Julie Green transcript THE URGENCY OF THIS HOUR
Searchable transcript for the Serious Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Sunday, October 29th of
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Searchable transcript for the Serious Goood Morning, Everybody. Today is actually Sunday, October 29th of
Soon my prophets will stop talking, because I won’t have anything to give them, because
all the things that I have given them will come to pass.
I will expose every foreign entity in Washington DC. You will see a great enemy has been present. The Red Dragon? Yes. Yes. Iran? Yes. Iraq? Yes. Ukraine? Yes. Many nations. Many. You will see connections to Canada, evil, dark connections with this deep state that have with a deep state there. The swamp runs far and wide
An election will NOT be the answer. I am the answer. I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Searchable transcript for the serious A SHATTERING OF YOUR ENEMIES NARRATIVE Skip intro scroll down
https://rumble.com/v3pfg3e-julie-green-subs-enemies-of-almighty-god-back-up.html Searchable transcript for the Serious ENEMIES OF ALMIGHTY GOD BACK UP To skip inro
. I am doing a cleansing, a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling upon this earth
Searchable transcript for the Serious I WILL NOT LET GO OF YOUR NATION To skip
Left this comment under the youtube videoGranny Mulara being censored suddenly explains how I GOT
TEACHING PSALM 23 To skip intro scroll down to Red Text Goood uh Morning Everybody