Julie Green transcript I AM RETURNING WHAT HAS BEEN STOLEN Nov 25    22


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I am Returning Everything Stolen

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Good morning, everybody. As you can still see for me, it is Wednesday, November 23 of 2022, and you will see this on Friday, November 25, and the reason for that is because of Thanksgiving. So I’m prerecording all of these videos for you. And the power of a prophetic word I’m giving you today is called I’m returning what has been stolen. I heard this word on November 18 of 2022. Now, before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmunational.org under our contact page, or you can write us at julie Green Ministries, PWA 1252, Bettendorf, Norfolk, 52722. Now, those of you who have been wondering about this clock, it does not function every once in a while it does say night instead of saying morning because the manufacturer had it set for 07:00. And so I’m getting a new clock. But yes, people have been asking that question, and I want to clarify. It just is broken and I have to get a new one. All right, and that’s all the announcements I have for today. And here is the prophetic word,

I am Returning What has been Stolen.

Again, this is from November 18.

For I the Lord this day, am telling my children many things are about to look much different than they do today. Governments, nations, economies, and definitely my church. I am bringing much change when I move my hand across this nation and the nations of the world. I’m asking my children, do you still trust me? And will you continue to trust me when things you know to be normal, will no longer be that way, but it is to bring you a better life and a freedom from a life you have been enslaved in by your enemies, the supposed world leaders and all of their governments My children, I have given you the ability to believe me and to walk by faith, but I cannot make you. I have promised you victories, and in the meantime, I have promised you peace and rest while things seem to be so dark and so impossible that if you keep your eyes and your focus and trust in me, you will not be moved and you will continue to be in peace. I know this seems to never end and what you see before you that it will never change ,and it will continue to look worse. What you see before you just seems to be too impossible for anything to be done about it. In times like this, when my children should rely and trust and focus on me, the battle is the Lord’s and the battle has been won. So do not give in to what you see. Do not be overwhelmed with stress and give in to fear, when fear is a liar. My children, I am changing things. I am delivering your nations. I am judging your enemies. I am returning what has been stolen. So keep your focus on ME and you will see great victory saith the Lord Your Redeemer

Oshkosh will be in the news for surprising reason.

Orlando will be in the news for a shocking reason.

Amherst, this name might say again, will continue to be in the news.

Something significant is about to take place in Japan.

Great exposures will continue regarding China and its fraudulent government in this supposed administration in the United States. It’s only the tip of the iceberg that has been released compared to what is about to come out. Every business dealing, all blackmail backroom deals, all sinister manipulations, everything regarding these nations and the world is about to all be exposed and come to an abrupt end, Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

Hotspots this phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Warehouses are about to be raided and exposed for what has been hidden inside to bring the United States down, along with bringing the world to another standstill, due to their manmade viruses to depopulate the earth, a terrorist attack like no man has ever seen, will be totally exposed Saith the Lord

Anheiser-Busch exposed I say again, things are not how they appear to be and exposures are coming big time for this company.

A well known vineyard is about to be in the news and what is about to take place will surprise many. Court cultural lore excuse me, this phrase will be in the news for a surprising reason. an ambassador is about to die and the reason will surprise you.

More exposures are coming regarding the Royal Family and their secrets. These have been kept hidden for years and will suddenly be exposed and that will shock the world. who the rightful king actually is the world will soon know for a fact who it belongs to and it’s not Charles and I say again he will not get that crown that he killed for Saith the Lord

Spyware will be in the news for a shocking reason. Manmade technology has been used against the world that will be exposed saith the Lord.

Project Veritas is about to come forward with proof that no one can sweep under the rug or deny. This will open up a can of worms you would say and expose many dark deals and infiltrators in this nation. It will expose fraud and election theft. It’s all coming. You will be shocked on how many were involved. Things will continue to intensify in these days until what you see is totally brought down and destroyed.

So my children, be on guard, be prepared and spend time with me. And in my written word praise and shout down your enemies. Do not stop speaking your victories. Do not forget this word. Stand and praise and worship me. It will destroy your enemies. Arise out of that depression and out of that doubt and unbelief and I will give you peace and rest. Saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary

Now the title again. Every one of these prophetic words are his words. They’re the Lord’s words. And then he gives me the titles for them as well. But just think about that title for a minute. I am returning what has been stolen. That is not just about our rightful president, our rightful government, our freedoms, our health, and everything else is installing. It is a vast majority of things within the human spectrum. All of these things. Our enemies have destroyed every part of our walk of life. And God is saying he is going to give back all that’s been stolen. So don’t just think about this as the nations and as our freedoms. Think about this in your own personal life would have been stolen from you. Your house has been stolen from you. These things are not genetic. These things have been in our foods, in our medications, in our air, in our water. All these different things that man, the world leaders, have used to depopulate the world. They’ve been talking about depopulation for as long as I know, as long as I can remember, they’ve been talking about it. The world leaders talk about it all the time. Fewer resources, too many people. They’re trying to fix it. Well, guess what? God is the creator of Heaven and Earth, and he knew exactly how many people were going to be on this Earth, and he knew exactly how much they needed. And he put those resources here for each and every one of us. Our enemies are using this as an excuse. It’s like global warming. Destroy and bring fear to so many people and destroy people’s lives. But God is saying, do not be in fear of everything that your enemies have done, because everything they have done is going to be given back. Everything stolen. You can say, Julie, that’s too impossible. Read the Book of Exodus. I say this all the time because it’s a great example to what we are living in right now, what we are facing. The Egyptians stole their health. They stole their freedom, they stole their soul. I mean, there’s something people are in depression and fear and anxiety all the time because of what they were going through and how they were living. They were killing them outwardly, taking their children. They were doing everything heinous you can think of to these people, and they did it. The Egyptians did it. But God, he restored it all. He said there was no feeble among them when they left. That means they weren’t weak in their spirit, they weren’t weak in their soul, which is their mind, will and emotions, and they weren’t physically sick in their body. God healed them. And then he also restored all the finances that were stolen from them over the course of the 425 years, or over 425 years they were enslaved Egyptians. The Egyptians taxed them into slavery. Sounds like somebody else. Sounds like a thing. There’s nothing new under the sun. This is in Ecclesiastes chapter one and verse nine. It says, what has been will be again. What has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. This is Ecclesiastes one and verse nine, chapter one and verse nine. Now, a long time ago, this is by about 2010, the Lord’s been telling me, he kept saying over and over and over again I had no idea the scripture was even in the Bible. I had never heard it. I didn’t know. And he kept saying, what was will be again, but to a greater degree. And he kept saying that in my spirit. I’ve even been teaching this and all the ones who have followed me but also been around me during the times I’ve called me into ministry, I’ve been saying that what was will begin to a greater degree. I had no idea up until about a year or so ago that that scripture was even in the Bible. I don’t know why I always passed over it or when I read it. I didn’t think about it being the same thing that God said. I just didn’t click. And I was just like but it was such an encouragement to me because I know when God speaks prophetically, when God speaks to us, it will always line up with His Word. So that was such an encouragement. It should be encouragement to you. There’s nothing new on the sun. And what he said, it wasn’t in yesterday’s because yesterday’s wa as Thanksgiving video, but was the day before. That was for Wednesdays, which was for me today, but it was for you a couple of days ago. But he said that these are the Pharaohs of old, and the same thing that happened to them, they will get the same outcome, it’s the same plan, and they will get the same results. So I’m not misquoting that. Maybe I should go back and read that part. This was from the 16th. The prophetic word was from the 16th, but I gave it out on the 23rd. Let me find it because it was a really profound I remember saying that when I was reading it out to you. Oh, no. Or was it from— hold on a minute. I’ll find it, I promise. Okay I did. These enemies are no different than the pharaohs of old. Their agendas are the same and so is their outcome. So to get really excited, just go back and read the Book of Exodus and see what happened to that pharaoh in all of his army that was pursuing God’s People who wanted to have their plan and stole every single thing and destroyed their walk of life. There’s nothing new under the sun. Nothing. So God is in control. And that’s the reason why we have to be focused on in these days, not what our enemies are doing. So, no, what they’re doing, it seems, and it is horrible, and it seems to look like it’s impossible and it never changed. That’s what it looks like. But God says, are we going to trust Him? Are we going to walk by faith and not by sight? So again he’s saying, I am returning what has been stolen. So what has been stolen in your own life? Remember? And it says in Proverbs 630 and 31, let me get my Bible out here and I want to read it because I don’t want to just quote scriptures. It’s important to read it. I quote him a lot, but it says Proverbs 630 and 30 31 men, do not despise these thief, for he still to satisfy himself when he’s hungry. Verse 31 but if he has found out he must restore seven times what he has stolen, he must give the whole substance of his house if necessary to meet the fine. That’s proverbs 30 and 31. That was the amplified version of that Scripture. But if he has found out what he must restore seven times, or he must restore seven times what he stole. So our enemies have stolen many things from us. Our freedoms, our countries, our presidents, our rightful ones. They sold our health, they sold the wealth, they have sold businesses, they have sold so many different things, jobs from so many different people. And God says, when a thief has been caught, you’ve got to give it back seven times. And yes, that isn’t the word of God. So receive what God is saying regarding these situations today. Yes, in this word, he is talking about our rightful president. He is talking about the freedom of our nations and the nations around the world, not just the United States of America. I want to just reiterate that so many times it’s not just about the United States. God is bringing the nations from the one world government leaders in what they’re doing. But he’s saying, he’s asking us a question, are we going to believe in? So I’m going to go back and read this part again. Things will continue to intensify. They already have in the course of this last couple of weeks, in the last couple of months, even the whole course here you can see from the beginning of this year how it’s intensified to now. Things will continue to intensify these days until what you see is totally brought down and destroyed again. Look at the first Exodus, and God’s saying, there’s going to be another one. So my children be on guard. Be prepared and spend time with me. And in my written word, praise and shout down your enemies. Do not stop speaking your victories. It’s important to speak words of faith, declare, decree. Again, those are on our blog. Now, on our website@jdmyernational.org, under our blog post, you can see marching orders, decrees, and what you should be saying. And because God will always give you what to say in the time you’re supposed to be saying it, do not stop speaking your victories. Do not forget this word and stand and praise and worship me. It will destroy your enemies. Arise. Out of that depression and out of that doubt and unbelief, I will give you peace and rest, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

So just like with Moses and Aaron, God gave them Word to say when they were facing the enemy, they were facing the Pharaoh who was in control of them. You could say he even seemed like a giant to them because he was in control of all of Egypt’s most powerful country in the world at that particular time. And he had God’s people enslaved. But God says, no, Moses, you go before him and you say, let my people go. And Moses was like, God. I said her. I don’t know. And I cannot imagine how he felt, honestly, because I have to go before him. And do what? But it was God that does all these things. He gives us the words to say, but it’s God’s power. They’re his words. It’s his ability, it’s his victory that he has for us. So our responsibility is just to trust and believe in. Our responsibility is not to worry about the details. God is the one whose kid takes care of all the details. But God is saying to us, just say what I need you to say. Do what I need you to do. Just obey, believe, receive, and just trust in the fact that he is in control.

Project Veritas is about to come forward with proof that no one can sweep under the rug or deny. Now, Project Veritas, they have come up with so many different things that have exposed the side of the left and especially all these different because this is when I was watching them all the time. I can’t watch this stuff anymore. But I remember even last year before I had turned everything off, I remember they were just coming out with stuff all the time and they were undercover in places that the enemies had no idea. Remember God says I’m infiltrating the infiltrators. I love when he says that. He said, look at settings that are going to come out with(?) So most people do know who Project Veritas is. I don’t know exactly all that they’ve come out recently and saying. And if they have, I don’t know. But God says Project Veritas is about to come forward with proof that no one can sweep under the rug or deny. This will open up a can of worms, you would say, and expose many dark fields and infiltrators in this nation. It will expose fraud in the election theft, and it’s all coming and you’ll be shocked at how many were involved. So they’re about to come out and say something. This is what God is saying. The Lord is saying that Project Veritas is going to come out and say something huge that no one can just sweep under the rug like they had before. Spyware will be in the news for a shocking reason. Man made technology that has been used against this world will be exposed. So again, spyware and God is saying he’s going to expose all of it. And it’s going to be shocking what they have done with it.

All right. More exposures are coming regarding the Royal family and their secrets. The Lord has talked about the Royal family a lot in the last year or so. And people think that just because he has been declared King Charles, but he’s not the actual king in terms of coronation. And I think that’s in May. But the Lord has been keep saying there’s something going on regarding that family. I don’t know much about that family because I don’t follow them, whatever. But he’s saying things that have been hidden, kept hidden for years, will suddenly be exposed. It will shock the world who the rightful king actually is. The world will soon know for a fact who it belongs to, and it’s not Charles. And I will say again, he will not get that crown that he killed for. The Lord will show that crown has been killed for now, not necessarily just Queen Elizabeth. This has been going on just like, kind of like what’s been going on in this country for a long time. People have killed in this country just like we’ve seen with JFK and we’ve seen with other things going on in this nation, that our enemies have infiltrated it. They’ve taken over our government, the deep state, the swamp, whatever you want to call it, the world elites. And they’ve killed for a lot of positions and they have stolen and use these elections against us for their own gain, for power. And so this is what’s been going on. He’s saying in the royal family as well. So he said that he will be shocked. It actually is. And the world will know soon for a fact who it belongs to. And it’s not Charles. And I will say again, he will not get that crown that he kills for. So again, a lot, this is not just going to the things that are going to happen in the United States of America. It’s not just going to be united. Gods been talking about stuff in Australia. He’s been talking about stuff in Canada. He’s been talking about stuff in Italy, has been talking about things in China. He’s been talking about things all around the world, all the nations around the world. And guy’s been speaking about it, how fraud and how elections, how all these things about how these world leaders have been put in these places for the globalists and for these elites. There’s just yes people, yes men and women to have this one world government. And God says it’s not going to happen because it’s premature. And then he says an ambassador is about to die. And the reason will surprise you. He’s been talking about ambassadors quite a bit. I don’t know how many times he’s mentioned at least three or four times recently. And I know one prophecy has already been fulfilled about an ambassador, but this is about another one that will die. And then he says a cultural war. This phrase will be the news for a surprising reason. A well known vineyard is about to be in the news and what is about to take place there will surprise many. Now I don’t know where the vineyard is going to be to specifically say it, but he said a well known vineyard. So look for that and whatever, it’s going to happen. But again, God is giving us all these things to encourage us that he is in control. Even if it comes down to something like a word in the news, a location, a company, a person. I mean guys been saying all these things, these things are coming to pass. And if you are and you want to see this, go to there is in the description box there’s the prophecy index, it’s a website. And then there’s Prophecy fulfilled. And those are updated constantly. So you can get what God has been saying and what he’s been doing and how it’s been the past so fast. You can get all those. And again, it’s in the description box below. All right. Anheuser Bush I say again, things are not how they appear to be and exposures are coming big time for this company. I think this is a third of time that God has mentioned Anheiser Bush. All I know is they make Budweiser and they make Bud Light and they make beer, but I have no idea exactly what is really going on. But the Lord has been talking about how the globalists have the leaders, and how these one world leaders, they use companies as a fauxfront to do their dealings. So it may look like just a company that sells something, but what’s actually going on behind the scenes is not actually what’s going on at all. So look for exposures regarding Anheuser Busch warehouses are about to be raided and exposed for what has been hidden inside to bring the United States down. Along with bringing the world to another standstill due to their manmade viruses to depopulate this earth, a terrorist attack like no man has ever seen will be totally exposed. Sayeth the Lord. now. He says it’s going to be exposed. It’s not going to happen. God is stopping it. He’s already stopped this from happening. Again, they wanted more. COVID was even not as bad as they wanted it. They wanted COVID far worse than it really was. When they talk about it, when they started saying all over the news and bringing fear about millions upon millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of dollars of work and it was going to be a horrible thing. Watch some of the movies that they’ve made regarding viruses and how similar the whole COVID pandemic was to those movies. Hollywood is along with the elites, and they do these things. It’s propaganda. The news is propaganda, the moves are propaganda, the TV shows are propaganda. It’s all propaganda. To numb you and to think that some of these things are normal, that really couldn’t happen. That’s just in the movies. We’ll find out a lot about the propaganda machine and how all these things are.

He said warehouses. I know warehouses are even in Ukraine. That’s what God is talking about. And there’s bio weapons. This is not just a normal war that we’ve seen in World War One war, World II, the Civil War and all these things. This is a war that was done behind the scenes, silently, and it’s been going on for quite a long time. And it’s been biologically as well through the bioweapons. And so it’s not just you see just machine guns and people being killed like that. This is the other way they’re killing people. And so again, all this stuff is going to be exposed. And God is stopping this terrorist attack. That’s why these places are going to be raided and be exposed. So do not get in fear when you hear about that. Like, oh my gosh, what’s the next virus? Yeah, they’ve still been trying since Covid. They haven’t stopped. They have not stopped. God’s been warning us about it, but he’s saying it’s going to go back on them. Remember what happened in Egypt with Boils and things like that? That was part of the judgment. And God’s saying everything that they are doing to you, they’re going to reap with their soul. It’s going to boomerang back on them. So start watching. That’s why he said the angel of Death he’s been talking about. He’s been talking about judgment and the days of Hamen Hayman, Mordecai. Look in the Book of Esther and see what Haman did with Mordecai. It actually happened to Heyman, so that’s what God keeps repeating himself and he keeps saying, this is what’s happening to these people. So do not getting fear. It’s what’s going to happen to them and they just aren’t aware of it yet. Or they just don’t believe it’s happened to them because they’re too smart.

All right, hot spots. This phrase will be in the news for a surprising reason.

Grid exposure will continue regarding China and this fraudulent government of the supposed administration of the United States. And then he says, it’s only the tip of the iceberg that has been released compared to what’s about to come out. I’m going to read that again. It’s only the tip of the iceberg that has been released compared to what is about to come out. Every business dealing, all blackmail, all backroom deals, all spinners are manipulation. Everything regarding this nation and the world is about all to be exposed and come to an abrupt and say, the Lord of Hosts. So it’s only the tip of the iceberg that has been released compared to what is about to come out, what’s going on with the violence, what’s going on with China, and what’s been going on about all these world elites, and it’s all going to come crashing down.

Something significant is about to take place in Japan. So, guys, I’ve been talking about a lot about Japan. You can go to the website and look for all the prophecies regarding Japan, but it keeps mentioning Japan. So keep your eyes on Japan.

Amherst, the same, I say again, will continue to be in your news. Orlando, this will be in your news for a shocking reason. Now I think of Orlando. I think of Orlando and I think of Florida. But look for this name, Orlando, and it will be the news for a shocking reason. And it could be well, I’m not going to go into that, but I have a feeling, but he didn’t say it, so I’m not going to say it.

All right. Oskosh will be in the news for a surprising reason. I promise you victories. And in the meantime, I have promised you peace and rest. While things seem to be so dark and so impossible that if you keep your eyes and your focus and trust in me, you’ll not be moved and you will continue to be in peace. I know. This seems to me to never end. This seems to never end. Excuse me. What you see before you, that will never change. And it will continue to look worse. What you see I’m sorry, I did that again because I moved it. What you see before you just seems to be too impossible for anything to be done about it. In times like this, when my children should rely trust and focus on me, the battle is the lower than the battle has been won. So do not give in to what you see. Do not be overwhelmed with stress and give in to fear when fear is a liar. My children, I’m changing things. I’m delivering your nations. I’m judging your enemies. I’m returning what has been stolen. So keep your eyes, focus on me and you will see great victory. Safe. The Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary Now, what he’s been saying about this is a lot of people can’t see that anything is going to be done about it because it’s too big, it’s too impossible, it’s too dark, it’s too bad. You know, they’re doing everything they want and nothing’s being done. And God’s saying, don’t pay attention to that. You know, that it’s there. You can’t deny the fact that these people are doing what they are doing. They are doing it. I’m not denying the fact that they’re doing it, but I’m denying their power to succeed. Say that again. We should deny the power for them to succeed. God has brought that up in my spirit, so I want to that’s another for those who are watching on my team. Put that on. Our blog. At some point, we are denying their power to succeed. We’re not denying the fact that what they’re doing. That’s why God said to focus on Him. Remember Peter walking on the water? And when Jesus was walking the water and Peter saw Him, he said, Lord of us, you bid me to come. And Peter walk in the water. But then he got focused on Jesus, and then he think and he’ll give that description many times. God’s giving that description to remind us to focus on Him and not the storm that’s surrounding us, not always in possibly looking situations that are run. It’s got things focus on me, and then you will see and you will be able to have the victory. So don’t be focused on everything that they’re doing. Deny their power to succeed, so don’t deny the fact that they’re trying to do it

For I the Lord. This day, I’m telling my children many things are about to look much different than they do today. Governments, nations, economies. And then look at this. He said indefinitely, my church. Why? Because his church looked so scattered, broken, so divided. Remember he said Jesus wasn’t going to come back for a church without spot, no wrinkle. And right now, it looks like the church is a hot mess because this doctrine and that religion and that theologian and that this and that and the other thing, and no one’s agreeing on each other, and that person’s against this person. And we’re supposed to be one of corps because Jesus says the head, we’re the body. But it doesn’t look that way. Why? Because things caused a great divide and a great separation. But God thinks he’s bringing us together. He’s bringing us back together. He is separating the wheat from the chaff, and the remnant will be left standing strong. Just like with the children of Israel. They were in the wilderness. Some were separated, some did not survive. Some got to go to the Promised Land. Some did not go to the Promised Land. Why? Because they didn’t trust and died. They still were focused on, go back to Egypt, go back to Egypt, go back to normal. Don’t be focused on the normal. I just want things to go back to normal. I just want things to go back to normal before 2020. That normal stunt that normal was horrible. That normal is not what God has for us. That normal is so beaten down and destroyed for what the enemies wanted you to think was normal. Our lives have not been normal, not the way God wanted it. It’s been normal to human reasoning and the world way of normal. But God has a new normal. I’m so excited. I’m so excited that he just said that. That was huge what he just said. I had to go back and listen to myself. All right, now I’m asking my children, do you still trust me? And will you continue to trust me when things you know to be normal will no longer be that way. The children of Israel, didn’t they want to go back to Egypt, they want to go back to slavery. Just think about that for a minute. God saved them in all these powerful things. They want to go back to Egypt, into slavery because they wanted their normal back. Don’t want normal back. Want better. Want the good life that God has that before you. One thing you know to be normal will no longer be that way, but is to bring you better life and freedom for a life that you have been enslaved in by your enemies. We’ve been enslaved in by our enemies, the supposed world leaders, and all of their governments. Mychildren, I am giving you the ability to believe me, to walk by faith, but I cannot make you god cannot make us trust Him. I remember I told you I was for you guys to hear this many different times, but he said the night of January or early mornings, the early morning we hours of the night of January 6, early morning hours of January 7, God said, can you trust me and will you? We have the ability to trust Him, but our willingness is up to us. He can’t make us trust Him. And so he’s asking us today, are we going to trust Him? When all these things are all of a sudden they just keep looking like they’re going to get worse. It’s going to be such an abrupt change that people are going to know how to handle it, because people aren’t looking to God to fix this. They’re looking to the government, they’re looking to an election, looking to human reasoning in order to fix what’s going on right now. And that’s not what God is saying. We can’t look by that. We have to look back and look and focus on Him today.

Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you, and I really hope you are again, I hope you guys are enjoying your weekend with your family during this holiday time, and I hope it’s a blessed time for each and every one of you. So, Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just lift up every person right now. I just need the blood of Jesus over them. I just want to praise and thank you. Father God, I just ask you to bless their time with their family. Bless this weekend for them. Bless them, Father God. Heal them in their bodies, heal them in their soul, no matter what. It’s been stolen. Father God, I thank you that they receive what’s been stolen back sevenfold we don’t know that seven times. Everyone’s got to know what that looks like for them. Father God, I just want to thank you that says in Your word, when The thief has been caught when the has been caught stealing from us, father God, in our spirit, our soul, our body, financially and we’ve been doing in our freedoms, he’s been doing our nation. So we thank you Father God. He’s got to give it back. He’s got to give it back. And I want to praise and thank you Father, you do extremely funneling more than we can ask for things. So I just want to praise and thank you for this day, for giving them joy, for giving them peace that passed through understanding. I just want to thank you, Father God for their help, for their healing, for restoration, silence and holiness and bringing in their family members back to them and for giving them just pick me up in their spirit, Father. God that they will not give up, that they will not quit if they see that Jesus is the way, the truth of life, the victory and everything that they need him to be. You are everything we need you to be. Father God. You are the great I am and we thank you for the victories, we thank you for all these testimonies, we thank you Father God for all these praise reports and we thank you for it in Jesus name, amen. Amen. Well again, I will see you on sorry, you will see me again on Monday. I just want to say God loves you, God bless you, I love you. Well God loves you. I’ll get it right, hold on. God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Royal family deep secret shocks the world– Charles is NOT the rightful king? So did Elizabeth have an earlier child before Charles that was hidden ? Was Elizabeth not the rightful queen ? Deeply mystifying !

And I am glad this was stopped.

So look for exposures regarding Anheiser Bush warehouses are about to be Raided and exposed for what has been hidden inside to bring the United States down. Along with bringing the world to another standstill due to their manmade viruses to depopulate this earth, a terrorist attack like no man has ever seen will be totally exposed. Sayeth the Lord. now. He says it’s going to be exposed. It’s not going to happen. God is stopping it

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