Searchable Transcript for the Serious

Goood uh Morning Everybody. Today is Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022. I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called, MY DAVID IS COMING BACK TO BRING DOWN THE GIANTS I heard this prophetic word on November 11th. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to website at JGMinternational.org under our contact page. Okay, now this prophetic word was from the 11th of November, again it’s called
For I the Lord this day am telling my children, you have not lost this battle. Those elections you have seen and those supposed results that man is showing you, it will not stop my will. It will not stop my plans. It will not change my outcome. It will not stop the release of my eagle. I have said in many words, my children, your enemies were extremely desperate and they They had plans to overtake this nation and to bring it down once and for all. I knew their plans. I had traps set, yes, just for this very moment in time. They have not gotten away with another stolen election. It’s not 2020 all over again. Do not accept the results. I told you my David is coming to bring down the Giants. But my children, I am the one who has given him power and ability to do it. After the move of my hand to overturn both elections and overthrow this illegitimate government, you will see before you, or that you see before you, excuse me. No one will deny that this is not my nation. The United States of America is mine and it doesn’t belong to your enemies, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. My children do not accept their results. Do not accept defeat. Do not agree with the enemy. Know I have called you to shout and to demand your freedoms and to shout their walls down like the walls of Jericho. It’s not over. you don’t have to wait another two years to see change in leadership. An election will NOT be the answer. I am the answer. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Exposures are coming. Explosive evidence that no man can deny. And the court will not reject to rule in these cases. No, I am moving in the court system and cleaning house of all the judges who will not rule and stand for justice, who will not defend your freedoms in the Constitution of the United States of America. A great uproar is about to be seen. Lord, an uproar ? Yes, what is about to be exposed will bring your enemies to their knees. It will shadow their plans and stop their next moves they had against you. They cannot defeat me. I’m the one who protects this nation. I am avenging. I am standing guard. I will not allow their attacks and their planned takedown or take over of my nation and their plan to move on to the rest of the nations and all over the world. These are the days of suddenlies. Presidents will fall, governments will fall, economies will fall, CEOs will fall, tech giants will fall, governors will fall, senators will fall, Congressmen will fall, the Great will fall. Yes, and in great it shall be, saith the Lord. My children, there was a red tsunami. Oh yes, it was much bigger than you could have imagined, and I will show the world how deceived they have been, and I will show your enemies they can’t have my nation, and they can’t keep their so-called victories. They’ll be brought down by my hand, saith the Lord. My children, a great divide has begun, and A time where many people will not understand what they are seeing and hearing. Judgment has come and this judgment will be like no other time in human history. There is nothing you are about to see that has been done like this before and been seen by mankind. Do not lose heart because of these words. Their plans and what they have stated about the future, they say you will have. I am the great I am and I will show the world that no man will stand against me and win sayeth the Lord of Hosts
Laura Logan Listen to her next words Evidence is coming and this evidence will shred your enemies narrative Hypocrisy this word will be in your news and will expose the side of the left more and more Listen to the Biden. He will have a major gaffe and a major mishap of his mouth that will send this nation into an uproar, saith the Lord.
Autobiography. This word in this book is about to be in the news. You will know it as soon as you see it, that this is the one I am talking about. Another bridge will collapse and it will be in the news. This location will be important because explosive information is about to soon be seen and heard by the world.
Taiwan, the secret in your land is about to be revealed. Yes many nations do not want this to be told but I am stopping your enemies and what they wanted to do with you. Taiwan and those secrets will destroy your enemies plans and their narrative. around the world sayeth the Lord.
Epstein, this name is about to be in your news once again but this time names will not be redacted and it will take down many people you never would have thought in Hollywood. Government officials, CEOs, oh So, and so is how they are making money, and it will disgust the world. Get ready, my children, for this explosive time of exposures. Sayeth the Lord.
Italy is about to be in your news big time. What has been hidden there will no longer stay that way, and what they were paid to do against this nation will be exposed, and who exposes it will surprise you. Sayeth the Lord.
Every nation who helps steal my nation from this fraudulent government will too be brought down. Many governments and many world leaders are about to suddenly change. A great stirring, a great shaking, a great time for my children. I have come to deliver my children from the hand of the wicked. So, my children, get up today and stand up and shout and receive your freedoms and your victories. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now, when I was going over this before I made this video this morning, one of the things I’ve noticed was the Lord has said almost the same things for a couple different videos. Not the exact same way, but similar things, but it means the same. He keeps saying, well of course it’s the last year, year and a half that I’ve been hearing prophetic words like this. Don’t give up. Do not get into fear. Don’t quit. Stand up. Shout. Receive your victories. Don’t bow. All of these things over and over and over and over again. And some people, of course, are religious and those people who are legalistic, and some people in the body of Christ in general who just don’t understand or don’t know, they’ll say God does not repeat Himself. Think about that for a minute. How many times did He have to repeat Himself in the written word? But how many times do you as a parent have to repeat yourself to your children when they don’t listen. God corrects, or chasten, whom he loves. He loves us. And when we’re going in the wrong direction, or we’re not listening, even Jesus said, those who have ears to hear, let them hear. And if you read in Mark chapter 4, when it talks about the parable of the sower, what is the sower? The sower sows the word of God. And it talks about some on the stony ground, some on the thorny grounds and all this kind of thing. What he was saying is some people will hear a word and it won’t get down into their heart. So when trials come, when tests come, it immediately steals the word. So read the parable of the sower. It is extremely important. I’ll just turn over there really quick and give an example. Again, this is Mark chapter 4, because I was in Mark this morning reading and studying, in one place anyway. Alright, now, it says the sower sows the word. This is Mark chapter 4 and verse 14. Then 15 says the ones along the path are the ones who have the word sown in their hearts, so you hear a word, that’s a word sown in your heart you hear the word now look what happens but when they hear you’re hearing this word right now but remember Satan comes at once and by force takes away the message which was sown in them so then me Satan immediately comes to steal the word why because if you hear it and you hear it and you hear it remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word doesn’t come on any other way faith comes by hearing and hearing you can’t just say I heard that scripture one time in the Bible, I don’t need to hear it again. Or heard a teaching on that scripture, I don’t need to hear it again. I already know that scripture. I know that the Word of God is inexhaustible. So you may hear the same scripture 500 times or 550 times, but 551 or 552 all of a sudden. It’s just like a magnifying glass. It’s like an explosion in your spirit and something Something will pop out at you regarding the scripture that you’ve seen and heard over and over and over again as a child and over and over again as an adult, but all of a sudden enlightenment comes, revelation comes, and all of a sudden that scripture will have more meaning to you than it did the first 550 times that you read that scripture. Why? Because God’s word is inexhaustible. It’s always, it’s life, it’s living. There’s never going to be a point where you’re going to be in your life saying, oh, I don’t need to know anymore about the Bible. I know it all. That’s not true. No one will ever know everything about the Word of God. It’s not true. I don’t care how long you’ve been in it. I don’t care if you’ve been in it 50 years. There’s always something more you can learn and revelation will always come with the Word of God. And I know some people may not accept that, but it’s true. God’s Word is living. It’s inexhaustible. You will Always know and learn something more and more the more you get into it. The more you will know who God is Because this word is his will it’s his love for us. He shows us who he is That’s why it’s so important to get in the Word of God now With this a lot of times you guys have known we’re gonna start putting this up on our website And as soon as it gets up there, I will let you know We’re gonna have part of the blog and what we have somebody now that’s gonna be able to update that more frequently But we have so been given so many marching orders that God has given us in these prophetic words So we’re gonna start putting up some marching orders and some declarations and decrees That God is giving us in his words because he will give us what to say and this morning when I was studying And yes, I will go over this prophetic word once again But the Lord sometimes just does these teachings which is important because it’s revelation and it’s more of Understanding of what these words are What they mean and what he wants us to take away from them now and again God’s Word prophetically or any teaching if it’s of God It will align with the Word of God. You can say what God doesn’t get into politics Really? Look what God did to pharaohs and kings in all the Bible when they came against his people. You can say this politically. God should be in everything. God should be in our government. He should be in our politics. He should be in our churches first and foremost. He’s in our churches. Some churches he’s not allowed because man has no doctrines and that’s what they like and it makes them feel good. But also God should be in our schools. He should be in our workplace. Why did the church allow no praying in schools? No praying, you can’t pray in your workplace, you can’t pray in the government? Who made these laws? Who took God out of our government? The United States Constitution, I’m telling you, was built upon the Word of God and God’s will. So why did the church, the body of Christ, stand back and let all these things happen? Even Roe vs. Wade when it was became a law back in the 1970s. Where was the church? And that’s why we have to realize there are things we need to do as the body of Christ And yes, we’re supposed to walk in love Of course we are but we’re also supposed to use our power and authority that God has given us in the name of Jesus Christ And use our blood covenant that we have with him To destroy the power of evil in this world and in our governments Jesus even said, you go into all the world. That’s what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to go into all the world. Now, I did not forget where I was going. Exodus chapter 4, I was saying something about what the Lord had told Moses. Yes, I know, I’m going back to the book of Exodus because that’s what I like to do. Because that’s what he’s been giving me in my heart since I was a little girl. all right he’s always going to give us something to say okay his word is his will and his word and Isaiah 65 11 his word does not return to him void that’s why it’s so important to know his word because when you are praying don’t just get in your prayer closet and pray just anything get in your prayer closet and pray this pray the Word of God because the Word of God will not return to him But listen, in these prophetic words, He’s been giving us things to shout, things to say, things to do, and this happened with Moses. He showed me this this morning in Exodus chapter 4 and verse 12. I mean, I knew it, but I got a different revelation of it now. All right, Exodus chapter 4 and verse 12. This is the Amplified. Now therefore go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say God has been teaching us on the courses last a year and a half. He’s been teaching us what to say when it comes to our own family when it comes to our Finances when it comes to our health when it comes to our governments when it comes to our neighborhoods when it comes to our cities He’s been telling us what to say God will always give us the right word for the exact very day in the exact very hour That’s what God does as long as we are spiritually having our ears open to hear him now You’re not gonna always hear the audible voice of God. I don’t hear the audible voice of God It’s a still small voice. So don’t ask for voices. It’s in it’s in here It’s almost like you think it’s a thought but it’s really not because you know, it’s not your thoughts Because they’re way bigger than yours That’s how I know it’s him speaking and it also says in his word that his children will know and hear his voice There’s no his voice. All right now verse 15. Listen, you must speak to him and put the words in his mouth I’ll be with your mouth and with his mouth and you will teach what you will say and do now He’s talking about Moses and Aaron God said he’s gonna teach both of them what to say and what to do Then he says in verse 16 He shall speak for you to the people acting as a mouthy for you Mouthpiece for you and you shall be a God You shall be as God to him. What does that mean? God was giving Moses the revelation knowledge the wisdom on what to say when God needed him to say it and because Moses had a stuttering problem or speech problem then Aaron was his mouthpiece and God said I’m gonna tell you what to tell Aaron It tells people or what’s tell Pharaoh remember how many times I’m sure Moses said when when God said to Moses You know go go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh let my people go. He probably thought it was just gonna happen one time a Lot of us would like the things that happen immediately, but they don’t and so how many times he had to repeat? Himself by saying let my people go so they can freely serve me How many times did Moses had to say that? Several. Look how many plagues there were. Ten. At least ten times Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh and said, let my people go. But he wouldn’t listen. God tells us things over and over and over again and sometimes we don’t listen. So God, because of his love, his grace, and his mercy, will repeat it until the thief Doesn’t steal it anymore until we can say well, God has said that more than once So maybe there’s a reason why you don’t get you to think even Jesus when he spoke in John chapter 13 Verses needs me John chapter 17 verse 13 through 17 when he says that they are not of this world This is I am NOT of this world Jesus repeated that Twice very quickly within a couple of scriptures why he wanted us to know that we are not of this world Just as he was not on this world Do you think he’d be affected by these laws and by this pandemic and by all these things that these people are doing? No, because he was in this world, but he was not of this world What he said I only do what my Father tells me to do and I only say what my Father tells me to say That’s what we’re supposed to do Christ is our example. So we are supposed to be living like Christ because we are Christians or we are Christ like Christ is supposed to be our example, so how are we going to know how to act, how to walk, how to talk? This. This teaches us how to act, how to walk, how to talk. That’s why we have to renew our mind, Romans 12 and 2, renew our minds with the Word of God. Alright, now I’ll go back over this prophetic word and I’ll go over a little bit and explain what needs to be explained a little bit more. So he says so my children get up today and stand up and shout and receive your freedoms and your victories Say the Lord your Redeemer how many times they told us that in the last year and a half stand up and shout and receive When you have a gift and somebody gives it to you So say for instance they I got chocolate cake in my hand and I’m in front of you and I said this chocolate cake Is for you It is yours But you won’t be able to enjoy it Even though it’s given to you, you won’t be able to enjoy it until you what? Until you take it. So you can have all these sayings, and God can give you all these sayings, but, and they’re yours, but you won’t be able to enjoy them until you take it. How do you take it? How do you receive it? I thank you, Heavenly Father, I receive my victories today. I receive my health and my healing today. I receive my freedom in my mind today. I receive my freedom from fear and anxiety today. I receive freedom from pain today I receive Father God freedom in my nation today. I receive That’s how you take it. You’re declaring it You’re decreeing it and the more you will say it the more you will believe it So again, how do you trust somebody you do not know? How do you trust God? Well, I know God do you know that you know that you know him? So when no matter what kind of impossible situation you will say, you know what I know God How do you know him getting into his will? All right now? Then he says a great stirring He’s been saying great shake-ups and great suddenly as we say great stirring a great shaking a great time for my children I have come to deliver my children from the hand of the wicked look in the Bible Get get those examples in front of you on all those times that God stepped in and saved his children From the hands of the wicked get in the Bible and see that it’s so important. Why because it’s a faith builder You will say well if God did that for them Then he’ll do it for us. He’ll do it for me. He’s a respecter of persons if he delivered a nation He can deliver this nation if he delivered one nation and in times in this Bible He delivered one nation that means he’ll deliver mine That’s taking it that’s receiving it that’s declaring it that’s accepting and Receiving what Jesus and God have already done God’s already done all he’s going to do Because what Jesus did for us he destroyed the curse, but now it’s time for us to take and receive it now He is gonna step in he is gonna be our deliverer. We are gonna see him do things that no man has ever seen Yes He already done it. We just haven’t seen it yet So he already planned it. It’s already done That’s the reason why he said I have set the traps for every man and they have all been caught with bread handed and you can Say they’ve been caught with a hand in the cookie jar Every nation who helped steal my nation for this fraudulent government will to be brought down Many governments and world leaders are about to change suddenly We’ve already seen a lot of people stepping down. There are people in many different corporations now There have been prime ministers. There have been people in news stations all these other things that God’s been speaking about over and over and over again It’s happening now Again, why does God have to repeat himself? Because some people even though and look all these prophetic words are coming to pass daily again If you don’t see these things coming to pass all the time, are these words really coming to pass go look on telegram There’s prophecy fulfill page or you can look on prophecy index All that information is in description box below. It will rejuvenate it will encourage you It will bring so much joy and peace to you to seeing this is what God said and when he said it and all of a Sudden it came to pass this day That is I love looking at I will look at that prophecy fulfill page every day. I love to see what God is doing And what he’s saying and just because he loves us That’s why he gives us these prophetic words and tell us what’s gonna happen before it happens To get us in our faith up. So we will shout and receive that victory. Amen All right. Now it says Italy now he’s been speaking about Italy a lot. I can’t even tell you This is a fifth a sixth a tenth time. I don’t know. It’s been a lot that he’s been speaking about Italy He says Italy is about to be in your news big time What has been hidden there will no longer stay that way and what they were paid to do They were paid to do something against this nation and he said and it will be exposed and who? Exposes it will surprise you so Italy was paid To try to steal this nation of the United States of America for this fraudulent government and more ways than one I think it was just more ways than just the elections I don’t know We’ll find out we’ll see but God is saying they were paid to do things against this nation and then who exposes it So it’s not just the fact that it’s going to get exposed, but who exposes it is going to be surprising to people so pay attention to Italy and What they’re what they were paid to do against this nation and who is exposing it Now Epstein the Lord has been bringing up Epstein. I think since this last year For sure Because I know that some time ago and I don’t know exactly when it was there was Because that was a prophecy fulfilled part of it Um, I can’t remember her name because again, I don’t watch the news, but whoever was with I think Maxine I think that’s her name. Anyway, it doesn’t matter You guys know who I’m talking about the person that used to be arm-in-arm with Epstein all the time I know there was just a court case and apparently those Pages were redacted names and things like that And it was not let Be exposed to the the world of what was going on and who was a part of Epstein but listen to this again go back to our website at JGM international org under our prophecies page and you can see all the Prophecies leading up to now about what he said regarding Epstein so far But he says Epstein this name is about to be in your news once again, but this time Names will not be redacted and it will take down many people you would have never thought in Hollywood The government officials, CEOs, oh yes, world elites will be exposed and so is how they are making money and it will disgust the world. It’s not only the fact that their names are going to be released with Epstein, but how they are making money with Epstein. And I can only imagine what this is about. And that’s the reason why it’s important for us never to give up and quit on God because there are people out there in this world that need us And we can never give up on them Even no matter how hard it is. There’s somebody out there suffering worse than we are So we have to fight for them, especially those little children Get ready my children for this explosive time of exposure sayeth the Lord God has heard the cries of all these little children And he’s heard the cries of all of his people, and that’s why he’s coming down to deliver. Now listen, he has mentioned Taiwan many times. You can also go to the website and find out how many times he’s mentioned it. I don’t even know. It’s a lot. Something is going on in Taiwan. Taiwan, the secret hidden in your land, is about to be revealed. Yes, many nations do not want this to be told. But I am stopping your enemies and what they wanted to do with you, Taiwan. And those secrets will destroy your enemies’ plans and their narrative around the world. Now, something is going on in Taiwan. I think it’s multiple different things. So we will see what all is hidden in Taiwan that’s about to be exposed. Now, they’re mentioning another bridge will collapse and it will be in your news. This location will be important because explosive information is about to soon be seen and heard by the world. So, another bridge collapse. An autobiography, he said this word and the book is about to be in the news and you will know it as soon as you see it, but this is the one I’m talking about. So look for an autobiography, that word, and then of course the book. Then he’s been talking of course a lot about the Biden and he’s saying now listen he’s going to have major gaffes. Well he’s been having gaffes all the time, God’s been prophesying major gaffes for the last year. And now he’s saying it’s going to be another major gap. This is going to get the world’s attention because he’s gonna say it’s not only a major gap, but a major mishap of his mouth that will send this nation into an uproar. So he’s gonna say something. So um, whether it’s a lie, whether it’s him accidentally telling the truth, because he’s accidentally done that before, especially on the night of the 2020 election when he said that they build sophisticated election fraud, however he put it, I don’t know, but he was giving himself away right then and there. So watch the Biden, he’s gonna fall, literally fall on live TV again, and then, this was a word that the Lord gave about a couple weeks ago, I think, and then this one is gonna be a major mishap with his mouth, or a major gaffe, you would say. Hypocrisy, this word will be in your news and it will expose the side of the left more and more. Laura Logan. This is the second time I’ve heard her name. Listen to her next words. Evidence is coming and this evidence will shred your enemy’s narrative. So Laura Logan’s gonna come out with something huge. Do not lose heart because of these words, their plans, and what they have stated about the future they say you will have. Don’t listen to what the enemy is saying that we have for our future. It’s not gonna work. It’s not gonna happen. So don’t Listen to him. He says I am the great I am and I will show the world that no man will stand against me and win Save the Lord now. He says that many times No one’s gonna stand before him and win get that in your heart. No man’s gonna stand before him and win My children a great divide has begun a time where many people will not understand what they are seeing and hearing Now he said similar things like this before no one not everybody’s gonna understand what they’re seeing here And now the ones like you who are listening to these prophetic words and they’re believing what God is saying And more than you believe what you see, then you will understand, but some people will not. Judgment has come and judgment will be like no other time in human history. There’s nothing you are about to see that has been done like this before and seen by mankind. Now, even in the Bible with the Red Sea, even with the Exodus and even with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and all these different wonderful examples in the Bible, he said nothing like this that you are about to see has ever been seen. And I think about the red scene and I’m going how can it be bigger and better than that, but it is. My children, there was a red tsunami. He said that the last three or four words now. The reason why he has to say that, why, because he wants for you to get that in your heart that there was. Don’t listen to a lie. He also says don’t accept the results. Don’t accept the results of their elections. It is theirs because they cheated the system. He says, oh, yes, it was much bigger than you could have imagined and I will show this world how they did they deceived and they Have been and I will show your enemies. They can’t have my nation. They can’t have their so-called victories They will be brought down by my hand Again, God references his hand in the Bible and when he references that he places judgment on one side and blessing on another I’m not gonna get all into that teaching because I’ve done it before but again God’s judgment on one side and places blessing on another That’s when you see his hand go and study that it’s a great revelation of that There are these are the days of sudden leads Presidents will fall governments will fall economies will fall CEOs will fall tech giants will fall Governments will fall senators will fall Congressmen will follow the great follow fall. Yes great. It shall be state the Lord There’s already people That have fallen and you haven’t heard about it yet Many things that are going on Behind the scenes and how do I know that only because God says when it’s been confirmed But God is saying there are things are going on. You can’t go by appearances You definitely can’t go by even people behind a camera Because things aren’t always how they appear to be a Great up war is about to be seen Lord and up for yes What is about to be exposed will bring your enemies to their knees it will shatter their plans stop their next moves They had against you they cannot defeat me. I am the one who protects this nation. I’m avenging. I’m standing guard I will not allow their tax or plan takedown or take over of my nation and their plan to move on the rest of the Nations all around the world. God’s been saying that they’re not going to defeat him Exposures are coming explosive evidence that no one can deny and the courts will not reject us the rule in these cases No I am moving in the court system and then cleaning house of all the judges who will not rule and stand for justice Who will not defend your freedoms and the Constitution of the United States of America guys been saying that over and over and over again He is going to remove those people who will not stand up for the Constitution of the United States of America My children do not accept these results. What results their elections do not accept defeat. Do not accept What your enemies are saying? No, I have called you to shout and to demand your freedoms and to shout their walls sound like the walls of Jericho It’s not over. You don’t have to wait another two years I’m gonna say that again. That’s in bold. You do not have to wait another two years to see a change in leadership I’m going to say that again. You do not have to wait another two years to see a change in leadership. An election will not be the answer. I am the answer. That’s what God is saying. He is the answer, not the elections, because He is the way, the truth, and the life. That’s what He said. For I, the Lord, this day am telling my children, you have not lost this battle. Those elections you have just seen and those supposed results that man is showing you, that man is showing you. They’re not real. They’re not true because they’re fake They’re lies and truth will always destroy a lie It will stop my it will not stop my will it will not stop my plans. It will not change my outcome It listen it will not change God’s outcome It will not stop the release of my eagle. I Have said in many words my son your enemies were extremely desperate They had plans that overtake this nation and bring it down once and for all I knew their plans I had traps set just for this very moment in time. They have not gotten away with another stolen election This is not the 2020 all over again. Do not accept these results I told you my David is coming back to bring down the Giants, but my children I am the one who has given him the power It’s not just him and his ability and his his David is our rightful President Donald Trump But he says I’m the one who has given him power and ability to do it No man can do anything without God. You can try, but it won’t work. With God, all things are possible. It’s like with David and all his other examples in the Bible. They couldn’t have done it without God. As I move up my hand to overturn both elections and overthrow this illegitimate government you see before you, no one will deny that this is not my nation. The United States of America is mine and it doesn’t belong to your enemies, saith the Lord of Hosts. So again, God is saying over and over again, This nation is His. It doesn’t belong to anyone else. So what do we do? We agree with God. We don’t agree with our enemies and what they are saying or what they are doing or their results or what they want you to believe. You say it so many times, people will believe a lie. That’s what all these news stations do. They say, they speak over and over and over again and people will believe a lie. Because they think it’s the truth. But it’s not. It’s a lie. So, I want to pray over each and every one of you today. I hope you are encouraged that God is in control He’s not gonna let any of these results stand. He’s also not gonna let what Satan is doing to you personally Stand in your own life. So today receive what God is saying what God is doing heavenly Father right now in the name of Jesus I declare victory in this nation victory for all the people that are watching right now No matter what is going on in their own life. I thank you Father God They have victory over that sickness and disease. They have victory over that pain and affliction They have victory over that fear and depression. They have victory over that darkness that’s in their life because you are our Victory, so I command Satan right now by the blood of Jesus and by the authority of that name I bind you off of these people right now and I declare their victory because Jesus is their victory I plead the blood of Jesus over the town ahead of the souls of their feet. I thank you Father God for restoration for silence for wholeness I thank you for deliverances for peace and for joy in the midst of all of no matter what they’re facing today I think that they see that you are bigger I thank you Father God that they see that they have the victory because they have you on their side I thank you for that righteous indignation is Rising up on the inside of them that they will be fed up that they will not take defeat They will not accept it in any way shape or form because Jesus has already defeated their enemy. And we thank you for the blood covenant we have with you. We thank you and we receive everything that Jesus has done for us. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. We hope to encourage you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.

1 year old rebroadcast while Julie is on the road.
Quite a useful repeat. It reminds us so many predictions have not happened yet. And God has later said the Not-yet-happens are coming bundled.
Massive surprise improvement to the House of Reps just happened with the surprise appointment of a thoroughly MAGA Speaker. Mike Johnson. This happened after a blizzard of supporters phone calls abused the RINO candidate Emer so he withdrew his candidacy in only 60 mins. And the speaker position fell to Mike Johnson. He is a committed christian and his wife is a pastor, a clone of Julie Green LOL.
Mike Johnson is such a goody-two-shoes it is driving the criminal left to lunatic despair. With panic headlines like Donald Trump is now Running the House
And interestingly God doesn’t predict wonderful events like this so that we get wonderful surprises.
He always leaves a few unknowns.
Taiwans secret is still not divulged one year later.
But its not likely to be invaded its more likely to be blockaded because it only has 39 days of coal to generate power. They have no coal at all. No oil or natural gas.
In that 39 days other nations will be forced to come to Taiwans aid because every nations military, car manufacturer, appliance manufacture, depends on Taiwanese chips.
Best most comprehensive Taiwan analysis video is quite a blast
Its long and might need two sittings if you are interested.
How Taiwan Will Stop China’s Invasion
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