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Skip intro scroll down to red text Good morning everybody. As you can see it’s still Tuesday, September 20 of 2022. You will see this on Wednesday, September 21 and the reason for that is because I will be going out of town again this weekend. I will be part of the prayer breakfast here in the quiet cities. If you need more information, you can go to the link in the description box below or you can go to our website underneath our events page. In the same day, September 24, we are flying to Pennsylvania and we’ll be part of the Patriots rise event that night and the following weekend will be a part of the glory in America in Clearmont, Florida. Any of these events that you want more information on, again, please go to our website@jgminternational.org under our events page and you will see us on Wednesday. So Wednesday at 01:00 p.m. Central time, I will be on with his glory. Take five. And Pastor David Scarlett. Now, I know most of you guys love that show, I know we love doing that show because of all the confirmations that God gives. So do not miss that show and I will have all the links in the description box so you can watch it and be a part of that. And if you can’t watch it live again, you can always watch it after the fact and it blesses us and I know it blesses so many of you. So don’t miss that show. Also tomorrow on my show again, it’ll be Thursday for you, I’ll be on this channel, julie Green Ministries with Clay Clark and Cash Patel. If anything changes, I will make sure that I will make another short video for you for a quick update and let you know more of that information. So I’ll be prerecording a lot again this week because I’ve heard a lot of prophetic words already and so you will have those in a timely manner. So when I’m gone, you still have the prophetic words in all the shows I was on over the weekend. And of course being a part of the rewake in America tour, I’ll try to actually download those and then upload them for you so you can see the shows that I was previously on. All right, I think that’s all the information, announcements I have for today. And here is the prophetic word. And also if you have any prayer requests or appraiser reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page or you can write, I sent Juliegreenministries 52722.
Okay, so this prophetic word is called, The Release of the Eagle has Begun. I heard this prophetic word on September 16, so just a few days ago. All right,
For I the Lord this day, I’m telling my children to declare victory. Shout it out as loud as you can. Each and every day I have the victory in Jesus name against any form of attack and I have the favor of God that goes before me that opens up doors that no man can shut. I will not quit. I will not be defeated. The battle is the Lord’s and he has conquered the enemies before me. These are my days to thrive, not survive. These are my days to live in perfect health and supernatural youth. Yes, these are the days of the supernatural. And I believe I receive the glory of God without measure. Say it and declare it this each day. My children, these are your marching orders to declare this day Sayeth the Lord Your Redeemer
Amherst, I say the name again will be in your news. And soon you will see why it was important for me to mention this name again, sayeth the Lord.
Inadequate. This word will be in your news to describe many people in your fraudulent government O United States They are about to be removed by me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Anheiser Bush. This name and company will be in your news. Explosive exposures are coming from many major corporations that have hid many things in plain sight from you O United States. Many dark secrets and many dirty deals are going to come out because a whistleblower is coming forward with the truth that will cause this company to fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.
Sinclair. This name will also be in your news. Secrets will continue to be revealed. Nova Scotia will be in your news. I have warned you, O United States the big one is coming. And yes, an earthquake that will rock this nation and there will be an eruption of a volcano at the same time. Do not fear this. This is the signal. A great change has begun and a government is about to take a fall. And no one could have seen it take place this way because my ways are greater than man’s ways Saith the Lord. Desperation is growing in this fraudulent government and you will see it. It will become more obvious in these days. You will see it on live TV. You will see it on the news. You will see it in interviews. You will see it in so many ways on the side and left. Because their days of power are coming to an end and their expiration date is drawing near. So watch as they shake. Watch as they tremble. Watch as they continue to make big mistakes that will not be able to be covered up. It’s time for the curtains to be pulled back on the puppet show. It is time for the release of MY eagle Saith the Lord of Hosts.
Anguish. This word will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Jimmy Carter, I say again, is about to pass away and many more will follow. The days of darkness over DC will be visible to this nation. This capital is not yours. It was theirs. The Luciferians put it there on that spot on purpose. That land was given to Lucifer by his followers. Many sacrifices have taken place over many years, Baal worship. Yes, many satanic rituals have continuously been done on those grounds. You will know without a shadow of a doubt you would say that Washington DC was never supposed to be your capital. Judgments are about to rain down on that place. Like in the days of the original Exodus against the Pharaoh. Yes. These pharaohs will experience the same realization that I am the one true God and I am in control. They lose and I win every time, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Endorsements. This word will be in your news. For surprising reason, another ring is about to be exposed. A pedophilia ring. All the big names are about to be released. And Epstein’s secret island will be secret no more. Every crime committed, along with every individual who visited there will be exposed. The list is coming, and it will not be redacted. Impeachment and removal and indictments are about to grow with intensity. Arrests will be continued to happen. But now they’ll be done in public instead of in secret.
Crush the snake. This phrase will be in your news. A real snake will be revealed as someone who has betrayed to be on the right and they were really on the left. A treasonous snake. People will scream and shout and he will be forced out of power, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Something big is about to happen in DC that will start an avalanche of catastrophes for this fraudulent government. Watch the skies in this area because more signs will be seen and you will know of their coming destruction.
Adverse side effects. It will be in your news. These exposures will continue to pour out what they really had in those vaccines that was meant to destroy the population.
But my children who took it, I will reverse it. So do not fear. I am your healer, saith the Lord.
The storm is not coming. It’s here. Brace for impact of a spiritual storm that will destroy your enemy’s power. The storm is great and its power will not be denied. Watch them all fall. This is a season for a Great Fall. Biden will fall again and it will signal his final fall and removal from his position of power. He is fake. And he is more fake than you realized, you say Lord? How is that possible? You will soon see, my children, when I mean what I mean by this.
The Great Fall and fall is here. And it wasn’t for the past. It is for now. O America the beautiful, you have been betrayed, stolen and infiltrated. But I am the one who has anointed your land. And no matter what has taken place in this land, I have honored the prayers of millions and I will cleanse this nation once again. You will be beautiful. As beautiful as you can be. So, my children, be prepared for this shaking because a great shaking is coming and it will be released. You will be released from their power. So stand your ground and your guard, your mouths. Say my words and none else, for I, the Lord, oppose them here to avenge, and it will set you completely free. Believe me, and not your enemy. Their time of removal is here, and your time of great celebrations are about to begin, Saith the Lord, Your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary And again, I want to say this. When God mentions a specific name, a word or a particular place or a particular person, the more he mentions it in a quicker period of time, the more it’s coming to pass. And we’ve seen that a lot in the recent months, in the recent weeks, with prophecies that are being fulfilled more now than any time in history. God is giving more than prophetic and prophecies. Yes. And the reason why he’s doing that is because of the escalation of this time. And the time that we’re living in is such a great time. It’s a time of great intensity. It’s a time of great shaking. It’s a time of great removal. It’s a time of the great accident. And that’s the reason for the more of the prophetic words that we are hearing today, what are they doing? They’re bringing truth, but they’re bringing freedom. They’re bringing encouragement into the body of Christ. And I’ve heard with so many people that I’ve met over the course of several months that I have been traveling all over this country. So many people saying. I have found my faith in trust in God again. Or some of you for the first time. God is bringing these words to letting you know who you are in Christ Jesus. Not who the world has said that you are. You’re supposed to believe and receive what Jesus has already done for you, not believe the report of your enemy. One of the things he said in this last paragraph so stand your ground and guard your mouth. Say my words and none else. Fry the Lord of Host, it’s here to avenge, and it will set you completely free. Remember, it says in his words so many times by our words we are justified, by our words we condemn. That’s in Matthew you can also find that in mark. He said, by our words we are justified, by our words we condemn. Yes, but we are also snared by the words of our mouth. Jesus even said that we will ot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of our mouth, we are the body of Christ Jesus the head. We are the body. We need to speak the words that God speaks. God tells us the words to speak. That’s why he gave us the Holy Ghost that lives on the inside of us. He’s our comfort. He is the way maker. He is also the One that leads us in the guise, in the right direction, and where we should go. He leads us around those obstacles. He leads us around destruction. He gives us a wisdom so we are not a part of any type of destruction. And what Satan wants us to slip and fall, the Holy Ghost on the inside of us tell us what to do, what not to do, where to go, where not to go, that we’re always in the right place at the right time. Jesus even told the disciples that he was a descendant comforter. It was even greater because he was going to the Father. The comforter is the Holy Spirit. And remember, God knows then from the beginning, and when we read His Word and we had the Holy Ghost on the inside of us, he gives us enlightenment on the scriptures. He gives us the news before the news. That’s what these prophecies are, to encourage each and every one of us to show us that he is in control and our enemies are not. He gives us these and we’re seeing these coming to pass so quickly that it’s like, Lord, thank you for giving us these words. Thank you for giving us this fresh manna from heaven. It is a blessing to receive these on a daily basis. Now it says he will avenge us and set us completely free. Believe me and not your enemy. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy. He says their time of removal is here and your time of great celebrations are about to begin. Something that he said up there in this other paragraph. Oh, America beautiful, you have been betrayed, stolen and infiltrated. But I am the one who is anointed your land. And no matter what has taken place in this land, I honor the prayers of millions and I will cleanse this nation once again. And you’ll be beautiful, as beautiful as you can be. So my children, be prepared for this shaking, because a great shaking is coming and it will be released from their power. We are being released from the power of the enemy. And he’s saying we have been infiltrated in this country. We have been betrayed. This country has been stolen. But God is saying he’s cleansing it. And it’s like that word the scripture says in two Chronicles 714, when we pray, we humble ourselves and pray and we seek God. He will heal our land. Now, of course, I’m paraphrasing that, but he will heal our land. Millions and millions of people all around the world have prayed not only for this nation, but for their own. God is saying he’s honoring the prayers of people. Since when is God not going to honor his own words? He said his word is not returning him, ? boys, but old Thomas, lord, please and prosperous things which he sent it that’s in Isaiah 50 511. So we’re praying. We’re praying on our knees and humbling ourselves and asking God to heal our land. And he’s saying, I am healing your land. He also says it is where he’s going to return the captivity. So everything that has been these are the days of Hayman. So once has been again. What once was will be again, but to a greater grade. So when the land would happen with Hayman, when he wanted the Galows for Mordecai, it actually happened to him. He was actually held by the gallows that he meant for Mordecai. This is the same thing that’s happened to our enemies right now. God gave them time to repent. They chose not to repent. They keep going in the wicked ways, they keep digging in their feet, you would say. And he’s saying, the time of judgment is at hand. He said this grace shaking. And why does the grace shaking have to happen? For releasing of the chains that we have been in, the shackles and chains that we have been under. But also it’s shaking and waking the body of Christ to wake them up from their sleep, waking up for where they’ve been at lazy complacent. A lot of us have been to the point where we just lived our lives, however we were living our lives and we didn’t think anything else. But God is saying, no, too many things that’s happened are going unseen. That he wants a church to take back authority, to take back what is rightfully ours, to let us know and let the world know who is in control. God is the one who’s in control. God is in control. But we need to get in line with the word of God. We need to get in line with the Head. The Head and the Body are supposed to be one, but for the longest time, we haven’t been one with Almighty God. We haven’t been one with Christ. God’s saying, it is at times the great harvest of souls. We need to get in line with the Word of God. All right. Now the great Fall and fall is here. It wasn’t for the past, it is for now. Now, that is a huge statement in one little sentence. And what God is saying in this is that he talks about a Great Fall and Fall, and many people have talked about it in the past, but he’s saying it wasn’t for the past. It is for now. Many people thought that would be me in 2020. Many people thought that was going to be in 2021. And he’s saying, no, it’s happening in 2022. This is a season for the Great Fall. And why do I know that? Because he keeps talking about the great Exodus in the year 2020. He keeps talking about the rebirth of this nation. He keeps talking about bringing back our rightful President in the year 2020. And he said Julie, to say it’s, so bo. Yes, I can, because he keeps saying it. I’m not saying it. He’s saying it. And I think too many things, these prophetic words coming to pass. Why would I not believe him now? Of course I believe him. So great fall in the fall is here. It wasn’t for the path. It is for now. So great fall and fall. So watch it happen. And the more he’s saying it and he didn’t, it’s that escalation. It is that acceleration of the time that we’re living right now. He’s saying that Biden will fall again and will signal his final fall and removal from his supposed power. He’s fake, and he’s more fake than you realize. You said, lord, how is that possible? You will soon see, my children. What I mean by this, remember, he keeps calling him the Biden. He doesn’t call him Joe. And the reason why he doesn’t call him Joe is because you guys know who follow me that Joe Biden has already been punished or judged. Now you will see the Biden now fake he really was because he really wasn’t who he says he was. Okay, if that makes any sense to you. You will see that the proof, undeniable proof of who this person is and who has betrayed Joe Biden, who has been betraying him. And got to say, I know it sounds business conspiracy. No, they have devils. So watch and see who this person truly is and how fake he really is. Not only was Joe biden fake because he really didn’t win the election in 2020, but the person who’s betraying Joe is even a bigger fake or bigger imposter because he’s not even the person that he supposedly is. You could say double, triple imposter, whoever, however you want to say it, quadruple. He’s just a big imposter. And God saying he’s going to show how fake he truly is. Watch them all fall. This is a season for a great fall. So this is a season. We may not know the exact day. I don’t give dates. We may not know exact day, but we will know the season. And God saying, this is the season. The storm is not coming. It’s here. Brace for impact of a spiritual storm that will destroy your enemy’s power. The storm is great, and its power will not be denied. So again, a storm is not coming. It’s here. And you will start to see more things shake. You’ll start to see more things change. You’ll start to see more things, maybe get an intensity to the point where some people might get more and more uncomfortable. God is saying, focus on him. Just like when Peter was walking on the water, he was focused on Jesus, so he fell. Focus on Jesus so you don’t fall. You don’t grow weary. You don’t get in fear. You don’t get in doubt and unbelief. Focus on the Lord, not on man. Yes, we can pray and believe for our rightful president to come back, but we can’t keep our focus and trust in him. We got to keep our focus and trust on God because he’s the one who’s doing it. Even though we love our rifle president because he is the rifle one. But we can’t focus on Him and him alone. We have to focus on God because God is the one who’s doing it and God is one who’s anointed and appointed him to come back. Without God, things are impossible. With man, it’s impossible. With God. Nothing is possible. So again, adverse side effects will be in your news. These exposures will continue to pour out what they really had in those vaccines that was meant to destroy the population. But my children who took it, I will reverse it. And do not fear. I’m your healer, say the Lord. We’ve seen exposures of this vaccine so far already in these last weeks and months because people keep sending these to me. These are in for prophecy that are being fulfilled right now. Because he said they’re going to react. They’re going to say what was in them. They’re going to say that there’s more truth that’s being exposed about it and look at what’s going on. And God is saying these adverse side effects. So more side effects are going to keep being revealed about this vaccine. And because things are speeding up, prepare for it to be quicker and quicker than more release of what’s really going on in people’s bodies, what happened in the vaccine. But God is saying do not fear this because he will destroy the physical ailments and the physical side effects that you’ve been experiencing because he is your healer. You have to look to man to be your healer. God is your healer. Wash the skies in this area because more signs will be seen and you will know of their coming destruction. God keeps talking about washing the sea. This is the second one in two days that he has mentioned now of Washington DC. And washing the skies, watching what happens. He’s saying there’s a major storm that’s going to hit there. He said something big is about to happen in DC that will start an avalanche of catastrophes for this fraudulent government. So I have to look for just physical storms, but look for spiritual storms. So something big is about to happen in DC. I don’t think that is just like I said, I don’t think that’s just physical stuff to look for. Look for one exposure after another after another. Because God keeps talking about whistleblowers coming. He’s talked about the avalanche of truth. He’s talking about nuclear truth bombs. So something major is about to happen, he said, and watch it shake DC. A real snake will be revealed as someone who has betrayed to be on the right, was really on the left, a treasonous snake. People will scream and shot, will be forced out of power. He will be forced out of power. So look for a he then betrayed himself and that he was portraying himself, portray himself as a person on the right when he was really a person on the left. So he was not only portraying that he was this person, but he’s also betraying. So both poetrying and but train. All right. Crush the snake. This phrase will be in your news. Why? Because their person was a treasonous snake. A secret no more. Okay, sorry. Another ring is about to be exposed. A pedophilia ring. All the big names are about to be released. And Epstein’s secret island will be a secret no more. Say Epstein’s Island is not secret because it has been revealed. It has not been revealed. It all has been there. That has been a secret. And what God is saying is that it’ll be a secret no more. Every crime committed, along with every individual who visited there will be exposed. The list is coming and will not be redacted. So list has come out regarding who was all there, but of course, it’s been redacted to the public. So they kept trying to keep that secret and kind of saying, no, he’s going to unveil every single name and every single person in what they did. Impeachment and removals and indictments are about to grow with intensity. Arrests will continue to happen now. They’ll be done in public instead of secret. So arrests have been made in secret, but now he’s saying they’re going to be coming in public now. All right, endorsements. This world will be in your news for a surprising reason. Now, again, I want to go back to Epstein Island. I want to go back to every single person. These things are with a lot of government officials, a lot of people in Hollywood, a lot of big name people that you would never think of. Just think of it. A lot of big names you would never think of. And that’s why they’ve been redacted, because the deep state was covering it up or the one world government. And now it’s going to be exposed. All right? So all that’s coming crashing down and sooner than you think. Okay? The days of darkness over D. C. Will be visible to this nation that this capital is not yours. It was theirs. What do you mean by that? It was not God’s capital. It was their capital. It was the Luciferian’s capital. He said the Luciferians put it that on that spot on purpose. That land was given to Lucifer by his followers. Many sacrifice have taken place over many years. Baal worship. Yes. Many satanic rituals have continuously been done on those grounds. You will know without a shadow of a doubt, you would say that Washington, DC. Was never to be your capital. It was never supposed to be the capital of the United States of America. Judgments are about to rain down that place. Just like in the days of the original exodus against Pharaoh. Yes. These pharaohs will experience the same realization that I am the one true God. I’m in control. They lose, and I win every time, says Lord of Hosts. That’s why you’re going to start seeing more judgments hit DC in multiple different ways. Physical, spiritual, everything is about to hit DC. Jimmy Carter, I say again, is about to pass away. And more will follow. Anguish. This word will be in the news for a surprising reason. It’s time for the current to be pulled back on the puppet show. It’s time for the release of My Eagle, saith the Lord. Watch as they shake. Watch as they tremble. Watch as they continue to make big mistakes that will not be as we covered up. When you’re talking about the desperation is growing, this fraudulent government. You will see it. You’ll become more obvious in these days. You will see it on live TV. You will see it on the news. You will see it in interviews. You will see it in so many on the side of the left because their power excuse me, the days of power coming to an end and their expiration date is drawing near. They have an expiration date. Remember, God says in his word in two Corinthians 416 through 18, things which are seen are temporal. They’re fleeting and subject to change. The things which are unseen are eternal. So that’s why he’s saying they have an expiration date. Their time of power is coming to an end, is drawing to a close. That’s why you’re starting to see them trembling and shake. That’s why you’re also starting to see them falling apart on live TV. They’re starting to give themselves away. They’re starting to accidentally tell the truth. There are people who keep sending me things that people are not meaning to say on live TV. And God said that was going to happen. I mean, that’s just, again, not a fulfillment of prophecy. And now he’s saying, I have warned you all United States, the big one is coming. Yes, an eruption that will rock this nation. And there will be an eruption of an earthquake at the same time. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be big or small. There’s going to be an eruption of an earthquake, and there’s going to be an eruption of a volcano. Do not fear this, he said. This is a signaling and great changes begun, and the government is about to take a fall. And no one has seen it take place this way before because my ways are greater than man’s ways. So again, if you see an eruption in earthquake takes place, at the same time he’s saying this is an eruption and the destruction of the fraudulent government. That’s why you’re not supposed to fear it. Nova Scotia will be in your news. St. Claire, the same will also be in your news. Secrets will continue to be revealed. And then he says, anheuser bush. This is the second time or third time, I think he’s mentioned Anhyzer Bush. This company will be in the news. Explosive exposures are coming from major corporations that have hidden many things in plain. Sight from you or United States. Many dark secrets and many dirty deals are cut to come out because of whistleblowers that come forward with the truth that will cause this company to fall. So many companies that have been against this country, that have hid dirty deals and secrets, god is saying those companies, major corporations, will start being exposed. And again Anheuser Bush is one of them. And you will see more like them fall inadequate. This word will be in your news to describe many people in your fraudulent government or United States that are about to be removed by me. Say Florida host Amherst I say it again will be in your news and soon you will see why it’s so important for me to mention his name. And then this isn’t bold. I have a victory in Jesus name. This is what we’re supposed to declare every day. Decree and declare every day. I have the victory in Jesus name and again any form of attack again, sorry, I’ll say this again. I have a victory in Jesus name against any form of attack. And I have the favor of God that goes before me, that opens up doors with nomads and shot. I will not quit. I will not be defeated. The battle is the Lord and he has comic enemies before me. These are the days that thrive, not survive. These are the days that live in perfect health and supernatural youth. Yes, these are the days of supernatural. And I believe I receive the glory of God that measure Satan. Declare this every day, my children. These are your marketing orders to declare. So he is saying go back. We’ll have this on our website in a couple of days. So when you see it on our website, go back. It’s in bold, declarative things. He says declare them every day. Print it out if you have to. Read this every day. Declare it, believe it. Believe it. Say it until you believe it so you can receive it. He says, for the Lord this day I’m telling my children to declare victory. And shout it out as loud as you can, each and every day. Why is it so important? Because life and death are the power of our tongue. The more we declare victory, the more we will see it manifest in our life every single day. So stop saying what your enemy wants to say. Start saying what God wants you to say. These are your declarations. You’re supposed to say, these are your marching orders. God is giving it to us. They are speaking life. It’s speaking victory. It’s speaking defeat for enemy and speaking victory for you. And that’s what God has for you. Victory. In Jesus name, whoops I encourage you, I want to pray each and every one of you, heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name. We just want to praise and thank you for the battle of the Lord. The victory has already been won. We declare our victory in Jesus name, and we shut down our enemies right now. By the blood of Jesus, we declare to create every plot, plan and scheme of the enemy has to come down. Because in the name of Jesus and authority, we have in that name, and Jesus has already defeated our enemies. We thank you, Father God, the balance of yours and you have already won it. We thank and praise you, Father God, that you are on the inside of us. You are the greater one on the inside of us, that he is the in the world. We thank you that we have a greater revelation of who you are and that we are in you, Father God, in you and us. We thank you, Heavenly Father, that we will not be defeated and we will not quit. That we grow in your authority, that we grow in Your strength every single day. And we see through the eyes of victory, of faith. And no more are we doing things on our own ability, our own strength, because, Father God, it is yours. You are the one that has our victory. You are the one that gives us strength. You are the one that gives us healing. You are the one, father of God has defeated our enemies. And we thank you that we are your children. We thank you, Heavenly Father, that you have chose us, each and every one of us, for such a time as this. And we thank you that we will fulfill our assignments here on this earth. We thank you that you show us how important we are to the kingdom of Almighty God and for the great harvest of souls. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Now, each and every one of you are important in the body of Christ. No matter if you’re in the five fold ministry or not, you have been hand picked by Almighty God for this particular point in time. This is the time of change. This is the time of the great harvest of souls, and God has picked you in order to be partakers of it. So we should be shouting because our celebrations are coming and this year is almost coming to an end. So that means our victories are speeding up and they are at hand. So hope to encourage you today. Please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth. Because the truth sets you free. God loves you. I love you. Bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

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