Watch this week as Biden speaks. Watch what he reveals. In the news your days are coming to a close now Biden,
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Watch this week as Biden speaks. Watch what he reveals. In the news your days are coming to a close now Biden,
I am bringing you to a higher place with me blessed in abundance you could never have known I had for you
January You will see Banks fall, Wall street fall. This illegitimate government fall, their laws fall and their economy fall, all at the same time.
New York Your new Mayor and Governor will be removed by me along with other people who have sold their souls to the enemy
Brace for everything that will be revealed. It will be hard to hear and hard to believe, all who are really involved.
cleansing your FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, UN, cleansing Big Pharma cleansing education,
Mr G is trying very hard to awaken even the dullest people, by gross changes to every aspect of our existence weather oceans rivers
Now when they speak on live camera and they say things they didn’t plan to say, I will change the words, so brace yourselves my children. Biden’s fall is coming, including a great reveal on camera, that will be caught with your eyes, and also through the words that come out of his mouth.
They thought they could hide it in plain sight, Facebook and Amazon, those firewalls have been breached by me, and I am pouring out all this information that was hidden from you, to enslave you with mandates, lockdowns, planned shortages ,and the truth is coming out like a freight train barrelling down the tracks.
I’m bringing down anyone in power on this earth that has had evil in their heart and an evil agenda and that won’t turn from their wicked ways or repent.