Complaint from Trevor in BC
Youtube CEO who censored millions including learned doctors protesting covid jabs Dies a jab related
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Youtube CEO who censored millions including learned doctors protesting covid jabs Dies a jab related
Searchable transcript for the Serious UNPRECEDENTED CHAIN OF EVENTS ARE COMING To skip intro scroll
Searchable transcript for the Serious A GREAT ERUPTION IS TAKING PLACE IN YOUR CAPITAL O
Searchable transcript for the Serious YOU ARE ABOUT TO SEE MORE DISRUPTIONS to skip intro
Chris Chapel the speaker is almost certainly CIA. He has the task of pointing up
So I thank Andrew Bolt for briefly outlining the Noble Savage Myth and the damage its done to the entire Anglo world partly due to our own gullibility and lack of assertiveness
We’re kind of new kids on the block. We’re kind of primitive. But when a species passes the marker and they get past the point of fighting each other, destroying each other, they become an ascended planet.
2022 This is a very much atheist liberal propaganda advocating a scientific technocracy should rule. That science is some great bastion that moderates religious excesses. And it brought us Fauci and Covid 19 scientifically produced to kill millions
Neuropathy pain completely vanishes. Foot rot completely stops and reverses. Heart problems vanish. Fatigue vanishes. Dementia- like symptoms vanish. Eye sight degradation ceases.
And here is a Georgia Guide Stone summary where the monument is called by the MSM America’s Stonehenge 3 or 4 times. So God did predict this successfully. So what’s in a name? (Shakespeare)