Um I was just sitting and having my worship time with him, spending time with him as I do and he gave me this uh very clear vision of, like, dark black meteor rocks falling like not like lava rocks but meteor rocks like what would come from a meteor shower or from space basically. um He kept showing me a vision of the rocks falling. Rocks these meteor rocks falling and as usual I’m like okay God you know I know you’ll keep showing me I’m not nuts. I would not normally get a picture of meteor rocks in the middle of my worship, unless it was the holy spirit, okay ? Because that’s not normal, and so he kept showing to me these meteor rocks, and so I was like okay God what are you trying to say to me, what are you wanting to release ? And he said I’m the Rock of Ages, ah and you have to understand in the vision I saw these meteor rocks hitting the earth. It wasn’t like he just showed me a rock. No he showed me them, hitting the earth, they were hitting the earth, lots of them okay ?
I don’t know what lots means to anybody else, but it was more than one, okay? And they were hitting the earth and he said I’m the Rock of Ages, I’m the rock that can’t be crushed or removed, just as a (metallic?) meteor rock is stronger than normal ones on the earth. um normal earthly rocks, I’m the rock on which my church shall stand. My house must be built on the rock which is I, Him, okay ?
And he put that in quotations. The rock which is this, is a solid rock, a proper foundation for my glory and kingdom, my people must be built on this rock, that is I, this is your sure foundation. Trust the rock. Stand on the rock, as a sign to my people, that the rock of ages, still stands and can’t be crushed or stopped. You will see rocks from heaven coming forth. You will see a meteor shower come when you least expect it. Not planned by man or known. I’m the rock of ages and the owner and the creator of the universe. There are things man does not get to know ahead of time.
He’s letting you know ahead of time right now amen. Aren’t you so thankful that you’re in the body of Christ ? Amen. We get to know things that natural men, that don’t serve Christ, don’t get to know, are things man doesn’t get to know ahead of time. I am a God of the unexpected but I’m as solid as a rock. Watch for signs coming from heaven that this rock shall stan,d and nothing can destroy it or stop it. Watch the rocks from heaven come forth and shower down on my people as a sign that nothing, no, nothing is stronger than I. I will build my kingdom upon this rock and it shall stand. Nothing shall prey, prevail against it, so build your house upon the rock my people and it shall stand and the gates of hell shall not prevail.
Ohh I can feel the glory and so as he was giving me this, and I was writing it down, I felt so strongly, just all the things, I was getting visions of the church, and how he’s rebuilding the foundation and all the work that has to be done, because it was not on a proper foundation, before I released a word about that in 2020. And the Lord said um my church has been built on a faulty foundation and it has not been built on me, and so it’s been it’s been man-made kingdoms, man-made ministries and so he said I’m bringing everyone into the place of being built upon the rock only.
That means my way or the highway. That means how I would do it on the earth and if you go back and you look at the history of Christ when his ministry was on the earth, he did miracle signs and wonders he loved people, he ministered to people. He also told people the truth he also turned over tables, and he also was straight up. And you know what happened because he was so straight up ? The Pharisees the people of the day that should have believed that he was the son of God, did not accept him nor did they receive him because he was just too radical, and are any of you feeling that ? I’ve been feeling it oh yeah heck, yes.
Slander attack it’s never ending. You guys because the enemy, he wants us to keep feeling like we’re not accomplishing anything. We’re nuts, we’re all over the place. Oh yeah you’re spirit-led, your yep you’re gonna go with the spirit – Y’all a bunch of wackos. No. and the Lord is like – here’s the thing and this is what’s so awesome- how God will confirm his word and he knows how people see us,
He knows how people see him. He knows it all. He was considered a radical rebellion in his time for real 100 go back and read the gospels okay and he said um I am the God of the unexpected, but I’m solid as a rock, so what that means is things his spirit flows and goes, and things can happen out of the ordinary, but it doesn’t mean that he’s not solid, the gospel is not solid. What we believe in is not solid, we can still be going and flowing oh God’s called me to go over here,
I’m going to go to a souza, and I’m going to do a service right there on the main street yep. We did it he only gave me three weeks notice he said you’re gonna go do this–
I’ll probably look like a wacko.
But the thing is the Lord said I am the God of the unexpected, but I’m as solid as a rock
and so he needs you to know he is your rock. He is solid he’s creating his people to be on a foundation that the gates of hell cannot prevail against. This is the season that we’re coming into and as he said, he’s going to bring a meteor shower and I’m just saying it out like it is.
He’s going to bring we’re going to see meteor rocks come down when it has not been announced.
It has not been known maybe it’ll be known like the day before, or like 12 hours before, or five hours before, um somehow man will figure it out, um but the Lord is very clear it will be unexpected, when we least expect it, that means we’re not going to be warned by man or the weather channel, maybe like right before, but it will come suddenly, and so man, we’re in such a season of so many suddenlies. I’m not even gonna go into all that, but um just know you guys He is the rock and he is everything that you need. It doesn’t matter how we look, it doesn’t matter how he looks. It doesn’t matter the gospel will stand for itself in the end, because in the end he wins he’s already won the cross, won everything, the blood covers everything. It’s the strength. It’s the cleansing it’s everything and so there’s so much going on, and you need to know that he is your rock. Weird things may happen and things may look all over the place. Don’t fall for the devil scheme,s because he is a God of the unexpected. But he is as solid as a rock you can count on that he’s not willy-nilly like us humans.
He doesn’t get tossed you know, to and fro by the waves, and he’s not like you know– I don’t know today, I don’t got no faith you know, I don’t know you, know I’m not making fun of anybody okay I
love you guys but you have to know God is not man, he doesn’t think like us he already knows he won, so this is just all gonna play out but we’re called to be the body and to be a part of it Amen. Isn’t it great to be alive right now ? I can’t say that enough.
I thank the Lord every day that I get to be alive right now, and participate in all this, that he’s doing Amen it’s amazing and beautiful and so he gave me Matthew 7 24.
these verses Matthew 7 24 and there’s several verses here Matthew 7 24
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house upon the rock, and the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it did not fall for it was founded on the rock and so you need to know that’s the house, that is the church that is the body of Christ the Lord is creating, and he said remind my people this is the season that the church is in.
I’m uprooting I’m tearing down I’m removing I’m separating I’m burning out I’m bringing the fire I’m doing what I got to do to purify my body, because I’m coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle,
and so because of that there’s a whole lot that has to happen, before we’re even ready to say we’re full on bringing the harvest in. There’s a little bit happening right now with, like, our ministry and other wonderful beautiful ministries traveling all over doing great things, baptizing people getting people saved it’s hap we’re in the beginning.
But we don’t we ain’t seen nothing yet to the beauty of the End time Latter day revival, that is going to come upon us. When the entire church and the body of christ gets their head together and we come together and we become the rock, as the rock, because he’s the rock and if we’re him, and we represent him and we live for him, we have to become a part of that foundational rock. Amen for his work to prevail and his house to be built on something solid. All participating in that. Amen and then Matthew 16 18 says this Matthew 16 18 says, and I also say to you that you are Peter and on this Rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
So here’s the thing you guys, we have this promise so I hope that this word truly blessed you today I’m going to pray with you and I just want you to know that um when he released this vision and this word to me, Whew ! I could feel the glory he made it so clear to me first and foremost because I get the beautiful joy of receiving the word first.
He said Liberty I am your rock no matter what the gates of hell try to bring against you
Spirit Move ministry. Your ministry team all that I’ve called you to do it doesn’t matter.
I am the rock I am your rock and he said you’re not the only one that needs this word and needs to be reminded, who the rock is so I’m here to remind everybody who the rock is and it is him. It is Jesus Christ it is the gospel it is the blood of the cross and its power never ends Amen.
So let’s pray right now and I’m just going to pray for you that if you have been battling and you’re like wow man everything seems all over the place, whatever, here’s what Jesus says he is the God of unexpected he can seem all over the place because he’s prophetic and he’s a spirit ,and he moves spirit
But he’s as solid as a rock you can count on him he loves you he has a plan for you and your family
Will it always be perfect and easy ? Does it mean we ain’t gonna have to sit around maybe at some point in 2022 and eat our stored food it’s plausible here’s the thing. We’re getting our boats ready for a reason, and this is not a boat message but you need to know Jesus slept during the storm.
I’m not saying to sleep because he’s trying to wake up the church but you know what I’m saying there’s a piece that is found in him and he’s the rock and he’s a solid rock We don’t have to fear.
We see things with our eyes but we don’t have to panic we don’t have to be afraid of things we don’t have to believe the lies of fake news we don’t have to fall into the traps because we know someone higher that is so strong and has already won the victory and you need to know if you’re called and chosen his favor is upon you and that’s for everybody in the body of Christ that rises up to the occasion of standing firm and participating with being the rock of Jesus Christ on the earth because we are him.
We’re the body he’s the head. We’re him he’s in us, he lives in each one of us Amen
So let’s pray right now lift your hands especially if you’ve been battling you guys and you needed this message you need to be reminded okay let’s pray Right now dear heavenly father lord I just praise you and I glorify you and I release your strength lord I release your foundation. I release all that you have for every person watching this video. Lord I release your glory and your kingdom to manifest on their behalf and I declare that in 2022 they are going to know who their rock is and who their foundation is and I declare lord your glory and your kingdom upon them and I declare your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and that the gates of hell will not prevail against any person that is standing for you and working for you and I just release your presence lord to go with them behind them beside them before them that they would never feel alone Lord and most of all that they would remember that you are the rock, and you are solid in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
You guys are awesome
Have an amazing week we’re headed into New Year there’s so much
happening I’m going to be releasing my new year word over the weekend be watching for that um also we go livestream spirit move church through the church side website side of
it we will be doing worship in prayer sunday at 10 30 a.m hop on with us for service because we go back into our services and all that and we are so excited to join with you guys in 2022.
um Hop on with us at the website if you want to go live otherwise you can watch the words that I release here which is basically the same stuff um it usually gets released here before
it gets released through the church um but man I love you guys he’s solid as a rock you guys
signs and wonders are coming because he wants his people to know we can trust him
So be watching for the rocks coming from the sky Amen.
And you already know he proves himself he’s done it many times with the snow, with the heat, with the fire bombs above Florida, with the rain, with the water, heat, the tornadoes.
I had just released the word about seeing the big vision of a massive funnel cloud, and then boom five days later or three days later tornadoes hit that were one giant massife and the thing is it doesn’t mean that we’re asking for these bad things to happen and we pray for those who are affected but God is the God of the Universe and he’s letting us know he’s working,
he’s the rock you guys, we can trust him. Go watch the announcement video so you know everything that’s happening amen. And I will talk to you guys later.

Certainly this demonstration will be inspiring and boost the harvest. I’m hoping the unannounced rocks will hit Washington DC. But the foretold destruction of that nest of vipers might be held off until the earthquake arrives to level it. Foretold is that another Capital will be needed. In another location. And Donald Trump will be the Pres atop a new government. So much to look forward to in 2022
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