorial team has been replaced by a bunch of “white hats”. Common sense conservatives. That is surrender.
Quote from a fringe publication
Mr. Bezos’ ultimate decision, to end The Post’s decades-long practice of endorsing presidential candidates, exploded into public view on Friday, drawing criticism from reporters, editors and readers, along with an unusual rebuke from the legendary Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.” . Back in June of this year, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-New York Times did a whole article about the hostile editorial takeover of WAPO by operatives associated with the Q operation. This announcement of a non-endorsement, therefore, came as no surprise, but was delightful to hear nonetheless, as were the ensuing shrieks of butt-hurt emanating from the demoralized remnants of the betrayed Left.
Here Q is acknowledged at Madison Square garden Republican bunting

Big Pharma shady deals to be completely uncovered. Testimony to Congress this week included the nugget that Americans pay for the most expensive healthcare in the world yet mysteriously Their life expectancy is FALLING. and their health is ranked way down at 45th in the world. RFK jr is the natural to Make America Healthy Again with Donald Trump.
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