Giant Moves have been made to Secure this Nation.
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And morning, everybody. It’s actually Wednesday, December 21 of 2022. You will see this on Thursday, December 22. And the reason for that is, I’m prerecording, because of Christmas. I want to spend more time with my family toward the end of this week. So I wanted to make sure I got all these videos out to you before then. Today’s prophetic word, it’s called Giant Moves have been made to Secure this Nation. I heard this prophetic word on December 16. Before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 4620 east 53rd street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All that information is in the description box below for you. Now, I will be recording two live shows. I already recorded one, and I’ll be recording another one today. And so once I have those links, now it’s not on this show. I’ve been on other people’s shows. So once I have those links, I’ll make sure I’ll share them with you for the weekend because they’re two great Christmas shows, so but I hope you will enjoy them. And because I won’t see you over the weekend, I just want to say Merry Christmas. And all of us here at Julie Green Ministries want to say Merry Christmas and God bless each and every one of you. And I really hope this time with your family is special. All right, now that’s all the announcements for today. And here is the prophetic word.
Giant Moves Have Been Made to Secure this Nation.
Again. I heard this word on December 16.
For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children, the jackal is falling. Say it and say it loud and say it again and again. The Jackal is falling. Who is the Jackal? It’s the Biden. The death grip on this nation has been destroyed and brought to nothing. Death grip Lord? Yes. To control the evil rulers, their financial systems, their medical systems, their education systems, their rule, and everything of theirs that held you to bring a death to you or a death to this nation or any nation around the world is annihilated. It is finished. Do not cry in defeat. Do not cry in despair. Do not see the things that way. See things through the eyes of victory where you have already won. America is not dead. Freedom is not dead. Liberty is not dead. Justice is being served. And great judgments will be seen against the ones who have held you and held my nation. Major corruption will be eradicated in explosive evidence and exposures regarding the UN. And the EU, along with the connections to the One World Government and this fraudulent administration in the United States, along with the WHO and how many divide is a plan against you and against the world. Fauci, Biden, Nancy, Mitch, Chuck, Hillary, Zelensky, Trudeau, Macron, Gates, Schwab and many other world leaders devised a plan to steal your nations, your freedoms and your lives. This for world control and great depopulation. They plan to continue to lie. They plan to continue to enslave. Their plan was to completely take over. A plan to kill not just lives, but to kill any independence, in any faith, anything they didn’t want you to have, like privacy or your own way of thinking. They had planned to take it all away. And you haven’t even seen or experienced everything they wanted to have done to you by now. A great fallout is about to be seen. A great fallout and a great collapse. A great surrender. A great silence. A great reinstatement. A great restoration. A great transfer. A great removal. A great flood. Glory flood. Excuse me. A great glory flood. Great celebrations. A great Exodus. Yes, my children, a great fulfillment of my word. A great time to be alive. Saith the Lord, your redeemer.
Aquis. This name will be in your news for surprising reason. Mergers and acquisitions. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason.
An unusual hailstorm will be reported, and where this takes place will surprise you, and it will get the world’s attention. A surrender will be declared by a world leader, and it will bring shock and amazement to the world.
It’s not over in Georgia. And great truth will be revealed that an overturning will occur. Keep your eyes on Arizona. It’s not over there either. That the coverup that took place will not stand. Great shockwaves are coming that will overturn and overthrow their elections and their fraudulent government.
ETA. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A well known garden will also be the news for a surprising reason. Aqueduct. I say this name again will be in your news for a significant reason. Admission. This world will be in your news for also for a significant reason. Warships are moving. The waters are roaring. The coverup will no longer stay covered up. The waters are moving. And what’s underneath will be seen. I will say this again. Watch and listen for significant news regarding the Atlantic Ocean. Listen for something significant that has been going on in the Mediterranean Sea. Something shocking has been going on in the Pacific Ocean and territory has been given back. Giant moves have been made to secure this nation, to restore this nation, to free this nation. Sayeth The Lord of Hosts. Something significant is about to take place in Venezuela. Also in Argentina. And keep your eyes on Brazil. Something that has been brewing is about to be unleashed. Watch the markets tumble. Do not listen to what they say took place. And remember I said theirs is falling because they are falling. This sign isn’t this sign it is excuse me. The sign is for your freedom, my children.
Angela Merkel. This name will be in your news. A whistleblower will be significant because it will bring explosive evidence that will destroy their narrative big time.
A great shaking will occur at the Federal Reserve. A whistleblower is coming to destroy their lies, their chains, and their narrative.
Symphony. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason.
A Tiger will be in your news for an unusual reason. My children. Unusual days are ahead. Not to bring fear, but to expose your enemies and to bring you victory. To wake people up, to shake them out of their comfort zones. Stay the course. I say this again. Stay focused on me and soon you will see a great healing in my nation and my body around the world. Say it. The Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now of course I’ll go back over and read this prophetic word again. So something how he started this prophetic word was actually a little bit different. Of course I was in prayer, but he just kept saying and I kept hearing in my spirit over and over and over again, the jackal is falling. The jackal is falling. The jackal is falling. It was almost like a song. And I wasn’t planning on actually doing a prophetic word at that particular point. But when he repeats and repeats, I’m like he’s trying to get my attention. So I’m going to stop what I’m doing right now and I’m going to start writing. And when I heard him speaking, he just kept saying, the jackal is falling. The jackal is falling. Those of you who don’t know, because he did make it plain in the very beginning of this prophetic word. The jackal is the Biden. The jackal. The wolf. He is a person who is in a clothing who’s not really who he says he is. Now a Jackal is something also I know he’s referring to because he’s referring to him as the Biden and the reason why he’s referring to him. Remember, the Lord’s been speaking. If you don’t know and been following me, the Lord’s been saying he is the Biden because it is an actor. So there’s going to be a lot of explosive information and truth about who he really is and when he came to be this person and why they had him play this part. When all this is going to happen, I don’t know for sure. But the Jackal is falling. Again. And he kept saying it over and over and over again. And how do we know that if we read in the Bible that God always causes us a triumph? We read in the Bible that vengeance is his. No enemy can withstand the glory of God. No enemy can withstand the power of God. So the glory of God is his presence. The power, of course, his power. His power is also his words are spirit. His words are life. Our enemies cannot withstand the words that are spoken by Almighty God. Our enemy can’t. Why? Because God’s words are spirit, they are alive. His word or the written word of God is the double or the two edged sword. They have nothing to fight against it. They have nothing spiritual in their spiritual satchels or whatever you want to call it, nothing they have in their arsenal of weapons that the enemy has. There’s nothing to combat that. They have nothing to fight against the word of Almighty God, the power of Almighty God. And remember, God has told you several times in all these prophetic words, greater is he that’s in you than he that’s in the world. Your enemy does not have the same spiritual power that you have on the inside of you because you have the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the inside of you. You have that power, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ on the inside of you. You have the greater one on the inside of you. You have a greater one I’m going to keep saying that you have a greater one on the inside of you than he that’s in the world. Your enemy cannot defeat within you. Now, he can defeat you if you’re doing things on your own ability or your own accord. But we don’t have to. We are in the army of the Lord. We have the armor, we have the blood of Jesus, we have the name of Jesus. We have a blood covenant with Almighty God. We have things on our side that are undefeated. We have tools, we have weapons that are undefeated. And that’s why we have to tap into these things. That’s why we have to know our authority in the name of Jesus. We have to know the authority of the believer, how important that is for us to know who we are. We are not alone. We don’t have our own, just our own ability. When you’re fighting a spiritual battle, you fight it in the spirit. How do you fight it in the spirit? You fight it with the Lord of God. You fight it with the authority of the name of Jesus. You fight it with the blood covenant that you have the blood of Jesus that’s already destroyed your enemy. That’s why it’s so important to know the person like the Biden, the person like Obama or anybody else, Charles, Klaus, Schwab or Bill Gates or Noah or Rorkey and any of these men, they’re men, they’re just men. But you have the greater one on the inside of you. You have somebody on the inside of you who was undefeated. You have somebody on the inside of you that created the heaven and the earth. You have the most high God. You have the Creator who created all things for us to richly enjoy. And the reason why we haven’t been able to enjoy them is because of people like them who have sabotaged, who have disarmed, who have destroyed, who have lied, stolen, cheated, killed all of these things to get you where they are. And if they didn’t do it, that’s something to do it for them. The one that gives them power is defeated. These people are not too big to fail, they’re not too big to be brought down. They are not because you have the greater one on the inside of you that’s already defeated the one that’s inside of them. So when you think of all these things, that’s what destroys the fear, it destroys the stress, it destroys the despair, it destroys the frustration, it destroys all this because we’ll be focused on the fact of God is bigger. God is undefeated. He’s bigger and he’s on the inside of me and he’s bigger and he defeated the one that’s on the inside of them. God is undefeated. I want to go back over this word because there was something that really stood out to me and I even looked up the definition for this word because I knew he was trying to get something for me, to get a revelation of it. That’s why it’s important to go back over these words. So once I get to that point in this prophetic word, I will make sure I stop and give you the definition. So this is the last paragraph, My children Unusual days are ahead, not to bring fear. So unusual days can be bring fear or faith to some people. I mean, when God says everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that means things are not going to be normal, there’s not going to be a lot of comfort zone. And the reason for that is because when people in their comfort zones, they’ll go on idle, I guess you would say, they just live their life and everything is just the way, it’s just usual for them, and they just get in a pattern, get on cruise control. You would say, no, this is not how we’re supposed to live. We are not supposed to live on cruise control. We are supposed to be living. We’re supposed to be fighting in good fight of faith. We’re supposed to be standing in faith. We are supposed to be spreading our time with God. This is how we’re supposed to live. We’re not supposed to live in idle or in cruise control. And that’s what we’ve been in because we’ve been in so much discomfort zone. And God said, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. It’s going to be unusual days ahead, not to bring fear, but to expose your enemies and to bring you victory. It’s to expose your enemies and to bring you victory. That’s what that’s unusual days ahead are for, to expose your enemies and to bring you victory. So to wake up, to shake them up, out of their comfort zones. What? The body of Christ. The body of Christ is the one that’s supposed to be in control. We’re not supposed to be controlled. We’re supposed to be doing the ones who are controlling. Why? Because God said he’s given this earth as children of men. We are his body. We are supposed to have control in this earth. We’re supposed to have dominion, authority and dominion. And we haven’t been doing that because the church has been so complacent and they’ve been lied to and so much legalism and religiousness is getting in the churches that they’ve been teaching the authority of the believer, they’ve been teaching the name of Jesus Christ, they’ve been teaching the blood covenant where they have with Almighty God. They’ve been teaching things that are safe, that’s going to ruffle some feathers. And the reason for that is because your enemy got in to the churches to preach that complacency, to preach all that stuff, to tickle people’s ears and make them feel good and to have no power. The enemy wanted you to have no power, to know that you have nothing. That’s what he wanted you to think, that you have nothing. You just go to church, you feel good, you get out of there and you did your duty for the week. We’re not supposed to live like that. We’re supposed to live every day in the word of God. It’s supposed to be a lifestyle. Not just I go to church on Sunday and I’m a better person than somebody else next to me. It’s supposed to be a lifestyle. It’s a way of life. Who says stay focused, so stay the course. He says that a lot. Stay the course means stay focused. Stay the course. And he says, I say this again and stay focused on me and soon you will see great healing in my nation and my body around the world, sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So we talk about the body of Christ. Remember, Jesus says the head, we are the body. And he’s talking about a restoration. He’s talking about a healing of the body of Christ all over the world. A healing of the body of Christ. Healing and restoration. Remember, we’re supposed to be freed in our spirit, freeing our soul, freedom our body, and free socially, free financially. We’re supposed to be free in every way to freely serve Him. That’s the reason why he had the first Exodus. He said, let my people go so that they may freely serve me. People always hear let my people go in the movie, but it was so they can freely serve me. You can’t freely serve God if you’re sick all the time. You can’t freely serve God if you’re in fear all the time. You can’t freely serve God if you’re in worry and panic and anxiety. You can’t freely serve God if you’re so broke that you can’t even pay your own bills. How are you supposed to be blessed, to be a blessing? That’s another thing that’s going to rob people farther because you’re supposed to teach people being poor. That’s a Satan thing. That is so wrong. God wants you to be a distribution center, blessed to be a blessing. You’re not supposed to be like that. You’re not supposed to be a person that cannot pay their bills, because remember, it’s something God’s word in Philippines 419, that he’s your provider, he’s your supply. He supplies your every need. It’s not a lie that got into the body of Christ, and it got the enemy to get richer. How They have more power? They have more money. And that’s why it’s so important for the body of Christ to know what God says about that, not what religion says, what God says about it. We’re supposed to take all this stuff back and not for ourselves, not for greed, not for the love of money. We’re supposed to take it back for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be spread throughout the world. That’s what we’re supposed to do. And to help be a distribution center, be a blessing to someone. That’s a whole other teaching I won’t get into right now. All right?
Now, a tiger will be in your news for an unusual reason. Now, he talked about monkeys. He talked about lions, he talked about whales, he talked about tigers. So there’s a significance when he says these things and why they’re in the news, because they’re unusual. And again, those unusual things will get people’s more attention than something like, oh, there’s going to be a rainbow in the sky. All right? Now, then he said a symphony. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. So symphony and then a great shaking will occur at the Federal Reserve. Now, he talked about the Federal Reserve, he talked about the IRS, and one of the things that he keeps on saying, he said before, is that they were never meant to be. These entities were never meant to be. Remember, I think he said in the word, it was either for yesterday, for you, or the day before that where he talked about the United States has been going on the wrong course for over 100 years. I don’t remember exactly when the Federal Reserve came into play. I know it was sometime in the early 19 hundreds, I’m pretty sure. Maybe it was 1940s. I can’t remember. I’m not a historian like that. I wasn’t even planning on saying anything about it that way. But I just know that it was something that was never supposed to happen. Never supposed to happen. And the reason for these things, the IRS, the way they are, the Federal Reserve, the way it is, is to enslave you financially. How do you think that children of Israel, when they were in Egypt, when they came to Egypt, they came because of Joseph. Joseph was second in command. They came because of him. After he long had died, there was a new pharaoh in charge. He taxed them into slavery. He put things in place to enslave them, to break them financially. That was never meant to be. And that’s why you say in the Exodus how, when God had freed his people, they took all the silver, they took all the gold, they took everything. They plundered the Egyptians of things that belonged to them. That’s in Exodus, chapter three of things that belonged to them. That’s an amplified version of that scripture, too, I think. It’s exist 320 through 22. So what I’m saying is that these things were never supposed to be in place in this nation. They put these things in place to make it look good or sound good. They were not good. They were meant to “help” you, just like all the things that they’ve done to us in the course of how many years for “helping”? Not any time. They say they’re going to help you. They mean the exact opposite. They mean to enslave you. All right, now, he says a great shaking will occur at the Federal Reserve. A whistleblower is coming to destroy their lives and their chains and their narrative. You know what? While I have you here? Out of curiosity.
So the Federal Reserve was created on December 23 of 1913. That’s why I was right the first time when I said the early 19 hundreds. So, again, the Federal Reserve was created on December 23 of 1913, almost it’s almost the anniversary date. And now he’s talking about it. All right now. And he said there’s going to be a whistleblower coming to destroy their lives, their chains, and their narrative. So watch something explosive about the Federal Reserve. It won’t stay. Just watch. It won’t, because he says he’s going to change the course of this nation. Blasphemy. Now, listen, it’s over 100 years. It’s what he said just the other day in that prophetic word. Now we find out that the Federal Reserve has been for over 100 years. Again, I didn’t find this stuff. That’s what I love about God, because I don’t know exactly what to say. He just gives it to me. I just love this job. Not job. Excuse me. This is just my you guys know what I mean? I just love being able to give these revelations to get them and to give them. It is so fun. I just love God. I do. I love him. I love his truth. All right, now, Angela Merkel, this name will be in your news. A whistleblower will be significant because it will bring explosive evidence that will destroy their narrative big time. So Angela Merkel, she’s be the Prime Minister of Germany, if I’m right. And so explosive evidence is going to come out regarding her. Now, she was part of the EU. She was part of the world elites. Just because she’s not in power anymore does not mean there’s not going to be explosive evidence regarding her be connected to all these other people. And so just watch. There’s going to be explosive evidence regarding her. And I know somebody’s going to get stuck where I said my job. That was just a slip of the tongue, okay? I don’t consider this a job. I consider this an enjoyment to be able to give God’s words to you. And I love it because I love you and I love him. All right?
Now watch the market tumble. Now, that right there is going to freak people out. But guys, when talking about the fall of their economy now there was a fall around in September or something. They propped it up. They propped it up because they weren’t suffice of where they needed to be for this financial collapse that they’re trying to create when actually they’re trying to create against you. And it’s actually going to boom right back on them. Remember, because these are the days of Haman because God is destroying their financial system. Now God has another financial system that will be put into place, but their financial system will be destroyed. Remember, he’s bringing back gold and silver. He’s bringing back the gold and silver standard. He’s bringing back the gold standard in this country. And then he’s bringing back silver. Because silver has been very oppressed and suppressed, I should say suppressed for years and years and years and years and years. Because again, if it was the way it’s supposed to be, then the economy in your life would be totally different. So that’s why people ask me, what should I buy? Gold and silver? Yes, buy Gold and silver. All right, now watch the market tumble. Do not listen to what they say took place. And remember, I said there’s a falling because they are falling. This is a sign. It’s for your freedom and for your freedom, my children. This sign is for your freedom, my children. I’ll say that right. So they are falling. They are falling. And he says many times they are falling and they are failing.
Something significant is about take place in Venezuela, also in Argentina, and keep your eyes on Brazil. Now, this he had me put in bold too. Something that has been brewing is about to be unleashed. So watch Venezuela, Argentina, and then keep your eyes on Brazil. Keep your eyes on Brazil. Something that has been brewing is about to be unleashed.
Now, again, he’s talking about the water. I don’t know how many times he says watch the waters, watch the water. He’s talking about. And he’s been even being very specific about where, which water. I say this again. Listen, watch and listen for significant news regarding the Atlantic Ocean. And listen for something significant that has been going on in the Mediterranean Sea. Something shocking has been going on in the Pacific Ocean and territory has been given back. So he says the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea. So that something significant has been going on in the Atlantic. Then he says something let’s see here. Hold on. Something significant has been going on in the Atlantic. Something significant has been going on in the Mediterranean. And then something shocking has been going on in the Pacific pacific, and he says and the territory has been given back, so something that’s going on in the Pacific that’s been going on, he says territory has been given back, so something’s going on in the Pacific Ocean.
And he says Giant moves have been made to secure this nation. He also has me put that in bold. Giant movements have been made to secure this nation, to restore this nation, to free this nation state, the Lord of Hosts. So shocking moves. Something shocking has been going on in the Pacific to give back territory, so territory has been given back, and it’s a giant moves that have been made to secure this nation. Stuff is going on that we can’t see. Remember, movements are being made and he’s telling you about it. Even though you can’t see it, he’s telling you about it.
Okay, then he’s talking about warships. Warships are moving. The waters are roaring. The coverup will no longer stay covered up. The waters are moving. And what’s underneath that’s in caps, what’s underneath will be seen. So warships are moving. The waters are roaring, the coverup up will no longer stay covered up. The waters are moving, and what’s underneath will be seen. So he’s mentioning the waters in two separate paragraphs right there, back to back. Very important admission. This word will be in your news for a significant reason.
Aqueduct. I say this word will be in your news for a significant reason. So admission, admission and then aqueduct. And then a well known Garden. That’s kind of unusual, but a well known garden will be in the news for a surprising reason.
Then he says, ETA. That’s catwalks. ETA. This phrase will be in your news for a surprising reason. To me, ETA is estimated time of arrival. But why? That’s supposed to be in the news, and it’s supposed to be surprising. So pay attention to ETA.
And then great shock waves are coming that will overturn and overthrow their elections and their fraudulent government. Remember, this has not just been going on since 2020. This has been going on for a long time now. Tomorrow, it’s been for a couple of hours for me, but that’s good for you. But I’ll be doing a Prophecy Fulfilled, and it’s huge as part of it. Regarding the CIA, the FBI, of course. JFK. The JFK assassination. Yes, some of this stuff is already starting to come out. Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy. And I’m so excited to give this Prophecy Fulfillment video, it’s like a Christmas present because of what God is doing. So make sure you watch tomorrow’s, and I know a lot of people are going to be traveling in our town, but make sure you watch Prophecy Fulfilled. It’s so important to get that encouragement. Now. Then he’s talking about Georgia and Arizona. Georgia. Watch Georgia and Arizona. Of course. Watch Pennsylvania. That’s another huge state that something is going to shake. And rattle that state. Okay, but this is what he’s talking about. Keep your eyes on Arizona. It’s not over there either. The coverup up that took place will not stand, and that’s in bold. The coverup that took place will not stand. That’s not just in Arizona. That is in states all around the United States of America. But he’s saying specifically this time he’s saying specifically Arizona, that he says it’s not over in Georgia. Great truth will be revealed, and overturning will occur. Remember, he’s been given lots of prophetic words regarding Brian Kemp. I’m not going to get into it because of the time that I have right now for this video, and I had to make another one. But watch something significant in Georgia, something significant in Arizona, and then also watch something significant happen. Even though he hasn’t mentioned it in this prophetic word. He’s having me bring up Pennsylvania.
A surrender will be declared by a world leader. A surrender will be declared by a world leader, and it will bring shock and amazement to the world.
And then an unusual hailstorm will be reported, and where this will take place will surprise you, and it will get the world’s attention. So a surrender will be declared by a world leader, and then an unusual hailstorm. Those are like both of those. Now, again, he’s been talking about the weather. Weather is going to be unusual because it gets the world attention. But the reason why this one is me so unusual is because of where it’s at, and it says it’s going to surprise you where it’s at, and it’s going to get the world’s attention because it will more likely be that unusual. It’ll be shocking to the fact, and that’s the reason why they had to report on it. It could be even the size of hailstones, too. All right.
Now, mergers and acquisitions. This phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. Aquis, I think I’m pronouncing this right. It’s A-C-Q-U-I-S. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Now, this is the one I wanted to give the definition because a great fallout is about to be seen. Then he says a great fallout. Again, he says it twice. So I haven’t looked that up. A fallout. This is the second definition for this, the adverse side effects or results of the situation. So when you have a nuclear fallout, you have all of this destruction that happens even after the blast, and it can happen for years and years and years like you’ve seen in Chernobyl. And so you have this huge fallout that happens after the bomb goes off, after the nuclear part of it. So you have the ash cloud. You have the remnants of it that could chemical and whatnot. But God’s have been explaining the truth as nuclear truth bombs, and it’s a fallout not just what happens right away, but how it will affect it for years to come. I was very excited about that this morning. I don’t know about you, but I was excited about that this morning.
All right, now. A great surrender, a great silence, a great reinstatement, a great restoration, a great transfer, a great removal, a great glory flood, great celebrations, a great exodus. That’s, my children. A great fulfillment of my word. A great time to be alive. Safe. Lord Jude or not, everyone would say that’s opposite right now. It’s not a great time to be alive. It’s a horrible time to be alive. No, it’s not. We’re about to see what no, I have never seen no ears ever heard. Yes, it’s always the darkest. It’s always so bleak before the biggest breakthrough, because of that. When it’s the darkest of the darkest of the dark, that is when the world will have their eyes and attention on God, because God is light and he is truth. Revival is coming. Glory is coming, and it’s a good thing. So you see, all the evil is running rampant, and it’s, like, over. But God’s grace is grace abounds even more than that. So we should be excited because even though we see how bad his evil is, God’s glory is going to be even better than all this. All right, now then, he says, major corruption will be eradicated. Explosive evidence and exposures regarding the UN and the EU, along with the connections to the One World Government and its fraudulent administration in the United States, along with the who. Remember, the who is the World Health Organization, how they devised a plan against you in the whole world. Fauci, Biden, Nancy, Mitch, Chuck, Hillary, Zelensky, Trudeau, Macron, Gates, Schwab and many other world leaders devised a plan to steal your nations, your freedoms and your lives. Listen to this. This is for the world control and a great depopulation. This is their great reset. This is what this is talking about. They plan to continue to lie. They plan to continue to enslave was to completely take over. A plan to kill not just to kill lives, but to kill any independence. They want you to be dependent on them, because if you are dependent on them, then they have you under their clutches. They have control over you. And any faith what any faith you have in anything else other than them, anything they didn’t want you to have, like your privacy. This is one of the things that are horrible because they’re always listening and they’re always tracking, no matter if you have your phone off or not. But they planned on you being dependent on a phone. That’s a whole other story. Anyway. They had planned to take it all away. And you haven’t even seen or experienced everything that they wanted to have done to you by now, it was far worse. Their plans have not gone the way they wanted, even though how bad they’ve seen. They didn’t still go as bad as they wanted. They wanted to go far worse than it has already, but says major corruption will be eradicated.
All right now. America is not dead. Freedom is not dead. Liberty is not dead. Justice being served in judgment will be seen against the ones who upheld you and held my nation. America is not dead. Now, the America that they wanted, the world government that they wanted, the freedom that they wanted to destroy, they wanted to destroy, all their plans, those things are dead. Not what has already been freely given to us because of what Jesus has done for us. They can’t destroy that. They can’t stop the power of Jesus Christ and that sacrifice. Nothing, nothing, nothing is greater than that. Nothing. All right now, the death grip on this nation has been destroyed and its brought to nothing. Death grip, Lord. Yes. To control the evil rulers, their financial systems, their medical systems, their education system, their rule, and everything of theirs that held you, to bring you death to you or to bring death to this nation or any other nation, is annihilated. It is finished. That’s it. It’s finished. Do not cry and defeat. Do not cry and despair. Do not see the things the way that way. Don’t see the things in despair. See these things through the eyes of victory that you have already won, because you have.
Now their medical system. Now having medical doctors and having hospitals. That’s all he’s saying. The control, the evil, the twisting of it, they use it against you, not just for you. That’s all I’m going to say about that. It’s not an evil thing, but they made some of it evil. They twisted it. So doctors are a very good thing, and we appreciate the doctors, we appreciate nurses, we appreciate first responders, but unfortunately, evil got in and has destroyed the innocence of it and the whole purpose and point of it. It’s not the way it was supposed to be, not the way it looks like right now. And you could see that during COVID For I the Lord, this day I’m telling my children, the jackal is falling. Say it. He wants us to say it. Repeat it to me. The jackal is falling. He says. Say it loud and say it again and again. The jackal is falling. Who is the jackal? It’s the Biden. So again, say it all the time. The jackal is falling. The jackal is falling. Remember, God needs our words and our agreement, so agree with me. The jackal is falling. They cannot keep him propped up much longer. The jackal is falling. And the reason why I’m saying that is because God is saying it. He’s saying the jackal is falling. And we need to repeat and we need again. I don’t have ill against any person. It’s what’s behind them. That’s what we have a problem because we don’t know, against flesh and blood, against principalities powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. Now, it’s horrible what they’ve done to that man. Even when we signed up for it, it’s still horrible what they’ve done. It’s elder abuse and cruelty done to this person.
Anyway, so that is all for today. And of course, what I want to do is to pray over each and every one of you, no matter what is going through. I just know that God wants you to see through the eyes of victory and how he and what he has already done for you. So Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I just want to praise and thank you Heavenly Father, right now for the victory for your people. I want to heavenly Father, and I thank you for the blood covenant that we have with you. We want to thank you Father God that you have already won the victory because that is your name. So we declare and decree, and I’m in agreement that no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Every tongue that rides (indistinct) and I am condemning right now in the name of Jesus. I also thank you Father God. With Satan meant for harm, you are turning into something good. I’m asking you for a special blessing on them, Father God, for this time of year, the celebration of the birth of your Son. I thank you Heavenly Father for giving them an impartation of joy in peace. Touch them, Father of God, with your glory. I’m asking you, have my Father this time is very special. When everything that has been stolen from them, I thank you, Heavenly Father. They see that God, the breakthrough in some way, shape or form, visiting them in this time, to bring them that joy, to bring them that strength, to bring them that peace, to bring them that comfort, to bring them that anything they need to mend their broken hearts. Father God, from all the things that Satan has used and all the people he’s used and all the systems he has used to steal them and to bring them down into captivity, I want to thank you, Father God that they are free to freely serve you by the blood and by the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ. And we thank you for that name. It’s the best, every name, in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Well, I hope this encouraged you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Steve Turely here describes the collapse of Globalism announced by Blackrock Leader ( Rothschilds)
A surrender will be declared by a world leader. A surrender will be declared by a world leader, and it will bring shock and amazement to the world.
Could this be the surrender so vividly described ?
Turely Globalists PANICKED as New Political Order RISES!!!

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