How Trump takes Farmland back from China previously predicted on 3rd of February
Page title of the prediction is A GREAT SHAKING IS COMING TO THE JUSTICE SYSTEM & BILL GATES FALLS Here is the prediction quoted But
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Iran is going to try to make a declaration of war. They have gotten a green light from your fraudulent government And they were paid nicely for it with your taxpayers money
Great Death you will hear in China’s government
Why it’s not just Russia and Ukraine they do want an all-out war. You will hear of things in Israel you will hear of things in Japan you will hear of things in other nations –
Vladimir Putin be careful where you step & OBAMA is at the wheel
Every platform that took their voices away, stole their freedoms from them, I’m coming for you and your finances will be stripped from you. Every person who worked for these platforms that helped silence my children YOU now will be silenced.
DC will be completely engulfed with flames the buildings and monuments what they stood for, the bombs will rattle and explode all over DC to stop the plans of a nuclear war.
The Election Every network every person who did what what NBC CNN MSNBC FOX CBS ABC did, my hand is moving against you in this hour. Judgment is here and now,
A Sudden awakening will hit this Earth
Politicians will be stepping down being, removed and some will die by the Angel of Death
India Christianity will reign in your nation for the first time
You will see them all fall like flies in a fly trap- Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau, and Prime Ministers all over the world including my nation Israel
Enemies You are not Gods and your money cannot save you from what is coming