Transcript for serious people

And here is a prophetic word and this one is called

Enemies of Almighty God are in the direct line of Fire.

This prophetic word I heard on March 27th of 2022

Again enemies of Almighty God are in the Direct Line of Fire

For I the Lord this day and speaking to this world, to let you know that I do have the final say and I always will.

Look at your enemies ! Does it look like they are winning ?

Their plans are falling apart and they are failing at everything they are trying. Whether you realize that or not right now, they are not succeeding at anything.

Continue to watch the sign on the Empire State Building this sign will show you, not only that that I am saying through my prophets is true, but that should reassure you that everything will be okay in the house of the Lord.

To those who refuse to believe anything until all the political prophecies come to pass, I am not limited to just the political realm to show you in this hour that I have come to deliver you my written word speaks that I am your deliverer healer provider Prince of Peace and your victory I am the great I AM and anything that is going on that you see, will not stand and you will see it all fall, when I move my hand.

Great is a reward for those who believe that they’re great, as a reward for those who believe that haven’t “seen” by using your faith. I got that right.

Yes a great reward you shall receive peace and joy in the midst of chaos. I will say this again for my children who need to hear this. Confusion and fear are trying to consume you in this hour so get into my presence and in my written word that will destroy both of these attacks and every other one that your adversary tries to defeat you with. Remember he is the one who is defeated not you. I have promise in my word that I will always lead you to triumph in Christ Jesus

I’m not a man that I can lie. Your adversary through deception steals your victories away. This is the hour I am showing my children the authority you have in Christ Jesus

With this revelation of the authority that you have in Christ Jesus through his blood, you will be reassured your enemies are defeated. The greater one does live on the inside of you, that He that is in the world, he is nothing in your sight in this hour my children. This revelation needs to get down on the inside of you, so he no longer deceives you, no longer can steal your victories. He doesn’t have the power or the authority that’s why he has to cheat you out of yours.

Antarctica will be in your news listen for these unusual things happening everywhere. Warmer temperatures are not known for this area. They will shock global warming to bring more fear.

Do not listen to the liars when they open their mouths to deceive the world. This is a sign to you, that I am speaking and telling you the news before the news to bring you peace.

Monkeys will be in your news listen for the words and what they are saying about them. They are giving themselves away.

The death of an Elephant at a major zoo will be in your news all these signs are for you to adhere to, believe these words to give you rest, in this time you are living in my children there is nothing to fear when I am here.

A US Senator from California will die, Yes this very well-known Senator will fall to the Angel of Death.

Judgment has hit their homes the deaths they helped cause to this world.

Senator Dianne Feinstein is her name yes much of a high price your government officials will pay for what has been forced upon you.

Liz Cheney will be exposed. You chose the wrong side for your security they’re letting you go !

Who are they ?

The elites and the swamp that took over your government. They have no use for you anymore.

This exposure you will not recover from Liz. You had time to repent and you refused, so judgment is coming to you. You will not be able to hide from.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing yes but also the Spirit of Jezebel has overtaken you, so you have no remorse for the crimes you have committed, so your fall will be great.

Watch my children a very well-known and respected man, who was thought to be on the side of the Right, in the colour of the Red, is actually a mole, a traitor and a rat.

He will  be exposed. Yes Sabotage will be used as a word to expose this person.

He helped sabotage your rightful President out of what was actually his. He pretended to be his friend when he really was his enemy. This man will be exposed and his name will bring shock waves to this nation in the party of the Red because that person worked for the party of Blue that was against you, O United States.

Jimmy Carter will pass away from covid they will say

but that is a lie.

But the truth will be revealed.

Overturn this word will be heard everywhere my children, Yes an Overturning of not just one election but more than you could have imagined.

So many snuck their way through and cheated their way into power in overhaul the House the Senate and all of your government.

Lord I can’t believe that only an election can change this !

Not true my children, nothing is impossible for me.

Without my hand moving against them there will always be manipulation and they would be stolen from you every time not one person, and not one man could fix this, but I the great I AM this is a job for me to do.

You will see when I move my hand you have free and fair elections going forward because for decades you didn’t. Know all this existed. Your enemies have been doing this for so long before they were caught but now all will be revealed. How this has gone on for, it will shock you O United States

You’ve been infiltrated and stolen from, longer than you thought possible. With this move of my hand I am changing and destroying all, like it never existed.

Look at the book of Exodus it didn’t matter what Pharaoh had planned, how much power he had when I spoke my words.

Nothing could stop them. In the same way that goes for now I spoke in my words and my will is coming to pass in this hour in this year of 2022.

Justice Clarence Thomas excuse me Justice Clarence Thomas All will be well with you.

All they have are words that will not stand.

You will remain on the Supreme Court and those who I want to be removed will be removed.

Thomas that is not you.

Chief Justice will be in your name.

Yes I am promoting you my son. So do not fear what they have threatened you with.

I am moving my hand against those who have threatened you.

These are the days of Haman and what they wanted for you will come upon THEM. Your protector so Justice Thomas (correction) all will be well with you and your house.

Lindsey Graham will be in the news to finally settle once and for all what side he was really on. Yes, a lot of questions have arisen about many in your government. Some were used by me to infiltrate the side of the Blue. Some were actually on the side of the Blue that infiltrated the Red so all will be exposed and released in this year of 2022.

The midterms will look very different than they do right now. A cleansing and a restoration is taking place first.

In your inauguration in the year 2022.Midterms

My children are asking about that answer and it is Yes Another Inauguration, a celebration like no other country’s.

Around the world will be watching and celebrating with you O United States .What about Biden and Kamala what about them ? They’re being removed along with all who are with them, I the Lord have spoken judgment and justice they shall receive Saith the Lord of Hosts

Biblical weather events are about to descend on DC yes lightning hail wind like no other type of event ever, to hit there. News stations all over will be reporting on this. The damage of this storm, a monster they will call it, and it will appear to be that way towards the enemies of Almighty God, it will come out of nowhere no one expected it. They will be in their chambers and their offices, with nowhere to go, and nowhere to escape.

I will shield and protect my children who are there and nothing will touch them.

My glory and power shall surround them like a shield, my angel armies will stand guard, and make sure nothing touches them. Miracles they will say, YES  and expect to see miracles from me children of Almighty God.

Yes this year will be great  in ways you could never even imagine the goodness I’m about to pour out upon this earth. Receive my joy and my peace in this hour my children.

Everything is changing for your good, so receive from me like never before

Says the Lord your Redeemer.

Julie commentary.

There is something that he wanted me to go over with you, so I highlighted it before I started reading this word.

And something that the Lord — it’s right here –

“I have promised in my word”  this is what he the Lord wants you to know. I have promised in my word that I always lead you to Triumph in Christ

I’m not a man that I can lie.  Your adversary through deception steals your victories away.

This is the hour I’m showing my children the authority you have in Christ Jesus with this revelation of the authority that you have in Christ Jesus, through his blood you will be reassured your enemies are defeated the greater one does live on the inside of you, than he that’s in the world.

He is nothing in your sight in this hour my children and this revelation needs to get down on the inside of you so he no longer deceives you, no longer can steal your victories he doesn’t have the power or the authority that’s why he has to cheat you out of yours. Do you see in these prophetic words, not only giving us details about all the signs that we’re supposed to look for, but he’s giving us the encouragement he’s giving us these revelations from heaven to get on the inside of us so when these things do happen we are reassured. Look at this. He is nothing who is he ? Our adversary is nothing in our sight get that on the inside of you see that to the eyes of victories or the eyes of Jesus Christ that your adversary is nothing in your sight. Why ? Because the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth has already defeated your enemies, has already disarmed them, and brought them to nothing he said in this hour my children get this revelation. It needs to get on the inside of you get this revelation of the so your adversary can no longer deceive you, he can no longer steal your victories. He doesn’t have the power or the authority that’s why he has to cheat you out of yours so decree this day no longer will my adversary cheat me, are the victories that Jesus paid for no longer will my adversary defeat me are the victories that he has already been destroyed he’s already been brought to nothing and I will not be a victim I will not be destroyed I will not fear. God has already promised me the way out. I have the way out and Jesus is his name because he is the way maker.

Isn’t that a great revelation because again when you have a change of perspective perspective perspective

I’ll get that word on when you change your perspective and you see things through, what Jesus is doing has already done excuse me what he’s already done for you. You see things through the eyes of victory, you see things thru the blood of Jesus you see things the way God wants you to see them. You will not give in, you will not quit and you will not be discouraged anymore, the spirit of heaviness cannot stay on you because you have been freed from those chains that have held you captive.

Now I want to go over before I go and pray for you, I do want to go over the things to look for because God has me I’m saying this after the prophecies that i’m after I speak them he wants the signs to be written down.

So Antarctica.

Monkeys. A death of an elephant at a major zoo.

US Senator from California who is Dianne Feinstein will die.

um Liz Cheney will be exposed.

A well-respected man who was thought to be on the side of the Red is actually on the side of the Blue. He is a mole, a traitor, and a rat. Then you will hear of SABOTAGE will also be in his name

Jimmy Carter will pass away. um And then you hear the words Overturn and Overturning of not just one election but several

um you will also hear Justice Clarence Thomas Okay ? You will hear -All will be well, within, so no matter what they’re saying against them right now, no matter what they’re threatening him with, what they are threatening his family with, God is saying all will be well with you, and your family and then Chief will be in his name and God will remove all the ones that he wants removed.

And of course we’re going to find out what side Lindsey Graham is really on. Because God said his people have a lot of questions and he’s going to settle what side these people are on. Midterms he said will look very different from now. A cleansing and restoration has to take place first.

And then he says a NEW Inauguration (?) and people are asking Will it take place in 2022 and God said the answer is YES

Another inauguration celebration like no other country’s. Around the world will be watching and celebrating with you O United States. He’s talking about how Biden and Kamala will be removed along with everybody with them.

A biblical weather event will take place in DC.

Lightning will strike like no other type in history ever that’s hit that place they will call it a monster storm, because it will appear that way to your enemies um and that’s all the ones that he wants me to go over. That’s all the ones that I can see even in this prophecy for today. but I want you guys to know again I say this all the time Lord has me repeat this all the time  everything is going to be okay in the house of the Lord because God has the final say and I want to pray for each and every one of you heavenly Father right now in Jesus name I pray over every person the sound of my voice no matter what they are going through no matter what they are facing no matter what their body is telling them with what their minds are telling them, no matter what the world is telling them.

Father God we thank you that they have the right perspective the right perception that you are the one that’s in control that you are the one that has a final saying that you are the one that’s moving your hand destroying the works of our adversaries and we thank you Father God that you have the final say and this is the year of 2022 be like you’re like no other we thank you Father God they had the revelation of the blood of Jesus they were the revelation that our adversary is nothing in our sight there’s a revelation that no longer were their adversaries still their victories still their power still their authority that Jesus has already bought and died and paid for we thank you Father God that this is awakening your body right now this is awakening people who are asleep we thank you that blinders are being removed hearts are being softened the spirit of happiness is taken off of your people right now and we thank you Father God for a cleansing of Washington awakening or rejuvenation or refreshing everything a restoration in anything your people need. Father God right now we thank you that they have it because Jesus has already paid for them to that price for them to receive and we thank you for all this in Jesus name amen and amen whoops encourage you today please like subscribe and share just every now and easier encouraging word who needs to see the truth  because the truth sets you free. You need to hear what God is saying regarding this earth today well God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day.

So we wonder who will be the first to be judged and die ?

Diane Feinstein or Chuck Schumer in the Senate ? (Dying on Live TV)

Same day as Chuck another lawmaker dies on the same day, Lower House.

A massive threat, a huge record busting lightning storm is to hit DC. Ideally that should come first. Its to scare corrupt lawmakers half to death. Pelosi dies from cancer before the Midterm. But she is so affected by dementia/alcoholism she could be removed before that. Deep State is sacrificing the failed operators of the stolen election. That’s why investigations of Hillary Clinton Hunter Biden are gaining momentum. Being prosecuted by even CNN and NYT !. They are being thrown to the wolves. Fink CEO of Blackrock, says Globalism has been killed by Vladimir Putin. Because Putins little war has made it clear we must return to sovereign nations being self sufficient. Putin is winning against the Globalists forcing everyone to start buying Russian Rubles for oil and gas. Ending the US OPEC 75 yr convention to always use the US Dollar.

A huge and fatal blow to Globalism ( Imperialism thru the UN) as the world has now split into two Parrallel civilisations. Though Mr G says America will be greater than its ever been soon via Total Self Sufficiency. Exciting future to witness, much unfolding to see. And Mr G has said he will destroy the UN. I cant wait for that.

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