Julie Green transcript THIS IS THE TIME FOR THE FALL OF THE BIDEN’S NOV 11    22


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Time for the Fall of the Bidens

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Good morning everybody. As you can see, it is Wednesday, November 2 of 2022. And you will see this on Friday, November 11. And that is because I am out of town. I’ll be in Indiana by the point in time that you see this because I am doing doing an event in Fort Wayne, Indiana. So today’s prophetic word is called this is a time for the fall of the Bidens. And I heard this prophetic word. It was actually this morning for me, November 2, and it’ll be over a week for you. So this again, this is a time for the Bidens, of the fall of the Biden’s. Excuse me. I had a word end of last year, the beginning of this year, it was called the Fall of the Biden’s. And he’s saying now this is the time for the fall. So before I get to this prophetic word if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries. Go box 1252, baton or 52722. Now, that is all the announcements I have for today. And here is the prophetic word.

This is the Time for the Fall of the Bidens.

And again, this was November 2. For I the Lord this day and telling my children, wake up, get up, stand up and start to fight the good fight of faith if you have not already. No more living like the world. No more talking and walking as they do, thinking like they do, desiring things they desire and believing the way they believe. No more time, children. Get out of the world’s way now. Woe to those in the body of Christ who refuse to listen to my prophets, who refuse to listen to my words and choose to stay in a religious mindset. Change is coming and you will not be prepared for that change. Some of you will be on the side of judgment because you are no different from the world. It’s time for my children and my body to come together. It’s time for restorations. It’s time for revival. It’s time for my glory. And the majority will partake in this and some will not. They will refuse to listen to my words. Some of the church is hypnotized by man’s doctrines and they will not want to partake. (See Hypnotised November Kim Clement 2014 link below) They will not think it’s of me. God doesn’t do miracles, they say, God doesn’t restore, they say God only did that in the beginning of time because he needed to, they say. But they don’t pay attention to my written words and what it says, that I change not. I do not alter the words that come from my lips. My word says I am the same yesterday, today and forever. But they believe their pastor’s words over mine. Lord, how can this be? Because some of my children are seduced by man’s doctrines. It makes them feel better. And the blinders were put on without them realizing it. They like where they’re at. They like what they hear. So they won’t want the change. They will not see me. They will not know when it’s me. The great separation is upon you now, my children. And it’s time to choose what side you are on. It’s time to have both feet out of the world or both feet in. No more being Lukewarm. No, there isn’t any more time. I’m raining down my fresh fire from heaven to restore your souls, to heal what has been broken, to give back to you all that has been stolen. Yes. I am still the deliverer. I’m still the great. I AM. I’m still the healer. I am still the provider. I am still the God that saves and restores. So, my children, get ready this time for my church, not for the one world government. No. They will fall before you. Every leader, every government. All who think they are in charge of this world will fall. Those who have infiltrated and seduced the churches will fall. A great shaking has started in my body because I am cleansing my body for my glory. So receive these words. Receive my glory. Receive my restoration. Receive who you are in Christ. Receive my strength. My children, it is now time to know my words like never before because of what is coming. And you will need it. Do not fear. These are not words to fear, but words that should cause a celebration because the fall of the giants is here. Lord, these are harsh words you are giving. No, my children, they are not harsh. They are necessary because of what is coming. Brace for impact and brace for changes you will not fully understand. But in this time no, it’s your time. It’s time for my glory to fill this earth and my church to arrive in my glory to save this world and to restore what has been stolen and kept from them. You, my children, are on assignments to be my mouthpieces, to be my hands and feet and to show them my love and to tell them of my words and about my son. It is time for the great harvest of souls. So prepare, my children, for more responsibilities and more suddenly and more changes. Great and mighty works will you do so? Receive this day that you are children of the most High God and you are on the winning side. Sayeth The Lord, your Redeemer. A coup is about to take place that will get the world’s attention. Some will be in disbelief that this is actually happening to this nation Sayeth The Lord.

To that nation, I should say, Excuse me. Watch. Your news stations are in full panic mode and they will not be able to lie as easily as they did before. All the ratings are plummeting. They are losing their influence and people are not believing what they say anymore. My children, watch as they sink with no way to stop the loss they are all experiencing. Judgment has hit the news stations and watch them fall and watch them change in leadership. Watch as more news anchors walk away or will be removed. And remember judgment is here. A cleansing has begun and those against me will be removed. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Governments around the world will fall. Chaos will fill the streets. It will look like people want their freedoms and no longer will be oppressed by these leaders. Change is coming to all nations that will shock the world Saith the Lord. O United States one of your well known monuments will fall and that will signal the fall of Babylon of today. Yes. The fall of the evil that has controlled my nation and has tried to control the world. The time has come for its end. Sayeth the Lord.

A waterfall will be in your news for unusual reasons my children leadership all around the world is not how it seems to be. Many things are hidden and many people are not who they say they are. But all is being exposed and truth will fill this earth. So get ready to hear things that will bring shock and awe. Shock of the things they have done and awe on what I did to stop and destroy it all. Sayeth. The Lord of Hosts.

Wise guy This phrase will be in your news. And listen to who says this and who they’re talking about. This phrase will signal a great fall for the one who said it saith the Lord

The Biden’s cognitive function will be in question more and more in these days. A sudden decline. Your enemies cannot stop and they cannot hide it. This is a time of the fall of Bidens Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. O United States, be prepared. Your enemies want to take you down once and for all. The part that will fall is a nation that they wanted and they try to create. This is the time for the death of one nation and the birth of a new one. My nation, arise now. Arise and be the light in this world. Be the nation I have called you to be. I call this nation United and no more divided. This is the hour for my nation to be born. So get ready my church to receive my nation and to protect it, pray for it and receive that. This is the hour for great change in a Great Exodus. So be prepared. These are the days for my glory sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie commentary So as you can see the changes that are coming extremely quickly. And God even said this prophetic word that some people will receive this change, they will embrace it, they will be a part of the remnant. They will receive his glory, they will receive his warnings and they will turn from their ways. Even the time that even God said there is always a separation. There’s always people who will believe Him and there’s people who will not. And unfortunately, it’s not just the world that he’s talking about. He’s also talking about the people in the body of Christ. That’s why there has been time for people to have their blinders removed, to have their choice whether they believe God on their own or not. Some people were not able to make that choice because they had those blinders and they were onto that. Even he said seducing and it was like hypnotizing them. God is removing all that and then their choice can be made. But some, unfortunately, will still choose the wrong side. And again, I can go back to the book of Exodus. That’s a great example because some saw everything that God did and they choose still not to believe Him. They still questioned Him even after all the things that he did to save them. When Moses was gone, they got into fear and they built themselves a golden image that they went back to the Egyptian’s way of doing things. They went back that way. That way they thought was normal to them. So they wanted to go back to normal because they were afraid of the difference in the change because they thought their leader had died when he was really with God. And that’s when Moses came down from the mountain because God said your people, he didn’t say it was his because, well, it was people that Moses let out of Egypt and they were building themselves that golden image and then they were partying and they were doing things they really should not have been doing. And so when Moses came down from the mountain, there was a great choice they had to make and some still chose the wrong side. And that’s the same as today. And so that’s the reason why we as abide of Christ have to heed these warnings and listen to these words that God is saying. Not only are these prophetic words, but listen to his written word. It is so important to get into his written word because that’s how you know Him, just like I’ve known my husband. We’ve been married for 22 years. Last Friday, or will be last Friday for me, but over two weeks ago for you. And I know Him because we’ve been together for 25 years. So I can finish his sentences. He can finish mine. But that’s how we should have a relationship with God. We should have relationship with God in that way. We should know what he’s going to do or what he would say, because we know his will. His will is his word. That’s how you get to know God in that intimate level, is to know Him, is to get into his will, because that is who he is. Remember the word became flesh. That’s Jesus Christ. All in the Bible. It talks about Jesus and it talks about how he walked even in the New Testament, of course, talks about how he lived his life and his ministry. And we should be an example because we are Christians, but there are still people that even says in this prophetic word that are so believing into man’s doctrines that makes them feel better, that they’re not paying attention to what God’s word actually says or believing man over Him. And that’s why you’ve seen me so many different times. I know I’m becoming that person that cries all the time. But because it’s just a love of God for his people, it’s the love of God for mankind, because it’s both. It’s for his people, it’s for his church and his body that are going to walk away. And then it’s also for people who live in this world that are still not going to believe that he exists or believe that he is good because of everything that’s going on in the world. So there is a huge, huge part in both of the sides of this. It’s the people in this world that God loves that he wants them to repent and come to Him. And then there’s also people who are in the church who will still walk away even though they love Him but they don’t know Him. So they will walk away because they will be deceived. (NO its simply lack of Gnosis – no straight forward procedure) Remember, God says in Hosea four six, my people are destroyed. For what? A lack of knowledge and lack of knowledge that’s in Him. So I want to go back over this prophetic word and it says the hour of great change and a Great Exodus. So be prepared, these are the days for my glory Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So these are the days for revival, these are the days for restoration. And say, Julie, look, it’s getting worse. Yeah, it did. Of course it is. God said it was going to look worse before it got better, but that is the worse and worse it gets, honestly, is what he’s saying. The closer we get to our time, to our restoration and revival in the fall of Babylon and the fall of the world system, the system that is a Godless system, I should say, It’s a system without God. And this is a time for that fall and this is a time for restoration. All right, now he’s saying, oh, United States, be prepared. Your enemies want to take you down once and for all. The part that will fall is a nation that they wanted and they try to create. They try to create, they try to kill the soul of this nation. They try to make this nation divided. We can see that so much in the recent years, especially under the time of Obama, this great separation in everything, great divide everything, no matter what walk of life. The vision was just right there to try to divide the whole entire United States because again, they know they couldn’t destroy it from the outside. The enemies of Almighty God. The enemies of the United States have been trying to do that for years. It’s pretty much just the beginning of this nation’s birth. But they couldn’t. They couldn’t destroy it. So what they tried to do is they got people inside, they infiltrated it and they try to destroy and divide it from the inside because the house divided against itself cannot stand. So that’s the reason why you see such great division in this nation is because they wanted to stop the uniting. Well, it’s called the United States to try to stop the uniting because if you’re united, you’re on one front and you can destroy the enemy, but if you’re divided, you can’t. So that’s the reason why they’ve done that with this United States and they’ve done it with the body of Christ. That’s why you have so many different denominations, because Satan got in and infiltrated the churches, got the churches divided into their doctrines, into their like, I’m a bachelor, I’m a Methodist. I miss on that. I miss on that. I’m saying I’m not trying to judge anybody. I’m just saying then they say, well, I’m a Catholic, I’m a Lutheran, I’m a Pistolian, I’m a Protestant, I’m a nondenistal and this, I’m that. And so it gives us division. And so they’re dividing amongst themselves. The church is dividing amongst itself when it should be fighting and destroying the enemy that’s causing all this division. So again, there’s three DS deceive, distract, destroy. And so when you have these three DS, if you are deceived and you’re looking over this way and you’re distracted over here, you’re deceived and distracted over here, then over here, your enemy can destroy you. And that’s what he’s done a lot of times with the body of Christ. And that’s why God is saying and God is warning the body of Christ to wake up, to get up, to stand up, to arise in him, because there needs to be a wholeness and a unity in the body of Christ to start fighting the enemy and stop fighting each other. All right? Now, I’m not saying anything about any different religion. I’m just saying we have to stop fighting amongst ourselves. It doesn’t matter where you go per se. Arizona believes something different. But let’s focus on one thing. Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. He’s one who came and died. Let’s focus on that. It’s not focusing on other stuff. That is to me, it’s not important. Let’s focus on what God wants us to focus on right now and come together as one. Now, that’s all I’m going to say because we could go on a long time about that. All right. Now, this is the time for the death of one nation, the birth of a new one. My nation, arise now. Arise to be the lightest world. Be the nation I have called you to be. God’s, call us to be the light. He’s caused us to be the beacon. You can say he’s called the United States to be the superpower. He’s called it to be blessed, to be a blessing. That’s why it’s supposed to be a superpower, because there’s more order of God that’s come out of this nation than any other nation in history. So that’s the reason why this nation is that light, is that beacon, is that superpower and is that nation that is so blessed in order to be a blessing to the nation, the United States would just be blessed by itself. No, it’s supposed to be a distribution center. It’s supposed to be blessed to be a blessing. And that’s the reason why you’ve seen the United States in so many different ways, go in and help other nations rebuild because that’s what it’s there for. But of course the infiltrators have come in and destroyed a lot of that and what was meant for good, they’ve turned it into something evil. Rise and be the lightness world. Be the nation I’ve called you to be. I’ve called this nation united and no more divided. This is the hour for my nation to be born. So get ready for my church. Get ready my church to receive my nation and protect it and pray for it and receive it this day. So this is why we have to come together as one and stop the infighting, because we got to fight the one who has been trying to destroy this nation and the body of Christ. All right, now the Biden’s cognitive function will be questioned more and more in these days, a sudden decline. Your enemies cannot stop it and they cannot hide it. This is the time of the fall of Biden, say the Lord of hosts. Now again you can go back to the website and you can go through the first prophetic word regarding the fall of Biden and you can see what the prophecies about Biden and about what he was going to do, his cognitive function, what he said, about his gaffs, all the things you can see that happening now. And God’s saying it’s going to decline even worse. And it’s going to get to a point where they cannot hide it, they cannot excuse it and explain it away. It will become that bad and then there will be a great fall. And not only will and the reason why it says the Biden is because it’s the Biden. It’s not Joe, because something has already happened to him, but the fault of the one who’s been betraying him, of course the fall of his wife and the fall of Hunter. So it’s going to be more than just one person, it’s multiple people. And so this is the fall of who they are and who they say they are and what’s really, truly been going on.

Wise guys, this phrase will be in your news and listen to who says this and who they are talking about. This phrase will signal a great fall for the one who said it. So somebody’s going to say you’re a wise guy or somebody’s going to say something about somebody else. And God said the person who says the wise guy is the one who is going to fall.

My children’s, leadership all over the world is not how it seems to be. That’s true because there are people that are in places of power that shouldn’t be because they stole those seats, because they stole those elections. There’s things going on all around the world right now with elections being stolen because they did that for the one world government. They wanted their yes men in place to be in the leaders by presidents and prime ministers of nations so they can control the nations all around the world. But not only is it the people that are fraudulent because they don’t belong in those positions of power, but some people may look like they’re a person, but really it’s somebody else betraying them because they have either already died or something has happened to them and they needed to replace them. I’m not even kidding. That kind of stuff is happening. And neither lord has been saying that he didn’t talk about that was the Biden. Because Joe is not I don’t know how long he’s been dead for, but he’s not the real Joe Biden. And that’s happening all over the world. All right? Many things are hidden and many people are not who they say they are. So both ways because somebody’s been praying them, because there’s something happened to them and they still needed that person to look like they were in control. And also because of course, they didn’t belong in those positions because they’re fraudulent and they stole their elections. But all is being exposed and truthful philosophers. So get ready to hear things that will bring shock and awe. Shock of the things that they have done, in awe on what I did to stop and destroy it, said the Lord of Hosts. So again, there’s going to be a lot of shock about how horrible things are, how the heinous crimes they’ve committed, and about in awe of Almighty God and how quickly he did to stop it all. A waterfall will be in the news for an unusual reason. And then the United States, one of your wellknown minds, will fall that will signal the fall of Babylon of today. You have to follow the evil that has controlled my nations, that has tried to control the world. The time has come for its end. He talked about the Statue of Liberty. That’s not true. Is not the Statue of Freedom and Liberty like we think it is? It is demonic. It is evil. It has Messianic symbolism all over it. It is a god of, I think it was a Greek or Egyptian god or the goddess, excuse me, the goddess, I think of lesser prostitution members. So it is not that goddess or that person is not who we have been told it was. There’s been symbolism all over the United States of America. It is not who they say or what it stands for. It is evil. And it made me sad. I cried at first when I heard this because I loved that symbol. I thought it was a symbol of the United States of America, and I so dearly loved it. And that’s not what it is now. That’s the monument God talked about. He’s been talking about the Washington Monument. He’s been talking about many other monuments all over. So it’s a fall of a monument, but it’s a well known monument, so we will know it as soon as we see it. All right? Governments around the world will fall. Chaos will fill the streets. It will look like people want their freedoms and no longer be oppressed by these leaders. Change is coming to all nations that will shock the world. Now, you’ve been talking about that, and we’ve been seeing a lot of things going on. And I’m just about to do a prophecy fulfilled video before I go take off to the airport because I have to leave here in a little bit. So that’s why I’m trying to hurry to get two of these videos. And so you can have one for Monday as well, but the prophecy fulfilled video, and one of them is, this happened yesterday for me, but it will be over a week for you. Is Benjamin Netanyahu God prophesied. That prophecy has been fulfilled with the elections in Israel, and I’m so excited to do that one. So governments are following everything that these people are trying to do. And God just gave me a prophetic word yesterday, early morning, regarding Brazil. Again, it was over a week for you, and watch to see what God does for the country of Brazil as well. So God is bringing down all this. Friday is bringing down these people that are trying to destroy the nations around the world. God is in control. All right, listen to this. Watch. Our news stations are in full panic mode, and they will not be able to lie as easily as they did before. All the ratings are plummeting. They are losing their influence, and people are not believing what they are saying anymore. My children, watch as they sing with no way to stop the loss they are all experiencing. Judgment has hit the news stations and watched them fall and watch them change in leadership. Watch as more news anchors walk away or be removed. And remember, judgment is here. A cleansing has been done, and those against me will be removed. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. We’ve seen a fall of CNN. We’ve seen a fall of a lot of these new stations. We’ve seen a plummet in their ratings already. But God is saying, no, it’s going to even sink. Even worse for them, it’s going to be a change in leadership in these new stations because it’s being gutted. They’re being gutted. They will become bankrupt its so bad because they are being judged and God is going to cleanse the news stations. A coup is about to take place that will get the world’s attention. Some will be in disbelief that it’s actually happening to this nation or sorry, to that nation. I got to change that because it’s not this nation, it’s a nation to the Lord. So there’s a meeting, what’s going to happen in a nation? He didn’t necessarily say, obviously, was it the United States? So he said, a nation. So people are going to be in shock because they didn’t think anything like this could happen in that nation. All rightL lord, these are harsh words you are giving. No, my children, they are not harsh. They are necessary. And I’m going to go back up and read because that was when he was warning the church and he’s been warning the body of Christ. They’re not harsh. These words are necessary because of what is coming. Brace for impact and brace for changes you will not fully understand. But in this time, no, it’s your time. It’s time for My glory to fill this earth and it’s My church to arise in My glory to save this world and to restore what has been stolen and kept from them. You, My children, are on assignments to be my mouthpieces, to be my hands and feet and to show them My love and to tell them about My words and about My Son. It’s time for a great harvest of souls. So be prepared for my children for more responsibilities and more suddenly and more changes get great and mighty works will you do. So receive this day that you are children of the most high God and you are on the winning side. Safe the Lord and redeemer. Remember, Jesus said, greater works will you do? Because I’m going to the father. God is saying, greater works we are going to do. This is a part of the greatest harvest of souls. And the reason for that and the reason for the church and the time of revival is to bring more people into the kingdom of God, to bring more people in the time before the time of the end comes, because people think it’s a time of tribulation. Now. No, it’s not. God’s people, first of all, are not appointed a wrath. Secondly, there has to be a revival first, because God wants to bring as many people into the body of Christ before that time comes. That’s reason why he keeps saying it’s not time for one world government. They try to speed up time and it’s not their time, and he’s going to stop them. I know that’s probably just upset somebody, but that’s what he’s saying. That’s the reason why all this stuff is going on. You can’t listen to religion. You. Gotta listen to what God is saying. All right now. So my children, get ready. It’s time for my church, not for the one world government, no. They will fall before you. Every leader, every government, all who think they are in charge of this world will fall. Those who have infiltrated and seduced the churches will fall. They have. They’ve infiltrated the churches. They have seduced the churches. They’ve infiltrated every walk of our life. And that’s why God is saying no. Every single person has infiltrated not only our governments, but also the churches, the education system, everything is going to be they’re all going to fall. Then who are against him? A great shaking hat started in my body because I’m cleansing my body for my glory. His body could not receive the glory that he was about to pour out because they were not living holy. They were not inviting him to churches. They were in too much legalism and religiousness that quenched or stopped. I think he said in one of those prophetic words, I think he said it was a glory killer. I can’t remember. I’d have to go back and look at it. So receive these words. Receive my glory, receive my restoration, receive who you are in Christ. Receive my strength. My turn is now. Time to know my Word like never before because of what is coming. You will need it. Now, that is a huge statement right there. My children, it’s time for you to know my word like never before because of what is coming. You will need it. You will need faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. That’s Romans ten. Faith comes by hearing or trusting in God. That’s what faith is. Trusting in God. Trusting in God comes by hearing God’s word. How can you trust someone you do not know? That’s why faith comes by hearing and hearing. You can’t just hear a scripture one time and think you’re going to know it. Sorry, it doesn’t happen. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. Do not fear. These are not words to fear, but words that should cause a celebration because the fall of the giants is here. So these words are not to bring fear. They are to bring for you to know, to bring encouragement, to bring celebrations to you because the fall of the giants is here. Okay, now I’m going to go back up and start reading from the top because this is basically all one thing. Friday lord, this day I’m telling my children, wake up, get up, stand up, start to fight the good fight of faith, if you have not already. Some people have not been fighting the good fight of faith. They’ve just been living life the way it is. No more living like the world. No more talking, walking as they do, thinking like they do, desiring things that they desire and believing the way they believe. No more children get out of the world’s way now. Woe to those in the body of Christ who refuse to listen to my prophets, who refuse to listen to my words and choose to stay in religious mindset. People are going to stay that way. And God is saying, woe to those he’s warning. Whoa, he’s warning those change is coming and you will not be prepared for that change. Some of you will be on the side of the judgment because you are no different from the world. That is harsh. But it’s necessary for people to know that some of you will be on the side of judgment because you are no different than the world. They’re not, because they don’t talk and act any different. And they receive the same thing. They talk the same way and so they believe the same thing. And so that’s why God is saying, woe to those he’s trying to warn them. It’s time for my children and my body to come together. It’s time for my restorations. It’s time for revival. It’s time for my glory. And the majority will partake in this, and some will not. They will refuse to listen to my words. Some of the church is hypnotized, and that is a strong word, hypnotized by man’s doctrines. And they will not want to partake. They will not think it’s of me. God doesn’t do miracles. They said, God doesn’t restore. They said God only did that in the beginning of time because he needed to, they say. But they don’t pay attention to my written word and what it says that I changed. Not all of the words that come from my lips. That is Psalm 89. That’s psalm chapter 89. Go and read it. My word says I am the same yesterday, today and forever. But they believe their pastor’s words over mine. Isn’t that they believe their passwords words over mine. Lord, how can this be? Because some of my children are seduced by man’s doctrines. It makes them feel better and the blindness were put on without them realizing it. They like where they are at. They like what they hear. So they won’t want the change. They will not see me. They will not know it’s when it’s me. The great separation is upon you now, my children, and it’s time to choose what side you are on. It’s time to have both feet out of the world or both feet in. No more being lukewarm. No, there isn’t any more time. I’m raining down my fresh fire from heaven to restore your souls, to heal what has been broken, to give back to you all that has been stolen. Yes, I am still the deliverer. I am still the great. I am I’m still a healer. I am still the provider. I’m still the God that saves and restores. That’s why he’s saying it’s time for us to not just take a man’s word for it and to not believe in religion. To believe in God and God alone and what his word says. So I want to pray over each and every one of you today because I do have to do another video before I leave home. So heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to lift up every person at the sound of my voice. And Heavenly Father, if they have any family members, it even then themselves have been blinded. They have been deceived by religion or legalism. I find it right now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you, Father God, that they see through the eyes of the victory. They see through your perspective. They know the truth. And the truth is setting them free this very day. Never like Father, people have loved ones who are not paying attention. They are not walking with you. I break the chains and I break the deception that has been on their family members. I break it right now by the blood of Jesus. And I’m calling them all in. I’m calling in those children. I’m calling in those spouses. I’m calling in those parents. I’m calling those brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles. I’m calling them in right now by the blood of Jesus saying you will not have these people. We’re calling them into the kingdom of God. We’re calling them to be released in the name of Jesus. And we thank you, Father God for this glory. We thank you, Father God for fresh fire and Holy Ghost and fire anointing to come on each and every one of your people, to rise above every test, every trial, every sense of adversity, every disease or anger and affection that’s been trying to attack your children. I thank you that we are redeemed, that we are restored, that we are healed, that we are made whole. And I thank you for the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. And I thank you Father God that he he is the one destroyed the curse. He is the one. We have his name that’s above every name. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Men and amen. We’ll help to encourage you today. Please like and subscribe and share and give us everyone enough who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.


Fall of the Bidens comes when Joes Bidens cognitive ability degrades so much it cant be hidden. Rendering this stolen election irrelevant. A coup is coming. The way I read it’s the US coup where a massive storm damages Washington DC, followed by a military conflict and a new Capital is needed. If Joe Biden actor goes down, Kamala Harris can’t be Pres, and Nancy Pelosi has retired. Now in Egypt Climate conference. A Republican Speaker is next in line for the throne in the White house. That might be resisted by a treasonous conversation Pelosi -Schumer ? That would likely lead to resistance militarily. Hence the demolition of DC. Also upheavals all over the world, peoples uprisings grow stronger as world leaders disappear in growing numbers. Chaos will fill the streets. Iran has been mentioned as one of the first national governments to fall.

Going to be frightening for many.

Use of the word Hypnosis by God

Quote from Kim Clement Strange July, strange July. Hypnotic November and Oh Christmas. Where winter shall say and me? I will make them happy. For God says I have chosen each season to manifest something. My will shall be done. And it shall come to pass that I shall bring sign after sign and in the fall that which comes down is that which was able to be shaken. And I will build and release the resources and in the fall will show you whom I have chosen to pray for and guide this nation. You shall rejoice for it is My man. It is my chosen David says the Lord.

Hypnotic November Kim Clement full page discussion


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