Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Saturday, October 7th of 2023. You will see this on Monday, October 16th, because I’ll be traveling back home from the Reawaken America Tour from Miami, Florida. So I wanna make sure that you received this video today. So I wanted to prerecord it before I left. Also, I’ll be back live on October 17th at 630 a.m. Central Time with back with you with another prophetic word or teaching or encouraging or whatever the Lord has I’ll be back live that morning. So be tomorrow for you So I’m so looking forward to going to all of these events But I’m also looking forward to being back and sharing the mornings with you to start our day together in the Lord and in his word So if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGM international org under our contact page Or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200 Davonport, Iowa 52807 I’m pretty sure that’s all the announcements and also if you do want to know about any more events that we’ll be participating in, you can click on the description box below. I do have the link directly to our website page for our events, which is JGM International and it’s our events page. So again, it’s JGM International and you can click on our events page or you can click in the description box below and I have that direct link for you because there will be a lot of traveling here in the next couple months so but don’t worry I will make sure that I have all these videos for you while I travel like I always do all right now this prophetic word I is I’m gonna give to you it’s called I WILL NOT LEFT GO OF YOUR NATION I heard this prophetic word on October 4th and it was actually the third prophetic word. I had that day because on October 4th that morning I did that live show with you and I knew it was something different and the Lord actually just gave a prophetic word while I was On live with all of you. So that was the first one then the second one I gave to you it had been Friday for you the Friday just a few days ago for you and The third one is to right now today. So this is the third one from October 4th And it again, it’s called I WILL NOT LET GO OF YOUR NATION So two of them were on the prayer call one of them was on the live stream with you And this is the second one from the prayer call. So I’m going to share my screen with you and then I’ll be back Shortly
For I the Lord this day. I am telling you my children. I will not let go of you. I will not let go of your nation. Yes. Remember, this nation is my nation as well. I will not let it go the way the enemies want it to go. I will not let the nations around the world go. Not the way the enemies want it to go. I will not let them keep doing what they are doing. No, I am not. Have I not said in my word that I am the defender? Have I not said in my word that I am the Avenger? Have I not said in my word that I will do the things I said I will do? I will deliver. And yes, I said I will deliver. And that’s exactly than what I’m going to do. My children, as you are going forth and you are seeing things collapse, yes, there’s going to be collapse of governments. There’ll be collapse of financial systems. There’s going to be collapse of corporations. There’s going to be collapse of, yes, all the unjust things that have been going around the world today, a collapse of their walls, a collapse of their foundation, a collapse of their plans, a collapse of their narrative. Yes, I collapsed a great collapse is coming and you’ll see it Fall before you. Have I not told you These things will not affect you ? Do you believe me and my word? I’m the ultimate defender. I defend I protect. I deliver. I restore. I heal. I guide. I direct your path. I will tell you where to go and when not to go. Many of my people are worrying, great stress, great pressure, great worry, some even in great fear what’s about to take place upon this earth. They’ve heard my words that should comfort them. Because they’re hearing what I am saying and what I’m about to do. For some, fear has crept in. The anxiety and worry, overwhelming. Have I not said these things were for the enemies of Almighty God, not for you? Have I not said they’ll protect you like Goshen? Have I not said that I am between you and your enemy? Have I not said these things? They’re trying to collapse your supply chain. They’re trying to collapse your governments on their own, because they don’t have strong governments, they don’t have strong nations, they don’t have strong nations. That’s when the world government comes in. I will expose AI even greater and exposures that have already been. I’m going to expose what they’ve done to your bodies. And not only am I going to expose it, I’m going farther than that. I’m going to heal you of everything they’ve done to you. Your enemies are collapsing. They’re falling. And the one who sits in the house you call White. I say it’s Red. Watch him collapse before your eyes faster now. His mental decline will grow worse. You will see him not be able to walk,. walk like a normal person walks. Confusion will grow in him. The one that they picked, the puppet masters picked, is falling apart. They’re about to throw him away like a dirty rag. They’re almost done with him now. I’ll expose all the strings. And who really was controlling him ! And of course, you know Obama, but there’s other people there. That you did not know and you did not see. And people. you didn’t expect it would be. Chaos is about to erupt in a house you call White. Chaos is about to erupt! The place for your supposed capital, Their capital. Something surprising with the military. Watch it. Watch. Watch. It’s about to take place. You will see more evidence. The words that I have spoken. Even though some have mocked. And some have said they were a lie. Some even said they were wrong. because it didn’t look like it came to pass the way they thought. There’s a lot in the unseen. I’m going to bring in the seen and many who mocked my prophets, many who degraded and try to say they were false or they were liars, they’ll be proven wrong they are being corrected. Any who thought prophecies were not coming to pass or that they were wrong it didn’t happen when they were supposed to so that automatically makes them false prophecy. You didn’t realize what I was doing behind the scenes. Things are coming to pass with the words that I have spoken. You will see that soon. You will see it. The world will see it. The world has mocked and soon the world will stop. I am silencing the naysayers. I’m silencing the accusers. I’m silencing the ones against me in more ways than one. So rejoice, my children, yes, rejoice. Dance and sing praises unto me because it destroys the power of the enemy.
Julie Commentary
Okay, so one of the things that he said right there toward the end is that what praise destroys the power of the enemy. So what should we be doing on a daily basis? Praising and worshiping God. He said, Julie, I don’t have a lot to praise him for. Yes, you do. Stop thinking of the negative. Sometimes just think of something like, okay, you think I’m because of the sun in the sky of the warm air, you think from the grass, think for the trees, you’re thinking for breath in your lungs, you’re thinking from your life, no matter what the enemies try to do to get you to think of all the negative, start thinking and start practicing on all the positive. Start focusing on the things that God needs you to focus on, not the things that are going wrong, focus on Him. He’s the problem solver who can destroy all the problems in your life. That’s God. God is good, for one. He’s absolutely good. He’s never gonna leave you. He’s never gonna forsake you. And you have to know, He says in His Word in 2 Corinthians 2 14. Okay, I won’t quote it. I will actually turn there I quoted a lot so um 2nd Corinthians 2 14 but thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ’s victory through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere he always causes us to triumph you can start celebrating about that you can say but Julie doesn’t look like it doesn’t matter what it looks Like your enemy wants it to look there are so many people and I’ve told you this before in my own life in my Darkest darkest darkest of days. I would go in my prayer closet and I’d have to force myself To not you know Get discouraged not to be overwhelmed and depressed. I put on certain songs. I even asked Lord I said, okay Lord, what what songs do you want me to hear? You know, what do you want me to hear right now? I play certain songs, I’d open the word, I would start reading the scriptures, and I start just praising and worshiping. I go from being depressed, overwhelmed, very negative, everything is wrong, to all of a sudden I’m rejoicing, I’m laughing, I’m jumping up and down, I’m thanking God, I’m praying for whatever things I had to pray for at that particular point that was going on in my life, and I was so excited. I knew I had the answer. I just, I knew that God was going to do something. I’d walk out of my prayer closet and bam, it was like a bad phone call or you get a bad letter or something else negative happens or whatever. And it was like all the things I prayed about, it was like it was going in the wrong direction. It literally went backwards, it seemed like. And so I asked Lord one time, I was like, I don’t understand what’s going on. Why is what I’m praying about going in the wrong direction? Think about that for a minute. Why are the things that we pray about looking like they’re going in the wrong direction? Because that means you’re doing something right. The enemy is desperate. So now all of a sudden he’s throwing the arsenal at you, getting you to try to shut up. He doesn’t want you to praise and worship God because he’s got no defense mechanism against it because it just scatters the enemy. He doesn’t want you praying, doesn’t want you knowing your authority. If you know your authority, you’re gonna beat him every time. If he’s not stealing your joy, he’s not stealing your strength, that means you’re gonna beat him every time. So he’s gonna throw everything at you, he’s gonna make it look like the opposite, like prayer doesn’t work. Well, of course prayer works because God works. If you are speaking God’s Word and giving back to Him, it works. So you don’t have to worry about it. Don’t worry. God’s Word works. Say it with me. God’s Word works. Prayer works. But the enemy will make you believe it doesn’t. There are so many times that whatever I was praying for did go in the opposite direction. But it’s always the darkest. It’s always the worst before your breakthrough And if you just hold on The joy, I can’t hold on. Yes, you can. Oh, it’s worth it Cuz what if it was just five more minutes you had to hold on And all of a sudden your breakthrough came You hold on with expectancy that you know that God’s gonna show up Okay, just hold on Praise and worship God it destroys the power of the enemy and that’s why your enemy wants you to go by feelings I don’t feel like doing it Seriously, he’ll do that every time. I don’t feel like doing it. I can’t I don’t have it in me I’m just too depressed today. I can’t I can’t I can’t I hate those two words. I can’t Because God gives you the ability to say I can He gives you the ability to can Use that ability to do whatever he needs you to do You can Start saying I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me. I can’t Philippians 4 13. I can do all things Stop saying get that. I can’t Crud out of your vocabulary Start saying I can But I don’t know how God will show you how he’ll give you the strength. He promises that now in this prophetic word That I will go over again. It’s prophetic word. I will not let you go of your nation He’s talking about the the collapse and the destruction of the enemy. He’s been talking about that a lot. But since he’s been talking about it, I mean it looked worse and I know it will it will get worse before it gets better and again it’s nothing to fear. But you’re also seeing the collapse of the of the enemy. I mean some of the things they’re doing you’re just like, are you serious? You think we’re gonna fall for that? You honestly think that we believe what You’re saying right now. So They’re making more mistakes, which God said they would But I want to read some scriptures about God conquering our enemies and God giving us ability to conquer our enemies Well one thing right there. I just gave you 2nd Corinthians 2 14. He always caused you to triumph. That’s a triumphant scripture So you’re gonna conquer your enemy if you’re believing in God, you’re standing on his word. You’re saying God I have all these things are stacked up against me. I don’t know what I don’t know what I’m gonna do But you said in your word you always caused me a triumph. So I’m gonna take that triumphant victory I’m gonna thank you Father God for it right now that I am an overcomer that I am the head not the tail on the Bob not beneath just like it says in your word in Deuteronomy. I praise you and I thank you that I am blessed going in I’m blessed going out. I’m blessed in this city I’m blessed in the field and I’m blessed with everything my hand touches you just start confessing these things I’m telling you when you start confessing The word of the Lord you start confessing these scriptures. You’ll get excited. I get excited I have gone from a and you guys know this those who watch me for a long time. I went to a very Fearful panic stricken. I mean anxiety constantly 24 hours a day. I Was a hot mess. I was afraid all the time. I was in fear and panic all the time. I Was suicidal I was in pain. I was sick I mean it was just there were everything that could have it just it was it’s felt like that’s what happened But God the mercy of God and everything’s going on It’s like he just taps you on the shoulder and says hey I’ve got it I’m here. I heard four words one time My mom gave it to me. She heard from the Lord when she was praying for me never fear I’m here never fear I’m here now. I’ve had to hold on to those words more than once Even when the enemy looks like they’re surrounding you and and there’s nothing left for you to do Remember who’s there? God’s there and he’ll always Always he’s always Say always God’s always faithful He will do what he says. He’s gonna do especially if you’re believing him. I want to read some scriptures about conquering the enemy Lot of people just they don’t see it. They just they don’t see how we can get out of this mess and Doesn’t matter if you can’t see it or not God’s involved if God’s involved. We got nothing to worry about All right, mark 12 for verse 36 Mark 12 36 David himself inspired and the Holy Spirit declared the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool under your feet.” God makes our enemies our footstool. They’re under our feet. All right? They’re not on the same playing field. They’re not on the same level. They’re under our feet. That means they’re lower than we are. That means we have to understand about the power, authority, dominion that God has given. I’ve given many, many scriptures. I’ve given many teachings about the power and authority of the believer, and you’ve got to go back and see them. Thank God for this team. Thank God for all the people that God has sent to this Julie Green Ministries because they’re putting out teachings. So go to our website, go find those teachings, Marching orders go find all those things. I’m telling you they’re great tools to understand print them out read them out Study them out that’s what they’re there for to bring you up in your most holy faith to realize who you are and who you belong to and It’s not the enemy. They’re not in control. They’re not above you. They’re not bigger than you they’re under your feet Here’s another scripture That proves they’re under your feet. So I’m 110 We conquer the enemy We got to keep saying that we conquer the enemy Psalm 110 in verse 1 the Lord God says to my Lord the Messiah sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries your footstool God makes our adversaries our footstool puts them under our feet. Here’s another one Ephesians 1 go to Ephesians 1 in verse 20 Ephesians 1 in verse 20 Which he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places verse 21 Far above all principality power might and dominion in every name that is named not only in this age but also which is to come he put all things under his feet and Gave him to be had over all things to the church, which is his by the fullness of him who fills all in all Okay, Jesus is the head We are the body. Where is the enemy? This is three scriptures now Where is the enemy under our feet but something if you go back and read this study this scripture right here in Ephesians 121 far above all Principality power and might and dominion and every name that Is named Jesus is the head we are the body. We are not on the same playing field. We’re not on the same level He says we are far above The enemy’s way down here and we’re way up here. We are far above We have dominion over our enemy. We have power over the enemy. We have complete Authority dominion. We have that power that the enemy does not have And in verse 22 again, he put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church Who’s the church? He gave head to all things he and he put all things under his feet And gave head to be and gave him to be head over all thanks to the church Which is his by the foes of him who fills on off who fills? the Lord His fullness of the body who fills all in all we are the body We’re supposed to be connected to him All right now go to X X2 34EX2 34. There’s many things. I don’t have time to go of all of them right now But there’s so much Revelation in the complete power authority dominion But how far above we are over the enemy of how much power authority dominion that we have About where our enemy is at the end of the enemy The end of the enemy has already been determined God knows end from the beginning. He’s already showed us in the book of Revelation. What’s gonna happen. That’s why we should always be excited All right, Acts 2 34 for David did not ascend into heaven But he says himself the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand till I make your enemies your foothold Okay. Now I’m gonna read another one Philippians 2 9 Philippians 2 9 Therefore God has also highly exalted him Given him his name which is above every name Now I want to read the amplified version because that was the new King James Philippians 2 9 and a classic amplified Therefore because he stooped so low Remember Jesus did because he came the became the curse God has exalted him and has freely bestowed on him. The name is above every name Verse 10 then it at that name of Jesus every knee should and must bow in heaven on earth and under the earth every being must bow at that name and That name is in you that name paid for you that name Ransom you you have been a ransom. You are a child of the Most High God You’ve been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. He became or stooped so low That means he became the curse who knew no sin. He became sin He became that curse why to dissolve it to destroy annihilate it and make it where it had no power over you He brought it to nothing That’s what Jesus did on that cross. He brought it to nothing for you He brought our enemies power over you to nothing The problem is the reason why the enemy is gone and done all these things is because we haven’t known the power of that name we have no the power of the blood the sacrificial lamb the blood the blood that Jesus shed for us and what it was and How powerful it is and what we have upon this earth and what God expects us to do with it All right Psalm 81 and I’m gonna go back over and read this prophetic word and then if he wants me to go over any more scriptures I will Because I do have a few more down here. I want to go over but Psalm 81 in verse 14 Um Speedily then I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries Well, you know what? I’m gonna read verse 13 also Psalm 81 in verse 13. Oh that my people would listen to me that Israel would walk in my ways in Speedily, then I would subdue their enemies turn my hand against their adversaries if we would what but listen What is God telling us to do all the time listen to his work? Listen to what he’s saying get these revelation study his written word get to know him Why because then speedily I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their adversaries a lot of the body Christ has to what? listen listen and obey So I want to go back over this and like I said if he gives me more Scriptures to go over because like I said, I have more than I will go over them. All right now for I the Lord This day, I’m sorry, I for I the Lord this day. I’m telling you my children I Will not let go of your or I will not let go of you. Sorry I’ll get it right for I the Lord this day. I’m telling you my children. I will not let you go So this is this this is something that right now we have to understand is that the Lord Does not is not gonna let us go Why we are his children if you were a parent and your child was going through all this would you let them go? No You wouldn’t Said for I the Lord this day. I’m telling you my children. I will not let you go. God is not Going to let us go then he goes on to say Will not let go of your nation So first he says for I the Lord this day. I’m telling you my children. I will not let you go of you I will not let go of you. He had me put that in bold. I will not let go of your nation Yes, remember this nation is mine as well Now he gave this nation where we made a station for him And if this is one nation under God you say hey, this is my nation. Also This is God’s nation. He always calls it my nation in these prophetic words I will not let it go the way the enemies want it to go stop What way do the enemies want it to go they want to kill it? Destroy it annihilate it act like the country that was founded by George Washington and our founding Fathers That it was fought by American Resolutionary War and we became a nation of our own But even though all those pilgrims that came over on the Mayflower and they came over here to how they started this country Yeah, they came over here for for freedom To serve God to openly be able to freely serve God our enemies want us to totally forget that history They wipe it out of the textbooks. They don’t want you to know about it at all They don’t want to know our foundation and where this country started because then you’ll want to believe in that You’ll fight for it But they want to change it. Oh, this country was just evil. Well, there’s some evil people. Of course it was But they want to completely destroy it and bring it into socialism and communism and bring it into a one-world society or one world governments governmental system That’s what they want. They don’t want this nation. They don’t want it by itself They want it attached to every other other nation With their stupid one world government to try to control everything and they want one leader over it It’s not gonna go the way they want it to go. Not right now. It’s not that time. It’s not time It’s not time for the one world government. It’s not People think it is it’s not that time yet, and you’ll see God will show you I will not let the nations go around the world or I will not let the nations around the world go He’s not gonna let this country go, but he’s also no matter if you live in this country or not He’s not gonna let your nation go I will not let the nations around the world go not the way the enemies wanted to go What does he want again? They want a collapse and society totally a total collapse of social order and society because if they can do that then they can enslave you more and That’s what they want and God saying it’s not gonna go that way. I will not let them I will not let them keep doing what they are doing. What are they doing? They’re taking our freedoms away what they’re doing. They’re lying They’re lying so much that they’re trying to convince you that it’s the truth They’re trying to persuade people to go one direction than trying to distract people and believing all these things that are nonsense They’re not true and God’s saying it’s not gonna keep going that way No, I am NOT have I not said in my word that I am the defender God protects he defends he delivers. He even says have I not said in my word that I’m the Avenger He says member vengeance is mine. He talks about that in Hebrews 10 and 30 Vengeance is God’s then he says have I not in my word That I will do the things I will said I will do have I not said of my word that I will do He promises us in his word that whatever he says he’s gonna do he’s gonna do it He’s he’s faithful to his word God is always and has always been and will always be faithful to his word he said Have an asset of my word what I will do the things I will do I will deliver and yes I will deliver. He says he’s gonna deliver so he will deliver and Yes, I will deliver and that’s exactly what I’m going to do my children as you are going forth and you are seeing things collapse Yes, there’s going to be collapse of governments They’ll be collapse of financial systems They’re gonna be collapse of corporations There’s going to be collapse of, yes, the unjust things that have been going on around the world today. A collapse of their walls, a collapse of their foundation, a collapse of their plans, a collapse of their narrative. Yes. I said collapse. A great collapse is coming and you will see it now again, don’t get to the point where you’re, you’re, you know, worried you’re freaking out because, oh my gosh, there’s going to be collapse because he’s destroying their systems. He’s destroying what they did against us We don’t realize the life that God truly wanted to have for us is far greater than the life that we’ve been living Truly it’s far greater. And so what God is saying to us is that hey, I’m destroying that a bondage System the system that brought you into enslavement It’s such a thought the system that brought you into bondage the system that you they have tried to destroy you with that system I’m just tearing it down. I’m destroying it and I’m bringing the system that I have always intended That’s God. That can’t be true. Look what he did in Exodus. I keep going back to that because he keeps going back to that. They thought that was impossible too, that they could ever be free from the hand of Pharaoh and that system that brought him into a slavery and in bondage. And they were. They were freed by God. Don’t count God out. I’ll say it again. Don’t count God out. Yeah, so he said a great collapse that’s coming and you’ll see it. Call before me. He says, I have no, hold on. I don’t, that’s the right word. I have to edit that one. Um, he says, um, have I not, when it translates, sometimes that translate it went out on the video, it translated and puts words that are not there. Uh, anyway, doesn’t understand my words apparently, um, or how I speak, but God, they’re God’s words. Sorry. They’re God’s words, but how I’m speaking them. I don’t always speak clearly. That’s what I meant to say Because you guys know that. All right. Have I not told you these things will not affect you Have I not told you these things will affect you? Remember he says in his word in John chapter 17 verse 13 through 17. He says you were in this world, but you’re not of it Was that mean they’re not gonna affect you these things are not going to affect you when God is giving us these prophetic words He’s been giving us his words over and over and over again for the last. What how many years now? He’s giving us his words and saying hey, this is not gonna affect you. I’m Look at land of Goshen use that as a your example You are not affected by that You are not going to be a partakers of the things that are the judgments that are coming. He keeps talking about that Then he says that I told you these things will not affect you. Do you believe me? So, when God says these words, again, I’m clarifying, they’re not my words. What I was saying about that correction is because obviously it’s coming out of my mouth and I don’t always speak clearly. So I want to clarify that because I’m not taking credit for anything. These are God’s words. He says, have I not told you these things will not affect you? Do you believe me? In my word, I am the ultimate defender. Well, of course he is. You can see that in his word. He does. He’s the ultimate defender. There’s nothing bigger than God That’s why he’s ultimate. There’s nothing bigger than him. Then he says, um, I Defend I protect I deliver I restore I heal I guide I direct your path. I Will tell you where to go and what and we’re not to go Many of my people are worrying great stress great pressure great worry some even great fear What it’s about to take place upon this earth. So he’s saying I am look at I am I defend I protect I deliver I restore I heal I guide and then he says I will Tell you where to go. I will tell you where not to go and When they says they says well, I’m gonna do all these things for my people But they’re still worried about what’s gonna happen on the earth because they’re not Relating to what God is saying. He’s going to do they’re relating to everything that’s going wrong They’ve heard my words That should comfort them because they’re hearing what I’m saying and what I’m about to do For some fears crept in and anxiety worry overwhelming. Have I not said these things were were for the enemies of Almighty God not for you Again, he’s talking about that judgment just like just like the plagues or you could say judgments in Egypt They were not for God’s people you saw that because he even said before they happened Before the plagues happened in a couple of different places in the book of Exodus. He said I’m gonna greatly distinguish you from the Egyptians That means you’re gonna see a distinction between them and you All these bad things are gonna happen to them, but they’re not gonna happen to you There’s a great separation there a great distinguishing there and that’s what God said was gonna happen for us There was gonna be a great distinction between us and the world. He said it more than once Then he says, um Have I not said that I’ll protect you like ocean? So again, he’s explaining and he’s giving the example of Goshen that gives you faith. Well, if God protected them, he’ll protect me Have I not said that I’m between you and the enemy have I not said these things? They’re trying to collapse your chain a supply chain. They’re trying to collapse your government on their own because they have to. They’re trying to collapse their own governments. Why? They want to make it look like they don’t have strong governments, they don’t have strong nations. Why? If they don’t have strong nations, that’s when the world government can come in. So they’re collapsing governments and they’re collapsing nations around the world on purpose so the one world government can come in. He says, I will expose AI even greater an exposure that has already I’m going to expose what they have done to your bodies and not only am I going to expose it I’m going to go farther than that. I’m going to heal you of everything that they have done to you Stop that some people won’t believe But Gus is I’m going to heal and he said these words. I am going to heal You of everything that’s been done to you go look up and do a word study on the word feeble Because in the book of Exodus, he said no feeble God is the same God we have a better covenant than the Israelites did and he saved them and in that nation in a day and there was no feeble among them go do a word study and go find out what that word means he healed them of everything he made them whole and he’s doing the same thing again your enemies are collapsing they’re falling and the one who sits in the house that you call white that I say is red and God gave a really strong prophetic word about that I think twice before now of the house we call white is actually red because of the blood that has been shed and what the things that they have done the decisions they have made in that capital decision made and made in that house had been horrifying he’s gonna show us what it is but he says um watch him collapse before your eyes. He says, faster now, his mental decline will grow worse. So the person who sits in the house that’s called white, he said, watch him collapse before your eyes faster. Now his mental decline will grow worse. Now he talked about that. The Lord had given us these prophecies a beginning of it was like the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022 when he says he’s going to get so bad, the Biden is going to It’s so bad that he there even the news is not gonna be able to cover up his mental decline We’re already seeing that now Now he’s gonna the Lord is going further and saying watch him come plot collapse before your eyes faster Now his mental decline will grow worse You will see him not be able to walk like a normal person walks We’ve already seen some of that because the following that God has said that’s another prophetic word that came to pass He said you’re gonna keep seeing him fall on live TV. That’s exactly what we saw We saw him again and again and again fall on live TV Confusion will grow in him The one that they picked the puppet masters picked is falling apart. We’re seeing him fall apart before our eyes Then he goes on to say that they’re about to throw him away like a dirty rag I mean, I think that’s pretty harsh when you think about a dirty rag. I think about dirty rag like, you know, it’s dirty It stinks it’s all torn up and you’re just like you’re barely trying to hold on to it because it’s so gross and you’re just trying to throw it away that’s like what they’re doing to him they don’t care about each other they don’t care about themselves and their power and that’s why they’re willing to let others go for themselves so they’re willing to throw him away like a dirty rag they’re almost done with him now I’ll expose all the strings and who was really controlling him and of course you know Obama but there’s other people that there that you did not know and you did not see and people you did not expect it would be so there’s other people been pulling the strings in the White House and also in Washington DC of course we know it’s Obama but he’s saying it’s people that you didn’t know and you didn’t see and some people you didn’t even expect so there’s me a lot that’s gonna expose he says chaos is about to erupt the house you will call white chaos is about to erupt the place you call capital their capital something surprising with the military watch it watch is about to take place you will see more evidence the words that I have spoken even though some have mocked and some have said that they were a lie. Some even said they were wrong because it didn’t look like it would come to pass the way they thought. Now he’s talking about the people who are mocking. People have always mocked. They mock Jesus all the time. They mock the prophets all the time. Religion will always mock truth. That’s what religion does because religion tries to take People away from the truth. So he says You’ll see more evidence than the words that I have spoken Through some have mocked and some have said that they were a lie Some even said that they were wrong because it didn’t look like it came to pass the way they thought People put natural reasoning on a prophetic word and it really shouldn’t he says there’s a lot in the unseen I’m going to bring in the scene and Many will who mocked my prophets many who degraded and tried to say that they were false or they were liars Have it will be proven wrong He says they are being corrected and who thought prophecies were not coming to pass or thought they were wrong They didn’t happen when they were supposed to or so they automatically makes them a false prophecy Because again people try to put their natural reasoning on to it and he says I’m you didn’t realize what I was doing behind the scenes Things are coming to pass with the words that I have spoken you will see that soon You will see it. The world will see it. The world has mocked and soon the world will stop I’m silencing the naysayers. I’m silencing the accusers I’m silencing the ones against me in more ways than ones more ways than one. So rejoice my children Yes, rejoice dance and sing praises unto me because it destroys the power of the enemy Sayeth the Lord now again, what is God telling us? We are supposed to be rejoicing on to the Lord because we are living in the greatest time in Human history because God says we’re about to see something that he’s never done before ever No, I’ve ever seen no ears ever heard what God’s about to do and we are partakers of it And that’s one thing that we were supposed to be rejoicing about he said great when he’s been talking about great All these things are happening great. God my great things are bad But also great things are good and God has said no matter what it looks like things are happening On the in the unseen that we didn’t even realize so we should be rejoicing in what God is doing for us So there’s many things You get into the word and again if you have a lot of things going on in your own life And if you don’t think you can rejoice you can rejoice in the fact that Jesus came and he died he died for you He paid that price for you. He sacrificed for you. He ransomed you He bore every weight every sin all the shame all the guilt all the condemnation He bore it all so you wouldn’t have to and that’s something should be rejoicing about we don’t have to go to hell Jesus went to hell in our place. It’s something we should be rejoicing about and yes, it is in the Bible People try to throw that away to that. He didn’t yes he did Jesus went to hell in our place, so we wouldn’t have to go there. He destroyed the power of death There’s so many things that people don’t realize because they weren’t taught right? They weren’t taught the truth because religion has controlled the body of Christ, but now it’s time to take it back And I know people will question the last couple things. I just said get into the word and find it out Get in the word go pray about it. Go ask God stop believing what that you know, all these other people are saying You trust in God trust in him trust in his word trust in his love Trust in him not a man. Don’t put your trust in a person you put your trust in God. I Want to pray over each and every one of you. Do you have a revelation of what God is saying today? Okay, big changes are about to be made. We have to make sure that we are on the right side of all those changes because God is what your defender, he’s your protector, he’s your advocate, he’s your standby, he’s your strong tower. He is everything that you need. Remember, if you didn’t read it or watch it, go watch the video I did. It was a week, two weeks ago, I think for you. I got I got a thank because Yeah, probably two weeks ago now when I did a preaching on or teaching on the Lord is my shepherd Whatever day that was the time you see this video. It’ll be on our website. You can go look at that teaching Go find out who God is So I’m gonna pray reaching every one of you Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I just want to lift up every person of the sound of my voice and I thank you Father God that we are getting that Revelation on the down on the inside of us that we are knowing the Lord is our shepherd I thank you Father God because you are our Shepherd we shall not lack we praise and thank you Father God that you’re retroactively restoring the years your retroactively restoring our nations You are retroactively restoring our health you are retroactively restoring this younger generations these children You’re retroactively restoring the education system. You’re retroactively restoring the financial system You are retroactively restoring everything the enemy has stolen and we praise you and we thank you Father God that you are our defenders that you are Our protector so no matter what the enemy tries no matter what they try to do in the next few months or the coming year I thank you Father God that there is nothing that they have planned will go as planned because we’ve been shouting down their walls We’ve been shouting down their plans We’ve been shouting shouting shouting that our nation is one nation under God that we are Protected that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and I thank you Father God You said in your word that we are far above Principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and they are our enemies are our footstool I thank you praise you Father God that they are underneath of our feet. We praise and thank you Father God They will not have their way we thank and praise you Father God That we are here to stay and you are with us And if you go before us who can be against us and God’s on our side whom shall we fear? I thank you Father God that the truth of these words are destroying the power of fear right now over your people They’re destroying that worry. They’re showing that anxiety. They’re destroying that panic. They’re destroying that confusion They’re destroying that Devil-mindedness, they’re destroying that Oppression they’re destroying that heaviness or that weight on them. They’re destroying that suicidal spirit on them They’re destroying the addiction spirit on them They’re destroying the power of the evil in every way that they had chained on them It is destroying because these words are setting your people free. I Thank you Father God for your love for your grace for your mercy for your forgiveness For your words for the life that you have given to each and every one of us We thank you for it in Jesus name Amen, and amen Well, once again, I hope this encourages you to remember God’s grace and God’s mercy is every day It’s new every day Let’s not give us a free-for-all to go and sin and do whatever the you know, whatever we want every day all day That’s not what it’s saying But what it’s saying is every day God’s hands are open His arms are open and they’re he’s waiting for us to just to come rushing in like and just like a Dad Swooping all of us up and telling us that everything’s gonna be okay Because it is so hold on Don’t get discouraged. Don’t get worried about what things look like because God the defender God the protector God the deliverer He’s showing up on all of our behalves. So I hope this encouraged you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to have a truth because the truth will set you free God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

Collapsing ALL injustice is a huge call and a massive thing to do. Its beyond seismic, beyond anything man has ever experienced. So glad I am here to see this on my massive Internet screen. Hoping the Internet Great Silence doesn’t last too long. Thats when the Big Switch takes place. The power shift. Washington is destroyed. A new capital is needed. And Biden’s growing decreptitude continues taking us to the story climax.
Great time to be alive.
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