Searchable transcript for the Serious INDICTMENTS ARE ABOUT TO BE HANDED DOWN IN UNPRECEDENTED WAYS Woe to those who have tried to destroy the minds
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Obama. You can’t hide. And I will shut your mouth so you can’t continue to speak in the Biden’s ear
Staggering information is about to be released that will cause an uproar in this nation O United States And President Zelensky is about to fall. Oh yes. He’s about to walk away from his powerful position. He can no longer keep it because I am removing him myself. Sayeth The Lord.
You are at the final days of this empire existing and holding the world with their power, the one world government the cabal, the deep state, it has been their empire that has been controlling the world enslaving the rest of the world and God’s saying it’s their final days.
Neuropathy pain completely vanishes. Foot rot completely stops and reverses. Heart problems vanish. Fatigue vanishes. Dementia- like symptoms vanish. Eye sight degradation ceases.
And here is a Georgia Guide Stone summary where the monument is called by the MSM America’s Stonehenge 3 or 4 times. So God did predict this successfully. So what’s in a name? (Shakespeare)
Australia a great upset is about to come to your land. Do not fear this great upset. It’s for your enemies
Watch your Supreme Court O United States a shaking has begun that will shake your freedoms loose from the chokehold that held them down. Watch your Supreme Court O United States a shaking has begun that will shake your freedoms loose from the chokehold that held them down.
Historic ROE vs WADE overturning prophesised 4 times and the paid-for rage advocated by Obama and financed by Soros
Another laptop will appear and more will come out of the laptop they tried to hide
Every sickness plaguing your bodies will be gone and destroyed. You will live a life. You won’t need that medication to live