Good morning everybody. Today is Wednesday, July 27 of 2022. And I have another powerful prophetic word to give to you today called it’s all come to a head. I heard this word on on July 24 of 2022. Before I get to that, I do have a couple important announcements to make. I’ll try to do this as fast as I can. Now today I will be on take five. His glory with Pastor Dave Scarlett. And it is going to be an exciting show. I can feel it in my spirit. I know we’re going to get confirmations. We always get confirmations. But this show, I know it’s going to be special. So please go and watch it. It is going to be at 1130 Central time. Again. It’s at his glory. And I will have some of that information in the description box below for you. Also, this weekend is our two day Holy Ghost and Fire event. I am so excited for this event in Waldorf, Minnesota, and it is going to be awesome. I know miracle signs and winters are going to happen because why? Because God, it will be there. God shows up. Because God’s on the inside of us. Come expecting to receive something major this weekend. Because the atmosphere of expectancy is a breeding ground for our miracles. So if you have more information or if you want more information on that, go to our website@jgminternational.org under our events page now. Those of you who have made reservations and you have not gotten a confirmation email, we are not in charge of that part of this event. But come anyway. Even without the confirmation, come, we will let you in. For those of you who want to come, go to our website under our best page and you can find out all the information you need to come and join us this weekend. All right? It’s going to be awesome. So hope you can join us all. All of us here at JGM are so excited to have this event. All right. It’s going to be at the Nations Glory Barn again. Go find that information on our website. Okay, that is all the announcements for today. I’ll make a separate video with other important announcements that you guys need to hear, okay. So be looking for that one as well. All right.
Allright. Its all Come to a Head, July 24 of 2022.
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to start taking your authority back upon this earth. You have been given this authority through what Jesus has done to destroy the power of the enemy. He took the keys to hell, to death and the grave. And he has given that authority to you. He has already defeated your enemies. See your enemies as that – defeated. They may appear like giants, they may appear powerful, but they are nothing. Their power has been stripped away from them. See them in this way because I have already taken it from them. I told you before. This is fake and a facade of what really is going on. Everything they do is scripted. And I will show their scripts to the world. It’s a puppet show. I told you before. They are just puppets to the New World Order. Their New World Order is finished. It’s not for now. Your time is now. My time is now. And they can’t change that no matter what they are preparing to do now. Remember what I’ve told you before. They always fail. And I always have the final say Sayeth the Lord
Heroin This word will be in the news. Who is being charged and got caught red handed. This will surprise many. But this is just the beginning to expose this serpent’s nest. They have hidden all their dirty secrets in their underground world that they won’t be able to keep a secret any longer.
A sex trafficking ring is about to be in your news. Just one of many that will be exposed and destroyed. Yes, my children. I am saving the little children from the hands of their predators. Be prepared to hear things you never thought you would hear. Sodom and Gomorrah. But even worse than that because it’s all over. And it’s not just in one place. I am running down judgements on the people who have committed these crimes, who refuse to repent. And none will be left standing. Saith The Lord of hosts.
Firefly This name will be in the news for a reason you wouldn’t have thought of. Movements are being made. Big ones. So be prepared for what is about to take place. A shift has already started and it’s intensifying by the day. All you see now is almost over.
Chameleon This word will be in the news.
Sergeant-at-Arms will be in the news.
Declassifications will be in the news
Deeertifications This word will be in your news a lot. The dominoes have started to fall. States are starting to take action. And people that have been in power will no longer stay in power Sayeth the Lord.
Agony. This word will be in your news. For something unusual.
It may appear like.
Catastrophic. This word will be in your news many things may appear like it’s going in the wrong direction. But things are not always as they seem to be.
Moses this name will be in the news. Watch Egypt in this time. Something significant will take place there that will get the world’s attention. Remember things that happen in the first Exodus are happening again all over the world.
There will be another Passover type of event in this greater Exodus as well. All the judgements coming will pass over my children. The Angel of Death will pass over my children. I am bypassing your enemies and everything they have planned for you in this day, and knocking them down to the ground. You will hear them screaming shock and fear of what has happened to them that was supposed to happen to you. I’ve told you before a great harvest they are receiving of destruction they have sown. Your enemies are finished. Sayeth the Lord. Their power is finished. Their time of ruling is over. Their financial prosperity in hoarding it and controlling the world with it is over. This is the time of a great shaking to shake you loose of their control, and shake and destroy the shackles they put on you. You are no longer their slaves and subject to their rule Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Carbon footprint This phrase will be in the news. Don’t listen to yet another lie from the serpents who have planned to use something you wouldn’t have thought of, against you. But it won’t work. Every lie, every deal they have made with each other will be crushed and disintegrated to a point like it never existed. I am wiping out all their plans.
General Milli will announce a sudden retirement, not one by his own choice. Watch as more generals walk away saying they are retiring. It may look like, but it’s not. By their own choice. My hand is moving and cleansing your military from weasels and rats, thieves and liars that were paid to make decisions against you O United States. They turned their backs on you for power and money. They were paid for by this fraudulent government. And China. Oh, United States. China infiltrated your Pentagon ! In a way. And I am removing all those infiltrators and traitors of this nation. Watch as generals start to fall and they will lose all their medals and honors they had previously received. Whether it was honestly earned or earned because they paid to do certain jobs they never should have done. A shake up has already begun in the military and you will start to see it now in the news Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Lindsey Graham. I have warned you and I give you time to turn back. And you are now stuck with a decision you have made and you will regret it. You never should have turned your back on me. And everyone like you will be sentenced and judged for your crimes against this nation. Your time and power has come to an end. Saith the Lord.
Disgrace. This word is about to be heard a lot in your news from TV and entertainment people in your government, businesses, corporations, banks and even churches in certain denominations. It’s come to a head. It is finished Sayeth the Lord.
Clash of the Titans This phrase will be in the news.
A badger will be in the news. My children its coming to a close. It’s coming to an explosive place. So get with me and receive more of my glory. My glory shall protect and shield, lead and guide, heal and restore. Good days are ahead for my children. A great life you shall experience to a level never thought possible. It’s all coming faster than you think. So shout and start to celebrate your victories Sayeth The Lord your Redeemer.
JulieCommentary . Alright? So before I go back and go over the prophecy like I do every day, I want to speak to those who I know are listening and who don’t believe these things anymore, who think this is just too good to be true. Nothing’s happening, things don’t change, things are getting worse. God has forsaken us. God’s not going to do anything. It’s all over and we might as well give up and quit. I am not mocking you at all. I am just saying the lies of your enemy, these lies that are being told to each and every one of you to believe them. Remember, our adversary is a liar. I know things have gone on a lot longer than all of us wanted them to go on for, or thought that they were going to be all over before now, but so did the Children of Israel. When they were under the control of the Egyptians for a time, they were told there was going to be a deliverer. Well, that was Moses and he showed up. But after Moses showed up and started speaking and went to Pharaoh several different times, things appeared to get worse. And they shouted and they cried and they got upset and there was a spirit of hopelessness and despair and depression and frustration there’s overwhelming part of each and every one of them was saying to give up and quit and that nothing was ever going to change and nothing was going to be done and their lives were just going to be this way forever. There is nothing new under the sun. Our adversary has done the same thing that he did in the book of Exodus. He doesn’t design anything new, he just changes the name. And there’s just different characters playing the parts that he needs them to play at that particular moment in time. God has already seen this happen. He knows the end from the beginning. So even though it appears harsh, it did for them too. That’s what he said in his book, in the book of Exodus, he says in his written word to earnestly remember what he did. Why did he tell them to earnestly remember? And why is he telling us that now? Because if you earnestly remember what God did for them and you know he’s no respector of persons, then why would he save a group of people back then, when they don’t have the covenant that we have with God now? They have the Abrahamic covenant, but we have the blood covenant. Our covenant is bigger and better than that one. So if we promise to save them and deliver them from the hands of the wicked, and he’s saying this now again, why wouldn’t he do it? God doesn’t lie and God doesn’t fail. He’s been telling us his prophetic words for the last several years, Many prophets have been speaking. The voices are being heard, more are being heard now, than I think any time in history, at one point in time, because God wants his children to wake up. He wants his children to get up. He wants his children to arise. He wants his children to know their authority, because in Isaiah four, six people were destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Over the last several years, Man made doctrines, religious tradition, has lied, got into the body of Christ, deceived them, and there’s been a wimpiness that has been in the body of Christ then we just think that we just had to deal with everything, that we just have to in this world. There’s nothing going to change. And that is just life as we know it. There’s nothing we can do about it. That’s one of the biggest lies in the pit of hell. God has given us power in authority, and Dominion He says it in his word, in Genesis one. He also says it in Luke Ten and 19. He gives us so many different instructions. And he also tells us in His Word that he’s given us a name above every name. And he also says our enemy is beneath our feet and that we are far above this is in Ephesians that we are far above principalizing powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. So is all of us a lie? No. God can’t lie. It is in his written word. Jesus has already destroyed the power of the enemy. We have to see them as defeated, just like he said in this word. See them as defeated, see them as nothing because they are nothing against our God. We can’t lean to our own understanding. We have to lean and trust and rely on God. So there are things to our five physical senses that don’t make sense. It seems like there are things in the five physical senses that are screaming at us, saying, there is no way, it’s too impossible, it’s too big. Nothing’s going to happen. That is just our adversary. And what do we have to do? Tell him to shut up and tell him to get on our feet, underneath our feet, where he belongs. He never wins. God always wins and he always has a final sight. All right, well, that’s the teaching for today. And I will go over quickly this word before I go. Look at what God said. Good days are ahead for my children. A great life you shall experience to a level no one thought possible. It’s all coming faster than you think. So shout and start to celebrate your victories, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. Remember, the children of Israel were enslaved. They could not have imagined the life that God had in store for them in the Promised Land. Why? Because just like people are saying now, it’s too good to be true and nothing’s going to change. They said that and look what God did. God did something so unbelievable. Those people don’t get hiccups. So unbelievable, so awesome, so mighty, so powerful. They never could have imagined that. All right, my children, its coming to a close. It’s coming to an explosive place. So get with me and receive more of My glory. My glory shall protect and shield, lead and guide, heal and restore. Now remember, his glory is his presence. So he said in a word that he gave me many months ago, he said that his glory is going to fill this earth like the waters filled in the days of Noah. So his presence is going to be in this earth like never before. And this is going to usher in the great harvest of soul, because miracle signs and waters are going to happen. And so when people thought they were going to go to church to get oh, we’re going to get church to get a good teaching, and it’s going to make us feel good, and we’re going to leave for the week and everything is going to go to crap. And then we’re going to go back to church and we’re going to feel good for a day or two, and then we’re going to go back. Everything is going to go to pot again. No, God is saying we’re going to live in a different level and a different way of life, a life where there is no lack. You say, how can that be possible? That was the whole point in what he wanted them to be in the Promised Land. Now we don’t have a physical land, but this is a way of life. It’s a way of life that God wanted you to live, that they stole from you. And God is saying he’s taking it all back. Judgements are going to rain down on your enemies, and we’re about to see something. Julie, this is too good to be true. But is it? Is it? God has promised these things to a thousand generations. Go look at his word in Judy, chapter seven, go look at His Word all throughout His Word, the promises they had for his people. Look at His Word when all the enemies tried to destroy God’s people and it never worked the way they wanted it to, it looked like it for a short time. And then God stepped in and did things in miraculous ways that they (enemies), the enemies of Almighty God could never have imagined, and neither could some of his children. And that’s going to happen again, my children. It’s coming to a close. It’s coming to an explosive place. So get with me and receive more of My glory. My glory shall protect and shield. Lead shall protect and shield. Lead and guide, heal and restore. I wanted to say that one again. All right, now this was weird. Again, he does these things have to like could you please say that? All right.
A badger, like the animal a badger will be the news. Whether it’s going to be the name or it’s actually going to be a badger itself. But look for the word badger.
Now, Clash of the Titans, this phrase will be the news. I thought that was very interesting when I heard that the Lord said that. But Clash of the Titans, this phrase will be in your news. All right?
Disgrace This word is about to be heard a lot in your news from TV and entertainment people in your government, businesses and corporations, banks and even churches and certain denominations. That’s coming to a head. It’s finished, sayeth the Lord. So a lot of people are going to fall from grace, you could say. People in the entertainment industry, people on like, well, we definitely know people in the news are going, to people on TV, people in your government, because God says he’s going to remove them all from each and every one of their seats, because they said they don’t deserve the seats they have. They didn’t win them. Now, there are people that actually won fair and square in the elections, but the majority did not. So the ones that did not will be removed. And God’s going to do that himself. Just like he removed prayer on his men, he removed them anytime there was an enemy that ever got in his children’s way, God removed them in unconventional ways. God has removed them in unconventional ways, because he said it in a previous prophetic word. And he said that it’s come to a head and it is finished.
All right, Lindsey Graham. Now, I think a lot of us have wondered what side he was actually on, but now we know. And I was really brokenhearted in a way, because I really liked him for a while and I thought he was a good man. Lindsey Graham, I have warned you and I gave you time to turn back. And you are now stuck with a decision you have made and you will regret it. You never should have turned your back on me. And everyone like you will be sentenced and judged for your crimes against this nation Your time and power has come to an end. He’s been saying that to a lot of people. And so we’re going to start to see that come. Now, look at what he says about General Milli He will announce his sudden retirement, not one by his own choice. Watch as many generals walk away saying they’re retiring, it may look like, but it’s not by their own choices my hand is moving. And cleansing your military from weasels and rats, thieves and liars that were paid to make decisions against you O United States. Listen to this. They turned their backs on you for power and money. They were paid from by this fraudulent government. And China. United States. China infiltrated your Pentagon in a major way. And I’m removing all those infiltrators and traitors of this nation. Watch as generals start to fall and they will lose all their medals and honors they have previously received. Whether it was honestly earned or earned because they were paid to do certain jobs they never should have done. A shake up has already begun in the military and you will start to see it now in the news, said the Lord. Now a shake up has begun in your military. That’s in bold. All right.
Carbon footprint. This phrase will be in your news. Don’t listen to yet another lie from the serpents who have planned to use something you wouldn’t have thought of against you. But it won’t work. Every lie, every deal they have made with each other will be crushed and disintegrated to a point like it never existed. I am wiping out all the plans. That’s exactly what happened to the children, the three other men, no matter what the fire did to everything anybody else, because they even destroyed the people who throw them in. When they came out, it was like they didn’t even smell like smoke. So King Nebuchadnezzar’s plan was completely destroyed. It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter what he said. Satan was Pharaoh. He was completely destroyed as well. So God is saying it’s going to be like it never existed. Your enemies are finished. They have the Lord. Their power is finished. Their time of ruling is over. Their financial prosperity and hoarding it and controlling the world with it is over. This is the time of a great shaking to shake you lose of their power and shake and destroy the shackles they put on you. You are no longer their slaves and subject to their rule. Save the Lord of Hosts. There will be another Passover type of event in this greater accident as well. All the judgments coming will pass over my children. The angel of death will pass over my children. I am bypassing your enemies and everything they have planned for you in this day and knocking them down to the ground. You’ll hear them screaming shock and fear of what has happened to them that was supposed to happen to you. I’ve told you before. Great harvest they are receiving of destruction they have sown. Watch Egypt in the news. Something significant will take place there that will get the world’s attention. Remember, things happen in the first exit are happening in we’re talking about a passover everything. All the judgments that you’re going to start to see coming in are more powerful it’s going to intensify. God is saying it’s going to bypass you. It’s going to bypass your family through the blood of Jesus. He’s been telling us that for a while and he said it’s for them and not us. The same thing when it comes to what the enemies wanted for us. He said what has happened to them was supposed to happen to you. That’s what they wanted. So God is saying what they wanted to do to you is going to happen to them. And they’re going to be in such a shock and awe over it because their plans aren’t working. And what they so strategically design against us is going to happen to them instead, and it’s going to shock them. They’re not going to understand how it happened, because, remember, they think they’re gods. They think they’re all the most powerful, they’re the enlightened ones. No one’s going to outsmart me and no one’s going to take me down and I have all this money and blah, blah, blah. That’s what they think. They’re so arrogant. And that’s exactly what happened to Pharoah. He was so arrogant, he didn’t even see the destruction that was coming before him. And that was the Red Sea. He thought it was his god opening up the Red Sea to trap the children of God. And instead, it killed him along with all of his people or all of his men. Now he’s saying, walk to Egypt. Something significant is going to happen there that will get the world’s attention. Remember, things that happen in the first exits are happening again all over the world. So pay attention to Egypt and then Moses. This name will be in the news. Catastrophic. This word will be in the news. Many things may appear like it’s going in the wrong direction, but things are not always as they seem. He’s been saying that a lot. Things are not always as they seem to be. So don’t look at things the way they are right now in the news. Don’t look at the things the way they are now in your nation. They aren’t how they appear to be, because he’s going to change them all. Agony. This word will be in the news for something unusual. It may appear like these certifications are going to be in the news a lot. The dominoes have started to fall. States are starting to take action and people that have been in power will no longer stay there in power.
Declassify. Sergeant at arms in chameleon. All these things are going in the news along with firefly. And I thought this was something interesting, because he said Firefly . This thing will be in the news for a reason you wouldn’t have thought of. Movements are being made, big ones. So be prepared for what it is about to take place. A strip has already started. It’s intensifying by the day. All you see now is almost over. That, to me, sounds like it could be something military, I don’t know. But he said firefly, so look for that to be in the news. All right. A sex trafficking ring is about to be in your news. Just one of them. Just one of many that will be exposed and destroyed. Yes, my children. I’m saving the little children from the hands of their predators. He’s been talking about saving the little children from all these things that are going on underground. Things are going on. These cities that people even know about. These underground cities, the sex trafficking things that are going on under the radar. And he said, Be prepared to hear things you never thought you would hear. Now he said it’s worse than Sodom. and Gomorrah. That was just one area. And he said, this is happening. It’s worse because it’s happening all over the place. He says, I’m writing down judgements on these people who have committed these crimes or refuse to repent, and none of them will be left standing. So I want you guys to keep up the little children who had been in the hands of these people. And God is restoring their soul. He’s restoring their bodies. He’s restoring them, and he is going to heal them. But I just want you guys to please keep them up and give the people who are saving them, keep them up in your prayer, because they need prayer from what they are seeing, okay? I just feel that in my spirit. And that came to me with the function of the Holy Ghost. So please pray for the military. Please pray for anybody who is taking these people out and helping save these little children. All right? The word heroin, like the drug heroin, this word will be in the news. See who is being charged and got caught red handed. This will surprise many. This is just the beginning. To expose the serpent’s nest where they have hidden all their dirty secrets in their underground world. They won’t be able to keep a secret any longer. I told you before, this is fake and a facade of what is really going on. Now listen to this. Everything they do is scripted. So they’re told what to say, all of them. And I will show their scripts to the world. So God is saying he’s been using the word blueprints a lot. Now he’s using the word scripts. So everything that they have done, everything they designed, all, even the words they are telling people to say, he’s got them all. God’s got them all. And his people have them all. And he’s going to show the world what they’ve been doing, what they’ve been up to. He said it’s all a puppet show. I told you before, they are just puppets to the New World Order. The New World Order is finished now. That is involved. It is not for now. Your time is now. My time is now. And they can’t change that, no matter what they are preparing to do now. So God is saying, and that’s also in bold. They’re preparing to do something right now. And he’s saying no matter what they’re preparing to do, they’re finished. He’s going to destroy it all. Remember why I told you before, they always fail. And I always had the final say. That’s also in bold. They always fail. And he always has the final say. That’s something if you have to say it 100 times a day to get it into your spirit to. Get rid of that spirit of heavenness, that’s on you right now. You need to say it over and over and over again. Friday Lord, this day I’m telling my children to start taking your authority back upon this earth. You have begun this authority through what Jesus has done to destroy the power of the enemy. He took the keys to hell, the death, and the grave, and he has given that authority to you and I. He has given that authority to us. He says in his word Luke 1019 is one of my favorite scriptures. He’s given us power and authority over all the power that the enemy possesses, and nothing shall anyway harm us. What’s the amplified version? He’s given us power and authority over it all. Genesis 126 or 28. Read it. He’s given us power to man over everything, that creepeth upon this earth. He’s given us a name above all names. No matter what virus it is, and no matter what shortage or no matter what it is, Jesus name is above it all. He’s already defeated your enemies. He destroyed our adversary on that cross. He destroyed Him. So anybody he uses is already defeated because the one that controls them is defeated. He said so. See your enemies ask that defeated. They may appear like giants, that may appear powerful, but they are nothing. The power has been stripped from them. See them in this way because I have already taken it from them. We have to start seeing things through the eyes of Christ. Our enemies are defeated. Hopes encourage you today. Want to pray? Reach every one of you. Father God, the name of Jesus I listed every person right now, the sound of my voice. And if they are at the verge of giving up and quitting, if they were full of despair and depression and overwhelming frustration, all the situations that they are facing, all the situations that they are seeing, and they just are on the verge of quitting right now. You are not watching this video by chance right now, Father God. I want to lift them up and say nice, break the hole over them right now in the name of Jesus, and you will not keep deceiving them and you will not keep those chains on them. And I command that Spirit of Heaviness to come off of them right now. By the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command saying, you get your hands off of God’s property. I thank you, Father God. Instead of the Spirit of Heaven, they have the government of praise on them because they are saved in the name of Jesus, because that name is above every name, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. So I thank you Father God for an impartation of joy unto them right now and in Jesus name, in peace that passes all understanding. I thank You, Father God right now that they are getting up out of that mire of clay out of that pit of lies that sickness kept them in that he can no longer keep them in that darkness. I thank you that you are shining your light onto them because you’re giving them the truth. And the truth is setting them free right now, this very day. And I thank you for it. In Jesus name, amen. Well, please, like, subscribe and share and give this to everybody you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth sets you free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
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