Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is actually still Thursday, October 19th of 2023. You will see this on Monday, October 23rd. And actually I was going to go out of town and now I actually had to go and spend time with the Lord by myself. He actually had me switch this up, switch all my plans up and spend some time along with him in seclusion to start praying into what we are going through right now. Uh, so, um, you will not see me live tomorrow morning. You will see another pre-recorded video. I will more likely be back on Wednesday, but if I’m not, I’ll make sure that there is a video there for you so you can watch it. Also, um, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page, or you can rise at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. Now, I have a prophetic word I actually was going to try to share with you and for some reason, um, me sharing the screen with you and the volume is not working. I don’t know why. Um, and I’m not one of those people who can try to figure this out. So I’m going to read this prophetic word. This was another one that I heard on October 10th, uh, of 2023. I’ve tried to given this one out a couple different times and the Lord had changed it. Um, it’s called A SHATTERING OF YOUR ENEMIES NARRATIVE Again, I heard this prophetic word on October 10th. Oh, before I get to that, if you do want any more merchandise now, by the time you watch it, I don’t know if we’ll have cups in my van. Um, but just in case, go check the website at threesunstreads.com and there is new hoodies, there’s beanies, there’s new shirts. Um, and again, and we’re waiting for the cups to come in. So again, that’s threesunstreads.com if you want any a Julie Green Ministries merchandise. Okay. I didn’t want to forget that. And that link will also be in the description box for you.
For I the Lord this day, I say, prepare. Prepare the way. Prepare the way, I say. Prepare this day. Prepare your hearts. Prepare your homes. Prepare for what is coming. I told you great judgment is coming. Yes, a judgment that you have never seen. Judgment because of what the evil has done. The evil rulers, the evil ones all over the world, who try to kill and steal and destroy on a daily basis. The ones who are trying to destroy my nations. The ones who are trying to bring my church into a wimpy state. The ones who have blinded the eyes of so many. The ones who have deceived and lied and led people astray. Yes, these ones, these leaders I’m talking about. My children, something big is coming. I’ve told you, I’ve warned you. I’ve said over and over again to live by faith and not by sight. I told you to stand. Therefore, I’ve told you to get into my word. I’ve told you to pray. I’ve told you to stay I told you to get with me Fellowship with me because you will need to know from me What to do I’m giving instructions for these next things that are about to happen Strict instructions
Number one Not to fear
Number two get before me
Number three speak my words
Number four, declare your victory.
I’m not asking you to do harsh or hard things. Things that are just too impossible for you to accomplish. They’re simple, they’re easy. And remember who gives you strength. Remember who gives you peace. Remember who gives you rest. I’m taking care of the ones against you. Yes, I’m taking care of the ones against you. Some that you see today, you will see no longer. I have said these words before and I’m saying them again. Be at rest, be at peace, because I am the ultimate defender. I will defend you while I’m protecting you. Biden is about to fall. Obama is about to take a very hard hit. No one. Sorry, a very hard hit. One that people didn’t even see, and one he will not admit. But proof. Proof, I say. Oh, there is great shattering of their narrative. There’s a great shift of power about to take place. Unconventional. I’ve said these words. Unconventional. Unconventional is the way. Unconventional, I say. The perpetrators in your government, the perpetrators in that White House, yes, perpetrators, infiltrators, they are all coming down like Humpty Dumpty, you would say, to never get back up again. My children, as I’m tearing apart what you see, because that’s what I’m doing, I’m hearing your prayers, I’m hearing your decrees and declarations that I’ve given to you, I’ve given you those words, you’re speaking them, you’re declaring them. You’re shouting them. I’m hearing those shofars. I’m hearing those cries from my people. I’m hearing you stand. I’m seeing it being done. I’m perfecting your stand. I’m perfecting you. I’m perfecting you. When the world wanted to destroy you, the days are drawing near, very near, to a great shift. A shift. A shift, I say. A shift of power. A shift of politicians. A shift from the government to the people. A shift from the world to my body. A shift of world leaders listening and obeying my words out of the mouths of my prophets. A shift is coming. Who the world listens to. I said, a shift is coming. Who the world is listening to, and the world will focus on, and who the world focuses on. They will stop focusing on those news channels. They’ll stop focusing on the politicians in Washington and what they’re saying and what they are doing. And these people oh the globalists, oh yes, the globalists, oh yes, all of their summits, they have the UN and it’s a joke. And they will soon choke on their words. So my children stand mightily. And I said again, you stand united in me. Stand united in my words. Don’t back off. Don’t get offended. Don’t get in fighting with one another. You have a big fight coming up and your focus needs to be on your adversary, not on one another. Stay focused. Stay focused this day. Stay focused, I say. Stay focused this day. Stay focused, I say, on me and in my word. Stay focused. Stand. I am here. Don’t fear. I am here. Don’t fear. What’s about to come on the earth? And what you’re about to see is for your victory. And I will say again and again, victory is now. Victory is here. Victory is yours, saith the Lord.”
Julie Commentary
Okay, so one of the things that he was saying here is to prepare. He’s talking about, just like I’ve given in the last couple days, you guys saw, well, on Thursday, for you, it was obviously today for me, the prophetic words that God gave on Wednesday of last week for you, and Thursday, again, for you it’s Last week, but for me, it’s right now He’s been giving us more prophetic words He’s been having me shift during the time when I’m gonna give something and then he has me change it to something else He’s been telling about this is the time of the warning There’s not it’s gonna happen. It’s gonna happen. No, this is the time that we’re living in We’re supposed to have that firm focus foundation on the Father. We need to stand strong and stand firm and that’s the reason while why he has in Ephesians and I know I’ve read this before but this is something that’s being brought up again Ephesians chapter 6 that’s why we have the armor we have the armor of God to stand and do what we need to stand and do right now we have military military you know I don’t know weapons I didn’t Want to use that where I want you something else, but that’s okay. I’ll just say weapons, but we have things that we can use Against our enemy. We have an arsenal of things we can use which is the Word of God You say the name of Jesus. It’s like throwing the whole entire Bible at him It’s very important to be prepared. How do we be prepared? He’s been showing us this being prepared in the Word of God being prepared by praying with him seeking him just like we were going to go somewhere and We were gonna be traveling home today Again you guys are students on Monday the 23rd We were supposed to be traveling home from this specific place and we couldn’t we were in our prayer time that God said no We couldn’t go so we had to prepare our hearts even though we may have plans and we may want to go and do something if God says, no, there’s a reason for it. That’s why we need to get very, very, very close with our heavenly Father. Get into the word of God, know his voice, know what he’s saying, because it’s at the time where he’s going to have you at sometimes just like this, where we had to change at the very last minute, not because there was something necessarily wrong. Because something big is about to take place and we all should be spiritually ready for it. And so when he’s saying here, I the Lord this day say be prepared I say prepare prepare prepare the way prepare the way I say prepare of this day Let me look up you guys know I love definitions prepare make something ready for use or consideration make someone ready or able to do to or to deal with something to make someone ready or able to do something he repeated himself multiple times when he said the word prepare well he’s saying what he’s getting us ready to be able to deal with something and he’s been talking about the chaos the uncertainty what it may look like it may obviously they get worse before it gets better, but he’s preparing us. We’re supposed to prepare our hearts. How do we prepare our hearts? By the word of God, by spending time with him, by getting to know him. But again, I’m gonna read Ephesians six, because it’s important, and I’ve told you guys this before. When I told my kids to put on the armor of God every day before they went to school, and it was important, I said, even though your enemy can’t see it, God does, and so does your enemy. So it’s really important for us at the daily basis. This is what we do here at JGMI. We put on the armor of God every day and we plead the blood of Jesus even before we start praying over all of you and praying over the ministry and praying over the world events and what’s going on with the world today and all these other things and whatever God has for us to do we make sure we put on our whole armor because that’s how we fight against the enemy Now it says in Ephesians 6 10 In conclusion be strong in the Lord be empowered through your union with him draw your stick strength from him that strength Which his balance might provide verse 11 bong put on God’s whole armor the armor of a heavy armed armed soldier Which God supplies God supplied our heavy armor God has applied our heavy armor. We are heavy armed Soldiers in the army of the Lord. He’s our commander-in-chief and Just like in the natural military. They give you everything you need. They give you clothes. They give you shelter They give you food. They give you equipment like if you need vehicles if you need airplanes, whatever it is They equip you with it God’s equipped us for this spiritual battle God’s equipped us for this very moment in time No matter what it looks like it may not feel that way, but God has equipped you it is your Choice to pick up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God It’s your choice to pick up this word and use it as a weapon against the enemy Your enemy cannot These has nothing in his arsenal. He has no power than can withstand the power of the Word of God It is spirit. It is life. Remember Jesus was a word made flesh So your enemy has got nothing to combat this that’s why it’s so important to know the Word of God So again, it says, um put on the whole armor of God the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies that you may be able and Successfully to stand up against all strategies and deceits of the devil So the reason why it’s so important for you to put on the armor of God every day is so guys applied this with you So you can he’s giving you his answer So you can successfully stand up against all strategies and the deceits of the devil so you can stand up And read it again, so you can successfully stand up against all strategies and deceits of the devil. Put on your armor of God, you will be successful in everything that you do. And no matter what the enemy does, try to bring deceit, or he tries to bring his weapons, you will have your armor on and you will be ready to fight, you will be ready to stand up against him successfully and win. This is in verse 12. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood contending with only physical opponents But against the deputism’s against the powers against the master spirits who are the world rulers of the present darkness against the spirit forces of wickedness and heavenly Supernatural sphere. So again, not wrestling with flesh and blood. This is not just a natural war with all these different people So it’s I know it’s sometimes hard to see these people and how evil they are and what they’re doing and not hate them but we’re not supposed to we’re supposed to hate what’s behind them and giving them power and And getting them to make these decisions and do what they’re doing That’s how we wore we wore spiritually and not just in the natural and I know a lot of people think that’s crazy And I don’t care, but that’s what the Word of God says. I care what the Word of God says not what people think We’re supposed to only care what the Word of God said Who says verse 13? Therefore put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger Having done all the crisis demands to stand firmly in your place So again member member guy says we’re supposed to have that firm focus foundation on the Father We will especially if we have our whole armor on and we’re standing. This is he said prepare This is how we prepare repair prepare our hearts by getting into the Word of God because we’re knowing the truth and that truth is setting us free and the Word of God is a two-edged sword that destroys the power of the enemy. It’s a weapon to use against the enemy This is being prepared. We’re putting on our armor of a heavy-armed soldier. Remember God said we are in the army of the Lord We have been deployed in this earth to take it back To take it back from what to take it back from the evil the wickedness that has been trying to control and dominate in rule In this earth it is not for them God didn’t make this earth for them to rule and to reign over you, but they’ve done it. They’ve twisted. They’ve deceived people they’ve Put everything under their control But the greater one who’s on the inside of you first John 4 4 is greater than he within the world than any of them so Again verse 13 therefore put on God’s complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day of danger To resist what has been God telling us to do God’s been telling us to resist Remember that war war. I know you guys probably aren’t tired of me saying it but it’s worship and resist. We’re supposed to resist. Okay. Let me look up that definition also. I’ll leave that one up there. Resistance definition. Also the refusal to accept or comply with something, the attempt to prevent something by action or argument. So we are supposed to what? Refuse and not accept or comply to anything the devil is trying to do against us. We’re not to comply to a lie. We’re not to comply to a lie. So again, that’s what he’s been telling us to do. Not to comply with a lie. All right. Now, resistance, stand your ground. How do you stand your ground? You stand your ground with the armor of God. You stand your ground with knowing the word of God and in being able to trust him and know who God is. Verse 14, stand therefore. So you’re still standing between amen and there it is remember it’s amen you’re gonna pray and at the end of you pray said amen and then amen means so be it so hold on to that so be it between the amen and there it is and there it is means it’s a manifestation of what you’ve been praying for so amen means so be it so you’re can you’re confirming with God so be it I prayed it’s gonna happen and I’m just waiting Laura I’m just waiting Until the there it is. I’m waiting for that. There it is moment. And I’m telling you that there it is moment is it is so worth All the amount of standing all the fighting this the good fight of faith. It’s so worth it All right, verse 14 stand therefore hold your ground having tightened the belt of truth around your loins and putting the having put on all The breastplate of integrity and of moral rectitude and right standing with God. So again Put on the armor Having shod your feet in the preparation of the face of the enemy with your firm-footed stability prompt Ness and readiness to produce by the good news of the gospel of peace The Word of God makes you ready It gives you a firm-footed stability remember You’re not gonna be moved That firm focus foundation on the Father. How do you get it? Again, you shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. That means you have a firm foundation the Father through the Word of God. So that way if you’re firm-footed and you’re in your stable you have stability and You have promptness and your readiness produced by the good news and gospel peace So you’re just like you can see yourself just like you’re it’s like standing there You’re like in the position and you’re ready You’re ready for whatever the enemy is gonna come Whatever he’s gonna try to do and you have the Word of God you the sword of the Spirit in your hand and you’re ready for that battle. Then verse 16, lift up, lift up over all the covering shield of saving faith, which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked one. If you have faith or trust in God, no matter what weapons your adversary throws at you, you have that shield of faith and those, all of those weapons and all those arrows are going to go right into that shield of faith and it’s not going to touch you. If you trusting in God, that means you’re not going to give into defeat. You’re not going to give into despair. You’re not Gonna give you that heaviness. You’re not gonna give in to that fear. You’re not gonna give in to that war You’re not gonna give in to that and it’s impossible Those are all weapons that your enemy tries using against you. You have that shield of faith up there You’re just like not today. Not today. Not today Satan and not any day. I Got the shield of faith. I’m trusting in God and what he says his word is gonna do for me Then it says verse 17 take the helmet of salvation and the sword of spirit which wheels which is the Word of God Pray at all times on every occasion in every season in this spirit with all manner of prayer and Entreaty to that the end keep alert Keep alert and watch with strong purpose perseverance interceding in behalf of all saints consecrated God’s consecrated people Stay alert be ready Be prepared Where does he also say stay alert again? This is part of being prepared 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8 be well balanced temperance sober of mind be vigilant and cautious at all times that’s staying alert because at all times why but the enemy of yours a devil roams around like a lion roaming and fears hunger seeking someone to seize upon and devour he tries to devour you that’s why if you have that armor of God on you are ready you’re standing at attention you’re ready and all of a sudden I told you when things have happened in my own life all of a sudden out of the heart just springs out of my mouth it just all of a sudden springs the Word of God it just the Word of God is just there and I’ll say exactly what God needs me to say for that exact very moment in time why because I put it in there I listen to the Word of God all night long it turns off my body wakes me up my the spirit wakes me my body up I I get up, turn it back on and go back to sleep. Because my spirit man, your spirit man, we’re a spirit, we have a soul, we live in a body. Your spirit man needs to be fed every day. Feed your spirit man all night long. Have it on in your house. Have it on the background. Have it on while you’re at work. Have it on. Because even though you may be not fully paying attention in your mind, but your spirit’s being fed. That’s being prepared, that’s getting ready. So when anything happens, just like the teaching I gave about Psalm 91, that a thousand may fall at one side and 10,000 at another, but it won’t come near me, all of a sudden instead of when something’s trying to happen, something tries to happen in the nation around the world, you say, uh-uh, a thousand may fall at one side, 10,000 at another, but it’s not going to come near me, that’s being prepared. That’s getting your heart ready. That’s filling your heart up. It’s filling your spirit up with the word of God. And so you’ll be ready on every occasion and for anything that It needs to happen. You’ll be ready. Be prepared. All right. So I’m going to go over this prophetic word and give any more scriptures that he has, but he says, I say, prepare this day, prepare your hearts, prepare your homes. What does that mean by prepare your homes? You’re getting your homes or you’re getting, again, this is also a home. It’s not just a physical, you know, house that we live in, but we’re getting it ready. We’re putting God first in our life, not second, not third, not somewhere down the line. We’re putting him first Putting his word first making his word final authority in our life So that’s how we’re preparing prepare for what is coming how we prepare without fear Don’t have any fear. He keeps saying that over and over and over again. Why because the devil’s gonna want to put you in fear So then you give in to the fear so you give in to that deceit. So you give in to that Destruction and chaos when you a thousand may fall one side ten thousand another another but it can’t come near me In Psalm 91 and also Isaiah 54 17 no weapon for me against me shall prosper These are the things that you should automatically start coming out of your your mouth as much as I say Much as I repeat literally get those down into your heart Prepare for what is coming. I told you great judgment is coming Remember, he says the judgment is not for us That’s why he gives the example of the land of Goshen because those plagues in Egypt were You could say it for another word. They were judgment. The plagues were a judgment a type of judgment upon Pharaoh and his kingdom You’re gonna start seeing judgment on all these Pharaohs up today Which God calls the globalists and elites and all of that you’re gonna see judgment and for some of my scare them. I that all the lice, they had all the frogs, they had the blood turning, the water turning into blood, they had, I mean, look at all the things that they had with the plagues. The days of darkness, the angel of death, none of those would have been like warm and fuzzy and it made you warm and fuzzy inside. It’s almost like all hell is breaking loose and this is weird. But Goshen did not affect, was not affected by it and that’s why God says, you’re not affected by it, don’t be affected by it. Jesus says in John 17, you’re in this world, but you’re not of it. He says, yes, a judgment that you have never seen. He’s given us a scripture but no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard. He says judgment because of what the evil has done. The evil rulers, the evil ones all over the world who have tried to steal, to kill, and destroy on a daily basis. The ones who are trying to destroy my nation. The ones who are trying to bring my church into a wimpy State so what they’re trying to do is when he’s saying this the ones who are trying to bring my church into a wimpy state he’s talking about the spirit of religion and legalism Has brought such a wimpiness into the body of Christ where the body of Christ doesn’t even know they have authority They don’t even fight back They don’t even think to fight back. And so that’s what they’ve done People have no idea you have power and authority in the name of Jesus. They have no idea about the blood covenant They have no idea what Luke 10 19 says That Gods given his power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm us No one a lot of the body of Christ does not know that Why it hasn’t been taught ? Lot of people don’t touch this. They don’t want to touch this because it’s too controversial for some and they might lose some of their people It’s the Word of God. We got to teach people the word the word house. It’s spoken not the word how we want it How we perceive it. It’s the word how it actually is Alright now then it says Okay, the ones who have been blind in the eyes of so many the ones who have deceived and deceived and led people astray Yes, the ones of these rulers or these leaders that I’m talking about my children Something big is coming. I’ve told you I’ve warned you I’ve said over and over again to live by faith and not by sight. I’ve told you to stand and stand therefore Told you to get into my word. I told you to pray. I told you to stay I told you to get with me and fellowship with me because you need to know from me What to do? We need to know from him What to do? It says in his word that he leads us and guides us in the right direction and where we should go Let me pull that open for you Psalm 25 verse 4 and 5 Show me your ways. Oh Lord. Teach me your paths Leave me in your truth and teach me for you are the God of my salvation on you. I wait all day He leads us and guides us in the right direction He’s gonna guide us on our path and where we should go where we should not go. So They’ll tell us what to do. He says I’m giving instructions for the next things are about to happen strict instructions now number one Do not fear Number two, get before me. Number three, speak my words. Number four, declare victory. Do not fear. Get before God. Speak his words. Declare your victory. He says, I’m not asking you to do harsh things or hard things. They’re not too impossible for you to accomplish. They’re very simple. They’re very easy. And remember who gives you strength. Remember who gives you peace. Remember who gives you I’m taking care of those against you. Yes. I’m taking care of the ones against you some that you see today You will soon see no longer He said this before he says in the book of Exodus things Exodus 14 verse 14 Well, okay the Lord will fight for you you shall hold your peace and be at rest So no, that wasn’t the right one, but that’s still a good one Exodus 13 and 14. Okay. I’ll read Exodus 13 and 14 Exodus chapter 14 Verses 13 through 14. I didn’t say it right before I apologize Moses told the people fear not what is God telling us to do right now? He’s saying the fear not stand still firm confident undismayed and see the salvation the Lord which he will work for you today For the Egyptians you see today you shall see never see again Verse 14 for the Lord will fight for you. You shall hold your peace and be at rest That’s what we’re supposed to do. Hold your peace and be at rest So he says remember who gives you strength remember who gives you peace remember who gives you rest. I’m taking care of those against you Yes, I’m taking care of the ones against you something that you see today. You will see no longer I’ve said these words before and I’m saying them again That’s why I read Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 through 14 because he said these words before that’s what he’s talking about he says But be at rest be at peace because I’m the ultimate defender. I will defend you. I will protect you and And then he goes on, Biden’s about to fall and Obama’s about to take a very hard hit, one that people didn’t even see and one he will not admit. But proof, proof I say, oh, there was a great shaking of their narrative, shattering of their narrative. What? It’s their lying media. It’s ones that help them cover up everything. He says a great shift of power is about to take place. Unconventional. I’ve said these words unconventional and he says it again unconventional is the way unconventional I say The perpetrators in your government the perpetrators in that White House. Yes perpetrators infiltrators. They’re all coming down like Humpty Dumpty you would say To never get back up again My children as I am tearing apart what you see because my children I am tearing apart what you see because That’s what I’m doing I hear I’m hearing your prayers. I’m hearing your decrees and declarations. I’ve given to you. I’ve given you those words You’re speaking them. You’re declaring them. You’re shouting them. You’re hearing though. I’m hearing those so far I’m hearing the cries for my people. I’ve heard I’m hearing you Stan. I’m seeing it being done. I’m Perfecting your Stan. I’m perfecting you He says it again. I’m perfecting you When the world wanted to destroy you So he’s perfecting us when the world wanted to destroy us. And then he says, the days are drawing very near to a great shift, a shift, a shift, I say, a shift of power, a shift of politicians, a shift from the governments to the people, a shift in the world to my body, a shift of world leaders listening and obeying my words out of the mouths of my prophets, a shift of coming, um, a shift is coming who the world listens to. I said a shift is coming who the world is listening to and who the world will focus on So that’s why I said a lot of things are about to take place. That’s gonna shake Everything to its core the world’s gonna start taking God’s people seriously and even world leaders are gonna start listening to God’s prophets They will stop focusing on the news channels they will stop focusing on the politicians in Washington and what they’re saying and what they’re doing and And these people on the globalists, oh yes, the globalists, oh yes, all their summits, they have the UN and it’s a joke and they will soon choke on their words. So my children stand mightily and I said, again, you stand united in me. You stand united in my words. Don’t back off. Don’t get offended. Don’t get in fighting with one another. You have a big fight coming up and your focus needs to be on your, on your adversary and not on one another. Stay focused. Stay focused this day. Stay focused. I say stay focused this day. Stay focused on Say focus I say on me in my word Stay focused stand. I am here. Don’t fear I said I’m here What’s about to come on the earth and what you were about to see is for your victory ! And I will say it again and again victory is now victory is here victory is yours sayeth the Lord victory is Remember, how do we fight? We fight with the Word of God. We don’t fight just with natural, you know, weapons. The fight’s in the Spirit and you fight with the written Word of God. So I really hope this encouraged you and I want to pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, I just want to thank and praise you for Revelation. I want to thank and praise you, Father God, for the weapons that you have given to us, the armor of a heavy arm and shoulder that you have given to us that we are able to stand and stand there for and I thank you Father God because of all these revelations and the teachings and the prophecies that you are giving to us Father God they have firm they’re firm footed they’re established in you they will not be moved no matter what happens around the world they will not be shaken they they will not give up they will not quit they will not lose heart and they will not faint we thank you Father God that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and Heavenly Father as we see the things and the enemies crumble before us We thank and praise you Father God that you are rising us up stronger It’s like this prophetic words as you are perfecting each and every one of us So we thank you and we praise you for what you are have done and what you are about to do And we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen and amen Well, you know help us encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know who needs your encouraging work I’m easier to truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day

Is this the end of the legacy media ? “They will stop focusing on those news channels”
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