Its possible to hide profound truths before our very eyes, and hundreds of millions of bewitched TV viewers can remain unaware of this oversight.
Truths hidden from you include What you really are !
You are in fact, an adored sleeping beauty, waiting to be awakened.
(though you think you are awake)
A very clear description is acted out for you in the TV show I dream of Jeanie
YES your own internal mysterious configuration is revealed on TV.
Of course the lead character Major Healey`s additional internal entity (his second intelligence) cannot be filmed, so Jeanie plays that role externally, to enable filming.
Word origin of Genie is Greek who gave a specific meaning to the Arab root word Jinn.The Greeks used it to name a second intelligence that resides in all of us, our Divine Spark, our Daemon, described by many Greek scientists. Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius.
The video below explains how much you missed, so enthralled you were, with the charming romantic story.
So YOUR inner genius, YOUR divine spark, just like Socrates, can be activated in about 20 mins
- Vivid messaging night dreams (of Jeanie even, if you want) within 7 days
- Immediate physical evidence that something has changed
- messaging day dreams mixed with physical signals to prove its not your imagination
- Signalling music to slowly morph into an internal mentoring voice just like Socrates and Plato described
- Expect keywords names and even websites to be typed into your mindseye with info vital to YOUR personal life.
- Go to http://www.truebluehealer.com
- Do the 20 mins BEGINNERS TOUR
- All questions answered.
- Now just watch the video and enjoy
- See you back at the website http://www.truebluehealer.com