New Youtube version below

Switching back to Youtube has a few problems.
Julie is now using bog standard software with amateurish subtitling that offends people. But its a start. Mercifully she has removed her lengthy introductions. And a major mistake is to give old videos 3 titles hence confusion. Usefully her dangerous political comments are being cut out at video level. So she is safe from youtube censorship. The entire video is available on Rumble. Uncensored. Which remains her HQ platform. Of course she cant afford the bandwidth to put every video on her personal website. And there are other channel imitators Super Viral (don’t subscribe) who invents false clickbait Icon pages in quite an infantile way that offends good people. And Julie’s new software inserts a performing garden Gnome in the corner of her videos. I am hoping Greenscreen would get over that problem. Have already told them.
Good to see Julie now has a small team assisting her video production. Just the censorship to stay on youtube requires another person’s time. And its working. The workload of producing her videos is now beyond a single person but the support team will keep her on Youtube with vast viewership. So its good to see her back on Youtube. And wisely she now limits her dissertations to 30 mins on new videos. ( Not this one)
And also we want the nonsensical performing garden gnome covered up. Pondering something like 3D glasses at home LOL or a piece of coloured material inserted in the browser to mask the gnome. Hmmm……. It could be a browser extension……. Any wannabe programmers around here ? Meanwhile I’m using duct tape on the screen.
To skip intro scroll down to Red Text
Tribunals have begun and will soon be seen
And morning everybody. Today is Tuesday, January 3 of 2023, and I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today and it’s called tribunals have started and will soon be seen. I heard this prophetic word on December 29 of 2022. And before I get to that, I do have a very exciting announcement to make. In a couple of weeks, I will be in Florida. It’s actually Grand Ridge, Florida. And I will be there with Timothy Dixon, Robert Bullock robert R. Bullock, amanda Grace, the Isaacs, Emmanuel Johnson and Jaron and the Kindred Souls. We will be there from the 19th to the 25th as when the event takes place. If you want more information, you can go to our website@jgminternational.org on wervents page. And I hope you are excited as much as we are to be a part of the gathering in Florida. Also, don’t forget tomorrow I will be on with Pastor David Scarlett again with take five of his glory. I think it’s a new time, so I think it’s 01:00 Eastern and 12:00 Central. But I will make sure that is right on tomorrow’s video because I think there was a time change. So I will make that announcement again tomorrow morning if I made that wrong. Now, what I really want to do before I get into this for Freddie Ward again, I want to get into this because I think it’s really important and thank you. Margaret, one of my team members, she actually put this together for me. And it’s about 2023 again. I have gotten all the prophecy now, but I will give it out on Thursday because I have another prophecy to give to you tomorrow, which was the last one I heard in 2022, which was December 31, but this is 2023. I just want to give you guys write this down until we get it on our website. Write this down so you guys can say it. Can continuously decree this every day. So it’s 2023, a year to be free. 2023, a year of Galae. 2023, a year of prophecy. 2023, a year to end what you see. 2023, a year of great victory. A year of great prosperity. The year of 2023 is a year to be free. I call it in. I call in. This is what you’re supposed to be doing. Call in freedom. Freedom from sickness, freedom from lack, freedom from families being divided. Freedom in our land, freedom from tyrannical governments, freedom from all the things our enemies have used to hold us captive. This is what God wants us to say. That’s why keep rewinding it, writing it down, dictate it. The reason why is because he wants you to say it as much as you possibly can say it, to get this revelation on the inside of you. So the more you say it, the more it gets down in there, the more you decree it. I’m telling you, the more you do, the more joy the more peace and the more you will believe what you are saying, because why? There are God’s words that he wants you to proclaim and you to decree. So dedicate here. Father God I call in freedom. This is what we’re supposed to do. Father God I call in freedom. I’m free in my spirit, I’m free in my soul. I’m free in my body. I am free socially. I am free financially. To freely serve you in all ways. This is a year of 2023, a year to be free. 2023 a year for me. I call it in. Everything that I have been believing for, everything that I’ve been standing for, all the things that have been discouraging me, all the things that look impossible, I say no. This is 2023 a year for me. I thank You, Father God, that everything that I’ve been standing for believing for, I take it in the year of 2023. I am calling it in by faith. The things that God wants me to have. 2023 is a year of freedom. I take every impossible situation in my life, and I thank You, Father God, that you are turning it around today. This year is the year that I will see more glory. We thank You, Father God, that your trumpet is about to sound. God wants me to be free. I take my freedom now in Jesus name and of course, praise the Lord now part about 2023 a year for me. God wants you free. He wants you free in every area of your life. Why? So you can be used more by Him. It’s not selfish when you are doing it for Him. When you are able to be free, then you’re able to help the world. You’re able to help a neighbor, you’re able to help your family. You’re able to help anybody that God wants you to help. He wants you to be a vessel, a blessing vessel, not only to preach to somebody. It’s not even just given a word of encouragement. If you’re not a pastor, preacher, if you’re not a fivefold ministry, you can still be used mightily by Almighty God. So that’s why he said 2023 a year to be free. Yes, and it’s also a year for me. And the reason why I’m saying that to you again is call in everything that has been keeping you in bondages, keeping you in torment and torture. God says you declare your freedom today. Call it in. Write all those things down. Call it in. Yes, we will soon have it on our website, but I have two more prophecies to get before that. But I just want to keep reminding you and keep encouraging you about the year of 2023. All right? Also, before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our contact page. Or you can write us at julie. Green Ministries International, 46 20 east 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. All right, that’s all the announcements I have for today.
And here is the prophetic word.
Tribunals have started and will soon be seen again.
I heard this word on December 29 of 2022.
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to prepare for a great change, a mighty shift, a major shaking that will shake this world in so many to their core. A great war has been fought in the spiritual realm, and a mighty war has been fought on Earth. A civil war, you would say has been going on, with many unaware of this fight to destroy the power of the beast system over the nations. A war has been going on to break you free from tyranny and out of their control, from their fraudulent governments worldwide to usher into their one world system. My children, things have been going on that you have not been fully aware of to shield you and to shield the world from the whole thing so people would not quit before the war was over. Nothing is over until I say it’s over. And nothing is over until you win. I will say this again. Military moves have been made. Territory has been taken back. Tribunals have started judgment, and justice is being served. Even if you haven’t seen it yet, it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. It doesn’t change the fact to what is really going on. Yes, arrests have taken place, and who has been arrested already will shock you on who and how many people have been filling in for others to continue their movie and their charade. My children, all of this is about to come out in the open. That is why I want you to prepare your hearts for the shock that is coming so that so many are not prepared for. My children, get with me so I can help you, strengthen you before the dam of lies breaks wide open and the structure is already collapsing. As I speak these words, so many of my children, again I remind you to get into my word, to bring you peace and joy, because the world is about to come to a halt in a standstill no one saw coming. A silence some people will not be able to handle. But remember, the silence is your victory. Great lengths had to be taken now, because of what your enemies had planned is far worse than COVID, far worse than 911. Yes, combine the two and it’s still worse what they were about to try and carry out. But I will say again, this will not succeed. I am stopping them and will not allow them to go as far as they want. But more will be seen to shape the world and to shake my body out of the deep sleep it has been under. My children were deceived into a deep sleep they didn’t even know they were in. Wake up now, my children. Wake up my body of Christ because the world needs my church and my body to be whole, strong, awake, revived, renewed. This is a time for revival and restoration, even when it looks like the opposite is happening. My children, everything you see is about to change suddenly. There will not be much warning for some. For those of you who are awake and stand and pray to help those who aren’t, these are your marching orders. To pray, be persistent, to be consistent, pursue overtake, and recover all that has been taken from you. Say it. The Lord your redeemer.
Eisenhower. This name will be in your news for a significant reason. (Tucker Carlson below)
Nixon. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason. (Tucker Carlson below)
JFK this name will be in your news again for a significant reason. (Tucker Carlson below) More truth will be revealed on how deep his murder went and how many near government were involved and why they killed him. Those records will not be sealed and covered up much longer. I’m opening them to show how corrupt this government has been, why and how it has affected you. Today, the course of this nation will abruptly change. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Filibuster this world will be in your news for a significant reason.
Sicily. Something big is brewing there that will get the world’s attention.
Haiti will be in your news also. Something happened there that will get the world’s attention. Truth will be revealed. What has been hidden there? Sayeth the Lord.
Argentina I say this name again will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Major news is about to break regarding the EU and the UN and how they helped steal this nation for Obama and the globalists, how they were helping China infiltrate this nation, how they have implants in your military and in your government positions. Oh yes, it’s all about to be exposed.
A wildfire is about to break out and be in your news. How unusual and how massive it is. And the location is important. And you will soon see why Sayeth The Lord.
An Eagle will be in your news for a surprising reason. And remember, with this, it’s assigned to you. My eagle is soaring. Again. Sayeth The Lord.
United Emirates will be in your news for shocking reason. An airline company is about to be exposed, and a scandal will consume them. There are many things going on with the airline companies that you don’t know about yet, on how the corporate world is connected to so many things you can’t see. But I’m about to show you all that has been going on and everything that has been hidden Saith the Lord.
An ambassador is about to be killed and do not believe the reason why. I will show the world what really happened.
Benghazi, this name will be in your news once again. All the truth surrounding what happened, it will all be revealed. It’s darker and more sinister than he thought and justice will be served. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Obama is about to come out and say a very surprising statement. He’s about to give himself away even more now. Desperate times call for desperate measures. You would say. My children, are enemies are getting very desperate right now. The walls are closing in on them.
Watch Australia. Something significant is about to happen there.
My children A major collapse is coming that will seem to shut down the world. It’s something your enemies have had planned, but it will not go as planned. Shout down their plans now. Shout failure to their plans and defeat to what they were just about to pull off. They thought. Again I say stand up and call them all down. Use my authority now more than ever, because everything you see is about to be seen no more. Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary Now before I get to that, there is a few scriptures before I go back over the prophetic word once again and explain a little bit of it. There’s something that the Lord really wanted me to go over. There’s a few scriptures about power, authority and dominion because some people still question if they have that kind of authority or dominion. Don’t take my word for it. Let’s get into the word of God, because again, prophecy will always align up with the written word of God. And so it says in Genesis one again, when I go over a couple of these before I go over the prophetic word, genesis one. And this is verse 26. Now I’m going to read this out of the Amplified. God said, let us, let us, father, Son and the Holy Spirit make man in our image after our likeness. Now listen to this. This is the amplified again. Genesis 126. Let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame beasts, and over all the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth, complete authority and dominion. That’s why I wanted to read the Amplified version of it. Now jump down to verse 28. And God said bless and God bless them and said to them, be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Listen to this. Using all its vast resources in the service of God and man, and having dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth that moves upon the earth. So right there, complete, I’m going to say again, complete authority. Complete authority and dominion. Now if you look to Psalm eight and verse six, you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands. You put all things under his feet. That. Psalm eight, verse six, amplified version. Now I’m going to read Luke 1019.
This is also to amplify. Behold, I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and have physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing in any way shall harm you. Complete authority, dominion. And he says listen to this again. Authority and power over what? Over all the power the enemy possesses. It doesn’t get much clearer than that. Then if you look to Ephesians, remember he says in Psalm eight, verse six, he said, everything is underneath your feet. Remember? I’m going to read that again because I don’t want to misquote it. He said verse eight. Psalm eight, verse six, you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands. You put all things under his feet. What he’s talking about? Man. God made man. In his images, life is remembered. We have complete authority and dominion. And then it says in Psalm that you made him to have dominion over the works of your hand. You have put all things under his feet. Route 1019 we have authority, a power and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses. All right? Now if you go to Ephesians one, I could do an entire teaching on power of authority. All right? Now Ephesians one in verse 20, which he worked in Christ, he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heavenly places. Verse 21, Ephesians 121. Far above all principality, power and might in dominion and every name that is named, not only in the age which also which is to come. Verse 22, he put all things under his feet, gave him to behead over all things. The church which is as by the fullness of Him fulfills on and off. He’s talking about jesus. He gave him all power over all. His name is above every name. He is the head. Where the body? Where is the enemy? Underneath our feet. Then you go to Colossians, chapter one.
Listen to this. Colossians one and verse 13 the Father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of his love. Now, when we read in the Bible again, John 1713 through 17, we are in this world, but we are not of it. So we don’t have to be subject to the regulations of this world. We have to be subject to what is going on in the world. Why? Because we’re in it, but we’re not of it. Why? Because we have been made new creatures in Christ Jesus. We have the greater one living on the inside of us, that he. That’s greater than anything in the world. And he lives greater than
first. John four. Or four. The greater one lives on the inside of us, that he that is in the world. That means we have dominion over everything that’s in this world. Especially because when our enemy is just running rampant all over the place, got to say you are not subject to your enemy. You’re not subject to their power. You’re not subject to their authority. You’re not subject to the curse, you’re not subject to what they are doing or what they are bringing into this world because you have me on the inside of you. I am greater than they are. I am greater than any power they have. Because why he’s the lost like God. So that’s why it’s so important when we go back and read over this prophetic word, which I’m going to do right now, but to get those scriptures, write those scriptures down, read those scriptures for yourself, get those revelation that God has given me, but he’s got to give it to you so that you have it. So that you know that you know that you know that you know when you’re facing anything in the world today, you will know the truth and it will set you free. All right. Now here’s the last paragraph. And again I say stand up and call them all down. Use my authority now more than ever, because everything you see is about to be seen no more. Remember, that is in two corinthians four, verse 16 through 18. Things that are seen are temporary, fleeting, or subject to change. They have an expiration date. This is scriptural. So the things that we’re seeing today, we’re not going to see them much longer. Also, for more faith, go to Exodus chapter 14. That’s what God was saying to Moses and tell his people right before the Red Sea, pardon the enemies you see today, you will see no more. Read those scriptures, get them. And one of the things also he’s saying, giving those scriptures about power and authority, dominion, write them down. So then when you are calling them down, he says shout failure to their plans and defeat to what they are just about to pull off they thought. So God is saying we are supposed to speak failure to their plans, failure and defeat. We’re supposed to call them down. Call down all those illegitimate governments all over the world. Wherever nation that you’re living in. You call down that illegitimate government. You call down every person in power that you know that does not belong there because they’re not of God. He’s saying we can call down these laws, we can call down all the things that are going on against us. Why? Because it’s not the plan of Almighty God. And we have power and authority and dominion over everything that creepeth upon this earth. And I remember many ministers I’ve heard say this, but we have authority and power over creeps. I would say most people that are in power right now are pretty creepy. Anyway, my children, a major collapse that’s coming that will soon seem to shut down the world. Now listen, it will soon seem to shut down. It doesn’t say it’s going to. It will seem that way. It’s something your enemies had planned. But it won’t go as planned. Shout down their plans now. Shout failure to the plans, defeat to what they were just about to pull off. They thought because they think because they stole all these elections, they’re in power everywhere. They have the news media, they have the Hollywood, they have all these things that are in place. They have all the economics, they have the economic Forum, they have the who, they have the UN, they have the EU, they have all these different things in place and they’re thinking, well, we’ve got away with this much, we’re going to get away with everything. And they’re not. The plans are not going as planned. Remember we were supposed to use our power and authority, dominion over everything that creepeth upon the earth. We have complete power. Authority. Why in the name that’s above every name. It’s not our authority. It’s the authority that Jesus has given to us. With that name, God has given us the authority. In the name of Jesus, I’ll say it right. God’s given us authority. In the name of Jesus. Jesus, when he suffered and died, he took the curse upon his body, destroyed it, destroyed the power of hell. When he was in there for three days, he destroyed that power. He got back the keys. The hell, death and the great. It says it in the scriptures. That’s another teaching I will get to. I know some people will just get really upset about that, but it’s true. Religion is told you no, the Bible says otherwise. He said it will be the belly of the earth for three days. What’s the belly of the earth? Hell. Why do you do it? So we wouldn’t have to go there. Hell was not made for man. It was made for devil. And all the demons that were thrown out of heaven. It was not made for man. All right, now again, I don’t have time to go over all that stuff right now because I have this going to go back over now. Okay. Watch Australia. Something significant is about to happen. Now, he’s mentioned Australia a lot lately. So those of you who live in Australia, start praying your government down. Start praying everything that’s been so horrible in your nation. You have power and authority and dominion in your area. Remember Joshua one five, no man can stand before you all the days of your life. So I was with Moses, so I’ll be with you any nation, where you are, anywhere you’re at and around the world. God is saying, I will be with you just like I was with Moses. He’s giving us instructions. He’s giving us things to do and things to say. All right now, Obama is about to come out and say a very surprising statement. He’s about to give himself away even more now. Desperate times call for desperate measures, you would say. My children, your enemies are getting very desperate right now. The walls are closing in on them. Now, that is all in bold. Your enemies are getting very desperate. And when they get very desperate, that’s dangerous. That’s why God has had all these warnings about things that are going on. We’re not supposed to fear this stuff. Don’t fear because they’re getting desperate. He’s giving you marching orders. He’s giving you things to say, the things to do. He says you have power and authority to maintain over it. Remember, you have power and authority to manually over Creek and anything they creep with Paul on the Earth. All right, Benghazi. I know I think this is the second time you mentioned this name, Benghazi. This name will be in the news again. All the truth surrounding what happened, it will all be revealed. And it’s darker and more sinister than you thought. And justice will be served. Safe. The Lord of Host. So we know what happened with Benghazi several years ago where an ambassador was killed. And it was it was a horrible, horrible thing. Men in our military were killed trying to protect this ambassador. And they were neglected or abandoned by the government. They were abandoned. And people were trying to go in there to help them, and they were not allowed to. So there’s a lot going on about that story that has been hidden, because that’s what they do. They hide a lot of things that they try to get away with. But God is saying, no, no. It says an ambassador is about to be killed and do not believe the reason why. I will show the world at what really happened. That person, bold that he will show the world of what really happened. So an ambassador is about to be killed. I don’t know where it is. Doesn’t say which ambassador, doesn’t give a name, doesn’t give a location. He just says an ambassador will be killed. And obviously that will be headline news everywhere. An airline company is about to be exposed and the scanner will consume them. There are many things going on with the airline companies that you don’t know about. Yet again, things are not how they appear to be of Hollywood. They appear to be with the corporate world. And now he’s even talking about airlines again, how the corporate world is connected to so many things you can’t see. But I’m about to show you all that has been going on and everything that has been hidden. Say it. The Lord. So watch something. Exposures in a scandal with an airline company. United Emirates will be in your news for a shocking reason. An eagle will be in your news for a surprising reason. Remember with this is a sign to you. My eagle is soaring again. So watch an eagle be in the news. And that is assigned to us. That the eagle of the United States of America is soaring again. And nothing that the enemies have done have stopped the eagle from being set free. Now, a wildfire is about to break out and be in the news. How unusual and how massive it is and the location is important, and you will soon see why. All right, now, major news is about to break regarding the EU. I’ll just mention them earlier. And the UN, there’s been a lot of proxies regarding the UN. I know for sure. I think he’s mentioned the EU before. He says on how they helped steal the nation. For who? For Obama. Did you know he’s really the one in control. It’s not the bite in, not when he doesn’t know how many states are. I’m not even going to get to that because anyway, the steelest nation for Obama and the globalist, how they were helping China. So the globalists, of course, who they’re using is obama is the puppet master because he controls the puppet, which is Biden. The Biden and you had the EU, the UN, then he says the globalists, and then he says China. They’re all connected. They infiltrated this nation. How? They have implants in your military and in your governmental positions. Oh, yes, it’s all about to be exposed. So you can talk about that for that just paragraph right there. Just stop right there. That’s huge. They’re all connected. Why? Because it’s a globalist agenda. Remember, he’s been talking about the WHO. He’s been talking about the course of UN, the United Nations and then the EU. He’s been talking about this fraudulent government, not his other fraudulent governments. He’s been talking about the financial thing, too. Anyway. The World Economic Forum. He’s been talking about that. Why? Because they’re all connected, don’t have the same agenda. I don’t care what country they’re from. They’re globalists. They want global control. That’s why God is exposing all of it. All right, Argentina, I said his name again will be in your news for a surprising reason. I know he’s mentioned Argentina more than once as well. Haiti will be in your news also. Something will happen there that will get the world’s attention. Truth will be revealed on what has been hidden there. So Argentina, Haiti, and then he mentions Sicily. Something big is brewing there that will get the world’s attention. So something big is going to happen in Sicily and something big is going to happen in Haiti that will get I mean, something’s so big that will get the world’s attention for those two areas. Filibuster, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. JFK. This is the second time he’s mentioned JFK. There’s been a prophecy fulfill on that because they have started mentioning him and how the CIA was involved in his death. But now it’s going to go much further than that. Got the JFK. His name will be in the news again for a significant reason. More truth will be revealed on how deep his murder went and how many in your government were involved and why. We heard that the CIA was. Involved. We don’t know why. Now he says, those records will not be sealed and covered up for much longer. I’m opening them up to show how corrupt this is, to show how corrupt this government has been, why, and how it’s affected you. Today, the course of this nation will abruptly change to the Lord. There was another prophetic word that he gave out that he’s not changed the course of this nation that’s been going on for over 100 years, he’d say the last two or three years. Then he lost 60 years. Of course, over 100 years, it’s been going on in the wrong direction. Nixon the same will be in your news for a surprising reason. Eisenhower, this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Now, that’s three locations he mentioned and then three different former presidents. So I don’t know exactly. That, to me is significant. Okay. He says, My children, everything you see is about to change suddenly. There will not be much warning for some. Now, for some, for you guys who are listening and paying attention to guys warnings, you packed plenty of warning. But there’s people out there who don’t believe any of this is true, and they still think that this is all bunch of malarkey, and they think it’s all bunch of conspiracy theories, because that’s what the news is telling us, what social media is telling them. It’s all conspiracy. It’s conspiracy what they believe. This is truth. It’s backed up with proof. He says, for those of you who are awake and stand and pray to those who aren’t, we need to pray for those who aren’t. These are my marching orders. What? To pray, to be persistent, to be consistent, to pursue, to overtake and recover all that has been taken from you. Save the Lord. Now, those are six different marching orders he has given to us just in this one little part, to give us marching orders down below as well, of what to say and what to do. That’s why write these down. It’s important. All right, then he says, up here. So, my children, again, I remind you to get into my Word. He keeps saying that over and over again. Why? Because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Romans 1017. You can’t have faith or trust in God without reading the Word, without knowing who he is. You can’t trust somebody you don’t know. That’s what he desperately wants people to get into the Word, to know Him, to have their faith grow so peace and joy come to just get down in your spirit, so you won’t be moved by anything that’s going on in the world today. He said, Peace and joy because the world’s about to come to a halt in a standstill that no one saw coming. That’s a bull no one saw coming. It’s going to bring it to halt what we’ve heard about it, but we don’t know how he’s going to do it. So we’re not going to see how and understand that before it actually happens. That’s why he says we’re not going to see, no one saw it coming. Because we can’t in our minds, we cannot dream up what he is about to do in silence some people will not be able to handle. Now that’s also in bold. Some people will not be able to handle a silence. Silence of what? Silence of people. Because you won’t have the internet, you won’t have phone, you won’t have access to those things some people will not be able to handle that. Why? Because even talks about in the word of God and he warns about how in the last days fear, fear men’s hearts will fail them because the apprehension and things will start to come. It’s fear. Fear is running rampant all over. It’s horrible. That’s why we’re supposed to what? Being faith. Because the faith is the opposite of fear. But remember, the silence is your victory. Now those of you who have been watching, those of you who know what God has been saying, it is your victory. So you won’t be moved and you won’t be in fear. You’ll be jumping and shouting and being excited. Because if you know it’s your victory. Now let’s see, this great length has had to be taken now because of what your enemies had planned. It’s far worse than COVID, it’s far worse than 911. Then he says combine the two is still worse than that. Look how horrible 911 was. Look how horrible COVID was and what they did. He said it’s worse if you combine the two. It’s still worse what they planned to do to us, what was already supposed to happen, and then what they planned under this year. Look what God say, don’t get in fear about it. I’m stopping them. I will not allow them to go as far as they want. But more will be seen to shake the world and to shake my body out of the deep sleep it’s been under. So there’s more shaking. Things are going to intensify more, more intensifying, things are going to get more unusual. He’s been warning us about that. My church was deceived into its sleep. The church was deceived into a deep sleep. Why? So they can do whatever they wanted to do. And if you were asleep Joseph, forsake that you were destroyed for a lack of knowledge. And if you’re destroyed for a lack of knowledge in a deep sleep, you’re not going to find them back. If you want a religion, you’re under legalism. You’re not going to fight them back because that’s what they put in the church. That’s not knowing the truth, that’s knowing a doctrine doesn’t do anything for you, it doesn’t change your life, it doesn’t set you free, it deceives you. So then he says deceiving to asleep, they didn’t even know they were in. Then he says wake up now. My church, wake up now. My body of Christ. Because the world needs you. That’s why God wants us to be free. 2023 the year for me. Because he wants you to be free, to freely serve Him, to be able to freely order, to be used by Him to help the world, to help your neighbor, to help your family, to have whoever you need, that God needs you to do. He needs you to be a willing vessel to help. You can’t help if you’re enslaved yourself. My church and my body to be whole, strong, awake, revive, renewed. This is the time for a revival and a restoration. Even when it looks like the opposite is happening. I’m going to read this again because this isn’t bold. My church of my body to be whole. He wants you to be whole. He wants you to be strong, awake, revived, renewed. This is a time for revival and restoration. Even when it looks like the opposite is happening, it always looks like the opposite is happening. When you’re praying about something, why? Why does it do that? So if your enemy’s tactic well, my prayer didn’t work. That didn’t work. Then you quit. But if you be persistent, you pray persistent. Pray persistent, consistent, and you won’t be moved. Pray. Be persistent, be consistent. That’s the person that doesn’t waver. My children, get with me so I can help you, strengthen you. Before the dam of lies we talked about this before breaks wide open. Now listen, when he says the structure is already collapsing as I speak, these words, their narrative is being destroyed. Their dam of lies is being destroyed. Why? God said he’s going to fill it or there’s a flood of truth coming. The flood of truth is coming. Yes. Arrests have taken place. Now listen, this isn’t bold. Arrests have taken place. And who has been arrested already will shock you on not only who and how many people have been filling in for others to continue their movie and charade. Remember, God’s been mentioning actors so people have been arrested. They’ve had people filling in, actors filling in so they could keep on this movie. And charade that’s in front of us, my tone, all of this is about to come out in the open. That is why I want to prepare your hearts for the shock that is coming that so many people are not prepared for, because they’re not because they believe what they see. But God said over and and over, it’s word what we’re supposed to do. Walk by faith and not by side. He’s been saying over and over again, it’s prophetic words. Walk by faith, not by side. Don’t be moved by what you see, because things are not how they appear to be. I will say this again. Military moves have been made. He’s been talking about this a lot. He’s been talking about the military a lot. People that think this is a conspiracy. Why? Because the news tells you that? Because you don’t see it. Look what he says. Territory has been taken back, tribunals have started judgment, and justice is being served. Even if you haven’t seen it yet, it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. And it doesn’t change the fact to what is really going on. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t change the fact that it’s really going on. Things are not how they appear to be. He says that over and over again. A great war has been fought in the spiritual realm. Remember, everything happens in the spiritual first before it happens in natural. And a mighty war has been fought on Earth, a civil war, you would say, that has been going on, with so many unaware of this fight to destroy the power of the beast system over the nations, this whole point to fight the Bee system, the one world government system. A war has been going on to break you free from tyranny and out of the control from this fraudulent government worldwide, to usher in the one world system. My film things have been going on that you have not been fully aware of, to shield you and to shield the world from the whole thing so people would not quit before the war was over. God had to shield us from what was going on. Nothing is over until I say it’s over, and nothing is over until you went. So he’s been shielding us from this war that’s been going on because people would have quit then. He says in the first paragraph, for I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to prepare for a great change. It might have shifted a major shaking that will shake this world and so many to their core. So what are we supposed to be doing? Declaring decreeing? We’re supposed to be saying what God needs us to be saying. He’s giving us marching orders again. Go back, write these down. Why? Write them down because they’re important. Because he wants you to get these words in your heart. So you don’t quit, you don’t give up. You don’t fall down to the point where it’s so overwhelming to you. He doesn’t want your adversary to overwhelm you. So I’m going to pray over each and every one of you today. Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I want to pray strength into your body. I want to thank and praise you, Father God, right now, in Jesus name. Whatever has been plaguing them, whatever has been destroying them, every impossible situation, everything, Father God, in their minds that’s been tormenting them, I break its hold. I break its chains. I command their freedom and their redemption rights right now in the name of Jesus Christ. And I thank you, Father God, whom the sunsets free is free indeed. I declare their freedom. And 2023 is a year to be free. So I’m declaring and decreeing over the body of Christ. And I’m declaring and decreeing right now that 2023 is a year for them to be free. It’s a year for them to be free in every area of their life so they can freely serve you. And we thank you, Father God, for this freedom. We thank you, Father God, for what you’re doing, for all of us what you have done, what you are doing that we haven’t even seen. And we thank you for it in Jesus name, amen. And amen. We’ll also encourage you today, please, like subscribe and share and give us to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

Good to see Julie now has small team assisting her video production. Just the censorship to stay on youtube requires another persons intervention And its working. Hopefully punctuated subtitles (readily available) can be externally inserted. And also we want the nonsensical performing garden gnome covered up. Pondering something like 3 D glasses at home LOL or a piece of coloured material inserted in the browser to mask the gnome. Hmmm……. It could be a browser extension……. Any wannabe programmers around here ?
Now censored off Youtube Tucker Carlson talks about Nixons removal at 6 mins 13 How Washington permanent political class is protecting itself and Biden is being disposed of the same way as Nixon.
Lucky we have Bitchute and Rumble
JFK starts at 4 mins 13 this has been removed from Youtube Tucker Carlson might be the worlds foremost newscaster. His long videos have vanished from Youtube. JFK starts at 4 mins 13 best video is the bottom one.
Conspiracy theory spawned by the Warren Commission and their NYTimes . Shrink worked for the CIA. This explains how Washington protects itself.
First published at 23:07 UTC on January 20th, 2023.
This prophecy Dec 29 2022. Involving JFK Nixon Eisenhower
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