Searchable transcript for the Serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today’s actually October 4th of 2023. You will see this on Wednesday, October 11th. And the reason for that is because I’ll be traveling to Miami, Florida, for the Reawakened America tour that I’m so looking forward to seeing, uh, more people and what is going to happen down in Florida. Once again, and we’ve been at Trump Doral before in May, and I’m looking forward to seeing everybody. So if you want more information regarding this event, you can go to our website at under our events page, or you can click on the description box below. I do have it right there for you. Now I’ll be back again live in this office on Tuesday, October 17th. But until then, I’ll be pre-recording and giving the words and or teachings or whatever the Lord has for me to do. I’ll be doing it for you until I return. Also, of course, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. We’ve had so many praise reports. I just love seeing what God is doing It is the miracles that are happening God is still a God of miracles and I say this so much because I want you to believe that in your heart You can still receive your miracle because God is still Pouring them out and he always will because he is the God of miracles and he doesn’t change. So I want to share this prophetic word with you I received it on our prayer call so I will be sharing my screen so once I’m done sharing my screen they’ll be back with you in a few minutes and I’ll go over the scriptures that Lord has with this prophetic word so I will share my screen and I will be back with you momentarily
Enemies of Almighty God, back up.
I said back up and back off. What you wanted to do to my nation, and what you want to do to my David, I said back up. Back off now. You will not do what you want to do. You will not get away with what you want to get away with. Oh, no, you won’t. I have heard the cries of my people, and I am delivering them from your hands. I have heard the cry of pain and agony. I have heard the cry of bondage. I have heard the cry of pain. I have heard the cry of this debt that you’ve had them in. I have heard the cry of the fear and anguish in their minds. I have heard my people. Back up now. I am their defender. I am their protector. I will not allow you, in what you are about to do, as an ultimate attack upon this nation, your kill shot. Yes, a kill shot. That was your plan. Kill, kill, kill. These are my people. And this is my nation, and you will not have the death of my United States. You will not have the death of my David. You will not have the death of my church. You will not have such death. I am life. And I’m pouring out my life, this nation, and I am pouring my life and my glory upon my son, who I am using to take this nation back. I am pouring life and my anointing on my body that will bring miracles, signs and wonders and refreshing and restorations that you thought would never happen, enemies of Almighty God. I even loved you and I gave you chance after chance after chance to repent and turn from your wicked ways, but you refused. So judgment is coming. A judgment the world has never seen. A judgment that will shake this world to its core. A judgment that I didn’t want to bring. You have left me no choice, but I will say again, you back off from my nation. You back off from my body. You back off from my David, back off. And if you choose to not back off, you will choose how harsh it will be. for you. And remember, this is not what I wanted, that you have given me no choice. This is your final warning. You will not have your way, and you will not have the day of the victory you so are looking for, but my children will. They will have their day. Some of you will see it. Some of you will not. You chose your path. You have made your decision, but just know it didn’t have to be that way, saith the Lord.
Julie Commentary
Okay, well, that one, um, that one has a lot in it. And so I am going to give one of the first scriptures, but one of the things that the Lord has, remember who he is. First of all, he is a defender. He is our avenger. He of vengeance. That’s why he said and a lot of people don’t agree with that, but it’s true I’m gonna read you one of the first scriptures that I have Well, I wasn’t gonna do this one this first verse of scriptures might have for you But I didn’t write this one down, but the Lord’s just bringing it up Hebrews 10 and it’s in verse 30 for we know him who said vengeance is mine Retribution and the meting out a full justice rest with me. I Lord. And again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people. God avenges. But one of the things that just struck me when I was hearing that word during our prayer call and again what hit me before I got back on here. The one of the things that he said now he was giving them warning and he was telling them to back off and I kept you like we were in I’m in all prayer and I kept hearing that word and I’m like, I the Lord has a word I gotta I have to say this but I thought it was strange at first because I’ve never really heard him say like back off Like that So the enemies are trying to do something right now They are and God’s telling them to back off back down quit what they’re doing But did you notice toward the end? He said he loved them because God is love. He doesn’t want judgment on them but he has to he’s given them chances to repent and they won’t he loves them it may be hard for obviously us when we see all the things that the enemies are doing I’m not gonna lie there’s a lot of people that I wanted to hate a lot this is what they’ve done to our freedoms in our nation and how they don’t care because they want to do it for money and power but And all the things are doing against God, but he loves them, but there’s a certain point Where there hasn’t judgment has to come Deliverance has to come for his people and judgment has to come to the enemy We’re crying for deliverance But you have to remember the heart of God the heart of God is For mankind the heart of God is for men to repent And turn from their wicked ways and come to him. So at the same time we’re getting deliverance. It’s the same time that people even though he loves judgment has to come and I know sometimes we get impatient because like Lord we needed this yesterday Because sometimes it doesn’t look like it comes when you know, we needed it, but God’s always on time And his time is always the best time But right now when we’re waiting and we’re standing and we’re we’re fighting this good fight of faith So many people’s faith is getting perfected in God i’ve seen the body of Christ now sometimes Sometimes it looks like a hot mess And it looks worse And then there’s other times where you just see the body of Christ uniting and getting stronger by the day We’re supposed to be together, not be separate. We’re supposed to be fighting this common enemy, our adversary. We’re supposed to be helping the world. There’s so many things going on that we don’t know about. And we’re worried about he said, she said stuff. Or, that person offended me. It’s really easy to get overwhelmed by feelings. Trust me, it’s not something that I don’t have to fight off. I am so far from perfect. No one’s perfect But it says it’s that it’s that where’s our heart? It’s our heart for God. It’s our heart for ourself And in this time that we’re living in right now, did you hear? Said I heard the cries of pain He heard the cries of bondage. He heard the cries of the anguish in people’s minds So he’s seeing these oppressors. He’s seeing what they’re doing to his people, and no matter if he loves them, he loves the sinner, hates the sin. He has to judge them for what they’ve done. They become evil. They’ve let evil just overwhelm their soul. I want to read something, but before I get to that other scripture, I want to read that Hebrews 10 30 again. A lot of people have to remember this. When you are fighting battles, remember, God said, vengeance is mine. If there are people against you, remember, you’re not wrestling with people. You’re wrestling with what’s behind them that’s driving them to do that. That’s Ephesians 6.12. We don’t wrestle with flesh and blood. But we have to all let God handle these things. We’re coming into a very, very pivotal time right now. I can feel it in my, I can just feel it in my soul. I can feel it in my spirit. Something big is about to happen. What that is, I don’t know. And don’t get into fear with whatever it is. But it was very forceful when he was telling them to back off. They are about to do something that was going to try to bring destruction to us. They will ultimately bring destruction to them. So it says again, Hebrews 10 in verse 30 for we know him who said vengeance is mine Retribution and the many out of full justice God’s heart is Justice and you see all this injustice that’s just all over the place. It’s insane How much injustice is in our country? I never thought I’ve had such a love for my country that was a little girl and to see what it’s turned into it’s I was trying to tell my boys I What a beautiful country that I thought we lived in for a long time, thought we stood for justice and liberty and freedom. That’s what the country was supposed to stand for until these people came, until we were infiltrated many years ago without us being aware of it. Why do you think all these things had to happen? Because we were not aware. And something had to awaken this nation. Something had to awaken the body of Christ out of sleep. Of just dealing with our own lives and not dealing with God and the things that he has for us to do upon this earth. We’re on assignment, remember? This is what he said. I’ve been reading it all week. No more playing church. No more playing games. No more living the way you want but it’s time to live like children of the Most High God on assignment. Soldiers in the army of the Lord that are deployed in this world to take it back. We are in a serious time. We have to get serious. So again, he says the full Justice rest with him. God is the God of justice and justice will be served. Believe you me God is faithful to perform his word He sees the injustice and justice will be served and God will do it So the many out of full justice rest with me. I will repay did you hear that? Remember God is a God of restoration. I Showed you last week about he was our Lord our Shepherd He provides He also is a God of restoration where he will retroactively restore What has been stolen? I will repay I will exact the compensation The Lord and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause in the cases of his people That’s what he’s doing right now We’re gonna see a lot of judgment. I mean if you think about all the judgment that happened in Egypt Just think about the worst sins and the worst even more evil now a greater scale and they’re not listening. They’re not backing off but he’s giving him that warning because he loves them. He’s in love with what they’re doing. That’s two different things. He loves them. The person who they should have been until they sold their soul. Now, Psalm 105, Psalm 105 and verse 24, that the Lord greatly increased his people and made them stronger than their oppressor. That’s what God is doing right now. He is making us stronger than our oppressors. We were once a church that was asleep. We were completely unaware of all this crap that was going on and all this evil they were committing with literally under our noses and we had no idea. We were progressive religion and Illegalism we were wimpy There was no boldness. There was no authority. There was no power. There was no miracles happened There was no signs and wonders happening. There was nothing to greatly distinguish us There was nothing that showed us we were the children of God. We were just like everybody else Except for we went to church on Sunday when everybody else slept in What do we have to show for it and some churches people literally walk in? They got their their their coffee and their food and they literally go in there and they have like social hour and they leave Where’s God? Where are people running to alters right now? It’s such a dark as darkness out the darkest hour and there’s horrible things going on. Where are people running? They’ve lost hope Church, we’re supposed to bring them hope We’re supposed to be that light in darkness we have to be that, but we’ve been dim with nothing really going on. And God is trying to give us all these revelations. He’s trying to tell us all these things so we know who we are. But again, it says right here, the Lord greatly increased his people and he made him stronger than their oppressors. But I want you to know something. He said that word, he heard the cries. He does. I want to read a Psalm 107. A lot of people don’t think that God hears their cries and you know he does and he’s willing to do something about it. So Psalm 107 and 1. Oh give thanks the Lord for he is good for his mercy and love and kindness endure forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. We’re supposed to say we are Redeemed we are set free Then it says let the redeemed the Lord say so whom he has delivered from the hand of the adversary God has delivered us from the hand of the adversary So even though may fit not feel like it even though may not seem like it Even though it looks like our backs in a corner and we were outnumbered. We’re out gun We’re out. We were just out out power outpowered everything Overpowered God is saying right now Hmm. I delivered you out of the hands of these people. I’ve delivered you out of the hands of the adversary. You may not know how exactly you’re going to see it, but that’s a promise of God. He’s never failed his people when they were in trouble. Did you hear that? God has never failed his people. He’s never failed to deliver them out of a mess. Even the ones that they created himself. It’s really hard even though sometimes like I’ve had to ask God for help even though I created the mess and it’s almost like he’s saying if you think you’re the first person who’s gotten in a mess out you have to get out of you know that’s like me if my kids got in a mess and it was their fault I love them I might correct them so I don’t get in that mess again but even if I did I still love and I’ll still get him out if I can, but I’ll teach him through it. If we’re that, if we’re that, you know, good to our kids, how much greater do you think our God is? So when people are thinking that God is just going to leave us, I’m just going, I don’t know what God you’re thinking of. Our God would not do that. He’s not leaving us in this disastrous mess. It wasn’t our fault that we were here because of people that were before we were even born did these things without us being aware. God is a good God. Now look what it says in Psalm 107 in verse 6. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them out of their distresses. Here’s there’s plenty of these scriptures I’m telling you. Verse 7. He led them forth by the straight and right way that they might go to a city where they could establish their homes. Oh that men would praise and confess the Lord that he is good and goodness and loving kindness and his wonderful works that shone on men. And then go down to verse 19. Let’s hear it again. Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble. Then they cry to the Lord in their trouble. He delivers them out of their distresses. Somebody needs to hear this today. That God delivers out of distresses and he hears you and he’s promising to deliver you. Here’s another one. Psalm 107 verse 28. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble and he delivers them out of their distresses Verse 29. He hushes a storm to calm and to gentle whisper. So the waves of the sea are still he will Call the storms in our life. A lot of us are in things where it’s like, how are we ever gonna get out of that? There’s door ranging or raging around us all the time. It’s like how does this how do we get peace or rest? But God is our peace and rest I also want to read Psalm 34. This is another example of him hearing the cries of his people. Then I’m gonna go back over this prophetic word because I have another live show to do here pretty soon. I mean, again, this is October 4th, so you would have already seen that by now. But Psalm 34, look what it says in verse 4. Psalm 34 verse 4 I sought inquire to the Lord and inquired of him of necessity of the authority of his word and he heard me God hears you and he delivered me from all my fears verse 7 the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him whoever’s revere and worship him with awe each of them he delivers he’s a deliverer it may look worse soon but he’s a deliverer verse 17 this is still Psalm 34 when the righteous cry for help the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their distresses and troubles verse 19 many evil confront that consistently righteous but the Lord delivers them out of them all this is just a few scriptures about him delivering the reason why I’m crying is because I could just feel the compassion of the Lord, because there’s some of his church that don’t believe that. When it gets dark here, and when it looks like it’s more chaotic, and it looks like things are getting worse, they’re going to get offended and turn from him, because they’re going to believe in what it looks like, and not what he said. And they will choose fear and not faith. That’s why I’m crying. God is so long suffering. He literally gives us chance after chance after chance of chance. Same thing with the people that are trying to, you know, do all this damage to the world. See how many times he gave Pharaoh a chance? He did the plagues to let Pharaoh know that God was God. He knew the heart of Pharaoh. He wasn’t going to change, but he wanted to give him a chance and Pharaoh didn’t. The same thing’s happening now. These people don’t care. They don’t care. They have literally sold their soul to the devil. They are so evil and they won’t turn. This prophetic word he’s given us, I’m gonna go back and read this again. Let me get into it here. It says, enemies of Almighty God back up. I said back up and back off. What you wanted to do to my nation and what you wanted to do to my David.” Now this is what they’re doing right now. They’re trying to destroy our nation and they’re trying to destroy his David, which is President Trump. But again, remember he’s the one who stands between us and them. Before I go back and read that, I want to read Deuteronomy again. There’s many scriptures that talk about this, but this is what I’m gonna get out right now. Deuteronomy 28 verse 7, the Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways no matter how many times they come up against us in one way God will make them scatter before us in seven they will not get what they want so again he says no matter what you wanted with my nation and what you wanted with my David I said back up they’re about to do something right now. He says, back up. Back off. You will not do what you wanted to do. You will not get away with what you wanted to get away with. Oh no, you won’t. I’ve heard the cries. You see that? People need it right now. I just feel my spirit. I need to hear that God hears them. I’ve heard the cries of my people and I am delivering them from your hands. I heard the cry of pain and agony. I have heard the cry of bondage. I’ve heard the cry of pain. I’ve heard the cry of the debt And you’ve had them in and I’ve heard the cry of fear and anguish in their minds. I have heard my people back up Now I am their defender. I am their protector remember And Psalm 23 that I gave to you. I think it was last week for you now He gave us that awesome if you do not go watch it go watch it about the Lord. It’s our shepherd Teaching and One of the things is he’s our protector so, you know like if you have a shepherd and they have their flock and the predators come like the wolves or whatever type of Animal comes a shepherd. That’s one reason why they have that rod is they’re gonna defend the their sheep from the predator God does that and that’s what he’s doing he’s our protector I will not allow you and what you are about to do as an ultimate attack on this nation your kill shot I don’t know exactly what this is he didn’t give it to me but with that kill shot I just feel like they just this is their last-ditch effort to kill a soul of a nation they won’t get it you have to realize that they’re not gonna get it because they’re not ever gonna defeat God. But where where are we standing right now? Are we gonna stand with God? Are we gonna fight that good fight of faith? Are we gonna believe and trust in Him no matter what we were about to see? He says, yes, a kill shot. That was your plan. Kill. Kill. Kill. There’s a, before I go back to this prophetic word again, there was a prophetic word there’s more than one and he talks about the angel of death there is gonna be a lot of death and it’s gonna be the enemies of Almighty God and that’s something that it’s not easy to give these words about people dying you don’t want people to die no matter how much you don’t like them and the reason why that’s happening is because they have caused so much killing they’ve caused so much death and eventually see time harvest you will reap what you own. This is harvest time, even for farmers. I live in Iowa. Right now, the farmers, even this early in the morning, it probably got up before I did, when they were up in their fields, harvesting in their combines, bringing in the harvest. It’s harvest season. He said, these people, these are my people. This is my nation. You will not have the death of my United States. You will not have the death of my David. Remember last week they he got really stern because there was they were planning on an assassination attempt on President Trump and he was warning him you will not touch my David and he keeps saying that they will not have what they want. He says you will not have the death of my church. You will not have such death. I’m pouring out my life in this nation. I’m pouring my life and my glory upon my son, who I’m using to take this nation back. I’m pouring life and my anointing on my body that will bring miracles, signs, and wonders, and a refreshing and restoration that you thought you would never happen. Enemies of Almighty God, I even loved you. I gave you chance after chance to repent in turn, were out from your wicked ways, but you refused. So judgment is coming and judgment the world has never seen. A judgment that will shake this world to its core. A judgment that I didn’t want to bring. You have left me no choice, but I will say again, you back off from my nation. You back off from my body. You back off from my David. Back off. If you choose not to back off, you will choose how harsh it will be for you. And remember, this is not what I wanted, that you have been giving me no choice. This is your final warning. You will not have your way and you will not have that day, the victory you are so looking for. Well, my children will. They will have their day. Some of you will see it. Some of you will not. You chose your path. You made your decision. But just now, it didn’t have to be that way. Just know they didn’t have to be that way Say it the Lord Again, it’s not it’s not easy Yeah, I want deliverance and I want this country back and I want our freedoms back and I want these little children to come home To be saved from the clutches of this disgusting evil education system the kids have been taken and in these pedophile rings and sex trafficking, all these things that God is going to restore. Where is that outrage in this dating in a lot of the body of Christ? Yeah, there’s times where I’m like, these people don’t deserve to live. Not from what they’ve done. That’s not the heart of God. He wishes that no man perish. So I want you guys to join with me in praying. Praying over the body of Christ and who are not awake. You may have some people in your family or friends or even your spouse or whoever or may not be awake, your kids, you know, co-workers, whatever. No, I just, there’s something. I don’t know. I don’t know what exactly what it is, but you know, we know about a blackout coming. We know about great silence. We know about these things. He’s been talking about it. He’s been warning. He wants what great separation. He wants all of us to be on the right side. So we need to pray that people are on the right side. And we’re gonna pray for our rightful President that he is protected by the angel armies and God’s protection because he’s got guardian angels around him We need to pray for the protection of this country and whatever country you are in you pray for your country You pray for the freedom in your country. You pray for awakening in your country. You pray for the Revival in your country. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name Father God, we thank you for these prophetic words that you’re giving, these words of encouragement, these words of revelation, these words that are waking people up. These words are giving people faith, the words that are giving people strength, the words that are waking them up to see who they really are, how much power and authority that they really have, but most of all, how much you love each and every one of them. Father God, there are so many people that are crying out to you right now because they They have loved ones, they have family members that are not awake. But right now, Father God, we are calling them all in to the body of Christ. We are calling them all in. We command their blinders to be removed and their hearts to be softened right now in Jesus’ name. And Heavenly Father, we thank you for their protection no matter what’s about to take place around this world. I thank you, Father God, that you are in control. I thank you, Father God, that you will always have your way. I thank you Father God that the enemies of Almighty God will back off and they will back up and they will not have their Way, and I thank you heavenly Father. We can stand and say no weapon formed against us shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus No weapon formed against us shall prosper. No weapon formed against this nation shall prosper No weapon formed against our rightful President your David Donald Trump will prosper No weapon formed against the nation’s and all your people around the world will prosper Father God, I thank you. You said your resistance is growing. So how that resistance That put more people are starting to push back and realize who they are And they don’t have to put up with all this junk that the enemy is throwing out at us Father God We take back our freedoms. We take back what’s rightfully ours And we thank you that you have heard So many of our cries Father God and you are delivering us out of it all So right now I thank you Father God for revival and I thank you no matter what darkness has come Your light is shining brighter on each and every one of them inside of them Your glory is filling them up. You’re restoring their souls. You’re restoring their health. You’re restoring their family You’re restoring their finances retroactive restoration And I thank you Father God for all what you’re doing around the world right now We thank you Father God with all this judgment comes Those who will repent Father God We pray that they repent and they turn from the wicked way and if they don’t Father God, I pray that their family at least will they won’t all have to be under judgment For something that their family committed and their family did So Father God as of right now when all this judgment is coming I thank you just like the land of Goshen you have protected us you have saved us From all that was is going on in the world because we are in this world and we are not of it And we thank you that we are being completely delivered in Jesus name Amen, and amen and again, we serve a good God. And the compassion of the Lord is obviously, as you can see, because I’m just such a crybaby a lot of the times under such anointing when he has me like this, but my heart is for people. And I, you know, I’ve seen so many people in the body of Christ and so many people are turning to God and I just, I love seeing that. Some are turning away But don’t ever give up if that’s one of your family members you keep calling them home You keep calling them awake Don’t keep saying they’re asleep. Don’t see keep saying what they what it looks like You say what you want you get got on the scene when you speak his words remember You call in their full deliverance You call it and keep saying they’re gonna come home. They’re coming home. They’re coming home. God is faithful So I hope it’s encouraged each and every one of you today. Remember God is in control and God always wins and you are on his side. Remember the greater one is on the inside of you and he that’s in the world. Well I hope this encouraged you today. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this everyone you know. Who needs the unencouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.