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Morning everybody. Today is Thursday, February 2 of 2023. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called Many in Leadership are about to Step away and Arrests will be Seen. I heard this prophetic word on January 23 of 2023. Before I get to that, I do have a few announcements to make. Don’t forget today I will have a live stream on this channel, on this real old channel with General Michael Flynn and Clay Clark. I’m pretty sure we’ll be doing the live streaming with our Facebook page as well. And if you missed the show with Pastor David Scarlett yesterday, it was another phenomenal show and so go and watch it. I will also have that link in the description box for you and for future. I just want to let you guys know I have a social media team. I love them, they are amazing and they’re getting us on as many social media platforms as possible to get the Word and to get the Truth out there. I’m so excited about it. We are going to get back on YouTube. I told you guys a long time ago, when the Lord says I can, I will. And so we already started it. We’re just getting a few things ready with it. Again, we’re doing that because there are some features on Rumble that we can’t have. So we are going to get on YouTube. Now, listen, I’m staying on. Rumble. Rumble is going to be the main channel for this ministry because we don’t get censored on Rumble. But we are having it on other channels in order for other people because some people just won’t leave YouTube or they won’t leave Twitter, they won’t leave certain things. So we want to get on as many available social media platforms as possible to get the Word and Truth out there and get people to turn to God and focus on him and not the world and what’s going on in it right now. So we have a new Twitter page now. I’ll have that link in the description box for you. We’re going to be on TikTok and putting on short videos, short clips of these prophecies or prophecies fulfilled. We have, we’ll have this new YouTube channel. I think we’re going to get on Bit Shoot or whatever it’s called. So again, all this information I will have for you, we will also put it on our website when everything is done and completed. But I’m so excited. We have to get on as many available voices as possible, many social media platforms as possible because the Word and Truth need to get out there and we need to speak the truth more than they’re speaking all these lies and narratives from the news media that are constantly spewed out. So I’m excited about the changes that we’re having. But again, we will always stay on Rumble. I’m just trying to get as many on many places as we can. So I just want to make that clear. I’m staying here on rumble. Rumble will be our main channel. We will just have things on different social media at the same time. So when we do live streams, it will be on Facebook, YouTube, and Rumble and any other platform we can do live streaming with. So again, very exciting news. All right, now also, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our under our contact page. Or you can write us at julie Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd street, suite 200 at Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All right, now, this prophetic word is a longer one, I think it’s over five pages long. So I don’t know if I go when I go back over it, if I’ll go back over everything, over part of it, we’ll see what the Lord wants me to do, but it is a very long one and it’s very, very powerful. And the reason why I don’t have a video, this was in prayer in Florida with my team. We got it on audio on a phone, but we did not get the video for it. But the next one you will see me do on Monday, I will actually have video from the stage in Florida. Don’t forget, tomorrow is Prophecy Fulfilled day, and I cannot wait to have all these prophecies to give to you. It is going to be an exciting day tomorrow, so don’t not watch tomorrow because you want to hear his prophetic words, but you want to see what God is doing about them. All right.
Many in leadership are about to step away, and arrests will be seen.
Again, this prophetic word was from January 23 of 2023. This is a time of acceleration a time of acceleration to your destinations and a destination that I have set aside and set planned for you. In this acceleration, you are going to see bad, and you will see good. You will see and hear more bad. But then you will see that my manifestations oh, my goodness outweigh and destroy the bad. You are about to see many people in leadership step away. You will see them step down. You will see them completely walk away. You will see them resign, and you will see many die. These are the days of great judgment, a judgment the earth has never seen. Oh, there was many plagues in the land of Egypt that destroyed every walk of life, every power that they served, every false god that they prayed to. I made sure that I destroyed their gods before their face. But now you will see me judge. Now. You will see judgments be poured out like never before. You will see things in front of your face you never thought you would see. And again, I am going to say good things and bad. You are about to see things turn upside down. You will see things shake. You will see things crumble. You will see things your enemy’s thoughts that were invincible and you will see it be destroyed in front of your face. You will see many be hauled out of places in government buildings. You will see them be handcuffed walked out. You will see them being marched out because I will make sure the world sees them fall as my children in the wilderness before they got there to the other side of the Red Sea, they saw their enemies fall. They saw their judgment. They saw their final acts. They were pursuing my people. Your enemies are your enemies have pursued you. Excuse me. They fought with an unstoppable force so arrogant, so egotistical, they were leading themselves right into their end and into the destruction, right into their fall.
My church, my church? There’s a shaking going on to remove the filth, to remove the idolatry? To remove the fake pastors behind the pulpit that don’t belong. To remove the ones that were sent there by the globalists and the ones sent there by me that turn their back on me for money and power. There’s a shaking going on in my church to shake the chains that their religion has brought upon my people. The chains that legalism has brought upon my people the chains of blinders that have been put on my people through lies and deception from man’s doctrines they don’t belong in my church oh, my people in these days mega churches. I wanted churches that were mega. I wanted big churches for me to show my glory, to show the world. They couldn’t stop my church and they kept growing because that’s my whole plan was for them to be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth. I wanted the big churches, but instead they wanted concerts, they wanted their screens, they wanted their smoke shows, their lighting. They wanted their rock music, the music that doesn’t have the frequencies that I needed in my church. It just tickled the ears of my body. There’s a shaking going on in my church, a shaking in bed to remove the ones that don’t belong. But there is a groundshaking beneath the feet of my children, my remnant, the ones who are calling in my glory, the ones who will stand for me, the ones who will stand in the midst of adversity and say, I will not be moved. I will not back off. I will not quit. And the more I get knocked down, the more I’ll stand up, the more I’ll fight. I am bringing that perfection in my body. So, yeah, there’s a shaking going on. That shaking is a great shaking. That shaking is breaking the shackles. It’s breaking the lies. It’s breaking the weakness. It’s breaking the wimpiness or the whipness. Excuse me. And the church that’s been lazy before me it’s breaking that church that didn’t even want me, that had their programs, their time slots, their ideas of what church was supposed to be. Now, as you will see in my church, there’s no time in my church, there’s no schedules. In my church, you will see. Oh, you will see it go on for days and days. You won’t even think about the outside world and what’s going on because my glory will be so strong, you won’t care. In that time, oh, yes, many will be out in the spirit for days. And in that time, there is a restoration. In that time, there’s a rejuvenation. In that time, your spirit will be one with me. Oh, there will be nothing stopping it, nothing blocking it, nothing to distract, nothing to destroy. So, my children, there is a mandate today, a mandate to say my words. Lord, what are your words? Ask for them. I will give them to you. I will tell you what scriptures and my written word. I will also give you my rain. A word. This is a time to not hold back anymore. This is a time to not live your own lives. This is a time to stop murmuring, groaning, and complaining about what is going on. Speak life. Speak blessing. Speak my words. Speak triumph. Speak victory. Speak your enemies defeat.
Oh Many kings will fall before you. Many presidents and leaders of governments will fall before you. These are the days of their destruction. These are the days that their walls will crumble and fall before your eyes in a way you could never have imagined. These are the days you will see Washington DC. You will see the destruction of it. Not only the destruction of those buildings, but you will see that destruction of their power over my eagle, over my church. Oh, yes, satan put those buildings up. Oh, yes, he had his people there, the sacrifices they made, the things that they said for years and no one knew. There are things coming to be prepared for. I’ve told you, I’ve warned you. Be prepared. You will see what was in those tunnels. You will see what was in those buildings. You will see an evil you never knew existed. You will see me completely destroy an enemy you didn’t even know you were fighting. Yes. No. That there were enemies, but you had no idea who they all were. I’m going to call them all out. I’ll make sure each and every one of them are exposed.
Oh, deals have been made. Deals have been made. They have been turning over documents, they’ve been turning over videos. You will see photos you never thought you’d ever see. And no, there will be proof. There’s no CGI in these things. There’s no photoshopping. What I’m about what I’m going to show you is undeniable truth. You will see people you thought were on your side, how they manipulated, they cheated, they lied, they stole for money, for power that I’m sending in reinforcements. Oh, yes. Not only do I have an army of angels that your enemies cannot see. But I have military marching toward those places, the secret places. Secret places. They have secret bunkers, secret buildings, secret places. I am exposing it all. So my church, be prepared today. How many will fall? Many will fall. Many names that you already know. Many will fall. But many leaders in the church will fall right along with them. These are the times of acceleration. Sorry. These are the times of acceleration. It’s the days of acceleration. Sorry. These are the days of escalation. I will say that word right. It’s the days of escalation. An escalation you didn’t see coming. And that’s why, my children, I am telling you this today. Escalation in the good because it will outweigh the escalation in the bad. Be prepared for the shift of property. Be prepared for the shift be prepared for the finances to come. Excuse me. Be prepared for this Babylonian system to completely fall. Be prepared for the shift. The ones in my church who mock prosperity, don’t worry, you won’t be a part of it. The ones who believe that the world should have the money and not my church. Don’t worry, you won’t partake. Be prepared, my people. Be prepared, my children. Be prepared. Because there’s a shaking going on. Intensity has begun. And intensity will build and build and build throughout this year. Just watch. You will see the giants fall. You will see the giants fall. I said. You will see giants fall. And you will see my eagle restored. You will see a nation. A nation. I said a nation. My nation. You will see the correction. You will see the connection and a reinforcement. A building of two nations together. Nations that your enemies cannot divide. My nation, Israel and My nation the United States. You saw the restoration of Benjamin Netanyahu. I told you it would happen before it happened. And now you are going to see a reinstatement in the scene of my son Donald Trump. And you will see these nations come together as one. Just watch and watch. You will see a great victory. Sayeth the Lord. Now, one of the words I kept saying wrong was escalation. Now, he repeats in this word. He repeated many different words. You think I was made a mistake by saying these words more than once? No, he repeated these words for a reason. So I looked up the definition of escalation, and I wanted to give it to you. A rapid increase or a rise. Another definition is increase in the intensity or seriousness of something. Now, what did he use in this word? He said intensity, and he said escalation. He said there would be an acceleration. He used all these words. And I just looked up this definition this morning, and I have proof of this audio that I did not look this up before. This is amazing. Well, I’m not reading this definition. I’m going, lord, you gave these words in your word that’s how God is. It’s a confirmation. And when I see these confirmations it excites me and it should excite you. But an escalation again, a rapid increase, a rise. In other words, an increase in the intensity or seriousness of something. Remember he said an intensity in the good, intensity in the bad, escalation in the good, escalation in the bad. So when we say in these things that’s what we have to know. If he is repeating, if he is saying this is the reason why I look at that definition this morning is because when we have words like this, I’ll do a study on different scriptures, I’ll do a study on different definitions, on the definitions that they have on a certain word or whatever, because I want to get the in depth. I don’t want to just hear these prophetic words. I want to know, okay Lord, what do you also want me to know? So why I tell you that all the time? You can do in depth teaching. When God gives you a revelation you can find out what he’s trying to teach you. He’s trying to teach you something. Usually seriously. The best is I think the Webster dictionary from long time ago. I have to look up what year that was because dictionaries have changed and they try to change certain words because that’s just how the globalists are. But I love going in, getting a revelation from the Lord in prayer, getting these scriptures. I’ll read multiple different translations of the scripture and then sometimes I’ll give a definition of a word. I mean I knew what it meant but I want to see what the actual definition was to give to you. So I was like okay. And I do that. You guys have seen me do it many, many times. But again, the reason is it’s an intensity, this escalation, this acceleration and intensity. Things are going to keep building in the bad and in the good. And the reason why I’m saying this is because you can’t focus on the bad. Magnify the problem solver, don’t magnify the problem, okay? We need to keep our eyes on Jesus. The reason for that is because if we don’t we will stumble or fall. We will get into worry, doubt, unbelief. Now I want to read specifically over. He’s been giving us a mandate, he’s been giving us mandates or marching orders and many different prophetic words and he’s saying what? You speak the words I’m telling you to speak. Speak words of life. It says speaking words of death or defeat. Now this is serious. He said, I said before you life and death, blessing and cursing. You choose by your words, you’re justified by your words you’re condemned. You are snared by the words of your mouth. There’s many different scriptures about words and the power of words. You say Julie, words don’t mean anything really. God created the world with words and he says we are creating an image and likeness of him. So words do mean something. The word of God is spirit. It’s life. It’s unchangeable. So we think about this when God says, say the words. I didn’t speak. I told you before it’s happened in my own life, how I saw the life go out of my son. God gave me the words to say, and those words brought him back. Words are powerful. Words are life or their death. Either Satan has your tongue or God has your tongue. Remember, even Job says in Job six, it says how forcible all right, words teach me to hold my tongue. He even says in the Gospel, even says in the Bible that the tongue is an unruly ruler. So if you think the tongue or your words don’t matter, go do an in depth study on how powerful words are. When a king or when a leader speaks and wants a mandate or a declaration or a law, words, back in the days, kings decreed, they decreed something. It came to pass, it was into law by words. Your enemy. Again, , in the body of Christ because they don’t realize how important things are. And especially people don’t realize how much authority that you have. Remember in Luke 1019, you have all power and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall in any way harm you. That is the amplified version of that scripture. Look at the authority scriptures. Go look at authority scriptures. Go look at scriptures that have words. You can look these up. That’s how I started doing all these studies. When people were preaching this, I didn’t just take their word for it. Don’t take my word for it. Go and do your own study. I told you before, don’t look to me, I’m just a human being. Go get these revelations for yourself. I don’t want to be. Well, Julie said no, get that revelation inside of you that you know that God said it, that God gave that to you. He wants that for you, not just people in the fivefold ministry. I’ve said so many times before, focus on God. Don’t focus on a person. Seriously, it’s very important. Don’t focus on a person or put them on a pedestal. Don’t put us on a pedestal. Don’t do that. You focus on him. He’s the only one. We are nothing without him. We are everything with Him, but we are nothing without Jesus. Nothing. And that’s important right now in this time, because there’s a lot of stuff going on right now that is confusing people. All right, now I’m going to go over some of this prophetic word. So the last paragraph now look at what he’s saying. Be prepared, my people. Be prepared, my children. Be prepared. Says it three times. Be prepared. He’s been saying brace for impact, things that he’s warning his people about, because there is a shaking going on an intensity has begun, an intensity that will build and build and build again three times throughout this year. Just watch. You will see the giants fall. He said again, you will see the giants fall. You will see the giants fall three times. He said that also. Why is he repeating? Say julie, God would not repeat. Really? Yes, he does. He does repeat because you have to in order. That’s why he said, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith does not come or trusting in God does not come by hearing a word one time. That is not plausible. That is so doctrine. If that’s religion, if that Roosevelt does that, that’s a lie. Faith comes like hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 1017. So he repeats. He doesn’t always do that in these prophetic words, but what he does I pay attention. I will specifically hone in on the things he’s repeating because he’s trying to get something across. He’s trying to get something through to us. And by saying it one time, it may not quit. I had to repeat to my children, I’m sorry. You have to repeat to your children, too, if you have any god repeats. All right, now, he says, then I said, you will see the giants fall getting seven or three times, and you will see my eagle restored. Giants fall. Eagle restored. Who are the giants? The Tech giants. The globalists. The people have been controlling the world, or think they’re controlling the world, those giants. Well, Julie, how is that possible? I’m sure that everybody thought about Goliath. That’s impossible. He’s too big. He was, like, ten to 12ft tall. No one could defeat him. It looked like no one. Then David came here’s. Why? He’s uncircumcised, Philistine. He doesn’t have a covenant with Almighty God. We have a covenant with Almighty God. What’s wrong with you people? I’m going to say what is wrong with the body of Christ. We have a blood covenant with Almighty God. The enemies do not. They have nothing over us. They have nothing to stop us because we had a greater one on the inside of us. So get up from where you are and start fighting the good fight of faith. That’s what God wants you to do. He says, My ego will be restored. You will see a nation. Now, he said this again. A nation. A nation. He said that 1234 times. In this time in my nation, you will see the connection and a reinforcement, a building of two nations together, nations that your enemies cannot divide. Oh, they’ve been trying to divide this nation alone, let alone trying to divide our relationship with Israel. They don’t want our relationship with Israel. They hate these two countries. Our enemies hate these two countries because without these two countries, they cannot have a one ruled government. And they hate the fact that these two countries are blessed. They hate it. They hate it. They hate it. Why do you think they go after such a small country like Israel when realistically, look at the, the size of this country. It’s not that big. They’ve taken away Israel was a lot bigger. Vietnam have brought there a lot smaller. But the scale of things, those other countries that are way bigger, why are they honed in on that? Because it’s God’s nation. They know it. They know it. They know it. They know it and they hate it. So he said, they cannot divide the enemies cannot divide it. They tried and failed. He says, my nation Israel and my nation the United States. You saw the restoration or the yes, the restoration of Benjamin Netanyahu. I told you before it happened. Now you’re going to see a reinstatement in the scene of my son Donald Trump. That’s conspiracy theory. God wouldn’t be political guy wouldn’t talk about that. Really? God does when he has anointed and appointed. He needs his children to be in agreement with him. And you will see these nations come together as one. Just watch and watch and you will see a great victory. Say it. The Lord. Watch and watch and see a great victory. Remember the Pharaohs. They didn’t think they were going to come down. Goliath truly didn’t think he was going to come down. People always think they’re not going to oh, they can outsmart God. Remember Satan. There’s nothing new under the sun. Nothing. He’s always trying to overthrow God, whether in heaven or trying to overthrow him on the earth that he created. It’s not going to work. Now listen what he said. This is very important. Be prepared for the shift of property. Oh, that would never happen. It happened in the original accidents. There was a wealth transfer. Julie, don’t talk about prosperity. Why not? Why would God want the world to have it? Why would he want the world to have it when he wants the children to have it? Look at theExodus. He said, all the belongings that were due to you, we’ve been stolen from it, didn’t even know it. He said, be prepared for the finances to come. Now listen to this. Be prepared for this Babylon system to completely fall. What? The Babylon System. This worldless or this Godless world system? The system without God. He said, be prepared for the shift again. This is the second axis. That was the first one. The first one had of a financial wealth transfer. Now listen, the ones in my church who mock prosperity, don’t worry, you won’t partake of it. You won’t be a part of it. So he says, you won’t be part of it. The ones who believe that the world should have the money in my church, don’t worry, you won’t partake. That’s harsh. He’s correcting. Remember, he chasing or corrects whom he loves. That’s also scriptural. There are so many doctrines. I will tell you oh, don’t listen to that. That is just stuff that you should be listening to, that’s religion. If that wasn’t true, then why did he have the children of Israel receive all the wealth of Egypt before leaving Egypt, they plundered the Egyptians. If that wasn’t on God’s heart, then why did that happen? Religion can’t explain that. They would. They just try to explain it away. But if God says in Philippians 419, I will liberally supply amplified version, you’re ever need a coroner’s? Riches and glory by and through Christ Jesus, then why are so many of God’s people in lack and want and desperation have nothing? Because the world enslaved you into that. How the children of Israel get into an enslavement in the land of Egypt? Through taxation, through manipulation, through thoroughly nothing new under the sun. These are the times of escalation. It’s the days of escalation and escalation. He says it three times. You didn’t see coming. And that’s why, my children, I am telling you this today. Escalation in the good because it will outweigh the escalation in the bad. It’s a very powerful right there. That paragraph huge. So my church, be prepared today. What is he telling us to be prepared for? How many will fall? Many will fall. He says it again. Many names that you already know. Many will fall. He says it three times. Many leaders in the church will fall right along with them. He’s talking about the world falling, world leaders falling, government’s falling. But church leaders falling, Julie, why would you say that? Because there’s many people behind the pulpit that are leading people’s, god’s people, astray, leading the lamps of the slaughter. They don’t care. Money, power. Oh, yes. Not only do I have an army of angels and listen to this, he has an army of angels that your enemies cannot see. They can’t see spiritually. But I have a military marching toward those places, the secret places. Secret places. Secret places. Three times again. This is the most repetitive word I’ve ever heard ever. But why? Ask yourself why. Get into the your prayer closet. Ask God why he wants your attention. He says, secret bunkers, secret buildings, secret places. I’m exposing it all. Wow. Secret places we didn’t know about. And then he used the word bunkers. Things underneath. They’ve been trying to hide things. Remember, he said things were going to be unearthed. Lots of stuff going on. Angel armors. Remember, Satan took a third of the angels. The two thirds were with God. There is more of us than there is of them. Remember that always. Now, this is a huge paragraph.
So many kings will fall before you. Many presidents and leaders of governments will fall before you. They’ve already started every time, they’ve already started to walk away. You’re seeing CEOs, you’re seeing world leaders. You’re seeing prime ministers all over the world. You’re seeing ambassadors. All these people are stepping away, walking away. And God says it’s going to intensify. Watch the intensity of it. These are the days of their destruction. These are the days their walls will crumble and fall before your eyes in a way you could never have imagined. These are the days you will see Washington DC. Now he’s talking about them again. Why is he talking about them so much? Because they’re not in control of the world. They act like it, but they’re not. You will see the destruction of it
spiritually. You’ll see the destruction of it, not just physically. You see the destruction of their power that they’ve had that they never should have. We the people, the government works for us, not the government lording over us. That is not how our government was ever supposed to run. That has been a manipulation and a lie over years and years and years with a globalist controlling and manipulating the narrative. You will see the destruction of what Washington state, not only the destruction of those buildings, but you will see the destruction of their power over my Eagle, over my church. Oh, yeah, they’ve had power over the church. Yes, they have religion, legalism. They have told the church what we can and cannot say for many years. Donald Trump was the president. Donald Trump was the one who got rid of the Johnson Amendment. The Johnson Amendment that was allowing people behind the Pope to say certain things or not politically. He got rid of it. They’ve been controlling the church’s narrative for a while. They tried over my Eagle, over my church. Oh, yes, Satan put those buildings up. Oh yes, he had his people there. The sacrifices they made, the things that they have said for years, no one knew. There are things coming to be prepared for. I’ve told you. I’ve warned you. Be prepared. You will see what was in those tunnels. You will see what was in those buildings. You will see an evil that you never knew existed. You will see me completely destroy an enemy you didn’t even know you were fighting. An enemy we didn’t even know we were fighting. Yes, you know that there were enemies, but you had no idea who they all were. There are some people you already knew, but some we didn’t. I’m going to call them all out. I will make sure each and every one of them will be exposed. Oh, deals have been made. Oh, deals have been made. Oh, they’ve been turning over documents, they’ve been turning over videos. You will see photos you never thought you would ever see. And no, there will be proof. There is no CGI in these things. There’s no photoshopping. I’m going to show you undeniable truth. You will see people you thought were on your side. They have manipulated, they cheated, they lied, they stole for money, power. But I’m sending reinforcements. And that’s what he starts talking about. The military starts on the army of the Lord. We are in the army of the Lord. We have the angel armies at our disposal. We outnumber the enemy. So, my children, there is a mandate today. What’s the mandate? Now, you can go to our website, there are under our blog posts, there are the marching orders. Okay, marching orders. Go and get them. The words that God wants us to speak. Now listen to what he said. This is a mandate now and mandate to say my words. And this is a part is on the page website yet give us time for this. But there’s so many other blog posts that we have that the team has taken from these prophetic words that God told us to say. God told us to do their marching orders and they put them so easily for you to start decreeing declaring every day, go and use it. It’s amazing. All right. And mandate to say my words. Lord, what are your words? Ask for them. I will give them to you. I will tell you what scriptures and my written word, of course, because the Holy Ghost will always lead us and the guys in the right direction where we should go. The Lord will always lead you, always. I’ll always give you my Rama. And I will also give you my rain. A word, his spoken word. This is a time not to hold back anymore. This is a time to live your own lives. This is a time to stop murmuring, groaning and playing about what is going on. Speak life. Speak blessings. Speak words. Speak my words. Speak triumph. Speak victory. Speak your enemy’s defeat he’s giving you. Speak not what the natural world is telling world is telling you to speak. Speak what God is telling you to. Oh, yes, many will be out of the Spirit for days. What are you talking about? The glory that’s going to fill the church in this time there’s a restoration. This time there’s a rejuvenation. And this time your spirit will be one with me. There’ll be nothing stopping it, nothing blocking, nothing distracted, nothing to destroy. Why? Because God’s glory is going to outweigh all the bad. God’s glory is going to fill a church, and religion and legalism will be destroyed. Now, you’ll see, in my church there’s no time. What do you mean? Well, we’re going to have 1 hour of church service today. God said that’s no more in my church. There’s no schedules in my church. You will see. Oh, yes, you will see it go on for days and days. Julie, why would people want to be in church for days and days? Oh, when you get in the presence of Almighty God and you get in that glory, you don’t want to leave. That’s already happened before. This has happened in the past. People just don’t talk about it anymore. Look up. Maria woodworth editor. Catherine Coolman. Look up the amy. Simple. McPherson look up John G. Blake. Look up all these people in the past miracles, signs, wonders people won’t talk about them anymore, but not for today when God says the latter reign is greater than the glory or the former rain. Excuse me. Your spirit will be one with me oh, there will be nothing stopping, nothing block, nothing distracted. Praise the Lord, he says now you will see in my church there’s no time and there’s no schedules. In my church you will see. Oh, yes, it will go on for days and days. You won’t even think about the outside world what’s going on? Because my glory will be so strong. You won’t care in that time. You won’t care what time it is. There’s a shaking going on. There’s a shaking, a great shaking that will be shaking. It’s breaking the shackles, it’s breaking the lies, it’s breaking the weakness. It’s breaking the wimpiness and the church that’s been lazy before me it’s breaking the church that didn’t even want me they had their programs or time slots or ideas of what church was supposed to be. Churches took over and didn’t include God. That’s why you didn’t see the miracle signs and wonders and that’s why religion and doctrines and legalism has told you it’s not for today. No, people just didn’t accept God in there. They love God. They just didn’t invite him into churches. Now of course you talk about shaking this is me a longer video, but my church my church there’s a shaking going on to remove the filter, to remove the idolatry to remove the fake passions behind those Pulpits that don’t belong that’s harsh, but it’s true. To remove the ones that were sent there by the globalists the ones that were sent there by me they turned their back on me for money and power Julie, how do they infiltrate the church? They infiltrated everything. Why would you say Why on gospel and earth when people say that enemy would not infiltrate the church he infiltrates, everything suddenly goes on. There’s a shaking going on in my church to shake the chains that religion has brought upon my people. The chains that legalism has brought upon my people. The chains and Blinders that have been put on my People. Their lies inception from man’s doctrines they don’t belong in my church oh, many in these mega churches I wanted churches that were that mega. He wanted bigger churches. Now listen, I did not say that megachurches were sinful or wrong. That’s not what this prophetic word is saying. That’s not what I am saying. What God is saying was he wanted megachurches. He wanted these big churches. He wanted not every mega church is wrong. There’s a lot of good mega churches out there, but there are some that aren’t. He wanted us to be fruitful, multiplying, full of the earth. So we wanted bigger churches. But some of them got too big for their Britches and they did not include God. Now he said their lights or rock concerts their music. Then he said, the frequencies of the music, frequencies of music are so important. Julie, julie, what are you talking about? A lot of times when I am getting before I go preaching, before a prophetic word, I turn on the one, the music that God wants me to hear. And it brings on that anointing it brings on that “frequency” that I have to have just like everybody else does. Why do you think he put praise and worshipers on the front lines in military or front lines in war? Praise and worship destroys the power of the enemy. Those frequencies destroy the power of the enemy. It’s powerful. Music is powerful. So that’s that’s basically this whole entire paragraph was there’s shaking going on in my church, shaking in the battery movement, the ones that don’t belong. But there is a ground shaking beneath their feet of my children. Now listen to my remnant, the ones who are calling in my glory, the ones who will stand for me, the ones who will stand the midst of adversity and say, I’ll not be moved, I’ll not back off. I will not quit. And more I get knocked down, the more I will stand up and more I will fight. I’m bringing perfection in my body. He’s the one who’s off in the finish of our faith, the ones who won’t back off, he’s saying the ones who won’t quit, he’s the ones who will stand, the ones who will fight. He’s bringing a perfection in that body, the remnant, the remnant, the body of Christ that is standing up for God and he won’t back off. As my children and wilderness before they got to the other side of the Red Sea, they saw their enemies fall. So why do people think it’s conspiracy theory or all this Q stuff? I don’t even know what Q is saying or who the person is or if anybody even knows. I don’t follow that person, I don’t follow the world stuff. But why do people think it’s a conspiracy theory that we’re going to see the enemies fall, their judgments? Why? Because it happened before. Why would we think it’s conspiracy? It’s wrong. It’s the truth. They saw their enemies fall. They saw their judgment. They saw their final acts as they were pursuing my people. Your enemies have pursued you. They thought they were unstoppable force, so arrogant, so egotistical. They’re leading themselves right into their end, right into their destruction, right into their fall. Now listen, I’m telling people, follow the written word. Go follow a man, go follow a person. Get into the written word. Don’t idolize anyone. Seriously, don’t. There are a lot of truths that are being poured out. There are said conspiracy, because you know why? That doesn’t want you to think he wants to bring he’s an author in the confusion author. He is an author of confusion. He brings confusion on the world so hard that the people of God don’t know what to believe. When you hear a confirmation, whether through the prophets, it’s through anything. When you hear something like that, go to God. Go to God. Anything. Go to God. Well, there’s many plagues in the land of Egypt. They destroyed every walk of life, every power that served, every false god they prayed for. I made sure that I destroyed their gods before their faith. He did. But now you will see me judge. You will see the judgments be poured out like never before. You will see things in front of your face you never thought you would see. And again, I’m going to say good things bad. You are going to say these things upside down. You will see these things shake. You will see these things crumble. You will see these things your enemy thought were invincible. You will see it destroyed in front of your face. You will see many behold out of places in your or government buildings. This isn’t bold. You will see them be handcuffed walked out. You will see them be marched out, because I’ll make sure the world will see them fall. Conspiracy, that’s not political. That’s what religion will tell you or legalism will tell you. Pharaoh, he had to walk him out in handcuffs. He just destroyed them. Period. The end. The enemies of almighty God will always be destroyed if they don’t repent. You’re about to see many people in leadership step away. You’re about to see them step down. You’re about to see them completely walk away. You will see them resign. You will see them die. Many die. These are the days of great judgment, a judgment the earth has never seen. This is a time of acceleration. A time of acceleration to your destinations, a destination that I’ve set aside and set plan for you. In this acceleration, you’re going to see bad. You will see good. You will see and hear more bad, but then you will see more manifestations. Oh, my goodness. That will outweigh the bad. Don’t focus on the bad. And the reason why I’m naming some of these things, there is confirmations with prophetic words and many different things, but people are saying conspiracy, conspiracy. Why would any of us waste our time with conspiracy? Really the whole focus of this ministry, and I will say this again over and over is for people to pay attention to God, to come back to God, to read his written word, to know your authority, to know the blood covenant. To know how to pray, to know how to be successful in your prayer life, to know God in a way you’ve never known him before because religion kept you from him. This is the time to be focused on God and God alone. I hope to encourage you today because really, this is what these prophetic words do. They give us truth, they set us free, and they give us hope. God will always give you hope. And if somebody is telling you all the bad, all the bad, all the bad, all the bad, yes, there is going to be bad. But don’t focus on the bad. God’s always going to give you a good part because he’s the one who’s your victory focus on. He’s the one who is your victory.
So, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I just want to thank and praise you for these prophetic words. I want to thank and praise you for your written word. I want to thank and praise you for the people that father God, that you have put in this world for such a time as this, to raise up the body of Christ, to wake up the body of Christ. I thank you for every shackle, for every chain, for all the blinders, for whatever has been holding your people back will not hold them back anymore. I want to praise and thank you for the righteous indignation to rise up at them. I want to thank you for joy unspeakable. I want to thank you Father God for turning their morning into joy. I want to thank you for giving them peace. I passed all understanding. Everything that they have to have for this very day and this very hour, they have it right now. In Jesus name, they know that who they are in you, because in you we have what we need. In you, we are unstoppable force because you are the greater one on the inside of us, a he that’s greater than he that’s in the world. We thank you Father God for your blood covenant. We thank you Father God for your name above every name. We thank you that you’ve always made a way out, a way of escape, a way you always give me this hope and truth. And we thank you Father God for it. In Jesus name, amen. And amen. Well, please, like subscribe and share and give it to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word. No need to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you, God bless you and have a wonderful day.
On Megachurches –But some of them got too big for their Britches and they did not include God. Now he said their lights or rock concerts their music. Then he said, the frequencies of the music, frequencies of music are so important. Julie, julie, what are you talking about? A lot of times when I am getting before I go preaching, before a prophetic word, I turn on the one, the music that God wants me to hear. And it brings on that anointing. It brings on that frequency that I have to have just like everybody else does.
What a discovery ! What an announcement ! This pre prophecy mysterious music we need to know about. Is it what she hears at 4 am? I wonder if its audible? With spiritual ears ? Is it recorded music ie a familiar tune ? particular instruments ? Particular beat ?
Is it on youtube ? Can we all hear it ? Julie can you explain a bit more in another session ?
Already emailed her this question. After 12 months she said this.
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