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Searchable transcript for the Serious


Goood Morning, Everybody and welcome back. I want to thank you for joining today’s live show today is Tuesday, October 17th of 2023 and I know that I had been pre-recording for a long time because we were been we were in Pennsylvania and Miami, Florida, it was great to see so many people God was moving. It was just an amazing Time while we were gone, but it’s good to be back Uh, but I will have to say that I’m leaving town again on Friday, uh, early morning. So you’ll see me prerecord for Friday and Monday of next week. I will be in Kentucky preaching. And so I want you guys to know that I will be prerecording for those days, but I will be back early next week, uh, to do more live shows with you. So I’ll be today, uh, Wednesday and Thursday. I will be on here live and then I’ll have to pre-record for Friday and Monday and they’ll be back together with you again Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. I’ll let you guys know exactly When I’ll be doing that. So I want you guys know I’ve missed being here with you in the morning So, thank you again. I’ve seen so many people in the chat this morning. We’ve seen South Africa New Zealand UK Indonesia Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, so I just want to say we love you and thank you all for joining and of course all of you who are joining all across this nation we love you and I can’t meet I can’t wait to meet so many people so oh I just see Bahamas oh God bless you Bahamas I’ve been there one time in Nassau and I loved it. So, anyway, I just want to thank each and every one of you. I will be sharing another prophetic word with you this morning. I received this last Tuesday on October 10th. So, I actually heard three that day. So, today I will be sharing the first one. Now, I also want to give a shout out to our middle child, Carter green he is turning 20 today. So I just want to say happy birthday to my son. I love him. So very much I have some great great great boys and it’s his 20th birthday today So if you guys all want to give a shout out to him, I’m sure he would appreciate it. His name is Carter. All right now So if you do have also any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at Jgm international org under our contact page or you can write us at Julie green ministries international 4620 East 53rd Street suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807 now so the next reawakened America tour is gonna be in Tulare California So I will make sure that you guys have that and I know that’s in the in our events page I’m pretty sure on our website So if you guys want to know about any more events that we are a part of you can go to our website Under our events page. So it’s JGM international org under our events page And yes, I had such an amazing time in Lancaster that Exodus with brother Timothy Dixon I’m telling you that night. We were there. It was powerful God had given a word and I will make sure that I share that word with you Before I leave or I’ll pre-record that word for you But it was amazing the miracles that were happening the glory that was falling in that tent So if you guys I’m telling you want to be a part of this I know we’re gonna be a part of the gathering next January. I think that’s grand View, Florida. I have to look back what that is. I should have I should have looked that up first So I’m looking forward to that. So that’s all the announcements today I’m pretty sure so I want to give you this prophetic word. Now. This one again was from October 10th and Let me see this one is called REMOVALS ARE COMING This is not the first time that God has talked about removals and one of the days I do have to do something with prophecies because they’re coming to pass are being fulfilled so quickly I get bombarded with these prophecies fulfilled a lot and so I want to make sure that I get all these out to you because some are small some are huge and I want to make sure that you receive all these because it’s an encouragement of not only are you hearing these words but you’re seeing them come to pass because they’re God’s word so all right now so removals are coming again this is the 1st of 3 from October 10th, but I’m only going to give you this one today. So it says,


For I the Lord this day, I’m about to show the world a new thing. Something I have never done to this degree. Something no man has ever seen. Not like this. Yes, I’m about to do a new thing for you, O United States. A justice so great. A shift so explosive. A return so surprising. How it will all take place, the world will stand still, and a great celebration will take place. This is the time the warnings are to cease. Because you are in the time that I have warned you of. This is the time of a great war it will look like to some. A time of confusion, a time of chaos in certain places, but a time of great awakening. A time of people running toward me and some are running away. A great removal is about to be seen. A removal of people, yes, but a removal of blinders, a removal of chains, a removal of bondages, a removal of their narratives, a removal of their control, a removal of their governments, a removal of their rules, a removal of their lies and deception, a removal of their news, a removal of their education system, a removal of their influence, a removal of their churches and their religion and their weakness they have brought to my body. I am doing a cleansing, a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling upon this earth. It’s my plan, my nation’s, and my children that will succeed, that will thrive, not your enemies, saith the Lord.

Windmiller, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. A very old secret, a secret hidden by your government, O United States, is coming on who sold you out and who is controlling you now. Great, oh sorry, Great Truth is coming to destroy the corporation that holds you that has caused great captivity in the land of my eagle. This will be no more because I am setting you free from their captivity.

Counterterrorism. This will be in your news for a shocking reason. The Biden is about to let something slip that will shock this nation. Start to pay attention more and more to his words before they try to hide what he says. That will utterly destroy the so-called administration.

Changing of the guard. This will be in your news and not for what you would think. The London Bridge. Watch it. Something is about to take place there.

The FALL OF IRAN is about to be seen, explosive exposure is about to be released on the Biden and Obama, and how they are deeply rooted and embedded with this country. Follow the money trail. See how your money, oh United States, has been used against you, and in many nations. A war had been started for a great distraction. from what is about to come out against the Biden and all who are with him. Great surprises are ahead. Yes, great surprises on how great the fall will be for many in your government. Watch the House of Representatives. Things are not how they seem. And I’m about to unravel all that has been decided and all that has been done against this nation.

Sing, oh my children, sing. Celebrations are drawing near. I am moving, I’m defending, and I’m delivering you fully from the hands of the wicked. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary

So I’m gonna go back over this, obviously, as you guys know but something when I was going over this prophetic word this morning is the Lord is about to do a new thing and that stuck out at me when I read this once again he’s about to do a he’s about to show the world a new thing so that caught my attention and so I got first Corinthians I’m gonna share with This is the first scripture. I’m going to give to you. I got the scripture because again Prophetic will always align with the word of God so I’m going to read you the scripture that this goes with first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 9 but on the contrary as the scripture says What eye has not seen An ear has not heard and has not entered in the heart of man all that God has prepared, made, and keeps ready for those who love him, who hold him affectionate, and promptly obeying him, gratefully recognizing the benefits that he has bestowed.” So, again, when you read this first paragraph, he says, “…for I the Lord this day am about to show the world a new thing, something I have never done to this degree. Something no man has ever seen. Not like this. Yes, I’m about to do a new thing for you, O United States.” So again, if you look, that is scriptural. In 1 Corinthians 2, verse 9, it says, again, “…what eye has not seen and ear has not heard Has not entered in the heart of man all that God has prepared Then he goes on to say made and keeps ready God has made and he keeps ready these things for the time for the perfect timing that God has So what we have to realize that it is in the perfect timing of God I know a lot of us because of the society that we live in things are very quick We have fast food. Everything is that like a click of a button? It’s an instantaneous But there are some things when it comes to faith and it comes to God and his timing That’s why he says in his word that we fight the good fight of faith There are some times when we have to be patient in fighting that faith, because when we are not walking by sight, but we’re walking by faith, there is a time between Amen, when you stop praying, and there it is, when you see the manifestation of what God has promised. Because it said in His Word that He is faithful to perform His Word. But while we’re waiting between that Amen, while we’re done praying, and there it is with a manifestation of what we’ve been praying for and God’s answering that, there’s a time of standing. That’s why it also says in Ephesians 6 that we’re supposed to stand and stand therefore. for. While we are standing, while we are patiently waiting for the manifestation of God performing His Word, there is a time where God is perfecting our faith. He’s strengthening us. He is building us up with Him and in Him. There’s a lot of times where remember it says in His Word where we are weak, he is strong. He is destroying the weaknesses that the enemy has tried to destroy us with. And as we pursue God, the enemy tries to bring us down in times of trials and tests and stuff. He tries to weaken us. He tries to deceive us. He tries to get us to give up and quitting. And in that time, if we are pursuing God, if we are pressing in, if we are standing, if we’re fighting the good fight of faith, then that is where God is strengthening. He’s perfecting us. He is growing us stronger with Him because we are not giving in to what the enemy wants us to give into. The enemy right now, the first thing they did last week, and everybody knew it. You heard it. Friday, last Friday, Friday the 13th, was supposed to be this day that they were going to release all this terror and terror attacks around the world. Now God has warned us that they were going to be doing this in major cities. He’s warned us of these attacks, but what was the point of that? Obviously, nothing came of that in this country, but what was the point? The point of that was to bring fear. So while God is speaking to his people, he’s bringing you faith. He’s bringing you joy and strength. He’s bringing you a peace when he’s speaking his words. That’s why when people keep saying against the prophetic and against God and against him speaking all the time like this, why are the enemies allowed to speak and bring fear on a daily basis? Why would God not be able to bring faith? Why would God not warn? Why would God not give us a heads up of, hey, your enemies are doing this, and this is what you need to do about it. God’s a good God. God warns. And that’s exactly what God has been doing. He’s been warning us of this time. So when the enemies were trying to bring that fear, one of the things I got up when I was on that stage on Thursday night with loudmouth prayer and we had a man of grace was there and tonight Don a comment was there and Marty and Jenny Grisham were there it was right after pastors for Trump which is an amazing event if you guys can go back and watch that go back and watch that night it was Thursday night and one of the things that God was doing is he’s been preparing us when the enemies try to bring fear because that’s what they do God will always give you something to counteract that to destroy that destroy the power of the enemy To destroy that fear to bring faith to destroy that plan of the enemy Remember God has called us to call down those walls. He’s called us to call down those plans That’s why these marching orders and I thank God for the team that God has given me and he’s sent this ministry Because they sent out these marching orders the decrees and declarations you guys want to go and see it They’re on our blog page on our website But also they sent it out to all of our social media all the time They sent out teaching and they sent out the marching order. Why is that so important because God is giving us Marching orders something to do in the time of darkness Something to do in the time where the enemies are trying to bring great fear. God is bringing you great faith He’s giving you the right words to say in the right words to write things to do in the midst of these dark times Just like he did in the land of Goshen. He gave them instructions. He told them what to do and God’s people Listened to those instructions. They obeyed what God said They said what God needed them to say and they were not affected by any of the judgment or any of the plagues that hit the land of Egypt again great example God goes back to that all the time and the reason for that is because he’s giving us a heads up We need to obey We need to start proclaiming and decreeing these things because the enemy is out and on full force Remember God said the more the enemies were getting desperate Because they are desperate The more they’re going to try to do things against us. So again in this time while we’re waiting right here in the scripture first Corinthians 2 and 9 But on the contrary as the scripture says what I has not seen or ears heard And has not entered in the heart of man all that God has prepared and made and keeps ready for those who love him God is preparing something for us, even though we don’t see it Even though we may not understand exactly how Because it’s gonna be something that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard what he’s about to do God said in these prophetic words over and over more than once he said in unconventional ways. I want to read you another scripture he gave me, and it’s Habakkuk or Habakkuk, however you want to pronounce that, Habakkuk, and it’s 1, verse 5. Habakkuk 1 and verse 5. This is another scripture that is extremely important right now because it proves that God does things in unconventional ways or something that no eye has ever seen or no ear has ever heard. So it says Habakkuk 1 or Habakkuk 1 in verse 5. It says, look among the nations and watch. Be utterly astounded, for I will work a work in your days, which you would not believe, though it were told to you. So God said, right here in Habakkuk 1.5, again, I’m gonna read it. Look among the nations and watch, be utterly astounded. For I will work a work in your days, which you would not believe though it were told to you.” So God right now could tell us, okay, I’m going to do this, this, and this, but we wouldn’t even believe it if it was told us because it would be something that our human minds couldn’t comprehend. just like look what happened with the Red Sea. If you look at the Red Sea, do you think the Israelites would have believed God at that particular point if he would have said to him through Moses, hey I’m gonna part the water right in front of you? You know what they would have done? They would have mocked and they would have laughed at Moses. They would have really thought that he was an insane man and they wouldn’t have received it. Because it was just what? Too astounding? It was just too big for them to comprehend. So God didn’t tell him ahead of time, hey I’m gonna park the red seat and you’re gonna go across on dry land. Because it would have been just too big for them to receive. So again, where I will work a work in your days which you would not believe though it were told to you.” That is unconventional. That is something that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard. Well, God is about to do. We may not know how God will do these things. That’s not our business. I don’t ask God. I don’t ask God how he’s gonna do it. I thank him that he is. That’s the difference between you and I on what we need to be doing. The world is just gonna be like, that is just too far fetched. It’s too good to be true and that can’t ever happen. I am NOT just reading you the prophetic word I’m bringing you the scriptures as I go back over and I read these prophetic words again and I pray sometimes even brings it to me right away another times I go back over I study my pray I pray over them and I pray and I said okay Lord what do you want me to do with this these prophetic words what scriptures and they’ll just come because when his words are given, they will align with this scripture. So again, the first paragraph, for I, the Lord this day, am about to show the world a new thing, something that I have never done to this degree, something that no man has ever seen. No, not like this. Yes, I’m about to do a new thing for you, O United States. So I just read you two scriptures 1st Corinthians 2 and 9 write this down and then I also read to you aback a 15 So this although I’m gonna read you another one. Here we go. He just gave me another one. Hold on Ephesians Ephesians 3 Which remind ourselves how big our God truly is our God is bigger than any enemy. Our God is bigger than any of their plans. Our God is bigger than anything that they try to put together. God is bigger. So Ephesians 3 in verse 20, now to him who by inconsequence of the action of his power that is at work within us. Let’s stop there for a second. This is Ephesians 3 20 and this is the classic amplified edition. Now to him who by inconsequence of the action of his power that works at, or sorry, his power that is at work within us. His power is at work in us when we are in agreement with God, when we are speaking his words, when we are doing those marching orders and obeying him, his power is at work in us. All right? It is able to carry out his purpose. So his power is within us and it’s able to carry out his purpose. Again, that’s why it’s so important for the marching order and the decrees and declarations. I’m gonna go on to carry ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes, or dreams.” So this scripture is talking about how God does exceedingly above all that we could ask or think. That also sounds like to me something that we, um, that no eye has ever seen, no ears ever heard, and also what Habakkuk said. Something even if it was told to us, we wouldn’t believe it. God is a supernatural God. He is so far above human comprehension and human imagination. God is the most high God. So again, if you look at the example of the Red Sea, now God said there’s many Red Sea-like moments That we are about to encounter or we are about to experience Red sea like moments. What is that? Red sea like moments is when God did something that Even if the Israelites were told that God was going to do it beforehand They wouldn’t believed it It was too Far or too big for them and their human mind to comprehend Like, I’ve lived by the Mississippi River. Just to think about the Mississippi River parting like that and just walking across that on dry ground. It’s hard for your mind to think about. Even when I gave you guys the example of what happened when I was in Oklahoma City and Florida with Manuel Johnson and I saw the oil fill up and just keep filling up and keep filling up the entire time we were there until we were done. It was hard for my mind to comprehend the Lord was giving me the scriptures You tell me why are you surprised when I’ve done this before? Well my mind if you use something in order for us to have more of it We have to go to the store and go buy more but in the Bible God showed many times That he is a one who multiplies that That what we need is provided by him, the widow woman with the oil, the widow woman with the flower, Jesus turning water into wine. All the times that there was something that was lacking, even with Peter and the fish, God always provided and more than they needed because that is who God is. And so in this time that we are living in remember there is great fear. They’re trying to bring I’m gonna read on to some more of this prophetic work because he also talked about a great war Now it’s not the one Not World War three. Are they trying to bring World War three right now? Yes 100 % hands down. That’s what they are trying to do. It’s not the timing yet It’s not the right time. It won’t happen yet. Is everything look like it’s leading to that? Yes But if you read in the scriptures there has things that have to come to pass before that happens and That is not the time yet so again In these prophetic words, I’m gonna read this one. So we already read the first paragraph So God says that no man has ever seen no like this before. Yes. I’m about to do a new thing for you Oh United States then he goes on to speak and he says a Justice so great This is all in bold a shift so explosive a return So surprising who in this thing that he’s going to do a new thing something that we have never seen not like this. He’s talking about in this country right now, the United States. A justice so great, we’ve never seen. A shift so explosive, we’ve never seen. A return so surprising, we’ve never seen. He’s emphasizing these things. And so, a justice so great. I want to read, that brings me to Psalms 75. Psalm 75 and verse 7. But God, you know I love those two words when it comes to anything that enemy’s doing, it’s but God. But God is the judge. He puts down one and lifts up another. You also know that God said part of his throne is righteousness and justice. So and then he says, of course, vengeance is his. So we’re gonna see a justice so great, a shift so explosive, and a return so surprising. Write those three things down. A justice so great, a shift so explosive, a return so surprising. There’s more into that and I know I have to pray more into this. Because even though it’s just a few words, these few words are extremely important for what we’re seeing right now. Then it goes on to say, so a return so surprising, how it will all take place the world will stand still and a great celebration will take place. So I just read you in 1st Corinthians 2 9 no eyes ever seen no ears ever heard what God’s about to do and then you have Habakkuk that we wouldn’t even believe it unless it was told to us but how astounding how amazing this is going to be but a great celebration so the world’s going to stand Still he said and a great celebration will take place because it’s going to get darker. I told you that I told you that I’m warning You about that because that’s what guys been warning about. It’s gonna look like it’s crazier It’s good. And I know people don’t want to hear that. I did not want to hear that But it is for a short time. He said was gonna be short. He did not say this was gonna be a long duration Something that we should be like preparing for for years or a long extended like months and months on end he said he’s short time. How short is that? I don’t know. He didn’t say. But when he’s talked about a great silence, he’s talked about blackouts, he’s talked about a great separation, he’s talked about all these different things that don’t look great or don’t sound great. But this is to bring the enemies down fully. So when you’re at that time of a shaking, you’re at a time where things are going to be that shift. Look what happened in Egypt. Look all the crazy, crazy, crazy things that happened before the takedown of Pharaoh. There was miraculous thing after another. There was judgment after another. There was crazy things that happened. Those plagues were crazy. Then you had what obviously was God was standing in between the enemies and, and his children Right before the Red Sea. So he they they saw them holding the enemy back Then they also saw him at the same time. He was holding the enemy back at the same time. He’s part of the Red Sea this is God and Why God’s people don’t believe he’s still the same God today don’t believe that he can do anything Remotely close to this as beyond me. I don’t know That’s why I go back and I read these things and I study these things is because I am Expecting God to do these things because that’s what he said he’s gonna do. That’s who he is You should be expecting him to do something that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard that before Something that’s so astounding We wouldn’t believe it if it was told to us about what he’s gonna do again. That is scriptural I’m not saying these things. He is saying these things. He has said them in his word I am just giving you what he said not only the prophetic but word But I’m also giving you what he said in the Bible what he said in the scriptures now Then he says This is the time The warnings are to cease because you are in the time that I have been warning you of This is the time of a great war. It will look like to some. Now we didn’t say it is a great war. He said, it will look like to some. They’re trying to start wars all over the place. God has been warning this for about two years now about warnings of all these wars. They were trying to start wars. And what were these wars about? the wars were for distraction for sure but the wars were also to destroy things that they had in certain countries to get the evidence out or to destroy the evidence altogether there is many many things that are going on in these wars right now because they’re not just in one place and we know that there’s a Reason for them, but God and you keep praying for Israel every single day. That’s what we’re supposed to praise for the peace of Jerusalem that’s what says in God’s Word and So we’ve been praying and us all here at JG my we stand for Israel and we pray for the peace of Jerusalem We pray for the peace of Israel God said this war that they are going through right now is a very short-lived. It will not last that long And we’re gonna keep praying that and we’re gonna keep standing that but the enemies will not get what they want from Israel because another thing that guys spoke about in that prophetic word that he that had come to pass with Israel and what happened with Hamas and what happened with the rockets what happened you’re gonna find out way more things that are going on in Israel that is connected to this country and God will reveal it all so he said this is a time of a great War it will look like to some a time of confusion because that’s exactly the enemies are trying to bring a time of chaos in Certain places he didn’t say the chaos was everywhere. He said the chaos was in certain places Then so a time you have a great confusion you have chaos in certain places at the same time. He says a great Awakening a time for a great awakening So you have destruction and chaos over here and then you have God’s glory and awakening and revival over here So you’re gonna have darkness and you’re gonna have God’s light that’s gonna shine that’s gonna destroy the power of darkness then he says a time of people running toward me and some running away a great removal is about to be seen a removal of people Yes, but a removal of blinders removal of chains, removal of bondages, removal of their narratives, a removal of their control, a removal of their governments, a removal of their rules, a removal of their lies and their deception, a removal of their news, a removal of their education system, a removal of their influence, a removal of their churches and their religion and their weaknesses they brought to my body. That’s a lot right there. So he’s destroying, he’s bringing down the power of the enemy. But did you get that in that paragraph? He’s also not only removing people, removing the governments, removing the influence of the news, removing the education for what’s destroying this younger generation, but he says, I’m removing the chains and bondages. So God is freeing us from all the influence, from all the power, from all the destruction that the enemy has done. So he’s destroying their power over here and he’s also restoring us back and restoring to us all the damage that they have caused and he is healing. He’s bringing restoration. So he’s bringing removals at the same time he’s bringing restoration. You can see the same thing that happened in the book of Exodus. The plagues, He was removing the power of Pharaoh over his people and at the same time the angel of death While the angel of death was killing the firstborn That same night he was restoring and there was no feeble among any of his people That means they were completely restored back to health and every aspect and of course then he restored the fortunes He restored all the money to him before they left So, on one side, you’re going to see justice and judgment. On the other side, you’re going to see revival, restoration, and you’re going to see a rebirth or a renewing or a refreshing. You’re going to see the exact opposite of what God’s doing to His people and for His people. He’s bringing destruction to the enemy and is renewing and bringing his people where they should have been all along Up in power because God said this world He said he’s given the earth to the children of men you can find that in Psalms 115 verse 16 All right. Now I’m gonna go on Then he says I’m doing a cleansing a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling upon this earth It’s my plan my nation’s and my children that will succeed that will thrive Not your enemies say it the Lord So that is the part that we need to get down and we need to understand that our enemies are not Going to succeed They’re not going to keep going the way they’re going. They’re not going to thrive Against us anymore. God’s saying nope. It’s my plan it’s my nation’s and my children that will succeed and That’s why he’s talking about great celebration now. I thought this is interesting Because I didn’t know if this was that first one or two words, but he said windmiller But how he said it to me when I was in prayer. It sounded like it was one word windmiller Windmiller I’m pretty sure I thought that’s the way you spell it But it’s windmiller one word and it says this name will be in your news for a surprising reason And then this was a very interesting paragraph a very old Secret now, that’s interesting because he doesn’t just say a secret. He says a very old secret a secret hidden by your government Oh United States is coming on Who sold you out? and who’s controlling you now. So this is a very old secret that’s been hidden by our government of the United States of America and he says and who’s sold you out and who’s controlling you now. This very old secret is going to be revealed. Then he says that has caused a great captivity in the land of my eagle but This will be no more because I am setting you free from the, the, uh, from the captivity, from their captivity. Oh, sorry. I skipped this. I’m sorry. I skipped a sentence. So I’ll read it again. A very old secret, a secret hidden by your government or United States is coming on who sold you out and who’s controlling you now. This is in bold. Great truth is coming to destroy the corporation that holds you. Many of you know that we have turned in this country into a corporation. That was not supposed to happen. Dig into this more. I don’t have time to get into it. Great truth is coming to destroy the corporation that holds you. That has caused a great captivity in the land of my eagle. This will be no more because I’m I’m setting you free from their captivity. What will be no more? The corporation that has held this nation, that has brought this nation into a great captivity, that corporation will be no more. That is what God is saying in that paragraph. So again, I don’t have time to explain all that. You have to do digging. You have to start studying this. You have to start figuring out what they have done. They have done many, many, many, many, many things against us. again when they brought in this corporation this corporation has was the whole sole purpose was not a good thing was destroy our country that is what he’s saying counterterrorism this will be in your news for a shocking reason not exactly know what this is gonna be but he says counterterrorism this will be in your news for a shocking reason then this is also involved the Biden is about to let something slip that will shock this nation. The Biden is about to let something slip that will shock this nation. Start to pay attention more and more to his words before they try to hide what he says. That will utterly destroy the so-called administration. Now we know in times past guys talked about what is going on with Biden and why he calls him the Biden because it’s a very specific reason and also that his he’s becoming more and more incompetent and he’s becoming more and more incoherent again God said that even news was gonna talk about this and that’s exactly what they’re talking about now and that he prophesied almost two years ago so we’re starting to see it but it’s his words pay attention to what he’s saying because what God said is that the Enemy’s tongue Was going to be their worst enemy Because as they try to lie They’re actually going to say the truth so again When the enemy tries to lie They’re gonna accidentally say the truth. That’s why God is saying right now to pay attention to the Biden and what he’s about to say Because he’s starting to start giving something more and more away that he didn’t mean to say that’s gonna destroy the so-called administration. That’s what the Lord said. Then he said, the changing of the guard, this will be in your news and not for what you would think. And then he mentions, that’s not the first time he’s talked about changing of the guard before. He’s mentioned that before. I don’t know how many times, I can’t remember. And then he talks about the London Bridge. This is probably the second or third time I think he’s mentioned the London Bridge. So something is about to take place in London Bridge, so watch it. He said, the London Bridge, watch it. Something is about to take place there. So it’s something that you’re gonna know when it happens, the London Bridge. Then he said, the fall of Iran is about to be seen. Explosive exposure is about to be released on the Biden and Obama and how they were deeply rooted. Now he had me put that in bold, deeply rooted and embedded with this country. He had me put those words in bold. And then he says follow the money trail He also told me to put that in bold so how Biden and Obama are deeply rooted and embedded in Iran and Then he says follow the money So if you follow the money, you’re gonna find out how deeply rooted and embedded Oh Biden. Sorry. It will it is Oh Biden Obama and Biden are deeply rooted in Iran and he says follow the money. But it is, yeah, it is, it is all Biden really. So it says follow the money trail, see how your money, oh United States, has been used against you in many nations. And that’s where something else is gonna come in. So our money in this country, Every American citizen should be very very very very angry on How our tax money our tax dollars have been used against us in foreign nations To destroy us and we’re gonna find it out because God’s gonna reveal it and then he says a war Had been started for a great distraction from what is about to come out against the Biden You know all were with him that’s not only the war with Russia and Ukraine which there’s a lot in Ukraine we’re gonna find out a lot in Ukraine there’s a lot of money you’re gonna find out that was bribery money that was used to hide things blackmail whatever there was a lot of payoffs to Ukraine there’s a lot of things hidden in that country from what the deep state has done and what they were hiding there. And so a lot of money has been siphoned and we’re going to find out what is really there and why. So then that was a war to distract was also what’s going on with Israel is another one that is going to be more exposed on why that one was started. But again, God protects Israel and he never sleeps in our slumbers. That’s crucial. Then he says He had me put this in bold as well. Great surprises are ahead Yes, great surprises on how great the fall Will be for many in your government now. He’s talking about the government of the United States of America again so again many will fall. A great fall will be for many in your government. How great the fall will be for many in your government. Then, something that when I heard this prophetic word, I knew what he was talking about because he was giving me insight with it. Watch the House of Representatives. Things are not how they seem. I’m about to unravel all that has been decided and all that has been done against this nation. So a House of Representatives basically controls the money in this country. The wallet, I guess you’d say, of this country. And what he’s saying here is, I’m about to unravel all that has been decided, all that has been done against this nation. They have, in their things that they’ve passed, the budgets and whatnot, there’s been a lot of money paid to other countries and paid to politicians and paid to keep secrets and paid to destroy. There’s many things that are hidden in the walls of our Congress that will not be hidden anymore. So God says, watch the House of Representatives. Things are not how they seem and I’m about to unravel all that’s been decided and all that’s been done against this nation. So as many things that have already been decided, they’ve Already been passed and laws and things like that and God says no He’s going to unravel That means that things that the government has already done against us Well laws that already been pushed and already been passed He said nope. I’m gonna unravel that God is the one remember. He’s the judge over all the earth He takes down one knee brings up another And as a matter what laws they passed because God is the ultimate judge Then so then it goes on to the last paragraph and he says seeing all my children sing Celebrations are drawing near I am moving. I’m defending and I’m delivering you fully from the hands of the wicked say it the Lord You’re Redeemer. So when he’s talking about all this destruction of the enemy, he’s talking about these deep dark secrets So again, I want to go back over that one because that one still intrigues me and I have to I had to pray over This one more it really just goes back to something is going on With a very old secret a secret hidden by your government Oh United States is coming on who sold you out and who’s controlling you now Great truth is coming to destroy the corporation that holds you That has a great or cause a great captivity in the land of my eagle This will not be no more because I am setting you free from their captivity Very old secrets. Remember what God has also said is he said these were the days of the whistleblowers There’s been many whistleblowers already Um, but there’s going to be more whistleblowers and, um, and in this time where the more whistleblowers come forward, please pray for whistleblowers, their protection, their boldness, their, um, that they won’t back off, that they won’t quit, uh, from coming forward because you know, when they come forward, the deep state and anybody that they’re coming out and saying the truth about, they’re threatening them. They’re threatening their life, and they’re threatening the lives of their family. These posts, they are trying to come forward to reveal the truth about what our government has done against us. So this is how we’re gonna pray today, because obviously we always pray before I stop. We have to pray for all these old secrets, or any secret, but this very old And that God is saying that’s going to destroy this corporation This is something that’s very very important that he’s bringing up to me again That we have to pray about right now We got to pray that this very old secret that has kept this this organization or kept this Incorporation in this country. It has to be destroyed and So that’s how we were gonna pray about this country. And again, it’s not only we’re praying for the this country We’re praying for the freedom of this country because God wants the freedom of the nations He wants each and every one of us freed from that captivity of these globalists and these one-world elitists God doesn’t want us under their control or under their captivity any longer. This is a time of great deliverance It’s a time of a great again great separation Because there’s a time where people are going to be confused about what they’re about to see They’re gonna be confused about what is going on and I’m telling you this over and over and over again, because when you see something that you don’t understand, or when you see something that looks worse and not better, you have to understand that God has already told you that this was going to happen. But what’s on the other side of that discouragement, what’s on the other side of that confusion or darkness is great victory. There is great victory in this nation. There’s gonna be great victory around the nations of the world. He said in the first paragraph, I go back over because he said something, a justice so great, a shift so explosive, a return so surprising. You know who that’s return is about. Not only is it about our rightful President, but that return is our country. Return to the power that it’s supposed to have. Return to the blessing that was supposed to have. Return of the eagle, of the the United States of America on how God had always ordained this and assigned this nation to become. It’s going to return to what it was supposed to be. I’m gonna read that. Okay, he wants me to read this scripture. Hold on. Because again, this is also scriptural. So a return so surprising and how it takes place that the world will stand still. Jeremiah 33, Jeremiah 33 in verse 11. I think I’m going to read this one first. There’s a couple I’ll read in Jeremiah. I was going to end it, but there’s something he wanted. I have to give out. All right. Jeremiah Isaiah 33 11 There shall be heard again The voice of the joy the voice of the gladness and the voice of the bridegroom the voice of the bride the voice of those who sing Remember God just talked about us about singing but seeing as that brings sacrifice of Thanksgiving to the house of the Lord Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts. The Lord is good and for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever for I will cause that captivity of the land to be reversed and Return to be as it was in the first. So when he says a return so surprising Not only is how he’s going to return the rightful President or God’s David Which is President Trump, which we all know But returning the land to who it belongs to returning the freedom, reversing and destroying that captivity. I’ll read it again. For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was in the first. This is what God’s talking about. A justice so great, a ship so explosive, a return so surprising. It will make the world stand still. He’s Giving me another scripture. Okay. Jeremiah 32 in verse 17. Alas, Lord God, behold, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard or too wonderful for you. Remember, there is nothing too hard for God. God can return and reach and destroy the captivity and return the freedoms and return this nation to the nation that he has always intended it not the one you’ve seen lately not the one that the enemies have tried to literally make it out to be they have tried to kill the soul of this nation for a very long time God says I’m returning it what returning life to this great nation God is returning it because God is life Satan doesn’t have a choice he is death but God’s life here’s another one somebody needs to hear this and that’s the reason why he’s doing it cuz like I said I was gonna stop Jeremiah 29 11 Jeremiah 29 11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you says the Lord Thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil to give you hope In your final outcome God wants to give us hope in our final outcome That’s what he’s bringing a justice. So great a shift so explosive it returned so surprising one more This is in Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, chapter 7, 2 Chronicles, chapter 7. If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek and crave and require necessity in my face and return from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and what? Heal their land. God is going to heal this land. He’s going to heal the land of the nations around the world. So many we’ve seen the destruction of our lands and of our nations, of our freedoms. We’ve seen a destruction of justice. We’ve seen our countries be torn apart from unruly governments, but there’s nothing too big for God and Remember, I want to read the scripture one more time okay, I keep wanting to stop and He wants to ensure his people something he’s about to do something Habakkuk 1 5 again Look among the nations and watch be utterly astounded for I will work a work in your day, which you would not believe Though we’re told to you. I don’t even know the scripture I’ve never read the scripture until like the last weeks all of a sudden I heard the scripture over and over and over again, and I reading it and reading it and reading it why? He wants you to know That he’s going to do something Which you would not for a work. I will work in your days, which you would not believe though what we’re told to you He’s gonna do something so mighty and so great. Even if it was told you would not believe it That’s God and that’s the time that we’re living in right now Go read Haggai chapter 2 verse 6 through 9 He talks about the shaking of the nation that the desire of all nations shall come in And then he talks about the gold and silver and that are his so We are a part of something and we’re gonna see something that no man has ever seen and no I know I has ever heard no ears. I’m sorry. No eyes ever seen no ears ever heard what God’s about to do. So we are going to pray right now for the destruction of our enemy’s plans, for these very old secrets that have held this country in a corporation, for those things to be destroyed, to return this land to where it should have been all along, and to heal the nations. So Father God, right now in the name of Jesus, We thank you, Father God, first and foremost, for these revelations from heaven. Your words, Father God, these timely words that we have to hear for this very day, in this very hour. We thank you, Father God, that you are bringing wide open these deep, very old secrets of this nation, Father God, That has held it in a corporation that never should have been We thank you Father God that you are bringing down the walls of that corporation You are bringing down the walls of this captivity. You are destroying the enemy’s plans You are destroying what they have done to this nation Father God and we thank you that we have been seeking you We have been praying you and you’re returning the land as it was in the first We thank and praise you Father God right now for the strength for your people For right now, the times that we are living in, that you are giving them great joy in the midst of such sorrow, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. That you are giving them these revelations, Father God. You are showing them who you are and what they can expect from you. They can expect deliverance. They can expect health and healing of the lands and our bodies. They can expect you removing the people that we see before us and who we see before us now We will see no more and we thank and praise you Father God that no evil wicked plots plans scheme of the enemy We tear down every terrorist cell we tear down every terrorist plot We tear down every plan that they have against this nation and we render it help us against us in the name of Jesus Father God, I know that we can’t stop fully everything, but we can stop the power of the enemy that they will not succeed in what they want to succeed with. We thank you in this time right now that you are awakening the body of Christ, that you are awakening this great nation. And I thank you, Father God, that you are bringing life into this nation. You are bringing strength back into this nation. And I thank you, Father God, this nation will soar once again. That you are bringing it back to the superpower status Because this nation is supposed to be blessed to be a blessing. To disperse those blessings upon the nations of the world. This nation is a light and a beacon to all the nations around the world. And we thank you, Father God, that the assignment of this nation will be fulfilled and the enemies against it will be destroyed. And we thank you, Father God, for the protection of all your people. I plead the blood of Jesus over each and every one of them. That a thousand may fall one side and ten thousand at another, but it will not come near them. We thank you, Father God, in this time that we are living in right now, that we are protected, that we are perfected, and we are strengthened in your name and with you. And we thank you, Father God, for it in Jesus’ name, amen and amen. We are living in a time of great removals. We’re living in a time of great surprises. We’re living in a time where the enemies will try to bring great confusion and great fear. But what you and I have to do is stay focused on the Lord. Stay focused on what He was saying. Don’t listen to these words just one time. And even if we do put words that we had to put up that were put up months ago, there’s a reason why we’re putting them up. These prophetic words need to get back out in the open, need to be spoken, need to be said. Don’t just say, well, I’ve heard that before, I watched it before, it’s not important. Yes, it is. God’s words are being spoken right now. It’s important to go back over these prophetic words, speak them. Go back in the marching orders, read them. Declare and decree the declarations and decrees that God has been giving us. This is how we war. This is how we fight the enemy and win. Do you guys miss it? I was on the stage in Miami, Florida. The Lord had given me what we were supposed to do in the midst of war. We are in war. What do we do? We worship and restrict. So we worship our Heavenly Father and restrict the power of the enemy. That’s That’s what we’re doing by praying. Another thing what happens in war is the wicked are restricted. So again, W-A-R. What do we do in the midst of war that we’re in right now? Worship and restrain or worship and restrict. Hold on. I Gotta find it cuz I want to say that the wrong are Because the Lord gave this revelation to me. Okay. Sorry, it’s worship and resist war worship and Resist that’s what we’re supposed to do in the midst of war worship and resist and then war wicked are restricted The wicked are restricted. That means they can’t get everything they want. Okay, this is what we supposed to do and how we resist remember James 4 7 resists a devil and he must flee and also read Matthew 18 18 through 20 about binding and loosing we have power and authority in Dominion Luke 10 and 19 I can’t teach it all today I have a meeting here in a few minutes so I can’t go over that the authority of the believer but I have taught about this over and over and over Again, you have to know who you are in the body of Christ right now and the importance of that name of Jesus that name above every name We are at war we have been we didn’t even know it But God did not leave you without something to do about it So go back over listen to this prophetic word again. Listen to the scriptures write them down study them out go pray and Get in the presence of God Don’t take my word for it. That’s why I give you scriptures every day And that’s why I tell you to go pray with God and not just take and what Julie said. No, it’s not Julie. I Am nothing nothing without him He’s the one who gives me these revelations and he’s the one who gives me the scriptures to give to you. I Can’t do it by myself And I will never take credit for something that God does It’s him his revelation his love for you his words So I hope to encourage you today. I’ll be back on again tomorrow morning at 6 30 a.m I will be pre recording for Friday and Monday of next week So because I’m going to Kentucky so I want to let you guys know that I’ll be out of the office again, but I promise you I will be pre recording for you So you will have the prophetic words teachings prayer or whatever God has for me to do for you while I’m gone, so I want to say, I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Fall of Iran could be the backfire of the Hamas attack on Israel

Iran could be decapitated of its govt by the Israeli airforce. Lose its fleet of oil carrying ships. Oil prices skyrocketing. Iran doubled its population solely to provide cannon fodder to fight the US. It backfired when young people being rebellious refused to take up Islam so now Iran is NOT a majority muslim country. And the youth are resentful toward the control freak old Mullahs and actually want a color revolution to dump them. So Iran is poised to fall.

Obama and Biden supplied 142 Billion in crated cash to Iran arming these enemies to destroy America and Israel.

Wonderful time to be alive. Supremely magical things are coming. to show that many of our common sense beliefs and understandings only seem real when magic is not present and magic was with held for millennia. But now magic makes a huge comeback. making a laughing stock of logic. Oh those poor masters of logic the Atheists. Howls of Derisive laughter.

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