. I am doing a cleansing, a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling upon this earth
The Lay Gnosis Blog
. I am doing a cleansing, a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling upon this earth
A major collapse and a catastrophe they will say regarding Australia. A major resignation and a major exposure are coming for their government saith the Lord.
The Biden will try and give an Eloquent Speech, but it’ll go dramatically wrong. He will stumble, he will fall and fail in the speech. He will have a major gaff and tell the truth when he meant to lie. And no one can cover this up. And it will be the final act in his fall
In all those elections that are fraudulent, 2022, 2020 and before, he’s saying, every law, every person, everything that they have done, everything that they did will be null and void, brought to nothing to make no effect
Giant Moves have been made to Secure this Nation. To skip the Intro scroll down
Do not fear China. Their plans are nothing and they are nothing. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. There was a plan they agreed to………
George Soros Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg Jeff Bezos Klaus Schwab.
All of you will end up like pharaoh in my written word
You will see them all fall like flies in a fly trap- Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, and Prime Ministers all over the world including my nation Israel
SCOTUS ordered to stop mandated vax, Obama Biden Clintons Bezos Zuckerberg to be exposed and lose everything, and Washington to suffer grave physical damage– earthquakes? Lightning or angry mobs ? Military ?