Lay Gnosis on Charles Lyell “Father of modern Geology”
Steve when you said Charles Lyell the father of modern geology was an atheist and
The Lay Gnosis Blog
Steve when you said Charles Lyell the father of modern geology was an atheist and
Steve please do tell me more about yourself and your life story I have been
Regarding Deepak Chopra Adam Aug 4, 2020, 7:59 AM (2 days ago) to me Recently I
Steve when source said in conversations with God in the whole history of your race,
Adam is a natural born gnostic meaning he has always had communications access to Mr
Steve I am currently creating a list of frequently asked questions for the blog and
Wed, Aug 5, 7:33 PM (17 hours ago) to me Adam writes…….. When we listen to
Adam is describing experiences, conveyed messages, during Kundalini rise (K rise) which is bundled with
Steve when you said people will be brought to you or you will be brought
Adam puts a question. I would like to ask about the non-physical entities that have