Rightful President is in charge in ways you cant see
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Morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, December 1522. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called The Rightful President is in Charge in More Ways than You Can See. I heard this prophetic word on December 10. Before I get to that, I did do two live shows yesterday, the Smith Brothers. And I also did Martin Grisham with loudmouth prayer. Now, I made a mistake with the Smith brothers. I had two Rumble channels when I made it. I accidentally made two because I didn’t know how to use Rumble because I was using YouTube previously. So there was two channels and I accidentally clicked the wrong button. So it went to the wrong channel. I didn’t go to my main channel. It went to the backup basically channel. So I apologize. I will re upload that video that livestream from yesterday from the Smith brothers. And again, I do apologize each and every one of you. I was doing a lot yesterday and I made a mistake by clicking one wrong button. But I will make that right, I promise. Also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org on your contact page where you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. And we do have a very powerful prayer team here at Julia Green Ministries. We would love to pray for you and to be in agreement. Whatever you are believing God for today, just know you are not alone. We have a good team here that loves you. We all love you. And we just want you to know that you are not alone with any of the battles that you are facing today. All right, now here is the prophetic word. And again, it’s called
The Rightful President is in Charge in More Ways Than You Can See. This is from December 10.
For I, the Lord this day am asking my children, where are my warriors? Where is your faith? What do you believe is actually going on upon this earth? Do you believe my words? Or do you believe your enemies? Will you continue to stand despite what you see? It’s important, my children, to ask yourselves today, what do I trust? What is my faith in? Who do I believe? Because a great shaking is coming that will rattle this earth. My children, who have a firm foundation, will not be affected. They will not be moved. I will strengthen them and perfect their faith. That is my will for all my children. But a great falling away will take place for the ones in the churches who haven’t been fed, who have gotten complacent. And yes, some have gotten lazy in their walk with me. They want everyone else to do what I needed them to do. Look at my word with my people in the wilderness. Not all of them made it into the promised land. I have said this before, and I am saying this again to the ones who are mocking my profits and mocking my words. Get ready, because there’s a flood. Because a flood is coming like never before. And it’s not a flood of water, but of truth that will turn this world right side up. You’ll be on the ark like Noah or on the ground like the rest of the world when the waters came and it was too late to get in. I am bringing this flood of truth to cleanse the earth, to free my children, to bring a change to everything you know that should have never been, that held this world and my children in an evil bondage. Enough is enough. I have said these words let my people go. And no man can stop what is coming upon this earth to free my children from the evils, the evil world government. Every puppet, every pawn, every supposed world leader, their supposed laws, their supposed governments. My children, they are not in control. I am. I have let things happen to wake up my church. It shouldn’t have had to go on this long. So many chose to stay asleep, chose to believe what they see, chose to believe your enemies lies and not my words of truth. That is a reason for these words. That is a reason for prophetic words to go out continuously, to wake up, to shake up my children. Out of your sleep, that was keeping them in bondage or in hostage. Keeping them hostage. Excuse me. No more. There is no more time for my children to be lukewarm. Either be hot or cold, because it’s all coming to a close and it’s important to be on the right side when the shaking shakes the whole earth. My children, brace for the flood of truth that will take your enemies out once and for all. The door is shutting. So choose and to be prepared to stand. Fight those feelings that will tell you it’s over for you. And in fact, it’s over for them. Yes, it’s over for your enemies. Say it. They are finished. Their world order is dead. And it’s over. And it’s hold over the earth is broken now in the name of Jesus. No enemy can defeat the blood of Jesus. It’s already been shed and it’s already defeated every enemy. You can see that you see today Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer
Octopus. This word will be in your news for an unusual reason.
A warship will be in your news. I have mentioned warships before. This time is different. Something significant will happen to this one that will get the world’s attention.
A well known military aircraft will be in the news. And it’s not for what you think. It does not belong to the one who pretends he’s in the White House. As a president of my nation, when this person is just an actor and that is about to be proven, sayeth the Lord.
A windmill will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A major news or major news is about to break in Saudi Arabia. And it’s not what you think it will be. It will bring many people into wondering what is really going on.
I have told you these things are not how they appear to be. People are not who they say they are. And it’s all about to come out in the open.
Watch the Pentagon. I have mentioned them time and time again. A shake up in a civil war has begun, has been going on. Listen to some generals in their words, many sudden retirements and there will be some deaths that will occur. My children, this is much bigger than what you can see. The military is ready to step in and bring back your true President. Stop listening to the ones that say this will never happen and that they are just conspiracy theories. You will see everything is true that has been spoken. But remember, I’m the one who can bring back your rightful President. He is in charge now in more ways than you can see. Soon you will see who has been active, the real sitting President, not this fake one who has been acting like he was pushing laws and giving away this nation and its money. I have it all. All the proof needed that this fraudulent administration was giving money away for blackmail and bribes to keep other nations from squealing and telling the truth. The proof is coming to totally bring down the Ukraine narrative, the Biden’s narrative, the Democratic Party’s narrative, the media narrative, and the One World Government narrative. A bomb of truth is coming to destroy it all at one time. I will say this again. The Twitter files are nothing compared to what is coming. Because I am truth. I’m coming to defeat them all in front of this world. So hold on my children. All will suddenly change or change suddenly. Excuse me. So brace for this impact that will bring a great shaking and great celebrations that I’ve been speaking of. Saith the Lord your Redeemer. Now I got stuttery sometimes. You guys know I’m not a perfect person, so I will go back and read this prophecy again for you. And I do apologize sometimes when I am getting excited or I am reading and I’m not 100%. I am not fluent with my speech at times, so I do apologize for that. But I’m glad you guys can see the prophecies once they are posted on their website. Something I want to read. There’s a couple of scriptures that the Lord gave me this morning that I want to go over. This is Jeremiah 33 in verse two. Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to be established it, the Lord is his name. Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things. Call upon me is what lords keep saying, call upon him. We’re supposed to remember. Focus on him. We focus on the problem solver. We don’t focus on the problem. And something else that it says in Jeremiah 30 311, I’ve read the scripture many times and I need to read it again. This is the amplified I usually read. Many people have been asking me what Bible version I read. I read a lot out of the Amplified. That’s mostly what I read. I like that for studying purposes. But I do also read out of the new King James because I have a parallel Bible. So this is the amplified. Excuse me. There shall be this is Jeremiah 30 311. There shall be heard again the voice of the joy, the voice of the gladness, and the voice of the bridegroom. And the voice of the bride. The voices of those who sing as they bring sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of Lord. Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hope, for the Lord is good, for his mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever. For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and returned to be as it was in the first day of the Lord. He will return the captivity. He will reverse it. Return it, reverse it. Retroactive restorations complete. Restorations. Retroactive restoration means a restoration of all things, no matter how far it goes back. Excuse me. No matter what has been stolen, God is giving it all back. He’s reversing the captivity. No matter what nation you are living in. God is saying, remember, he is the judge over all the earth. He is the one who judges. He brings justice. God is the God of justice. That’s why it’s so important for us every single day to never give up on justice and never give up. Give up on truth, never give up on our freedoms, never give up for something that God has already guaranteed us. He’s already guaranteed. He says, I always called you to triumph. And that is in second Chronicle, second Corinthians two and 14. He always causes us to triumph. This is something I’ve also read more than once. I love the scripture. Before I get to that other one I was just going to talk to you about. This is one I was reading this morning. This is the Amplified, and I do have this underlined this part of the scripture. I’ll let you know. Everyone knows this part of the Bible one time or another, depending on no matter what religion you’ve come from. You’ve heard the scripture, luke 418. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he’s anointed me. This is Jesus talking. He’s anointed me, the anointed one, the Messiah, to preach the good News, the Gospel to the poor. Now listen to this. He has sent me to announce release to the captives. And I have that underlined in red. Why that is so important, God’s been talking about in all these prophetic words, remember, prophetic words will align with the written word of God. He’s been saying that we’ve been under bondage, we’ve been held hostage, we’ve been in captivity, because it’s unruly, excuse me, rulers that have been controlling this world. And it just brought tears to my eyes this morning when I was reading the scripture he has sent me to announce release to the captives. So many people have been in captivity and had been enslaved and in bondage in more ways than one. Whether it’s in their soul, with your soul as your mind, your will, your emotions, with fear and anxiety and worry and depression and spirit of Heaviness and your just, it is so burdened all the time. And so everything is so dark and everything is so you just feel so defeated. You feel like a failure. You feel like there’s nothing ever good happens in your life because so many bad things have happened. You have people in captivity in their body because of so much sickness and disease and pain and affliction the enemies have brought on in so many different ways and so many different things in our life. They put things in our ground, they put things in our food, they put things in the air. It’s been controlling us in so many ways. So many of God’s people have been held in captivity and even said, and again, he’s been saying this to me for twelve years, this is a worse slavery than the children of Israel and Egypt, because they knew it. We didn’t know that we were enslaved. We just thought this was like the normal way of life, the curse of the palm of the earth, and nothing is ever perfect, and this is just the laws of the land or whatnot. And so we just accepted, we accepted what life was giving us. When Jesus is the one who set us free, he’s come to give us life, to live it more abundantly. In John 1010, the thief comes to steal, to kill and destroy. But God has come to give us life and to live it more abundantly. Again, John 1010, listen, that first thing, the thief comes to steal, then to kill, and then to destroy, deceive, distract, destroy, steal, kill, destroy. That’s what our enemy does. The first thing they’re going to do is steal. Steal the truth, steal your freedoms, steal everything they possibly can. And that board, that was from yesterday, the Lord gave very powerful. They wanted us to not have freedoms. They want to take all of our freedoms away, but at the same time they want you to believe that you have some deception. That’s what our enemy does. So it’s very important to know the truth. And so the truth will set you free. That’s why it’s very important to get into the word of God. But Jesus was sent to announce the release of the captives. Remember in Galatians 313 and 14, that Christ redeemed us from the curse of law. Christ freed us from the curse. Christ his purchase, he purchased us. He ransomed us. That’s in Galatians was not going there. But this is what the Lord wants me to go, so I’ll go Galatians four. If I stop flipping past it,
I’m going to read Galatians five first in verse one. And this freedom, christ has made us free and completely liberated us. Stand fast, then, and do not be hampered and held and snared and submit again to a yoke of slavery which you have once put off. He freed us from slavery, and God is saying here, don’t be so stand fast, then, and do not be hampered and held and snared and submit again to a yoke of slavery. Hosea four six. God see Lord destroyed for a lack of knowledge. So if you don’t know that you’re free, you won’t fight for your freedom. And then in Galatians four, in verse four, for when the proper time had fully come, god had sent his son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the slaw. Remember, Jesus came as a man, and he was anointed by God, but he came as a man. Why, it says in the Bible right here, he was born of a woman, subject to the regulations of the law. If he came actually as the Son of God with all the power, then he wouldn’t have had to be born of a woman. So he said, that’s a whole other story I’m not going to get into right now teaching, but when the proper time is fully come, God had sent his son born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the law. That means he was a man. He came as a person in this earth who was a human being who had to come to sacrifice for us. He had to live a life that we were going to live, a life of temptation, a life of all these things. What? So he was a spotless lamb. So he would never sin, because he didn’t. He never sinned. But he had all the temptations to sin. But he came like that so he could free us from the bondage and the slavery, from the curse of the slaughter that Adam and Eve brought in when they gave the power over to the serpent. Remember verse five? To purchase the freedom to ransom, to redeem, to a tone, for those who were subject to the law, we were subject to the law. So it says, for those who are subject to the Law that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us and be recognized as God’s son. Hold on 1 second. Something happened to my computer.
Here we go. All right. Adopt and have son shift conferred upon us and recognize this Godsend. Because of what Jesus did, we recognize as Godsend. I can do a whole teaching on this again. This is just a little tiny bit of it. I know Barney and I teach taught a little bit on it yesterday. Go watch that video. It was awesome. All right, now and because you really are his son, god has sent the Holy Spirit of His Son into hearts, crying above, Father. Now, listen to this. This is Galatians four and verse seven. Therefore, you are no longer a slave, bond, servant, but his son. And if a son, and it follows that you are an heir by the aid of God through Christ. So we are no longer slaves or subject to the regulations of this law. We are in this world, like Jesus said in John 17, verse 13 through 17, but we are not subject to the regulations of this world. We are in it, but we are not of it. So no matter what is going on in this world today with this illegitimate government that says that they are in control in this country when they really aren’t, god is saying, you’re not subject to this. You’re not subject to their laws. You’re not subject to their rules. You’re not subject to their regulations. You’re not subject to their inflation. You are not subject to what they are bringing, the shortages they’re bringing to this earth. You are not subject to that. Why? Because God is everything that you need. That’s why. We’re supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. Now, I want to go back to his prophetic word. So it says, Hold on, my children. All will change suddenly. Now, he keeps talking about a sudden change that happened to the children of Israel when they were in Egypt. There was a sudden shift or a sudden change, he says, a brace for this impact that will bring a great shaking and great celebrations that I have been speaking of SATA the Lord your redeemer. Now, why did it bring great celebrations? Because so many people have been in captivity and enslaved that they didn’t even realize it to this extent. And when God brings a change, when he redeemed or he totally sets us free, he already redeemed us. When he sets us free completely from the one world government hold. And everything that they’ve done, he’s retroactively restoring us. This is the complete restoration he’s talked about, of all things, in Acts, chapter three, verses 20 and verse 21. So when all those things happen, say this jewel, this is too good to be true. I’m sure they thought that in Egypt, too. And then God not only freedom from that captivity, there was no feeble among them. He freed Him in every area of their life. And then they were free. They had to walk out of Egypt with everything the Egyptians held dear, everything that they had. They did not walk out poor. All right, now, a bomb, listen, a bomb of truth. Now, not a physical bomb. It’s a truth. He’s been calling them. Truth, like nuclear truth bombs is what he’s been calling him before. A bomb of truth is coming to destroy it all at one time. Destroy what? The narratives? The lies? The lies have been keeping people enslaved in bondage to this system. I say this again. Twitter files are nothing compared to what is coming now. Twitter files have been awesome, and there’s prophesies being fulfilled on those. So I’ll have to go back and do prophecies fulfilled on Twitter, twitter and CNN and all those, because there’s a lot going on in Twitter files. And it’s not just one thing. It’s multiple things. But he’s saying that what’s coming is bigger than the Twitter files. He says, because I am truth. God doesn’t just have truth, just like he doesn’t just have love. He is love. He is truth. And truth is coming. God’s coming. The great I am. I am coming to defeat them all in front of this world. He did that with Pharaoh. He just defeated Pharaoh in front of all the Israelites Pharaoh and all of his men at one time. That’s simple. God is the same God yesterday, today, and forever. Look at this. So he says, all right, let me go back up to this paragraph. The military is ready to step in. The military is doing things right now, whether you see it or not. But the military is ready to step in and bring back your true president. Stop listening to the ones who say this will never happen and that they are just a conspiracy theories. You will see everything is true that has been spoken. But remember, I am the one who can bring the rightful president back. So your rightful president. Now remember, God is the one who’s bringing back our rightful president. Yes, he’s using people, but God is the only one that has the power to do it. Man can’t do it by himself. It’s God. I’m the one who can bring back your rightful president. Keep your eyes focused on the Lord, not focussed on a man. He is in charge now. Listen to this. He’s in charge now in more ways than you can see. People think that there’s nothing going on and he’s just going to run in 2024. And that’s what it looks like. That’s the narrative right now. And God says there’s things going on more you can see, and he’s in charge of more things than you can see. And then he says, soon you will see who has been the active and the real sitting president, not this fake one who has been acting like he can push laws and giving away this nation. And it’s money. I have it all. All the proof needed for this fraudulent administration was giving money away for the blackmail bribe to keep other nations from squealing and telling the truth. Other nations know what’s going on because they’re a part of the deep state. But when things start coming out they’re going to try to save themselves. So he said, the proof is coming to totally bring down the Ukraine’s narrative, the Biden’s narrative, the Democratic Party’s narrative, the media’s narrative, and the One World Government’s narrative, what’s their narrative lies upon lies upon lies. Remember, you can’t believe what any of the news media or what you’re seeing right now, because got those things and how they appear to be. So you can’t go by their narrative. You can’t go by nothing’s happening. We just have to wait to put 2024. Why would we have tweet for 2024? Look what happened in 2020 when people had faith in an election. And look what happened in 2022. When people have faith in an election. Have faith in God, not an election. Yes, it’s good to have elections, and it’s good to vote, and it’s good to pray over the votes. And I’m not saying that because we have a right as a freedom in this country to vote, or freedom in your nation to vote. But don’t keep your trust in an election. Keep your trust only in God. That’s what says in His Word under your own understanding. But we’re not supposed to lean and trust on anything else but Him, so we’re supposed to trust on him. Now, watch the Pentagon. Keith mentioned the Pentagon. I don’t even know how many times since. Probably beginning of this year or last year. He’s been talking about Pentagon a lot. He’s been talking about military life. He’s been talking about generals a lot. He says, I have mentioned them time and time again, a shakeup in a civil war has been going on. Listen to some generals and their next words. Many sudden retirements, and there will be some deaths that will occur. My children, this is much bigger than what you can see. Things are not how they appear to be in anything, in the military, in the government, in the countries around the world. It’s not how it seems. Things are different, and it’s hard because people are so used to walking by the five physical senses. That’s why I pray, I study, I listen to these prophetic words, and that’s why I can sit there and I’m not moved by the stuff that’s going on. I laugh, but you have jossets in heavens and last. They’re not winning. They will never win. They’re not smarter than God. No one’s smarter than God, and God is undefeated. Major news is about to break in Saudi Arabia. So keep your eyes on Saudi Arabia. Something is about to be said there, and it’s not what you think it will be. It will bring many people into wondering what is really going on. So something is going on in Saudi Arabi? He says, I told you these things are not how they appear to be. Now, listen to this. He had me excuse me, I’m getting tongue tied. He had me put this in bold. People are not who they say they are. And that just not goes for just Saudi Arabia. That’s just people all over the world in these leadership positions. People are not who they say they are. And it’s all about to come out in the open. Twitter is just what’s being released is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s God’s coming, and he will destroy their whole narrative is what he’s saying. Now. A windmill will be in your news for a surprising reason. This one. Wow. Well known military aircraft will be in your news, and it’s not for what you think. It does not belong to the one who pretends he’s in the White House as the president of my nation, a well known military aircraft, to me, that is not to be wrong because he didn’t say it, but Air Force One. So it’s going to come out about Air force one. A well known military aircraft will be in the news and not for what you think. It does not belong to the one who pretends he is in the White House. The military aircraft that is known for the president is Air Force one. But he says the person is just an actor and that is about to be proven, the person who’s pretending to be in the White House is an actor. God put it bluntly out like that. I’ll read that again. A military aircraft will be in the news and not for what you think. It does not belong to the one who pretends he’s in the White House as the president of my nation, when this person is just an actor and that is about to be proven sayeth the Lord. People are not who they say they are, and God is going to prove it.
A warship will be in your news. I have mentioned warships before. This time it’s different. Something significant will happen to the one that will get this world’s attention. I want to go back to the actor in the White House. Remember, God says he’s the Biden. He doesn’t call him Joe and he hasn’t for a very long time. He calls him the Biden. And that’s just another implication right there when he’s saying this, that he’s just an actor and that’s going to be proven really soon. He’s going to remember he’s going to fall. Literally, he’s going to fall. But something’s going to happen because God said he’s going to unmask him. Now, I’m going to go back to this warship. There’s been warships in the news before, but he’s saying, I’m saying this again because something significant will happen to this one that will get the world’s attention. So there’s going to be a warship, and it’s going to be significant. So pay attention to the warship and know that this is another sign from God. But everything that’s been going on with an enemy’s narrative is about to be destroyed. All right, Octopus, this word will be in your news for an unusual reason. I Love this and he had me put this in bold. No enemy can defeat the blood of Jesus. It’s already been shed and it’s already defeated every enemy you see today Sayeth the Lord. your Redeemer. No enemy can defeat the blood of Jesus and the blood of Jesus has already been shed. We are covered by the blood, washed by the blood and our enemy cannot defeat the blood. We’re saved by the blood, washed by the blood. Our enemy cannot defeat the blood. Have faith in our blood covenant with God Almighty. My children, brace for the flood of truth that will take your enemies out once and for all. They’ve been holding themselves up with a lie, lies for a long time. And God is saying flood of truth is coming. The door is shutting. So choose and be prepared to stand. Fight those feelings that will tell you it’s over for you and in fact it’s over for them. Yes, it’s over for your enemies. Say it, they are finished. Say right now, repeat after me, my enemies are finished. The One World Order is dead and it’s hold over me and this earth is broken now by the name of Jesus. This is why we get into one accord with God is to be in agreement with what he’s saying and say what he wants us to say. The flood of truth is coming. Remember, he even gives us in this paragraph he talks about the floodwaters of Noah. Remember, only Noah and his family were saved from the water because Noah preached for I don’t know like 125 years and Noah listened. Think about that for a minute. He preached for I don’t know 125 years and not one person was saved because of it. But he still obeyed God. So he says, look at my word with my people in the wilderness and not all of them made it into the promised land. I have said this before and I’m saying this again to the ones who are mocking my profits because people are and mocking my words. Get ready because a flood is coming like never before and it’s not a flood of water but of truth that will turn this world right side up. You’ll be on the ark like Noah, the ones who are believing the truth and are steadfast and who are standing on the truth and believing what God is saying. Hold on, I lost my spot. Okay, so you will be on the earth like Noah or on the ground like the rest of the world. So there’s these are two things. You’re either going to believe God’s truth or you’re not. I’m bringing the flood of truth to cleanse the earth, to free my children, to bring a change to everything you know that should have been never been. He’s bringing a change to everything you know that never should have been, that never should have been. We should never been in captive the way we have been because Jesus has already redeemed us, set us free from captivity. Let’s tell this world. And held my children in an evil bondage. Enough is enough. I have said these words let my people go. And no man can stop what is coming upon this earth to free my children from the evil world of government and every puppet, every pawn, every supposed world leader, their supposed laws, their supposed governments. My children, they are not in control. I am. Guess what? No word wants. They are not in control. I am. That’s what God said. I have loved things happen to wake up my church. It shouldn’t have had to go on this long. Remember there’s been delays, he said. But so many chose to stay asleep, chose to believe that what they see. Chose to believe your enemy’s lies and not my words of truth. That is a reason for these words and that is a reason for prophetic words to go out continuously, to wake up, shake up my children out of a sleep that was keeping them hostage. No more. There is no more time for my children to be lukewarm, either be hot or cold, because it’s all coming to a close and it’s important to be on the right side. And the shaking shakes this whole earth. Remember, God’s been saying there’s going to be a great distinguishing and a great separation. That happened also the children of Israel. There’s a great separation. So it depends on what side you’re on and what you believe God has been warning about. Choose what side you are on. That’s very, very important. For I the Lord this day am I asking my children, where are my warriors? Because we’re in the army of the Lord. We are warriors. We’re supposed to fight the good fight of faith. It’s a fight we win. How do you fight? You fight with the word of God. The word of God is the sword of the Spirit. Put on the whole armor of God that you may will stand against the owls in the devil. You can’t fight these things without the armor of God. He said, Where are my warriors? Where are my fighters? Remember, he’s been asking, where are my Davids? Where my Josh was, where are my Calebs? And he goes, Where’s your faith? There’s even a question about that in the Bible. When he comes back, when Jesus comes back, will you find faith? What do you believe is actually going on upon this earth? Ask yourself these questions do you believe my words or do you believe your enemies? Will you continue to stand despite what you see? It’s important, my children, to ask yourselves today, what do I trust? What is my faith in? Who do I believe? Because a great shaking is coming that will rattle this earth. My children, who have a firm foundation, will not be affected. They will not be moved. I will strengthen them and perfect their faith. That is my will for all my children, that’s God’s will for everyone. Not everyone will listen and not everyone will obey. Not everyone will choose to believe because God can’t make anyone. It’s their will, he says. But a great falling away will take place for the ones in the churches who haven’t been fed. They were complacent with religion. They wanted to believe their doctrines and what their leaders were telling them, and not choose to think for themselves or to find out the truth for themselves, he says And who have gotten complacent and yes, some have gotten lazy in their walk with me now listen to this. They want everyone else to do what I needed them to do. They wanted everybody else to fight for them. They wanted everybody else to get into work for them. They wanted everybody else to do their praying for them and got them saying, I needed you. I wanted you to do these things. I didn’t want somebody else to do them for you. It’s important to have the fivefold ministry. It’s important to have the prophets of teachers, evangelists. It’s important to have these people in your life, but don’t depend on them to do all your work or to have your fellowship with Jesus Christ. You should have a fellowship with your own. You should listen to the teachings of God’s Word as long as it lines up, because there are people that are out there teaching, their words are not lining up with God’s at all. Like it is so far fetched, it’s opposite of what it is, because Satan has got into the church to deceive the Church, because if you knew who you were in Christ Jesus, you knew the authority in that name of Jesus. You knew the power of the blood covenant that we had, you would not be sitting where you are and just taking everything your enemy is dishing out. You’d be standing up, you’d be fighting, you’d be roaring in the spirit. You will be sitting there and saying, Devil, get out of here. Remember Jesus said, get behind me, Satan. When Satan was trying to lie to him and say, I can give you all that you see, Satan was like, Shut up. Jesus was like, Shut up, Satan. You are not who you say you are. He does this all the time. He deceives. It’s exactly what he did with Eve there. He had everything, Adam Eve had everything that Satan was saying, hey, I can give this to you, and then deceived them. And then the curse was brought into this earth. But Jesus came to destroy the curse. Now, is the curse sell this earth? Yes, but it should not be affecting us. We are redeemed. The rules should affect, but not us, because we are separated. Remember, God greatly distinguished his children of Israel when they were in Egypt, land of Gauchian, Egypt judgment and plagues over here and over here was nothing. They were separated guys doing the same thing again. And I really do hope these encourage you every day. That’s what they’re supposed to do, they’re supposed to bring encouragement and of course, get on the prophecy fulfill page, look on the prophecy index, go see all these prophecies that are given out all the time, that are being fulfilled all the time. Now it may not look the ones that you really want to happen right this second and they haven’t happened the way you thought. Don’t lean to your own understanding because God saying things are happening right now. What he said is true, even though you may not understand exactly how it’s being worked out. God is in control. And I love how he says that I’m in control. They’re not. They think they are, they act like they are, but they’re not. Just like Pharaoh wasn’t either.
So I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now in the name of Jesus. I just want to lift up every person the sound of my voice. And Heavenly Father, if any healing in their body. I want to praise and thank you that you are their healer. Jehovah Rapha, you are the healer. And I command every spirit of sickness and disease. That spirit of infirmity has been trying to attack God’s people. I rebuke you and I render you helpless and I command their blood covenant rights. They have freedom from sickness and disease and every Germ and virus and infection, every pain I command. But there are so many people right now that are listening, that are being affected by pain continuously, every day. You repeat that to me right now. I am free from that crippling spirit. Pain. Go in Jesus name, in healing flow. You see that? And God will honor those words because he’s faithful to perform his words. And repeat after me. By Jesus Christ, I am healed. I am free from pain. I am free from sickness and disease. I am free from that captivity. I am free from those chains. And those of you who have been overwhelmed with the spirit of fear, repeat after me. God has not given me spirit of fear, but a power of a love and of a sound mind. I will not be a captive and a slave to fear any longer. I have been freed, I am set free. I proclaim my deliverance right now by the blood of Jesus. Fear, go right now in Jesus name. I have a sound mind. I command my mind to be sound and I command my mind to be strong. Fear, you can no longer hold me in Jesus name. Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over the top of their heads, of the soles of their feet, and I thank you Father God. Anything that was keeping them bound, can keep them bound no more. Anything was keeping them in that slavery, can keep them enslaved no more. I want to praise and thank you for their deliverance, for their freedom and restorations. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. If you have any praise reports, let us know. We’ve been so encouraged by what you guys have been sending us, by what God has been doing for your faith, what he’s been doing in your bodies. It has been amazing to see and and hear the encouragement you guys are even giving to us, how God is affecting you with these words that he’s giving to us every single day, and the truth that he’s giving us about how much authority we have in the name of Jesus. Well, I just want to say God loves you, I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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