This is from the 17 Jan so three days ago
Your Enemies are Finished – isn’t that an amazing title God gives me those too. So that’s just awesome that shouldn’t excite anybody
For I the Lord this day am moving across this nation and across the nations of the earth, to restore and to deliver all that my children are- hold on-Deliver all my children free from the slavery, and putting them into positions of power that they were always meant to be in, my children each and every one of you has a purpose, and I have my plans that will prosper each and every one of you in your lives who will believe. Now listen he says he has plans to prosper each and every one of you in your lives that believe in my words, okay ?
It says it won’t just fall on your laps, you do have to believe in me, by pressing it, and seeking me, and I will show you where you need to go, and which path you need to take, for the blessed life that I have in store for you in the fullness of life in the Fall of days here on this Earth.
My children I am annihilating that’s a powerful word, every lie, every group, every regime all the governments that meant to hold you captive, kill you, deceive you. I am destroying their plans right now. There are groups all over this earth meant to lie, deceived by people in the
Truth. Blinders are being removed right now to give anyone a chance to choose for themselves freedom without any deception, swinging from their decisions , my children this world is about to see my righteous indignation, to restore life, justice, freedoms and to put my children in positions you should have already been in, but the world kept you from them because you were my children.
This satanic system that has been controlling this earth was meant to keep you down, enslave you, while it brought the world’s people, the ones who would do your enemies bidding, who is the devil, against the child of the most high God..
Well, no more will I stand for this babbling system destroying this earth I created, along with dictating what my children are allowed and not allowed to have.
The closer you get my children to the restorations and reversals, things will look more unstable, more confusing , to some, more unusual, more shaking, it will shake most people to their core. What is about to be seen, things that were somewhat normal, will completely change.
Things are going to change like you have never seen before. This year this landslide is picking up, the avalanche is growing with intensity your enemies are becoming more unstable, and as it happens more will lose their lives, and some will lose their minds right in front of You. Now this one is one I was talking to you guys abou,t who will live in California okay
Do not be in fear when you hear this one. Watch- A massive earthquake hits the state of California, and off the west coast the Big One they will call it.
My children in the area in those areas do not fear put the blood and it will not affect you because I the Lord will protect you, and I will protect your properties, your neighbors all will ask how can this be ? Around you is destroyed and nothing affected your property.
You will respond It’s God, the creator of Heaven and Earth He protected me and he is my Father and he can be yours too, with Satan meant for destruction.
I the Lord will turn it for your good on your behalf. Your enemies want so much calamity and chaos to stop what was about to take place, they are seeing my writing, that I put on the walls, on their walls, with these words. Now this was all bold and in cat walks it was all capitalized. You are finished, your plans are finished and your judgment is here. That’s what God has written on their walls.
I’m going to read that again. You are finished your plans are finished and your judgment is here.
Well, this is another one keep watching. The weather will continue to be erratic over the next couple months, snow blizzards, ice storms tornadoes in places that they should not be.
You don’t see things like this in this area They will say its intensifying. Now my children to get the world’s attention I have said this over and over for my children to believe, my prophets.
I have unusual sightings unusual weather to show my children, what my prophets are saying are true. Do you get to believe my will and my plans on this earth so you don’t miss out on what I have in store for each and every one of you glorious magnificent blessings I will give the ones that stand on my side and choose to believe me beyond what you see.
And here’s another one to be looking for. In the news okay you’re hearing this today January 20th of 2022.
Watch the Ring of Fire it will keep making the news and headlines. Watch as you see this and hear this.
Change your course of action if you are not standing with me and my children, who are getting stronger and more and more unbelievable for some to handle. These things have to shake this earth, to shake all the shackles and the chains that are left on my children.
Move forward with me and march to your Victories.
Now listen plagues came down and became more and more harsh on Egypt before they would let my people go, you are seeing that and experiencing it.
Now I just went over all that with those prophecies being fulfilled the Angel of Death will hit the enemies for the final blow.
There will be some left alive and they will say just have it all I don’t care as long as you let me live.
Much of your enemies are about to come to a breaking point, that all and I mean all, will be let loose that was yours and it will be given back to you.
These are your days so do not fear what is coming upon this earth.
This is judgment for them to let my people go.
You have my name and my blood and you have me as your protector, so stand with me the most high God I will not leave you, nor forsake you.
You cannot be defeated when you are with me. Remove all your fear in a lot in your lives and replace it with my words that will bring faith in me these are your days of retroactive restorations for your freedom ,and everything that belongs to you will be yours. So stand and rejoice. These are the days you have been praying for.
Sayeth the Lord of Hosts End message
Prophecies fulfilled discussion first part coming here ASAP.
Good Morning everybody today is Thursday January 20th
of 2022. Thank you all for joining today there’s this is gonna be a great show and I know if you guys are upset today if you guys have been really depressed or ups uh just been really weary I promise you will not be by the end of this show, because not only am I going to give you a prophetic word for today, but I have multiple screens open and I hope that i’m doing it in the right way, because I have so much going on with prophecies being fulfilled I want to get to several of them today, because I know
a lot of people say well all these prophecies but nothing is happening. it’s like oh no there is so much happening and I want to be able to prove to you that not only have I been giving you these all these prophetic words but God has been fulfilling these prophetic words for so many months
and just want to encourage you today because you guys know that is my heart. My heart is to encourage you my heart is to get you guys up and of course my heart is to get you guys to understand what God is saying is true and to believe his prophets, because God cannot lie so before I get to all these prophecies fulfilled as we’re waiting for all these people to jump on this morning. I want to give everybody hello and God bless you all the people that are watching this morning let me know where you’re watching for oh I see already uh Ontario uh and let’s see here a Robert is from London Ontario so God bless you Deborah
from Southern California uh Hi Natasha she is one of my
moderators and she’s a dear friend of mine and she’s my personal assistant I love her so much Faustino thank you it’s another moderator God bless you I see Nathan on here HI Nathan God bless you I know I saw Valerie
with Valerie and James are out of new york city you guys know you’ve seen them on the show here James and Julie in the morning I have Oklahoma Illinois oh there’s somebody from Iowa Washington state Florida Oregon Fort Myers Florida God bless you Idaho there’s a lot of people from chicago there are a few from Maryland California California be watching because there is a prophetic
word for you today and when I give out this prophetic word again anybody who’s in California do not be afraid of this word God is not only giving a prophetic word is giving us warnings about what’s going to happen but it gives us an answer to it so California be watching out today because God does have a prophetic word for your
state so there’s Ohio Montana God bless everyone who’s on your Texas God bless Texas South Carolina Virginia
MississippI I love I just want to let you guys know oh it’s Pennsylvania hello Pennsylvania um I love you guys you guys know that I love each and every one of you and oh there’s Kentucky Hi Kentucky and of course Staten Island New York I know several people from Staten Island
hI Patty and Linda uh let’s see here Vicky from Rhode island God bless you Rhode island I think you guys were one of the last states that we’re watching on this channel uh we were just getting all the 50 states so God bless you God bless you
um let’s say Poland wow God bless you Poland
um I know I saw somebody from Canada earlier God bless you and don’t forget and should be reminding yourself
every single day Mod’s moving in Canada as well
hello Julianne Williams from the UK
um there’s more Canada gov you guys God
bless you in New Mexico
So again there’s a powerful show today that I have for you
uh many prophetic words again I don’t even have time to give you all the prophecies being fulfilled, because
there’s just so many of them. So right now I’m just going to give you guys a few just to get you guys this encouragement up that what God is saying he’s actually
doing so I’m going to start here and of course i’m going to get to uh let’s see here what prophetic word do I have on for today I think that the End of your Enemies or something like that, so I’ll get to that prophetic word too I do have that window open somewhere here but I
just wanted to give you guys these prophetic um
these um prophecies being fulfilled first, and
then i’ll get to the prophecy for today.
so what do you guys want to hear first
I have CNNn
I have Fauci
There is some news about Biden of course
There’s also the weather so I have many things going on today and I shouldn’t have just done all this for today and we’ll see what we can get um so we’ll see what we can get through but anyway I’m going to start with because i
have this already open
This is CNN okay you guys have known the fall of CNN for many many months now especially the last couple months what happened with Chris Cuomo and of course I just seen and i’ll have that um headline up here somewhere, if i
know how to share my screen, um about their ratings fall I guess they’ve fallen from 90 from last year well Laura’s been speaking to me about CNN for a very very long time
and I have so many other prophetic words I don’t even have typed on the computer yet um getting caught up from all of last year. Remember I hear one every single day so it’s really hard to get caught up by typing all of them on here too but this is from this is a prophetic word that I heard called the Winds of Change are coming this is from
September 24th of 2021. Again you can look this up if
it’s not here on youtube it’s gonna be on my Rumble it’ll be on my um Odyssey it’ll also be on Telegram okay from September 24th of 2021 and this was called Winds of change are Coming. All right this was the first one that I could find backing up I haven’t gone back further from September I didn’t have that kind of time this last couple days I spent on this so
he says Oh CNN you are finished for the lies that you
have told, for the facts that you are continually hiding
from my nation and the world, for you are controlling the lies that you are spreading,will come to light
There will be in the coming days will be a death blow to your network. Yes a blow that will crumble your
Plans, the distractions you cause and the fear that you have spread you are done you are finished saith the lord again-
that’s CNN from September 24th of 2021 and you know since September it has been massive falls of CNN Chris Cuomo I think that happened in December and that was a
huge –I don’t know if that was what God was talking about the death blow I would consider that a death blow because not only did they have to say what he was doing when he was hiding all that stuff regarding his brother Andrew so they know that he was hiding things from the
network that he’s been lying continuous the whole entire time and they end up having to fire him I think he was fired on December 5th I know I have those tabs open somewhere here so I want to read over another one
I have like I said I have so many of these open right now so give me some time.
I think I have about 15 or 20 maybe 25 prophetic words open at this time so um I want to get all of them to you here so give me some time all right so here here
is a headline that I just found from January 12th
on CNN
this is from- I think new the New York post yeah New
York post the scandal ridden CNN sees the ratings dive by 90pc after their 2021 coverage so that is just one headline
for you now I also want to get to other prophetic words on them. So here we go let me get another one open for you
if I can find it hold on give me some time, I knew I should have had this more organized here on my screens here
because there’s just so many of them okay now I’ve lost some of my ones from CNN because I have so many open
OK ?
Here we go here’s another one I knew I’d find it
thank you all for your patience all right now this is December 2nd now again this is before Chris Cuomo and his fall, total fall,
This one is called the Great Reset of the New so this is more on CNN from December 2nd of 2021 the
great reset of the new
More people are being exposed CNN come down to the ground as your structure and foundation is crumbling under your feet nothing can save you nor anyone that
worked at the network I have said be removed and fall in the Fall your numbers will continue to crash
and I just read you that article okay this was December 2nd in this article that the New York Post had was from
January 12th of 2022 talking about the 90pc dive in their ratings
He says your fault your numbers will continue to crash bankrupt breakup you will hear and a shutting of your doors bankrupt you will hear in a shutting of your doors these lights will be turned off and they’ll never be back on for you
I am boarding up those doors never to
allow you back in CNN you are finished but you are
definitely not the only one I am coming for every network and every mouthpiece from hell that poured out the deception and lies throughout my earth. Judgment is
coming for you. You lied you deceived you killed you stole and everything has been done by any of you will all be undone by me Saith the Lord of hosts
So again that is from December 2nd now let me- I don’t even know how I’m going to show screens because this there’s so many screens I have up I don’t want to mess this up so-
let me see there’s more, there’s another one here somewhere because you guys know once you’ve been
following me I have many many many um
many prophecies on CNN but those are the two right now that I am finding because I got so many of these open I wish I had somebody just controlling all my screens right now, anyway okay so that is CNN all right if I find the
other ones as I close some of these other windows I will give them more to you all right –
So again from December 2nd I gave you from the Great Reset of the New they talked about their numbers falling
and then you have a 90pc drop of their viewership so there’s CNN and I don’t want to waste any more time on them because you know you guys all can see them falling so
All right now here this is a fun one
Fauchy now I’ve had a lot on Fauchy too.
Now God’s been calling people specifically out by name
and this one is from, oh man I feel some of these windows
open here – hold on here it is- it was this one here it is
This is back This is called the Word of the Lord Red TsunamI breaking through the blue okay ?
This was from September 16th of 2021 you guys will also be able to find that here on my youtube pages go to the videos it’s going all the way down, back in the beginning of this channel, um is worth the Lord Red TsunamI Breaking of the Blue. That way I’m just proving to you guys because I can’t open up all these screens here on here to share with you, but you guys can.
See the video for yourself now I’m going to read a couple of things about Fauchi, and then I’m going to give you the one headline for sure that I know, um that God is
I’ll tell you this is exciting God is giving us the News before the News how exciting is that ! I was going through all this. this it takes a long time to look over all these articles and then go back and look through all these prophecies, but as I was looking through these prophecies —
Guys I was so rejuvenated even though I was already
excited before. I was just like Lord how awesome are you ? You’re giving the prophetic words before we’re even seeing the headlines how awesome is our God
God is awesome with me. God you’re awesome okay so this is from September 16th all right again you’re the word of the Lord Red tsunami breaking through the Blue Faction, your days are numbered in your position just like others your hands are dripping with blood for the decisions that you have made, the lies you told all will see what you have done justice is finding you now and there is nowhere to hide from it. Your dark plan with the Red Dragon
now listen, the dark plane with the red dragon, all of you guys know who the Red Dragon is if you guys don’t know the Red Dragon is China and there’s a news article that just came up about FaucI and China and the size of China so Jesus is finding you now and there’s nowhere to hide from it you’re dark playing with the Red Dragon or China
oh yes covert operations I have put into place people you thought you could trust I put them there FaucI do you hear it snap goes the trap, for you are stuck and there is no way to escape your time is near and the end is
now. So enjoy your time in the spotlight
because soon it’ll be lights out for you for all
eternity so that was just one of the prophecies about Fauci and China.
So I know I just gave you guys one just the other day
but I wanted to show you guys this came out way before these news articles have okay so here is another one
regarding him I gotta get that window open I have so
many like I said before okay ?
Where’d it go ?
Sorry guys
I got it I promised you it’s in Red I put it in red. There we go this is from, this is called the End Game
okay this is our Fauci this is the End Game.
This prophecy came out on October 19th of 2021 okay so October 20 uh October 19th of 2021 this is about
Fauci again um
FaucI you’ll be stripped of any dignity that was given to you. Death shall find you, the death that you cause,
their blood is on your hands and you shall come down from your power, stripped of your finance,s stripped of your
reputation, and the rat you are will be completely exposed and your end game shall befall you ,and I just gave
you guys one again just the other day, it was my last one
I think was maybe yesterday’s yeah it
was on yesterday’s
and you talked about his again his connections with china um I don’t know if this is going to be able to show up
on my screen ,I try to get it to show up as I practice this this is from Breit Bart and I know breit Bart is a very
trustworthy um company and Breit Bart had this again
revealed Anthony FaucI reported 10.4 million dollar
2020 investment portfolio included china companies
so I heard this word in September and another word in October then again I heard another one just a few days ago even though I gave it uh yesterday but actually heard it days before that and this is saying Anthony Fauci’s
reported 10.4 million dollar 2020 investment portfolio included china companies again God is giving us the News Before the News.
Get excited everybody because everything that we’ve been waiting for, all these prophecies that we have been hearing are finally now coming to pass and this isn’t the time of Removals and Reversals now God’s been talking about a lot of removals and reversals and what are we seeing ? the Reverse on Mandates we’re seeing reversal of the mandates not only in this country hallelujah the Supreme Court guys been giving prophecies on the supreme court and I didn’t have time to find those either
but God has given us prophecies on the Supreme court the Supreme Court is finally going to get more bold and
they’re probably gonna start turning more on what is going on. You can see just a few days ago, they turned on a
four. I think Biden had four huge hits from the Supreme Court about the mayonnaise and the reversals again. Time
of the turnarounds, time of reversals the time of things that are being going, and back we are getting our freedoms back , so any of you that have been discouraged about what has been going on, you’re gonna start seeing more and more and more are coming to pass now.
I want to get something more to you here.
Again I have so many um
i’m gonna do about the weather okay I
Have heard so many prophetic words regarding weather and though so many prophecies are being fulfilled now one of the first ones I heard was back Your Days of Victory this is from October 7th of 2021.
Again you can go back to the videos and look that I’m not making these days up this is what there was I heard it on
that date but the video is called Your Days of Victory.
Now he talks about hearing this word volcanoes. Watch as more will erupt, and we’ve seen a lot of volcanoes erupting, and one of those volcanoes that we just
saw was uh regarding California. God’s
been talking about tornadoes, volcanoes , he’s been talking about tsunamis, he’s been talking all about all
of these things unusual weather patterns. I don’t have
to go through all these articles. I will go through a couple but I don’t have to mention all these articles about weather patterns and weather changing of weather
patterns because I know you guys have known experience for yourself. I was just down in Nashville the last week or most of December but the last week of December for sure and we had 70 degrees all week long. all of a sudden it went from 70 degrees, the next day it was sleeting and then it turned into snow and I know that Nashville had like nine inches of snow in jjust January alone.
So that’s unusual I know for Nashville and if you guys are from Tennessee or anywhere down there let me know and I know even over the weekend there was snow in Georgia there was also snow in a lot of the east coast um
uh let’s see like North Carolina South Carolina and all those and then Virginia and stuff like that and then in the same day on the same time on uh Sunday in Fort Myers Florida there was uh tornadoes I mean this is crazy weather and again God gave me this um
a long time ago, about a lot of this weather patterns changing and he was talking about how it was going to be unusual so I’m going to get more of those up because that was just one little um tidbit of it again. I have a lot up I got
to find out which screen I had it on here okay
this is from January 12th so this was one of the most
recent ones but I’ll go back and I have more for you on later ones watch the winds as they blow, the winds will change direction in the news and they’ll say how strange and unusual the wind and the directions, and the weather
patterns, I have told you these things again my children that you can see that I have spoken the news before the news why to stir you up and to waking you out
of the unbelief that doubt and those blinders your adversary once had you in shake those shackles off today once and for all. And don’t ever take them back. So again winds of change and after that, was all that crazy weather just over the weekend I had of course I’ve heard this before all this stuff and I don’t pay attention I’m not
a weather forecaster I don’t pay attention to the weather I don’t pay attention to news articles I only get them as people give them to me and I’m I was seeing these okay so this was January 12th and we had all that crazy weather that just happened um over the course of this last weekend. So now I will get more on how long of weather
Okay ? So this was back on December 11th of 2021
December 11th of 2021 this one’s called My Days of Vengeance, that’s what the prophetic word is called
and um this is what he said about this- Watch
the wind and the waves on the seashore, watch how the winds are changing in some places and the waves are raging and slamming into the shore watch the wind I am moving and changing weather patterns unusual things will
happen with the weather and it will be known and more people will ask what is going on with the weather, the weather is changing and it is not normal that night
um as I heard that one that night I actually went back and I looked that was when Kentucky Tennessee and a whole
bunch of other states um somebody just said there’s Snow in the Sahara Desert okay I did not know that God bless you I did not I did not know that . Wow that’s awesome
okay, anyway, so that morning I heard I usually hear words about uh five o’clock five thirty in the morning
I get up around four and o’clock in the morning I start usually hearing words you know around 4 35 o’clock and it was that night there was an uh that tornado outbreak um in Alabama Kentucky Tennessee and if I’m forgetting another state uh please forgive me but I know that was a mess. We even had tornadoes here in iowa about a week later which again we don’t know even though we’re in
the midwest our tornado season is usually uh like April through July, you know in there somewhere we don’t have
tornadoes in December so I heard this and then it was right that night that was prophecies fulfilled even that night and then a week later around that was also more in the state of Iowa which again is a completely completely unheard of to have Iowa weather like that we don’t have tornadoes we had unusual weather um we had warm
weather and we barely had any snow in the summer which is it completely weird for Iowa I remember even the year I got married which was in 2000 and we had like 32 inches of snow it was a record though we had 32 inches of snow just in December alone and so to have barely just anything but a trace of snow in december for Iowa is completely weird so that’s another one um here is let’s see here which one is this okay ?
This is from January 7th this is again regarding weather
this prophetic word is called These are Biblical Tmes.
Bitter cold will strike the heartland of America this is another sign of your enemy’s demise unusual weather I have told you and i’m showing you and telling you this is not normal times, These are Biblical Times and the more of me moving my hand across this land and it will be great I’m getting my body to wake up before the clock strikes 12 on your enemies so you will stand and be perfected by me during these times of your enemies total demise now listen to this
Meteor showers earthquakes volcanic eruptions tsunamis typhoons hurricanes Yes, unusual weather patterns along with the snow blizzards in unusual places, my children will not fear but will know that I am God and warned of some of these phenomena before they came to pass, is shaking and awakening my children so that they would have their focus on ME and not the lies of the enemy, now listen to that. That was the seventh of this month the seventh and I noticed over the weekend again Nashville and the southern states got hit with another blizzard snow and accumulating snow that’s completely 100 percent unusual for that area and again I am not um always reading the chat so if I’m missing somebody that’s talking about unusual weather. Please forgive me but if you guys can attest there is unusual weather he’s been talking about that I just showed it to you I just proved it to you said September in October of the last year before this season even hit he was talking about this and one thing he talked about this was the seventh this was before that tsunami hit California and I know there’s been typhoons over um in the east but he said unusual weather patterns volcanic eruptions tsunamis but he mentioned meteor showers now that is something that’s strange – Now I was going through and I have a home page on my youtube page and there’s this lady named Mary Greeley um and I’m not watching your videos right now because I try not to watch anything regarding um a lot of weather or anything that would um interfere with prophetic words. I had to turn off a lot of the prophets in this last month so I’m not you know when I hear other people say hey that person said that again it’s just confirmation to me it’s confirmation to you we’re on the same page, but Mary Greeley was just talking about the other day. Let me get this open more um oh another Yellowstone she has Yellowstone 11 hours ago and got she’s talking about Yellowstone. So watch it
here. This is her article . Be prepared now. Yellowstone uh super volcano and I just had Yellowstone the other day. Again he’s been giving me Yellowstone since um uh probably May or June of uh 2021. But there was one uh I was just going through my homepage on youtube and I saw this and it was extremely odd, um let me get it back open here. Thank you guys for being patient with me when I have to stop.
Meteor shower at Yellowstone that’s the headline of her news article a meteor shower at Yellowstone Old Faithful that was from eight days ago and that word that I heard was from um the seventh so that was 13 days ago so again more prophecies being fulfilled hallelujah I’m excited again.
Meteor Shower At Yellowstone Old Faithful, What Do You Think?
1 min 48 Very fleeting white flash daytime. Surprising anyone noticed. IMHO Mr G will provide something more definite more substantial – a night time display. https://home.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm
Julie continues- I’m going through these and I’m going, I can’t wait to give these guys all this information – uh to you but I also want you to read or read something to you about weather patterns okay ? He said not only we’re noticing the weather patterns and I’m just giving you all these prophetic words he’s been talking about and I know I got more, but I just one person trying to fight all this stuff this last couple days so I know I’ve missed something especially when I’m hearing them so often, but I gave you guys enough of a foundation to know this is what God’s been saying for the last four months, and this is the prophecies I’ve been giving you and this is being fulfilled.
Now this is from January 9th again two days after one of the last ones I just given to you.
Weather 2022 new anomalies are growing in the atmosphere and the oceans that will change the weather patterns as we head deeper in to the year now.
I heard these prophecies several months ago and one two days before this news article came out about the weather
Patterns as we had deeper they talked and they were also talking about the ocean now remember in this one I just given to you from the seventh was talking about the wind
and the waves and the waves hitting the seashore and that was also talking about the oceans so again isn’t God good and people say well nothing’s happening
I just gave you CNN prophecies from the last four almost five months of CNN and their demise and you can see that I just gave you Fauchy and I’m giving you the weather okay ? And I also have some I don’t know if I’m gonna get to them today because it’s already I’m already halfway done usually with my normal live, my live show, so I might just spend more time and give this to you guys in another date so I can give you guys the new uh prophecy today somebody just said there was an Earthquake near Yellowstone overnight Yeah again God’s been talking about Yellowstone and those you guys have
known me, I’ve been talking about Yellowstone for about six to seven months Watch Yellowstone now even though there was only a 2.8 or whatever, just watch because there’s been a lot of earthquake swarms near Yellowstone, but watch because there’s going to be something more significant um right now somebody has negative 20 degrees weather in Minnesota warnings this morning yes I woke up this morning in the lovely state of Iowa it was negative two for the temperature and that was not even the wind chill so yeah that’s why I would love to move south and get out of Iowa I will winter I am not a winter related person but anyway I don’t want to get any more editing of that because I’ve given you guys a lot of prophecies being fulfilled right here and I’m going to keep continuing to give you more okay as God wills it, but again this I my fire was already lit, and it was already big but I I’m telling you I just got bigger this morning I’m like—God, you say it – you’re giving us the news before the news, and that’s exactly what you’ve been doing over the course of the last several months so if you didn’t think God was saying anything, and all these prophetic words were just fake, and that you know prophets are just saying this stuff to make themselves feel better or make everybody else feel better NO.
God said it and we should believe it hallelujah
God’s been saying this stuff, so all right now I’m gonna shut some of these windows, so that way I can have more of an Organization on all my screens here but you guys know again I we’ve talked about the snowstorms I’m not gonna go through all those um a Toronto outbreak, that happened in December again, that’s what it’s all just talked about. Here is I think another one um from January 6 I haven’t given this one to you, yet.
This is another one regarding the weather- continue to watch the weather is unusual weather patterns hit the earth this is to get your attention on ME this was a six so this was the day before the one I just had given you, which was on the seventh, so why is he giving us this, all this why would he care about the weather he cares about the weather to Get Our Attention he’s saying on this word was from the year of 2022 the Year of Vengeance
So uh 2022 the year of vengeance I heard this one on the six that’s probably not when I gave it on um youtube but because I hear them, and then sometimes, it’s like three four or five days afterwards um but this was the sixth when I heard it and I can prove it um to you and it said continue to watch the weather it’s unusual weather patterns hit the earth this to get your attention on me on these and not only these things these are signs I’m giving you to keep your faith and your trust in me that I am in control not your enemies so the reason why God is giving us this stuff regarding the weather is to know that he is in control and not our enemies. Because if you notice the plagues, the plagues of Egypt affected the weather one of the plagues of Egypt was hail that was turned into fire so as you see these things know that God is saying Hey get your attention off your enemies get your attention on ME.
Even though it’s weather and something simple to look at but God was giving us these things months in advance so hallelujah that is awesome um somebody just said they have that earthquake avid eye opening of the earthquakes happening worldwide see and I’m not even passionate at that iIm only listening to um what God is saying but God was talking about the tsunamis he was talking about the typhoons he was talking about the earthquakes and again we had one just over last weekend when it happened to California and it was not only it was an earthquake it was an underground earthquake under the ocean floor and that’s what sparked the tsunamis so that was again prophecy being fulfilled what happened in California and the prophetic word I’m going to give today as long as I can find it here. Um oh here’s another one another prophecy being fulfilled I had about the weather patterns from the Fall of the Bidens from December 12th of 2021 watch the weather changes and the patterns and the winds shift so again that was another one so I told you I had plenty of them let me get out the one I want to give to today I had stuff on Kamala I had I had stuff on Biden okay ?
I got to get out the one that I want to give to you guys today called I’m just going to open up a new page. I have too many open still.
Hold on guys I’m almost there I have a lot of information to give you guys and I think it’s awesome to have a lot of Information. It’s good it’s good to be this busy doing this much stuff because that means something’s going on all right your Enemies are Finished.
That’s what I’m gonna give to you guys today. Your Enemies are Finished
I’m going to close out all this other ones so I don’t have any lagging all right this is awesome that was almost 40
Minutes of prophecies being fulfilled and I wasn’t planning on taking that one so Hallelujah okay
Now this was from the 17th again, I hear these before I give them you guys know that I always say the date
um and then I say also the day when I get when I when I say it here on youtube. Always give you that’s why you guys have
both. Top of page is the daily Word from Mr G.

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