Searchable transcript for the Serious THE DARK SECRETS IN NEW YORK WILL BRING DOWN THOSE IN DC So of course you know who he’s talking
The Lay Gnosis Blog
A secret is looming in the White House that will rock DC to its core. They won’t recover from it
A very large Chinese ship shall be taken out, says the Lord, just when it thinks it has positioned itself for a strategic gain. The ship shall be destroyed, says the Lord. It shall be shocking as this occurs, for their might shall falter
Thursday, August 11, and Good morning, everybody. Today you can actually see it is Monday,
They wanted to kill you in every way possible, and to take your children for their sacrifices and lusts of the flesh. These people never would have stopped unless I intervened
Don’t look to another election to fix this. That’s also in Bold. I told you this before. I am fixing this. Man alone can’t do what is needed to be done
Do not fear China. Their plans are nothing and they are nothing. A war they will not see. Their plans with Nancy will be exposed. There was a plan they agreed to………
I’m destroying the legacy of Obama
Watch the States O United States a Uniting has begun. Your enemies have pushed too far and too much
The Federal reserve will not stand. It’s a lie and should have never been created. It was created to bring so much debt to this nation, to destroy it from within
Do we want to have a human plan or a post human plan? Noval Harare and Claus Schwab and Bill Gates say humans are obsolete