Lay Gnosis 75 Trump strikes back at Marxist infiltration of Federal Government

Transcipt Coloured text Commentary added Well we’ve often spoken on this show about the Long March through the Institutions. That’s this idea that our public services our government departments are now infested with hardcore Neo-Marxist left-wing thinking often disguised as kind of touchy-feely programs like diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias white privilege all this stuff, well we’ve talked about it a lot but our so-called liberal government has done nothing whatsoever but one man who has decided to tackle the Long March Through the institutions head-on in America did so three weeks ago and wow it worked Donald Trump watched him watched him on Tucker Carlson listened and acted if only we could see similar things here i’n Australia. Delighted to welcome exclusively to Outsiders christopher Ruffo he is a a researcher at the Discovery institute and a contributing editor to city journal and he joins outsiders now Christopher Ruffo Welcome to outsiders- Great to be with you well you’ve had an incredible few weeks now take us back to your studies about what you label critical Race Theory and tell us what that is what you discovered about it and then tell us how Donald Trump reacted – Well critical race theory has been a huge concern for people especially on the right in the last few years but what I did was I actually took an angle of it as an investigative reporter and I handled leaked documents from hundreds of sources in the Federal Government and State governments and local governments exposing exactly what’s going on in these Critical Race Theory training courses uh where white employees are are denounced for their whiteness uh they’re forced in some cases, to write letters of apology (Maoism) and as I unearthed these documents I went on this journey, that was a 90-day sprint where I was releasing document after document after document, building the case against this, exposing it to light and I explicitly called on the President to take action uh and to my kind of great surprise and joy uh within 72 hours he’d issued an executive memo saying that no more of this stuff throughout the federal government

Well that’s phenomenal Christopher, Well done, and congratulations and as I say, I wish we could see that sort of action in Australia but take us through exactly what Critical Race Theory is and how it was being implemented in government departments particularly the justice department and other scientific communities the military, absolutely! one of the most explosive stories, that I did was on the Sandia National Laboratory which designs America’s Nuclear Arsenal they had sent employees on a three-day white male re-education camp where it was restricted and segregation the basis of race and sex and they were told that white male culture is analogous to the KKK, to MAGA hats to mass killings to white supremacy they were forced to kind of deconstruct their own identity their white male culture denounce themselves publicly and then at the end of the session, write letters of apology to women and people of color for no greater reason that their in their inborn characteristics and these are programs that have essentially spread everywhere throughout the federal government (Totally Maoist as per the cultural revolution in the 60s) and they’re predicated on a single idea America and Western countries are inherently and irredeemably racist and all of our social institutions from the constitution to the legal system to the to the nuclear family are a mere smoke screen for white supremacy and they want nothing less than to destroy the United States destroy the west, and to do it from the inside out and and even more kind of brazenly and astonishingly they want to do so with funding from taxpayers and thankfully the president put a hard stop to all that Critical Race Theory it’s not only a morally and intellectually vacuous doctrine but it’s also dangerous Can you take us through some of the similarities it has with white supremacy and and the sort of toxic uh racist ideas that we thought we left behind, yeah if you look at uh history, both of

saying that people can be judged based on their group identity characteristics and then in critical race theory training sessions and then on the streets of American cities they’re engaged in targeted racial harassment and you know it’s very simple This stuff was wrong 100 years ago it’s wrong today, it doesn’t matter which side of the political spectrum is enforcing it I’m going to fight against it and all right thinking and honorable people should join me in denouncing this kind of stuff and making sure that we don’t go backwards in our history JAMES Christopher a lot of what you describe these almost Maoist struggle sessions that people have to do over the very color of their skin this would sound like it would constitute to borrow a term from our friends in Human resources department a hostile workplace environment I’m wondering about what Trump’s move against government departments has done does it does it also extends to contractors Big Corporations that are serving the US government and will their HRD Departments also be forbidden from doing these sorts of things because so that the private sector, it’s just as bad if not worse in many cases where these kind of woke HR types have taken over and push this kind of Ideology on the workplace that’s exactly what it does and really it’s the kind of ambition of the order was astonishing. He abolished it in the government directly under his control. He abolished it in the military which is essential but he also said very clearly in this order if you are a company and this includes the majority of fortune 500 companies in America does business with the Federal Government you can no longer use these critical race theory principles anywhere in your corporations so he sent HR departments immediately scrambling and I think he’s using all of the the leverage and the mechanisms of power in hisin his capacity to do it and there’s another point that I think is critical– He instructed the Attorney General of the united states uh to to assess whether these kind of trainings that are either segregated by race uh targeting people by race -denigrating people by race, or gender constitute a form of toxic work environment or workplace harassment which would be a violation of title vii of the of the Civil Rights act of 1964. (The Left campaigned to equalise Civil Rights, to desegregate races- so notice their complete 180 YET AGAIN) So he’s opened a lot of different avenues to fight this and I think it’s important for conservatives to realize, we cannot fight this ideology simply by writing an op-ed in the Sunday paper we’re going to have to get down into the trenches and fight this out we’re going to have to use legal mechanisms investigative reporting mechanisms, persuasion mechanisms,lawsuits and executive action, because it won’t stop unless we make it stop. I think that’s the biggest lesson of the last three weeks well Christopher you’re absolutely right there and in Australia we’ve had our own- the head of the public service in Australia insisted everyone do what is called Unconscious bias training every public servant every civil servant in Australia does this unconscious bias training now they use words like this, and diversity and inclusion but Christopher you’ve done so much research on this can you just explain to our viewers how these innocuous sounding words diversity, inclusion, conscious bias, privilege, what they really disguise and just how pernicious they are yeah you know critical race theory in general is really a kind of Neo-Marxist formulation what they’ve done is they’ve taken the kind of old marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed but starting a hundred years ago, and accelerating the last 20 years they’ve realized that the kind of old-school economic marxism has never made strong inroads in the west uh in the Anglo countries and american society because we have too strong of a middle class,o what they decided to do really with the Frankfurt school ( Contained NO White people 1 ethnic group only) uh is they tried to basically graft identity politics onto the marxist dichotomy because they thought that this would be a more subtle weapon, a more effective weapon a more insidious weapon and that’s exactly how it works what you’re describing is really a kind of cult indoctrination 101 What they do is they describe a problem, they say there’s unconscious bias, white privilege internalized white supremacy (Natural behaviours such as territoriality criminalised in an amateurish way.) and they say you have this problem even if you don’t know it, even if your behavior doesn’t reflect it, and then they offer a solution -anti-racism that’s both an individual solution and a kind of global solution, but then this is where the real kind of trick is, they take it as a kind of excuse to abuse you to just try to reshape your psychology from the inside out. And human resources department a hostile workplace environment I’m wondering about what Trump’s move against government departments has done, does it also extend to contractors, big corporations that are serving the US government and will their HRD departments also be forbidden from doing uh these sorts of things because so that the private sector uh it’s just as bad if not worse in many cases where these kind of woke Human Resources types have taken over and push this kind of ideology on on the work place that’s exactly what it does and really it’s the kind of ambition of the order was astonishing he abolished it in the government directly under his control he abolished it in the military which is essential but he also said very clearly in this order if you are a company and this includes the majority of fortune 500 companies in america that does business with the federal government you can no longer use these critical race theory principles anywhere in your corporation so he sent HR departments immediately scrambling and I think he’s using all of the the leverage and the mechanisms of power in his in his capacity to do it and there’s another point that I think is critical he instructed the attorney general of the United states uh to assess whether these kind of trainings that are either segregated by race uh targeting people by race denigrating people by race or gender constitute a form of toxic work environment or workplace harassment which would be a violation of title vii of the of the civil rights act of 1964.sohe’s opened a lot of different avenues to fight this and I think it’s important for conservatives to realize we cannot fight this ideology simply by writing an op-ed in the sunday paper we’re going to have to get down into the trenches and fight this out we’re going to have to use legal mechanisms investigative reporting mechanisms persuasion mechanisms lawsuits and executive action because it won’t stop unless we make it stopi think that’s the biggest lesson of thelast three weeks well Christopher you’re absolutely right there and in australia we’ve had our own the head of the public service in Australia insisted everyone do what is called unconscious bias training every public servant every civil servant in Australia does this unconscious bias training now they use words like this and diversity and inclusion but Christopher you’ve done so much research on this can you just explain to our viewers how these innocuous sounding words diversity inclusion unconscious bias privilege what they really disguise and just how pernicious they are yeah you know critical race theory in general is really a kind of neo-marxist formulation what they’ve done is they’ve taken the kind of old marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed but starting a hundred years ago and accelerating the last 20 years they’ve realized that the kind of old-school economic marxism has never made a strong inroads in the west uh in the anglo countries an american society because we have too strong of a middle class so what they decided to do really with the Frankfurt School (now moved to Columbia University because this ethnic group was decidedly unpopular in Hitler’s Germany- Wonder why ? And so they ares till going today ) uh is they tried to basically graft identity politics onto the Marxist dichotomy because they thought that this would be a more subtle weapon, a more effective weapon, a more insidious weapon and that’s exactly how it works. What you’re describing is really kind of cult indoctrination 101 what they do is they describe a problem, they say there’s unconscious bias white privilege internalized white supremacy and they say you have this problem even if youdon’t know it even if your behavior doesn’t reflect it and then they offer a solution anti-racism that’s both an individual solution and a kind of global solution but then this is where the real kind of trick is they take it as a kind of excuse to abuse you just try to reshape your psychology from the inside out, and try to manipulate you through kind of emotional guilt techniques, to always be moving forward to their commands no matter what you’ve done or what you’ll do in the future and you know people who have studied struggle sessions in China uh in the 1960s people who have studied kind of religious cult indoctrinations have made these comparisons very directly they follow the same techniques and principles and it has certainly no place in our public institutions Rita What’s your advice to people working in the public or private sector who are being bullied by this sort of ideology and they feel like their job is in jeopardy if they speak up or the career progression your advice to those people theones who don’t have a voice yeah if you don’t have a voice find someone that can speak on your behalf and I’ve been doing that in the United States I know that there are many great people in Australia that have been fighting this fight as well but I would say that the trick what is found to be the highest leverage you know i’m one person uh but I’ve just kind of made a major victory on this because what I did was I found specific examples that would be deeply offensive to 95 or more percent of the public so what I would encourage those people to do if you are in a public agency in Australia leak specific documents and emails and pdfs and resources to friendly media that can get that out there expose it to the public because let’s be honest critical race theory isan idea that can only survive in theshadowsonce you expose it with the light of the of the public spotlight it will it will immediately crumble because it’s weak intellectually it’s bankrupt morally and all it’s going to take is some courage and people that are going to pusht o get it out of our institution James What do you think what’s going to happen though with the universities it seems to me that higher education is kind of the engine room that’s stoking this and feeding this fire even if you know you try and tamp it out in the government and in the private corporations Where do you go uh with the universities ? is that the next step or what do you do about that ? those though that sector churning out more and more people who are schooled and believe this cult-like critical race theory belief well in a sense it’s their greatest strength but it’s also their greatest weakness um the large majority of critical race theory uh kind of a advocates and activists and professors and researchers are funded by the public and if you are funded by the public with a change in political leadership and a little courage you can be defunded by the public and the executive order from president Trump. who does exactly what he says. No more federal grants supporting anything involving critical race theory so he’s really cut off the supply lines for this theoretical research and I think we could even go a step further and I’d like to see some more uh actions uh specifically legal actions uh that this constitutes a form of workplace harassment ( I only wish they would also exclude Transgenderism teaching which is Marxist. Its a suicide cult in classrooms.) We can really use all of the mechanisms of the public good because you know let’s face it if the public kind of dollars created thisuh the public dollars can take it away so I think that the the hope is not lost I think that it really just takes someone willing to make a decision and for so long we’ve been scared of being called racist or white supremacist or what ever that we’ve kind of been cowed into not speaking. But those words have lost all of their rhetorical power as they’ve been abused and applied to everything you know Maths is white supremacist logic, is white supremacist don’t think we should be afraid of these words anymore and we have to know that we are both on the morally and intellectually superior position and we need to act accordingly Christopher Ruffo what an absolute legend you are history will look back at You as one of the first to hold up your hand and say Stop to the long march through the institutions We owe you a favor the western world owes you a favor mate well done and Donald Trump well done for listening to Christopher Ruffo if only our leaders here you never know they might do the same thanks christopher Ruffo so much for being here on Outsiders Sky Channel thank you English (auto-generated)

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