Good Morning everybody today is still Thursday March 24th of 2022 and I have another prophecy that has been fulfilled regarding Bald Eagles and what that means regarding the United States of America so first what I’m going to do is read the prophecy. I’m going to give you the date of the prophecy when I heard it and then I will share with you I’ll share my screen of when these articles came out, and show you that God gives us the news before the news and how you should be encouraged today that God always has the final say and in the description box below I’ve shared a link directly to this prophecy, that is on our website, and of course you can also watch the video if you would like as well but I did not share that one but I just did share the actual prophecy itself all right so I’m going to share my screen here it is- it’s from the prophecy- It’s time for the world to know the Great I AM It was heard I heard this prophecy on March 2nd of 2022 to my United states look for an uptick of Eagle sightings Eagles will be reported across your land in greater numbers which is another sign I am raising the Eagle this nation will rise greater than before just watch my children I am giving you multiple signs to show I am in control I am delivering you and your enemies never win ! All right now this news article is from Friday March 11 of 2022.look at this increase activity in the sky and there is the Eagle so look at this this is awesome all right here’s more- this is from March 15th of 2022 a viral photo captures DOZENS of Bald Eagles in the last hurrah of Minnesota season now they do have Minnesota has a season between December and March where they have Eagle sightings but this article shows you that there was an increase in Eagles sightings this season, in this year, so look at this. Okay if you miss out on the Eagles perching in the Mississippi River valley this spring the best time to return to look for them is late December through March like I just said all right look at this the number of them sitting in one tree— I think a lot of people had never seen that before and this was uh spoken by the photographer who took it and he said again this photo from the photographer Jen Alms look what he says showing an outstanding number of Eagles and Redwing Minnesota made waves online look at the number- I hope this is big enough for you guys to see look at all those Eagles in that tree so they had an increase, and it was making news because of how much it was and look at this it was an astounding number- they said that’s even a better wor.d All right here is another one. Now this is from a viewer in Cedar Rapids Iowa God bless you fellow Iowan uh thank you for sharing this for us and to show everybody this is in multiple locations alright I live in cedar rapids Iowa this year there has been more Eagles than I have ever seen in my entire whole entire life our grandson took this picture by Cedar river the other day. This is only a small fraction of the Eagles that have been here this year again look at all of the mall right here’s another one but look where it’s at again These are multiple states I’m showing you in different days so this is from all right look at this a week ago it hasn’t had a date on this one. I apologize for that New York you may have noticed more Bald Eagle sightings than usual in the Big Apple that’s because America’s bird is making a big and then it goes on with the article now look at this other one This is two different articles this is one and from the Big Apple I do apologize. It was um from a week ago but I apologize it did not have the exact date on there, but you guys can look that up too, so I do apologize for that all right ? Now here is one now this was dated February 22nd because this is just one Eagle but look a Bald Eagle sighting thrills Sinclairville photographer and look what they’ve named him the proud defiant symbol of American freedom has dropped in almost every day for the past month according to resident Ken Smith residents have named him Major Samuel Sinclair after the revolutionary war veteran who founded the village in 1809.We just had to share this one and we have viewers share this one because of how awesome that was they named the bird Major Samuel Sinclair look at how beautiful that picture was. We just had to share it all right. Here’s another one and this one says this photo has been taken in Illinois I love how you can see the fish on the tree branch look at this he’s holding it right there again so this is multiple articles proving to you not only the dates but it increased now this one right here taken from March 11th it’s a Bald Eagle flew over the water near race Race Town lake spillway in Juniper township now because it was cut off. I apologize of where that’s exactly at, but again showing it in a different state -and it’s showing increase in activity and that’s exactly what God said. I want to read this prophecy again – To my United States look for an uptick of Eagle sightings Eagles will be reported across your land in greater numbers, which is another sign I’m raising the Eagle. This nation will rise greater than before- just watch my children, I’m giving you multiple signs to show I am in control, I’m delivering you and your enemies never win. So again that was in multiple states and all of them showing and saying that there was an increase in the number and giving them wonderful pictures of how many of them were in those trees and how beautiful a sight is remember God is saying he’s raising the Eagle again that was another prophetic word that had just given out–but he’s raising the Eagle and when he’s raising the Eagle I think it was in this one too, yes he’s raising the eagle but it wasn’t more than just this one, is what I meant to say. But what is that sign for the United States of America it is a sign that we are raising up out of the ashes and all this destruction that has been in our nation will not stand he said your enemies never win. and we all, we know that God always has a final say so no matter what they’ve done no matter how bad it’s been God is saying once you see these Eagles an increase in number and being reported on in multiple states he said it’s going to be “across your land” just know it is a sign that I am raising the Eagle which is this country this is a sign to us even though you haven’t seen certain things politically that you’d want to see — God is giving us these other signs to show you I’m working in the background, where you can’t see- but I want to give you all these other signs to give you encouragement to give you hope to give you something to hold on to, that I’m giving you the news before the news I’m telling you these things before your news tells them to you. And just to be encouraged to know that I am in control that’s what God is saying to us he is in control, and it is exciting I love the sign and the just a picture of a Bald Eagle. It just brings warmth to my heart to know what an amazing country we live in YES we do live in an amazing country and people were just trying to destroy, it but our enemies never went so well I hope this encourages you today. Please like subscribe and share and give us every door who needs to hear an encouraging word you need to hear what God is saying is earth today and who needs to hear the news before the news God bless you and have a wonderful day

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