This Fraudulent Government is coming Down
Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, December 19 of 2022. I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today, and it’s called This Fraudulent Government is Coming Down. I heard this prophetic word on December 12 of 2022. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise your prayers ports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page where you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All of us here at Julie Green Ministries would love to pray and agree with you. Whatever you are needing today, jus tot let you know that you are not fighting any of your battles alone. And I don’t take it for me personally. When you are in a battle and you are in your darkest hour, you do feel alone. You can’t trust anybody or no one’s going to understand how you feel. And that is something your enemy wants you to believe is true. But we do have a very powerful prayer team here. And we all love you. And we all want and want the best for you, but also want to have you experience the God of the bracer, the God of the healer, the God the great, I AM whom nothing is impossible to visit you to be able to experience his love, his glory, his presence, his mercy, his grace. We’re all together. We’re God’s body. Jesus is ahead. We’re the body. And we’re all supposed to be there for one another. So we do love you here. All of us here at Julie Green Ministries, we love you more than you know. And so we want you to know that you are not alone. Even in your darkest hour, there are people who are willing to stand and pray and agree with you in prayer. All right, now, that is all the announcements for today. And here is the prophetic word Again. It’s called
this fraudulent government is coming down. I heard this prophetic word on December 12. For I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to war in the spirit, to pray, to fast, to decree, to command, deliverance, freedom, retroactive restorations. Declare everything that has been stolen to be given back seven times greater because the thieves have been caught and they cannot keep what rightfully belongs to you. Say that and say it until you believe it. And say it until you believe me.
I am here to set the captives free. A major shaking is about to occur in the land of my eagle. At first it will seem devastating. It will seem like the worst case scenario. But remember who’s in control. And it’s not the ones who pretend to be. It’s not the ones who think they are in control. It is not the ones who have lied to keep you under their submission. No, it’s not them. They have no power because the one that uses them is already defeated. Once that becomes greater on the inside of you, there is nothing that will move you. Your enemies are defeated now. So shout this loud, shout it from the rooftops, and let your adversary know his days of ruling with fear over you are over. You will no longer be tormented because the lion of the tribe of Judah has roared and has fought and has won the victory, and it’s mine. Say this, my children. Declare and decree. It is important in these days to say the right things. It is important to focus on these words. And on my written word.
Something significant is about to take place that will rock people’s faith. The darkness will appear to take over and hope will appear to be lost. Then my hand will step in and it will wipe them all out who are against you. Fauci is coming down. The Biden is coming down. Obama is coming down. Hillary is coming down. Nancy is coming down. Chuck is coming down. Mitch is coming down. Adam is coming down. All the governments that hold you are all coming down. Facebook is coming down. Wall street is coming down. China is coming down. Any country against my eagle is coming down. The world elites are coming down. And so is their One world government and all their plans. It’s coming down. Greater than the walls of Jericho. Bigger than the Red Sea. Yes. Much bigger. And you will see.
The perfect storm is upon your enemies now when it’s growing in strength. The strength of the storm is like no other storm. No. The storm will wipe them all out at once. They stood against me. They shouted. They mocked me. They defied me. They laughed at the sound of my name. And soon they will have a great regret because they will realize they are on the wrong side.
My army is marching toward the enemy’s camps now to remove them all. Great removals are coming in a way that will shock the world. Nothing they have done against you will prosper. But, Lord, you have spoken these words, and look where we are. Under their rule. Under their authority. My children, I’m asking you this again. Do you really believe that I am saying these things again and again until you believe what you see is not bigger than me and the world’s about to see how big I really am Saith the Lord your Redeemer.
The WHO is in for a rude awakening. A great whistleblower is coming to knock them all off their feet and prove they all lied for world control and financial gain. This was a tool for their greater reset. They believed they actually had and no one could stop them. But they didn’t see me coming. And they won’t see me until it’s too late. The WHO is fake and another arm of the New World Order and soon to be completely eradicated. They were never meant to be. They are not needed and the world will see that every one of them will be removed Sayeth The Lord of Hosts.
Harper, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Keep your eyes on the Supreme Court. I have said before and something you don’t see yet is happening to cleanses court of those who do not belong there. A great shaking will take place in the highest court in the land of my eagle. I am the judge over all, including them, some of them. And their power is being revoked, denied, and a new chief will reside. So watch this shake up because it’s about to be seen. My children The great Exodus has started and soon will be finalized. It started in the unseen and soon will be seen by all. Remember, I am greater and I have promised you freedom and complete deliverance and that is what more will fully take place. Your enemies are failing and you will have and experience great celebrations saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now, I want to go over something with you before I go back over his prophetic word. And the Lord has been really dealing with me about a few things and yesterday and today he’s been having me go over a few scriptures. And these scriptures I hope will encourage you. They should. I mean there’s a good news. It’s God’s truth. It’s his good report. And of course we know the truth will set you free. But it’s the revelation too in these words. Or you could say the enlightenment of these words that God gives us to us when we are studying and we specifically study things that he wants. He will put it in your heart. Something like even puts on mine, he’ll repeat. So say for instance, like the scriptures I’m about to read you, either I will open my bible to them, just happen to open my Bible. It’s like a magnifying glass, it will stick up at me or it’s like a bubbling in my spirit. It’s like bum bubbly. Excuse me, bubbly. Over and over and over again, just repeating the same thing, the same scripture over and over and over again or the same song to get my attention that that’s what he wants me to study that day. And he does that there’s sometimes where I wake up and I have a song in my heart and that’s a song that he wants me to listen to because of the frustrations of that day before or that whatever it was. And it will bring that joy, it will bring that strength, it will just bring peace. It will bring a revelation. God does he sake. He is so awesome and I just love how he speaks to so many. So this is something that he’s talking about is when we are in battle, remember, we are called to be in to fight the good fight of faith. We’re called to fight, we are called that’s why we have an armor, the armor of God that we made, a what? To stand against the wiles of the devil, as Ephesian six, go and put on your whole armor of God. Ephesian 612 through, I think it’s 18. And so when you’re doing that, remember we are to war. Listen to this. This is Psalm nine, psalms, chapter nine and verse one. I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart. I will show forth, recount, and tell aloud all your marvelous works and wonderful deeds. This is the Amplified version, psalms nine, verse one. He’s saying to recount and tell aloud. Remember, he’s been talking to us the last several months about earnestly remembering what he has done. Why is it so important to earnestly remember what God has already done? So we are facing situations in our own life right now, situations in our own nation,s right now. And it looks so devastating, so dark, so impossible. Nothing’s changing, nothing looks like it’s ever going to be done about anything in any evil that’s going on right now. Injustice is just running rampant, fear is just running rampant, and there’s nothing going to be done. That is what your enemy truly, truly wants you to believe. Because if you believe that, then you will not fight. You believe that, you will surrender. You will fight the good fight of faith, because a good fight is the one you win. But if you don’t believe you can win, you’re more likely going to give up and you’ll quit. You’ll surrender to the enemy when he is the one who has to surrender. So we’re supposed to recount and tell aloud, I thank you, Father God, for all the things that you’ve done. I thank you, Father God, that you are the great I am. You are Jehovah Rapha, the healer. You are the one who is Jehovah Gyro, my provider. You are my comforter. You are my burden bearer, even if sometimes it takes every fiber of your being to say these things. Remember, the sacrifice of praise comes, of course, with thanksgiving and praise. It’s so important because praise and thanksgiving destroys our enemy. When he thinks that he’s got us where he wants us, he’s shot his final shot. He wants you to be crying, feeling sorry for yourself, that on your knees, waving that white flag, and instead you’re picking yourself back up. Micah, chapter seven and verse eight. Rejoice on against me all my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. And if we recount and tell aloud all these wonderful things that God has done, he’s done in the past, he don’t respect our persons, he’ll do it again. Then all these impossible situations, we remind ourselves, we thank You, Father God, that you are the God who nothing is impossible. Remind ourselves of all the times that he’s gotten you out of something before. And if you can’t, if you haven’t had that situation because you’re new in the body of Christ. Thank Him that you are able. He brought His Son into this earth so you could live for all eternity with Him. That is such an I don’t even know how to describe how amazing that is. He gave us his only begotten Son so we could live. So we are recounting and telling about all of these things. It will bring joy, and remember, joy is our strength. Then it says verse three, psalm nine, verse three. When my enemies turn back, when they stumble and perish before you, there are so many scriptures that talk about this that our enemies are destroyed because God, remember, is greater than they are. He’s greater than anything that they have. No one can outsmart God. God is undefeated. And I can’t say that enough. Verse four. For you have maintained my right and my cause. You sat on the throne judging righteously. Verse five still Psalm nine, verse five. You have rebuked the nations, you’ve destroyed the wicked, you have blotted out their name forever and ever. Marie tells us, all those people who stay before you will soon we’re not going to see Him. Then he says in verse six, the enemy has been cut off and have vanished and everlasting ruins. You have plucked up and overthrown their cities. Their very memory of them has perished and vanished under verse eight. And he will judge the world in righteous and rightness equity, and he will minister justice of people in uprightness. Verse nine. The Lord will also be a refuge in a high tower for the oppressed, a refuge in his stronghold in times of trouble, high cost, destitution and desperation. Now God is our high tower. There’s so many scriptures that I can give to you. He’s given me so many in Psalm. I could stay in Psalm for a very long time in the book of Psalms, and just rejoice in all the things that God has done, he gave me. And because of time, I don’t have time to go over all of them. Psalm Nine, verse one through nine. Just like I just gave you, he’s a refuge in times of trouble. God is a refuge in times of trouble, and we can see we’re living in times of trouble, what it looks like. But God is saying, don’t go by how things appear. He is the answer to everything that we see, for every problem, for every question, he is the answer. He’s the way, he is our victory, he is everything. And so there’s Psalm 18, verse 48. There’s Psalm 34, one through 19, and Psalm 23, one through six. He set the table before with presence of our enemies. There are so many of these scriptures that talk about victory. Even in the midst of great adversity, God promises victory. He promised us that he hears us, he promised us that he will deliver us out of it all. There’s so many of these, and maybe in the course of this week, I’ll give you depending on again, depending on how he has me do it. I do want to go over this and I at some point I want to have a teaching over all these scriptures about deliverance and and freedom and how God is. He is our high tower. Look at Psalm 91. He is our refuge. He’s everything we need Him to be in the time we need Him to be in, and he’s never late. God is always an on time God. We may not always understand exactly how he’s doing things, and that’s why he says in His Word, to lean not under our own understanding. A lot of people right now are trying to lean under their own understanding. They don’t want to have any hope at all because they don’t want to be discouraged. They don’t want to be let down. But God is a God who does not fail. He’s a sure thing. God will not fail us. There are so many people right now that are giving into frustration because things don’t look the way they wanted to by now. But, God, he’s never late. So don’t give up on Him now. I want to go back over this prophetic word again.
He said, My children, the great Exodus has started. He said that 2022 would be the year of the great Exodus or the greater Exodus. It may not fully be completed yet, but he said it started. And he said, and soon will be finalized. Now he’d say when it will be finalized, but he said soon it will be. It has started in the unseen. The greater Exodus started in the unseen. And he said, soon it will be seen by all. Remember, I am greater and I have promised you freedom and complete deliverance. And that is what will more fully take place. Your enemies are failing and you will have experience. Great celebration. Saith the Lord yuour Redeemer. Complete deliverance. It will fully take place. Complete deliverance will fully be completed. It will be completed. No matter how it seems right now, it seems like the enemies are winning. It seems like times are getting darker. It seems like we should just throw it in the towel and everything that we’ve been standing for, nothing’s working. God warned us that we were going to be in this situation. He warned us that we would feel like that over and over and over again. He said that things were going to appear one way when they were actually another. He’s been saying this over and over again. In what do we trust? Do we trust in God’s word? Do we trust in what we see? We trust in what our enemies are doing.
So then he says he’s mentioned the Supreme Court again. I don’t even know how many times I’ve heard prophetic words regarding the Supreme Court. Just keep your eyes in the Supreme Court. I have said this before, something you don’t see yet is happening to cleanse this court. So something we don’t see yet has been happening. He said to cleanse the court of those who do not belong there, the ones who have been put there by people who weren’t legitimate, people, who’ve been put there by other people who didn’t have the power to give them the power to be in those positions. And yes, that goes back a very long time, not just in this last several years. I’m the judge overall, including them. God is the judge over all the earth. Even though the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States of America. Is that the highest court in the world? The highest court in the world is Gods. And he’s the judge over all the earth. He’s the God of justice. He said, a great shaking will take place in the highest court in the land of my ego. I’m the judge over all, including them, some of them, and their power is being revoked. Their power is being revoked. And he also said denied and a new chief will reside. There has been prophetic words back several months ago, beginning, I think we’re not sure, the beginning this year, middle of this year. We talked about Chief Clarence Thomas, not Chief Justice Roberts. So there is going to be a shakeup in the Supreme Court. He said again, their power is being revoked and denied, and a new chief will reside. So watch this shake up because it’s about to be seen. So there’s been things going on in the Supreme Court we have not seen or heard about yet, but we will.
Harper this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
The WHO Now the who is the World Health Organization? That’s the who? The WHO He said he’s there in for a rude awakening. A great whistleblower is coming to knock them all off their feet and prove that they all lied for world control and financial gain. This was a tool for their great reset they believed they actually had. No one could have stopped them because they didn’t see no one could stop them, but they didn’t see me coming. They wouldn’t see me until it’s too late. The who was fake and another arm of the new world order and still be completely eradicated. They were never meant to be. They are not needed. And the world will see that. Every one of them will be removed, says the Lord of Hosts. Now, he talked about the IRS. He talked about the Federal Reserve. We talked about all these different type of groups, companies, whatever you want to call them, entities, however you want to say it. They never were meant to be in control. They never were meant to rule. They were never meant to reign. Man put them there. But God never wanted them there in these places, just like he didn’t want our capital in Washington DC. That is the enemy’s location, the enemy’s capital and all their symbolisms. There are so many things that are going on in the world today that God said they were never meant to be. But because the Church and I’m saying this bluntly, the Church was separation of the Church or state. That is not how it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be the government not interfering in the church’s business and what the church was doing, not the government controlling the Church. And what the Church can and cannot do or can and cannot say, that is not how it was supposed to be. Of course, remember just like in the Garden of Eden, how Satan twisted God’s words, our enemies had twisted the government, twisted our constitution into believing things were really one way when there weren’t, and people believed that. And then there’s so much of that religion and so much legalism that’s gotten into the body of Christ that is bringing the body of Christ and the power of the body of Christ down. Because if you don’t know the authority in the name of Jesus, you don’t know how much power and authority that you do have that the resurrection of the power of Jesus lives on the inside of you because the greatness that’s in you, that he’s in the world. So when you don’t know these things that God has given you power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing in shall we anyway harm you. Luke ten to 19. In Genesis 126 through 28, we made the image and likeness of God, the image and likeness of he who created okay, hold on. I want to miss quote God. I have to keep going. So I just want to say this really quick. So God created so then God said, let us make man in our image, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in our likeness, letting them have dominion over the fish to see over the birds of the air, over all the counter, over all of the earth. Because of all thisOone World Government, what’s happened is that we have forgotten that we have power and authority over all the earth because the name of Jesus is the name of above every name. And so when we forget about these things, there has been so much of the power of Jesus and that authority of that power, the power of the blood coming, it’s been diluted in the body of Christ. And so we have not known the power that we’ve had. So all these things have been put into place that we thought were supposed to be there, which really weren’t, that kept us into a bondage or a slavery that we were never meant to be in. So the who or the World Health Organization might as well say, yeah, one world, because that’s what they’re a part of. Something is going to be totally exposed about them. And how they were lying to the world for financial gain. And that was not just COVID it goes far beyond that. All right? Now, my army is marching toward the enemy’s camps now to remove them all. Great removals are great removals are coming in a way that will shock the world. Nothing they have done against you will prosper. Now, listen, that’s what God is saying and then this is what people are saying. He’s been doing this a lot. In these prophetic words. God has been saying one thing and people are thinking and saying another. Remember the people in the wilderness, be careful of those people. But, Lord, you have spoken these words and look where we are. Under their rule, under their authority. My children, I’m asking you this again. Do you really believe that I’m saying these things again and again until you believe what you see is not bigger than me. The world’s about to see how big I really am. Look at that. Great removals are coming in a way that will shock the world. So he’s telling us his army is marching forward, that his army is going to cause great removals and it’s going to shock people. That’s what God is saying. It’s going to happen. Then you have this is what people are saying. You’ve spoken these words and look where we are. God, you spoke all these things. Nothing’s happening. God, you spoke all these things and everything’s getting worse. Same thing that happened in Egypt happened in the wilderness, and look what happened. Those people that fought that, who did not change their course of action, no matter what God said, no matter what he did, no matter tell me, how many times I will say it right, how many times he tried proving himself to them? He shouldnt have to prove himself. He says it, he’s faithful. But he had to prove himself over and over and over again for so many people. The rest, he should have been that. Exodus, first of all, the Exodus should have been that. The rest, he should have been that. But they kept going and they kept going and they kept going. They limited the Holy One of Israel. He says, I am saying these things again and again until you believe what you see is not bigger than me. That’s in bold. Say these things again and again. What God is telling us to say, what God is telling us to see what’s about to be seen. I’m saying these things again and again until you believe what you see is not bigger than me. Because so many people think that all these things are bigger than God, or God’s just not going to do anything about it. He’s giving us the answer to our questions. That’s how good he is. He’s giving us the answer to all of our questions. And this is destroyed. I will get this right. To me, it will destroy the doubt and the unbelief. Now. The perfect storm is upon your enemies now. And it’s growing in strength. The strength of the storm is like no other storm. No. The storm will wipe them all out at once. They stood against me. They shouted. They mocked me. They defied me. They laughed at the sound of my name. They soon will have great regret because they will realize they are on the wrong side. Excuse me. That they are on the wrong side. Now the storm is upon them and it’s growing in strength. The strength of the storm is upon them. Is like no other storm. No. This storm will wipe them all out at once too. It’s impossible. Cannot wipe them all at one time. Really? Didn’t the Red Sea wipe all the enemies out at once? You could say that’s. Not a perfect storm. It was the winds. When God blew the nostrils. The winds parted the Red Sea. And it kept him upright until all of God’s people were across then and then the enemies came through the Red Sea and all of a sudden they de-parted. It was the storm. Perfect storm. And it destroyed them all at one time. Now look what he’s saying here. Something significant is about to take place that will rock people’s faith. It already is. There’s so many people that because of what it looks like right now, because of the things that appears on the news and appears not only on the good side but the bad side. And all these things are confusing people. Because God said that’s what’s going to happen. People are going to pay attention to that and don’t pay attention to that. All that stuff doesn’t confuse you. Don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the news. He said it’s going to rattle people. It’s going to shake people. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Something significant is about to take place that will rock people’s faith. The darkness will appear to take over and hope will appear to be lost. That’s what will appear. Then my hand will step in and it will wipe them all out. Who are against you then? He says. Who are against you now? Of course there’s a lot of people. We could go on and on a list of names. This is how many. This is what he said. Fauci He’s coming down. Biden is coming down. Obama is coming down. Hillary is coming down. Nancy is coming down. Chuck is coming down. Mitch is coming down. Adam is coming down. All the governments that hold you are coming down. Facebook is coming down. Wall street is coming down. China is coming down. Any country against My Eagle is coming down. The world elites are coming down. And so is their one world government and all their plans. It’s coming down. Greater than the walls of Jericho, bigger than their Red Sea. Yes, it’s much bigger. And you will see.
So he’s saying that. All of these people are coming down just like don’t get caught in just the children of Israel. When I’m sure Moses had Pharaohs coming down, they didn’t believe him. They didn’t believe him till they saw it. And even though they saw it, it still wasn’t good enough to believe God for other things that they were facing in their life. So God’s saying all these people are coming down even though you haven’t seen it yet. They are your enemies are defeated now. They’re not defeated when you see it, they’re defeated now. In which we say he said so shout this loud, shout it from the rooftop and let your adversary know that days are ruling with fear. Over, you are over. You will no longer be tormented because the lion of the tribe of Judah has roared and has fought and has won the victory in its mind. It’s what God said. You’re supposed to say that. You’re supposed to say these things. Say this my children, and declare it. Decree is important in these days and say the right thing. It is important to focus on these words and on my written word. Why you’re focusing on the problem solver not the problem. It will destroy the fear, it will destroy the torment, it will destroy the doubt, it will destroy the unbelief, it will destroy the frustration, it will destroy the discouragement that is holding so many people down. All of these things, if we focus on the right thing, we focus, we say what God needs us to say, do what God needs us to do. Why? That obedience will bring us the victory, it will bring us the strength, it will bring us deliverance, it will bring us that breakthrough that we have been waiting for. We just got to be in agreement with God and not agreement with the enemy all the time. I’m here to set the captives free and major shaking is about to occur in the land of my eagle. At first it will seem devastating. Said it again, he’s been saying this. It will seem like the worst case scenario. But remember, it’s like in John 1633 in the rule you have trials, tribulations and frustrations, but so don’t get stuck on what’s going to happen. Get stuck on this. Remember who’s in control. It’s not the ones who pretend to be. It’s not the ones who think they are in control. It’s not the ones who have lied to keep you under their submission. It is no, it’s not them. They have no power because the one that uses them is already defeated. Who uses them? Our adversary, the devil, Satan, whoever you want to call them, they are they’re the ones that are being used by him. God is saying our enemy is using all these people and remember he’s using all these people, but he’s already defeated. So if peace defeated, then they’re defeated because the one that’s controlling them is defeated. The one that’s giving them the power is defeated. So when you think of these things, then it’s not as frustrating. Once it becomes greater on the inside of you, there’s nothing that will move you. You won’t be moved, you won’t be frustrated, you won’t give in, you won’t quit. You’ll have every opportunity to, but God is saying you won’t because you’ll have that faith. You’ll be strong and solid on that solid rock we stand. Then he says, For I the Lord this day. I’m telling my children to warn the spirit. How do you warn the spirit? Praying in the spirit. That’s perfect prayer. That your enemy. That’s why the enemy he’s fought in religion so hard about not praying in tongues. Why do you think that the religion hates praying in tongues? See this one? You’re praying in tongues, you’re warning in the spirit. He can’t do anything about it. That your perfect prayer. God, he can’t interfere. He can’t interpret what you’re saying, so he can stop your prayer from being answered. War in the spirit. Say what God Jesus say. And guess what he says to pray to fast. No. Remember, Jesus even was talking about prayer and fasting. To pray to fast. To decrease your command. Command what? Deliverance freedom. Retroactive restorations. Declare everything that has been stolen to be given back seven times greater because the thieves have been caught and they cannot keep what rightfully belongs to you. Say that until you believe it, and say until you believe me. That’s what God is saying. Save until you believe him. You can find this in Proverbs 630 and 31. When the thief has been caught, he’s got to give it back seven times. This is scriptural. So command a seven full return of all the things have been stolen. How it’s got to get that to work, I don’t know, but he promises a new word. His word is seven times. Return when the thief has been caught. The thieves in this nation, the thieves around the world have been caught. There’s nothing new under the sun. There’s nothing in this world that our enemies are doing that God doesn’t see. God sees everything. He’s omnipotent. He sees it all. He hears it all. And that’s what he devised, a plan. God made a plan. I shouldn’t say the word devised, but God made a plan before the foundation of the world, because he knew exactly what animals were going to do, when they were going to do it, who they were going to use, what systems they were going to put in place. God made an answer. God made a way. He is the way. He’s the truth. He’s the life. Nothing can destroy him. Nothing can get past him. Nothing. And that’s why we have to keep our focus on God today. He was amazing on all these prophetic words. He’s saying, this is what looks like right now. This is what it’s going to look like. And this is what I’m giving to you. He’s already given us these things. We just have to take it. We have to take Him for his word. We have to believe Him, and that’s the things that we see. We have to believe Him in His Word, his faithfulness, his grace, his unconditional love for us. If he sent His Son, his only begotten Son for us, why do you think now in 2022 or next year or whatever, why do you think now he would stop? He would stop saving us. He would just stop delivering us. He would just now, as this is this time, it’s too much. He would never say that he’s made away. So right now he’s saying, don’t lose it. Don’t lose hope, don’t lose faith. Don’t lose trust in him. Don’t do it. Hold on. Hold on, because it’s almost over. What’s almost over? Your enemy’s control. When’s the exact date? I don’t know, but it’s coming. Every day, our enemies are losing more and more control. So remember this today God is undefeated, and he is your Father, and he loves you. I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly follow right now in the name of Jesus.
I just want to pray over every person that is discouraged, over every person, father God, that has just been through such horrible and dark times, they don’t know how they can hold on another day. Father God, I’m asking you right now to give them that strength, to give them that peace, and to give them that joy to hold on. Let them see through Your eyes of faith that you are in control. Give them that anchor to their soul, Father God, they have to have for this very day and this very hour, no matter what it is. Father God, you are that. I want to thank you for delivering them. I want to thank you for healing them. I want to thank you for setting them free. I want to thank you for showing them something, Father God, that they haven’t seen. I want to thank You, Father God, that you are their answer to everything that they are facing in their life today. I thank you for taking away and destroying that torment in their minds. So many people are tormented by doubt and worry and fear and frustration, and Heaviness I thank You, Father God, that the blood of Jesus and the covenant that we have is promised us deliverance. So I’m declaring deliverance over them right now. In Jesus name, I’m declaring it. I’m decreeing it. And God is saying, you repeat after me. Whom the Son sets, free is free indeed. And I declare my freedom today. I will no longer be in fear. I will no longer be tormented. I will no longer be depressed. I will no longer be controlled by the spirit of heaviness I will no longer be in doubt, in worrying unbelief. I will no longer put up with it because Jesus has set me free. In Jesus name, amen. God just needs your agreement. So agree with him today that you are, no matter how you feel, no matter what things look like, you are free. Well, hopes to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this everyone a note who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.