
Can bypass the intro just scroll down to the Red text
Good morning everybody. Today is still September 7 of 2022. You will see this on Monday, September 12 and the reason for that is because I will be traveling to the Idaho Washington border for the Reawaken America tour on September 16 and the 17th. I will be speaking on the 16th and when I have more information, I think it’s around 01:00 or so in that time zone. I will give more information when the time gets closer. I hope you guys can watch it. If not, I hope you can join if you’re around that area. It’s always a great time to be at those tours. There are so many miracles and so many people coming to Christ. It is amazing to see. Also we will be a part of the Quasi Prayer Breakfast here in the Quad Cities, my own hometown, on September 24, that’s Saturday, September 24. And I know Jean Bailey is also going to be a speaker there. And then we will be a part of the same day on September 24 we are flying to and being a part of the Patriots Arise event in Pennsylvania. And also we’re going to be apart at the end of the month. It is called Glory in America in Clearmont, Florida. That is September 30 through October 2. There’s many speakers at this event. It’s hosted by apostle dr. Brett and pastor Marianne Watson. Emmanuel Johnson will also be there along with Donna Rigney and Charlie Jordan and Pastor Ren. So I know I’m looking forward to going to that event. So if you guys want more that information you can go to www.gloryandamerica.com. I will have that link in the description box below for you. Well also before I get to this prophetic word called the destruction of the UN and the EU, I heard this prophetic word on September 5 before I get to that. But if any of you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us into the Green Ministries Peel, Box 1252, Bet, North, Iowa 52722. All right, so here is a prophetic word again.
It’s called the Destruction of the UN and the EU.
I heard this prophetic word on September 5 for I the Lord this day I’m telling my children that you are free. You are free to live, free to love, free to serve me, you are free from sickness, you are free from slavery, you are free from fear, you are free from worry, you are free from stress, you are free from pain and affliction because you are free and redeemed from the curse that is upon this earth. Because Jesus purchased your freedom, he has destroyed the power of your enemy. He has stripped him of his power and authority over you. Don’t go by your feelings or what things have appeared like because those things are subject to change. Darkness has been destroyed over you and your light is about to shine more in this world, my children. Get ready for the flood of truth, a flood of my glory, a flood of revival, and a fresh fire. It is all coming, so prepare your heart to receive more from me in this time. Sayeth The Lord, your Redeemer.
Firestorm. This word will be in your news. For a surprising reason.
Pedophile This word will be in your news. A hornet’s nest of these people will be discovered and exposed. Many people in the spotlight have been hiding in plain sight who they really are. Their dark secrets have been hidden, and many people were paid off or threatened to keep their secrets. But yet another whistleblower, and another will come forward with proof of not only the darkness in Hollywood and how they have been connected to the government officials and the elites. I told you before, my children, proof is coming out. More about Epstein and that island. There is much more to that story. And many people’s names have been redacted from the public. But I will expose that supposed classified information to the world. Their sinister acts and how purely evil they are will be exposed. And judgment is about to hit them like the plagues in Egypt. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. None of them have gotten away with their sins. And the stench has reached my nostrils, and the blood of those victims has cried out to me for justice, and vengeance is mine. I say again, my vengeance is about to be seen around the world. To destroy their secret societies and all their child sacrifices and selling them like slaves and torturing them in ways not known to mankind. Enough is enough, my children. You are about to see my judgment hit your enemies hard. In this time and in the season you are in saith, the Lord of Hosts.
Fascism, this word will be in your news. And I will expose each and every one of them who are pushing such an agenda in this nation and around the world. Saeth The Lord.
Seal island will be in your news. Mountain Gate, this will be in your news. Cyrus. This name will also be in your news. Hillsong will be in your news Again. Billy Joel will be in your news. CatSkill, I say, this name again, will be in your news. Look to see what is reported that took place there. Things are not always as they appear to be. Dark Tower, this phrase will be in your news. Dogmatic. This word will be in your news. Hawthorne. This name will also be in your news
Nancy Pelosi is about to have a major mishap. You will know it when you see it. This will signal for removal from the Speaker of the House and position in a total dismantling of your Congress. Secrets have been kept from the American people, and secrets will no longer stay hidden or suppressed. The video evidence is about to come out that will cause each person that is there unlawfully, to be removed.
Kawanza this word will be in your news.
A well known Railroad or Rail company Is about to be in your news for a surprising reason.
United Arab Emirates. This location is going to be in your news.
A major whistleblower is about to come forward with the truth and the proof regarding the UN, how divisive and evil it really is. I the Lord, never wanted such a thing to exist. And man willed and wanted it. And some believed it was truly a good thing. It was just another thing that the One World Government put into place on the soil of the United States to destroy it. But these are the days of Hayman I have been speaking of. And I will completely dismantle and destroy the UN before the world Saith the Lord of Hosts.
The same thing with the EU. Exposures are coming to show the world what they were all about and how the deep state of the United States has helped them form and control that part of the world. But those days are coming to an end. Sayeth The Lord. I’m about to purge Wall Street. Sayeth the Lord.
Many dirty deals and criminal activities have been hidden in Wall Street. And these exposures will prove who is all connected and who has been playing the world’s economies like a fiddle to destroy the markets worldwide at their will. Yet every last one of them will be named, and justice will be served. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Buckingham Palace, along with Windsor Castle will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A submarine is about to be in your news. And who it belongs to is significant.
Antarctica is going to be in your news.
Subordination this word will also be in your news.
Madison Court. Vindication is coming to you. Every lie and everything you were falsely accused of and along with them stealing your election, will be exposed. Nothing has got past me, my son. It’s never too late. And nothing is impossible for me. I’ve not forsaken you. No matter how things appear right now, the things you’ve experienced and everything you have been put through is suddenly going to change. Watch me work and watch how quickly I do it. Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Many falsehoods have been perpetrated in this nation. Many people have been sabotaged and blackmailed for the crimes some didn’t even commit. Many evils have gone unnoticed. But I am uncovering it all. My children. Be prepared and get your hearts right before me. Sudden changes are about to take place. The final showdown has begun, and the world is about to see the truth in ways many never thought could ever take place. My hand is moving quicker now. And every wall and every plan cooked up by our enemies is about to fall in front of the world. More blackouts will continue to be reported in your news. I told you before that this is a signal. The fall of your enemies in the time of your celebration is at hand, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary In this prophetic word. I know people will have a lot of questions, Julie. How can God dismantle the UN or the EU ? just like he can with all the other nations around the world that came up against God’s people. No matter how much power they had and no matter who gave them that power, God’s plan and God’s will, will always be victorious in the end. He is a creator of heaven and earth. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows the plans of the enemy before they even plan them. He knows what they’re going to do before they even know what they’re going to do. God knows all and sees all. This has been a long process, but nothing in the Bible ever took just like that. There was time when there was darkness. It looked like there was a time when things were so impossible, it never looked like anything was going to turn around. And it looked like defeat was inevitable for God’s people. But then, by God, he always showed up for his people. He always delivered and he always set them free. And that’s what we focus on. That’s what we pay attention to. Get in the Word and say, father, what do you want me to know today? What did you do to the enemies in the past that you want me to know that you’re going to do to the enemies now? Because you are the same yesterday, today, and forever. That is how we stay in perfect peace. That is how we are not moved by what we see. We can’t magnify everything that’s going wrong in the world today, because if we magnify that, then we magnify and we let fear set in. God is saying, do not fear, do not remove. You are set free. You have been delivered. Because God has already done it. You just don’t have to come back and do all those things again. He already has sacrificed for us. He already has destroyed the power of the curse. In Galatians 313 and 14, it says in God’s word, he dismantle our enemies. He disarmed him. He’s prompted nothing and all these things we need to know and get it down our heart so much that when the enemy times, we are not in fear and we are not moved. I want to go back over this prophetic word now. The Lord has been talking about blackouts for a very, very long time. You can go back on our website and you can even look up the word blackouts. You can find out how many times God said it. It’s been many times in the past. He’s saying it again. When he says that and repeats himself, that’s because that time is coming to that place where we’re going to start seeing more and more of whatever he’s talking about. He said more blackouts will continue to be reported in your news. I told you before that this is a signaling the fall of your enemies, the time of your celebration is at hand. So the silence and a blackout, all those things were signalling he’s going to silence their enemies and the blackout was for our protection. And also he said it was going to signal the enemies fault, it’s going to signal their Babylonian system and system they put in place. It’s ungodly evil that they’ve been putting in place. He said I’m going to dismantle, I’m going to destroy, I’m going to annihilate. And you can start seeing that more and more. A lot of the things that they’re trying to do is not working how they wanted it to. You say Julie, but they’re still in control. Who really is in control? Because it’s not them. They may think they are and God may allow them to feel that they are, but they really aren’t. God has been in control the whole time. His plans and his will will always win in the end. My children, be prepared to get your hearts right before me. What does that mean? We have to repent. That’s how we get our hearts right before God. We go to Him, heavenly Father, in Jesus name, we can go to him. Boly in Hebrews chapter four and verse 16, we can come bully to the throne of grace to obtain mercy the time and help in the time of need. We can come boldly to God’s throne. And the reason why we can come bully to that is because of sacrifices, of what Jesus has already done for us. How amazing is it that we can just say heavenly Father in Jesus name. We get our father’s attention. Heaven stands in attention at the sound of that name. All hell quivers at the sound of that name. And how we get our heart tried again is by repenting, asking our Heavenly Father to forgive us. Remember in one John 139 he is faithful to forgive us of all our sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. You are not just unworthy fallen Jordan. The glory of God knows who we used to be. If you are and if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are a new creation in Christ. And you are not unworthy. You’ve made righteousness, been righteous because of what Jesus has already done, not because what you’ve done, not because what I’ve done. It’s because everything that Jesus has already done for us. Read the book of Ephesians, you’ll get that part where we are sitting at the right hand of God because of Jesus. We are not just here in this world, we are citizens of heaven. That’s going to be another teaching that I can get into. It’s a long time, but he says, be prepared and get your hearts right before me. Sudden changes are about to take place. He’s been talking about suddenlys a lot lately, so the word suddenlys should really get your attention. Julie keeps repeating himself. Yes, he has to. I’ve said this before, I repeat myself to my children. Sometimes when they don’t get it, sometimes God’s people don’t get it. The first time he says it. That’s the reason why I had to say it more than once. But he’s been talking about cycling a lot. And again, when you’re hearing him being repetitive that much, that means we’re getting to that explosive point where things are going to change. And then he says, the final showdown has begun and the Rolls about to see the truth in ways many never thought could ever take place. My hand is moving quicker now. And every wallet, every plant cooked up by your enemies is about to fall in front of the world. He’s been saying that too. So we’re about to see our enemies fall. It’s like the walls of Jericho. Many falsehoods have been perpetrated in the station. Many people have been sabotaged and blackmailed for crime some didn’t even commit. Many evils have gone unnoticed, but I am uncovering at all. So again, many people have been blackmailed because of what they’ve done. And some people didn’t even do some of these things. You have no idea what these government officials can do and what the FBI and all that can do, especially when it comes to computer generation and all of that. They can make somebody look like they’re somewhere when they’re not. There’s a lot going on. Justice. No, it’s not. No, there’s a lot of things I do that we have no idea what they do, and we will soon find that out. The reason why I believe that is because God said it. So everything they’ve done, anyone who’s been falsely accused of something that they didn’t do, that it was a crime that the enemy is committed, god is going to expose it. He’s going to destroy it. He’s going to vindicate the people’s names that were taken down because of a lie. All right. Then they said, this is beautiful. I absolutely love when God talks to people like this. He said, Matthew Cawthorne, Vindication is coming to you. He has been lied about. He has been totally thrown onto the bus. And God is saying, every lie, everything you were falsely accused of, and along with them stealing your election, will be exposed. Nothing has gotten past me, my son. It’s never too late and nothing is impossible for me. I’ve not forsaken you. No matter how things appear right now, the things you have experienced and everything you have been put through is suddenly going to change. Watch me work and watch how quickly I do it. Say it. The Lord of Hosts. God is a God who vindicates. He’s the one who retroactively restores. Okay, so madison or anybody watching who knows him, let him know that God is going to vindicate him and restore what has been stolen. Subordination. This word will be in your news. What’s that again? Subordination. And then Antarctica will be in your news. A submarine is about to be in your news. And who it belongs to is significant. Buckingham palace, along with Windsor Castle, will be in your news for a surprising reason. They talk about purging wall street. He’s talked about Wall Street a lot in these last several months. He is going to literally destroy it now. The evil of it. Again, if anybody has things in the economy pretty God, ask him what he wants you to do. You have things in the stock market and you have investments. Ask God what he wants. He’s not going to let you be destroyed because he is destroying our enemy and what they’ve done to us. Not destroying you. It’s not aimed at you. He’s destroying the economy that they put in place, that is suppressing God’s people and suppressing the world. So that’s again, you go to God and he will tell you exactly what to do. All right? Many dirty deals and criminal activities have been hidden in Wall Street, and these exposures will prove who is all connected and who has been playing. The world economy is like a fiddle to destroy the markets worldwide at their will. Yes. Every last one of them will be named and justice will be served. Now, here the same thing with the EU. I’m going to read this with the UN. So go back up there. A major whistleblower is about to come forward with the truth and proof regarding the UN. There is a lot of sinister things that’s happened in the UN. The reason why they were put in place was it completely demonic. And discussing and got his thing here how divisive and evil it really is. They were not meant to put up. They were not on the soil and in this country to help us at all. Look what he’s got saying. I, the Lord never wanted such a thing to exist. And man willed it and wanted it. And some believe it was truly a good thing. It was just another thing that the one world government put into place on the soil, the United States to destroy it. But these are the days of Hayman and I’m speaking of and I will completely dismantle and destroy the UN before the world. Said the Lord of Hosts, if you do not know who Hayman is, go look in the book of Esther. What he wanted for mordecai. He built up the gallows so Mordecai, which was Esther’s uncle, to be killed on them. And because of what Hayman did, hayman himself was killed in those gallows that he built for Mordecai. And Mordecai was saved because the truth had come out regarding what Haman was doing to the Jewish people who Esther was a Jew and the King saved. Esther was used by God to save the Jewish people at the time. So, again, God can use anyone. All right? Now the same thing with the EU exposures are coming to show the world what they were all about and how the deep state of the United States has helped them form and control that part of the world. But those days are coming to an end, saith the Lord. A lot of these things that we are saying now to completely suppress the nations around the world, god is saying he is going to dismantle, to destroy, annihilate. And that’s what we are going to see. And that’s why it’s going to be shocking to the world all these things have been hidden, that we had no idea what’s going on. We have some clue, but not everything. United Arab Emirates this location will be in your news. A well known rail company is about to be in your news for a surprising reason. The word Kawanza will be in your news. And then again, you talk about Nancy Pelosi. He’s saying she’s going to have a major mishap. You will know it when you see it. This it will signal her removal from the speaker of the House. She’s going to be removed from the speaker of the House. It doesn’t even have to just be by 2022, midterm elections. God is not don’t put God in the box. Let’s just say what he’s going to do. But this will signal for removal of the speaker of the House and position and totally dismantling of your Congress. Not of the actual Congress itself, but the people who are in it, who make the Congress right now, who are against God. Secrets have been kept in the American people and secrets will no longer stay hidden or suppressed. The video evidence is about to come out that will cause each person that is there unlawfully to be removed. So that’s what God is talking about, how he’s dismantling the Congress. That’s the fact that we’re not going to have a Congress. Of course we are. We have sold the three branches of government. But he’s saying every person that is there unlawfully is going to be removed. That’s how he’s going to dismantle it, because right now it’s just a deep state Congress. Again, not everybody in the Congress is a part of the deep state, but the majority is. And that’s why they’ve been trying to push these unlawful and really ungodly laws in this nation. And Gods saying he’s going to tear it apart. All right, hawthorne. Now, before we heard about Mass and Hawthorn with a C. Now we’re hearing the word or name, hawthorne with the H. This name will be in the news. Dogmatic, that word will be in the news along with Dark Tower. That phrase will be in the news. And then he mentioned Cat Skill a couple of different times. I say the same again will be in the news. Look to see what’s reported and that took place there. Things are not always as they appear to be. Billy Joel will be in the news, along with hillsong he says will be in the news again. Cyrus, that name will be in the news. Mountain Gate will be in the news. Seal island will be in the news. Fascism, this world will be in the news. And I will expose each and every one of them who are pushing such an agenda in this nation and around the world. All right, now, this is a hard one to hear, and it’s a hard one to speak of because of how horrible it is. Pedophile, this word will be in your news. A hornet’s nest of these people will be discovered and exposed. Many people in the spotlight had been hiding in plain sight who they really are. Their dark secrets have been hidden, and many people were paid off or threatened to keep their secrets. But yet another whistleblower and another will come forward with proof of not only the darkness in Hollywood and how they’ve been connected to the government officials and the elites. I told you before, my children, proof is coming out. More about Epstein in that island. All this stuff is connected. That’s what he’s saying. There is so much more to that story in many people’s names that have been redacted from the public. But I will expose that supposedly classified information to the world. Their sinister acts on how purely evil they are are all being exposed, and judgment is about to hit them like the plagues of Egypt. Say it overflows. We know how hard the plagues of Egypt hit the nation. That nation never recovered from it, ever. Still, to this day, they’re still not a superpower. They’re still cursed. And God is saying that’s what’s going to happen to our enemies. None of them have gotten away with their sins. And the stench has reached my nostrils. The blood of those victims has cried out to me for justice, and vengeance is mine. I say again, my vengeance is about to be seen around the world, to destroy their secret societies and all their child sacrifices and selling them like slaves and torturing them in ways not knowing to mankind, enough is enough. My children. You are about to see my judgment hit your enemies hard. In this time, in this season, you are in Saith, the lord of hosts. That’s the reason why judgment has to come and have to come hard because of what they’ve done to those children. These people are Luciferians. And the acts and the crimes I don’t even know of. And I don’t think I ever want to know what they do behind closed doors. But we’re about to soon find out. And it’s not just people like Anthony Weiner. It’s not just people like Hunter Biden. The list is long, and it’s deep. All these people that have been in our government doing these things on government property and government buildings and towns underneath of our capital. It’s hard to hear and it’s hard to think about firestorm. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Darkness has been destroyed over you and your light is about to shine more in this world. My children, get ready for the flood of truth, a flood of my glory, a flood of revival and fresh fire. It’s all coming to prepare your hearts to receive more from me in this time, saith the Lord’s. Redeemer Friday lord, this day, I’m telling my children that you are free. You are free to live, free to love, free to serve me, free from your sickness, free from sickness. You are free from slavery, you are free from fear, you are free from worry, you are free from stress, you are free from pain and affliction because you are free and redeemed from the curse that is upon this earth. Because of what Jesus or what Christ purchased your freedom. He has destroyed the power of your enemy. He has stripped him of his power and authority over you. Don’t go by what your feelings or what things have appeared like because those things are subject to change. Why do you think that God wants all of us free? A freedom that we’ve never known, a freedom that we were already supposed to enjoy, but Satan has to seek us out of it. We need to be free to help free the world from all the evil and heinous things that have been going on. God is saying and telling us to wake up. He’s telling us to wake up and be free to help those children, to help those people, to help those ones that have been living a life we can’t even imagine how bad. I try not to cry this entire time. I mean, it’s just not working. But God wants you and I free today so we can help the world and free them from the chains that they’ve been living in. Well, I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name. I just want to I want to lift up all those children’s, Father God, that have been tortured, that have been sold like slaves and all the damage that caused them. Father God, I lift them up to you right now in the name of Jesus, set you freedom in their spirit and their soul, in their body when they come out away from these oppressors to make you live a life of freedom. Father God, no matter how bad it was, I thank you that your glory and your grace abounds even more. You retroactively restore unto them what has been stolen. I thank You, Father God, no matter who is watching this right now, if they’ve been abused, if they have been enslaved, if they have been sexually. Assaulted
God, healed her soul. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I bind all those things. I bind that that you think that it’s your fault, it is not your fault.
You are taking advantage of God is freeing you of that and all the darkness and all the unclean foul spirits and controlling your mind because of it. And since then, I’m buying it right now. And I buy those shackles and chains off of you by the blood of Jesus Christ. And now. And I declare your freedom this day, no matter if you abused physically or you abused mentally. I thank you Father and God that they no longer see themselves the way they saw themselves in the eyes of that abuser. I thank you Father and God that you are right now, just like you did with the tone of Israel, you freedom in their soul. And I think that these are the days of freedom. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare who the sun sets free is free indeed. So I declare their freedom this day. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. No one is alone, no matter how you feel in a matter of circumstances have made you feel that way. You have almighty God on your side. And if you are in the body of Christ, you have many fathers and sisters that will lift you up and intercede on your behalf. So I just want to let everybody know that God is in control that God can restore. No matter how bad it seems in this world, no matter how dark it may get in the near future, god wins. That’s all we need to focus on. Make sure that you’re doing what God has told us to do by using our God given authority to tear down the walls of our enemies.
We need to tear these walls down for them, not just to free our nation, but to free those children who have been enslaved. Well, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know, who needs to hear an encouraging word, but who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. And who needs to hear what God is saying regarding Earth today? Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

For the many still moaning and complaining that NOTHING is happening
How about the destruction of the UN and the EU ? Is that enough cataclysm ?
These are the 2 main Castles of Globalism that live in your head. Both put into place by Globalist bankers. UN was termed “a trapdoor thru which humanity falls in to a concentration camp” Banking magnate.