Searchable Transcript for the Serious

I say woe to you enemies of Almighty God I See you lurking behind the shadows or in the shadows and around the corners I see what you’re doing all over my nation. I see your attacks, and I see what you’re trying to do to get revenge against MY David Revenge against American citizens who voted for him You want revenge? You want to act? You want to tear apart this nation limb to limb because if YOU can’t have it no one can Well, I will tell you enemies of Almighty God You will not see that day with us where this United States falls you will not see that day. This United States is not falling YOUR EMPIRE IS FALLING YOUR GLOBAL AGENDA IS FALLING Do you hear what I say enemies of Almighty God, those who are in Washington DC? You will not have your way You will not get past me For I the Lord God this day say this is MY NATION, and you will know that for a fact You are trying everything With the occultic world You are trying everything With your foreign friends your foreign enemies and their militias You are trying everything with technology You are doing everything and have you’re using every weapon in your arsenal Do you not know who I AM ? Do you not know that you are not greater than me? Not only will I show this nation And I will show my children all around the world I Am the one true God
I see you’re eyeing NEW YORK CITY I see you’re eyeing LOS ANGELES I see you’re eyeing CHICAGO and HOUSTON I see your targets I see BOSTON I See you have targets on them But you don’t see ME You don’t see my army you don’t see my head your protection You’re pointing your weapons at These cities And my army and their weapons are pointing at YOU Once you give the Green light These attacks with your foreign militia and your AI technology in any other form of technology that you use It will be directed at YOU You will fall you will have total annihilation and destruction You want to shut the world down? You want to have another PLANDEMIC? You want to have another WORLD WAR ? You want to have the financial system completely collapse ? To bury everyone underneath of it ? But YOU WILL BURY YOURSELVES You collapse YOUR EMPIRES once you touch that button Once you make those moves You’re through Enemies of Almighty God you are through I have said enough is enough and that’s what I mean You and your empires and your rogue governments in your out-of-control spending and your out-of-control Judges and your lawfare you’ve had against my people Enough is enough I will say again LET MY PEOPLE GO I don’t need to say it again Because those words are still going forth, but apparently you need to hear them My people are NOT YOUR SLAVES, and they are not yours to control Great and mighty shift is coming It will rock you to your core It will rock your governments It will rock everything that you have You will not recover from this No not in this time This is time for my glory this is a time for my church To my children do you hear? Your enemies are on the prowl and They have planned attacks It doesn’t matter You stand your ground you stand with me And you will have that victory you will have complete restoration And you will experience my glory like never before That was on the other side of your enemies attacks and their plan THEIR DOWNFALL Me rising you up above each and every one of them So hold tight and hold fast Because this is almost the end to everything that you see against you says the Lord

A few quotes bring a disciplinary parental message about a different genetic group, Democrats, That lacks basic childhood training that we see in Kmart. Mothers telling wailing infants they cant have everything they see. And most things they see they can never own. Its a simple message in emotion control. And a lot of “Liberals” never understood this message in their childhood and likely Liberal mothers might be incapable of teaching this lesson. So the problem proliferates.
“You want to tear apart this nation limb to limb because if YOU can’t have it no one can“
That infantile rage was described by Abraham Lincoln. Democrats what they can’t control they destroy. Sound evidence for political behaviour being greatly genetic.
“This United States is not falling YOUR EMPIRE IS FALLING YOUR GLOBAL AGENDA IS FALLING Do you hear what I say enemies of Almighty God, those who are in Washington DC? You will not have your way You will not get past me“
You are trying everything With the occultic world
“Do you not know that you are not greater than me? ” Thats the message from their childhood behaviour. Their entire world is within themselves. And they never seem to finally mature physically brainwise at age 26 as conservatives do. The final physical flowering in the brain is IMPULSE CONTROL around age 26 Lack of that maturation Is a physical brain defect. Its why so many progressives seem so childlike. Their deeply held notion that lying about everything is a suitable form of government underlines their infantile cognition
.“trying everything With the occultic world“
Seeing you have targets on big cities But you don’t see ME
You want to have another PLANDEMIC? You want to have another WORLD WAR ? You want to have the financial system completely collapse ? To bury everyone underneath of it ? But YOU WILL BURY YOURSELVES
My people are NOT YOUR SLAVES
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