Evidence is coming that will take many out of their Positions
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Good morning everybody iI’s actually still Tuesday February 7th of 2023. you will see this on Thursday February 9th and that is because I am out of town spending time with the Lord in prayer and I wanted to make sure that you received these prophetic words and yes tomorrow um for you will be tomorrow I will be doing the prophecy fulfilled there are as many of them right now that I will be doing so tune in for tomorrow’s prophecy fulfilled because you’ll want to just hear about the prophecies which are awesome because they’re fresh manners from heaven but you want to see what God has already done about them before I get to this prophetic word it is called Evidence is coming that will take many out of their positions I heard this prophetic word on February 1st of 2023. but if you missed the live show David Scarlett I will make sure that I have the link in the description box for you don’t miss that show also if you have any prayer requests or praise reports please go to our website at jgminternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at juliegreen Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200Davenport Iowa 52807 and I will have all that information in the description box for you now that is all the announcements I have for today and here is the prophetic word once again it’s called
Evidence is Coming that will take Many out of their Positions
and heard this prophetic word on February 1st
For I the Lord this day want to remind my children that I am the most high God that I am delivering you that I never fail that I never lose I will never be outsmarted your enemies have overplayed their hand their desperation is growing and with that more exposures because more mistakes will be made more destructions of their plans you will see You are about to hear a cry from the enemies a cry of defeat a cry of Destruction a cry of great loss they never thought they would ever experience cry is coming from DC you thought you would never hear or see, a cry that is coming that will show the world how evil how treasonous how heinous their crimes have been against this nation but also against mankind. A plan was coming this ultimate plan of a world takeover that they worked so hard for, they gave their souls for a world takeover that they will not see because of me. Because my plans prevail my plans will be the ones that will conquer and that will prosper Your enemy’s end is near they know something is seriously wrong that is why they are trying to dump the Biden they are trying to make a major trade of leadership in their party. You’ll hear the name Obama again and again. Their thirst for power is never ending they will not give it up they want to be in the forefront again. They want to be in the people’s eye they don’t want to lead from the basement, they didn’t want to lead us from the in the dark or in the shadows anymore no they want the spotlight back, but they will not get it they think Barack and Michelle and they can defeat Trump, on their own, with less cheating and election fraud. Their arrogance is growing just like pharaohs in the end it was his destruction in it will be theirs as well. This country is not theirs no matter what they think the globalist groomed Barack for this time. But they don’t want to wait anymore they want to roll out their plans with a new world order because too many people are fighting and are hearing the truth. No more they are shouting. They control the news media they control the world governments they control some of the churches they control the economies they control big Tech in most corporations but it’s still not enough it’s not enough to fool and deceive everyone they thought everyone would be by now everyone would fall in line and trust their plans and trust their laws and trust their decisions. It’s not happening that way. The United States they still don’t have full control of it’s because people are still standing up against them how can this be they should have given in by now they are shouting but I am in you and they can’t stop me they can’t shut me out of a world I created so get ready my children for their fall. Get ready for their demise the Biden Hunter and Kamala are watch how they get rid of them watch how the director of the CIA and the FBI well suddenly step down or suddenly resign excuse me watch some Governors leave their positions Watch how some in your house of representatives and your Senate will leave too. Why you may ask why would they do that the ones who are weak who have failed the globalists, are now being let go, the ones that have held them back the ones that have held them back they think they can get back on track by these removals but yet again they’ll be stopped they will still fail and they will still have a great defeat hold on my children evidence is coming to surface that will take out many yes Evidence your enemies thought they allowed to surface but with that we’ll come even more evidence and even more exposures they didn’t see coming and didn’t want to ever be told to the public I am coming in my hand is moving
The fall of their new world order is for today is for this day and it will be seen a fall of their economy a fall of their plans a full of their people I told you 2023 a year of Freedom a freedom that has been prayed for so stay in agreement with me in my words stay in agreement with my plans and watch your enemies fall greater than the Pharaoh of old and his army saith the Lord of hosts
Hot spots this will be in your news for a significant reason Alliance this word will be your news for a surprising reason something significant will take place in Turkey yes Turkey the world will see it and know this is what I was talking about.
A major collapse and a catastrophe they will say regarding Australia. A major resignation and a major exposure are coming for their government saith the Lord.
Power is about to switch hands in many governments around the world
Albuquerque is about to be in your news for a significant reason Harden this name will be in your news for a shocking reason my children.
A major whistleblower is coming that will rock this fake and fraudulent government and abide into their core the final blow is coming is coming that will show how fake they all are saith the Lord. Great upsets are coming my children I have prepared you and I have hand-picked you for this time so get ready to be used by me in ways you would never would have thought of my children will be in control and Great Harvest of souls is coming and nothing will stop my word going forward to bring more people into my kingdom darkness is being destroyed and my light will be seen like never before these are the days for great and mighty changes saith the Lord your Redeemer
Julie Commentary Remember God’s word is truth and God’s truth will set people freeand not only by these prophetic words or fresh manner from heaven or God’s news before the news that we’re hearing on a daily basis not only hearing these prophetic words we’re not worth seeing the truth starting to come outin the news God knows the end from the beginning God is omnipotent he’s everywhere he hears and sees all this is why your enemies and how arrogant they are and they think they are gods and they think they’re in control and they think that all their policies and all their plans and all their money and all their schemes are bigger than God how many times they told us that some people think he doesn’t even exist or that they are Gods themselves and they are invincible and they can never be defeated they can never be pulled out of their positions their arrogance is blinding them from the truth how many times have God told us that the enemies will never see him coming Pharaoh never did Pharaoh laughed and how many times Moses said let my people go remember even times with the frogs and they were everywhere and he said take these away from me Moses Moses said I can and Pharaoh said tomorrow there’s a person I know who actually sang a song called one more night with the frogs Moses could have gotten rid of the frogs right then and there but he said just tomorrow How many of us are staying tomorrow how many of us didn’t say today God remember even David said today the Lord will deliver you into my hands God needs our agreement with him but one of the things that really struck me about this prophetic word about hearing the cries of the enemy he brought me back to Exodus you’ve read the book of Exodus about the angel of death and you will find that in Exodus so it started with Exodus chapter 11.and the Lord said to Moses I will bring one more plague on pharaoh and on Egypt afterward he will let you go from here when he lets you go he will surely drive you out of here altogether now this was impossible because remember how many times did Moses go up to him and say let my people go and um said so they can freely serve God let my people go I’m going to read that because people always quote let my people go but they don’t put out the second part that God showed me a long time ago this is Exodus chapter 9 and verse one then the Lord said to Moses go into pharaoh and tell him thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews let my people go that they may serve me Why is there another Exodus coming? why does one God want the greater Exodus that people are mocking and laughing and saying it’s never going to happen and it’s not true I know Moses got laughed at and mocked at for talking about this Deliverance that God said he would let his people go and it never looked like it. It looked like it was getting worse instead of better it looked like every single time that he went to pharaoh and said let my people go Pharaoh got mad and more punishments came to the god to God’s people. So when this happened it kept getting worse and it kept getting worse and it kept getting worse that phrase but God that happening then and it’s happening now our enemies want World Takeover. So did pharaoh. Pharaoh thought he was a God so do these people there’s nothing new Under the Sun nothing no matter what anybody tells you no matter what religion will tell you no matter what legalism will tell you no matter what your neighbor will tell you look at the word don’t take people’s word for it look at the word and find out for yourself find out what God is saying but anyway back to this um death that made him a great cry and God said Remember the angel of death he’s mentioned the angel of death again there was a prophetic word last week where he talked about he gave a warning because of the death that was coming he talked about the collapses on live TV and sudden deaths and some people passing away and that’s happening right now is becoming more and more evident that’s happening in a parent every day more every day we’re caring about sudden deaths sudden deaths now they even made a movie on it but God spoke these words first why because he’s warned many people first about what was to come and it’s only going to in satisfy he said it now look verse 3 it says Exodus chapter11 and verse 3 and the Lord said and the lord gave the people favored the size of the Egyptians moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants and the sight of the people then Moses said thus said the Lord about midnight I will go out to the midst of Egypt now the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die from the firstborn of pharaoh who sits on his throne even to the firstborn of female servant who is behind the hand mail and all the firstborn of all the animals so it wasn’t just the people it was everything including their food including their animals and verse six this is what I’m getting to then there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt such as was not like before nor shall it be again what in the land of Egypt nor shalt be again in the land of Egypt but listen to this don’t get into fear because that’s what your enemy wants you to as soon as you hear these words or heed any warning we will hear warnings they first freak out that’s your first a human response but look at what God did and we have a better Covenant Exodus chapter 11 and verse 7. this is the new King James but against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue against the man or beast that difference between the Egyptians and Israel and you may know that the Lord does make a difference between uh the Israelites and the the Egyptians and the Israelite sorry let me read this again but against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue and against man or beast that you may know that the Lord does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel memory talks about the land of Goshen there was light in the land of Goshen when there was darkness and dense or gross darkness in the land of Egypt when all the things all those plagues happened in Egypt but they didn’t happen in Goshen he didn’t stop it there when it came to the angel of death or this plague or judgment that was going to bring a great cry God’s talking about another great cry after I heard this prophetic word I went back because I knew that great cry it brought me back to this now look what happened I’m going to skip over in Exodus chapter uh 12 and verse 13. now look what that is now the Israelites had an instruction just like we have an instruction we have mandates we have things to say and things to do right now in the midst of all of this Exodus chapter 12 and verse 13. now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt they were supposed to put Blood on the lentils on the doors on the sides of the doors the top and the sides and so the angel of death could not pass that blood could not go into those doors could not touch them and it didn’t it couldn’t and it didn’t we have a blood Covenant because of Jesus Christ we can plead the blood instead of actual pudding blood the blood was shed for us already we complete the blood over ourselves and over our children and over our families over our households over our vehicles over our finances we can plead that blood and the enemy cannot penetrate that blood he did not defeat that blood he cannot go past that blood our enemy cannot defeat the blood of Jesus Christ has already been shed for us remember no matter what we see no matter what we’re about to hear no matter what’s about to happen in the world remember you have a blood Covenant with God you are a child of the most high God our enemy has already been brought to nothing go to Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14. go to Colossians 2 and 15.go to Colossians 1 and 12 13-14 go read these scriptures write them down and go read them and talks about the destruction of the enemy talks about God bringing the enemy to nothing it talks about what God has already done doesn’t have to do these things again he’s already done these things he has a covenant with us that he will not break or alter the words that come out of his mouth so when you see these things no God know his Covenant know who he is how do you trust him how do that Faith Like Joshua and Caleb how do you have a face like David how do you have faith like shadow right me should I come in here how do you have faith like Moses how do you have faith like this you know him you have to get to know who he is and how do you get to know who he is I say this all the time don’t take my word for it please these are not my word they’re his take his word open it up read it get to know him on a personal relationship get to know him on who he is don’t take my word for it don’t do that go get these Revelations that God wants you to have now Exodus chapter 12 and verse 23 for Ithe Lord will pass or to strike the Egyptians and when he sees the blood on the lentil and all the doorposts the Lord will pass over the door and not allow the Destroyer to come into your houses or strike you no matter what happens in the world God has a blood Covenant with you he will not allow the Destroyer to hurt you have faith in the blood now they had to do something you have to do something plead the blood Julie how do you put blood heavenly father I plead the blood of Jesus over me I plead the blood ofJesus over my house I believe the blood of Jesus over my children I was about a Jesus over my spouse believe the blood of Jesus over our household I believe the blood of Jesus over our vehicles I put the blood of Jesus that’s how you plead the blood they had to physically put blood I cannot imagine the smell we don’t have to do that I’m so glad we don’t have to spell that but God honors the blood of his son now look verse 30 in Exodus chapter 12. in the latter part of that verse so pharaoh Rose in the night in all his servants and all the Egyptians and there was a great cry in Egypt for there was not a house where there was not one dead it happened before because they’re arrogance because they refused to let God’s people go God warned and God warned and people were upset they were upset with Moses because they took so long they’re upset right now because it’s taking so long guy didn’t want its Destruction for Pharaoh or the Egyptians he wanted them to repent and just let these people go but they wouldn’t get one of that now remember he loves the sin or loves The Sinner loves The Sinner hates the sin he loves The Sinner hates to sin remember when Jesus was on the cross he said father forgive them they know not what they do father forgive them they know not what they do he knows it’s the enemy in them it’s not them but they are chose remember God says in Deuteronomy that he said before his life and death blessing and cursing you choose he wants he wants us to choose life but some people won’t he can’t force you you are a human being and you have a free will he can’t force you to make those decisions so we hear about a mighty Christ we’re going to go back over this prophetic word but again what does he say all the time almost every day in these prophetic words the fear not he says he’s going to greatly distinguish us he says we have marching orders there’s things for us to do he’s giving us the things for us to do he’s think giving us things for us to say go read we have our blog it’s jgminternational.org go under our blog posts and there’s tons of marching orders there with decrees to use your Authority because you’re a child of God and you have the power and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses The Possession possesses I’ll say that right Luke 10 19.you have power and authority because you’re the name above every name so there’s decrees there’s declarations and then of course there is the um scriptures that go along with it it’s great if you don’t know what to say or what to do go read the blog post and then go into the scriptures read those scriptures yourself okay because God will give you the Revelation that he wants you to have regarding those scriptures in regarding what the time frame we’re living in and what he wants you to say and do he’ll always give you these instructions always darkness is being destroyed and my light will be seen like never before these are the days for great mind changes saith the Lord your Redeemer now in the midst of grow gross Darkness God’s light will shine brighter guys Glory will be seen God does not and will never fail that will destroy the the doubt that will destroy the worry that will destroy the unbelief that will destroy the fear that is controlling you right now God will never fail great upsets are coming of course again look at all times in the Bible where God’s people were imprisoned or they were up against an impossible situation against enemies that were greater bigger stronger had more money had more weapons had more power great upsets this is nothing new again you can read this in the Bible there’s nothing new Michael and I prepared you that I have I had I’ve hand-picked you for this time if you read the book of Esther she was picked for such a time as this okay that’s what God Said you’ve been here because that’s what Mordecai told her because that’s what God Said she’s been hand-picked for this time Mordecai wanted her to know and God wants you to know you’ve been hand-picked for this very day in this very hour say what am I I’m just this I’m just sad I’m just this I’m just that but who’s telling you that you’re just this and you’re just that you’re a child of God you’re the army of the Lord remember you have to see the eyes of Victories for their eyes of Faith or the eyes of Christ not Through The Eyes of the world and what Satan wants you to think what the world wants you to believe about yourself you have to see things the way God wants you to see them he said listen I’ve hand-picked you I have picture for this time so get ready to be used by mean ways that you would never have thought of Moses would have never have known that he was going to be used by God in that way he stuttered he had a speaking problem that’s why when I first got on YouTube out even on social media anymore I didn’t want to go on YouTube or I didn’t want to go on social media I didn’t want to make videos because I don’t always speak fluently and clearly you can see that I get tongue-tied and I stutter sometimes or I do this or that I don’t have eloquent speech so I’m like God what I’m sure you could use something better. Trust me this was not my plan but it was God’s you just obey God and he will give you the ability to do it am I perfect no will ever be perfect no he doesn’t need anybody perfect you just needs somebody who’s willing that’s all God just needs your willingness and obedience is that the children of Israel they’d be willing and obedient to put the blood on the doorpost if they didn’t do it if they disobeyed they weren’t protected it’s like we have to oh we have to obey today remember even says in God’s word and Ephesians don’t obey your parents it’ll be well with you we should obey God my children will be in control and gray Harvest of souls is coming and nothing will stop my word going forward to bring more people into my kingdom now people are asking I’m not going to get into this teaching okay who are asking well in the Book of Revelation there is a new world order or one world government and we’re seeing that now and this is the Tribulation period we’re gonna it’s gonna be the entire complete restoration of all things first that’s in Acts chapter 3 and verse 21.God wants more people into the kingdom of God before the tribulation come she wants more people to be saved more people to know his son remember it’s not gonna be the end until every country hears every person has the opportunity to hear the word of God that’s why we’re supposed to go into all nations and preach the gospel so it says nothing without my word from going forth to bring more people into my kingdom nothing the enemies have tried but it won’t work now listen to this my children a major whistleblower is coming that will rock this fake and fraudulent government and the Biden to their core the final blow was uh is coming that will show how fake and um how fake they all are now this is something that he is telling us even last year you talked about this is the days of the whistleblowers more whistleblowers are gonna have more boldness more whistleblowers will come forward and God said he has removed their gag order for a time they could not say anything even Jesus when Jesus did all these Miracles signed as winners and he healed the lepers and he healed all the Blind and healed all these people and he raised the dead and he said don’t say anybody and I’m like what Jesus why would you not know why would you not want them to know and why would you not want them to tell people I mean they knew what had happened but why would you not want people to know because I knew when more people knew more religious people were going to get upset the legalism the religiousness was gonna just go blow up Not only was he fighting Jewshe was fighting all of them he wasn’t finding the Romans he was fighting everybody he knew the more people knew about these healings and signs and wonders and miracles the closer his time was to to his end the enemy is fighting us because he doesn’t want the miracle signs and wonders to go forth he doesn’t want God’s glory to come why do you think there’s been a separation in the body of Christ as of yet as of lately in is going on all stops to try to bring division in every walk of our life to try to bring upset to try to bring confusion and everything why I think there’s no denominations why I think churches split and churches are splitting every day if you have probably my denomination you can’t come and speak at my church or was to go on and so on and so on there’s been there’s been a division in the body of Christ for a long time people just didn’t see it the way they just see it now God said it has to end we all have to come together and be in one and one Accord not about everything we won’t be about everything but Jesus says ahead we’re the body we need to fall in line so more whistleblowers are coming and they will they’re given the boldness to speak now it’s time before Jesus always said it wasn’t my time now now it’s time now it’s time and we’re gonna start hearing more of it hard or hardened this name will be in your news for a shocking reason Albuquerque is about to be in the news for a significant reason power is about to switch hands and many governments around the world God’s been talking about Falls of many different governments and switching a power and raising up different presidents and pulling down other presidents remember God’s a judge over all the Earth he can bring down one and bring up another that’s the song go read song since Psalm 75 I think and major government collapse in a catastrophe uh they will say end a catastrophe they will say regarding Australia now he’s talked about Australia he’s talking about candidates talked about France uh he’s talked about China watch these governments and of course it’s also talk about the government United States of America those fake and fraudulent one that thinks that they’re in control they’re not a major resignation and major exposures are coming for their government say the Lord so watch Australia in something massive happen in Australia he’s been talking about this for at least six months or more something significant will happen in Turkey yes turkey the world will see and know this um is what I was talking about he’s been talking about turkey for probably I don’t know six seven months he’s also uh mentioned many uh countries over around and surrounding turkey so watch what happens in that region or in that area Alliance this word will be in your news for a surprising reason hot spots will be in your news for a significant reason the fall of the New World Order is for this day and it will be seen evolved their economy and fall of their plan to follow their people I told you 2023 a year of Freedom eight a freedom that has been prayed for a freedom that has been prayed for God hears the cries of his people he delivers them out of them all he’s not going to leave them in our in this position remember it also says in Isaiah 55 that his word does not return to envoid a freedom that has been prayed for so stand in agreement with me and my word State I stayed in agreement with my plans stayed in agreement with God’s plans and watch your enemies fall greater than the Pharaoh of old in his army and state the Lord of hosts why because that was just one country that was just one nation God is saying that’s going to happen to the the new world order that thought they were going to take over and bring in this great reset it’s not happening hold on my children evidence is about the surface that will take out many yes evidence your enemies thought that they allowed the service but with that will come even more evidence and even more exposures that didn’t see come they didn’t see coming and didn’t want ever to be told to the public I am coming my hand is moved and my hand is moving now listen he said hold on my children evidence is about to service that will take them out I take out many Excuse me yes evidence your enemies thought they allowed now they allowed certain evidence to come to the surface because they wanted to take the weak ones ou tthe ones they thought were holding their plans and holding them down that were weighing them down so without certain people to fall you can start saying that because you can start seeing what they’re doing with Hunter you can start seeing what they’re doing with Biden you’ll start seeing what they’re doing with Kamala they’ve been doing this for the last several months you guys been talking about this since the beginning of last year there watch the news media as they turn on them watch they’re giving them up because they’re like a thorn in their side they’re they’re they are bringing them down they’re weighing them down they’re just they just want to get rid of them they didn’t do what they wanted so they just they’re weak and they fail them that’s what the globalists are thinking is that even more evidence is going to come even more exposures are gonna come so they’re gonna they’re gonna let things trickle out how they want it and God’s saying uh-uh I’m gonna expose it how I’m gonna expose it and it’s gonna come and it’s gonna come big time um then he says watch some governments leave their positions or sorry watch some governors watch Governors leave their positions watch out some in your house of representatives and send them some Senate will leave too that’s already started to happen God’s been talking about that for a long time this is happening now watch it happen even more because he said this is a time where things are going to intensify he said why why you may ask because people are asking that question why would they do that the ones who are weak who have failed the globalists are now being let go I just were talking about that the ones that have held them back they think that they can get back on track by these removals but yet again they will be stopped they will still fail they will still have great defeat okay they will have great defeat but they are being let go so somebody you’ll see exposures or just um and people will just they’re uhum they’re how do I put that um their exposures will be so bad it will make them look so bad that they will just want to walk away it’s ruining their reputations but they’re being forced out watch some Governors leave their positions watch how some in your house have represented something your Senate will leave yes they will leave watch people just step away you may not hear of why they may not give an excuse they will just walk away and they think that by walking White’s Gonna Save them but also the globalists are getting rid of them but they’re not letting you know they’re just letting you think that it’s on their own choice and it’s their own decision the Biden Heinrich ma our first just watch how they get rid of them watch out the director of the CIA and the FBI suddenly resign United States I still don’t have full control of this because people are still standing against them how can this be they should have given it in by now they are shouting but I am in you and they can’t stop me they can’t shut me out of a world I created so get ready my children for their fall get ready for their demise get ready they’re not going to be able to control now listen what they say this is what he’s saying they’re upset because they control the media they control the world governments they think they control some of the churches they control the economies they control the big tech for most corporations but they still it’s not enough is that enough to fool is that enough to deceive everyone they thought everyone would be by now everyone would fall inline and trust their plans trust their laws and Trust our decisions and it’s not happening that way and they’re upset it’s not happening that way this country is not there so no matter what they think the globalist groomed Barack Barack who Obama they groomed him to be the new world order to be the leader of the New World Order they groomed him they said it and our kitchen door even came out and said it several times we’ve groomed him from the New World Order to be the leader read the Bible who that is all right but they don’t want to wait anymore they want to roll out their plans for the New World Order because too many people are fighting and are hearing the truth so no more they are shouting too many of us are speaking the truth and they don’t like it at all because you were just supposed to just fall in line they have control of all these things all worldwide all of our walks of life they have to control over everything they thought that was enough but it’s not because they didn’t see they didn’t see God on the inside of us they didn’t see his glory they didn’t see his power they didn’t see they don’t know they don’t know they don’t know there’s a greater one lives on the inside of us hey that’s in the world they didn’t know their arrogance had blinded them but Gods ang arrogance comes before our pride comes before a fall now let’s look at this you will hear the name Obama again and again I’m sorry but you will there are thirst for power is never ending they will not give up they will they want to be in the Forefront again they want to be in the people’s eye they don’t want to lead from the basement they don’t want to leave from the dark or in the shadows anymore no they want the spotlight back to Barack and Michelle Obama they want the spotlight back but they will not get it they think they think now listen they will not get it and he says they think who Barack and Michelle they can defeat Trump on their own with less cheating in election fraud remember the enemy always thinks I can do these things their arrogance is growing just like pharaohs in the end it was his destruction and it will be theirs as well there’s nothing new Under the Sun your enemy’s end is near they know something is seriously wrong this is why they are trying to dump the Biden we are seeing it now they are trying to make a major trade of leadership in their party and that’s when they’re going to try to bring in Michelle Obama or you know not really Michelle she’s only the Forefront but it’s really going to be Barack but just like they did with a Biden in his earpiece and all that stuff that you’re about to find out a plan was coming this ultimate plan of the world takeover that they worked so hard for gave their souls for it will take over that they will not see because of me so I’m not going to see this they’re failed they’re one world order or their one world takeover because of God they’re not going to see their fail they’re going to keep going and keep going and keep going God says call them our hand but they’re going to keep going and that’s that just like Pharaoh kept going and kept going he didn’t see his ultimate falling destruction he went right into the Trap they’re going right into the Trap there’s nothing new because my plans for availing my plans will be the ones that will conquer and that will prosper who’s God’s plans it’s always God’s plans this is what I was talking about earlier about a crying I read it in Exodus a cry of Defeat of cry destruction of Cry Of great loss and never thought they would ever experience a cry is coming from DC who thought or you thought you would never hear or see we thought we would never hear our state either um how heinous are crimes they have been against this nation uh or I cry that is coming that will show the world how evil how treasonous and how heinous their crimes have been against this nation but also against mankind the world government is done what the DC has done what many of them done well maybe these World governments around the world what they’ve done to Children what they’ve done to our countries what they’ve done to Freedom what they’ve done destroys in every Walk of Life that’s why there’s gonna be a cry look at me cry and defeat from the enemy there’s also being a cry of just how that shock and all that God’s been talking about of how was this going on for so long and we didn’t know about itfor I the Lord this day want to remind my children that I am the most high God and I am delivering you that I will never fail that I never lose I will never be outsmarted your enemies have overplayed their hand their deception is growing and with more exposures because mistakes will be made more destructions of their plans you will see you’re about to hear a cry from the enemies so with all these typing remember God said everything that can be shaken will be shaken things are shaking physically things are shaking and spiritually things are shaking it’s only going to intensify so what we’ve seen so far is not close to what’s about to happen but God get these scriptures on the inside of you they always cause you to Triumph get these scriptures go read all the times that he protected his children go read all the times that he delivered his children go read them especially Exodus you know on The Exodus preacher I preach Exodus continuously all the time it’s always in my heart and it has been since 2010. has been and I and I realize and I understand it more than I ever did back then it was 13 years ago God wants you to know that you are protected by him and he is the most high and there’s nothing there’s no one greater than him so do not be distracted with everything that’s going on in the world today keep your eyes on Lord go read but what happened with Peter when he walked on the water I say that one all the time too because when his faith was focused on the Lord he walked on the water he did The Impossible he did something that you couldn’t fathom on your own but his faith and trust in Jesus it was only when he stopped and he looked at the storm did he start to sink don’t look at your storms don’t magnify them don’t talk about them don’t give them power don’t give them that Authority you take it back with the name of Jesus and when he’s already given to you receive what God is doing for you t odayheavenly father right now in Jesus name I always want to lift up every person of the sound of my voice and Heavenly fathers want to praise you and I want tothank you that you are the god of more than enough that you are the creator of Heaven and Earth and as we see this evidence Lord we thank you that your truth prevails that every lie will be revealed that nothing will stop your plans nothing will stop the purpose that you have for all of us on this Earth today we are in your army you are our head and we are the body we are one and we thank you Father God that we become more God inside minded that we are not on this Earth trying to survive but we are thriving because of you are on the inside you we are thriving because of your blood Covenant we are thriving because of the name of Jesus we thank you Father God you have given us power and authority Dominion I think that we cannot be defeated we think that we will not quit no matter how hard it is for them no matter what their situations look like no matter how they feel I thank you Father God that you are getting them up you’re giving them a joy they have not known before so they can fight the good fight of faith I thank you for sending each and every one of them free today no matter what it is sickness it’s disease or virus and affections no matter if it’s pain and affliction no matter is fear depression or suicide you are bigger you are greater you are stronger and I thank you for this anointing that’s going through my hands that will touch each and every one of them no matter where they are because there’s no distance in a spiritual Realm I thank you for touching them from the top of their head and it sews over their feet I Thank You For manifesting Your Glory upon him and in their lives today in Jesus name amen and amen will help us encourage each and every one of you today really I do because that is the whole point of this ministry God loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day

Astonishing prediction about Australia in blue text.
A major collapse and a catastrophe they will say regarding Australia. A major resignation and a major exposure are coming for their government saith the Lord.
Extreme wording suggests our Chinese speaking Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be resigning. He keeps pushing the destabilising idea that aboriginals must be given additional unspecified “VOICE” in our constitution with veto powers over our parliament which already has quite a number of aboriginal politicians representing that community. Even they are complaining of over-representation with a tiny pseudo black/pink group would be more like an activists aristocracy hijacking our country. Its done by China. Similar thing happened in NZ where Jacinda Ardern was giving NZ back to a handful of Maori activists in the thrall of China. Its also been done by China in Fiji. A bunch of native Grandads (wise men LOL once formally abolished) has been resurrected and put into power by China. Just like the secret Solomons agreement signed with China.
Anyway in NZ it didn’t work and Jacinda Ardern just removed herself from Office to avoid an humiliating Election defeat. So our PM Albanese will likely go down the same way as Jacinda Ardern when its revealed China put him into Office with a one seat majority. This was after previous Australian PM Scott Morrison was removed from office because he had the temerity to demand a serious enquiry into the origin of the Wuhan covid virus which has devastated the world economy.
So this looks like the round of falling governments includes Australia soon, and another inevitable is Canada and Justin Trudeau emulating the fall of Jacinda Ardern. Canadian electorates are pushing back firmly every province but one is now astonishingly CONSERVATIVE and support for Trudeau is dwindling to where he becomes a liability and will be disposed of. Certainly this is further pushback from the common people against the permanent political class and Klaus Schwab. NO master of the future is he. And the end of Globalism is predicted by documentary makers to fail because it makes everyone just too vulnerable to distant geopolitical upsets. Already Blackrock formally announced TWICE Globalism is DEAD. Vladimir Putin killed it. So Globalism that has admittedly made everyone richer, comes pre-programmed to self destruct, as we have already transformed into a multi polar world. The Bankers One World Government is a lost fantasy cause that contained the seeds of its own destruction. That it depends on nobody ever playing geopolitics, trade wars or blowing up pipelines etc for stability. So its Goodbye to naive globalism. And China is collapsing……… No water in the Yangtze Kiang and no electricity, NO car manufacturing, no babies as they decline toward 600 million people…… World is normalising Yahoo