Julie Green transcript YOUR ENEMIES ARE SELF DESTRUCTING Sept 1   2022

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Participant #1:

Good morning everybody. Today is Thursday, September 1 of 2022 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called your enemies are self destructing. I heard this, the prophetic word on August 25 of 2022. Before I get to that, I will be on three live shows today and so all that information will be in the description box for you. Now, I will be on with Clay Clark at 12:00 central time on his channel. Then Clay Clark and Cash Patel will be on this channel, julie Green Ministries Rumble channel at two central time and then I’ll be on with Rick and Bless to teach and that will be at 530. I’ll be on at six on his rumble channel. So I hope you can join all of those live shows today. I know I’m looking forward to them. Also, if you missed the yesterday’s live show on take five with pastor David Scarlett, go and watch it, I’ll have that also in the link in the description box for you. It was such an amazing show, like it is always such a blessing to be a part of his glory and to be on that show every Wednesday because you never know all the confirmation that we’re both going to get and what God is doing upon this earth right now. It is awesome. So again, go and watch that show. And also I will be teaching next Saturday in Waterloo, Iowa. For any more of the information, go to our website under our events page and you have to register to go to that event and all the other events are also there, you can check those out. We’ll be preaching next. And also before I get to it, if you have any prayer requests, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us. Juliegreen Ministries, 1252, Bettendorf 52722 well, that’s all the announcements and here is a prophetic word,

Your Enemies are Self Destructing.

Again, I heard this word on August 25.

For I the Lord this day want to remind my children who I am. I’m the God of justice. I am the God that rules over all the earth. I’m the God who is the judge overall, the earth. Nothing has taken me by surprise, nothing gets past me and nothing will go farther than allowed. You may be asking God, why are our enemies allowed to go this far? Why have they gotten away with their lives? It looks like their control over us manipulating and stealing everything they can. I know my children things look horrible upon this earth. It looks like your enemies are so powerful and are doing whatever they please. But don’t go. But don’t you see what you’re asking me? Excuse me? You said it looks like you can’t go by appearances, I have allowed certain things for your enemies ultimate demise. Your enemies are self destructing. They are doing things that will cause them all to fall, and they are making mistakes left and right. Don’t go by what things appear like right now. It will deceive you into believing it’s actually true. Remember the ones who are telling you everything’s going on in the supposed news? They lie to make things appear one way when they’re actually another. Don’t believe the liars. And why would you believe them over me? Why would you believe them more than my prophets? And why would you believe them more than my written word? Do not go by feelings, do not go by appearances. Do not go by all the lies that are being told to you on a daily basis. Because this you are seeing is no different then in times past. Remember how it ends for your enemies in their defeat. Things are changing quickly and quicker than you realize. A shift has begun and this is the hour when more shakings will be felt by the world. More things will look worse at times when actually things are improving. That means you are at the end of this charade your enemies have tried to pull off the last couple of years. I’m pulling back the curtain to reveal the Big Lie. To reveal their dirty deals. To reveal what has been hiding my children. Are you ready? If not, get ready. Prepare for shock. Be prepared for a shaking. Never felt like this before. It will rattle your chains loose and will rattle the gates of hell and its power and its hold it had on my children to suppress My power in you. But My glory shall fill this earth like the water in the days of Noah. I am telling you this again to be prepared to receive My glory and greater measure because it’s coming and that means I am coming. Prepare the way for my arrival to deliver My children out of the hands of the oppressors I am raining down. My glory and revival will ignite in a way never seen before. My children be watching for me. Stay focused on my words and what I’m going to raise it. Again stay focussed on my words and you will stay in peace and rest no matter what. You will not be shaking in the time of a great shaking on this earth sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Hard knocks. This phrase will be in your news.

Pompeo this name I say again will be in your news. And your enemy should be very afraid of what he knows and that I am with him, and he cannot be touched. And the information he has will destroy more than they realize.

My hand is moving to destroy your enemies and protect the ones I’m using. Santa Catalina Island will be in your news. Fairview this name will also be in your news.

Conformist. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Ha. This name will be in the news. South Africa will be in your news. A Supreme Court justice is about to be exposed. A secret he thought would stay hidden is about to be revealed. A shaking is about to occur in your Supreme Court. A shaking that can’t be missed. More Biden secrets are about to come out in an explosive way that will destroy their narrative of a so-called win of the Biden. And more and more coming forward that will be protected, that know the truth and has proof. My children, the Big Lie is about to crumble and fall apart. And every law passed will be like it never happened. The Biden falls to the ground on live TV again, and I say this will signify a fall. He won’t, along with everyone around him, will not recover from the fall of the Biden. it will be great. And you will soon find out what happened to the real Biden. The video is protected, and it’s about to be seen. And all of their government will fall bigger than the walls of Jericho. Yes, I can. And I will do this in front of the world. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

The truth about the Rothschilds is coming. A whistleblower has a truth and all they need to destroy their narrative and their power over their wicked and fraudulent government. All the money will be blasted out of their hands, never to return to the hands of the wicked. Yes, it’s all about to be seen, saith the Lord.

Dynasty, this word will be in your news. New Hampshire is about to be in the news. Truth shall be revealed. That cannot be stopped. The Hamptons will be in the news. Maldives, I say again, this country will be in the news.

Sri Lanka will also be in the news. Again.

An army will rise up and threaten the US. Do not listen and do not fear their words or their plans. China is falling, and they will not rise up. And they will not take you down. Because you are my United States and you are protected by me. Saith the Lord of Hosts.

Wingate, this name will be in your news. I say again, the Caspian Sea will also be in your news. Turtle Doves will be in the news. A Prime Minister is about to make breaking headlines. Another one is stepping down unexpectedly. Watch the Queen. Something isn’t how it appears to be. And the truth will be revealed, saith the Lord.

Another black hole will be reported, which is another new discovery. The Grand Canyon will be in the news. This is a time when the news is about to ramp up with things happening everywhere and everything. It will appear to be in the natural eye or to the natural eye. Many things I am doing that will shake this world and rattle the camps of the enemies. And justice will be upheld, and justice will be served. So hold on tight, my children, to me in my word. Because this earth is about to shake like it never has before to shake you loose and to set my children free. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie Commentary Now there’s a lot in this word. So you know the ones who have been following me and the ones who are just starting I am going to go back over this prophetic word just in case you have any questions and more of a clarification of what God is saying because in each and every one of these words there is so much wisdom and knowledge. Understanding. So much revelation that he has given to us and of course along with all the encouraging words that he has given to us about what things may look like but again he keeps reminding us not to go by appearances and he does say in his word to walk by faith and not by sight. We are fighting a fight which is a good fight and God says it’s a fight that we win. But we cannot go by feelings or five physical senses, any of the senses because that is what a natural human being does. But when you are a child of the most High God, you go by discernment, you go by the inner man which is the Holy Ghost, which God has given to us as our comforter. He’s the one who leads us, guide us in the right direction and where we should go in One John four four, he is the greater one that lives on the inside of us than he that’s in the world. So if we are praying and if we are seeking God, then we will not be moved, we will not be shaken, we will not go in the wrong direction, we will not make mistakes. And if God gives us detours around destruction, then our enemy wants to cause us. And if we are listening and obeying I gave you guys the other day, I think it was on Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday. When I came back I was not supposed to be on an airplane. I was not supposed to come home until Tuesday but I had been gone for so long since I did. Well guess what? Instead of a four and a half hour trip, it was over 13 and a half hour trip. Why? Again, God tries to avert us and away from and detour all the situations that our enemy wants to put us in, to put us in harm’s way, to put us in danger, to put us in stress and situations we really shouldn’t be in. So if we are paying attention now of course we can learn from those mistakes but if we pay attention and if we listen and obey, we don’t have to go through certain struggles in our life. Now God is saying in this prophetic word over and over and over again that we really need to be paying attention to his words, focus on Him. Not what things are looking like, not what our enemies are doing, not what they’re saying, not what they’re saying is going to happen. What are enemies across all the nations, around the world? What is going on there? Don’t be paying attention or get into fear. Know that these things are going on, but do not let that fear overwhelm you. Or get to the point where you’re focusing on the situations of the world and not focusing on what God is telling you is going on in the world. Because he did say that things are going to look like they’re getting worse instead of improving, but they’re actually getting better. You can say, how is that possible? How can things look worse? But they’re getting better? Because just like Leshone of Israel, it happened in Exodus, it did look worse, but it was actually getting better for them because they didn’t see that Pharaoh was just about to let them go. Pharaoh didn’t even see that he was going to let them go, but God did. And God was giving them instructions, just like God is giving you and I instructions on a daily basis. What we should say, what we should do, how we should believe, how we should act. God does not do anything without first revealing it to her servants of prophets. That’s why you’re saying so many prophets on this earth today and why so many are speaking and why so many prophecies. If you were asking why so many prophecies? Because the body of Christ and the world needs to hear what God is saying regarding the Earth today. Now, I’m going to go back over this world. Now, listen, it says many things I am doing that will shake this world and rattle the camps of the enemies, and justice will be upheld and justice will be served. So hold on tight, my children, to me and my word, because this earth is about to shake like never has before. To shake you loose and to set my children free, say the Lord your Redeemer. He can sense what happened in Exodus and he said, this is our great Exodus. So when things were shaking back then, all those plagues were happening. I’m sure that shook the people in the land of Gosh, but at the same time, it wasn’t happening to them, but they witnessed it happening again. God is saying, he’s separating us. So it looks like things are happening in the world, but God is saying no. Now remember, we have a better covenant than the children of Israel did in the land of Dosha. And if he protected them then, why would he not protect us now? And I know you said, Julie, you referenced that a lot. Yes, because that was the original Exodus and we’re going through another Exodus. So why wouldn’t God refer it? Because he wants you to get that down so much in your heart. And sometimes he just has to repeat. I know when my children are not doing something right, I have to repeat myself a lot in order for them to get it into them. Okay, mom knows our mom is really serious about what she’s saying. Now, should I have to repeat myself? No, but I do it because I love my children and I want them to go in the right direction. And God chases whom he loves or he corrects whom he loves. So he has to correct that sometimes, and sometimes more than once. So again, we are going through things. Things are going to look worse before they get better, but that should not be put fear into anybody because it is shaking us loose. And things are going to change in such a way. And he’s saying his glory is going to fill the earth like the days of Noah. So with glory, it’s going to fill us. So again, when the children of Israel left Egypt, they did not leave empty handed. They did not leave broken, they did not leave sick, they did not leave weak, they did not leave the way they were in there. They were completely restored. There was going to be complete restoration. Do it. That sounds like it could be true. Look at the word of God, a complete restoration of all things. It even says that in Acts, chapter three, verse 21, and that’s the amplified version of that scripture. Okay? Now this is a time when the news is about to ramp up. So even when we’ve heard all these things in the news, he’s saying things are going to ramp up. With things happening everywhere and everything, it will appear to be in the natural eye. So it’s going to appear to be like things are going to ramp up, get worse, intensify. It’s going to look nasty at times, but again, that nastiness. That is the judgment on our enemies, just like the plagues with a judgment on the land of Egypt in Pharaoh, there’s judgment that’s happening right now, and we can already start seeing it. Processes are being fulfilled so fast of even people stepping down, government officials, even what’s going on with the FBI, there’s so much I could go onto, but I will do a properly fulfilled video hopefully soon in order to give you guys more of what’s been going on. But things are ramping up that way. Things are becoming what I mean by that is profits are being spoken and the fulfillment of the profit fees are becoming quicker. So when you see that, that is, to me, things are intensifying and it’s going to get even. Shakier. And God has been saying that a lot. So in the natural life is going to look like Julie, things are getting worse. Things are getting crazier around the world. What are we supposed to do? And God is saying, rest in me, focus on me. Focus on Him. Even in the midst of a storm, you focus on Him and you will not be moved. All right? The grand canyon will be in the news. And some people say, well, Grand Canyon is always in the news. Well, it’s going to be in the news. And when you see what it is in the news about, you will know. That’s why God was mentioning this. Now another black hole, he said, will be reported. It’s a new discovery. So they’re going to discover, apparently a new black hole. Watch the queen. Something isn’t how it appears to be, and the truth will be revealed. Thank the Lord. There’s been a lot of prophecies regarding the queen and the royals. So something that’s about to break around in London, some news. So just be watching of what happens over there. There’s going to be a great shaking over there with the royal family. All right. A prime minister is about to make breaking headlines. Another one is stepping down unexpectedly. That’s been happening all over, but God is saying it’s going to happen to another one unexpectedly. Something’s just going to step down out of nowhere. Turtle doves will be in the news. And sometimes when you hear that, you’re like, what, God? Why are you talking about turtle dubs again? This just gives you when these things happen like this, it gives you that newfound faith. God is really speaking these words because I don’t know this stuff. I don’t watch the news, let alone know what’s going to be in the news before it happens. But God does. So just building up your faith and trusting in Him that he is the one that’s speaking these words. And I’m just the voice he’s using to say them. He says, I say again, the Caspian Sea will also be in your news. He’s mentioned that more than once. The more he mentions it, just watch, it will be in the news and for maybe even a big reason. All right, wingate, this name will be in your news. And then he says, an army will rise up and threaten the US. Do not listen and do not fear their words or their plans. China is falling, and they will not rise up, and they will not take you down because you are my United States and you are protected by me saying, the Lord of Hope. Now he talks about the fall of China for actually a while. Now. You can go back to our website. You can find out all the ones about China. They’re going to rear their ugly heads. They’re trying to take over the Earth. Obviously, you know, they’ve infiltrated the United States. They’ve infiltrated a lot of the government officials in the United States have been paying people off. They’ve been doing things. So there’s been a lot going on. They really want to take us over. They really want to take us down. They think because of well, people call them China Joe is supposedly in charge, that the United States has a point of weakness where they can just take over the same thing what’s going on with Israel. It’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. You will see them disrupt and just like what happened with Egypt when Egypt was coming against the chunk of Israel, look what happened to them still 4000 years ago today, how many years ago it’s been, it’s been 4000 4500 years. However long it’s been today, Egypt is still not where they used to be. They still don’t have the finances they used to be. They’re still not a superpower like they used to be. They are still under that curse and that judgment that rain down on them in the book of Exodus, that curse is still going on today with them. So China is going to have the same thing. It’s not going to recover from the judgment that’s about to hit them. Sri Lanka will also be in the news again, and Maldives is going to be in the news. The Hamptons and New Hampshire is about to be in the news. Truth shall be revealed and it cannot be stopped. So some truth has been hidden in New Hampshire and God is going to reveal it. Now, dynasty, that word will be in your news now, the truth about the Rothschilds. Now many of you may not know about the Rothschilds, but they are, like, you could say, the one percenters. They are billionaires. And he said a whistleblower has the truth and all they need to destroy their narrative and their power over their wicked and fraudulent government. All the money will be blasted out of their hands and return to the hands of the wicked. Yes, all is about to be seen. Say it to Lord. Now, you can see people like the Rothschild, the Rockefellers, people like George Soros, Bill Gates, all of them, who are the one percenters, who have really been the one world government, they are the ones who control the one world government with all their money. And so they’re the ones who are really financing the deep state, you would say in this country, but not only this country, but around the world. There’s many people that are going on that are trying to pull the strings. God calls them the puppet masters. They control people like Obama and things like that. So a lot of these things are secret societies. They’re part of them too. And if you don’t know those, that’s a whole other teaching that I can get into. But a lot of things are going on behind the scenes that we didn’t know about, but they are being revealed more and more and more. So the truth is going to come out about that family. So look for that name and look for what the Whistleblower is going to say about them and what they’re a part of. Now, God has been talking about the Biden a lot lately, and yes, I say the Biden for a reason. For those of you do not know. He’s talked about the Biden for a while because he said, Joe has already been judged, so some other person is in his place. And I know it sounds crazy, but they have the capability of doing this. All right. Now, more Biden secrets are about to come out in an explosive way that will destroy their narrative of a so called win of the Biden. More and more coming forward that would be protected, that knows the truth and has the proof. My children, the big lie is about to crumble and fall apart, and every law passed will be like it never happened. Now, listen to this very carefully. The Biden has fallen many times on live TV, but he’s saying it’s going to happen again. The Biden will fall to the ground. And he fell to the ground on his bike, but he’s saying he’s going to fall to the ground again on live TV. Now, I say that will signal a fall. He won’t, along with everyone around him, will not recover from. The fall of the Biden will be great. And you will soon find out what happened to the real Biden. The video is protected, and it’s about to be seen. And all of their government, because it’s a fraudulent government, will fall bigger than the walls of Jericho. Now, that’s a huge statement. This fake and fraudulent government that’s been put in place because of Steal, the 2020 election, God is saying that fraudulent government is going to fall greater than the walls of Jericho. And if you go back and read in the Old Testament about the walls of Jericho and how profound that was, God’s saying, that’s going to happen again. And then he says and then he puts it in bold or catalogs. He told me to put it in catbox. Yes, I can, and, yes, I will do this in front of the world, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. So do not question that God got the ability, but also his willingness to save his people. And that’s why he keeps telling us, and he keeps referencing. God’s always going to reference his word, always, because that’s his written word and his written will for us. So anytime you hear a prophetic word, it has to align with the word. It’s not going to ever contradict itself. It’s going to align. God’s prophetic word is going to align with his written word. All right, now he’s saying a Supreme Court justice. Now, we’ve also talked about there have been prophetic words about the Supreme Court a lot in the times past about Chief Justice Roberts, which there’s a lot going to be exposed by him. He’s no longer going to be chief because it’s going to be Chief Clarence Thomas. I know you guys have watched with Pastor David and myself. That has already been confirmed. And it could be another Supreme Court justice, but we know for sure it is going to be Chief Justice Roberts is going to be exposed along with anybody else in that Supreme Court who is not of God and who has been doing things for the one World government. And there’s just been an arm of the one World government and they’ve been ruling that way because they’ve been paid or blackmailed to do so. That is going to be exposed and God is going to reveal the truth about what’s been going on regarding Supreme Court and why. You’ve seen them do certain things in times past. They turn their backs on the American people and our Constitution and that is going to come to an abrupt end. All right, south Africa will be in the news. It’s. H-O-U-G-H. This name will be in your news. Come from us. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Fairfue Santa Catalina Island. I hope I’m pronouncing that right. And then Pompeo. This name, I say again, will be in your news. And your enemy should be very afraid of what he knows that I am with him and he cannot be touched. And the information he has will destroy more than they realize. May Hand is moving to destroy your enemies and protect the ones I am using. So he said Pompeo. And within a couple of days, actually, Mike Pompeo was in the news because I think I ran or somebody tried to assassinate him. So that prophetic word happened extremely quickly. So let’s just see what happens with Pompeo now. Hard knocks. This phrase will be in your news. Now listen to what God is saying. My children be watching for me. Stay focused on my words and you will stay focused or you will stay in peace and rest no matter what. You will not be moved or shaking the time of a great shaking on the earth sayeth the Lord your Redeemer. So I am trying to go faster because I see what time I’m I’ve taken a lot of time off, so I’m trying to go faster. I’m telling you this again, to be prepared to receive my glory in a greater measure because it’s coming. That means I am coming in. Both prepare the way for my arrival to deliver my sword out of the hands of our presence. I’m bringing down my glory and revival will ignite in a way never seen. What does that mean? Prepare the way for his arrival. Get into his presence. Get into his written word. Get in to receive Revelation knowledge and into. Receive what God is saying to you today. That’s how you prepare for his arrival. Stay focused on Him. He will give you guidance. He will give you the words. He will give you what to say and what to do. Get in his presence. How you do that? It’s a Heavenly Father in Jesus name. It’s that easy. That’s how you get into his presence. All right, my tone. Are you ready? If not, get ready. Prepare for shock. Be prepared for shaking. Never felt like this before. It will rally your chains loose, and it will rally the gates of hell. And it’s power and toll it’s had on my children to suppress my power and my power in you. So they were trying to suppress the power that was in us. Because if we see ourselves as a victim, then we won’t see ourselves as a child on the Most High God that has a power and authority, dominion. And that’s how that power gets suppressed in us, because we don’t know the truth. In Isaiah four, Six says, god’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. All right, he says, but my glory shall fill this earth like the water in the days of Noah. And he said that more than once. All right, things are changing quickly and quicker than you realize. This shift has begun. And this is the hour when more shakings will be felt by the world. More things will look worse at times, but actually, things are improving. I’ve already gone over that. That means you’re at the end of this charade your enemies have tried to pull off the last couple of years. I am pulling back the curtain to reveal the big lie, to reveal their dirty deals, to reveal what they have been hiding. Now, the big lie is the 2020 election. And then he’s saying, Remember the ones who are telling you things going on. So this is about the people in the supposed news. Don’t listen to what they’re saying. Don’t go by appearances. Don’t go by what things you feel like. Don’t go by what things look like. He’s saying, because everything is about to change and his shit has already begun. Don’t believe the liars more than you believe me. See why I don’t believe the liars? Well, people are in fear, then they’re believing lies somewhere. Because if you’re in faith, you have no fear. If you’re in fear, then you’re believing a lie. So got to say, get with him and perfect love cast without fear. Of course, he’s asking, why would you believe them more than the prophets? Why would you believe them more than my written word? So stay focused on God’s written word and what the prophetic words are saying to you right now, because it’s giving you the truth and it’s giving you instructions on what to do. Don’t go by what things appear like right now. I’ll deceive you into believing it’s actually true. Your enemies are self destructing. Now. For I the Lord this day, want to remind my children who I am. I’m the God of justice. I’m the guy that rules over all the earth. I’m the God who is a judge over all the earth. Nothing has taken me by surprise. Nothing gets past me. And nothing will go farther than allowed me asking God, why are our enemies allowed to go this far? Why have they gotten away with their lives? Their control over us, manipulating and stealing everything they can. It looks like I know my children things look horrible upon this earth. It looks like your enemies are so powerful and what they are doing whatever they please. But don’t you see what you were asking me? You said it looks like you can’t go by appearances. I have allowed certain things for your enemies for the ultimate demise. Your enemies are self destructing. They are doing things that will cause them to all fall. They are making mistakes left and right. Don’t go about what things appear like right now. It will deceive you into believing things are actually true and they’re not. So again, look what God is saying. He is the judge over all the earth. He’s the one that rules over all the earth. He brings down one to bring up another. God is in control. And whatever you see going on, remember these two words but God, if they are saying about shortages, if they’re saying lockdowns, if they’re saying inflation, if they’re saying economic collapse, they’re saying that you say but God. And I want to pray for each and every one of you today. I take enough of your time today, but I want to pray over here. So heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, we just want to praise and thank you that you are the judge over all the earth. We want to praise and thank you that we stay focused on you right now. No matter what is going on, no matter what the storms on around us. Father God, no matter what test and trial that we are going through in our own personal life, we want to praise and thank you that you are the one who is our victory. You are the one who is our healer. You’re the one, Father God, who is our provider. You are the one who avenges us and you avenge us speedily. We thank you Father God, that no weapon formed against us or prosper. We thank you Father God, that no test or no trial, nothing our enemy has done is going to keep us down any longer. We thank you that these are the days of revival. These are the days of reversals. These are the days of restoration. These are the days that we are refreshed, we are restored, we are renewed. We receive everything that you are doing for us upon this earth and we thank you for this fresh mana from heaven. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. We hope this encouraged you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know, who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth sets you free. Well, God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.


WOW the Big Lie (2020 election steal) is about to crumble and fall apart. And every law passed will be like it never happened. ———- So 2 years of crazy fake government legislation vanishes. A fresh start is possible when the Biden falls.

And you will soon find out what happened to the real Biden.

My understanding is there are TWO Biden actors with different voices and minor differences. The original Biden died. Major differences were noticed in 2019- Tucker Carlson video – Biden disappeared and came back with a different voice and face. And his eye colour changed. Video below.

Rothschilds to lose their money thus all their power ?

That’s something to live to see ! Bring it on.

How Biden changed after an absence in 2019- he was not recognised and had a different voice. So how many Biden actors are there ?

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