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Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, December 1 of 2022, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called A Great Shaking in the Land of the Eagle. I heard this prophetic word on November 29. Before I get to that, I have some exciting announcements to make today. Now, as of yesterday, I can make this. Now, Eric Trump, Clay Clark will be on this show and this channel next Thursday, December 8, and that will be at 02:00 p.m. Central time. So Eric Trump and Clay Clark will join me on a live show here on this Rumble channel. I’m so honored and excited about that live show. So I know if you guys are excited, I know I’m excited and I can’t wait for next Thursday. Now I will be out of town, but I’m still doing that live show along with Take Five with his Glory and Pastor David Scarlett on Wednesday of next week. So I’ll be pre-recording here. Pretty soon you will start seeing me do that because I will be out of town for a week. But please join next Thursday at 02:00 with Eric Trump and Clay Clark. All right, so then if you missed yesterday’s broadcast with Marty Grisham from Loudmouth Prayer, please go back and watch it. It was so powerful about understanding the authority, the believer and how to use your authority to pray and to get answers to your prayers. God is the God of miracle, science and wonders and he does hear us. He is faithful to perform his word. And so go watch that live show if you didn’t. I love being on with Marty, it is so fun. We have such like faith and so he will be on our show more often, so I’ll be looking forward to that. Now, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us. Julie Green Ministries, 1252 IOWA 52722. Now that address is changing and I will be updating that for you in the description box and I will be giving you the new address after today. I’ll be giving a new address from now on, so we’re looking forward to that. All right, now here’s a prophetic word and it’s called a great shaking in the land of the eagle. And here’s a prophetic word on November 29. Oh, also, I’ll be doing prophecy fulfilled. There’s going to be some really big ones that I’m going to do. I might do one with a whole bunch, so I might do a couple separate to see when I have time to do that. But so many huge prophecies are coming to pass right now, so I want to encourage you to watch the Prophecy Fulfilled end to be on the Prophecy Telegram page or go on the Prophecy Index website to get your encouragement that God is what he’s saying, he is doing it, he’s faithful to do it. So I just wanted to get you guys encouraged on that, all right?
A Great Shaking in the Land of the Eagle.
For I, the Lord this day, am telling you, my children, the battle is mine. Do not fret. Do not fear. Do not be worried. Do not let your heart grow weary. For I am moving, I am restoring. And I am making your enemies return what has been stolen. I, the Lord, am in control not the men and women you see before you today. They are liars and thieves. And they will fall like so many in the past. This nation does not belong to them. And you are about to see a great shift of power take place in front of your eyes. Oh, yes. A shift no one saw coming. A shift that no one could understand how it took place. A shaking will cause a great awakening. And it will cause a great restoration to my children of all that belongs to them. Lord, we have heard these things, similar things before, but nothing has changed. It instead grows worse by the day. My children who are thinking this way, why do you believe what you see? I have been moving my hand, and things have been happening without the world knowing about it. A great takedown is about to be seen in my nation. A great turnaround and great celebration. Just watch what I, the Lord, am about to do for my eagle. It’s not a man who could have done this. It only could have been my hand. I am restoring my eagle and uniting not only my nation, the United States, but I am also uniting my body together. Focus on me and not your enemy, because soon you will no longer see them. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer
Wellington. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason. A well known governor is about to have a massive heart attack. I told you, my children, the things they wanted for you will happen to them. Say it. The Lord. The days of Hamen will become more obvious. In these days, you will see many things happen to government officials that no one saw coming. This will signal the cleansing I’ve been talking about.
Radioactive. This phrase will be in your news for a significant reason.
Heresay. This word will be in your news for an unusual reason.
What you have seen Nancy say and do, and her act of stepping down and not running for re-election is not how it seems. Watch what happens next to Nancy. Computer Evidence is coming that will destroy her narrative about the impeachments January 6, and so many other things that have been kept hidden. The elites are letting her fall to save themselves. I will say this again. Things are not how they appear with Nancy Pelosi. She is like another, the one called the Biden. And soon you will understand why I said these words Saith the Lord. My children, more people in your government are not who they say they are. Some are no longer alive and others are detained in foreign lands. Oh yes, great betrayals and great upsets are about to take place. Get ready to hear how great their deception has really been Saith the Lord of Hosts
Archives this word will be in your news for significant reason, my children. Another laptop has been found and whoever it belongs to will surprise you. This laptop will bring the giants down. This laptop is not known to the enemies who had it and how they thought these things were deleted on it and actually weren’t. Oh yes, big exposures are coming so get prepared for a great shaking in the land of the eagle in more ways than one. Sayeth The Lord.
Candace Owens will be in your news for a surprising reason. Again, I say RightSide Broadcasting is about to come out with a major news story. News stories that no one can hide or deny Sayeth The Lord.
Great destruction is coming to many of the enemies narratives that held my nation hostage. I have said let my nation go. My eagle’s release will be great. So my children, stay focused on my words and the victories that I have given you. Say the Lord your Redeemer.
Now I’m sure that a lot of you have questions about what was said in some of these words that God has given to us. Now the Lord keeps saying over and over again, because again these are his words, he keeps saying things are not how they appear to be. Now he’s getting into more detail that people aren’t who they appear to be. And we’ve talked about why the Biden is called the Biden and not Joe Biden. You can look that up on our website under the prophecies and you can look up Joe Biden you can see or the Biden you can see that’s what God says about it. But now he’s mentioning Nancy Pelosi is like that- like how the Biden is. Remember, the Biden is not who he says he is and Nancy is not who she says she is. Before I get to that part of the prophetic word, there has been so many scriptures that God has given me this morning that I want to give to you. There are some times where I just open my Bible and a specific page, what he has me open it up to and has me study it. And I just happened to open it up to Deuteronomy because again I pray. Lord, what do you want me to hear for this very day and this very hour? This is something that I want to read to you. This is not a Deuteronomy. This is what my bible just happened to open up to. Again, it’s the Lord that does it. Okay, it’s not by chance but he says in Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse six, for you are holy and set apart people to the Lord. The Lord your God has chosen you to be special people. To himself are the people on the face of this earth. We are set apart and we are chosen people. I thought the first time it said that many different times in the New Testament I talked about we are set apart one. Now, I want to turn the page in Deuteronomy, chapter seven, continuing. And it says verse eight. Because the Lord loves you and because he would keep the oath which he has sworn to your father’s, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand. Remember how God uses if he ever references his hand, it is placing judgment on one party and placing blessing on another. This is verse eight, Deuteronomy seven, verse eight. And by imotting and redeemed you out of the house, the bond is from the hand of Pharaoh and the king of Egypt. Now listen to this. And he’s talking, he’s trying to get his people to remember I am the same God who delivered you with my mighty hand out of the land of Egypt. Then verse nine know and recognize and understand therefore that the Lord your God, he is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant, steadfast, love and mercy with those whom he loves and keeps his commandments to a thousand generation, 2000 generations. There hasn’t been thousand generations yet, even since Adam. There hasn’t been that many. There’s been hundreds last time I looked. I’ve done a study on it and I think I’ve seen between like 110, 108. I don’t know if anybody specifically knows, but there hasn’t been a thousand yet. But he keeps saying, look, I’m going to read this again. No one recognized. And understand therefore that the Lord God, he is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and steadfast, love, mercy with those who love Him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations. That means it’s you and I, even though it’s in the Old covenant or the Old Testament covenant, same thing. So even though it’s in the old covenant, it doesn’t matter because our covenant or in the New Testament, we are honor the blood covenant with Jesus Christ, we have a new covenant with God. It’s a better covenant that even with the old covenant in the Old Testament, and God is saying, I’m going to keep my covenant to a thousand generations. Now, there hasn’t been a thousand generations yet. So that means all the promises he had in the Old Testament are promises for us now. So if he saved a generation or the generations, and if he saved a nation from the hand of a worldly leader, somebody who was in control of the greatest nation on the earth at that time, he was a leader say that again. Of the greatest nation in the world at that time. It was Egypt, god’s people, when they went into that land, they went in free. But because of taxation. They became enslaved because Joseph is the one who brought them in. And Joseph, because that was his family, was forgotten over the next Pharaohs because he had passed away, long passed away. So they changed history. They wanted that to be suppressed. They did not want god’s people to remember that Joseph at one point was second in command. And so when that happened, remember Hosea four? So God’s people were destroyed for lack of knowledge. They destroyed for lack of knowledge, became enslaved to Pharaoh for over 425 years. I think it was almost 430 years. So guess what? They were enslaved because of a lack of knowledge, and they became enslaved because of taxation. They became enslaved with an unruly ruler of the biggest superpower in the world at the time. You guys know what I’m saying? The correlation of what’s going on right now, because God says these are nowadays pharoahs that’s why I keep going back to Egypt, to bring people’s faith up. If God can save a nation, he’s the same God yesterday and forever. He can save the nation. This is not just about the United States of America. He said one once. Now, I want to have you guys read again. I’m reading out of the Amplified version. It’s these are the new King James that amplified out of a parallel Bible. And I want to read something else. Verse 15. This is very important, Deuteronomy seven. And I’m going to go back over the prophetic Lord. Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse 15, Amplified Version and the Lord will take away from you all sicknesses and none of the evil diseases of Egypt. Now, when he had been studying this about twelve years ago, he said, every time you see Egypt, you replace Egypt with the world. So I’m going to read that again. Instead of saying Egypt, I’m going to say the world. And the Lord will take away from you all sickness and none of the evil diseases of the world, which you new will be put on you, but will lay on them upon all who hate you. The Days of Hayman if you don’t know who Haman is, read the book of Esther. Hayman was an unruly ruler what was trying to destroy all the Israelites at the time. It was Esther’s because she wasn’t Israelite herself. But the king didn’t know it, neither did Haman, and he was trying to kill all of them, especially Mordecai. So Haman got so mad at Mordecai because Mordecai wouldn’t bow, wouldn’t bow to Mordecai, or I mean, Mordecai wouldn’t bow to Hayman. So Heyman got so angry and wanted and he built up gallows to hang Mordecai on in front of everyone. Long story short, Mordecai was not hung. He was praised by the king for saving him. And Hayman, the one who built the gallows for Mordecai, was actually the one who hung on him and was killed in front of everybody. So again, what these people want for you and I will actually happen to them. This is what God has been saying over and over and over again. These are the days of payment. He says that a lot. So look at this. I’m notes again in verse 15 and the Lord will take away from you all sickness and then none of the evil diseases of the world. You can read that in the New Testament. We are redeemed from the curse. The curse. And you can read the curse in Deuteronomy. This is the Old Testament. Now in Deuteronomy, chapter 28 and verse 15 on read all the curse, sicknesses and diseases, curse, lack, everything is under the curse. But in the New Testament it says in Galatians 313 and 14 we are redeemed. But it also says that by Jesus stripes we what? We’re healed. We are healed. And so remember, he says he doesn’t break his covenant, he keeps his covenant to a thousand generations. We are that. So matter what? Remember in John one, verse five, you know, I love to say that one– no man can stand before you all the days of your life. So it wasn’t Moses. So I’ll be with you. No man. Well, Julie, what about a boss? No man. What about an unruly judge? No man. What about a president? No man. No man can stand before you all the days of your life. No man. No man. No president, no world leader, no elite, no globalist, no deep state? No man. And as you saw with Moses, how God was with Moses, he’s saying that’s how you will be. Yeah. And all of a sudden my computer screen turned off and I was speaking about that. You just know they don’t like to hear the truth. Alright? So I’m gonna say about that.
Now I’m going to jump down to verse 18 for the sake of time. So I want to go back all this prophetic word. It says in Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse 18 you shall not be afraid of them. Don’t be afraid of these people. But remember earnestly the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt. Earnestly remember what God did to Pharaoh and all of Egypt. He’s saying that to you and I. That’s why he keeps bringing up that’s. Why do you want to do keep repeating yourself? Because God is saying it over and over and over again until you go back. Study the book of Exodus over and over and over again. Get it down in your heart. What God did for Moses, he will do for us to a thousand generations. He keeps his promises. He keeps his oath. He is fable to perform his word. And he’s saying in verse 18 you shall not be afraid of them, but remember earnestly, don’t forget what he did, what the Lord God did to the Pharaoh in all of Egypt. And look at this, verse 19 the great trials which you saw your eyes saw the signs of wonders of mighty hand and the outstretched arm, by which the Lord your God brought you out, so shall the Lord your God do to all the people who want whom you are afraid. Read that one again. Verse 19. The great trials which your eyes saw the signs and wonders of mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the Lord your God brought you out. God brought them out with a mighty hand. He’s the same God yesterday, today and forever. Then he says, so shall the Lord your God due to all the people whom you are afraid. There are so many people right now who are afraid of all these world leaders, afraid of the elites, are afraid of these presents. They’re afraid of these prime ministers, they’re afraid of these unjust judges. They’re afraid of all these laws that are being passed. And God saying, don’t earnestly remember what I did for Pharaoh and what I did to Egypt. Because what he’s doing it again. Praise the Lord. I’m so excited you guys know that. You guys know sometimes I get time when I get excited. All right, now I’m going to go back to the prophetic works. I know people are going to have questions about it. Listen to this. This is the last paragraph.
Great destruction is coming to many of the enemy’s narratives that held my nation hostage. So what are the narratives been in this country alone? I was just on a radio show yesterday in the UK. They’re having the same problem over there. The same problems are happening everywhere. But guess what? There is a media blackout. So people think it’s only their country, it’s only their rulers and nothing else is going on anywhere around the world. It’s a lot. It’s simultaneously going on all over the world because there’s world leaders trying to bring a one world government. If you don’t believe that there’s a one world government, look in the book of Revelation and it talks about the one world government. But it’s not time for that yet. It’s not time for their one world government yet. They’re speeding up time. They’re getting impatient. And God is saying no, it is time for my revival. It is time for my Lord saying it’s time for his revival. It’s time for his glory. It’s time for his miracle signs and wonders. It’s time for him to do the Great Exodus. It is time for you and I. It is time for us to live the way God always intended. Why bring more people into the body of Christ? To waking more people up, bring more people in the body of Christ before the time of the end? There has to be. The world has to know. Has to know. Has to know what? To know before the tribulation happens. The people are going to know that God’s people are gone because we’ve been like everybody else. It seems like we’ve been sick like everybody else, depressed like everybody else and fear like everybody else. We’ve just been like everybody else because the Satan got into the churches and has been suppressing the power, the authority that the church really has. He’s brought in religion and legalism to get you to believe that God’s not going to do anything. He’s not the same god. He only did those things beginning of the church and that’s such a life in the pit of hell, guys, the same God yesterday and in forever. You read in the Bible, you don’t take a pastor’s word for it says well you’re just falling short of the glory of God. No, you’re not even made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. That is the world that’s falling short of the glory of God. The ones who won’t receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. And Julie, why are you yelling? Because it’s God’s authority when you’re talking about saying do not be whiff about it. We use our authority in the name of Jesus because you’re going to come in situations where you’re going to have to have that authority. You have to have that power that comes out of you. And when God has that authority that comes over me it sounds like I’m yelling but I’m just using the authority. Praise the Lord. Because I want you to know the truth on what God really says about you and what he really says about your nations, what he really says about your situations, what he’s really saying about your body. God is saying be free today in the name of Jesus, be free today. Say repeat to me I am free by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I am free to freely serve God in every way, shape or form. No man can stand before me all the days of my life. So God was with Moses, so he will be with me. I will not be afraid. I will not bow down. I will not cower. I will not be moved because God is on my side. So who shall I fear? Praise the Lord.
All right, now approach. I’m going to go over this. I am so God is going to great destruction is coming to many of the enemies narratives that held my nation hostage. I have said let my nation go. Not only he said let my people go but he said let my nation go. And yes, all those who are wondering if you’re in the UK or if you’re in Australia, if you’re in Canada, if you’re in China, right where you are, God is saying let my nation go. You proclaim a decree because God is saying not only the United States, you’re going to see the United States become free. But when do you see that? No. So is your nation, god’s not going to leave you nor forsake you. You’re the part of his body, you’re his people, you are his children. He is not going to let you, he’s not going to persay you just because he loves this country. No, no, he’s going to use this country to help save you. Don’t ever think that God is going to let you go because you’re not in this country. That’s not true. God loves all of his children. All right? Now, my Eagle’s release will be great. So my children, stay focused on my words and the victories I have given you. Say Lord, your redeemer, because God’s already done all of these things. He’s already in the spirit. You can’t see all or you can’t see it, but because of what Jesus did, Jesus disarmed our enemies. He brought him to nothing. It says that in Hebrews, chapter two, verse 14. He says that in classrooms, two of two and 15, he’s already disarmed Him. He’s already brought to nothing. Now we’re going to see it come to pass. Praise the Lord. All right.
Now again, I say Right Side Broadcasting is about to come out with a major news stories that no one can hide or deny. Now, this is the second time I’ve heard Right Side broadcasting. They are on news outlets more conservative, they tell more. It’s the truth. And God is saying news stories that people are not going to be able to die. Watch what he does if they dare to stay bold and not back off and not quit. If they dare to stay bold, watch what happens to Right Side broadcasting in a good way. All right.
Now, Candace Owens will be in your news for a surprising reason. Now, I don’t know exactly if that’s good or bad. He just said Candace Owens will be in the news for a surprising reason then. Now listen to this. Now, God talked about when Hunter Biden’s laptop came out originally, God said there was laptops. He said there was more laptops. There was not just one laptop from Hunter Biden. There was two. And guess what? That has already that’s probably fulfilled. It already came out. There was two Laptops of Hunter Biden. OK. Then he talked about Nancy Pelosi’s. Now, you’re about to save Nancy. Positives. But I’m going to get to that in a little bit. He says, My children, another laptop has been found and whoever it belongs to will surprise you. There’s another laptop out there, another one that’s going to come out with explosive evidence. And you know why? Because this is what God said. This laptop will bring the giants down. No, there’s a laptop that has now been confiscated and in the right hands, that’s going to bring the giant down. Now, there has been a delay. I have heard that there was a delay. That should have already happened by now. But the church come on, come on, church. Let’s get an agreement with Almighty God, okay? Let’s get an agreement with Almighty God. All right. Now that’s another teaching. I’ll get into that later. This laptop is not known to the enemies who had it. And they thought things were deleted and actually weren’t. So the laptop they thought was secure, it wasn’t. They thought they deleted everything on it. They didn’t delete it good enough because it’s in the right hands. And all this information that these people have, they have all this stuff, it wasn’t deleted forever. Guess what? There’s technology out there that I know god has given man with knowledge, understanding to outsmart, out, defeat our enemies, because that’s what God does. All right, now he says, oh, yes, big exposures are coming, so get prepared for a great shaking in the land of the eagle in more ways than one. A great shaking in the land of the eagle in more ways than one. The land of the eagle united States of America. I want everybody, even if you don’t live in this country, you pray for this country, because this country is going to be saved. But God say, I’m not going to stop there. I’m going to come through all the nations of the world and save everyone as well.
All right, now, archives, this world will be in your news for a significant reason. And then, my children, more people in your government listen to this. More people in your government are not who they say they are. Julie, that’s a conspiracy. Those things don’t happen. Really? They can do a lot more things than you realize they can do. Look, also, he said now, he had me put this in bold. Some are no longer alive, and others are detained in foreign lands. Remember what God keeps saying? Things are not how they appear to be. People are not how they appear to be. This is why some are not alive and some are detained in foreign lands. So there’s people that look like people, but really aren’t those people, too. That’s impossible. But it ain’t. Just watch. God will show you. Oh, he has Great betrayals and great upsets are about to take place. Get ready to hear how great their deception has really been. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Remember when God also keeps saying that arrests have been made? He’s been saying that arrests have been made. It doesn’t matter what DC or our government have. Things look like it appears to be. Things aren’t how they appear to be. We’re watching a movie. He’s talking about puppet show puppet masters. He’s talking about that. He’s going to remove the curtain. It’s acting, it’s fake, it’s illegitimate. It’s not real. But if you believe it, they can get away with a lot of things. That’s why God is giving us these words all the time. This sounds like a conspiracy theory. They want you to say that. They want you to think you’re crazy. Remember with Noah in the ark you talk about for 100? Now, this is not don’t judge this. 125 years. No, that’s what Noah was speaking for over 125 years. And they thought he was nuts until the day the rain came and they all wanted in. It was too late. Same thing is going on right now. A lot of these things that are going on, it never rained before. There was a mist that came up from the ground and that’s how everything got water. There was no rain before. So when Moses. Moses was probably called a conspiracy theorist. He was probably called an idiot. He was probably called a crazy man until the rain came. The same thing is happening now. Don’t be caught up with those people that say conspiracy. Those people say these things aren’t really real. Why would God waste his time? Why would he say all these things? And all these things that he’s saying are coming to pass, whether they’re big or small. There’s a lot of prosecutors that are fulfilled. I said, I got to get to that. But he really wanted me. I was going to do a proxy fulfilled today. And then he had to change it to do this one. And there was a reason for it.
Alright, now then he says this is a paragraph what you have seen Nancy say and do and her act of stepping down and not running for reelection. So she came out and said that she stepped down as a Democratic leader. And then she also is not running for reelection in 2024. So this is what God said. Her stepping down, not running for reelection is not how it seems. Watch what happens next to Nancy. Computer. Evidence is coming that will destroy her narrative about the impeachment in January 6 and so many other things that have been captain, somebody has her laptop. There’s a lot of evidence on that laptop because God has said it go back. And look all the ones he said about Nancy Pelosi for the last over a year. It’s kind of going down for that laptop to come out. But it’s been held back for a reason. This is what the Lord is saying. It’s been held back for a reason because people wouldn’t have accepted it. That’s in. So pray for the people who have this. Pray for their protection, but also pray for the wisdom that they have exactly when it needs to be released. Alright? And we pray for them. Every single person who has got any of these laptops.
All right? The elites are letting her fall to save themselves. I will say this again. Things are not how they appear with Nancy Pelosi. She is like another one. She is like another and another comma. The one called the Biden, he’s not really Joe. That’s why God calls him the Biden. So Nancy is like Joe or Nancy is like the Biden. Excuse me. Things are not how they appear to be. You’ll find that out and soon you’ll understand why I say these words. So there was that. Soon you will see why I’m saying these words. So there’s going to be a major laptop that comes out that no one knew existed. And you’ll be surprised. I knew this laptop belonged to and Nancy Pelosi’s laptop is about to come out, and it’s going to destroy every narrative that she’s ever come up with. And any of the elites behind her that had her come up with these narratives and had her put these orders in place. January 6 is going to explode from how fake, false, and ridiculous it is. And yes, all those people have been wrongfully detained are going to be released in Jesus name. And you pray for those people that they will be released. Watch God do it. Remember Paul and Silas. Remember Joseph. Look what happened with Arthur Poloski. No matter what the enemy tries to do to God’s people to detain them, god’s hand will release them. So pray for every single person that had the laptop. Pray for every single person that’s in these government positions that are taking our country back. Pray for all military men and women. Pray for a rightful president. You pray for these people. You pray for them. They need your prayers because they’re sacrificing a lot right now for each gender one of us. And they’re sacrificing things we don’t even know because we don’t even know everything. There’s always bits and pieces that we are given because we can’t let the enemies know what that guy has.
All right, now hears say this word will be in your news for unusual reason. Radioactive. This phrase will be in the news for a significant reason. The days of payment will become more obvious. In these days, you will see many things happen to government officials that no one saw coming. Read that again. You will see things happen to government officials that no one saw coming. This will signal the cleansing I had been talking about. God, when talking about cleansing the Senate, cleansing the White House, cleansing of the House of Representatives, he’s talking about the cleansing of this whole entire nation and all the world leaders that don’t belong to him that are not rightfully there. A well known governor is about to have a massive heart attack. I told you, my children, the things that they wanted for you will happen to them. And there’s a reason why he’s saying that you can watch things that will show you people are suddenly dying. People are suddenly collapsing. I mean, people are dying suddenly. They wanted this for you. It’s actually going to start happening to them. Days of famine. All right,
Wellington, this name will be in the news for a surprising reason. A great takedown is about to be seen in my nation. A great turnaround and a great celebration. Just watched what I, the Lord I’m about to do for my ego. It’s not a man listen to this. It’s not a man who could have done this. It only could have been my hand. That’s what God is saying don’t look to just a man to do anything. It’s God’s hand. That’s right. Does he use men and women? Yes, but it is God that does it. I’m restoring my ego and uniting my nation, the United States, but I am also uniting my body. Focus on me and not your enemy. Because soon you will no longer see them. Sayeth the Lord of Host or say the Lord of the Redeemer. This is what God says. Remember he said this in Exodus chapter 14. Those who see you before you will not see anymore. He’s saying that again. But he also said he’s going to unite the United States. The United States has been divided over the course of how many years? Because of the deep state, because of one world government, the infiltrators that have infiltrated the station to bring a great divide. The reason why they brought a great divide is because the house divided against itself cannot stand. And so they brought a division, great divisions over every walk of our life in the United States, because they don’t want united. The guy saying he’s going to bring the uniting back to United States, but he’s also bringing united into the body of Christ. But we have a parts plan on that. Okay then. Lord, we have heard these things, similar things before, but nothing has changed. Instead, it grows worse by the day. My children, who are you thinking? The children who are thinking this way. Why do you believe what you see? Don’t believe what you see. Don’t go. That’s what God says. Walk by faith and not by sight. I have been moving my hand and things have been happening without the world knowing about it. Things have been happening without the world knowing about it. I’m saying that again, things have been happening without the world knowing about it. The covert operations, we’re not going to know about everything. I’m gonna say covert operations, we’re not going to know about everything. So it says, I Lord and in control, not the men and women you see before you today. They are liars, they are thieves. That they will fall as so many in the past. The nation does not belong to them. And you are about to see a great shift of power take place in front of your eyes. We’re about to see a great shift of power take place in front of our eyes. Oh, yes. A shift no one saw coming. A shift that no one can understand how it took place. A shaking will cause a great awakening. It will cause a great restoration to my children, all that belong to them. That’s wealth transfer that happened in the original Exodus and that’s happening in the great Exodus. And no, I’m not just talking about that because of money and wealth. It is for a reason, okay? It’s for a reason right now, for the Lord. This I’m telling you, my children, the battle is mine. The battle is the Lord’s. We’ve got to trust and believe in Him. Stand on his word. Focus on him. Keep your eye on him. Do not frighten. Do not fear. Do not be worried. Do not let your hearts grow weary. For I am moving, I’m restoring. I’m making your enemies return what has been stolen. There is a lot that was an action path powerful. There’s a lot in that word. Go back and read it and listen to it. And then when we get on our website, read it again and again because there’s more that God will give you a revelation of what we’re seeing is not what really was going on at all. It’s not what’s going on. This is seriously a movie. It’s not real. There’s fake props, fake sets. Those are going to come out as well. We already know that they’re using a fake White House. Why do we need to use a fake White House act? Why? Why? And also because that was a prophecy fulfilled because of Ford. But why would all of a sudden rentals for Secret Service? Why would they rent cars? Because I thought if they’re prison, I could be going away. Somebody can write us off. But I thought if the Secret Service has to go anywhere, they take the motorcade with them. Where I’ll get to rent cars? And maybe they do this. I don’t know. But why would five of them burn a day after they leave? Nantucket got that. Massachusetts was always also good in the news. That’s not part of another prophecy fulfilled. I’ll get to that. Think about what you’re seeing. Think about what you’re hearing. Things are not how they appear to be. Now again, you got some grimace. I have no idea. I thought the motorcade goes everywhere the president does. I didn’t know they actually rented cars. Maybe they do. I don’t know. But even they did, five of their cars they rented burned. Five cars burned that they used a day after they left. Something just smells fishy to me. Something isn’t how it appears to be. And God is going to show it all right now.
I want to pray for each of you before I go. Heaven fall right now. In the name of Jesus, I look at every person, the sound of my voice. I want praise and thank you for righteous and a nation, for rising up in your people, that they will be fed up, that they will not put up with all this stuff, that they will learn how to fight back with Your name and with Your Word and with Your authority. I thank you for Almighty God. I thank you for showing us what Jesus has already done. I thank you for showing us the authority that we have. I thank You, Father God, that they will not be overtaken. They will not grow wary. They will not be overwhelmed with the spirit of fear. And I proclaiming the Cry that they are free. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you Father God that you are building us up because you are bringing us because we are in the army of the Lord and you will bring us together for such a time as this. I flew the blood of Jesus over them. I thank you for their protection. I thank you for their restoration. I thank you for their deliverance or silence or host and their healing. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Well, help us encourage you again. I really want to go over and I have to do these the way the Lord wants me to do them. I can’t do it the way I want them because it’s online. This is his ministry. It’s his way he wants and what he wants said and when he wants that. So I promise I’m going to get these prophecies fulfilled to you again. I might do some a couple of big ones, I might do it even separately. But no, I’m going to do prophecies fulfilled because God wants to encourage you. That what he is saying with these prophetic words that people are doubting when he says them but he is not only saying them but the manifestations that are coming, the prophets are being fulfilled and he wants you to be encouraged today, not just me, he wants you to be encouraged today that he is in control. Well I hope it’s encouraged you today. Please like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging Lord who needs you the truth. Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Stunning revelation about Pelosi she is a composite of actors like Biden. Many politicians are detained overseas. Gitmo. Some are dead but actors replace them !!!!!!!! Magnitude of the deception is massive. Suddenly QAnon looks wiser than all the “rationalists”
Another laptop No 4 destroys Pelosi and Big Tech.
Hunters Iphone auto cloud storage was also hacked. Another treasure trove.
A massive heart attack for a deserving governor. Arizona? California? Pennsylvania?
Many more incidents of a similar nature to hit government officials.
This the greatest show on earth. Is this bigger than the collapse of the Soviet Empire ?
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