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Morning everybody. Today is actually Sunday, January 15 23. You will see this on Monday, January 23, and that is because I am still in Florida at the gathering. And if you want more information regarding that event, you can look in the description box below or you can go to our website at JGM international.org under our events page. Also, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page, where you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. That is all the announcements I have for today. And here’s. The Prophetic word, and it’s called
Truth is about to pour out of Mara Lago your enemies didn’t know was there.
I heard this prophetic word on January 13 of 2023.
For I the Lord this day am reminding my children of my written word and the power that it has against everything you are facing in this world today. I didn’t leave you without hope. I left you with my truth that will set you free and destroy the works of your enemies. My written word has every answer you need to know about my will, my love, my plan for you. And everything has already been paid for that’s yours, even before you see it and needed it. My written word destroys the power of the wicked. It destroys their plans. It destroys their deception. It destroys their fear. It destroys doubt. It destroys depression. It destroys their hold over you. I have said in my written word, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Your enemies are throwing all their weapons at you as fast as they can. But it doesn’t matter how big or how many weapons, they will fail and they will not prosper against you. It will not stop my plan for you, because they cannot stop me. So be free from fear. Take it and receive it. That the Most High God is on your side. I dwell in you. What more do you need? I have already done it all even before you see it. Rejoice this day that the great I AM has promised and guaranteed all your victories. Saith the Lord, your redeemer.
An earthquake is about to be felt in many places. A large earthquake that will shake and get the world’s attention. It’s coming, my children. The big one. It’s more than an eight on the Richter scale. Once you see this, know that the earth is shaking to destroy every plan of your enemy.
Classified. Get used to hearing this word. Many classified documents are coming. Even the globalists cannot hide. The deep state can’t hide. The democrats can’t hide. The RINOS They cannot hide. No, these documents are coming that will shake the land of my eagle like never before. It will shake you loose from their narratives and from their lies and from their control. Videos are about to surface that people cannot deny. The time of the breaking is here, Lord. What breaking? The chains the globalists have had on my nations. It’s time to break you loose. It’s time to rise and to go free Sayeth The Lord of Hosts.
Camel. This word will be in your news for an unusual reason.
Bear market. This phrase will be in your news for significant reason. A major selloff is about to be seen. The shaking of the markets has begun, but soon no amount of their manipulation will hide this from the world. Their financial walls are coming down.
A major scandal is about to break wide open regarding Chase Bank. And they will not be the only bank affected. Many large banks will fall from their power and their lies that have held them, propped them up for so long.
Dominoes are falling everywhere and it will all be seen crashing down every plan your enemies have held you with. Excuse me. It’s all coming to an end.
Truth is about to pour out of Mara Lago. Your enemies didn’t know my David had against them. The stone is about to be thrown to bring this all down. So hang on, my children. Things will look worse before it gets better. For a short time, your enemy’s desperation is growing. And you will start to see that more and more.
Kamala is about to take one hit after another, one exposure after another. They are not just letting Biden go, but Kamala is not their pick either. Watch her words. Watch her face. It’s about to change big time.
Something significant will be seen taking place in the Black Sea. The waters are moving and more will be exposed.
Another cruise ship will be in the news. One that is stranded and the reason why may surprise you.
Augusta, I say again, will be in the news. Something significant is about to take place there no one saw coming.
Atlanta. It’s about to shake. Truth will pour out of that area, and your enemies cannot stop it. And it will destroy another one of their lives that held this fake and illegitimate government in place. The walls are closing in. Their walls are coming down. So my children keep shouting, keep declaring my words against them. 2023 is the time to be free, saith the Lord, your redeemer.
Now, as you know, I will go back over this word, but I want to read something to you. And this scripture keeps coming up a lot when I’m reading these prophetic words, because not a lot of people realize that God’s will is for us always to prosper, it’s for us always to conquer our enemy. It’s never for us to lose and it’s never us to be underneath the power of the wicked. Look at this in two Corinthians two and 14. But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ’s victory and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance, the knowledge of God everywhere. So this was saying listen to this thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us to triumph. Why? Because Christ is our victory. He destroyed the power of the enemy. He has brought them to nothing. I quote it a lot, but I want to read this scripture. It’s in Hebrews two Hebrews 214. This is amplified since therefore these his children share in flesh and blood, in the physical nature of human beings, he himself in a similar manner, partook of the same nature that by going through death, now people will say he didn’t die. Yes, he did. He went through death. And he says that he might. So he went through death, might destroy or bring to nought to make no effect him who had the power of death that is the devil. Let me read that again. He himself, in a similar manner, partook of the same nature, that by going through death he might bring to nought and make no effect on Him or the power of death that is the devil. So when Jesus died, he destroyed the power of death over us. He destroyed the power of death. What does that mean, the power of death? The separation, the spiritual separation from us, from God, because there’s more than just one death. It’s just more than just us ceasing to exist on this earth. The death is that separation, the total death and separation is the one you don’t want, is the one where people don’t accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and they end up unfortunately going to a place that God never wanted any man to go. Now, I will explain that in a different video, but I just want to explain that a little bit here. There’s more than just one physical death. There’s also a spiritual death, which is separation from God. And then people go to hell (?). That’s a spiritual death. But he’s brought our enemies, enemy to nothing. So he’s destroyed the power of the spiritual death because we have a right to live in heaven with God, because of us accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior here on earth. And then after we are not here, we go up to heaven. Then also when we are here on earth, we are redeemed from the curse. It’s brought to nothing, it’s make no effect. So not only should we live like heaven on earth here, but then for all eternity. That’s why it’s so important for you to know jesus destroyed the power of Satan’s, power over you, to destroy your life here on earth and to also separate you from Almighty God for all eternity. Jesus destroyed that power. That was my point that I wanted to get to also in Galatians chapter three and 13, again this is amplified christ purchased our freedom, redeeming us from the curse or the doom of the law in its condemnation, by Himself becoming a curse for us. For it is written in the scriptures curse is everyone who hangs on a tree and is crucified. Verse 14, to end that through their receiving Christ Jesus, the blessing promised to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, so that we, through faith, might all receive the revelation of the promise of the Holy Spirit. So he not only destroyed the power of the devil here on earth, but he destroyed the power of the devil for his grip on us or his hold on us for all eternity. How amazing is that? He saved us from physical death, so we can go to God and spiritual, the physical death, which means he doesn’t have the power to kill you. I know that some people are going to be hard for some people to realize. Remember God, it says in his word that long life will he satisfy you. He even says in deuteronomy life, I said before, you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose. He took the power of Satan and his power over you. You have even if you get a terminal illness and the doctors give you no hope, God, his truth, his power, his love, his anointing, his resurrection power lives on the inside of you, and you have a right to choose life. God has given you that choice to choose, and Jesus is the one who paid for it for you. He redeemed us from the curse. And I hope this is making sense. I’m trying to do this, making it clear and simple as easy as I can. Now, I also want to read something to you, Galatians four. This is the Amplified as well, Galatians four and verse four. This is also talking about the Lord Jesus. But when the proper time had fully come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of this law. Why? Why did he have him? People say, Jesus, I’m not even getting into that because that’s just religion. But anyway, he was subject to the regulations of the law. So until he was born again, he was like you and I, okay? He was born and showed it to regulations of this law. Why? To destroy the power of the enemy. Now listen, he did that to purchase of freedom, to ransom, to redeem, to atone for those who are subject to the law. So he was subject to the law to redeem us, to ransom us from the law. And religion will say otherwise. But that is not what the written word of God says. That’s why you have to go with the written word, not what a man’s doctrine tells you. Why? That we might be adopted and have son ship conferred upon us and recognize as Godson. He became a curse for us. He became subject to the regulations of this law, of this world, and he destroyed it over us. He ransomed us. It even says right here, I’m going to read it again to purchase. Why he? Why was he under the subject of the regulations of this law. He was born of a woman born subject to the regulations of the law to purchase the freedom of, to ransom, to redeem, to atone for those who were subject to the law. He became that for us. So then it goes on verse six and because you really are his sons, God sent His Son, the Holy Spirit, into our hearts, crying above Father or Father. Now listen to this. A lot of people are stuck right now in many different types of slavery and situations in their life. Verse seven, Galatians four. Verse seven amplified version therefore, you are no longer a slave, bond, servant, but a son. And if you then it follows that you are an heir. By the aid of God, through Christ, you are no longer a slave. I have this underlined in Red and I remember when I was going through a lot of times where I was broken and I saw this scripture because I felt enslaved in my mind, enslaved in my body. And it was horrible in a hopeless situation, very dark and there wasn’t a lot of light. But this is the reason why when you are in those situations to open up the Bible, to realize how much you’re loved, to realize the truth in the written word of God, your mind is going to scream at you, it’s not true. Your body and your symptoms are going to tell you it’s a lie. Your circumstances are just going to overwhelm you to the point where they’re just going to say, there’s no hope, not for you, it might be true for somebody else. Now, I believe when our Lord and Savior sacrificed his life, he suffered with the stripes on his back and being nailed to that cross, kind of a crown of thorns on his head. I believe he saw all of us and that’s what kept him there. No matter how much pain, no matter how much blood that he lost, he knew he had to stay on there for a certain amount of time. It was 6 hours. He stayed on there for us and then he went to Hell in our place for three days. And some religion will say, that is not true, he didn’t. Then why does the Bible say that he went to the belly of the earth? He went there so you didn’t have to. And then what? God said, enough is in us. There was no amount of power in hell that could keep Jesus there. And he defeated our enemy. It’s like, it’s desire, it’s reddit in Hebrews two. He brought him to nothing. He brought him to nothing. Colossians 313 he redeemed us from the curse. Colossians three or Colossians two and 15, he disarmed Him. How many more scriptures just right there do we have to, have to realize we are not subject to this world and the curse and everything our enemy is doing john 1713 through 17. I say it all the time. Read it. Jesus says, they are in this world, but they are not of it. But take them out of this world, but keep them or protect them from the evil one, because they’re not subject to this world. This is I am not subject to this world. It also said, what separates them? The truth. Your word is truth. What separates us from living in the curse? What separates us from the pain and affliction? What separates us from fear? What separates us from depression? What separates us from the horribleness of this world? The truth, the word of God, which is truth. And if we think about that for a minute, we wonder why our lives sometimes could be so hard. How much word or how much truth do we have in our hearts that can separate us from the world, and the struggles and the pains of this world? So I could go on and on about that. The reason why I wanted to give you those is to let you know that you are not left without hope. Your situations that you are facing, it’s not….. you’re not a hopeless case. Circumstances, I know, will tell you that. Your mind will scream at you, your body will scream at you, but you’re not hopeless. You’re not left without hope because of all the things that Christ has done for us. He did it all. He didn’t leave anything out. And so when we hear these prophetic words and we hear the truth, the word of God, which is true, that we hear these things, it changes our perspective of what we see. It changes our perspective of the world. It changes the perspective of our circumstances and the lies your enemy is trying to pound your head with, because he will. He’ll try to pound you into the ground over and over. He doesn’t want you to get back up. He doesn’t want you to get back up on your faith. He wants to steal this word immediately from you, because he wants to steal that truth, because you get it down in your heart and there’s no way he can steal it. That’s why he comes to immediately steal us. What says in Mark, chapter four, in verse 14 and 15, when Jesus talks about the parable of the sower and the sower sows, the Word, that’s why God is giving us all these marching orders to speak words. That’s why he said, I said before, you life and death, blessing and cursing. You choose. It’s your choice. It’s not your enemy’s choice. It’s your choice. But religion will tell you that’s a lie. Legalism will tell you that’s a lie. But that’s not what God’s word says. So many people need to take God for His Word and not man and not lean into your own understanding. Why I want to go back over this prophetic Word because I don’t want to keep crying all the time. The Lord just loves you. I just sometimes get overwhelmed with
compassion. I just know so many people are broken and hurting, and the Lord doesn’t want you in those situations anymore. There are so many lies that are keeping people in these situations that they don’t have to be in. So that’s why you see me cry. I’m not crying because I’m in pain or anything. I’m just crying because it’s the love of God for you. All right. Now, this is the last paragraph of the prophetic word.
The walls are closing in. The walls are coming down. So my children keep shouting, keep declaring my words against them. 2023 is a time to be free, sayeth the Lord your redeemer.
So their walls are closing in. Not our walls, even though it seems like it sometimes. He said, their walls are closing in, and their walls are coming down. So we’re getting to the point where we’re getting close to the end and seeing all of this changing. Now, look, what he’s also saying here is Atlanta is about to shake, not shake like an earthquake.
But he’s saying truth will pour out of this area, and your enemies cannot stop it. It will destroy another one of their lies. Now, this is in bold that held this fake and illegitimate government in place. So something, some truth is going to come out of Atlanta that is going to destroy another lie of the enemy that’s keeping this fake and fraudulent government in its place. Where it’s at right now? Where it seems to be, where it’s at right now. So look for something explosive coming out of Atlanta.
Augusta, I say again, we’ll be in your news. Something significant is about to take place there that no one saw coming. Now, some people are going to ask me, Julie, is that Augusta, Georgia? It might be. I mean, that’s the first thing came to my mind, but doesn’t mean that is true. I don’t know. But Augusta. So look for Atlanta, and it looked for Augusta, and they’re both places because it specifically says that
Now, a cruise ship, there’s been a lot of cruise ships in the news apparently lately, because I’ve seen them on the Prophecy Fulfilled page. But another one. So something else is going to happen with a cruise ship, and it’s going to be stranded. But he said the reason will surprise you. So it’s not going to be like, I guess, a reason that we’re used to seeing, but so watch Aid for another cruise ship. And then he’s talking about the Black Sea. Now, he’s mentioned many seas. The Caspian Sea, the Mediterranean Sea. He’s been mentioning the Indian Ocean. He’s been mentioning. The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean? He’s mentioning all these things is because he’s saying something is happening in the waters. And here he’s talking about the Black Sea. He says something significant will be seen taking place in the Black Sea. So watch for news regarding the Black Sea. The waters are moving and then he says, and more will be exposed. So things are being hit in there that are going to be exposed in the area around the Black Sea.
Kamala, there’s many different prophetic words regarding Kamala Harris. Kamala is about to take one hit after another, one exposure after another. They are not just letting Biden go, but Kamala is not their pick either. That’s in both. Watch your words, watch your face. It’s about to change big time. Now, you can see Lord has given us prophetic words about the Biden. And you can see now that the news stations are turning on him and they’re actually saying the truth and they’re saying things. That’s your indication because Lord has given us this about almost a year ago now. He said once you see the news stations start changing their tune, you’re knowing that the puppet masters or the world elites, the goal is they’re letting him go. They’re done. They’re fed up. They can’t handle it anymore because they can’t control his mouth, they can’t control his actions. They can’t keep him from wandering on stage, being lost and then not saying things he’s not supposed to be on TV all the time. So they’re getting rid of him. But also they don’t know what to do with Kamala because they don’t want her either. That’s what it’s saying. And watch her words, watch her actions. She’s going to be excited right now thinking, oh, they’re going to get rid of Biden, they’re just going to take me. They don’t want her either, so she’s going to start changing her tune. Now, this is obviously the title of this prophetic word. Now, I was surprised just as much as you are, I’m sure when you heard this truth is about to pour out of Mar a Lago. Now, that’s very specific. Remember, he keeps talking about something very significant is brewing in Florida. Now. He actually mentioned Mara Lago. Your enemies didn’t know what my David had against them. Who is it? Or David? You guys know, obviously. No, that’s his house. That’s where he lives. Trump, the stone is about to be thrown to bring this all down. So hang on, my children. Things will look worse before it gets better for a short time. Don’t get stuck on the fact that it’s going to look worse it’s for a short time. So do not get hung up on that and do not get into fear. Why? Because why would you get into fear when God says your victory is assured, your enemy’s desperation is growing and you will start to see that more and more. Now, I will say this again. We don’t look to just Trump, okay? He is a man. God is using him. Yes. But in order for our answers, in order for our complete victory, we look to God in God alone. He is our Lord, he is our savior. He is our victory. He is the great I AM. He is everything we need. Now, he does use people. We look to God first and foremost. Don’t put anybody on a pedestal. But you should be praying for his protection. You should be praying that he is seeking and he is obeying God and what God needs. Don’t be praying that what he should be listening to. You be praying that he does listen to God and he’s obeying and praying for his protection, his strength. Remember, Jesus is the only savior. All right? Now, even though we all love our president, because he’s our president, we all love Him. But apparently he’s got something that our enemies didn’t know that he had. I’m very excited. I’m sure you guys are, but I’m very excited to see what this is because we can only imagine what that is. But it is going to you know, how they react with Him, so once they know he has the truth. Remember, you can’t give or you play all your cards at one time. You have to wait until the right time. God says so. Somebody will get impatient. But it is all in the perfect timing of God. So just stay put and just stay focused on God right now. Don’t stay focused on what’s going on in the world today because then it’ll just frustrate you.
Dominoes are falling everywhere and it’ll all be seen crashing down. Every plan your enemies had held you with, it’s all coming to an end. So that’s what you should be paying attention to. All the plans of our enemy are coming to an end. So do not get hung up on the fact that we are seeing them doing this or we’re seeing them doing that or they’re getting away with this or they’re dealing with that. Stop. That’s something that God does not want us to focus on because it’s not going to stay that way.
A major scandal is about to break open regarding Chase Bank, and that will not be the only bank affected. Many large banks will fall from their power and their lives. And they have held they prop themselves up with them for so long. So they prop themselves up, they’ve manipulated markets, prop themselves up with all these lies, manipulation, and got that he’s opening it all up. Now, I know some people are going to get afraid of what’s going to happen to the markets because I have a lot of money in the stock market. People are saying, Remember, I don’t have your answer. God is the only one that will give you the answer you need. He will tell you exactly what to do, when to do, what to put it. Don’t rely on another person. You go to God. God is your financier. He is your provider. Jovijaya your provider. In Philippians four and 19, you seek Him on what to do with your money. If you have money in the stock market, a major sell off is about to be seen. The shaking of the markets has begun. But soon, no matter amount of the manipulation will hide this from the world. Their financial walls are all coming down. They manipulated the markets. The markets were falling last year. They propped them up. They weren’t ready for them to fall. But no amount of manipulation is going to hold it up. No amount. Why? Because God is getting rid of the beast system or the Babylonian system, their one world government system. Remember, it’s a one world government system and he’s bringing in his. So that’s why we should be excited. It’s getting rid of theirs and it’s bringing in God’s. So we should all be excited about that. A major sell off is about to be seen. The shaking of the markets has begun. Yes, it has begun. Already started. I would say probably 2021, but it happened a lot in 2022 that they just kept propping up and propping it up. But soon no amount of their manipulation will hide this from the world. Their financial walls are coming down. I want to read that again. Bear market. This phrase will being in the news for a significant reason. You guys know that it’s also attributed, I was surprised when I heard that first, but bear market, that attributed to the stock market, obviously.
Camel, this world will be in your news for an unusual reason. The time of the breaking is here. And then as soon as I heard that the time of the breaking is here, it was a question Lord, what’s breaking? Then he said, the change the globalists have had on my nations, it’s time to break you loose. It’s time to rise and to go free Sayeth The Lord of Hosts. So this is the time of what? 2023 is the year to be free. And people are saying, well, look what’s going on. 2023. Yeah, it may start out harsh, but just wait, God has the final say.
Classified. Get used to hearing this word. We’ve heard a lot of this word since the beginning of this year. Wow. But we’re going to keep hearing it. Apparently many classified documents are coming. Even the globalists can’t hide. The deep state can’t hide. The Democrats can’t hide. The RINOs can’t hide. No, these documents are coming that will shake the land of my eagle like never before. So basically all the ones who are against us, they can’t hide these documents from coming out. It will shake you lose from their narrative and their lives and from their control. Videos are about to surface that people cannot deny. So not only classified documents, there’s going to be videos that are going to come out, just watch. And it’s going to destroy not only the legitimacy of this fake government, but also the January 6 narrative and so much more things that, that, that have been holding this nation hostage along with the rest of the world. So get used to. The classified documents. You get used to hearing that works. It’s going to be a lot in earthquake. This is like the third or fourth time he’s talked about this large one. An earthquake is about to be felt in many places. So it’s going to be really big, obviously, because he says a large earthquake that will shake and get the world’s attention. It’s coming, my children. The big one. It’s more than an eight on the Richter scale. Once you see this, know that the earth is shaking to destroy your plan of your enemy. So it’s going to mean an eight. It’s over an eight. Didn’t say it was going to be an eight. He said over more or more than an eight. That is a very large one. And I know it’ll be probably about two weeks ago for you, it was only a week ago. So for me, where there was, I think, a 7.9 in the ring of fire. So that’s close, but that’s not it. He said because it was more than an eight on the Richter scale, I think there was two that was close to it was like both over seven s. That happened a couple of weeks ago. All right.
Now your enemies are throwing all their weapons at you as fast as they can. Now, some people might get stuck at that, but then he says, but remember, he’s not done talking. It doesn’t matter how big or how many weapons, they will fail. They will no longer prosper against you, will not stop my plan for you because they cannot stop me. So be free from fear. Take it and receive it. That the most high God is on your side. That should make anybody smile right there. The most high God is on our side. I dwell on you. What more do you need? I have already done it all. Even before you see it. Rejoice this day. The great I AM has promised and guaranteed all your victories, saith the Lord. Remember, he always calls you to triumph. That’s how it is biblical. He says I’ve guaranteed all your victories. Why? Because he says, I always call you to destroy him because of Christ Jesus and what Jesus did. I just lay that out in all those different scriptures. And there’s more scriptures, but those are the few scriptures. I just got to in this prophetic word today. So that just makes you happy and I hope that encourages you. Seriously, this guy has always caused us to try him. All right. Now my written word, now he’s talking about his written word. His written word has everything we need in it. My written word has every answer you need to know about my will, my love, my plan for you, and everything that has already been paid for that’s yours even before you see it needed it. Remember, he made Adam after he made the garden and he put everything in it to fill it. Then he made Adam. Why, he made everything he needed. Then he made him so that when he came into existence, he had everything he needed and didn’t even had to ask. That’s God’s plan. That’s God’s will. That’s God’s love. My written word destroys the power of the wicked, destroys their plans. It destroys their deception. It destroys their fear, destroys doubt. It destroys depression. It destroys our hold over you. I have said in my written word, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Praise the Lord. Isaiah 50 417. Get that down in your spirit and go read the amplified version of that scripture because it’s powerful. All right. Now, for all the Lord this day, I’m reminding my children my written word and the power that it has against everything you are facing this world today. Remember the word of God, the sword of the Spirit. It has power. Its spirit and its life. It has power over everything that you’re facing. This world today has every answer you need. I did not leave you without hope. I left you with my truth, and it will set you free and destroy the works of your enemies. God did not leave us without hope. He didn’t leave us in despair. He didn’t leave us just helpless. He is the waymaker. He is the comforter. He is the burden bearer. He’s our victory. He’s our healer. He’s our financier or our provider. What more do we need to know? He is everything we need him to be. Well, I hope they heard you today.
I want to pray each and every one of you have. My Father, we want to praise and thank you, but this is the day that you have made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I looked up every person, Father, writing it out to you. I’m asking you that you just pour out your love. I’m asking you, Father God, because you said you were going to fill this earth with your glory, your power, your presence, your goodness. There are so many of your children in this world, Father God, that are broken and overwhelmed with afflictions in their body or afflictions in their mind, our situations in the world. Heavenly. Father, you are the way. You are their comforter. You are everything that they need. I’m asking you, Father God, for a special touch, for the Master’s hand to touch them that they know that they are worthy to receive your love. They are worthy to receive you. And what you’ve already done for them, I think you would ever hold the enemy had on them is broken because the powerful blood in the name of Jesus, we thank you for the blood covenant that we have with you, Father God. We thank you that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We thank you that the name of every name, we thank you that you sent your only begotten Son to live and to die for us. We thank you that we’ll be able to spend all eternity with you. We thank you that no matter what we are going through in this life today, we thank you, Father God, that you are our victory. So we declare victory in every situation. We declare our wholeness, we declare our wealth, we declare our healing. We declare our freedom and deliverance this day. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen We hope to encourage you today. Please like subscribe and share. And give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs the other truth. Because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

From the blued statement Julie finishes the prophecy message and moves into her elaboration and preaching session.
Now, as you know, I will go back over this word, but I want to read something to you.
Both God and Julie are required by history and practicality of the 60 million strong southern bible belt to adhere to the bible as its preserved from ancient times to narrate us thru the Endtime. Which is NOW. End of Tyranny that is The fall of the evil One World Order.
We could bear in mind that material was removed from the Bible in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea. One theme removed was any references to reincarnation, so that people concluded we physically die once, have a long sleep in the grave and one final day we are all resurrected and judged. So it was kept very simple.
But there is today on the near miracle of the Internet particularly Youtube abundant physical evidence supporting reincarnation. For example medical Dr Ian Stevenson in Sri Lanka collected 2000 reports of reincarnation which he published. Small children report they had another set of parents and display physical birthmarks from a physical wound that killed them in their previous life. It seems to be the standard memory blanking process before birth, is damaged, by their violent death, and thus a previous life and violent death are remembered by infants. Many of these stories are confirmed after the other parents are contacted and the infant recognises his old family and they recognise the infant.
So Julie and God are both required to adhere to an edited simplified inadequate bible. Created by early Nicean editors doing their best.
On top of that, this author has personally experienced and made videos about, CONTACT with two different deceased individuals, irrefutable repeating evidence that physical death is the most carefully crafted, most convincing illusion in our physical existence. Which raises the question what else could be carefully crafted illusion ?
One is tempted to guess maybe some or much, or most or all of our existence here is a magnificently created illusion. We all have the divine spark (the potential of knowing the Holy Spirit) even the Bible says that 2 Corinthians 7–11.Amplified. And having the divine spark, a piece of God we are given the illusion of autonomy which convinces us we exist so that God, the divine spark can enjoy a myriad exhilarating permutations of consciousness meeting consciousness dressed up as many different people who are convinced they really exist. They think physical death exists and naturally dread it for self preservational reasons.
So in this mostly under examined reality, we have Julie Green today valiantly trying to explain the significance of the crucifixion and the meaning of Christs death. Its so hard to explain when death is really only the most convincing illusion to start with. Now Julie, God bless her, her explanation here today is a preacher’s parade of smoke and mirrors and guilt tripping and crazy inverted reasoning and philosophical ambush and theocratic attitude and she believes in one physical death and the long sleep and far future judgment.
So personally my advice is anyone can get to know God directly in a state of Gnosis, that is knowing the Holy spirit.
No books or study or knowledge are necessary for Laymans Gnosis.
And one can directly converse with Head Office, one can adopt any version of the complex Jesus death story that pleases you, OR bypass the death of Jesus seeing it as an unwanted baffling complication, or anything in between. Select your own metaphor. Both approaches work for any person in a state of Gnosis. And that’s the goal —to replace religions with every person having direct connection to God that wishes it. That’s the Harvest.
One can well understand why God is firmly campaigning against religious and legalistic thinking. Its a manmade mess to be discarded.
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