Searchable transcript for the serious students

And here is a prophetic word and  it’s called

Days of Deliverance from the Hands of the Wicked.

I heard this prophecy on April 17th of 2022

For I the Lord this day have promised to deliver my children from the hand of the wicked and that’s exactly what I will do. I am not a man that I should lie. I am the same God yesterday today and forever I have delivered my people before from bondage and slavery, and you are about to see me do it  again but in a greater way.

I am saving this world and all the nations from the hand of the wicked. I will restore everything that has been stolen and I mean everything your enemies have attacked you in your minds, bodies, your finances, your jobs, your family and stolen peace and joy, tormented and tortured you in the process.

But I am greater than anything your enemies have ever done.

I will restore it and give back to you what the thief has taken from you even the years so on years.

Lord how do you restore the years ?

My children I can make the years so great and flood you with my goodness, and destroy any damage from what had been stolen from you in the past, and when you were held captive, you will forget all of what was done to you and you will live in glory never known.

Where your enemy has no control over you you will come out of this in the great Exodus like you were never in it to begin with.

I’ll restore your soul, your body, your finances your jobs, your family, your joy and peace like it was never stolen and give you a greater portion.

Raise you up higher against any kind of adversity.

Satan has lost its control over you and over this world and my power lives in you, children of Almighty God so put your enemy under your feet where he belongs.

You are far above principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world. Get up from where you are and I will bring you up higher than you’ve ever been Spiritually. Trust and trust me, and my love for you that destroys any hold your adversary once had on you Saith the Lord your Redeemer

The Alps will be in your headlines.

My children look at what has happened there. I am shaking this earth to shake the chains off this world and everything will be affected. Do not fear my children all of this is for your deliverance Saith the Lord.

Montezuma this name will be in your headlines listen to what just happened there, and what they’re reporting on. Truth is flooding the airwaves and exposures are happening everywhere.

Starsky this name will be in your news listen for these news reports. You will see my children they had their hand in everything and it is now being taken down by me Saith the Lord of Hosts

Wimblington this name will be in your news.

Truth is being revealed and everything hidden will come out in the open.

A Senator from Alaska will be in your news. A scandal YES truth will be revealed and this Senator will be removed from the place of power.

Lisa Murkowski I know who you are and all that you have done against this nation in the United States of America. Treason will be written on you for all eternity and it will be your end Lisa.

You hardened your heart to me and sold your soul for money and power like so many others in your circle. You too chose the wrong side for security, and your ties to the globalists and China will be uncovered. You know about the little children and you sat by and did nothing.

Blood is dripping from your hands and it cries for justice and justice will be served Saith the Lord of Hosts 

Susan Collins  (RINO)   the Angel of Death is about to visit your house for you have given yourself to the other side just like so many others for money and power.

You will pay a high price for your treasonous acts against this nation. You thought you would get by with selling this country off to the highest bidder, along with all who are with you, and that’s a farther saying from the truth. All of you will pay for the damage you have caused against my nation the United States of America and Israel.

You are a traitor Susan and you will reap what you have sown in this hour of judgement Saith the Lord of Hosts.

A well-known governor will be in the news and a scandal will consume them in this season you were in, my children a harvest season your enemies will experience and you will see more fall to the truth, more exposures will consume their lies and nothing will stay hidden from the world.

Arizona more truth will come out of your state. The traitors in your land thought this would stay hidden forever but it’s not to be, for I the Lord am revealing the snake pit of lies in Arizona.

Maricopa will be reported on again. More took place there than you were being told, a truth teller or a major whistleblower will come forward with the truth in this hour that can’t be denied.

Hold on Arizona freedom is coming in this hour of judgement Saith the Lord.

Truth will pour out of Arkansas YES hidden things will be uncovered and war will be exposed regarding Hillary and Bill Clinton. It runs deeper than you think my children of how dirty dark and purely evil these two are. They are being disposed of by the world elites they have become too much of a burden on them in this hour.

Again I told you my children they are all out for themselves, and too many things are falling apart now, so they will let major players in the innermost circle fall, and these two will be some of them.

So look at what scandal is about to break out regarding the Clintons and how many deaths are attached to this name as well and more it is more than you think.

A College scandal is about to be exposed my children, professors will have a lot of explaining to do in this high profile school. Money YES payments were received look between the lines my children there are more to these stories and it will all come out in the end Sayeth the Lord.

Look at the State of Missouri for this state will be in your headlines. And you will know when you see it in the breaking news what I am talking about Saith the Lord.

Chesterfield this name will be in your news look for it my children and know your enemies are all falling everywhere.

Copperfield this name will be in your headlines as well remember this my children I give you these things to show you I know all and see all, and I’m delivering you no matter what things look like right now Saith the Lord of Hosts.

A well-known Justin will be in your news. Listen carefully to his words my children, truth will slip from his lips.

Dante this name will fill your headlines more scandals and things that were covered up are now being exposed in this hour of truth there will be more revealed.

On the Royal Family things are not how they appear. More is being suppressed that will soon be in your news. Nothing that has been done against the people will stay in darkness as your enemies wanted them to.

I am shining this spotlight on all the darkness to uncover the truth Saith the Lord.

Windsor this name will be in your news. Listen to what is being said. There is more to the story than they wanted told, but a whistleblower will tell it all in this hour of justice.

Hanken this name will be in your headlines look to this location. More will be coming out in the days ahead Sayeth the Lord.

Body Parts this will be reported on. Look at this location and who is saying it. All will be told whether they want it or not. Justice will be served this was no accident Saith the Lord of Hosts.

I am raining fire down from heaven upon this earth, against the enemies of Almighty God. They will not be able to stand the power that’s against them. One plague after another will hit their camps and destroy their plans. I will not stand by and watch them control or destroy this earth that I created, and I will not allow them to enslave my children, who this earth was given to.

They are no longer slaves, the price has already been paid for them and nothing can hold my children back from their victories. Shakings will intensify in this hour of judgement hold on my children, embrace the truth I told you was coming.

Well it’s here now, so stand up and take what is yours that I have given to you freedom authority and all of your redemption rights as a child of the most high God Saith the Lord your Redeemer.

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