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The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring the good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that the captains will be released and the prisoners will be freed to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God.

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Actually, good morning. Today is the 9 September, and we had to do this today because yesterday something historic happened. The Queen of England passed away. And some of you might say, okay, well, big deal. No, this is a huge deal, okay? And so I have today one of the key prophets that’s been talking about London, the Queen, the bridge, all of this. So today Julie Green is with us and we’re going to talk about the prophetic side of the royals, of what’s been spoken, and we’re going to overlay some incredible math on this and prophetic scriptures. So let’s have some fun.

Julie, welcome. Thank you for having me once again. Yesterday was a bombshell. Dolores been speaking about a lot about the Royals and all the things that are going on over there in this last week or so. He’s giving me almost every day something about them. Not everybody has seen it yet. They’re prerecorded, and it’s proof because I got my clock in the back there. So I can prove when I record these because I’m actually leaving out of town here in a few minutes. So I had to get this out as soon as you text me, I’m like, even though I have a busy schedule. You have a busy schedule. I’m like, we have to do something about that property that was we’re not joyous over somebody dying, but the fact that God has been telling us about what’s going to happen and it is significant of what she stood for. So it’s significant. And the time that we’re living in right now no, that’s the whole thing, right? When you go back and so when you study scripture, there’s timelines in all of this. That’s the incredible part. So Julie and I’ve done interviews in the past, and we’ve talked about the Exodus. We’ve taught the Red Sea miracle the Exodus. And so we keep waiting. But then God reveals what is revelation? It’s the reveal, right? We’re putting pieces together through the prophets. God is revealing what Revelation actually means because 10, 20, 50 100 years ago, Revelations didn’t make a lot of sense. It was very confusing. But now we’re seeing the pieces come together. He’s speaking through the prophets, Julie, and what we’re seeing is the pieces come together, and so this image is coming to life. And so when you study, when we go back and read Isaiah, right? This is incredible. Isaiah, the prophet talked about what was supposed to happen to Israel. Actually, this is Jeremiah. But then Isaiah read the prophecy to King Cyrus. But what was the Jeremiah prophecy? That after 70 years, Israel would be freed from bondage. Okay, well, Julie, I love having you here, because you have stated the United States and the world has been secretly in bondage. Correct? 100%. Definitely. It’s a system that we’ve been living in under this world economic system by all these governments and stuff like that. We’re supposed to have things like that. But at the same time, it was infiltrated, it was used demonically, and it’s been twisted pretty much since Nimrod. There’s been what’s called a bad loan system in place that really has suppressed God’s people and has enslaved God’s people. And without even realizing, I mean, we just thought this was just how life was. You had to pay taxes. You have to do this, you have to do that. And we just thought if you want to buy something, you have to borrow money, and you pay all these high interest rates and make all these payments. People thought that was normal. And God is saying, this is not a normal system. This system was due. They are now-a- days Pharoahs. He talks about this all the time. We’ve talked about this before, even when we were in South Carolina. These are nowaday pharaohs. They’re the same thing. There’s nothing new under the sun. God always warns that he’s doing something about it. Right? Present day pharaohs. And so the prophetic, when you go back scripturally, this is we’re watchin. We were watching history repeat right here, right now in front of us. Okay, so what was the word of Jeremiah? After 70 years, Israel would be free from bondage by King who? King Cyrus. That was a prophetic word given to Cyrus, read by Daniel, which blew Cyrus away because he actually called Cyrus out by name. That prophecy was 200 years before the birth of King Cyrus. And so we’re watching the prophecies unfold right here. So believe it. This is why I’m bringing up 70 years, because Queen Elizabeth was inaugurated as Queen. She became Queen on February 6, 1952. She died yesterday 70 years and seven weeks from when she became Queen. So that will be seven double seven. A triple seven would be this coming Tuesday. Something important. Is that an important day? September 13? I don’t know. But September 13 will be 70 years, seven weeks, and seven days. She died specifically 70 years, seven weeks, and two days from when she became the Queen. All I’m saying, we’re watching the fulfillment of prophecy because we, the people, have been enslaved secretly. That’s the word, secretly. Israel wasn’t bondage because they had chains on. They knew this time Uncle Sam is a little wiser, and he deceived everybody by creating money out of thin air, and that’s basically been bondage. Right. And so we’ve been secretly enslaved for the past generations. Right. And so the Queen issue is like the marker that we were waiting for, and we didn’t even know it. And now let’s talk about fulfillment of some of your prophecies. Tell us a little bit about what specific are on your heart. What are the key prophetic words that you’re feeling right now?

Julie Okay, well, one was just so September 1, I had a word, and he says, I say again, Watch the Queen. Now, this was September 1.She died on the 8th. He said, something is about to be revealed that the Royals want to keep hidden. Now, as of right now, we just know that she passed away. We have no idea exactly why she passed away. We didn’t even know she was even sick. As far as we knew, she was just hunky dory and fine, but all of a sudden, out of nowhere, she was just sick, and they rushed into her side, and she’s dying. So again, that is if you can see here, here is your prophetic word about Prince Charles. Oh, yeah. Okay, so no one knows what happened. No one knows what happened, but Julie had a prophetic word, February 8 and 15th of 2022 this year. Okay, this is the prophetic word. This is for Prince Charles. You will be stripped of your power and will never have the royal crown. You helped with a coup in my nation, and the whole world will know it. Another arrogant pharaoh, and you will fall. Here’s the interesting part. You are your own mother’s murderer. So people think because we were just talking about this right before, people think because, that he’s already said he’s been proclaimed king, that well, that probably didn’t come to pass because he’s already king, where he hadn’t had a correlation yet. And that is when he is designated, which is the professional day or the whatever day, the day celebration where he gets the crown. It would be like an election here in the United States, but it’s not until January, where you actually become president of the United States. That’s the exact same scenario. Yeah. His celebration is so many months out. I don’t know how many months it takes, but it’s not right now. Even though he’s been declared king, he hasn’t been officially, just like you said, with an election, hasn’t been officially designated that yet. It’s just he has that name, and again, he has a name. It doesn’t mean anything. But then one of the things that the Lord had given me was about probably about Big Ben. He said, watch Big Ben. He’s given me a couple of different ones about Big Ben. Well, the day before the Queen died, okay, the day before the Queen died, God had given me prophecies about Big Ben. It was vandalized. Big Ben was vandalized. He also had now watched Big Ben because God said something is going to happen to that. And he says, as you see the destruction of this, he said, that is a destruction in the fall of Prince Charles. So there’s going to be a lot going to be revealed about Prince Charles. And all the royal family guys have been talking about they’ve been hiding things. And so we’re going to start to see that more and more. Then he also gave me a prophetic word and he said about London Bridge. Now, apparently, and I had no idea again, this is several months ago, I had no idea that London Bridge has fallen is the key phrase for the Queen dying. Somebody told me that when I had that prophecy for instance, there’s one about Queen falling, and then there was another one about London Bridge. And they said, Julie, you don’t know what that means? I go, no, what does that mean? And they’re like, well, that means the Queens dead ? The words are London bridges falling down. Falling down. And then it goes My fair Lady. Oh, duh. I never thought about that. This is here saying that I was singing the song in my head, my family. You know who the lady is. This is cool. You know who the lady is. It’s the harlot that’s talked about in Revelation, the prostitute that has run the world. This is what God has been showing me. So I want to show you this because this is really cool. So, first off, the United States okay? The US. President bloodlines to England. Do you understand that every single President of the United States have a bloodline to King John of England, every single president except Trump and Martin Van Buren, those are the only yes, you can Google this yourself, people, please do. A high school student actually put this together, and then it’s been verified over and over and over again. Every single president has a bloodline to King John of England. Wow. So you have to understand the power of what this is. And then the next slide here, I’ve had this on my PDF slide presentation for, I think a year or two now, like a long time. But this face, he talks about the follow the harlot, revelation 17, okay? And so I saw a woman, a harlot, sitting on a scarlet beast that has full of blasphemous names. And it had seven heads. The seven heads. Lance Walnut, who does a tour with us, right? He talks about the seven hills. That’s basically in the nutshell. The church, the family, education, government, entertainment, media, all controlled through what? The finances. So those are the seven hills. So the harlot riding this beast of seven hills just got destroyed. We’re about to see the fall of the harlot. So we’re going to see the collapse with control of humanity through churches, families about to be rebirth. The financial system, this goes into your prophetic word. A new financial system backed by gold. We’re going to see the education system change, the government change, entertainment, media, everything as you know it is about to flip on its head. Just like Christ walk in the temple and flip the tables on the who the money changers because he knew that they were the root cause they love the money and they were the root of all evil for the next 20 years. And so the bloodlines to the king all the way back to England show a clear illustration of how England has secretly controlled the United States. People can do these are factual things and even through the money system, you can do the research and you can find out that your taxes go back to England. Okay? Yes. This is what’s been going on for generations. So we’ve been paying back a debt to England. The United States is a bankrupt corporation. I have no idea in the world I really thought with American Revolutionary War we got away from Great Britain. I had no idea that I did not have a quote. So that’s why the Lord’s been speaking to you about England so repetitively, because a lot follow the harlot. The harlot is running the beast. And we have your melkie goes into what you talk to that pyramid, right. And how they control it through the money. And then the back of the dollar bill, there’s an all seeing eye go look at it, right? That’s the gate to help. That’s their gate to help. The top of that pyramid was theQueen. What? Yeah, that’s all seeing. That’s their pyramid system that they run across the world. So we just saw the Queen fall and that God is not going to let the king this fake, this next King Charles step in. These people are finished. So we’re about to see fulfillment of your prophecies. Last week you actually said you talked about the fall of Babylon. That was your prophetic word. Yeah, that was a word. And I’m like, oh my gosh, that’s exactly what I’ve been talking about. Babylon, revelation 18. Babylon. Babylon, the greatest fallen, for she has become a dwelling place for demons. Yes. And there is a prophetic word I have up right now. It was, I think in June 16, it said the Queen has fallen. This phrase will be in the news. Well, London Bridge has fallen. Because again, it goes along with that prophetic word about the Queen has fallen. So I had these prophetic words a long time before she was even sick or was mentioned. I mean, she looked like she was a sprite old woman. And again, we’re not like rejoicing over somebody dying. I mean, I don’t know this person personally, but the fact that the Lord has been prophesying and saying this was going to happen and then he revealed what’s been going on with Prince Charles. So just because of King Charles, I say Prince Charles, but whatever is going on, he is going to reveal, because there is a lot of nasty things that have been going on and they let Prince Andrew fall for a lot of things, so they could hide Prince Charles, but all this stuff is going to come out because he‘s just another part of the One World Government. He’s also the part and I’m telling you in my spirit, I know he’s part of that old Epstein and all that kind of stuff. He’s part of the stuff with the children. So there is a lot of stuff we’re going to find out and we haven’t found all of it out yet, but we will soon. And this is an indication of them falling. It really, truly is an indication of everything that they have is falling. And again, the Queen has fallen. That was all over yesterday, like over Twitter and all his news feeds and stuff. It was, the Queen has fallen, the Queen has fallen, because God, that’s what God said, even said with the Queen, it’s not how it seems. A whistleblower will come out with proof that can’t be denied and people will pay for what they have been hidden. And that was another prophecy that I had regarding the Queen on June 2. And this was called, Your enemies are not Invincible. So again, there are tons of them. London Bridge will be in your news. Again, this is also not an accident or coincidence that they’re making it out to me, of course, just a woman who just dies out of nowhere. And this was a prophecy that I had, I think was sometime last year. So, I mean, again, over and over and over again. Watch Big Ben. Watch. More coming out about Buckingham Palace. God even usde that for the word Buckingham this week. Watch what’s going on over there. This is just the beginning. It’s like the prophetic word, right? Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, right? So here’s something to really take notice of, right? That family has what kind of bloodline, the royal bloodline? Are we not all created equal, Julie? Why would that be the royal bloodline? Maybe Satanic bloodline might be better, right? But they hide, they twist the words and everything, just like patriarch. Nothing patriot about it. Their bloodline, nothing royal about their bloodline, you have to understand. So this bloodline goes all the way back to the people that killed Christ in Israel. It’s the same bloodlines. And then that could be construed right down to the word we use the word deep state or Big brother. So this is what’s happening. So we’re at a point in time where we’re going to see your prophecies being fulfilled about the Red Sea, because what happened with Pharaoh in a single day, in a single day, and I’m going to keep repeating that, because in a single day I’ll read Revelation 18, verse eight, her, meaning the Harley plagues will come. In a what single day. The kings of the earth will weep and wail. People were about to see that there are a lot of changes that just gave me prophetic words this morning called the reversals are coming, reversals about to come, or something along those lines, because I’ve done so much in the last couple of days. But talking about reversals, and we are going to see reversals, we are going to see a changing in this country. We are going to see our freedoms back. And people say, well, it’s not time for that yet. It is time because it’s time for the Great Harvest of Souls. It’s time for us to be the light in the world that God always intended us to be, to bring more people into the body of Christ, because that is the heart of God. That is the whole point of all these prophecies, is to really get God’s people paying attention to what God is saying and not paying attention to what’s going on in the world because he says, things are not always as they seem to me. I showed up a prophecy fulfillment video this morning. Took me 40 over 40 minutes and I wasn’t even done. I could have done so many more because they’re happening back to back to back to back. The process has to happen every day because we’re in that time of fulfillment, they’re coming to pass as fast as we’re hearing them. God does nothing before speaking through his servants, the prophets. He stated that. So therefore he must speak through his prophets and then prophecies get fulfilled. It’s scriptural what’s going on right now. So prophecy fulfilled is nothing but scripture, because God’s speaking through his prophets and he can’t do it without first speaking through the servants, the prophets. However, there’s that last magic chess move, and that one is a secret. And that’s what I’ve been told that as well, too, by one of the prophets, Lois Sharp. But basically, the final chest move that God’s about to do on these people is a secret because no one is supposed to know how this is supposed to finally come down the pipeline, right? God’s setting up, like you said, he’s playing chess, they’re playing checkers, but he’s setting up all the pieces he is on. He works on a higher point than anybody does. And so because he’s setting up all the pieces right now and he’s coming in for checkmate, he’s about to destroy these people. And then we’re going to see Revelation 18, verse eight, be fulfilled and the kings of the earth will weep and howl, and this will all go down in a single day. I want to kind of give you some math on when this could happen, because this is kind of freaky. And I think when I show you this, you’re going to go, what? Check this out. Because this is kind of awesome. So Daniel’s timeline is 1250 days. It’s right here. Okay? So you can Google that, but that’s all true. Trump gets elected right here. He gets elected on November 8, 2016. 1260 days forward, oil goes to zero. I knew something was going to happen on that day, because that was exactly a Daniel cycle. And look what happened. Boom. Oil crashed. This exactly happened straight down. We were watching it happen on that day. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I didn’t know what was going to happen. But then when you watch oil go to zero, to negative $38 a barrel, that was a historic moment in time. God, recently, that was a marker in time. So a marker in time. This is awesome because you run 888 days from April 2022. This is crazy. 888 days takes up to September 25. That’s rash, hashana, that’s Rashawna two weeks from now,

at the end of shamita. And anytime there’s an end of a shamita, watch out. Yes, shamita is at 24th. So look at this. Childbirth. You’ve stated a new birth, a new era, a new something. Right? Okay. So I initially thought the birth was going to using God’s calendar was September of last year, 2021. I went back and I got to know, you got it wrong. Go use man’s calendar. Right? So I did man’s calendar. I did it yesterday. So January 1, child birth, full term, julie is how long exactly? The actual week is 38 weeks. 38 weeks of September 24. A little 29, the last day of the 50th year, which correlates perfectly with Leviticus. Thou shalt consecrate the 50th year and proclaim livery fucking land into all of its inhabitants. So we are at I don’t know what to tell you. Something crazy is about to happen here. So we’re waiting for this new birth that also correlates with the word given to Lois Vogel Sharp about Hagai, too. The 24th day of the 9th month of the second year of Darius is September 24. So all of this is pointing to something about to blow. And then also, lastly, this is what God gave me three years ago, was this cycle here on the stock market, saying that it’s a four to one cycle. And all this pointing to September right here. This month, a huge market collapse is supposed to happen. This was given to me three years ago. And all I know is that you’ve stated as well, too, about a market collapse or crash that’s about to happen here. And watch it, because I do believe it could happen at the end of this month or really close to it. Now, I’m not that goes by dates and stuff, but I do go by the Lord’s calendar. And I do go by the Lord’s feast dates. And when you have an end of a shamita at the end of a shamita was 2008, and we had a big, huge market crash at that time.

911 was a shamita. Yes, it was. It was an average scheme to so again, there was a lot going on. And even this morning, I actually, right before I got on, I had to have lots of prayer team get on because I just had this Heaviness all over me, and I knew something was wrong. And we had to pray immediately. We started praying over President Trump. We started praying all this nation. We started praying because Lord was revealing things that the enemy was trying to do. And that’s exactly what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to be willing and obedient. Whenever he says a prayer, get ready to pray because God’s saying it’s going to shake before all this outbreaks lose. So even though all this stuff is going to be good, that’s going to happen. They’re supposed to be bad. It’s going to happen first. And that’s what’s going to state is going to try to use it. The United States must die. I repeat that old one. It must die so a new can be born. You’re not going to have a birth of a new unless you have that’s the point of baptism. That’s the point of baptism. That’s why Lazarus was in the tomb for four days only. Why did it take? Because Lazarus rise. And why did you read John, right? It was because the world might see my glory. What’s waiting for his glory. Now, this one actually a viewer of mine actually shared this with me. I think you’re going to really enjoy this, but I don’t know if you ever heard of Azusa Street revival. Yes, I have. I love hearing about Azusa Street. Okay, so check this out. Azusa street revival was the most intense pentecostal movement that has ever hit the world since the apostles. Okay? This is all factual. This all happened because you brought up the word earthquake. And I want to tell you a couple of points, huge, important points. So the leader of this was William Seymour, and this is what his prophetic word was. In 100 years, God will pour out his spirit like the days of Azusa, but greater. So this is what everybody’s been missing, because the revival, it started when was it here? It ended roughly 1915. So everyone’s like, well, 15 years would have been 2015, but this is what they’re missing. This is what the viewer actually sent me. Seymour died September 28, 1922. Wow. 100 years is in like a week and ten days from now, it’s right after the new year, god’s new year. So we’re about to see a historic spiritual uprising an Azusa Street revival. That’s multiple times of what a AZUSA was, because God’s spirit is about to be just immensely powered down upon this Earth. And then right after the Azusa Street revival, it was like a week later, there’s a 7.9 earthquake in San Francisco, one of the largest earthquakes that’s ever hit the US. Wow. And God’s been talking about earthquakes. He’s been talking about tsunamis, he’s been talking about hurricanes, he’s been talking about all these different things. And I’m telling the street was very powerful. And that goes along with Hagi, chapter two. And it says the former reign is greater or that latter reign is greater than the former. Excuse me. So all I know is what the Lord has been telling me about this year. She said the Greater Exodus is going to happen in the year of 2022. So I don’t know exactly what day it’s going to happen in 2022. I just know we’re getting closer to it because we’re getting closer to the end of this year. And God is saying there’s going to be a rebirth. There is going to be the Greater Exodus, there is going to be retroactive restoration. There is going to be of course a market crash. So there’s going to be a beginning of a new market. Things are going to change. And he said so much. It’s going to be hard for people to believe what they’re seeing and what they’re hearing, what they’re feeling. But there are five physical senses aren’t going to believe how fast all these things change. Just like I’m sure the people of Israel, when they were standing in front of the Red Sea and watching it part, they’re probably like, I can’t believe my eyes right now that this is actually happening. It’s not a natural thing, but God is the super above the natural because he is the guy to who’s nothing is impossible. He can do all these things, and it’s impossible for our thinking, it’s possible for our ability. But he is a God to whom is nothing is impossible for Him. So it doesn’t matter how far this has gone. It doesn’t matter how bad this has been. God is saying it’s his timing, it’s his time clock. It is his seasons. It is his time for his Greater Exodus. It is our time to receive. It is our time to get excited. But if you see something, if you see a great silence, if you see the Internet go down, if you see blackouts Johnson talks about blackouts, and all of a sudden blackouts are happening everywhere. Blackouts are just blackouts happen in Ukraine this morning. Blackouts happen in California. All of you are sending me all this stuff because God has been warning about it, warning about blackouts, whether it happens worldwide, I don’t know. All I’m just saying is be prepared for a little bit of this for a short time, a very short time, just like God said, just like with Israel, a very short time. They’re in ghosts with the angel of Death. It’s not going to last very long. But do not get into fear and do not worry about what’s happening because God’s got it absolutely. And let’s finish with this here. So I wanted to share the screen with you and I think you’re going to really appreciate this. Let’s talk about what Rash Hashana really is. I put this PDF together because this is incredible when you start digging into Rash Hashana and the feasts. So Rash Hashanah is a feast of trumpets, right? It’s the first day of everything like creation. It was day one, day one. It was the birth of Jesus. That was the day Jesus was born. It was the birth of Noah. Noah saw the ground dry. It was the birth of a new world. It was the birth of Abraham, it was the birth of Jacob. It was the day that Joseph went from the pits to the palace. It’s a new beginning. It’s a new birth. It is a new era. So all I know is that God is in charge. We’re just trying to put the pieces together. We’re listening to the prophets, Julie. And we thank you, Julie, for everything you do. Your words are truly incredible and just give us all hope. And I hope this video puts a lot of pieces together for people and really shows them the importance of the Feast dates of what’s about to happen here, why September could be extremely important for the world, why the death, not to celebrate, but just why? The death of the Queen is a critical marker of time and it directly relates to the time of Daniel and the prophecies of old of King Cyrus and how this all comes together. So anyways, Julie, any last words? And otherwise thank you and God bless you and your family. Finish with a quick prayer and any last words? Henley I just want to praise and thank you that you are giving us this revelation knowledge in this fresh manna from heaven, all these prophetic words, Father God, and we want to praise and thank you. We do not take it for granted. We want to thank you for your grace and thank you for your mercy. And I do lift up those people in the royal family, Father God, because not everybody is evil. I lift them up in this time, Father God. And you know what? If they don’t know you, I pray that they are send neighbors into the path that they become born again, that they repent, that they turn from their wicked ways, Father God, and they come into the kingdom of God in Jesus name. We thank you, Father God. You know you will. And no man perish. So we lift up those people right now, they turn from what is going on in that area, Heavenly Father, they stop what they’re doing and they repent. And we thank you, Heavenly Father, as all this shaking, as all this goes on, we thank you that you have a hedge of protection around us. We are protected by the blood of Jesus. We’re protected by that name. We have the victory you promise of deliverance. And we thank you for deliverance. We thank you for this Great Exodus and we thank you for encouraging us and being our heavenly Father. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Julie. God bless again you, your family. Thank you for being here. And I hope the viewers really enjoyed this. So thank you for everything. Have a fantastic day, everybody.


Prince Charles “You helped with a coup in MY nation, and the whole world will know it. Another arrogant pharaoh, and you will fall. Here’s the interesting part. You are your own mother’s murderer”

True. Royal family plotted with Je Jin Ping to take down populist Donald Trump way back in 2015. Elizabeth II read out a speech to this effect at some great dinner. Prince Charles is a sort of Hunter Biden globe trotter and seems to have had serious input to the coup. Of course a British spy helped, Anthony Steele, producing the fake Trump dossier costing 10 million dollars.

Meeting in China to stop Donald Trump includes Mark Zuckerberg. Head of the CIA, former prime ministers, bankers. Jack Ma,

A taste of How British Banks literally made war on America and still do. They tried to invade up the Mississippi river to cut America in half in 1814.But lost a key battle. Came back in 1913 with the Federal Reserve and income tax and WW1.


Opens in new tab. from Info Wars. Wonderful Lectrue

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