Lay Gnosis Feedback 18 Adam UK

Regarding what you mentioned about how it seems that our prison sentence of separation is seemingly over

Steve when you said that when gnosis is induced in the individual it is much like when we open the cage door of birds they stay in the cage as we have learned to live with the grief of separation you mentioned how Layman’s Gnosis is an experience that takes two years and cannot be repeated it’s a wonderful sleigh ride through a magical forest and it finishes with an internal mentoring voice. 
When you mentioned Carlos Castaneda my eyes lit up because I would find myself looking at his Amazon page and his interesting books about the shamans of ancient Mexico this was before you mentioned him.  Castaneda is good for inspiration and knowledge but I don’t endorse ayuahuasca because it makes people sick and each individual needs a support group to go thru the process. I think David Icke did Ayuahuasca.

By comparison LG is far superior. But for you Adam, its need-to- know background knowledge. You will be asked about it.

Some Lay Gnostics have graduated and later tried every drug under the sun and slowly ultimately stop and say LG is the best after all that. Trevor the IT man, and his brother Julian said that in TBH. My main objection to psychotropic drugs is that its just another day in Disneyland and people don’t know what it means. No formal lesson is available. And recreational drugs have not improved society at all. Police say 80pc of crime is drug related. So to me LG is far superior and doesn’t hurt anybody.

It is now during k rise that I am realising how my internal mentoring voice would always tell me to interact with others as much as possible and that when you fail to “seize the day” as the saying goes you simply fail to make the world a better place, you fail to live life. It’s almost as if you have never even come into this world you automatically go along with whatever is easiest fastest and most comfortable. That revolutionary message said, we must bear in mind that to live in a city/society and to reap the benefits we must make some concessions such as conventions and responsibilities and laws taxes etc . The only alternative to do everything your own way is to go and live on an island all by yourself. Not practical. And numerous alternative societies have been tried historically and they all fail. One notable success is the Amish. if we measure success by numbers. They thrive living a distinctly different simple lifestyle and have a very high birthrate.

My sixth sense would always tell me exactly what lies inside me and just how powerful the mind and our imagination is, just like astral boo baby said when we are young we are still very well in alignment with the fluid nature of reality, and it is only when we get older that we become more dense and we lose that connection, we forget the reason why we have come here for me I would always be told by source that my instincts are telling me I am here to make the world a better place.
I am here to remind others of what they are, for instance I would remember watching a cartoon about people getting on a ship and going to outer space and how this reminds me of something, because I could feel the massive effect that it has had on me I could feel that it definitely reminds me of something the first thing I thought to myself was Adam with your incredibly rich imagination doesn’t this mean that you can create cartoons out of nothing just like that with the shear power of your mind so this is s something that has always sat with me. I would be watching cartoons as a child and it would remind me of the infinite amount of experiences that I am yet to have in this life.
 I would wake up from dreams and realise and think to myself I was completely immersed in the dream so what’s the difference between this life and a dream ? Just like I said I would be sitting by myself in parks or rural areas completely and utterly immersed in my imagination, source would do an excellent job of reminding me of what I am. Source would show me one analogy after another, explaining to me what I am. 
When I would wake up from a dream I would be able to feel my mind adjusting to what we most people would call “real life”. The electricity of your body you can feel it. For me it would be so much more, when I would read fictional books and watch animated movies, and I would have dreams where I would find myself in that movie. These experiences cannot be dismissed they really do an excellent job of getting you to understand the true nature of reality. I have had many such experiences so once again what most people believe to be a solid world is not solid at all and there is unlimited evidence to back this up. 

Its kinda obvious Adam you have been born and bred to do a mission. Ideal man for the job. Working at street level one-on-one is a good alternative way to avoid the controlled media system and the entrenched bureaucratic system system which in the final analysis works like organised crime. At least now with smart phones you can leave complete strangers with a vital takeaway message no strings attached.

That’s one way to avoid the entrenched bureaucratic mafia. Give you an example here. Its about the bureaucratic mafia making hay out of the fake Corona crisis. Highly qualified professors are embittered as they advise government agencies simple safe established medicines like Doxycycline and Hydrochloroquinine easily deal with the covid 19. But the Bureaucrats simply ignore the professors. Both are routinely sold over the counter without scrip in malaria countries. The comments are most instructive.

Sky Channel COVID-19 treatments are ‘staring at us in the face’ but have been ignored Doxycycline anti malaria stops Covid 19

Steve Trueblue Comment 2 hours ago Off Youtube The medical mafia prescription system is greatly to blame. Doxycycline is available over the counter in malaria tropical countries. But not here in first world Australia ! It could be dispensed like lollies to anyone with a sniffle to stop the virus utterly. But NO the system farms the numbers daily into a fake drama paralyzing the world. While bureaucrats pad their careers blocking any known treatment. Even my Sydney doctor is part of the scam. He says you only get HCQ if you are diagnosed positive, you then, are sent to a $500 “specialist” who “may” give you HCQ. So covid pandemic is being farmed by doctors making a personal fortune. In Sydney we have more $500 specialists than GPs.

So that’s an example of the organised crime network controlling us thru bureaucracies. So Adam your method of working one-on-one bypasses that monolithic self serving state.

And it just occurred to me that an ideal venue for you would be perhaps Speakers Corner in London, or some equivalent in your local area. You could be filmed and become famous just answering questions. People could be led to you there. In my case I did that in crowded markets where 10,000 people walked past my stall in a day. Today with video cams in every phone anything interesting goes up onto youtube. Instant fame.All the greats go to Speakers Corner Tommy Robinson, Pfander films etc.

What about a market stall where you tell people their fortunes ? Tell them something about themselves ? You have lots to say. Just an idea.

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