Julie Green transcript THE MIGHTY FALL OF THE GIANTS Dec 8 22

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Mighty Fall of the Giants

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Good morning everybody. Today is actually Monday, December 5 of 2022. You will see this on Thursday, December 8. The reason for that is because I am out of town so I’m prerecording all of these videos for you. I have another powerful prophetic word to get get to you today and it’s called The Mighty Fall of the Giants. And I heard this word on December 4. I actually heard two words on December 4 and so today is the first one. Before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. Now I will be doing a live show Thursday, December 8 on this Rumble channel with Eric Trump and Clay Clark at 02:00 p.m. Central time. I am so excited. I hope all of you can join us. And then on Thursday night I will be with Rick was blessed to teach and all of that information will be in the description box below for you. So that’s all the announcements to make except for if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at our new address and it is 46 20 east 53rd, Sweet 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. We do have a very powerful prayer team here. Those who do not know, there have been many miracles, signs and wonders and we just want to let you know that you are never alone and there is a prayer team here for you. Okay, now here’s a prophetic word and it’s called

The Mighty Fall of the Giants.

And again this prophetic word, this is the first one from December 4. I will be giving the other one out either in my next video or I’ll be giving it out on for you be Monday because I know I need to do some prophecy fulfilled again video. So however the Lord wants me to do it. All right, so this is now starting out with

For I the Lord this day and telling my children I am the God or I am the great I AM excuse me. And I am avenging my children, I’m avenging the people of this world from these oppressors and from the hands of the wicked and evil rulers of today. They are no different than the enemies of the past. Against my children their fate will be the same, which is defeat. I have already declared victory for my children. And I have already said your enemies lose. Now is the time my children where you will see it all play out in front of you. The mighty giants, the mighty fall of the giants you will see before you. Want to read that again? Now is the time my children where you will see it all play out in front of you. The mighty fall of the giants you see before you. These giants never stood a chance against me. Sayeth The Lord, great and mighty is their defeat in front of the world, my children, do not fret at what they say, do or any injustice they try to Cover up. They can’t cover up their plans, their lives, their corrupt organizations, their news stations, businesses, their governments, their pharmaceutical companies, their food industries know everything is about to be exposed like a supervolcano about to erupt. This eruption of truth will affect the world. Every coverup will be covered up No more. It’s all coming to an end. An explosive place. A truth no man could have imagined it would have come to an end this way. Not like that. Do not get discouraged because the news media is hiding and covering up the Biden, Hunter, Hillary, Chuck, Nancy, Mitch, Mitt, Adam and so many others they have not gotten away with anything.

Another bombshell report is coming regarding this fake and false illegitimate government. There is so much more coming. An avalanche of truth. The perfect storm. I have mentioned time and time again as upon your enemies and there is nothing to save them from the coming destruction to their narrative that held this nation in bondage. The Biden is a liar. Obama is a liar. Their administration is a lie. Their government is a lie. Their house of Representatives is a lie. Their Senate is a lie. Their power is a lie. Their elections are a lie. And every lie will be revealed. And every lie will be destroyed. Everyone has been caught. Everyone has made their decision on which side they are on. And my army is in control, whether your enemies want to admit that or not. But it doesn’t matter what they think. Their defeat is guaranteed. And your victory, my children, is assured. Get ready for the storm to hit this nation. A storm that will shake you loose and set you free. In return, all that has been stolen. I will keep saying these words until it resonates with you. America will be great again. This nation will be a stronger nation than before. The rats, snakes, wolves, every imposter, every traitor will be dealt with because my cleansing is destroying their power, their influence, their control. So be prepared for this impact that is about to hit my nation of the Eagle. It’s coming and it will be great. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer

Applegate. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason.

Watergate. I say this name again will continue to be used to describe what is going on in this fake government. The deception and coverups have only just begun to surface. So get ready for the fireworks because they are about to be seen. Saith the Lord.

A massive pedophile ring is about to be exposed and how deep it goes will surprise you. A great exposure of money laundering scheme is about to be headline news everywhere.

Wall street, your government, the Democratic Party, the deep state Republicans and who paid to play will not stay hidden anymore. They used your tax dollars to steal to kill, their financial gain for their backroom deals. Wall street is about to be exposed. That will rattle this fake administration. Follow the money and you will find all the traitors and infiltrators in this nation. It’s darker and deeper and more evil and sinister than you thought. The swamp is about to be emptied by my hand, say the Lord of hosts,

Herschel Walker. I say this name again has the victory. My children, you stand and pray and declare his victory. Eyes are watching this runoff and your enemies will not get away with what they desired out of it.

Georgia. Something big is brewing in your state that will draw out the snakes that have held you, imprisoned you and kept you enslaved. Enough is enough. I will expose all the devils that went down to Georgia and I am cleansing this state and who controls it will change. My hand will remove them all, saith the Lord. Brian Kemp, I have said this name before. Great exposures are coming for you. You will not stay the Governor of Georgia no matter what the midterms say or the election that you supposedly won says. You are a thief and a liar and you will be exposed as a traitor to this nation and you will fall Brian, for the heinous crimes you committed in your state and against this nation, you will not have your way. I am ripping you out of the seat of the governor. Your power is nothing. You will regret not doing the right thing. I gave you chance after chance and you still refuse to listen. So great is your judgment and treason will be your end, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, what is about to happen in the land of the Eagle will get the world’s attention. They will stand up and they will shout 1 second computer thing again. My children, what is about to happen in the land of the Eagle will get the world’s attention. They will stand up and they will shout and great are the victories that are coming around the world shouting the One World Order is defeated. Great is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who saved Israel from Egypt has saved us from the world leaders. Yes, my children, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary Now of course, as you know, I always go over the prophetic word. There is a lot again, a lot that God has exposed in this prophetic word. And he keeps exposing all of these things over and over again. Some things he has to repeat because just like with our children, they don’t always get it the first time. So God is saying again and again, get these words deep down on the inside of you. Now, something that I want to read. I was just reading this this morning, and this is Isaiah 55. Listen to this verse eight. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than Your ways, and My thoughts and your thoughts. Verse Ten for as the rain comes down in the snow from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it bring forth bud that it may give seed to the sower, and bred to the eater, and bread to the eater. So I repeated that. But verse eleven so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to Me void. It shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper. And the thing for which I sent it, the reason why I read that is because remember the power of words. God has spoken. Enough is enough. God has said Let my people go. God has said they are defeated, they are coming down. Nothing’s going to stop the words of Almighty God. And he’s even given this as an example. As the rain comes down in the snow from heaven and and does not return there. So when the rain falls down from heaven, it doesn’t go back up to the clouds or back up to heaven. It comes down and it stays down. Why? Cause it waters and it gives seed to the sower and bread of the eater. God’s words he said and so shall My word be that goes forth. He’s saying his words are the same like you see in the natural rain come down and you see the snow come down and it waters the earth and it brings nutrients and it buds and it brings back to the eater. It has a harvest from that water or from that snow. It helps bring the harvest up out of the ground because it brings the nutrients there. God’s words are the same. God’s words are spirit. They are light. They are power. And when God speaks his word, just like when he said light b in Genesis, light was. And light is still expanding because if you’ve been asked any scientists, they said the universe keeps expanding and they can’t explain it. Why? Because God didn’t say stop. God’s words are powerful. They’re powerful. And again, the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword. It is a sword of the Spirit. And when God is giving us these prophetic words continuously on a daily basis, there’s another word or scripture that he gave to me. And this is for you right now. This is the situation that you are facing because a lot of people are facing just horrible situations and they’re dark and they’re impossible. But God is saying in Isaiah chapter 60 and this is the Amplified version of verse one Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you rise to a new light. Shine, be radiant with glory of the Lord fear light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Verse two For behold, darkness shall cover the earth and dense darkness, all peoples, but the Lord shall rise upon you, O Jerusalem, and his glory shall be seen on you. Remember, he’s been talking about his glory is going to fill this earth. Like the floodwaters of Noah’s day, it is going to fill the earth. And just like in Noah’s day, there was people that mocked, did not believe any of the words that Moses or Noah was saying. Excuse me. Noah was telling these people, and he was warning them of the flood, that flood was coming, and they were laughing and mocked him. God’s been saying his glory is coming. He’s been saying revival is coming. He’s been saying everything’s been stolen will be given back. He’s been saying a greater Exodus is coming. And there’s a lot of people in the same thing, because he says even the last days would be like the days of Noah. There are people right now who choose and will not believe any of these words. But those people in the past believed Noah as soon as the waters came and they tried to get in the door of the ark, but it was too late. God is saying for us this day that his words are bringing us joy. His words are bringing us peace. His words are bringing us deliverance. His words are bringing us victory. His words are bringing everything back. Retroactive, you could say retroactive restoration. That’s why we hold on to the words of God. We hold on to his Rama words. We hold on to his prophetic words. We hold on to the written word. We hold on to his words, because his words are power they’re life. They heal, they deliver, they set people free. His word is truth. And so I want to go back with this prophetic word. And I’m still having computer problems. That’s why I keep having to do these kinds of things. I promise I’ll hopefully get this fixed soon before I go. We’ll see. All right, now it says, My children, this is the last paragraph. What is about to happen in the land of the Eagle will get the world’s attention. They will stand up and they will shout, great are the celebrations that are coming around the world shouting, the One World Order is defeated. Great is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The God who has saved Israel from Egypt, has saved us from the world leaders. Yes, my children, sayeth the Lord. That’s what he’s doing. He said, yes, my children, I’m going to save you from the world leaders. He said, Julie, that’s in the book of Revelation. Revelation is not happening yet. It’s not time for the tribulation. It’s not time for the one world government. So they are being defeated on what they’re doing right now. They have tried to speed up time, and this is the time of the church. This is the time of revival. This is a time of glory. This is a time for miracles, signs and wonders. This is the time for God’s people upon the earth. It’s not the time for man or the One World government it’s not time for the tribulation period. It’s not time for the man, the One World Government to have what they want at a particular time. It’s not their time. And even though no matter what it is, even in the Book of Revelation, it says they don’t even get everything they want. They will get certain things. That’s another story or another time for another teaching. But I will say, this is not the time. He’s been saying over and over, this is a time for a revival. This is a time for the greater exodus. This is a time for the complete restoration of all things. And God has been saying, he even said this in the Book of Acts in chapter three, verse 21. He said he’s holding, heaven is holding or restraining Jesus until the time of complete restoration of all things. The prophet of old have spoken that time of complete restoration isn’t happy yet. That’s the time that we’re in, the time of complete restoration. That’s why we’re so excited. We should not be having our heads down and being in defeat. We should be excited of what’s going on. Okay, now it says, now this is Brian Kemp. And those who do not know Brian Kemp is the governor of Georgia. But this is not the first time the Lord has had a prophetic word regarding Brian Kemp. He has spoken to him many different times and he’s been warning him. And God says he’s not listening to his warnings. So Brian Kemp. I have said this name before. Great exposures are coming for you. You will not state the governor of Georgia, no matter what the midterm says or the elections you supposedly won says you are a thief and a liar, and you will be exposed as a traitor to this nation. And you will fall, Brian, for the heinous crimes you committed in your state and against this nation, you will not have your way. I am ripping you out of the seat of the governor. Your power is nothing. You will regret not doing the right thing. I gave you a chance after chance and you still refuse to listen. So great is your judgment and treason will be your end, saith the Lord of Hosts. Again, God gives every man time. He does. But God can’t change their will and he can’t make them obey. He can’t make them repent. We’re not robots. We have a free will. So when he warns people, he gives them it because God loves people. He doesn’t love the sin, he loves the sinner. So unfortunately, some people don’t pay attention to these warnings and they are judged. But that’s not the will of God. The will of God is he wanted people to repent. Georgia, something big is brewing in your state that will draw out the snakes that have held you, imprisoned you, and kept you enslaved. Enough is enough. I will expose all the devils that went down to Georgia and I’m cleansing this state. And who controls it will change. My hand will remove them all. Say it. The Lord. Remember, go back and read what happened to Pharaoh. Pharaoh wanted his way. He thought he was God. And the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob showed that he was the only one true God. And he’s doing the same thing again with these people. Hershel Walker, I say again, has a victory. My children stand in, pray and declare his victory. Eyes are watching this runoff and your enemies will not get what they desired out of it. No matter what things look like, the enemies will not get what they desired out of it.

Great exposure of money laundering scheme is about to be headline news everywhere.theall street, your government and the Democratic party, the deep state, Republicans and all who pay to play will not stay hidden anymore. They used your tax dollars to steal the kill for their financial gain, for the backroom deals. Wall street is about to be exposed. That will rattle this fake administration. Follow the money and you will find the traitors and infiltrators in this nation. It’s darker, deeper, and more evil and sinister than you thought. The swamp is about to be emptied by my hand, saith, the Lord of Hosts. And what does he mean by that? They’re all in cahoots with each other, every single one of these things. The IRS, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Big Pharma, the One World Government, the deep state in this government, all of these things, they’re all together and all the other world leaders. There’s a lot of other presidents and a lot of other governments around the world that are all in this pay to play thing. But in this government, that’s what he’s talking about in this country, is what he’s talking about. He’s talking about Wall Street. He’s warned Wall Street. There’s been many different prophetic words about Wall Street and how he is uncovering exactly what they were doing. But they’re paying to play, and they’re using this money. They’re using money to kill. Remember, they are giving money to foreign lands also to do their bidding. That’s what’s going on with Ukraine. It doesn’t expose what’s going on in Ukraine and what is in there that was used against us in this nation. Same thing with China. China and the United States. This big and fraudulent government and a deep swamp in the deep state has been in cahoots with China for a while, but China has been playing them. And this government, fake government’s been playing China. They’re all out for themselves. They’re not out for each other. They might play with each other and they do things together, but they’re really out, each party’s out for themselves. God has warned China. They won’t listen. Got says he’s bringing that government down. And of course, he keeps saying he’s bringing this government down as well, because he says up here in this prophetic, there’s something else. First, I’m going to go over a massive pedophile ring is about to be exposed, and how deep it goes will surprise you. Now, he’s been talking about this sex trafficking pedophile rings. Everything is going to be exposed. And it’s going to be exposed so deep and so dark. It’s going to be connected to a lot of people in high positions of power and a lot of actors and actresses, directors, producers and Hollywood. It is all connected. The money, all of this goes it’s in one big pile of junk. That’s how evil these people are. Not just evil in one area, they’re evil in many different areas. And that’s why God is saying, this is why it’s so dark, so deep and so sinister. It’s worse than you could have thought. And he is taking care of it. And things have been going on, but that’s why he keeps telling us, brace for what’s about to be said. Because what’s about to be said is worse than we could have imagined. Watergate. I say this name again will continue to be used to describe what is going on in this fake government. The deception and coverups have only just begun to surface. I’m going to read it again because it’s bold. The deception and coverups have only just begun to surface. So get ready for the fireworks because they were about to be seen saith the Lord. So this has just only just begun. Even though we’ve heard a lot, especially since 2020, really, we’ve heard a lot since President Trump took office back when he won the election in 2016 than when he took office in January 2017. That’s when all of a sudden we could start seeing the swamp being exposed. We had no idea. We knew that there were some people. We had no idea how bad it was. And still it’s even worse than we thought. So let’s just begin to surface. That’s why God keeps telling us to brace for the impact of the shock and awe that we’re going to hear.

Applegate, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Get ready for the storm to hit this nation. He’s not talking about a natural storm. He’s been talking about the perfect storm against the enemies of Almighty God. He said, a storm that will shake you loose and set you free and return all that has been stolen. Return all that has been stolen. This is not just about our president. There’s been many things. Our freedoms have been stolen. The finances have been stolen. Yes, our presidential elections have been stolen. Our whole entire government has been stolen. Our freedom in our minds, because there’s been so much fear, there’s been so much depression, there’s been so much anxiety, there’s been so much confusion when God did that for Israel when they were in Egypt. When he said he’s had no feeble among them. He’s been saying that again over and over and over again. No feeble among them. When God frees us from the hands of the world leaders, he’s going to free us in our spirit and our soul, which is our mind, will and emotions, and then our bodies. Socially and financially, it’s five parts. He’s going to free us in so many different areas. So our freedom is not just freedom. And having our rightful president back, that’s great. And that’s what we need. But it’s not the only thing. We need it all to be able to bring the world to Christ. How can we bring the world to Christ if we’re broken ourselves? That’s why God needs us free. So we can freely serve Him and we can help bring the great harvest of souls into the kingdom of Almighty God. That’s what’s all about. It’s all about people. It’s about letting to know the truth. Because so many people have been lied to about the truth. So many people in religion, so many people in churches don’t know the truth. So many people around the world have even gone to the church because they’ve heard of all these horrible things about God. They don’t know Him, but they will soon see. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God who saved Israel is saving us now. The greater exodus is not just saving one nation, it’s saving the nations. That’s why it’s greater. And remember, the latter rain is greater than the former rain. That’s in hanging out. Okay? So then he says up in here, another bombshell report is coming. Now he had me put that in bold, another bombshell report is coming regarding this fake, false and illegitimate government. There is so much more coming in avalanche of truth. A perfect storm I have mentioned time and time again is upon your enemies. There is nothing to save them from the coming destruction to their narrative that held this nation hostage. There is nothing to save them from the coming destruction to the narrative that held this nation in bondage. The perfect storm let me put that in both of us out there. The perfect storm I have mentioned time and time again is upon your enemies. So he says, the Biden is a liar. Obama is a liar. Their administration is a lie. Their government is a lie. The House of Representatives is a lie. Their senate is a lie. Their power is a lie. Their elections are a lie. That’s a powerpack right there. Biden is a lie. Obama is a lie. Their government is a lie. Their house of representatives, their senate, their power, their elections. Why? Because they were not rightfully elected

There’s a lot to unpack about Obama, too. He was not rightfully elected. That’s for another day. And he says, and every lie will be revealed, and every lie will be destroyed. Everyone has been caught. That’s in bold. Everyone has been caught. Every lie will be revealed, and every lie will be destroyed. Everyone has been caught. Everyone has made their decision on what side they’re on. Then he said in both. My army is in control, whether your enemies want to admit it or not. But it doesn’t matter what they think. Their defeat is guaranteed. And your victory, my children, is assured. So our victory is assured. Maybe every once in a while. No. God says I always call you to triumph. Our victory is assured. It is not going to be. Maybe God is a sure thing. So watch for another bombshell report. And again, this whole thing with Twitter and Hunter. I’m going to do a prpehcey fulfilled on what God said was going to happen, and then what’s going to happen after the fact when all this stuff is exposed? And that will be probably my next video. All right? Do not be discouraged because of the news media hiding and covering up the Biden. Hunter, Hillary, Chuck, Nancy, Mitch, Mitt, Adam and so many others, they have not gotten away with anything. And that was in bold. They have not gotten away with anything. I don’t care what things look like right now. God said, do not go by how things may appear like, because things are not how they appear to be. So they have not gotten away with anything. So don’t be discouraged about what things look like, because it’s just about to change. The same for I the Lord, this day. I’m telling my children, I am the great. I AM the great I AM and I am avenging, my children. I’m avenging the people of this world. And from the oppressors, from the hands of the wicked and the evil rulers of today, they are no different than the enemies of the past, my children. Their fate will be the same, which is defeat. Now, we had me put that in vote as well. Their fate will be the same, which is defeat. They’re not winning. God is undefeated. Our enemies will always be defeated because they’re always against God. I’ve already declared victory for my children. And I have already said, your enemies lose. Now is the time, my children, where you will see it all play out in front of you. The mighty fall, the giants you will see before you. These giants never stood a chance against me, saith the Lord. Great and mighty is their defeat. In front of the world, my children, do not fret at what they say or do or any injustice. They try. They try to cover up a lot of injustice. They can’t cover up their plans. They can’t cover up their plans. Their lives are corrupt organizations, news stations, businesses, or governments or pharmaceutical companies. Their food industries know everything is about to be exposed. Like a supervolcano. I can say a regular volcano. A supervolcano is bigger than An actual mountain volcano, because a super volcano has a bigger magma chamber. Now, the biggest super volcano is in the Yellowstone National Park. I can’t remember how many. I think it’s almost a thousand miles wide or many states wide. I know that it’s huge. Now, if that were to ever erupt, that would actually bring ash cloud, and it would put this world into an ice age, like one super volcano. It’s much worse than a natural, normal, big volcano, because right now you have two volcanoes that are erupting in Hawaii. One is Monoloa, which is actually the biggest volcano in the world, but not super volcano. It’s the biggest volcano in the world, but it’s not the super volcano. Supervolcanoes have a bigger magma chamber, so it’s bigger lava, a lot more lava and a lot more like ash. So it would create more of a destruction than a normal volcano. So he’s describing this as a super volcano. Not even a volcano. Volcano can do a lot of damage. He said no, a super volcano. Why? Because a super volcano, if it were to erupt, would affect the whole world. He’s saying this avalanche of truth or the volcano supervolcano is going to affect the whole world. That’s what he said. Every cover up no, everything is about to be exposed like a supervolcano about to erupt. This eruption of truth will affect the world. That’s why he described it as a super, not just a normal, because a normal volcano can just only affect, like a certain area, but super volcano can affect the world. And when he said it to me, that resonated in my spirit. And I remembered Yellowtone. Now, don’t worry about it going off right now. God said, watch Yellowstone. This thing’s going to happen there, but it’s not going to be this big, huge super thing. It’s not time for that because every cover up will be covered up no more. It’s all coming to an end to expose the place, a truth. No man has imagined it would have come to an end this way. Not like this, not like that. Excuse me. So God is saying everybody’s been discouraged. There has been a lot of, been discouragement because it looks like the civil courts have been ignoring us. It looks like nothing was done to our constitution to save our to save this country. Because what happened with these elections and people don’t realize it’s been going on for a long time with our elections. It’s not just 2020 or 2022 have said to be many different times before. It’s been going on for many, many years. We’re just now finding out this was going on. They’ve been stealing our elections for a long time and then putting people so the deep state or the swamp, they have people on the right and they have people on the left. And so either way, they win. Trouble is not one of them. Why do you think they’re like foaming at the mouth for so long because they wanted to get rid of him, because he wasn’t part of that. He was going to expose him. I knew if he was in the office, he would find out all these dirty secrets that they couldn’t keep hitting. It’s funny, these people and what they’ve tried to do, but they’ve actually exposed themselves even more because our adversary always overplays their hand, always. There’s nothing new in the sun. They’ve always done this and they always will. So what do we take away from this? God says he’s cleansing and he’s destroying the deep swamp. He’s cleaning out. He’s cleaning out everything. Everything is going to be revealed. Every lie is going to be revealed. Everything that’s been covered up is going to be uncovered. Brace for the impact and the shock and the awe. And how do we do that? By giving you in the presence of Almighty God.

So I want to pray over each and every one of you today, heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to pray over every person that’s on in my voice. Father God, no matter what they’re going through, we know that you are bigger. You are bigger than anything they’re facing. And I thank you, Father God, for their restitution. I thank you for their restorations. I thank you for their healing. I thank you for the sound of mine. Anything that they need, you are that. I thank you that the great I AM shows up. The God of the Brick, he shows up for them today. I thank you for picking them up, Father God, being that light that they have to have in the midst of that darkness. I thank you, Father God. You are the anchor to our soul. I thank you for the freedoms. I thank you for your word. I thank you for the peace. I thank you for turning all that sorrow into joy in their lives this day. And we thank you for it in Jesus name, amen. And amen well hope. I encourage you today, please, like subscribe and share and give it to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to know the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


The individual Elon Musk just by buying twitter and exposing their censorship machinations has done more for free speech and exposing corruption and the criminal deep state than the entire Republican Party. And its only just begun. Its likely to pull down much of the corrupt spy agencies and Government departments, and do all this WORLDWIDE This cant be underestimated. This is a humanity liberating outcome that has barely started.

And to think it was started by Governments around the world copying Trumps outrageous use of Twitter to bypass media and go straight to the public. Boy what a backfire.

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