Julie Green transcript A GREAT CHANGE IS UPON YOU March 23 22

Useful transcript for serious students

A Great Change is Upon You Again

This was from March 23rd or 2022

For I the Lord this day have an answer for the enemies of Almighty God. A new world order,

Yes, you want yours in this hour, but that will not happen.

In this time MY great reset and the greater Exodus will take place Saith the Lord

Things in this world are turning around With this great change the world will be released from your enslavement and thievery.

My children will take their place of authority, and you enemies of Almighty God will lose all authority money power and influence you once had.

The smell of your sins, that stench has reached my nostrils for the last time. I am done with your lies and treasonous acts. Enemies of Almighty God I am tearing your new world order apart, and there will be nothing left of it.

You try to speed up time and you can’t. My body is still on this earth and the one that lives inside of them is holding you back.

Your lust to destroy, your lust to kill millions and billions of people with all your plans you wanted to take place right now, have been stopped by my hand Saith the Lord.

You will not complete genocide or depopulation of this world. All your warehouses will be raided and they will all be exposed. Every underground tunnel every business you hid it behind. The doors are opening wide, the roofs are coming off to expose all the contents inside.

My judgment is hitting you, and it is far worse than you ever could dream up, and at the same time your worst nightmare is coming to pass, your destruction and freedom that you tried, so desperate to destroy in this world failed, and freedom will reign in this earth like never before while you are being destroyed, enemies of Almighty God, and your end has come. The best days it will be for my children and it will seem like a dream.

My glory and goodness I am bringing down on them and all the wealth of the wicked is coming to my children in this year of 2022.

I am shifting the influence power wealth markets businesses and governments over to my children, where  it always belonged, knowing more of your order power influence enemies of Almighty God. It is my will on this earth that will come to pass your world order is finished Saith the Lord of Hosts

All inventions and everything stolen that was meant for my children, it will be given to them. In this great Exodus world leaders are being removed who are against me, and it is sooner than you think my children.

Watch the Gulf of Mexico a major sign will be seen there,

Listen for another cargo ship, yes but what is in this ship ? Pay attention to what they say is on board.

Dubai will be in the news. Listen carefully to what they are saying is happening there my children the dam of lies is breaking and the flood of truth is pouring out from everywhere.

China you have lifted your fist to me for the last time in this hour

Everything you have planned will be stopped and brought to nothing by me, saith the Lord. You are nothing and you are about to realize that.

Watch the Biden he will trip and fall on live TV

After he spoke words of truth he never wanted to say.

Listen for his slips of the tongue they are coming more and more.

Obama and all who are with him can’t control the Biden’s mouth.

YES they are getting nervous to what will come up next, but this time they will never expect this, what he is about to say, no, this will be far worse, their worst nightmare.

Biden will give Obama away, they’ll be forced to do something they didn’t want to do.

Obama is itching to take center stage.

Watch my children for the next moves they will be forceful. Yes they’ll be pushing all boundaries..

Nancy and Kamala will both slip and speak words they never meant to speak.

Argentina will be in your news. Listen and watch there will be weather events.

A weather event there that will be reported on. Unusual they will say, no with this my children, my words I am giving my prophets are true, so stand with me sayeth the Lord.

Your enemies are coming down now.

YES they will all fall before me saith the Lord. The world will clearly see who was all on the side of the darkness. They are all being judged as I speak these words whether you can see these things right now, or not, more things are happening behind the scenes, than you realize.

Some of my children still do not believe after all these prophecies are being fulfilled Open your eyes and see my hand is moving beyond the political realm, to show you that I am the great I AM and I am here to deliver you children of Almighty God out of the wicked hands that have held you. News reports out of Egypt in this hour will come out. look at what will take place there as a sign of your Exodus Yes a great Exodus it shall be.

More exposures regarding the Royal family a split. Yes, there are some on the side of truth but there are liars in the midst of them a line has been drawn and the truth has been revealed there is a traitor in their midst.

Charles is his name.

Charles you are about to take a major fall, a scandal.

Yes you have committed crimes against this world against your country and crimes against your own family.

They’ve had enough.

MI6 you will hear my children, a whistleblower will blow the top off the Royal Castle.

Yes exposures are coming.

Charles had his hands on many things, and they are dripping with blood, and he holds blood money in his hands.

Watch. His fall will be great Saith the Lord of Hosts

Fauci you can run but you cannot hide from me saith the Lord.

You are being let go. You are falling with no one to pick you up. Major news will be exposed about you. I am moving my hand against you. Yes you are part of the days of Haman.

What you wanted for the world will come upon you but not before you lose everything. In the world knows exactly who you are.

Bill Barr will be in the news watch and listen for what he is about to say.

A hint he will give out to you my children, to let you know whose side he’s really on. Some have played parts.

In all of these chess moves that had to look like they were really playing for a different side, when they were actually playing on mine.

Durham will be in the news again explosive intel will be released. I told you my children, rapid fire against your enemies they can’t handle the truth, and a flood is coming their way that will knock them off their feet never to regain their foothold against you, children of Almighty God.

News reports out of Iceland watch for this breaking news unusual weather events and yes I told you this before

I am giving you the news before the news.

A major sinkhole will be in your news.  Watch and pay attention to where the sinkhole is located. News reports will come out of this area and a sex trafficking ring will be exposed and destroyed.

Earthquakes volcanoes, unusual and strong weather political upsets and uproars, removals and more stepping down, more retiring in the coming daysm and you will start to see a great change, a change for your good no matter how it appears.

What about the markets Lord ? what shall we do ? Just pray and obey and all will be well with you Saith the Lord. The markets are for their destruction not yours. So stand up roar like the Lion of Judah he lives in you. Claim your victory claim your healing, claim your redemption rights as a child of God. Claim your freedom, claim your finances. YES it is all yours now Saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Weeks later 6-April we find Democrats shunning Joe Biden in his own Delaware house. Visibly on camera. Obama pointedly ignores him. This could fuel Bidens coming “accidental” confession that Obama was in charge from day one.

6 April Tucker: Democrats have decided to replace Biden

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