Searchable transcript for the serious

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Goood uh Morning, Everybody. Today is January 2nd of 2024. So Happy New Year to each and every one of you. It’s hard to believe that we are now in 2024. But remember what God said. This is the year we have been waiting for. So I just want to say Happy New Year to each and every one of you. And I just want to thank you for joining again today’s live show. I do have another powerful prophetic word that I will be sharing out with you here shortly. But before that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at JGMinternational. org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807. And also, I know there’s still cups left. And there is also shirts that are selling out really fast. So if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. And there will be more in the new year that will be made. And so we will be sharing that. Once that threesonsthreads lets me know what happens, then I will let you know. So again, if you want any merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.com. Again, happy new year. I’m so excited to see what God’s going to do. Because this is the year that we have been waiting for. This is the year that God said it’s the year of more. And so what more of what? More of God’s glory. More of revelation. More of his goodness. More joy. More peace. He’s been giving all the things that he is going to be doing in this year. He’s been giving it to us the last couple of months. So I am excited that we were actually in the year of 2024. But before that, remember, God has been giving us things of warning about things to come. He’s been telling us to buckle up. He’s been telling us to brace for impact. He’s been telling us that things are going to look upside down. And in this prophetic word that he gave me this morning, he did again. And there is things that are going to be really super awesome and amazing this year. There’s also going to be things that are going to look very discouraging. And so God has been warning us about all of these things. And so I want you to have your hearts open to hear this prophetic word, but also the teaching that the Lord has with it. But again, it’s not anything that you hear about a warning is never to bring fear. It’s always to bring you revelation of what is to come so you know how to handle it, so you know what to do in that particular time period. It’s never to bring fear. God is never going to bring you fear. He’s always going to bring you hope and encouragement. He’s going to bring you a good report, because that’s who God is. God is the author and the finish of our faith. And so he also says in his word, he does not do anything without first revealing it to servants of prophets. He says that name’s Amos 3.7. So again, God is revealing many things to the prophets all throughout the land right now and all throughout the world to give God’s people an indication of what is about to take place. So we are not into fear. So we don’t grow weary. So we don’t get upset. Or like the Lord even said, that sleep of deception. People get in a very deep sleep. And so this is a time of a great awakening. So you are about to see this great awakening take place even greater. So this prophetic word today is called THE FINAL BATTLE FOR THIS NATION IS UNDERWAY The final battle for this nation is underway. I actually heard this on New Year’s Eve. It was actually December 31 of 2023. So THE FINAL BATTLE FOR THIS NATION IS UNDERWAY So once I get done reading this, of course I’m going to go back over it. But before that, I do have several scriptures that the Lord wanted me to give to you today. All right, now, so it starts out with,
For I the Lord this day am telling my children to be prepared for what is about to take place. Be prepared with my word and your trust in me. For what you are about to see will shake people to their core. It will be shocking to see what most people never thought they would see or what they thought could never take place. My children, this is not to bring fear. These warnings are for you to have your hearts fixed on me. So fear doesn’t come in and torment you or lead you in the opposite direction. In this time you are living in, things will be moving quicker now. The showdown has begun. And the collision course the world has been on is about to come to an abrupt and catastrophic end to your enemies’ rule and their control over my world. Things will shake more naturally. Things will shake more spiritually. Everything is about to change. And I mean everything. All the things you thought were important in this world will be shown to be utterly insignificant. My children, a judgment is coming so extreme and so severe. It’ll be like the world is shut down once again. In this time, do not be afraid. But remember my words that I’ve given through my prophets now and my prophets and my mouthpieces I use to complete my written word. Make that first priority in your life because you will need that truth before you. It will separate you from the world and all the chaos, and it will set you free. When there is sorrow and mourning upon this earth, there’ll be joy unspeakable in you and in your household.
The time has come for the greatest separation, a GREAT SILENCE, blackouts, and an overthrow of unruly governments and the world elites of all their control over everything in your lives. This never should have been the case. But because of a deep sleep of deception, the world was under it, and it did take place. But now it is a time for the great awakening.
So hold on, my children, this great awakening across the world. It may appear that the world will stand still, some would say. But remember, I am moving. I am judging. I am removing. I am overthrowing. I am getting rid of the evil and darkness. And everything I have done in the unseen is about to be seen. The final battle for this nation is underway. The showdown has started, and a clash is about to end. The hour is late. And I’m about to show you how great the great I AM really is. So again, buckle up for 2024. But prepare for a great ending, because this is the year you have been waiting for, sayeth the Lord.
Meteorite, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Record hail will also be in your news for a significant reason.
Watch the water sources. They will be in your news for a surprising reason. More whistleblowers are coming forward to prove what has been done to the water supply by your government, oh, United States. Shocking revelation is about to surface on how much damage, not only politically, financially, but bodily harm has been done to people all over this Earth.
PILOTS will be in your news for a very significant reason. They are not willing to stay quiet on what the FAA was trying to keep from the public. A massive uproar and anger it will cause across the globe.
Mechanical engineering will be in your news for a shocking reason. Military, yes, oh, United States, you are about to see what has been taking place to bring your freedoms back. How covert operations have been taking place all along. A silent war had been going on for quite some time. But that silence is about to be silent no more.
Astrophysics will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Ukraine, France, Canada, China, Taiwan, Venezuela, Japan, and many nations are about to be in your news. Shocking revelations and truth is coming out like a flood to destroy this fake and false and illegitimate administration. Oh, yes, all truth and proof is coming out to destroy every lie that has been told.
So my children, get ready for the greatest shakings, turnarounds, and freedom the world has ever experienced. I am coming with a vengeance to set the captives free. Remember, I WIN, and so do you. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary
Now, again, I’m going to go back over this prophetic word. But before I get to that, the Lord has given me several different scriptures in the Bible this morning that he wanted me to give to you. And I knew I was starting to actually– the day I heard this prophetic word, I was right. I found these scriptures. He showed me where these scriptures were at. I wrote them down. And I knew I had to give them out today along with this prophetic word. And Isaiah chapter 46 and verse 9. This is the first scripture. Earnestly remember the former things, which I did of old. For I am God, and there is no one else. I am God, and there is none like me. Before I read the next verse, look what this says. Earnestly remember the former things, which I did. Why is God saying this once again about– and he’s given that word earnestly. Let’s look up this word and this definition, because you guys know I like to do that. Earnestly. Earnestly means, with sincere and intense conviction, it means taking things seriously. And the biblical definition would be with deep and sincere feeling, or again, seriously. So God is saying, earnestly, take this seriously, what I used to do, what I have done in the past. Look, earnestly remember the former things, which I did. So God is telling us to earnestly remember what he did in the past and to take it seriously. We need to take God seriously at what he has done. He has done these things before, all the things he’s been saying prophetically. He even said the prophets of now, but also the prophets of old, and the mouthpieces that God gave to finish his written work, to complete it. The reason why there’s so many prophecies, not only now, but there’s so many prophecies in the word of God is because God is telling us beforehand all the things that are going to happen. He also says not only all the things that are going to happen and take them seriously, but he’s saying earnestly remember or take seriously the things that I did in the old times, all the things that he did in the Bible. Why is that so important? Again, read the scripture. Earnestly remember the former things, which I did of old, for I am God and there is no one else. Then he goes on to say, I am God and there is none like me. He’s reminding us that there is no one like him. So all these enemies that we are facing right now, all the ones that are against us, God wants us to earnestly remember what he did against people that were against him and against his own children. He wants us to remember that, but he also wants us to earnestly remember that he’s the one in control. He wants us to earnestly remember that he is the great I AM and there is no one like him. So no matter the powers that our enemies have, no matter what kind of control that they have, no one has the power like Almighty God. And that’s what he wants us to earnestly remember. Take it seriously, the things which I did of old, God wants us to take those things seriously. Now go down to Isaiah 46 and verse 10. And it says, declaring the end and the result from the beginning. Remember, he declares the end from the beginning. Why? Because he’s alpha, the omega, he’s beginning, he’s the end. And he goes on to say, and from the ancient times and the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure and purpose. He says his counsel will stand. Do you remember what his counsel is? OK, if we could turn back, hold on to Isaiah 46, 9 and 10. Hold on to those scriptures, OK? And then we’re going to turn to Psalm. He’s just bringing this up to me. I didn’t have this one written down. Psalm 33, he’s reminding us again of who he is. Now he says, his counsel shall stand. That’s in Isaiah 46, verse 10, I just read you. His counsel will stand. Well, what counsel isn’t? And that’s where you can see the counsel of the nations in Psalm 33 and verse 8. Let’s read that. Psalm 33 and verse 8, let all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For he spoke, this is verse 9, Psalm 33 and verse 9, for he spoke and it was done. For he commanded and it stood fast. Verse 10, the Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. So his counsel, he talks about here in Isaiah 46, my counsel shall stand. But he says in Psalm 33, right here, he talks about the counsel of the nations, they’re not going to stand. They’re going to come to nothing. He says, so the Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. And then he says, this is verse 10, Psalm 33, verse 10, he makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. How many times in these prophetic words he’s been talking about all the plans of the enemy and he’s bringing them to nothing. He’s bringing them to absolute nothing. And the reason for that is because God is bringing the counsel of the enemies of the nations to nothing. He’s making their plans of no effect. So it doesn’t matter what their plans are, what they’ve had against us. It doesn’t matter because God’s counsel is going to stand. Again, if we turn back to Isaiah 46, and he’s saying, verse 10, declaring the end result from the beginning, and from the ancient time, the things that are not yet done, saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure, my purpose. So God’s plans are going to go exactly how he has at his plan. So it doesn’t look like it right now. It looks like everything is going in the opposite direction. But remember what he says in Isaiah 33, that he’s bringing the counsel of nations to nothing and their plans to make no effect. And then he told us in Isaiah 46, 9, earnestly remember the former things which I did of old. I want you to also turn to Exodus chapter 13. Exodus chapter 13. Now, you guys know I’m an Exodus preacher. I talk about Exodus a lot. So think about when he says earnestly remember the things he did of old. So what did he do in the book of Exodus? He saved a nation in a day. He judged. There was plagues or judgments against the people of Almighty God. He delivered them. He freed them. He cleansed them. He healed them. And he gave them the great prosperity. Now, then it says, Exodus chapter 13 in verse 3. He says, and Moses said to the people, look at this word again, earnestly. Remember, take God seriously. Earnestly remember this day in which you came out from Egypt out of the house of bondage. And bondmen, for by his strength of hand, the Lord brought you out from the place. No leavened bread shall be eaten. So he’s telling them to take seriously, to never forget what he was doing for them in the book of Exodus. When they were living in this time, he’s saying all the things I’m going to do. He’s telling all the children in the book of Exodus, all the Israelites right here. He’s telling them, do not forget about me. Do not forget about what I’m about to do for you to get you out of that house of bondage, out of the slavery. You earnestly remember, take this seriously, and do not forget. Why? Because they were going to have every obstacle in their way once they got out of Egypt. They have every obstacle from the enemy that was going to get them to forget. That’s why in the wilderness, you saw them and you heard them complain and forget about what God had did. And they wanted to go back to Egypt. So he’s saying, take seriously what I’m about to do. What I’m about to do is not only am I going to heal you, I’m going to set you free from this captivity in your mind and in your body. I’m going to set you free from slavery. I’m going to give you back all of the finances and everything that was stolen from you in the time that you were enslaved. I am going to show you that I am the great I AM Take me seriously. And they did, maybe for a short time, and then they did it immediately after because they started to already forget and they started to complain about the situation that they were in. Because he was taking them from Egypt, he was taking them out of there, into their promised land. When we’re going out from among the oppressors, when we are being shaken loose, when God is destroying their power, your enemy is going to give you all these ample opportunities to give up and quit before you get to the end result. So God’s people had ample opportunity in the wilderness to give up, and a lot of them did. And they didn’t see the end result. The end result was not the wilderness. That was just a temporary thing. It was only supposed to take like 11 days, I think is what some theologians have said. It’s supposed to take like 11 days from where they were in Egypt to the land of Canaan or the promised land. Well, it took longer than that. It was 40 years. Why was it 40 years? Because they didn’t take God seriously. They forgot. It says right here, “And Moses said to the people, earnestly remember this day in which you came out from Egypt out of the house of Bondage and Bondmen, for by the strength of hand the Lord brought you out. ” So it’s by the power of God’s hand that he took his people out from under those oppressors and taskmasters. God has been talking about this. He’s stretching out forth his hand. He’s doing these things again. Because he’s what? The same yesterday, today, and forever. Now, I believe that this was in here, in this Bible, when he was reminding them in not only what I just gave you in Isaiah 46 to earnestly remember what he did in the old. Let’s go back to that again. Isaiah 46, and this gives you more of an insight of what’s happening in these prophetic words. And again, I’m going to go back over that here shortly. “Ernestly remember the form of things which I did. ” Why would he have to say that again and again and again? Because God’s people, under the tests, under the trials, under the frustrations of the time that they’re living in, the turbulent times that we are living in, people don’t remember what God has already done. Or they think that he’s not the same God, that he’s not going to do the same things again, because that was just for them then. Well, stop. Why would that just be for the Israelites in Egypt? Doesn’t God say, remember that I showed you in the book of Deuteronomy, it was last week sometime, in Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 9. Deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 9. “And no one recognize and understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love him, and he keeps his commandments to,” what? A thousand generations. So that includes you and I. So if you see the fact that he did it before in the former, in the old, God is saying, even in the book of Isaiah, he says, earnestly, remember the things I’ve done in the old, the things I’ve done in the past, because I’m going to do them again. God is the same God. He doesn’t change. And so when there are so many Christians out there and there’s so much of the church that’s mocking this or thinking that this is a bunch of crazy lunatic people that are saying things like this, well, so did the people of Egypt or the Israelites when they were in Egypt. When Moses was speaking the words of God, they thought he was a crazy lunatic too. Not all of them believed or trusted in Moses. Majority of them didn’t. They complained about him all the time because they were losing hope. They were believing more in the circumstances and their tests and trials that they were in, more they were believing the mouthpiece of Almighty God. That happens today. There is right now religions that don’t even believe that there’s prophets now. Well, that was for the former days. Where in the Bible does it say there’s no prophets? Where? It doesn’t. People have to realize that religion tries to destroy the truth. Why? Because it sets people free. RELIGION HAS DESTROYED THE POWER OF THE BODY OF CHRIST WITH MAN MADE DOCTRINE. Instead of believing what the actual Bible says, they believe man over God. Now, I want you to turn to also Isaiah 40, Isaiah 40, and verse 31. OK, Isaiah 40 and verse 31. Look at this scripture. It says, “But those who wait for the Lord–” we’re waiting on the Lord. He says, “For those who wait for the Lord, who expect for and hope in Him, shall change and renew their strength and power. They shall lift up their wings and mount up close to God as eagles, mount up to the sun. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint or become tired. ” So God is telling us, no matter what is going on, if you are earnestly remembering– in Isaiah 46, and then also in Exodus chapter 13– if you are earnestly remembering the things that God has done in the old times, if you remember those things that He’s done in His Word, He says He’s true to His Word, He’s faithful to reform His Word, He keeps His covenant to 1,000 generations. And then He says also, “I am the Alpha Omega beginning and the end,” so He knows the end from the beginning, and He says, “I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. ” So how many people really need that revelation that God is still the same God? He wants you to take seriously the things that He’s done in the past because He’s going to do them again. Why do you think He needs to put this in the Word of God for us to remember so we are not like our ancestors and forget the former things and forget what God has done and we don’t take them seriously? Then we won’t see the end result. A lot of God’s people in the wilderness did not see the end result. They didn’t see the Promised Land. They didn’t get it because they didn’t take God seriously in His Word, and what He says He will do, He will do it. Now Isaiah 40, verse 31, it talks about, again, “For those who wait upon the Lord,” you and I are standing here right now. We’ve been waiting for so many years for these things to happen. We’ve been waiting for that mighty hand of God to move. He has been moving, but a lot of the things– and I will go over this prophetic word here in a second– a lot of things He said that had been happening in the unseen are about to be seen. But those who have been waiting for God, again, “those who wait for the Lord, who expectantly look for Him and have hope in Him shall change and renew their strength and power. ” So while the enemies want us to, right now, to not lean on God, to not have hope in God, remember, they’re trying to do everything to steal your faith. They’re trying to destroy your trust in Almighty God. They’re trying to get you to believe in a man-made doctrine, a lie from the pit of hell, not what God’s word says, a twisted version of the word of God. So you fall into that sleep of deception. And so you are spiritless. You’re hopeless. You have such despair. You are full of fear and that you won’t trust in God at all. That’s what they want. You know why? They want people like that. You know why Satan has gotten into the churches and has caused so much religion and legalism? You know why? Because it’s easier for him to control the masses. And if you are a body, the body of Christ that is weak and doesn’t know their power, doesn’t know the truth that set you free, he can easily put them to sleep so he can control the rest of the world. And so why there is a great awakening going on, because there is right now, there’s a great awakening going on. There’s a great shaking. The reason why things have to get uncomfortable when we don’t want them to get uncomfortable is to awaken people out of this sleep. 2020 started an awakening, but it didn’t finish it. 2020 wasn’t even enough to wake everyone up. And again, this is not to bring hopelessness and despair and go, oh, God, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Oh, my God, I can’t go through anything like that again. Stop, because it says right here, if you are waiting on the Lord, if you are waiting on the Lord, who expect for and hope in him, you shall change and renew their strength and power. They shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles mount to the sun. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint or become tired. So no matter what happens in the year of 2024 or the beginning of this year or the middle of this year or however when it starts, God is saying, don’t grow weary. You mount up to kin. And you’re going to mount up like an eagle. An eagle soars– again, an eagle soars high above the earth or high above the ground. It soars high above the ground. And so it’s looking down, but it’s not affected by things that are on the ground. Eagles can fly very, very high. I actually love eagles. We have a place close to here. There’s hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of eagles you can go see. It’s beautiful. And I love seeing them. I love seeing eagles because to me, it’s such a great reminder of our country. It’s a symbol of our nation. We’re supposed to mount up like an eagle far above. We’re not on the same level as our adversaries. We’re not on the same level as what is going on in the world today. Remember, because God said there was going to be a great separation. Now, I also want to read to you really quick Psalm 61– or I’m sorry, Isaiah– sorry, Isaiah 60 and verse 1. Isaiah 60 and verse 1. So again, he’s warning us about what’s about to take place. Our enemies are desperate. Desperate times call for desperate measures. They are desperate. They are losing, and they know they are. Well, when they are desperate and they know they’re losing, they become very dangerous. But this is what God is telling us. Hey, you’re going to mount up like an eagle. Mount up close to me. Don’t sit there and take everything they’re doing. Don’t get into fear. Don’t get into worry. Don’t get into frustration. Don’t let all these things happen to you. Wait upon the Lord. He will give you strength. He will give you that every opportunity. God will give you that power that you need, the strength you need, the joy you need, the peace you need, everything you need so you don’t grow weary. God has the answer for it. God is the solution to every problem in this Earth today. God is the solution to every problem in this Earth today. Now, Isaiah verse 60, and I’m going to go back over this prophetic word. Isaiah verse 60 and verse 1. Arise from the depression and prostration and what circumstances have kept you. Rise to a new life. Shine. Be radiant with glory of the Lord. For your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Verse 2. For behold, darkness shall cover the Earth and dense darkness all peoples. But the Lord shall arise upon you, O Jerusalem, and his glory shall be seen on you. God’s glory is going to be seen on you, especially the ones who are waiting and expecting of the Lord. We are earnestly remembering the things of old, what God has done. We are taking it seriously, that God is still the same God, yesterday, today, and forever. And before I go back over this prophetic word, I will probably be doing– at some point, I’ve got to start doing more prophecies fulfilled. Well, I know we’re going to start doing shorter videos. But in some of these live streams, I’m going to go over some prophecies, because it’s too important. Like just the other day, and pray for all in Japan. Because right after our midnight here, wasn’t very many hours after the rain in the new year, that there was a massive earthquake that struck Japan. Now, God, last week, was talking about Japan. And he said– and there was tons of prophecies. I don’t know how many there are, probably 8, 9, 10– prophecies regarding Japan, something significant taking place in Japan. Then he also said last week something about earthquakes. So again, God is reminding us that he is the one in control. He’s warning us of things that are happening. And then in this prophetic word, he’s talked about how things are going to shake naturally and spiritually. So we’re going to see even more an uptick in earthquakes. But again, it’s not to fear. And I know people, like in the west coast of our nation, because God’s talked about it, I don’t want you to fear. Because again, remember the land of Goshen. Remember what God does. God is a protector. It doesn’t matter where you live. And if you are close to a fault line, God is saying, remember who I am. Don’t fear. Plead the blood of Jesus. Say, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And thank God that you are separated from this earth. You are in this world, but you’re not of it. And you’re not partakers of anything that is going to happen. So God is saying to you that he is your protector. So take him seriously as your protector. So now here is this prophetic word. The final battle for this nation is underway. And I heard this on New Year’s Eve. For I the Lord this day am telling my children to be prepared for what is about to take place. Be prepared with my word and your trust in me for what you are about to see will shake people to their core. It will be shocking to see what most people never thought they would see or what they thought could never take place. That’s just the first paragraph. Now, in this first paragraph, he’s saying, get prepared. Now, before I go on, he says it more than once. And he’s been reminding us and warning us to get prepared. Prepared means made ready for use, ready to do or deal with something. Being prepared is ready to do or to deal with something. God is telling us to get ready to deal with what we are about to see. He’s telling us to get ready for what we are about to see. He says, be prepared with my word. That’s, again, why it’s so important to make God’s word priority in your life, not your job or your phone or social media or whatever. Make God’s word your first priority. Make sure you start your day with the word of God. That’s what he tells me. He doesn’t have to do these live shows at 6.30 in the morning. For me, the reason is he wants his people to start out their day with the word of God. Now, I know some people, this is at nighttime. Some people, it’s in the afternoon. No matter what time of day you are watching, God wants you to have this in your heart and make God’s word first priority in your life so when things do happen, you know how to handle it. He said, because for what you’re about to see will shake people to their core. It’s going to startle people. There are so many people that are still in that sleep of deception that they are oblivious to what’s really going on. They’re like sheep being led to slaughter. They believe everything they’re told instead of having their own mind to think. So God is telling us it’s going to shake. And he says it will be shocking to see what most people never thought they would see or what they thought could never take place. I’m sure, and I use this as an example because it’s a huge thing, but the Red Sea, I am sure, God’s people, when they were standing there, thought that that would never take place. They saw the Red Sea in front of them, and there was no way to cross it. They saw the mountains on each side, and there was no way to climb them. And they saw the enemy in front of them or behind them. So Red Sea in front of them, enemy behind them, mountains each side. They were trapped. A lot of people right now think they’re trapped. They feel trapped. There’s no way out, but there is a way out. But those people never thought that the Red Sea was going to part. That was something that could never take place. And God is saying to us, something is going to happen that people would never think is going to take place. How about another thing? I’m sure that people of Israel, when they were in the land of Goshen, never thought everything that was stolen from them financially was ever going to be brought back and given back to them. And it was. They probably never thought the damage that was done to their physical bodies from the bondage and the slavery that they were under, they probably never thought that that would be returned to normal. And it was. God made them whole because there was no feeble among them when they left. It says it in God’s word. People thought that that would never take place, and it did. God is not a natural God. God is a supernatural God. So anything that’s possible or impossible for man is not impossible for God. And that’s why He wants us to take Him seriously, to earnestly remember what He did in times past. Again, Isaiah 41– oh, sorry, Isaiah 46. Earnestly– Isaiah 46 and verse 9. Earnestly remember the form of things which I did. Take God seriously with what He has done. Now, the second paragraph. The first paragraph was huge. The second paragraph, he says, this, my children, is not to bring fear. So he reiterates this all the time. He’s warning us about things that are about to happen. And he keeps saying, because when people hear these things, they automatically respond with fear. And he’s telling you, don’t respond with fear. Get fear out. Fear, F-E-A-R, false evidence appearing real. It really is false evidence appearing real that our enemies are really in control. It’s not true. They are not in control. If you have fear or you have trust in that false evidence that appears real, if you trust in that, it will control you. So he says, this, my children, is not to bring fear. These warnings are for you not– sorry. These warnings are for you to have your hearts fixed on me. So these warnings are for you to have your hearts fixed on me. And what? And not the enemy. God wants us to have our hearts fixed on him. Remember, if we have our hearts fixed on him, we mop like eagles. We’re going to so involve all the problems. We’re in this world, but we’re not of it. John 17, verse 13 through 17. So he says, so fear doesn’t come in and torment you or lead you in the opposite direction. Fear will 100% lead you in the wrong direction. It will lead you away from God. It will lead you into a slavery and bondage. It will lead you into sickness and disease. It will lead you into death. Fear will do those things. And that’s why God says, do not let that fear get hold of you. Have your hearts fixed on him. Then it says, in this time you are in, things will be moving quicker now. So before I go on, things have already started to move a lot quicker. I would say in this last six months of 2023, they started to move a lot faster. Prophecy was being fulfilled way faster than it ever has been. And God says, it’s even going to move quicker now, in the year 2024. He says, a showdown has begun. And the collision course the world has been on is about to come to an abrupt and catastrophic end to your enemy’s rule and their control over this world. So what’s going to– the collision course the world’s been on, which is what? Total destruction, annihilation, depopulation. That’s what the elites want. They want a depopulation. There’s 8 billion people on this earth right now, and they want 500 million. And they’re not even afraid to say it. It’s a collision course of evil, destruction, death, calamity. That’s what they want. They want a one-world government and a one-world religion. But it’s not time for the tribulation yet. It’s just not. This is a foreshadowing of what is going to come later on. But God said, this is a time for an awakening. This is a time for revival. This is a time for restoration and removals. So again, he said, an abrupt and catastrophic end to your enemy’s rule and their control over my world. It’s time for God’s people to be in control, to bring more people into the body of Christ before the end comes. That’s why this part is so important. And that’s why the enemies have tried so hard to keep people asleep and deceive them with religion and legalism. And so there isn’t a great awakening, so there isn’t a great harvest of souls, and more people coming into the body of Christ. That’s what they’re stopping. They’re trying to stop you and I knowing, Isaiah 4, 6 says, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. So if we don’t have the knowledge of this great awakening, we have knowledge of God’s revival, we don’t have knowledge of God’s glory, we have knowledge of God’s goodness, then we’re going to fall into the trap. That’s why there’s a great awakening. I’m going to go on. Then he says, things will shake more naturally. You’re going to see an uptick in these things, I’m telling you, because he’s talked to them, he’s prophesied about earthquakes. So he says, and that’s not even just earthquakes, that’s just, it could be shakings politically, it could be shakings financially, God talked about the markets, and they’re not going to look good. And the God’s been warning about this for years. Everything that God’s been warning about is going to happen this year. He said it’s on a collision course. Again, it’s going to come to an end, an abrupt end, is what he’s saying. But he says, things will shake more naturally. So yes, that means weather, that means earthquakes, that means political, that means financial, that means everything. Then he says, things will shake more spiritually. That’s good and bad. And everything, he says, is about to change. And I mean everything. All the things that you thought were important in this world will be shown to be utterly insignificant. When he said that to me, it literally was like, it not shocked me, but I was just like, wow. Things that we thought were important in this world, he’s going to show us it’s utterly insignificant. Because our adversaries and our enemies, our adversary, the devil, has done a job where he has made people believe all these things were so important and got them distracted from the truth, and God’s going to show us it’s utterly insignificant. Next paragraph. This is a strong one, too. He says, my children, a judgment is coming so extreme and so severe, it will be like the world is shutting down once again. He’s reminded us of what happened in 2020 and how that did shut down the world. He says, a judgment is coming so extreme and severe, it will be like the world is shutting down once again. Now, before 2020, we would have all laughed and said, that would never happen. I would win one of those people. Oh, they could never shut down the world. That you had to stand in line and wait to go into a store because there’s too many people already in the store. Where in the United States of America, you go to a store and their shelves are full everywhere and the shelves were not back then. I mean, there was a shortage of toilet paper, for crying out loud. Toilet paper. People were fighting over toilet paper. I thought, I literally– it was like watching a movie. I’m like, dude, this is like a SCI-fi movie. I can’t even believe what I’m seeing right now. And then you couldn’t go to the movies. You couldn’t go into certain restaurants. Everything was shut down. People never thought that would have ever happened, and it did. If we were warned specifically, God would say, hey, there’s going to be a pandemic. The world’s going to shut down, people would have laughed. That would have happened, and it did. He says, this coming is going to be extreme and severe. He says, so a judgment is coming, so extreme is it and so severe, it will be like the world is shutting down once again. He said, like the world’s shutting down again. He said he would. He said, it would be like that’s going to shut down again. In this time, do not be afraid, but remember my words that I have given through my prophets. Now and the prophets of old and my mouthpieces that I used to complete my written word. Then he says, make that first priority in your life. Make what first priority? God’s written word. Because you will need that truth before you. So now God’s telling you when all these severe judgments are coming, and they’re extreme and severe, and things are going to look like they’re going to shut down all over the world again, and things are going to look like crazy and chaos and chaotic, he said, you need to have the truth of Almighty God set before you. You need this word of God as first priority in your life. Everything is going to be– we thought what’s important before is going to be utterly insignificant. That’s a shock and an awe. Like I was just explaining to my children, because I tell them, hey, I know you like to play games. I know you like to be on your phones. I know you like to do all these things, but soon that is not going to be where you’re going to be able to obtain that for a time. I don’t know how long it’s going to be. You’re not going to be able to use these things. That’s why it’s so important to get used to life without something in front of your face. Do things that are going to make you think. Do things like, get into the word, pray, study, whatever you need to do that’s outside of electronics. You’re going to need it. And I’m telling you that same thing. I’m telling my kids the same thing I’m telling you. He says, make His word first priority in life, because you will need that truth before you. Now, He says– now, how do you put this in bold? IT WILL SEPARATE YOU FROM THE WORLD You can see that in John 17. Jesus talked about that His last prayer before He went– one of the last prayers before He went to the cross. He said, the word is the truth, and that truth sets you free, sets them free. So it separates us from the world. God’s word is truth, and it separates us from the world. It separates us from that judgment. It separates us from that sickness and disease. It separates us from that virus. It separates us from the lies and deception. It separates us from everything that’s wrong that’s going on. It separates us from that. He talked about a great separation. How do you get it? You get it spiritually first. He says, it will separate you from the world and all the chaos, and it will set you free. God’s word sets you free. He says, when there is sorrow and mourning upon this earth– because there’s going to be. He talked about an angel of death. He talked about a lot of death happening. He said, look, even when there is sorrow and mourning upon this earth, there will be joy unspeakable in you and in your household. Think Goshen. Then he says, the time has come for the great separation. Now, separation is the one I was just talking to you about. Last week, you can find that separation in the book of Exodus multiple different times, showing that God was saying, hey, I’m going to greatly distinguish my people from Egypt. And he did. He’s saying, a great separation, it’s happening again. What once was will be again to a greater degree. He’s talking about the Exodus, the original one. Now he says, the time has come for a great separation, a great silence. Now, that means things like what we’re doing now aren’t going to happen. There won’t be live shows. There won’t be internet. There won’t be things like that where you’re like– that’s why I tell you every day, don’t take my word for it. I tell you every day to start getting into the word of God and start getting into your prayer closet, start having a relationship with God. Because when you can’t see people like us, you won’t need us. Because all you need is God. All you need is God. Not people, not man. You need God. And so that’s why God has been preparing us. And we’ve been upset. So many people come up to me, why is it taking so long? Why is it taking so long? And they’re really upset about it. And I’m like, it is because this is the time of preparation. God, this is the time we’ve been in. This is a preparation. We’ve been preparing for what is to come. This would have happened several years ago. Dear Lord, look at the church in 2020. They fell apart. They complied to a lie. And they shut down. And they didn’t open their church doors. The church wasn’t ready for this shaking. They weren’t prepared. But now he’s preparing us. He said, now. So there’s going to be a great separation, a great silence. Then he said, blackouts. He mentioned them again. Blackouts. Then he says, why? Why for all these things? An overthrow of an unruly government– that’s more than one– and the world elites of all their control over everything in your lives. This never should have been the case. But because a great sleep of deception, the world was under. And it took place. So because they– basically, even the church was rocked to sleep by all this deception. And they believed it. All this thing of these unruly governments, illegitimate governments, were actually able to take place, which wasn’t supposed to happen. The church was on its A-game. This never would have happened. Because they would have known. They’ve known their authority, known their power. And evil would not have been able to take control. You take God out of the government, I fight this fight all the time. And I don’t care what people say about me or not about it. You don’t take God out of politics. You take God out of politics. You take out truth. You take out life, and you take out blessing. What are you left with? But truly, there’s separation of church and state. That’s not how it was supposed to be. It was a government needed to get its hands and its business out of the churches. That’s what it was for. So the government could not control the church, period. Can’t control what we say behind the pulpit. Can’t control when we have our doors open or not control. Or we can’t control what we say or do. They should have no control over you. But they did. He said, but because of the sleep of deception, the world was under it for it to take place. But now is the time for the Great Awakening. So hold on, my children, for this Great Awakening across the world. Again, he’s telling us to be prepared. We weren’t prepared before. We need to be prepared for 2024. Be prepared for 2024, OK? That’s what God’s saying, basically. It’s what he’s saying. All right, now– and I am taking this seriously, really. But I’m laughing because I know the end. I know what’s going to happen. God WINS. And I’m settled on that. So the next paragraph says, IT MAY APPEAR THE WORLD WILL STAND STILL Something magnificent, something huge and significant would have to take place for the world to appear like it was standing still. He says, but remember, I am moving. I am judging. I am removing. I am overthrowing. I’m getting rid of the evil and darkness. And everything I have done in the unseen is about to be seen. Now, if you look back, Exodus, in the book of Exodus, that is our example. What happened in Egypt and what’s happening now, that is our example. I’m sure to the Israelites, when they were in Goshen, if you think about it from their perspective, it probably looked like the world was standing still. It looked like there was hell on Earth. It looked like it was all craziness, and it was chaotic, and they didn’t understand what was going on. They were watching it, but they didn’t partake in it. They didn’t partake in any of the things that destroyed Egypt. And we’re not supposed to be there, now. So he says, look what he says he’s doing. And this shaking, that’s the reason why all this stuff is shaking. “I am getting rid of the evil, darkness, and everything I have done in the unseen is about to be seen. ” So things are about to change worldwide. Then he says, “The final battle for this nation is underway. The showdown has started, and a clash is about to end. The hour is late. ” And I thought that was kind of different. The hour is late. To me, that means we don’t got much more time to prepare. It’s at like the 11th hour, the time where it’s about to strike midnight. That’s what the hour is late is significant, I think, why he said that. He says, “The hour is late, and I’m about to show you how great I really am, how great I AM really is,” because he is the great I am. He’s saying, I’m going to show you how great I am, the great I am. Who’s the great I am? The great I am is who you saw in the book of Exodus. Then he says this again, “Buckle up for 2024, but prepare for a great ending, because this is the year you have been waiting for, sayeth the Lord. ” So OK, a lot of people say this expression, buckle up. You hear that expression, and we’ve probably heard it all of our life. It means to fasten your seat belt. Yeah, well, that means that something’s about to happen. OK, here’s one, buckle up, meaning an interjection or explanation to interfere that an event is about to be exciting, unexpected, dangerous, or even troubling. So an injection or an explanation to interfere of an event is about to be exciting, unexpected, dangerous, or even troubling. That’s what that slang means for that. And God is telling us to buckle up. Why? Why He’s telling us to buckle up? Because there is an event coming. There is something exciting, because it is. There’s something unexpected, also dangerous, or even troubling. And God’s telling us to buckle up for 2024. Then he says, “Meteorite, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. ” So the word meteorite. Then he talks about record hail will also be in your news for a significant reason. And I thought this was interesting, too, this next paragraph, because he’s mentioned the waters before. He talked about us watching the waters, and he’s mentioned the certain different bodies of water. He’s mentioned how they’ve poisoned our air, our ground, our water. Now he’s going into more detail about the water supply. He says, “Watch the water sources will be in your news for a surprising reason. Major whistleblowers are coming forward to prove what has been done to the water supply by your government of the United States. Shocking revelation is about to surface on how much damage not only politically, financially, but bodily harm has been done to people all over this Earth. ” So the elites, the swamp, the deed state, the establishment, the uni-party, whatever you want to call them in our government, they’ve done us financial harm, they’ve done political harm, and they’ve done us a bodily harm. They’ve destroyed everything they could possibly think of. And I was sitting there talking to my friend over the weekend. Hi, Angie. And she made a great point, and a lot of people should be upset about this. Remember how God had told us that these people are the pharaohs of today that are like the pharaohs of old? Because look what happened with the pharaoh of old. The pharaoh of the day of the Israelites, he enslaved them, he taxed them into a slavery. They were extremely wealthy when they came in to Egypt. When his family came in, and all of this, his family, his kingship, whatever, when all that came in, they were all wealthy. And guess what? All of a sudden, you see that they’re enslaved. How do they get enslaved? Taxation. Think about all this right now. Think how we, me and you, supposedly in America, we’re in a free country. But our tax money is going to all these different countries and not to people who live here. And that thing is to help this country out. It’s going to pay for other things. Nothing, we should never help people, because we should. But our tax money should never help our enemy. Allies of our country, but it should never help enemies of our country. So we’re working to pay for other people. We’re working for our government to give our money away to our enemies. And that’s not how this country was ever meant to be. Now, and we’re going to start finding that out soon, too, because all that’s going to– God talked about the IRS. He always talked about the Federal Reserve. The IRS and the taxation that we have today never should have been this way, never. We’ll find this out. The tax brackets, never should have been. It’s supposed to be a flat tax. But we thought this was all normal, and it’s not. And there’s more to that, but I’m not getting to it right now because I have to finish this prophecy. Pilots, now, this was another thing that was really shocking. So not only– OK, so they’re messing with our water supply. They’re putting things in our water to do us bodily harm. That was the paragraph before this. Now they’re talking about pilots. He’s talking about the FAA. He says, pilots will be in your news for a significant reason. They’re not willing to stay quiet on what the FAA was trying to keep from the public. A massive uproar and an anger it will cause across the globe, so something the FAA. So they’re hiding things that are going on with our water. They’re doing things to us politically. They’re doing things to us financially. They’re doing things to us bodily harm. Now they’re doing things for us in the sky, against us in the sky. The FAA is hiding things, and God’s going to reveal it. He says, mechanical engineering will be in your news for a shocking reason. I thought that was kind of interesting. Mechanical engineering. And then he talks about military. Yes, oh, United States, you are about to see what has taken place to bring your freedoms back. How covert operations have been taking place all along. Listen to this. I had to put it in bold, and I was shocked when he said this. A SILENT WAR HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR QUITE SOME TIME BUT THAT SILENCE IS ABOUT TO BE SILENT NO MORE A silent war. And I’m like, a silent war? What does that mean? A silent war. I’ve never heard that ever in my life. A silent war is a war you don’t even know that’s going on that is occurring. It’s quiet. It’s under the radar. It’s silent to the public’s eye. And I was like, wow. I’ve never heard of that explanation before. Not like that. I’ve never heard of it. And God is telling us a silent war has been going on for quite some time, but that silence is about to be silent no more. So all that thing that’s been going on behind the scenes, all that silence, that war that has been going on to take our freedoms back, the war that’s been going on, take our country back, the war that’s been going on behind the scenes that has been quiet is not going to be quiet anymore. We’re going to see it. So that silent war will be silent no more. Then he goes on to say, ASTROPHYSICS will be in your news for a surprising reason. I thought that was interesting. Astrophysics. I have no idea what he meant by that, per se, but he told me to put it in there. So there’s a reason for astrophysics being in the news. All right, now, then he mentions several different countries. Italy, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Ukraine, France, Canada, China, Taiwan, Venezuela, Japan. And many nations are about to be in your news. Then he says, why? Shocking revelations and truth is coming out like a flood to destroy this fake and false illegitimate administration. He’s talking about the one here. Oh, yes, all truth and proof is coming out to destroy every lie that has been told. So there’s been a lot of secrets that have been held in a lot of these nations, in a lot of these countries. And God is saying, I’m going to show it. I’m going to bring proof, I’m going to bring truth of everything that’s going on, and I’m going to bring it. And he’s telling us how some of these countries, where it’s going to come out of. Last paragraph. So my children, get ready for the greatest shakings, turnarounds, and freedom the world has ever experienced. I’m coming with vengeance to set the captives free. And remember, I WIN, and so do you, saith the Lord. Now, I want to read something to you, because God mentioned vengeance, OK? He says in his word, vengeance, Hebrews 10 and verse 30. Hebrews 10 and verse 30. For we know him who said, vengeance is mine, retribution, and the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay, I will exact the compensation, saith the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge, and determine, and solve, and settle the cause and the cases of his people. God’s vengeance is bringing turnarounds, it is bringing a shaking, it is bringing a freedom to the world, the world we have never experienced before. I am sure when the Israelites were leaving Exodus, when they were leaving, and they were experiencing a freedom that they had never known before, that they didn’t even think that even existed. And that’s what God is saying to us now. And I’m going to look up the definition of vengeance, and then I’m going to pray. So vengeance, punishment, afflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. Punishment, inflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or a wrong. So God said, vengeance is his. Vengeance is God’s. God is the one who’s going to take care of the things that what we’re seeing. We don’t have to get revenge. God is the one, vengeance is his. So I want to pray over each and every one of you that you do soar like an eagle, that you are waiting upon the Lord, that you are strong in the Lord and the power of his might. So when all these things start to shake, even worse than it did in 2020, that you will be of sound mind, that you will have no fear, that you will not have that doubt or worry or unbelief, that you will not be the point where you are falling asleep of that deception or falling for anything that the enemies are saying or doing, you will not fall for it. But you will rise above it. You will soar above it. And you will not be a partaker of anything that takes place upon this Earth. 2024, be prepared. We’re in this year now, so get prepared. God is warning. So Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus’ name, we are just looking to you, Heavenly Father, that you are the author and the finisher of our faith. You are still the great I AM And you, Father God, are our protector. You are our advocate. You are our standby. And I thank you, Father God, it does say in your word that vengeance is yours. So as these judgments are coming down, Father God, we thank you that we are not part of the judgments. We are not a part of that shaking. We are not a part of those things that are going wrong on the Earth. But we are part of the great awakening. We thank you, Father God, that we receive all that you’re doing in the body of Christ. We receive, Father God, that we are mounting up like eagles. We are thanking, Father God, that we are soaring above all the things that are going wrong in this Earth today. We are in this world, just like Jesus spoke about in John 17. We are in this world, but we are not of this world. We are not subject to what is going on in the world today. So we thank you, Father God, for our protection that you are giving to us. We thank you, Father God, that we have the name that’s above every name, the power and the authority of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And so, Father God, as we plead the blood of Jesus over our homes, over our children, over our families, over our finances, over our vehicles, over everything we own, we thank you, Father God. You are just like the great I am in the land of Goshen, where the angel of death passed by, where the darkness did not affect them at all. The food supply, nothing that happened in Egypt happened to your people, because you were their advocate. You were their protector. You were their fortress. You were their high tower. You were their strength. And so, Father God, we thank you that you are doing it again. We earnestly remember, Father God, all the things that you did in the past. We earnestly not only remember that, we take it seriously that you are the great I am. We take it seriously, Father God, that you are still a healer, because you are Jehovah Rapha. You are still a provider, because you are Jehovah Jireh. You are still the God who does– nothing is impossible for you, because you are still Al Shaddai. So we thank you, Father God, that this day and this hour, as the silent war is silent no more, and as we are taking back our freedoms, and we’re taking back our nation for the Kingdom of Almighty God, we thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We thank you for the freedoms. We thank you for the joy. We thank you for the peace. We thank you for the restoration of everything that’s been stolen has to be returned. And this is the year 2024 that we have been waiting for. And so we thank you, Father God, for it. In Jesus’ name, amen and amen. Again, buckle up and be prepared for 2024. We’re in it now, and things are going to start happening quicker and quicker, quicker and quicker. But remember, God WINS. He is in control. He is on the inside of you. He is on your side, and he will not let you fail. He’s not going to let this nation fail or fall. God is in control, and God WINS every single time. Our enemies are defeated. So again, what do we say every day? Never surrender. Never quit. Hold that line, and don’t be moved by what you were about to say. So I’ll be back on today once again, later on today at the live show with Clay Clark. I’ll be sending out a link for that so you guys will be able– if you guys want to join us, I would love for it, because he’s got some truth he wants to let you guys know about. So again, join Clay and I this afternoon. I think it’s around– well, I forgot. I think it’s like 1 or 1.30. I think it’s 1.30 to 2.30, or 1.30 to 2 o’clock central time. 1.30 to 2 o’clock central time. If it changes, be looking out for links, OK? Be looking out for links. I’ll make sure that the social media team shares those out for you. So I’ll be on once again today for a live show with Clay Clark. So I hope all of you have a great and wonderful day and a great start to your new year. And what do I say every day? I hope it encourages you. Please like, subscribe, and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word and who needs to hear the truth, because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you. And have a wonderful day.

Afterword Things are going to get more than unsettling and thrilling while the chief fixes everything in this final year where Donald Trump is still legally president and lands back in the WH in a new capital city without an election
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