Good morning everybody. Today is Friday, August 5 of 2022 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called The rise of my Trumpet is about to be heard. I heard this prophetic word on August 3. Before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. Now, I do not upload on Saturdays anymore, but I will be preaching this Sunday at my home church. So I will leave the address in the description box along with the YouTube channel. Now, yes, our home church has a YouTube channel called faithfamily fellowship QC. So that is real. That’s the only channel that I’m on on YouTube right now. There are about five or six falsified Julie Green YouTube channels, but I am on my home church channel when I am home to actually preach. So all those other ones don’t be watching on YouTube because they are not mine. Also, I was on with pastor David Scarlett with His Glory. If you guys have missed that, I have that link in the description box for you. There was so many confirmations of prophecy is being fulfilled. It was an amazing show, so go and watch it. Also, if you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgmunational.org under our contact page or you can write us at julie greenministries.
As some of you know who met them at the Minnesota event that we had, I have a very powerful product team here at Julie Green Ministry. I love each and every one of them and they are praying for you. So don’t think that you’re alone in any of your situations. You do have people that are powerful in their walk with the Lord who are praying over your prayer requests. All right, that is all the announcements for today.
And here is the prophetic word. The Rise of my Trumpet is about to be heard.
Again. I heard this word on August 3.
For I the Lord this day want my children to continue to declare your victory and your enemies defeat. A great fall has begun. The fall of many governments around the world, the fall of their system, the fall of their power and control, the fall of their narrative, the fall of their leaders, the fall of their financial hold over this world. My children, their fall is great and it’s all begun. In the collapse of your enemy’s power, the things you see next will be hard to believe your eyes and what you are actually seeing. Unusual things have begun. Yes, these are the days where unusual will be heard and seen and felt continually. Everything is changing. A takedown has begun. A takeover will soon be seen, sayeth the Lord. Do not fear China. They are not bigger than me. Their plans are nothing and they are nothing. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. There was a plan they agreed to, so fear would be brought to the world and it would be brought to another level. Oh yes, this fake government with Obama and the Biden devised a plan with China and China with them. But both sides are out for themselves. Great betrayals you will begin to see play out everywhere. Great betrayals have begun. A nation that has been silent on what side they are on will come out and stand up for the United States and many others will follow. The people are taking back control. Coups will start to be seen in nations around the world when their government will try to lock them down again. But this time with health emergencies and food from them as well. I will show the world where they are hiding it. There’s no shortages. Don’t believe this lie. No. Don’t fall for the tactic of fear. They are all liars and the world will see them as that. The great fall of the Great Wall has begun Saith the Lord of Hosts. A haftas situation will yet again be in your news. Similar to Benghazi. It’s a lie. They are trying to start a war. Things are not how they appear to be. If you are wondering, some of you are. Benghazi will be exposed. Hillary will pay for that, and so will Obama. And the Biden, John Kerry, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, among others. The truth is coming for you. There is no more hiding it or trying to bury it. Oh no. It’s all being exposed. Along with a plot against all the former presidents who wouldn’t bow to the One World Government. It’s all happening, my children. And so hold on and get ready for great changes around the world.
Australia it’s coming. The fall of your government. Don’t quit on me now. Don’t give in to their control or their lies. Their time is over. Saith the Lord.
Italy explosive evidence is coming out and will destroy the big lie. I am judging you for what you have done against my nation. I warned you not to and you didn’t listen. The ones who told you that you were safe, the ones that paid you, the ones that control you can’t stop this from coming. Italy, a great shaking has begun in your land.
Sicily will be the news. Listen and watch what they are saying.
Anarchy. Watch what happens in nations around the world. This word will be used in your news. People are fed up. More are fighting to save what freedoms they have left.
Tyranny This word will be in your news. And watch who they are using this word against.
A whale will be in the news for an unusual reason. A coastline will be in the news. Hypocrisy. This word will be used in your news. My children, your enemies lies are catching up with them. Their lies are also consuming them. A fall is about to be seen. A fall no one can deny. An explosion will be seen and will be in your news. This location will be no accident. They had planned this for some time. Distractions they are causing. Don’t focus on those. Focus on me.
A rice field will be in the news.
Respectable . This word will be in the news. Puerto Rico will be in your news. And so will Cuba. Mexico, along with the borough wall will be in the news. A plan they had will be exposed. Something significant has happened they tried to hide. But the truth is in the hands of the right person. Everyone they had brought here I am sending them packing. They won’t get their planned attacks and what they wanted to use them for. Once they know their plans are not working, they will try to destroy the evidence. They can’t. I have it all. And they will try to kill the ones they planned on using. They can’t. Defeat is consuming your enemies. So is failure that they have never experienced before to this degree.
Slime This word will be in your news. Watch the waters. I say this again. Something is happening that will soon be seen. Monarch, I said, or say this name again. Will be in the news. And soon you will see why. Tidal wave. This will be in the news. Grasshoppers will also be in your news. Locust This word too will be in the news. Unusual hail that will be reported in your news. Someone from the party of the Red is about to be exposed. They were a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A liar and a deceiver. Someone whom you didn’t expect at all. Negotiations will be in the news. A sign of liberty will also be in the news. A conclusion is about to be seen. A conclusion of this whole mess. I told you, my children, it wouldn’t last forever. The fall of the Biden is about to be seen. And the rise of my trumpet is about to be heard. Brace for what is all coming. Rejoice. This is all for you, my children. Glory days lie ahead for you in the lights no one has ever seen. And it’s all for you. Say eth The Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Okay, before I go over that now there is a one world government in the Book of Revelation. Yes. There is a takeover. It will appear like excuse me, because of the Antichrist. Yes. He is going to take over majority of the world. Yes. Because it is in the Book of Revelation. So it’s 100% true. 100%. Believe that the time is not yet. So. I do believe in all of that. Of course I do. Because it’s in the Bible. And I believe what God has wrote down in that Bible for us to know about the revelation of what is going on in the world today, but also what is going on in the tribulation time. We are not there yet. It’s not time for tribulation yet, because in Acts three and 21 there has to be a restoration of all things first, because the world needs to see God’s people united, strong. Jesus said he was not coming back. He was coming back for a church with no spot, no wrinkle. The church is not there yet. So Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. And that’s reason for this awakening, that’s reason for shaking, to get us out of our comfort zones, to rise up in Christ Jesus and the authority of that name. We have giants in our land. We have giants that are trying to enslave us. We have giants that are trying to consume the world economy, trying to enslave all of us and tear us all down and control every walk of our life and destroy everything we hold dear. They even want to destroy our belief and trust in God. That’s why they have infiltrated a lot of churches, changed and made up their own manmade doctrines to deceive most of the body of Christ into believing an all out lie. Instead of taking God’s word for His Word, they have twisted it, turned it as much as they possibly can to deceive the church. And that’s exactly what Jesus did. Oh I’m sorry, that’s exactly what Satan did. He is the deceiver in the Garden of Eden. And yes, I did correct myself. Jesus is the truth. He’s the way, he’s the life. He is our Lord, he’s our Savior, he is our Advocate, he’s our standby. He’s the King of Kings. The Lord of Lords. So just to make that clear, I do make a mistake. What I say, all right? Now, when Adam and Eve were in the Garden, Satan came in to what he twisted the words that God said. He twisted them into believing a lie. So he changed what the meaning of God, what God said to Adam and Eve? And that’s exactly what has been in the church for many, many years. There’s a word of God and they deceive people. They twist the scriptures into believing what a man says. And most people don’t even check for themselves. God, is that what you really said in your Word? And so we cannot take a man’s word for it, even with all these prophecies. Pray about them. We have all of our prophecies are on our website@jgminternational.org and you can click on prophecies. You can click on any one you want, and you can print them out and you can see for yourself. Pray into them. When you see the revelation, get to know what God wants you to know about that prophecy. God will reveal it to you. Not just the revelation he’s been giving to the prophets or revelation he’s been giving to some of the five fold ministry to give out to his church, to wake them up, to tell them the truth, to set them free. But you can get this revelation also because God said in His Word, my sheep know my voice, our spiritual ears are open to hear God. And if you don’t know if they are or not, if you don’t know if you hear God, you just say, I thank You, Father God. My spiritual ears are open to hear you because you said your sheep hear my voice or your voice. So I thank you that I’m hearing your voice right now, it’s not the audible voice. When I hear these prophecies, they don’t come from up here, they come from in here. There’s a still small voice on the inside of me, just like you have. You have the same God, the greater one was on the inside of us, that’s in the world. You have the same one on the inside of you, and he is the Holy Ghost and he directs your path. He just directs you out of all of the courses that Satan wants you to be involved in, in order for you to be on a detour, in order for you to be deceived, in order for you to go on the wrong path. But Jesus is our waymaker. Now, when I want to go over this is because there’s many things that people need to hear more than one time. So this is the last sentence and it says, glory days lie ahead for you in the lights no one has ever seen, and it’s all for you. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
So the whole world needs to see God’s church strong. We need to be that light in the midst of that darkness. So before tribulation does come, more people are brought in to the body of Christ than any other time in history. Because the heart of God is mankind. It is his creation. And majority of them have been deceived with what I’ve already told you. Some have been deceived because of other religions, and it has blinded the eyes of many people. So they don’t know God for whom he really is. So that is a part of the body of Christ that we have to realize that we are here for the people in this world. We are here to give them the truth. We are here so they can see and to know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They can see him through us. So they see the God, the God of miracles, signs and wonders. So when we do leave, it’s noticed around the world that joy has gone, that peace is gone. There’s a light that’s gone, and it will drive the ones here to run to God. So we are not supposed to be weak, frail, sick. We are not supposed to blend in with the world. If God separated the children of Israel in the land of Goshen, he said, I will greatly distinguish you from them. Why would he not greatly distinguish us now from the world? So the world knows who we are. The world knows that we are children of the Most High God. So they know that he is still the most High and he is on our side. Why would he not do that when he did it for them? And we have a better covenant. So no, it’s not over yet. No, it is not time to bury our heads and say whoa with me. It is not time for us to waive that white flag. It is not time for us to give up and quit. It is time for us to arise in the authority of the name of Jesus. We are in the army of the Lord. We should take back what Jesus has already died and paid for, which is our freedom, which is authority, which is health and healing, wholeness, soundness freedom and restoration. Jesus did it all. And he did it all for you and I. And that is what we are fighting for today. Our enemies are trying to steal was rightfully already given to us. Our redemption, right is what Jesus paid for. And they don’t want you to know because Hosea four six said, my children are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If you don’t have acknowledge how powerful you are in Christ Jesus, we are nothing without Him, but we are everything with Him. If you don’t know how much authority you have, you don’t know the healing is already yours. You don’t know that Jehovah Jaira has already provided all of your needs. If you don’t know these certain things, then Satan can easily deceive you out of what is already yours. He’s a liar. Remember, if he can deceive you, he can distract you. He can destroy you. And that is why the truth is so important to go out through the world today that we know the truth. To set us completely free from the change, from the blindness, from the bonnet that we have been under our entire lives, that we didn’t even know existed. He said praise for what is coming. Rejoice. This is all for you, my children. What is all for you? The freedom, the moving of God’s hand, the creator of heaven, earth is going to destroy the principalities of powers and the rulers that have been against us, that have been pulling us back, holding us down. It is the great accident. And it’s all for you and I. All right now this is in bold. The fall of the Biden is about to be seen. And the rise of my trumpet is about to be heard. That is exciting. I so enjoy hearing that sentence. All right, sentences. I should say a conclusion is about to be seen. A conclusion of this whole mess. I told you, my children, it wouldn’t last forever. A sign of liberty is going to be in the news. Negotiations is going to be in the news. Someone from the party of the red is about to be exposed. They were a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a liar, a deceiver, and someone you didn’t expect at all. So someone who we really thought was on our side, who really thought was for standing up for truth is really not. And they are going to be exposed. All right. Unusual hail is going to be in the news. Locusts. That word grasshopper is going to also be in the news. Grasshopper’s title wave will be in the news. Monarch, this is the second, I think our third time you said this word. I say this name again will be in the news and soon you will see why then. This is the second time you said or third time. Watch the waters. I say this again, something is happening that will soon be seen. So watch the waters. Slime. This word will be in the news. And then Mexico along with the Border Wall will be in the news. A plan will be exposed. Something significant has happened they tried to hide it but the truth is in the hands of the right person. Everyone they brought here I will send them packing. They won’t get their planned attacks and that they wanted to use them for. Once they know that their plans are not working they will try to destroy the evidence they can’t. I have it all. And they will try and kill the ones they planned on using. They can’t. Defeat is consuming your enemies. So is failure that they have never experienced before to this degree. So something is going on with Mexico. Something is going on with the border wall. I’m assuming it’s planned with the fraudulent government and we will see how that is played out. It may not be but I mean, who knows? I didn’t say that part in there. So we’re going to see what happens with the border, what happens with Mexico and all those plans are going to come out because the right person has all the evidence. All right. Puerto Rico and Cuba are both going to be in the news. The word respectable will be in the news. A rice field will be in the news. And they said an explosion will be seen and heard in the news. This location will be no accident. They had planned this for some time. Distractions they are causing now listen to this. Don’t focus on those what? Focus. Don’t focus on those distractions. Focus on me. Always keep your eyes on the Lord. A fall is about to be seen in a fall no one can deny. My children, your enemy’s lies are catching up with them. Their lies are also consuming them. So they are not getting away with their lies. All right. Hypocrisy. This word will be in the news. A coastline will be in the news. A whale will be in the news. For an unusual reason. Tyranny. This word will also be in the news. Watch who they are using this word against anarchy. Watch what happens in the news. Around the world this word will be used in the news. People are fed up more and more fighting to save what freedom they have left. You can start to see the nations are already starting to rise up and fight back, because God has been saying in these words that there has been a resistance that’s rising up and that is happening already. Sicily will be in the news. Listen and watch what they are saying. And then Italy explosive evidence is coming out and will destroy the big lie. I’m judging you for what you have done against my nation. I warned you not to and you didn’t listen. The ones who told you that you were safe, the ones that paid you, the ones that control you, can’t stop this from coming. Italy, a great shaking has to be done in your land. So Italy has done things against the United States of America and got us saying in this word that they are not going to be safe. Even though that they were paid and they were told that everything’s going to be okay from the ones. I’m assuming. The one world government or the fraudulent government. And they’re saying that this is not true. You are not going to be safe and that there’s going to be a great shaking in the land of Italy.
Australia is coming. The fall of your government. Don’t quit on me now. Don’t give in their control or their lives. Their time is over. So Australia, no matter what your government is doing, no matter what they’re saying, they are not going to stay in power. And I know there was a prophetic word a couple of days ago, or a week or so ago, that God said that your Prime Minister or President will be resigning.
A hostage situation will yet again be in your news, similar to Benghazi. It’s a lie. They are trying to start a war. Things are not how they appear to be. If you are wondering, some of you are. Benghazi will be exposed. Hillary will pay for that. And so Obama and the Biden. John Kerry, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, among others. The truth is coming for you. There is no more hiding it or trying to bury it. Oh, no. It’s all being exposed along with the plot against all the former presidents who wouldn’t bow to the one world government. It’s all happening, my children. So hold on and get ready for great changes around the world. Now this is also in bold. The great fall of the Great Wall has begun and we all know where the Great Wall is. A nation has been silent on what side they’re on and will come out and stand up, or they will come out and stand up for the United States and many others will follow. The people are taking back control. Coups will start to be seen in the nations around the world when their governments will try to lock them down. But this time with health emergencies and food from them as well. I will show the world where they are hiding it. There’s no shortages. Don’t believe this lie. No, don’t fall for that tactic of fear. They’re all liars, and the world will see them as that. So there’s going to be a nation that’s going to come out that’s been silent on what side they are really, truly on, and they’re going to come out and they’re going to say that they’re on the side of the United States of America. All right? Do not fear China. They are not bigger than me. That’s not only a cap loss. Had me put in a cap loss, but also it’s in bold. China is not bigger than God. Neither is this fraudulent government that we see in the United States. Neither is the one world government. Neither is it doesn’t matter what world leader they are, how much money they have. No one is bigger than God. No one. Their plans are nothing. They are nothing. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. So this is all big show, okay? Everything you’re seeing right now is a big show. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. There was a plan. They agreed to bring so much fear that we brought to the world that it would be to another level. So this was another tactic of fear, tactic of war. Oh, yes. This fake government with Obama and the Biden devised a plan with China and China with them. But both sides are out for themselves. A great betrayal you will begin to see play out everywhere. Great betrayals have begun. So we know that China knows that the United States is weak. They don’t see what’s lurking in the shadows, which is the rightful president and the rightful government that’s coming back into power. They don’t see that. They also see that they’ve been working with this fraudulent government for their own plans. They had plans together. But they’re going to be out for themselves, and you’re going to start seeing great betrayals around the nations, around the world. All right? The takedown has begun. Take over will soon be seen, saith the Lord. Unusual things have begun. Yes, these are the days where unusual will be heard and seen and felt continually. Everything is changing. The things you see next, we hard to believe your eyes, what you are actually seeing. So things are going to change to a degree. It’s going to be hard to believe what we are actually seeing in a bad way at first, because it’s going to get a little bit worse before it gets better. But that is that shaking to destroy their economy, destroy their power, destroy all of them, and then bring up what God has in store for us. Don’t worry, manifest. God protected us. So and then he’s protecting us now. That’s why he says over and over, do not fear. There’s nothing to fear. There is nothing to fear? If God is on our side, whom shall we fear? If God is before us, who can be against us? Those are the scriptures that are just a couple of scriptures that you can stand on during this time. And grateful has begun to follow many governments around the world, to follow their system, to follow their power and control, to follow their narrative, to follow their leaders, to follow their financial hold over this world. My children, their fall is great. It’s all begun. And the collapse of your enemy’s power. So the collapse of our enemy’s power has begun. Praise the Lord. For the Lord this day. Want my children to continue to declare your victory in your enemy’s defeat. Remember Guy said before his life and death blessing and cursing? He says, you choose and choose life. How do we choose life? We choose life with our words. We choose blessing. With our words. We choose the word of God. Speak the word of God. Instead of speaking failure, defeat, sickness and disease. Speak the word of God. Well, I hope this encouraged you today. I want to pray for each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now I just lift up every person the sound of my voice. I want to praise and thank you for their freedom. I want to praise and thank you for their deliverance. I want to praise and thank you for the chainsaw and holding them. Can hold them no longer. I thank you that they are seeing themselves in the army of the Lord. They are seeing the victory through Christ Jesus. They see they are no longer weak, they are no longer sick, they are no longer deprived, they are no longer depressed. They are no longer in bondage. I thank you, Father God. They see their victory because they see what Jesus has already done for them. They’re doing things through your strengths, not their own strength and their own ability. I thank you, Father God, that they take these words, they receive what you are saying for that truth to set them completely free. And I thank you Father God for showering down your glory upon each and every one of them, no matter what they need, you know, no matter what has been going on in their life, you know, and you have their answer. And I thank you, Father God. They receive the answer. They receive that deliverance in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, I hope to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know, who needs to hear an encouraging word, needs to hear the truth. They got the truth. Set you free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

Astonishing to hear Australia’s new Government headed by PM Anthony Albanese is doomed to fall. He is currently engaged in what seems to be political suicide. He is pushing for, via referendum, an addition to our constitution that gives indigenous people raised status over everybody else. Perhaps 2 or more votes per person. He refuses to detail anything about it in advance because he knows we wouldn’t have a bar of it if we knew the whole deal. This is a Globalist plot We are asked to give indigenous people an extra “VOICE” in our constitution. 1 word only. After that “voice” can be used to do almost anything such as appointing an aboriginal aristocracy with some role in our parliamentary process such as a third house of parliament with veto powers? And who knows what else ? Once its in the constitution it could not be removed. This all sounds very Marxist following NZ’s example. Giving vast power to people based on their bloodlines. As in aristocracy.
Critics have already said this will be raining vast riches on a handful of aboriginal activists while remote communities see nothing. Billions have already been spent that way. And nothing has improved. I will be voting a big NO to this referendum.
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