Bidens Unmasking is about to Begin
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Good morning, everybody. It’s actually still Monday, December 5 of 2022. You will see this on Friday, December 9. The reason for that is because I’ll be going out of town and I’m prerecording all of these videos for you. Now, in yesterday’s video, I did say I was going to do a prophecy fulfilled, but I’m going to actually do that on Monday or Tuesday of next week. And the reason for that is because I just fell in my spirit. I really needed to get the second prophecy for December 4 out to you on this video. And it is called the Biden’s Unmasking is about to begin. This is the second video or the second prophecy from December 4. Before I get to that, I do have a couple of announcements to make. Now, because I’m pre-recording. I do want to remind you I had live shows on Wednesday, December 7 with his Gloria and Take Five with Pastor David Scarlett with also Clay Clark and Eric Trump on Thursday and then blessed to teach with Rick. And that was also Thursday night. So I’ll have those links in the description box for you. If you miss those live shows, I’ll have them there so you can watch them. Also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. That’s our new address and we are forwarding all the ones. So if you have sent it to our old PO. Box, it’s okay. We will still get your letters. Okay, that’s all the announcements I have for today.
And here is the prophetic word called
The Biden’s Unmasking is about to Begin.
And this is the second one from December 2. December 4, sorry, the second one from December 4. I will get this right, I promise you. All right.
For I, the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to stand up and to use the authority I have given to you this day. Shout the enemies down. Stop the things that they are doing against you. You don’t have to wait on me. I have given you authority upon this earth. Your enemies have to yield and bow to that power and that blood that has declared your victories. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ. Your enemies are trying everything to take away any hope, any joy, any faith, any fight you have left. Don’t let them. My children, they don’t have power over you. They can’t control you or your nations. No matter how things look right now, I have told you time and time again, all of these things are changing that you see before you. Something significant is about to take place that will get the world’s attention, that will bring it to a standstill. It will appear like what my hand is about to do will shock the world into knowing. I am the one in the Bible. I am the great defender. I am the great I AM who has just delivered this world from the hand of your enemies. And a great restoration will be experienced around the world. What they took from you all will be given back. Some of you are thinking and believing that this is just too good to be true. And for my children who keep thinking that way, wake up now and realize that I am undefeated. I am on your side. Great is your reward for standing and believing even when you don’t see. All is coming to an explosive end. My children, you are about to hear me roar. And that roar will destroy the plans your enemies just made against you that will never come to pass. I am your victory and you will soon experience it. Save the Lord your Redeemer.
Cosmic. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. For a surprising reason. Excuse me,
Alicart. This word will also be in your news for a surprising reason.
China is in for a rude awakening. A great shaking is about to hit the land of the giant dragon. Shaking that will bring down the Communist government’s hold on the people. A shaking will change this nation forever, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Adam Schiff Great judgments are about to hit your door. You can’t hide from the truth. You are a traitor, a snake. And you cannot slither away and hide from your treasonous acts. The cards are stacked up against you and my armies My army has all the evidence they need against you. Everything on your computer is about to be released that you thought was deleted but wasn’t deleted at all. So, Adam, prepare for your sudden departure from your position because it’s coming. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
The party of the Red. A Great shaking is about to happen. A Red Sea is about to part this party to expose every wolf, every snake, rat and traitor. I have your number and your number is up. You will not stay hidden. You will not stay in your disguises. I am taking your masks off and showing the world who you really are. And none of you will stay in the positions you stole and killed for. I have many whistleblowers who are coming out and their gag order is finished. And soon you will hear them sing like canaries and your fall will be great for all of you. You deceive my nations into thinking you were for them when you were more evil than the ones who were obviously out for themselves because you manipulated and weaseled your way into deceiving the nation. Into believing you are good when you weren’t. Wicked and evil you are. And great is your defeat Saith the Lord.
Holloway this name will be in your news for a significant reason.
Rats Nest. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Hideaway this word will also be in your news for a shocking reason. Something significant is about to take place in Brazil. I told you before that an overturning of their election is about to be seen. And they are not the only ones who experience this.
Brace for what will take place to overturn this election in the land of my Eagle. Yes, this is coming. And yes, this is possible. Saith the Lord of Hosts. The Biden’s unmasking is about to begin. So enjoy the show, my children. All who have been wearing masks will be seen wearing them no more. A great closure is coming, or a great closure is about to be celebrated Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary So one thing the Lord has been telling us is things are not how they appear to be. And I know I’ve said that a lot because he’s been saying that a lot. And so one of the things that he’s been talking about is that all these people are doing these things and they have been wearing masks, they’ve been in disguises. There’s been actors, there’s been people portraying other people when they weren’t those people at all. And he’s saying he is going to and then he also said in the one, there’s a prophecy. I don’t know exactly what day it was because I’ve been pre- recording so many that their movie is about to come to an end or something about their movie. And everything that we’re seeing before us is fake and false and illegitimate. And he’s been saying there’s been a lot of actors portraying these different parts for government officials, and they really weren’t those people at all because they’ve been detained. So the Lord has been saying all these things, and he said he’s been exposing Hollywood, he’s been exposing deep state. He’s been exposing all the world elites. And so this one is giving more of the pieces of that puzzle. Now all these prophecies are building upon each other. And I know there’s other prophets that are out there, and I’m hearing from my team, because I can’t watch anybody, that there’s a lot of confirmations. It may not be the exact same word per word, but they are meaning the same thing. So there are different pieces of the puzzle. So different prophets may have a piece of this one big puzzle. We all can’t know everything. So it’s exciting being able to hear these prophetic words, but also been seeing them come to pass again. That’s why I want to do another prophecy fulfilled video. This will have Hunter Biden in it. CNN and many other things have been going on, these great exposures that are going to expose every single thing. And God has said there’s going to be a super volcano of truth that are an eruption that will affect the whole entire world. So in the last paragraph it says the Biden’s Unmasking is about to Begin. Remember he calls him the Biden for a reason. He doesn’t call him Joe because it’s not. There’s been somebody that has been in place of him because judgment has already hit him. And God has been saying that for a long time. You can go back to the website and you say, Julie, that sounds crazy. It does. These people have done so many things, it’s going to be hard for us to believe. That’s why God says to me a lot of shock and a lot of awe because we never thought these things would be perpetrated. It’s already bad enough that you had somebody who stole an election and it wasn’t rightfully their election, it wasn’t rightfully their position of power. Then to find out there’s a person who has portrayed that person is not really that person. It makes it even worse. There’s an actor. Actor because 1 minute his eyes are blue, the next minute his eyes are brown. 1 minute he talks really strong, the next minute he talks he can’t even talk at all. The same person is saying there’s 54 states when there’s really only 50, and so on and so on. I mean, one person is really confused all the time. And then when they need something to be said really stern, that there’s another person that doesn’t make mistakes and he can sit there and talk for about 15 or 20 minutes or whatever it is. Does he make mistakes? Again, it’s not the same person, different eye color. There’s a lot of different things that are going on. You say truly, what is going on? That’s what God has been saying. That’s how I know. And there is picture evidence. People send it to me. I’ve seen it myself. This is really real. And so that’s why God has been saying just a confirmation. When I’ve heard all these things and people have been sending these things because that’s what God is saying. I just didn’t understand exactly how. But when you get Hollywood involved and that’s what the Lord has been saying, anything is possible. You can watch like certain movies. I’ve watched these movies a long time ago, and they had like certain masks and they could change their voices and everything. That’s a movie. They have that kind of technology that they do. But he says the Biden’s Unmasking is About to Begin, so enjoy the show. He said it was an end to their movie, so enjoy the show. Enjoy how the show or their movie ends. That means their defeat. He says, My children, all who have been wearing masks, this is not even just a physical mask, that they’re portraying somebody they’re not. This is also somebody who really is themself, but they are portraying themselves as somebody good. When there really were somebody, they were a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So there’s two different types. Somebody who really is portraying somebody else and they really aren’t that person. And then somebody who is the person they say they are, but they’re not the good person. They are an evil person. I hope that doesn’t confuse you. All right, now, everyone wearing masks will be seen wearing them no more. So he’s going to pull out every snake, every traitor, every rat, every wolf. He’s going to expose them all. A great closure is about to be celebrated. The closure. What of ? All of this illegitimate, fake, false, lie, everything that they’ve been doing to cover up everything they are doing? God is saying he’s exposing it all. He’s getting rid of it. And the show is he’s even talking about fireworks, great celebrations. So I am definitely excited to see what’s about to happen. All right, now then he says something significant is about to take place in Brazil. I have told you before that an overturning of their election is about to be seen. And they are not the only ones who will experience this. And that was in bold. They are not the only ones who will experience this. We will experience an overturning of an election, but we will not be the only ones, not even us here in America. But he is talking about us right now when he says, brace for what will take place to overturn the election in the land of my Eagle. There’s going to be more than that. But he’s now he’s talking about the land of the Eagle right now. Yes, this is coming, and, yes, this is possible, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Remember, God is a sure thing. And when you see all these things come to pass, you say, Julie, how can I believe it? This is just too far fetched. That’s why it’s been so deep and so horrible, because there are some things we never thought were possible that could ever take place, and they have been. That’s why God has been giving these prophetic words to show us, hey, things are not how they appear to be in anything, especially when it comes to this deep state in this government. Nothing is how it appears to be. And it’s not just about that. It’s stolen election. It’s more than that. Or I should say elections.
All right, now hideaway. This word will be in your news for a shocking reason. I have no idea. He didn’t say exactly what it was, but it does say it’s a shocking reason. So watch the word hideaway and then a rat’s nest. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. Holloway, this name will be in your news for a significant reason.
And then up here this is a party of the red. Now, he’s been talking a lot about the Democrats and the party of the blue, but this is not just them. The deep state is in both sides. It’s not just one. It’s both sides.
He says the party of the Red. A great shaking is about to happen. A red sea is about to part this party to expose every wolf, snake, rat and traitor. I have your number, and your number is up. You will not stay hidden. You will not stay in your disguises. I am taking your masks off and showing the world who you really are. And none of you will stay in the positions you stole and killed for I have many whistleblowers who are coming out and their gag order is finished. And you soon will hear them sing like canaries. And your fall will be great for all of you. You deceived my nation into thinking you were for them when you were more evil than the ones who were obviously out for themselves because you manipulated and you weaseled your way and deceived the nation into believing you were good when you weren’t. Remember, there’s been people on the side of the Red who has beenportraying that they are so good and they are for us. That’s why they’re red, remember? And they’re not. They’re infiltrators. They’re liars. They’re deceivers. They’re manipulators. And God is saying, I have infiltrated the infiltrators. And so he’s saying that there’s a Red Sea that’s about to part. He is going to destroy every person in the Deep State. Right side or left side, this is both. This is not just one party. Remember, the Deep State had people in for both sides, so no matter what, they could win. And God is saying he’s destroying the party of the Red, the ones who have been deceiving, manipulating, not the whole party itself, just the ones who’ve been portraying themselves as good when they weren’t.
So you had the party of the blue. We all knew that they weren’t because they were against our God. That’s why they took God out of it had anything to do with their party. Their whole entire foundation of their party took God out of everything. And so it took away your freedoms. They’re taking away, they’re making all this inflation. They’re trying to get socialism in here. They’re trying to do all these things. Now, Deep State again, that’s both parties doing this, but, you see, that more obvious on the left. But God saying the ones on the right who have been saying that they were good and they’re not, they’re actually worse because they manipulated you. The ones on the left, they made them obvious who they were. But the ones on the right, they weren’t. They were trying to deceive you into thinking that they weren’t for you, and they’re not. And there are some top leaders in the Republican Party who are not who they say they are. They’re not for you. They’re really against you. Top leaders in the Senate, in the House, in the side of the Red, all right? Now, because you manipulate and weasel your way to see the nation into believing you were good and you weren’t. Wicked, evil, you are. And great is your defeat. Sayeth The Lord. Again. Things are not how they seem to be and appear to be people who are not who they say and appear to be. That’s why this is taking a little bit longer than we wanted. And there has been delays because the Lord has said that there has been delays for all of this coming out.
Okay. Now, how long is it delayed? I don’t know. I just know there has been
Adam Schiff great judgments are about to hit your door. You can’t hide from the truth. You are a traitor, a snake. And you cannot slither away and hide from your trees and attacks. The cadrs are stacked up against you, and my army has all the evidence they need against you. This is Adam Schiff. The cards are stacked up against you, and my army has all the evidence they need. They need hold on a snake. Any traitor you are, you can’t slither away high from your treasonous acts. The cards are stacked up against you. And my army has all the evidence they need against you. They have all the evidence, everything on your computer. Now he’s mentioning another computer. He’s mentioned Nancy Pelosi’s. Then he mentioned a couple of days ago, he mentioned somebody who he didn’t know this computer was going to be released. He’s been talking a lot about computers, and now he’s talking about another one, Adam Schiff’s computer. Then he’s saying everything on your computer is about to be released that you thought was deleted but wasn’t deleted at all. So just like with Hillary and her emails, you thought everything was deleted, and she like those 30,000 plus emails or whatever. Nothing is always deleted forever. They think that. They think they’re so smart, but they’re not. So, Adam, prepare for your sudden departure from your position, because it’s coming. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. God is undefeated, and God is a judge over all of the earth. These people are not going to win, and they’re not going to stay in the positions they so desired. And they did a lot of heinous things. For.
China is in for a rude awakening. And a great shaking is about to hit the land of the giant dragon. Shaking that will bring down the communist government’s hold on the people. A shaking will change this nation forever Saith the Lord of Hosts
He’s been talking a lot about China, so something big is brewing in China right now. So those of you who are watching and you are in China, remember, God has not forsaken you, and he is going to bring down your government because of what they’ve done against you and what they’ve done against the world. So they’re not going to get away with it.
Alicart this word will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Cosmic this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Some of you are thinking and believing that this is just too good to be true. And for my children who keep thinking that way. Wake up and now and realize that I am undefeated. I am on your side. Great is your reward for standing and believing even when you don’t see. Great is our reward for standing even when we don’t see. We believe. Remember, we walk by faith and not by sight. Great is our reward for believing God even when we can’t see it. That’s faith. That’s trusting in God. But to know Him, you have to get in his word. You can’t trust somebody you don’t know. He says great reward for standing and believing even when you don’t see all that’s coming to an explosive end. My children, you are about to hear me roar. And the roar will destroy the plans your enemies just made against you that will never come to pass. I am your victory, and you will soon experience it Saith the Lord your Redeemer.
Note on this one above here. It says your enemies are trying everything to take away any hope. You can see that, especially since 2020. Any joy, any faith, any fight you have left, don’t let them. My children. They don’t have power over you. They don’t remember you have a blood covenant with Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They don’t have power over you. The enemy cannot defeat the blood. They can’t control you or your nations. No matter how things look right now, I have told you time and time again, all of these things are changing that you see before you. Something significant is about to take place that will get the world’s attention, that will bring it to a standstill. It will appear like he’s been saying that time and time again. He wants that to resonate in you. Something is about to happen that will get the world’s attention. It will be like a standstill. It will seem like what my hand is about to do will shock the world into knowing I am the one in the Bible. I am the Great Defender. I am the great I AM who has just delivered this world from the hands of your enemies. And a great restoration will be experienced around the world of what they took from you. All will be given back. Gaza got a restoration. You can see that with the tone of Israel. You can go back to the book of Exodus, see what God says. Exodus, chapter six. Everything that he will do for them. He said it seven times, said I will, I will, I will. He did all those things, he said everything, got them do everything that he’s been saying. That’s God. He cannot lie. God that cannot lie. The prophecies are being fulfilled all the time. I’ll keep repeating that because there are proof of all of these things on a daily basis. It’s being uploaded every single day, updated every day, prophecies fulfilled over and over and over again. It is awesome to see what God is saying and then seeing it come to pass. It’s so encouraging. So if you need it, there’s a prophecy fulfilled page on Telegram. Our team did not do this. It was somebody who just did it on the goodness of their heart and then they update it every day and then there’s a prophecy index, same thing. It wasn’t our ministry, but it was people just going out there because they’re seeing all these things and they want to put all these tools out there for you. We can’t thank them enough for putting this out there for each and every one of us. Okay? So they said, I want to read this up here. They don’t have power over you. I want to read that again because that was also in bold then for I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to stand up and to use the authority I have given you this day. God has given us the authority in the name of Jesus and because of the beloved covenant that we have with Him, we have power and authority diminished over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing and shall in anyway harm us. That is Luke 1019. In the Amplified version of that scripture, he’s given us all power and authority. Genesis 126 we’ve been made in the image likeness of God. We’ve been made to the image likeness of Him, of them, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. God made the heavens and the earth with words. We demand, decree, declare. He’s been saying these marching or he’s been telling us to do all these things as shout, declare, decree, use your words and God’s words do not return to Him void. Just like the walls of Jericho. God had a plan but he needed his people to obey, do exactly what he said, and they did and look what happened. The walls of Jericho came down. And he keeps describing that like this with the Book of Exodus and the walls of Jericho and what we’re living in right now. So he’s given us authority so you are not left without, you are not they’re not bigger than you just because they have look like they have more money and they have more power. No, Jesus has the power. His name, his blood, and one John Four four, the greater one lives on the inside of you and he’s in the world. One John Four four, he on the inside of you is greater than he adversary that’s in the world or anybody he uses for that matter. Shout the enemies down. Remember, he’s given us words to say, so we need to say those words and shout them. Stop the things that they are doing against you. We have the power to do that. Now. God’s going to come and he’s a deliverer and he’s a defender, but we still have a part to play. Just like the children of Israel, they had obedience. They had to do obedience, obedient things in the land of Goshen before they would completely receive the Exodus. There was things that God had them to do. There were mandates. God is giving us mandates. Marching orders he gave the children of Israel when they were walking around Jerusalem. He’s walking around Jericho. He gave them mandates. He’s given us mandates. There’s nothing new under the sun. God needs our participation and he doesn’t leave us with doesn’t leave us without all right, now stop the things they are doing against you with the marching orders and with the power of the story in the name of Jesus. Then he says, you don’t have to wait on me. Start doing it now. We’re going to see God. Remember, they had walked around the walls of Jericho for those six days. And then the 7th day, then they could shout, then God did it. So we got the don’t wait on me. The children of Israel did not walk around Jericho. If I said truthfully, I’m sorry. They didn’t walk around Jericho or God took the wall down and then they walked around. Then they walked around and then God took it down. We have a part to play. That’s what he’s saying. I’ve given you authority upon this earth. Your enemies have to yield and bow to that power and that blood that has declared your victories. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ. If you read in Hebrews chapter two and 14, that Jesus brought our adversary to nothing or to not to make no effect. Hebrews two, four, Hebrews 214 jesus brought our enemy to nothing, to not to make no effect. And then in classes 215, he disarmed Him, destroyed Him. He made her enemy our footstool. So when he says here in bold, your enemies have to yield and to bow to that power, into that blood that has been declared your victories, the blood has declared your victories already. The blood of Jesus Christ has declared our victories already. The blood of Jesus Christ has declared our victories already. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ. We can just stand on that all along. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ. We can shout, we can rejoice, because nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ. Nothing can defeat that name. That’s why we win. Jesus has already done this. A battle is the Lord’s. He’s already won it. We just have to believe and trust Him, even when we don’t see it. The Israel, when they were walking around the walls of Jericho, they didn’t know. They couldn’t see that God was going to do something. They just had marching orders. So they obeyed Him, even when they didn’t see. Just like Moses. No one could have imagined the Red Sea parting. Moses took us to F, had marching orders, and God told Him what to say and the Red Sea parted. He needed man’s participation. He needs our participation right now. Great is your reward. The ones who believe and don’t see Thomas. Remember doubting Thomas. He had to see before he believed. Great is those reward to those who believe and don’t see. I know that God is moving. I may have to see everything, I don’t have to see everything. I can still rejoice and celebrate because I know he is, because I know he’s faithful to his, word. I’ve seen Him during time that I’m getting my own life personally, and I’m seeing Him with all these prophecies, it’s amazing what God is doing and it’s amazing to have so much joy and so have so much peace and be at rest even when the world is shaking. In every way, you can tell that joy the Lord in your heart.
And I want to pray that over you today. Do you have the joy the Lord, because the joy of the Lord is your strength. How can you fight an enemy if you have no joy? Because you’ll have no strength to fight Him. So, Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just pray over every person right now at the sound of my voice. I thank you Father God for a special impartation of the joy, the joy of the Lord that is their strength, the peace that passes all understanding, everything, heavenly Father, that has destroyed them, everything that has kept them chained, everything, every weapon. Did you say in your word, no weapon forming against us or prosperous so every weapon that was formed against them, it is not prospering against them. I thank you Father of God, that they are getting up, that they are rising up in you right now in the name of Jesus, that they are knowing the truth, and the truth is setting them free this day. So I’m declaring their freedom. I am declaring their freedom. I’m declaring their restoration. I’m declaring their silence and wholeness. I thank you Father of God for doing something on their behalf, something they’ve never seen you do, because you are the great I am. There’s nothing impossible for you. We thank you for these words. We thank you for your love. We thank you Father God, that you are faithful. We thank you that you are our avenger, that you are truth, you are everything we need you to be. And we thank you for it this day. In Jesus name, Amen. Amen. We hope to encourage you today. Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Well, as predicted Brazil Has been fixed. LOL. And God is hinting this is a warmup for what will happen in the US
Brazilian Military Begin Executing Lula da Silva Officials As Bolsonaro Declared ‘Real President of Brazil’
Is this Biden number 3 ?
EXPOSED: Video Found of Joe Biden Admitting In 2007 They Can “Manipulate The Voting Machines
And notice his BROWN EYES and different nasal voice
He was once famous for having BLUE EYES. Nowadays they are black. See the video here