Lay Gnosis answers Atheists
Why don’t some people want to believe in gods? from Quora Back when I was
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Why don’t some people want to believe in gods? from Quora Back when I was
This is an answer to the question How does a sleepwalker awaken and produce a
On the matter of Lay Gnosis and mediums there is an instructive true story. On
Lay Gnosis and OBEs Only about 10pc of people can actually do OBEs because they
Circulating list of the misused “just……….. ” dismissal phrase I see it as a serious
Encountered a devout bible reader who displayed a tremendous religious enthusiasm and profound knowledge of
Unusual fellow Youtube moniker Narrow raises some issues worthy of discussionIt began under my video
This is the true life experience of a person hearing `Poor Wandering One` internally for
Enforce occupational health and safety rules to oust the Transgender Suicide Cult from classrooms. In
I’m thinking dogs are proof that God exists. — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) February 19,