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Good morning everybody. Today is Friday, October 28 of 2022 and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called Leaders all over the World will Suddenly Change. I heard this prophetic word yesterday, October 27. Before I get to that, I was on with Rick from Blessed to Teach last night and it was an amazing show. I love it. And if you guys want to watch it, I will leave a link in the description box for you. And also you’ll start seeing me prerecording the videos. I’m going to start probably tomorrow morning because I am leaving town on Wednesday. I will be gone for twelve days. I have multiple stops on this trip before I come home and then I’m home for the rest of November. Woohoo. I’m so excited. And anyway, so I’ll be at the Reawaken America tour next weekend in Branson, Missouri and if you want more information, I will have that link in the description box for you. Go and attend one if you have not. God is there and it’s so amazing to see what he does. And also the next weekend which will be November 12 on Saturday I’ll be in Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can get your tickets, come and join us in Indiana. I’m so looking forward to that. It is limited seating. Tickets are free. Yes, tickets are free. That’s important. So anyway, go and get your tickets to that and that’s going to be amazing. I know it. We’ve been praying about that and I know it’s definitely going to be special. So any more events, just go to our website. The next one is going to be the next big one for sure. It’s going to be in January. There’s two of them. It’s going to be a Reawaken America tour and of course the one, it’s going to be a big huge gathering and it’s going to be with both Robin Bullock and it’s going to be with Amanda Grace, Timothy Dixon, myself, Manuel Johnson , Isaacs and many others. I’m still looking forward to that event. But again, anything, go to our website@jgminternational.org.org under our events page and you can find that out. So anyway, I’m looking forward to what God has been doing in the next couple of months. We don’t have much left of this year and things are going to intensify so be ready. God is on the move. We’ve already seen so many prophecies that have already been fulfilled and so many are everyday. So there is a if you’re on Telegram, go to his Prophecies Fulfilled page and it is updated multiple times a day. I have that link in the description box for you to encourage you about what these words are saying. These are not just words, these are God’s words and they’re coming to pass because he does give us the news before the news, and it’s amazing to see him say it. And then several months or however long it is and then all of a sudden it comes in new. So just be encouraged today and see that God is in control and he always wins. Also, if you have any praise reports or prayer requests, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. We have a wonderful and those you guys have seen it. We have a wonderful and powerful prayer team here in Julie Green Ministries. I have women that are praying every single day over all these prayer requests, over all the letters that are being sent in. And I just want to thank you all for supporting this ministry. Thank you all for just loving on us and we love you so much. So alright, before I start crying like a baby, it seems like I do that more often. Now I’m going to get to this prophetic word. So again, it’s called
Leaders all over the World will Suddenly Change. I heard this word yesterday, October 27. Now I can’t promise you I’m not going to cry today, but we’ll see.
For I the Lord this day and telling my children a great shake up has begun. A shakeup of governments, a shakeup of churches, a shakeup of nations, a shakeup of economies, a shakeup of all things, of this Godless system. A shakeup is necessary to shake you loose from your captivity in the slavery you have endured your entire lives. Generation after generation they have lived under these lies, thinking this was normal and they never fought for the freedoms that were theirs. Already, my children, this evil has gone on over and over again. Today it grows continuously worse, at a rapid pace. Your enemy saw they were losing and wanted to pick up speed to cause more damage and to take control over this world faster. They were too impatient to wait for the original set time that was too far off. So they changed it and pushed their agendas through. And at warp speed, you would say. So they could stop the Revival, to stop the Awakening, to stop the timing of my glory upon this earth, to stop the time of my church. They have tried with everything they can and they have failed. Because so many of you are, so many of you still believe. You are still praying. More being added to my kingdom every day. This was never possible in their eyes because they were too smart and too intelligent for their plans not to work. They were like Gods, they were told. And they were given the power to be like one. The adversary has not only deceived them into believing that, but they have deceived some of the world into believing this too. They believe they have the power because the money needed to accomplish anything they wanted, they had.
Your adversary, the devil uses different people over the years to try and pull off the same plan that never works to overthrow me. And it will never happen. My children, do you not see your enemies failing? Do you not see them falling? Do you not see them resigning? Do you not see some being removed? Do you not see them slipping up on live TV and giving themselves away more and more? Do you not see that your enemies always lose and I always win? My children when you know this for sure, the fear that you have endured stops. And joy will come stand on my word when I say is truth and watch that truth set you free ! Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
France is about to be in the news for a significant reason. The President Macron is about to be enveloped in a major scandal. Watch him be removed by me saith the Lord of Hosts.
Keep your eyes on Canada and Australia for major political changes. Darkness has struck your enemies places of power and more and more are being removed in this hour sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Something significant is about to take place in Africa and especially in Egypt watch a shift and shakeup take place.
President Zelensky is about to be unmasked and be brought down. Watch the Biden and what’s significant that will take place. World leaders all over are about to change suddenly my hand is moving to remove them all saith the Lord of Hosts.
A major dust storm is about to take place, and look at this location. More events are about to be seen and many exposures are about to take place there.
Are you ready my children? Please, my children it’s time to take your place. Some would jump and say YES right away but think about this question– Are you ready for everything you see to be normal for you, to suddenly change ? – for it to suddenly change economies, governmental power, churches everything you know is not going to stay the same. Will you still say yes? Those in My Remnant you would say Yes. Those playing church would say No, along with this world, but my children I am preparing you now to take back all that is yours. To receive what has belonged to you all along. Receive your freedoms. Receive your healing. Receive the property. Receive finances and go and be the blessing vessels I’ve intended you to be go and bless the nations and show them my glory. My United States be ready. The scenery of your nation is about to change for your good. Governmental change. Judicial change. Presidential change. Economic change everything they told you this nation stood for and it didn’t, will suddenly be gone. My hand is moving their monuments, their symbols, their laws, their medical industry, their food industry, their news, their economies, their lives are being exposed, denied and destroyed My nation is being reborn. My nation is rising up higher my nation will fulfill its calling upon this earth so my children rejoice in these days because I’m about to be seen like never before. Sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Now I want to go over this because apparently when I edited it, I did make a little bit of a mistake. So I want to make sure that one of these paragraphs was clear. But before I get to that and go back to that, the Lord had me studying and praying this morning before I did this video. Its in Deuteronomy with these prophetic words. There are revelations and there is teachings in all of them. I see them, and that’s why sometimes it’s hard when I don’t get to do them and he has to do something else. But again, it’s the way he wants it done, not the way I think it should be done. But listen, Deuteronomy, chapter 26. He always has me turned on certain scriptures in the morning and it’s amazing. I’m just flipping through the Bible and all of a sudden I’ll just do like a scripture. It just magnifies out at me and I see it, it just jumps out and I know it’s exactly what I need to read for myself or I need to give out to each and every one of you. So jute. Romans 26 and verse seven.
And when we cry to the Lord, this is the Amplified version, the God of our fathers, the Lord heard our voice and look on our affliction, in our labor, in our cruel oppression. Verse eight. And the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm, and with great and awesome power and with signs and with wonders we’re supposed to remember, this is what God did. He did that for a people that he had the Abrahamic covenant with. He had covenant with them, but we have a blood covenant with Him because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So you see him. He saved that nation. He saved his people from the cruel oppression, he saved them from those taskmasters, he saved them from that slavery, he saved them from that nation that was holding them captive. And it even said in a cruel way, why would you believe today with the church, there are churches that speak this, that God is different.
There’s no miracles today, there’s no healings today, there’s no prophets today. There’s no one that does it. No, this is different. We’re in different times. Doesn’t God say this word that he is the same yesterday and forever? Doesn’t he also say that he’s no respector of persons? Doesn’t he said, isn’t he a loving God? Isn’t he a loving God? If he sees a world being oppressed by world leaders like Pharaoh, these are the Pharaohs of today, is what he calls them. Why would he not do the same thing for us? Think about that for 1 minute. He saved a nation from the hands of another nation. So why would he not save the world from these world leaders? Why would he not? He is love. He doesn’t have it. He is it. Why would he not do the same for us today? What’s different? He’s the same. But the messages that certain churches are giving out, messages certain people are giving out, just like Joshua and Caleb. Which report do you believe? Do you believe the report of God? Do you believe the good report, the report that he is delivering us, that he is moving his hand, that he is going to change all these things? Or do you believe that he is just forsaken us, even though His Word says he would never leave us? No forsakens? Do you believe, man? Do you believe what you see? Do you believe that over God? What do you believe? And he asks us in that word, and that’s why I want to get that paragraph right, because one of the things are you ready? And I say yes, I’m ready. I’m ready. Lord, we’re been ready for over two years because of what’s been happening. And God says, but are you ready? I was in prayer yesterday, and I was going over things, and I’m in all over the United States of America, and I’ve seen certain things with a church, and I’ve asked myself to be honest with myself, is the church ready the way it looks? No. No, because there’s too many things that are going on in the church that are not of God. And they limit Him, just like the Israelites did the wilderness. They limited him with their complaining. They limited him with their religious thinking. They limited him. And that’s what’s going on right now, and I’ve seen it. But God is bigger and he can change everything in one day. But there’s just some people that will not be able to partake, and it’s goodness. That’s why he said there was going to be a separation. I told you I was going to cry. I just knew I could feel the anointing on me today. Of that,
I’m going to try to get this out. All right, now, Deuteronomy, chapter 20. Listen to this one. Deuteronomy, chapter 20. Listen to this. This should encourage each and every one of you. Again, this is the Amplified version of the Scripture Deuteronomy in chapter 20 and verse one. When you go forth to battle against your enemies, see horses and chariots, an army greater than your own. Do not be afraid of them. Now, listen to this. This is why you don’t be afraid of them. For the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, is with you. God is with us, just like he was with Moses. Remember, it says in Joshua, chapter one, verse five, and I say this word all the time. No man can stand before you all the days of your life. So I was with Moses, so I will be with you. How was it with Moses? He saved. He used Moses to save a nation. He used Moses to stand boldly before a pharaoh or a leader of the nation, a leader of the world at the time. He used Moses to stand up against him, to save his people. Moses was God’s mouthpiece. Now, I know he used Aaron at times because Moses had his speaking problem, the Stuttering problem in it, but Moses was still doing the job that he was supposed to do.
Deuteronomy. 20th, verse three. And shall say to them here, oh Israel, you draw near this day to battle against your enemies. Let not your minds and hearts fate. Fear not and do not tremble or be afraid and dread because of them. This is God’s I’m telling us when he’s speaking to me. And you today, do not fear the enemies you see today. Do not dread or be an apprehension of what they can do to you or against you. You remember that God is with you. Verse four, for the Lord your God. He
goes with you to fight for you, against your enemies, to save you. The reason you say, Julie, why are you crying? Because so many people don’t believe this.
So many people don’t believe that God is with us. They don’t believe that God is going to save us. They don’t believe that the battle is the Lord’s and he’s won it. They don’t believe they’re in their padded pews and they just see what they want to see, and they believe what they want to believe. And God’s reaching his heart out to them and say, Come pew with me. And they’re shutting this door. And they believe a lie more than they believe God. So that’s why I’m crying, is because there are people who don’t believe the goodness of God. How could you not, after sending his Son, after all the things he’s already done in His Word, and after all the things that he’s already showing us through prophetically, all the things that he’s doing right now, how could we not see that God is the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? He’s not what religion says, he’s not what legalism says he is. The Word Jesus was a word that was made flesh. And one of the things that the scripture that comes out to me when I’m reading these scriptures this morning was Numbers, chapter eleven, I think it was verse 23, when it says it’s my hand wet short. He’s asking people, why do you fear the world leaders? Why would you believe that I let them stay in control? There’s nothing that I will do about it. Why would you believe such a lie? Why would you not believe my willingness to save you? Again, the reason why I say this is because he showed me just on the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness, they questioned God after all they saw. And some of them never saw the promised Land. And things like that are going to happen again. They’re going to see God and do all these miraculous things but they want to go back to this life right now because it was comfortable.
Not only is there going to be a shake up politically and yes, that’s coming, he can already see it because world leaders are stepping down everywhere. But there’s going to be a shake up in the body of Christ. There has to be. There’s people that you love that are not believing any of this stuff and we need to pray for them, pray for their blinders to be removed in their hearts or softened to receive God. I want to read something else before I go back. This is what the Lord had me read. Deuteronomy, chapter seven and verse 18. Listen to this. This is what he’s telling you. Do not, you shall not be afraid of them, but Remember Earnestly, so don’t just remember, earnestly remember what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh into all of Egypt, the great trials which your enemies saw, the signs and the wonders of my mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the Lord your God brought you out. So shall the Lord your God do to all the people whom you are afraid. God is the same God. And he’s telling us, he’s not just telling the children of Israel to earnestly remember, he’s telling us to earnestly remember this earnestly remember what he did. Go. Watch the Ten Commandments. Even though it’s not totally scriptural because there was no feeble among them. There was not people that were weak and sick that came out of there. That was just religion in that part. But just look and see what God did. Look how God saved and he sheltered a nation and he saved him from the judgment that the other ones were receiving. The enemies of Almighty God, he’s sheltering us, he’s saving us, he’s protect us. Remember he said he’s going to lock us in to protect us. Kind of like the Land of Goshen. There is going to be a time
people are going to be shaken. So all of us need to be praying for the body of Christ right now. Remember Jesus at the head where the body we all need to be together is one. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves. A house divided against us, cannot stand. And that’s why the enemy has brought so much division in the church. That’s why he’s been trying to do all these different things religiously, to keep us out of politics, to keep us out of schools, to keep us out of all these different things, to get us weakened and to get us separated and get us invited. We defied the enemy. Know who your enemy is, not your neighbor. It is not the person that is in the church next to you. It is the enemy of Almighty God, which is Satan. And he uses many different things and he uses many different people. We have to know who our enemy is and we have to know his strategies. He’s smarter than that. And band together and fight against the one enemy and not against each other. Put the doctrines aside, put religion aside, put all the legalism aside and say we serve the same God, the one true God, and we have a common enemy and it is Satan. And we are not, no matter if you are Methodist, if you are a Catholic, if you are a Lutheran, I don’t care what your title is. We are in the army of the Lord and we’re brothers and sisters in Christ, and we need to stick together as a family. All right? And remember that God’s hand is not waxed short. So if he did it before, he’ll do it again. All right? Now go back to this. I’m going to read it quickly. Their lies are being exposed. Now, I love this. This is the last paragraph. Their lies are being exposed, denied and destroyed. I’m going to read that again. Their lives are being exposed, denied and destroyed. My nation is being reborn. My nation is rising up higher. My nation will fulfill its calling upon this earth. So my children rejoice in these days because I’m about to be seen like never before. Are you going to believe right now, which report do you believe that America is going down the toilet? Or do you believe that it’s being reborn, that it’s God’s nation, that God is in control, that God never loses, that he is on our side, that he is moving his hand, that he is removing our enemies? Is that the report that you believe? Or do you believe that all the world is going to be in shambles and there’s no hope and this is just the darkest hour and there’s no light in the end of the tunnel? There are people that are preaching that. Which report do we believe? Look at what he’s doing. This is what he’s saying. My United States, he’s been calling it that for a while. It’s God’s. It’s God’s country. So is Israel. And yet Israel still is my United States. Be ready. The scenery of your nation is about to change for your good. Governmental change, judicial change, presidential change, economic change. Everything they told you this nation stood for, it didn’t will suddenly be gone. My hand is moving their monuments, their symbols, their laws, their medical industry, their food industry, their news, their economies again. Then he says their lives are being exposed, denied and destroyed. We’re going to see it. Remember, all it takes is one day, and one day is all God needs. Hallelujah. All right. Now this is what he’s saying. Are you ready, my children? Change is about to take place. Someone jump and say yes right away to this question. Are you ready? And someone just say, yes, of course, Lord. We are ready. We are ready for change right now. And God is saying, are you ready? Think about it. Are you ready for everything you see to be normal for you, to suddenly change economies, governmental power, churches, everything you know is not going to stay the same. You will still say yes. Will you still say yes. Those in my remnant would say yes. Those plain church would say no along with this world. But my children, I am preparing you now to take back all of that is yours. To receive what has belonged belong to you all along. Receive your freedoms, receive your healing, receive the property, finances. Go and be the blessing vessels I’ve intended you to be. Go and bless the nations and show them my glory. That is powerful. But there is that question Are you ready? Are you ready for all this to turn immediately and suddenly and how you didn’t expect it to change? Are you ready? Yes, I’m ready. I’m ready for governmental change. I’m ready for the, for presidential change. I’m ready for all this. Yes I am. But there are things that are going to happen that we truly have to ask us for. Are we ready? Because there’s going to be people that won’t go with you, that won’t come with, but we’re going to pray for them. We’re going to pray that God opens their eyes and softens their heart, that they see the true God and not a version of him.
Now a major dust storm is about to take place. And look at this location, more events are about to be seen and many exposures are about to take place there. So again, he’s mentioning another dust storm. This is like the third time and there was one major one that’s already happened, that was already prophecy fulfilled and that was one that made major headlines because it was one that made the skies turn orange. It was from the Sahara desert and it made the skies turn orange even in Europe. So it was a major one. All right, world leaders all over are about to change suddenly. My hand is moving to remove them all. We already see prohecies being fulfilled on a lot of prime ministers all over the world that have been removed. They are just resigning. There are three now in Europe alone. This is the fifth election in Israel in the last five years. There have been people you can look up, world leaders that have prime ministers, world leaders that have resigned all over. It’s happening all over the world and we are going to see now not just prime ministers, but you’re going to see Presidents step down and resign or be removed. Watch the Biden and where significant that will take place. So something’s about to take place significant regarding Biden.
President Zelensky, he’s the President of Ukraine is about to be unmasked. And we brought down the guys have been warning him, he has been saying what a wolf he is. He is not a victim, he is part of the deep state. He is somebody who is crying wolf he’s taking all this money he’s not giving it to the Ukrainian people and what it said it’s going for aid.
Its going to pad his pockets and also to Cover up what they’re trying to hide in Ukraine there are things that the world leaders including the fraudulent government of the United States of America have hidden in Ukraine and its going to be exposed and that’s what your taxes money is going for. It’s going for evil it’s not going for aid, they can say it all they want and it will be found out exactly what’s been going on with that finances because that’s what God has been saying in these prophetic words.
Now something significant is about to take place in Africa especially in Egypt a shift and a shake up take place there. And then they also say France is about to be in the news for a significant reason the President Macron is about to be enveloped in a major scandal watch him be removed by ME sayeth the Lord of Hosts. And then he talks about, so we talk about Presidents in the day of Ukraine. He’s talking about the President of France which is Macron I think how to pronounce his name and then you’re talking about Canada which is Trudeau you’re talking about Australia he says keep your eyes on Canada and Australia for major political changes darkness has struck your enemies places of power and more and more are being removed in this hour so watch presidents being removed so everyone’s been just been watching and waiting for president sorry
to be removed but that is not just the only one you’re talking abou.t Presidents all over the world. It’s not just the Biden. My children and when you know this for sure the fear that you have endured and will be gone and joy will , and stand on my word and when I say this truth and watch the truth set you free sayeth the Lord your Redeemer.
Now what is he talking about? He’s talking about my children. Do you see now I see your enemy’s family look what has been going on for two years of the Biden he has been falling he’s been faltering, he hasn’t talked about gas before they’ve even mentioned the word gas in the news. Harris is failing all our policies all our laws are failing everything is failing the world is seeing them as weak and fraudulent, nothing that they’re doing is working just because the news stations here in this country if you watch other news stations ,they will say it, they’re boldly saying what has been hiding you’re watching the fall of what’s been going on with a Hunter guys have been talking about that for a long time that’s happening right now. Do not see them falling do not see them resigning do you not see them being removed do you not see them slipping up on my TV and giving themselves away more and more do not see. What their enemies will always lose and I always win. Do not see that. That’s what God is asking you. Look what’s the demise of CNN, the demise of what’s going on with Disney. Look at all the things, look at all the news anchors that God had called out that have already been removed or they’ve been taken off their prime time spot. God said that those are prophecies being fulfilled all the time. People are being removed no matter what walk of life they are in. God is saying, I said it and now it’s happening and this is going to start picking up speed. Now he’s saying they’re like God. They were told they were given the power to be like. Well, the adversary has not deceived them. And not only to see them into believing that they are, but they have deceived some of the world into believing this too. They believe they have all the power because the money needed to accomplish anything they wanted, they had. Your advocate of the devil uses people all over the years to try to pull off the same plan that never works to overthrow me. It’ll never happen. That’s the same plan that’s been going on for years, generation after generation. God said, My children’s, evil has gone on over and over again. Today it grows continuously worse at a rapid pace. Your enemies saw that they were losing and wanted to pick up speed to cause more damage and to take control over this world faster. They were too impatient to wait for the originals that time. They were too far off. So they changed and pushed their agenda through a warped speed, you would say. So they would stop revival, stop the Awakening, to stop time of my glory upon this earth, to stop the time of my church. They have tried with everything they can and they have failed because so many of you still believe, you are still praying and more being added to my kingdom every day. This was never possible in their eyes because they were too smart and too intelligent for their plans not to work. Just like Pharaohs, their egos are through the roof. This is what God is saying. For I the Lord this day Lord, this day I’m telling my children a great shake up has begun. A shake up of governments, a shake up of churches, a shake up of nations, a shake up of economies, a shake up of all things of this godless system. A shake up is necessary to shake you loose from your captivity and the slavery you have endured your entire lives. Generation after generation they have lived under these lies, thinking that this was normal and they never fought for their freedoms that were already theirs or theirs already. And so this is what God is saying there’s not going to be. It’s already started. A shakeup already has begun and we’ve seen it. And so God is saying in the next, this is the time, the next few months, it’s going to be pivotal. It’s going to intensify what you see now. It’s going to even speed up faster. Remember like, life was normal one day with Covid, the next day it wasn’t. It’s kind of like how this is going to be. One day it’s normal, all of a sudden it seems like the next day it’s not. But God has been warning and warning time and time again. This is a good thing. This is not like Hobbit where you lock down and it shuts you up and it takes all your freedoms away. No, this is going to lock you in to bring all your freedoms back to you. This is a goodness of Almighty God, but he’s warning people who don’t believe now and they won’t believe after. And so that’s why we stand in the gap and we need to pray and intercede for those people.
This is encouraging because this is a great time in your life. Julie, why are you crying? Are you sad? I’m just sad for people, that’s all. I’m excited because of what God is doing. I’m saying his prophetic words come to pass all the time and it’s encouraging to me and it should be encouraging to you too. This is a special time to be alive on this earth today. But just remember, God is in control and this has happened over and as generations over and over again, and it never worked, and it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work now. So we encouraged today that God is in control and he always wins. And his hand is not waxed short and he’s moving it to save us all from what we are seeing. And the enemies that we see today, we soon not see again. So I want to pray for everyone. I mean, Father God, we want to thank and praise you for these words. We want to thank and praise you that we are the remnant that you have brought up for such a time as death. I thank You, Father God, for every single calling on these people’s lives that they are fulfilling their assignment. Chains are being broken. I think the shackles are being destroyed. I thank you, Father God. The depression is being stopped. I think that fear is being destroyed over Your people. I thank you for a newfound boldness that they see through the eyes of Jesus Christ. They see through the eyes of what he did, his sacrifice. They see through the eyes of his righteousness because he has made them righteous. I thank you, Father God. They see themselves in a whole new way. I thank you that the righteous in a nation is rising up on the inside of that. Father God is bringing them up to new levels, is bringing them up to fight, to stand and fight that good fight of faith, something they thought they could never do. I think and praise You, God, that we are in the army of the Lord, the battle of the Lord. And the Lord wins. And I thank you that we win. And I thank you, Heavenly Father. They have a newfound perspective of victory. Show them the victory, Father God, that you have them. I thank you for freeing them, healing them from the top of their head to the soul of the feet. And I thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, please, like, subscribe and share and give this everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

I’m ready ! I only incarnated here to see this repudiation of evil. Its conveyed to me that too many people say “I believe in yesterday” as in the old McCartney song. We can’t go back there. But the promise is we can have the world we are supposed to be, with the all so familiar evil removed from our lives “as if it were never there” How so ? Every Law and executive order done by 2 yrs of the fake Biden and 8 years of Obama are all null and void. As if they were never there. Obama’s non citizen status will be revealed. All of the stay- behind government saboteurs installed by Obama can be legally fired. Judges appointed by Obama and Biden all null and void. All gone. All of 10 yrs of democrats criminal lawmaking will be as if they were never there. Giving the Internet control to the UN was never legal. Transgender toilets can be eliminated. Green New Deal. Null and void. Zero Carbon Emissions goal has NO legal standing. You get the picture ?
And Washington DC will be so destroyed another capital will be required. That’s a lotta bad stuff to let go as if it were never here.
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