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Participant #1:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday, september 6 of 2022. Well, I hope each and every one of you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend. And as you see, I did not post yesterday. I did actually have a day off because because I did preach at the home church on Sunday. And I will have that link in the description box for you. For those who have missed that teaching, it was very powerful about what time we’re living in and what God has for us to do in the revelation what’s going on right now. And of course, it is in the written word of God how we should handle everything that we see. All right, today’s powerful prophetic word is called judgment is coming for all government officials against me. This is the word of the Lord. I had I should receive this on August 31. Now, you’ll be noticing that I am going to start prerecording today. So I’m going to do two today and probably two every day this week. It might even be three one of these days this week because I am leaving out of town for Reawakening America tour next weekend. But I’m also leaving out of town this Friday because I’ll be in Waterloo, Iowa for an event that I’ll be speaking at on Saturday, September 10. So I am prerecording as much as I can for you because I know I’m behind on a lot of these prophetic words. And so I will get them out to you while I’m gone. So you are not going to be without time, without hearing a prophetic word or hearing the prostate that have been already fulfilled. So I’m doing the best that I can while I’m out of town and before I go out of town for each and every one of you. Now, I am going to be on a show called Beautiful Ashes today. I will have that link in the description box. More likely, I’ll do it tomorrow with a show link for you. Excuse me. And then, of course, tomorrow I will be on with Pastor David Scarlett with page five in his glory. I’ll be on at 1130 Central time again. And of course, I have all that information in the description box below for you. And then Thursday I will be on at 930 with flyover conservative. If that’s on a live show, then I’ll make sure that you guys have the link on Friday so you guys can actually watch that show as well. Also, I will be preaching or I’m sorry, I’ll be praying or teaching at the Quad City Prayer Breakfast. It’s actually in my own hometown now, and that is September 24. It starts at 09:00. And Jean Bailey is also going to be there. They’re going to have something from Ben Carson and a couple of other people. So I’m looking forward to that. But you do have to have tickets, so I will leave that link in the description box for you if you would like to go to the Quad City Prayer Breakfast, I am so looking forward to that. And then that same day, I’m flying to Pennsylvania and I’m going to be a part of the Patriots Arise event. It will have more information for that when we get closer. So I apologize. That is all the announcements to make. I know it took a little bit longer than normal, but I do have a lot going on and I wanted to share all of that with each and every one of you. Also, if you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at Juliegreen Ministries. PO. Box at North, Iowa 52722. We have a very powerful prayer team and they want to pray for each and every one of you. They want to see what God has in store for you and for you to know that you are not alone.
All right, now here is the prophetic word. J
Judgment is Coming for all Government Officials against me.
Again. This was August 31.
For I, the Lord this day, am telling my children today to walk as my children on this earth. Walk with authority, talk with authority, pray and declare with authority that I have given unto you. You have a blood covenant with me and I will not fail you. You will also see these words I’ve spoken through my prophets today are real and they are true. They were sent here for you to bring hope in the midst of hopelessness, to give truth where lies had been filling this earth. I am the deliverer. I have promised to do so. And I am. My plans are in place and going as planned to set the world free from tyranny. My children, see through my eyes and see through the right perception of things that are really going on upon this earth. I have told you many things in this world you see are not how they appear to be. It’s an illusion to get you to believe a lie, to deceive you into a power that you don’t have to give into and to give up the power you do have. Do not give up power in the price that has already been paid, in the victory that has already been won. Jesus fought for this and defeated your enemies. Take this victory which has been given to you. This is a time of great change, so be prepared, for everything you see will soon change. And I mean everything. So hold on to my words and receive my glory in your homes and invite me to be every part of your day. I will shield you from what is about to come upon this earth. It’s not meant for you, my children, and I will protect you. So believe in me. Believe in my love for you Sayeth The Lord, Your Redeemer
Howard Brown. I say the same again. Will be in your news. Truth has been hidden. That will be revealed.
Sackcloth this word will be in your news. Or Vesalius. How we pronounce that ? This word will also be in your news. It’s Vesalius. And if I say it wrong, I do apologize. So Vasalius will be in your news.
Gavin Newsom. I have said this name before, and I’m saying it again. A shocking news report is about to be released. A whistleblower is coming forward with damning evidence and information against him, that will open the door to many others that he is in cooperation with. He has been making deals and with money he has received to fulfill their plans they have made. He is no longer protected by the globalists, and judgment is about to strike him down to the ground, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Ezekiel (see afterword) this name, again, I say, will be in your news, and soon you will see why.
The Dallas Cowboys will be in your news. For an unusual reason, something is about to strike this organization big time. Fairway this word will be in your news. A great shaking is about to occur in London that will rock the royals.
Havana, this name will be in your news.
Nigeria will be in your news.
Somalia will also be in your news.
Brian Kemp you thought the coast was clear, and you got away with everything you were paid to do. Well, you have been caught red handed. The world will as soon know who you really are and whose side you’re actually on and have been on this whole time. You are blackmailed for the things you’ve tried to keep hidden. But if explosive information is about to pour out of Georgia, you can’t stop from happening. Your plans are crumbling before your eyes, and all who are with you are about to take a fall you will not see coming. Brian you are warned, and you went through with their plans anyway. You’ll be removed from your seat of governor and off the ticket on the midterms that you stole. And there’s proof of that. People were watching. I’ve had people infiltrating your camp and recorded all those things you so desperately tried to keep from the public. Brian your time is up, and your power is coming to an abrupt end. Treason will be your fall, and justice will be served. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Doug Ducey, you traitor and treasonous snake. You betrayed me and your nation. You will also not stay in your seat of governor. You’ll be fully exposed for all the crimes you have committed. Your fall will be great, and your fall will be soon, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. These are the days of judgment to fall on governors, senators, congressmen who have been against me, who have sold themselves to the enemy for money and power, who betrayed this nation. Every lie, including the Big Lie of 2020, is about to come crashing down before their eyes. I told you, my children, a clean sweep of every enemy of this nation in every position in place of power is about to be seen. A major crash is about to be seen. A collision of my power and the enemy’s power will soon be seen. And everything they have done will come to an end. The momentum they had will come to a sudden halt because they have come up against me. They’ve hit a point of no return and they can’t move forward anymore. Their walls are crumbling and the floor underneath their feet is no longer stable. A paralyzing state of circumstances is about to hit your enemies when they least expect it. The shift has begun. The momentum of truth and justice is picking up speed. It’s coming and coming quickly. And it’s about to crash your enemy’s party. In their celebrations, another CEO of a major corporation is about to announce he’s stepping down to retirement. Do not believe this is actually true. They are running, but there is nowhere to hide and run or hide from me. It will not stop the judgment that’s about to hit them all. When you see this, know that more will follow. In a short period of time, the pace of everything has picked up, and things will happen much faster now. So hold on, my children. It’s all about to abruptly end. And you’ll experience that joy never experienced before. So get ready for celebrations to begin Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now, as you can see, prophecies are being fulfilled quicker now than any other time before. There’s prophetic word. It could have been hundreds of years or even a thousand of years, and then all of a sudden, recently, it’s been years or months or even days before the fulfillment of the prophetic word. We are living in unprecedented times. We are living in times where prophecy as being spoken, and almost as quickly as it’s being spoken, it’s being fulfilled. You can say, Julie, but some things aren’t. Well, a lot of things are. And as we see those other things that are being fulfilled at a quicker pace, we’re going to see now political prophecies being fulfilled quicker in this point of time. Remember, this is the time of the great exodus in the year of 2022. You can say, Julie, there’s not much time. All it takes is one day, and one day is all God needs. So it doesn’t matter how many days are left in this year. All God needs is one day. Will it take that much? I don’t know. That’s all God needs. He doesn’t need months on months and months. But there is time. What we have been in, the time of patience, in the time of waiting for all this to come crumbling down. God is perfecting. The ones who are his remnants, the ones who are choosing to believe, the ones who are fighting the good fight of faith, the ones who are not being moved by what they see. God is rising up. A remnant revival is spreading across this world. People’s eyes are opening and they’re being softened to what God is doing and who God truly, really is. He’s awakening up the church and wakening up the world from their sleep. A sleeping giant has now been awoken or woken up out of its sleep. And our adversary wanted to keep us lazy, complacent and without fighting back. He wanted to keep us broken and sick and weak. And God is saying, it is not that time anymore. Church my body. Because it is God’s body. He’s the head and we’re the body. It is time for us to get up. Michael, chapter seven, eight. Rejoice on against me all my enemies, for when I fall, I shall arise. This is the time for the church to rise up, just like you said in that first paragraph, to take our authority to walk in it, to use what God has given to us, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Now, I want to go over this prophetic word very quickly for you. The pace of everything is picked up and things will happen much faster now. So hold on, my children. It’s all about to abruptly end and you’ll experience a joy never experienced before. So get ready for celebrations to begin. Now, one of the things that he’s been talking about is the great exodus. And the celebrations are going to fill the streets because of what God is about to do. Now, another major CEO of a corporation is about to announce they’re going into retirement. The reason why, he says, do not believe this is actually true, because they are being forced into quitting. Because they think if they quit or if they retire, then they are going to be able to get away with what they’ve done, because that’s what they were told. But it’s not true just because they’re going into retirement or just because they’re stepping down and they’re running away. God is saying justice and judgment is going to hit them. So watch for another CEO. He said many more will follow in this period of time. The shift has begun and the momentum of truth justice is picking up speed. It’s coming in quickly and it’s about to crash your enemy’s party and their celebrations, because they’ve been celebrating for a while. And God is saying the shift has begun. That’s going to change all that. So just watch them start falling apart on live TV, because he’s been talking about that. They’re going to start having more gas. They’re going to start saying things I didn’t mean to say. So start watching it. This is the time. A collision of my power and the enemy’s power will soon be seen and everything they have done will come to an end. The momentum they have had come to a sudden halt because they have come up against me. Listen, the power they’ve had is going to come to an abrupt halt because they’re coming against God Almighty. They have hit a point of no return and they can’t move forward anymore. Their walls are crumbling. The floor underneath their feet is no longer stable. A paralyzing state of circumstance is about to hit your enemies when they least expect it. Now, a major crash is about to be seen that could be in multiple different things. But just watch, because it will say that in headlines somewhere. These are the days of judgment to fall on governors, senators, congressmen who have been against me and who have sold themselves to the enemy of the enemy for money and power. And all who portray this nation. Every lie, including the big lie of 2020, is about to come crashing down before their eyes. I told you, my children, a clean sweep of every enemy of the nation in every position in place of power is about to be seen. God is going to seriously take every person that cheated every person that does not rightfully belong there or even maybe won their position. But they’ve turned against God. They’ve sold themselves to the enemy. They’ve done treasonous acts against this country and around the world. And God is saying they’re all going to be removed, you say? Julie how is that possible? Look what he did with Pharaoh and his men. They were abruptly removed all at one time. It doesn’t take God. He can do all things well except for he can’t lie. But he can do things in a time period that we cannot comprehend. Again, there’s so many different parts in the Bible where it guided something that man would never have expected it, especially in that period of time. So don’t look to man’s calendar and don’t look to man’s ability to get done, because God will do it by his own strength, in his own hand. Now, he’s mentioned three governors in this prophecy alone. He’s mentioned a lot of governors in the times past. These three he’s mentioned before. He’s mentioned them again. And I think the reason why he’s mentioning them again is because there’s time for them to fall here very shortly. Doug Ducey for those of you who don’t know, he is the governor of Arizona. Doug Ducey your traitor and a treasonous snake betrayed me and your nation. You will also not stay in your seat of the governor. You’ll be fully exposed for all the crimes you’ve committed. Your fall will be great, and your fall will be soon, say, at the Lord of Hosts. And then for you who don’t know, Brian Kemp is the governor of Georgia. Brian Kemp you thought the coast was clear, and you got away with everything you paid to do, you were paid to do well. You have been caught red handed. The role is to know who you really are and whose side you’re actually on, and you have been on this whole time. You are blackmailed for the things you try to keep hidden. But explosive information is about to pour out of Georgia. You can’t stop from happening. Your plans are crumbling before your eyes, and all who are with you are about to take a fall you will not see coming. Brian, you were warned, and you went through with your plans anyway. You’ll be removed from your seat of governor and off the ticket on the midterms that you stole. And there’s proof of that. People were watching. I had people infiltrating your camp, and I recorded all the things you so desperately tried to keep from the public. Brian, your time is up, and your power is coming to an abrupt end. Treason will be your fault, and justice will be served. Saith the Lord not only did Brian camp betrayed this country when it came to 2020, along with the Secretary of State, Brad Rapinsberger, but also they were stealing also the primaries of this year for the 2022 midterms. So God is saying all that is going to be exposed. People were infiltrating their camps. They caught them right handed. The hands in the cookie jar, you might say. And so we are about to see explosive information come out regarding Brian Kemp. And also the state of Georgia. Somalia will be in your news. Nigeria will be in your news. Havana will be in your news. A great shaking is about to occur in London that will rock the royals. I’ve been talking about the royals a lot. So start seeing explosive information come out regarding the royal family fairway. This word will be in your news. The Dows Cowboys will be in your news for an unusual reason. And then he said, something is about to strike this organization. So watch the Dallas Cowboys and something that’s about to hit that organization. Ezekiel this name again, I say, will be in your news soon, and you will see why. Gavin Newsom now, he is the governor of California, and there’s been many prophetic words regarding Gavin Newsom. And God is saying something about him. Again, gavin Newsom I have said this name before, and I am saying again, a shocking news report about to be released. A whistleblower is coming forward with damning evidence and information about him that will open the door to many others that he has been in cooperation with. He has been making deals with the money he has received to fulfill their plans that they have made. He is no longer protected by the globalists. So he’s been making deals with the globalists. And God is saying in this prophetic word, he’s no longer protected, and judgment is about to strike him down to the ground. Saith the Lord folks, remember, God’s been talking about the people who are in the inner circle of the globalists and the world elites. They’re going to let other people fall to save themselves, but that’s not going to work. God is saying they’re all going to come crashing down. He’s been also bringing up many elites names and he’s going to continue to do so because the more that he speaks of these things, the more we’re going to see these prophecies fulfilled. Of all these people that God’s people, the church or the world really thought they got away with all this stuff and they haven’t. Now, I said this word again. It’s vasalius. It’s. V-E-S-A-L-I-U-S. This word will also be in your news. Sackcloth. This word will be in your news. Howard Brown. The name again I say will be in your news. Truth has been hidden. That will be revealed. This is a time of break change, so be prepared, for everything you see will soon change, and I mean everything. So hold on to My word and receive my glory in your homes and will invite me to be in every part of your day. I will shield you from what is about to come upon this earth. It’s not meant for you, my children, and I will protect you. So believe me and believe in my love for you, say the Lord your redeemer. Josh is talking about a great shift, a great change, and he’s saying suddenly he’s saying things are going to happen abruptly. So that’s what I mean. Things are going to happen in a very short period of time. And that’s why God is saying to get prepared. And how do we get prepared? Getting in our prayer closet? Praying with God in a prayer closet just means in any room. It doesn’t mean just a literal closet. That just means your special room that you pray to God and also get into his word. Start praising and worshiping Him and protecting your joy, because the joy of the Lord is your strength. Do not give up the power and the price that has already been paid and the victory that has already been won. Jesus fought this fight and defeated your enemies. Take this victory which has been given unto you, my children. See through my eyes and see through the right perception of things that are really going on upon this earth. I’ve told you many things in this world you see are not how they appear to be. He’s been saying that a lot. It’s an illusion to get you to believe a lie, to deceive you into a power that you don’t have to give into, and to give up the power you do have. I’m going to read that again because that’s in bold and that’s a very powerful statement. It’s illusion, what we see today. For you to give in to a lie, for you to believe a lie, that’s what he’s saying. It’s an illusion to get you to believe a lie, to deceive you into a power that you don’t have to give into. So the enemy is deceiving us by their illusion, by the power that they supposedly have for you to give in to that power. And God is saying, don’t give up the power you do have. What is the power that you do have? The resurrection power of Jesus that’s on the inside of you. That name is above every name. The Holy Ghost, the greater heath than you. That he that’s in the world. That’s the power you already do have. That blood covenant we have with God Almighty, that is our promise from God. So that’s what he’s saying. Don’t give into a power they don’t have and don’t give up the power you already have. It’s a very powerful statement. You will also see these words I’ve spoken through my prophets today are real and they are true. They are sent here for you to bring hope and miss up hopelessness, to give you truth for their lives and filling this earth. I am the deliverer and I have promised to do so. And I am my plans are in place and going as planned to set the world free from tyranny. So that’s another powerful paragraph because God talks about how we can see all these props that are being fulfilled already. And again, just like I said earlier, they’re coming faster and faster and faster for being fulfilled. Sometimes they’re fulfilled in the same day. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes it’s a week. But they’re coming to pass extremely quickly. So he said, Look, I’m a deliverer and I promise to do so. And I am. God is delivering us, whether you can see it or not. You believe you receive when you pray. Also, when God has been speaking through a servant of prophets, he’s been speaking these prophetic words. Even though we don’t see it yet, we still believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He says in his Word, he promised us to deliver us out of it all. And that’s where our focus should be on, is being on his promises and on his word. Now, this is the first paragraph. Fry the Lord this day, I’m telling my children today to walk as my children as. Walk on this earth. Walk with authority. Take, talk with authority. Walk with authority. Talk with authority. Pray and declare with authority that I have given up to you. You have a blood covenant with me and I will not fail you. Jesus is the head. We are the body. He’s given us all power, remember, and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses. And nothing shown anywhere harm you. That’s Lieutenant 19. And that is the Amplified version. And also Jesus said, all authority and the service has been given in to me. He said this is a Matthew 28. And he said, you go, you go into all the earth. So God has given us the power and authority because of what happened with Jesus and because of what happened on the cross and because when he went to hell in our place. And because when he was raised from the dead, he got the keys from hell’s, death in the grave, and he gave it back over to us. He gave us power to thoroughly been in his name and with his blood. And so God is saying, he is trying to get us out of this religious tradition, out of all these manmade doctrines, that has been keeping the church asleep, that’s been keeping the church complacent, that’s been keeping the church weak, that’s been keeping the church safe, that’s been keeping the church without power. God is saying no more time for that, no more time to be like that. God is saying I am rising up my church, I am rising up my body in this particular period of time to have the light shine, the glory of God to shine through each and every one of us in the midst of this dark world. So to bring more people to Christ, no more weak, no more sick, no more frail, no more fear, no more worry. God is saying he is graduating us, he’s perfecting us in this period of time, so we rise up above, so we can help the people who are sick, who are broken, who are fear, who are worrying, who have been believing a lie. God saying it’s, no more time for the church to stay where they’ve been. It’s time for the church to get up to where God has asked us to be. Well, I hope to encourage you today. I want to pray over each and every one of you. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, we want to praise and thank you for the name that is above every name. We want to thank you for the name of Jesus. We want to thank you for the power that you have given unto us. Father God, we thank you that we don’t have to get into tyranny. We thank you Father God that you have given us power to thor and dominion in this earth and we thank you, Heavenly Father, we are realizing who we are in Christ Jesus, because we are nothing without you. But we have everything with you. We thank you Father God, we have a blood covenant with you that you will not fail us. We thank you Father God, that we see ourselves through Your eyes, through what Jesus has already done for us. We thank you that we are no longer sick, but we are healed. We thank you that we are no longer broken, but we are free. We thank you Father God for what you’re doing right now in each and every one of them to build up their most holy faith and trust in you, no matter what they see, no matter how they feel. I thank You, Father God, that they are rising up to a new level with you and Your glory. I thank you for glory to fill their homes, for. Glory to fill up the Father God, their soul, I thank you as well. With their soul, I thank You, Father God, that they are no longer broken. They are no longer to the point of their victims, and they are no longer defeated, but they are victorious because of what you have done. And we thank you for all of this in the name it’s above every name, which is Jesus we thank you for. Amen and amen. Well, please, like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth sets them free. You need to hear what God is saying regarding this earth today. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

Governor Brian Kemp Georgia to be removed from office before the midterms that’s very quick ! Within 90 days.
Its open season on Governors– Gavin Newsom via a whistleblower he just announced forcing everyone to switch to unaffordable electric cars as the staggering power companies order people NOT to charge electric cars. What governmental talent !
Ezekiel prophecy came true in a most tragic way Sept 8
Infowars.com Man Ezekiel who live streamed Mass shooting on Facebook smiles after being arrested
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