Lay Gnosis 78 Groups Infiltrated by their enemies are doomed to failure
Dire need to avoid group infiltration
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Dire need to avoid group infiltration
Andy Hall Dragons were Electric seen by many and described in the bible and other ancient literature
The fourth neglected word in the series after Theist Atheist Agnostic is Gnostic the opposite. Intensive Groupthink non plusses most everybody. Blanking millions of minds
Only Trump has the guts to strike back at Marxism
Lying is the staple of the Left-its their avoidance of reality- their adolescent version of make believe
Laughing or raging ridiculing disbelief at the notion of connecting to god in 20 minutes- Oh those sleepwalkers
Question put to Adam the Natural born Gnostic. Adam Question On your feeling inside other
Disclosure Man Dr Steven Greer says innovation’s greatest enemy is the fossil fuel status quo
After the world wide instant beatification of the Supreme Court “Saint” Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Bro Nathaniel brings us down to earth with some basic facts
Electric Universe challenges understanding of Precession