Searchable transcript for the Serious THE DARK SECRETS IN NEW YORK WILL BRING DOWN THOSE IN DC So of course you know who he’s talking
The Lay Gnosis Blog
These are my days to thrive, not survive. These are my days to live in perfect health and supernatural youth. Yes, these are the days of the supernatural
https://rumble.com/v1j6u7r-the-biden-will-be-unmasked.html Opens in another TAB Good morning, everybody. Today is still actually Thursday, September 8
To my children who are still caught up with religion and religious traditions. I am warning you of great changes in your congregations. No more manmade doctrines, or what someone else tells you about me
Nancy Pelosi is about to have a major mishap. This will signal for removal from the Speaker of the House and position in a total dismantling of your Congress. Secrets have been kept from the American people, and secrets will no longer stay hidden or suppressed. The video evidence is about to come out that will cause each person that is there unlawfully to be removed.
Charles You are your own mother’s murderer
Hawaii is also going to be in your news. An eruption will take place there that will signal Obama’s demise. And the truth is about to come out of this location Obama wanted to keep hidden. His birth certificate is fake and there is substantial proof that has been suppressed
These are the days of judgment to fall on governors, senators, congressmen who have been against me, who have sold themselves to the enemy for money and power, who betrayed this nation. Every lie, including the Big Lie of 2020, is about to come crashing down before their eyes
The Big Lie is about to crumble and fall apart. And every law passed will be like it never happened. The Biden falls to the ground on live TV again And you will soon find out what happened to the real Biden
https://youtu.be/wkze838sCUk Participant #1: Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Wednesday, August 17 of 2022. And
Shots will be seen and heard in many locations. Taking out your enemy’s plans