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Good morning, everybody. Today is still actually Thursday, September 8 of 2022, and you will see this on Wednesday, September 14. And the reason for that is because we are out of town for the Reading Awakened America tour between the Washington and Idaho border. Now, we will be gone every weekend this month at a different event. And all those events you can find on our website@jgminternational.org under our events page, or you can also in the description box all the events. I think I have the website so you can look at. If not, you can go on our website and find them. That way you have these information. So you can either join us live or you can watch it. I hope you can, because all these things are so exciting right now, because there is a great awakening right now happening across this country and around the world. So don’t miss out and just go get that information if you want to join. All right. Now this prophetic word for today is the biden will be unmasked. And I heard this word actually just a few short hours ago. So I want to give this one out to you today. So it was September 8 for me. It will be Wednesday, September 14, for you. But before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website@jgmnternational.org under our contact page or you can write us at julie Greenministries, 1252 battle of Fiwa, 52722.
All right, the Biden will be Unmasked. And this is from again, just a few hours ago for me, September 8, but it’ll be several days for you.
For I the Lord this day and once again reminding my children that I am in control. And nothing you see against you or anyone controlling the world or standing against your freedoms will continue to be able to hold you back from what I’m about to do and the freedom that you are about to experience. Things that have been going on around the world, governments and world economies will begin to change dramatically because a shaking has begun and a shift has started to break their control over this world. An eruption of truth and whistleblowers has begun to open their mouth or have begun to open their mouths and started an avalanche of destruction against your enemies. Nothing can stop this momentum or even slow it down. An explosion, an eruption of multiple ways, a destruction that is annihilating everything you see against you. All right, then it says you are about to hear of a major volcanic eruption in a large earthquake. These things are yet another sign to my children that your enemies are coming down in this hour and so is their power and influence. I’m not allowing them to go much farther. They have fallen into one trap after another with no way of escape. Damage and destruction in the camp of the enemy is soon to be seen and it cannot be denied. There will be no denying the move of my hand against them. Sayeth the Lord Your Redeemer.
Tyrese. This name will be in your news.
Watch London. I say this again. Something significant is about to take place there.
Cowl or coal, this name will also be in your news. It’s K-O-W-A-L. All right, Sacramento. This location will be in your news for a significant reason. Watch as hurricanes begin to grow in strength and intensity. Things have been quiet, but not everything is intensifying the way your enemies had intended them to. They had planned to use the waters and hide things they were doing. But they can’t hide this any longer because I am stirring the waters in these locations to stop the next attack on you, O United States. Do not fear these storms. Use my authority against them. But they may not come near you or your dwelling places. You have power to speak to the storms as Jesus did. Get into my word and see what he said and get that Revelation knowledge on the inside of you. You do have power over these storms. In these days, especially when weather is coming and some violent storms will be seen. Your enemies are the ones that should be afraid, not you. Because this is the time of their judgment, saith the Lord of Hosts. Not all weather events are judgments. Some are manmade and will be exposed. Your enemies have used machines and technology to manipulate weather causing chaos and destruction and even death. Yes, this is true. And, yes, this type of technologies out there. My children, your enemies have been manipulating more things in this world you never thought were possible. But you soon will see the truth because there is proof of it all, saith the Lord.
Watch as you will see the Biden unmasked. Lord? What do you mean? How is this possible? My children, your enemies have lied for years and have had actors in places on multiple occasions but never as much as they’ve had to do with the Biden. He is a fake. He is a liar. He is an actor and an imposter in more ways than one. I will unmask him and the world will know, this was all an act in a fake, and a really bad clown show. Their props, their sets and all their fake backdrops and pristine lighting to hide things from the audience’s sight. Your enemies truly believe you were stupid enough to fall for their show. But they didn’t count on an awakening to shake up the world to see the truth. Get up, my children and call these impostors out of their places of power. It’s not theirs to have and it never was. Sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
Harris has had quite a time, but watch her next moves as they will be noticeable. She’s against the Biden and she is distincting herself from him more and more. A rift had started back when she had seen this imposter for herself. And then she realized she would never be president. She agreed to be vice president because she was promised the presidency. Knowing how frail Biden was, she was an easy shoe in for the presidency. She wouldn’t have to put up with him for very long. But now, seeing that Biden is an actor and they chose him over her, she is still furious and hasn’t gotten over it. And you will see her resist more and more and become unruly. It’s her sign to the globalists. She’s had enough of the Biden and they’d better do something about it or else. Watch the fall of them both, saith the Lord. There is so much more, my children, you are about to see on live TV and you never thought you ever would see it’s coming faster now. Their destruction and their demise will be celebrated worldwide Sayeth The Lord.
An ambassador will be in your news. John Kerry is about to take a fall. Explosive information they can no longer hide. And they don’t want to either. Watch as they let more and more people fall to save the big fish. You would say John Kerry is in his final days in a governmental position because it’s coming to an end. Sayeth The Lord. in
March is about to make major headlines. Pay attention to this location. An uprising has begun, and it will pick up steam around the world.
Astoria This name will be in your news.
A shark will be in your news. For an unusual reason. Again I tell you, my children. Watch the cargo ships. It’s all about to be exposed. Yes, I have spoken this before. Another one will get stuck, signaling the exposure of what is actually in those ships sitting out in the open water. It’s big, my children. And nothing can stop my hand from exposing at all. Sayeth The Lord.
A wave runner will be in the news. A large yacht will also be in the news. Argentina will be in the news. My children, the scenery of the United States is changing. The government is changing. And what you see now is all changing and changing to free this nation. The rest of this year, my children, watch as it all changes for you. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer.
Julie Commentary.
Now in this prophetic word. I’m sure a lot of you have questions. How can the Biden, because we don’t call him Joe be unmasked? Well, God is showing. There has been a lot of things going on in the world again. He said we cannot go by appearances because things are not always how they appear to be. Things are not how they seem. Why? Because our enemies try to do this. Illusion, distractions. They put up these props. They have plenty of technology. Look at all the movies today. They can do a lot of different things that look real. Our enemies do this, to lie, to deceive people into believing that a lie is actually true. And there’s a lot of people who believe it because they go by sight. Why do you think it says in God’s written word, walk by faith and not by sight? Not only were we not supposed to do that ever, but right now, especially because right now, things are not how they appear to be to a naked eye. Things like if you’re seeing a picture, if you’re watching a movie or you’re even seeing live shows or live TV, things are not how they appear. And that’s why God says to walk by faith. What does that mean to walking and trusting in Him? Father God, I’m going to believe Your Word no matter what I see, no matter what I feel, no matter what things are telling me, no matter who is telling me what. I will go by your word and your word alone. I trust in you. I will not be moved. I will not be shaken. I will not lose my focus on you, Father God. I will only focus on you and what Your Word says and what you are telling me to see, what you’re telling me to say, what you’re telling me to believe. Father God, I trust in you no matter what. And that’s what a child of God, that’s when we’re maturing in the body of Christ, how we mature when we’re marching in the army of the Lord, because we’re fighting a good fight of faith, which is a fight we win. But the more faith we have, the more strength we have. Because you know what? Just like what Jesus said to the disciples in the boat when they got in fear, remember he was asleep and they got in fear, and they’re like, Master, Master, why are you letting us just you’re asleep while you’re letting us die? Is basically I’m just quoting that. And he said, oh, you have little faith. He’s talking about he said that many times to them, oh, you have little faith or you have no faith? What does that mean? You have no trust? You have no trust. Where is your trust for God? And in God that he will do what he said he will do if he says he will deliver you. That’s what he will do if he says why Jesus struggle healed? That’s what we should believe, because Jehovah Rafa, which is the name of God, is our healer. So that’s how when we get to know the names of God and get to know really who he is that way all these things that are going on in the world today, we will not be shaken and we will not be moved. We won’t care, because our eyes are focused on Him. So I know you have a lot of questions, so I want to go over this quickly. My children. In the scenery of the United States, is changing. He talked about the capital changing. He talked about the government changing, because he even said he doesn’t need an election to do that. He can do things on his timing in his way, not man’s calendar, not man’s way, and not what looks to a natural eye of how things have to be. No, God is a judge over all the earth, and he can change things how he has planned it to be, and when without man ever being hit will have the opportunity to stop it. No one can stop God. All right? The government is changing, and what you see now is all changing and changing to free this nation. The rest of this year, my children, watch as it all changes. How many times they have to say the word changes to us. He says it all the time. He wants us to get that down on our heart so much that we know that things that we see right now are not going to stay that way. He even says in the book of Two Corinthians I want to read this really quickly. I wasn’t planning on this, but it says in two Corinthians four and verse 16, therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day for our light affliction. This is Paul speaking, and there was no light affliction ever with him, but he was saying that because he had his eyes, folks, in the Lord for our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us as a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we do not look at things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. So in the Amplified version of the Scripture in verse 17, two Corinthians 417, look it up, this is amplified for our light of a momentary affliction, the slight distress of the passing hour. That means the things that we see are not permanent, they are subject to change. It even says in verse 18, since we consider and look not to the things which are seen, but to the things which are unseen, for the things are seen are visible or temporal, brief and fleeting, that means they’re not permanent. I’ll say that again, the things that we are seeing right now are not permanently going to stay that way. And God is trying to get that Revelation knowledge on the inside of us. Things we see are changing. Okay, Argentina will be in the news. A yacht will be in the news. A wave runner, some people depending on where you’re at. A wave runer is just another name for a jet ski. All right? Again, I tell you, my children watch the cargo ships. Guys talk about the cargo ships many times. Watch the cargo ships. Another one will get stuck and it’s going to dispose what is in there and then also what is on the ones in the open water. So watch the cargo ships. There is more to this story. There’s more what’s going on that they’re trying to hide, that they’re keeping away from the ports. They’re keeping away from that because of what’s inside of there. Tell you there’s a lot going on and God’s going to expose it all. A shark will be in the news for an unusual reason.
Astoria. A-S-T-O-R-I-A this name will be in your news. And then a march. I don’t know if it’s made a protest, but in March is about to make major headlines. Pay attention to this location and uprising has begun and it will pick up steam around the world. Remember, God talked about a resistance around the world. There is a resistance growing. There are people fighting back. There’s people saying, I’m not going to take this anymore. I might take the freedoms that I have. What freedoms I have, you’re not going to take back from me or take away. So there is a lot going on there that God is saying is going to happen. And so watch that be in your news. John Kerry. John Kerry is going to fall. They’re not going to keep people like him anymore. They’re going to let him fall to save what God is saying. The big fish or the inner circle or the elites, the one world government, their favorites, okay? He says explosive information they can no longer hide that they don’t want to either. Watch as they let him, more and more people fall to say the big fish, you would say John carries in his final days in a governmental position because it’s coming to an end. So watch John Kerry be removed or step down or retire, because a lot of people are stepping down, retiring, saying they’re leaving this position. It’s going on worldwide. And the reason why they’re doing that is because they think by leaving their positions, by stepping down, just like with Dr Fauci, which is not going to happen, he’s still going to get in trouble because God said it. But they think by leaving that position and them going running and high is going to save them from judgment and save them from what’s coming. And it’s not. An ambassador will be in the news. All right? TV is so much more, my children. There is so much more, my children, you are about to see on live TV. Excuse me. And you will never thought you would ever see it’s coming faster. Now. Their destruction and their demise will be celebrated worldwide. Why would you be celebrating people’s demise and their destruction? Because they’re the ones who have been stealing. They’re the ones who have been holding people captive. They’re the ones holding the world enslavement. And God is saying, I am going to free you, just like when the children of Israel left Egypt, I’m sure there was great celebration when there was a demise of the Egyptians power over them, their control, their power, their enslavement over that. I’m sure there was a great celebration. And this is a greater exodus. And God saying there’s going to be great celebrations.
Now what’s this about Kamala? She’s angry. I mean, I don’t know how people don’t tell that. Even from what God has told me in the past, these prophetic words, this is not the first time he’s talked about her being upset about the Biden and what’s going on in that situation in the supposed White House. Harris has been quiet for a time, but watch her next move. They will be noticeable. She’s against the Biden and she is distancing herself from him more and more. Eric had started back when she had seen this imposter. So she knows that he is an imposter. She saw it for herself. And then she realized she would never be president. So they’re going to try to keep this imposter as long as they can keep him. She agreed to be vice president because she was promised the presidency. Knowing how frail Biden was, she was an easy shoe in for the presidency. She wouldn’t have to put up with him for very long. That’s the reason why she agreed to it. So she really wanted to be the president, but she agreed to the vice president knowing that the Biden was so sick and he was frail. It wasn’t going to take her long to be able to be president. They would remove him or the 25th Amendment or she was eventually going to die. And so she was just like, okay, I’m just going to get in. Not a big deal. And that didn’t happen. They put in the place of the real Biden. And so she’s noticing that she’s not going to get the presidency and she’s angry and she was conspiracy. This is like a movie. Exactly. This is a horrible movie that they’re trying to play out on the world center stage. But now she’s saying that Biden is an actor and they chose him over her. She is furious and hasn’t gotten way over. She hasn’t gotten over it. She’s fine with a while ago, you could have seen it. You remember she was used to be right there with him all the time. And people are sending me stuff that she has not been right with him all the time. She’s so fears and hasn’t gotten over it. And you will see her resist more and more and become unruly. Unruly to who? Unruly to the globalists. Are telling her what to say and what to do and she’s not cooperating is what this is saying. It’s her sign to the globalist. She’s had enough of the Biden and they better do something about it or else watch the follow them both. So she is upset with them and she’s basically fighting against them and fighting them back and she’s threatening them and that’s not going to go well for her. And God’s saying, watch the Biden and Kamala both fall. Now watch as you will see that Biden unmasked. So again, he’s an imposter and God is saying he’s going to unmask him. So we’re going to know the truth of who this person really is. Lord, what do you mean? How is this possible? Because they can do a lot of these things with technology. There’s a lot of things that we have no clue. This is what God is saying. Michael and your enemies have lied for years. They have had actors in places on multiple occasions, but never as much as they have done with the Biden. They’ve got to do it with him every day. He is a fake. He is a liar. He is an actor. He’s an imposter in more ways than one. I will unmask him and the world will know this was all an act and a fake and a really bad clown show. I can go on about that, but I’m not going to. Right now. Their props are set than all their fake backdrops or pristine lighting to hide things from the audience’s site. Who’s the audience? The world. The American people. We’re the audience. They think by doing all this stuff on the news and all these fake props and stuff like that, we’re just going to fall for all their stuff. And they have all these wonderful things because they think they can pull everything up and they can’t. Your enemies truly believe you were stupid enough to fall for their show. Look, also, did they try to they think that we were stupid enough to believe honestly that inauguration was real or that 2020 election wasn’t stolen? I mean, they literally stopped it in the middle. You don’t stop elections. People will take weeks and months to count the votes, but they didn’t count on an awakening to shake up the world, to see the truth. Get up, my children, and call these impostors out of their places of power. It’s not theirs to have and it never was. Save the alarm again, the reason why we are upset about this is a righteous indignation. I don’t hate them, he said, do you have that possible? I hate what they’re doing, but I don’t hate them. Why can’t I hate them? Because God says that we’re supposed to love, but I have to approve of what somebody is doing. But I’m not going to have any unforgiveness or any hatred in my heart toward anybody. So I won’t get in trouble with God. They’re not worth it. But do I have a righteous indignation for freedom and truth and justice to prevail? Oh, yes, I do. And that’s why you see it that way sometimes. Because we have a right to stand up for what Jesus has paid for and we have a right to get upset that somebody is trying to take it away. Now look at this about the weather. And some people may not understand, but they do have technology to change weather. They said, Watch as the hurricane season begins to grow in strength and intensity. Things have been quiet, but not everything is intensifying the way your enemies had intended them to. So enemies have been manipulating things. All these things. Global warming, there’s no such thing. They had planned to use the waters and hide things they were doing, but they can’t hide this any longer because I’m stirring the waters in these locations to stop the next attack on the United States. So they were using it and won’t be surprised because he talked about submarines, he talked about warships, he talked about all these things that they’re hiding in the waters. He talked about the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. They all surround. So just watch the water. Because the Arctic Ocean I know is like the northward Canada. But again, it’s around North America. So just watch the waters and what God is saying, and he’s saying he’s going to stir the waters in these locations and stop the next attack. Do not fare these storms. Use my authority against them. They may not come near you or your dwelling places. Those are your homes. You have power to speak to the storms as Jesus did. Get in my word and see what he said and get the revelation knowledge. You do have power over these storms. In these days, especially when weather is coming and some violent storms will be seen, your enemies are the ones that should be afraid, not you, because this is the time for their judgment’s sake of our false, you say, Julie, we don’t have power over storms. Really? Jesus is our example. Jesus said, anything you ask in my name, I will do it. It’s like what he said when he was sleeping on the boat. Why didn’t you do that? Why didn’t you tell the storm to stop? Why didn’t you tell the wind and the waves to knock it off? Why didn’t you do it? Instead, they’re thinking, he’s just letting them die while he’s asleep. He was at peace and rest because he told him, we are going to the other side. Nothing is going to stop us, not even a storm. We’re going to the other side. We’re not going to die. He gave them that before they took off and they still didn’t believe him anyway. Look at us. Not all weather events are judgments. Some are manmade and will be exposed. Your enemies have used machines and technology to manipulate weather and causing chaos and destruction and death. Yes, this is true. And this is the type of technologies out there. My children, your enemies have been manipulating more things in this world you never thought were possible. But you will see the truth because there is proof of it all. And why you can say that is because things like FEMA, disaster relief, they’re supposed to bring these things. It’s proven time and time again. Especially, I think Katrina was the one with the worst that we saw, how FEMA did not do what they were supposed to do. They had all this money, but they didn’t house the people that needed it and that the money went for. These things are used to further their agenda. All these agencies or organizations are to further the world government, to further the deep state agenda. And these were not meant to help people. They were only a facade to make it look like it. And those who were New Orleans and those who were hit by Katrina. I’m church and voucher for the fact that all those things I thought long time ago. When this Katrina hit. This was back in 2005. Where they had all these campers and RVs that were supposed to go down to be houses in homes for people who lost their home during Katrina and they never got there. Tell me why they didn’t get there. Because they never wanted them to. These are not by accident. And this is not just they’re just that stupid things happen on purpose for a reason. The same thing with the Chip shortages. The same thing with all these shortages, supposedly shortages. God is saying, no, there is enough, more than enough worldwide, because God made sure of it. They’re causing these shortages on purpose. It’s another act of war. Sacramento will be in the news. This location will be in the news for a significant reason. So look for Sacramento and it will be in the news for a significant reason. Kowal or Kohl. It’s K-O-W-A-L. That name is going to be in your news. And that’s why I’m saying I don’t know which one it is. I just know when Lord was writing it, it was how it was spelled, it’s how I’m going on it, but I heard cowell, but it could be cold. All right. Now watch London. I say it again, something significant is about to take place. So watch London. God’s been talking about the royals and London a lot, so keep watching that tyrese. The same will be in the news. And then you are about to hear of a major volcanic eruption and a large earthquake. These things are yet another sign to my children that your enemies are coming down in this hour and so is their plant, their power and influence. I’m not allowing them to go that much further. They have fallen into one trap after another. No way of escape, damage and destruction. The camp of the enemy is soon to be seen and it cannot be denied. There will be no denying the move of my hand against them. Look at all the times the God moved his hand against the enemies of Almighty God in the Bible and. You can’t deny that. Pray the Lord this day I’m once again reminding my children that I am in control and nothing you see against you or anyone controlling the world or standing against your freedoms will continue to be able to hold you back from what I’m about to do and the freedom that you are about to experience. Things that have been going on around the world, the governments and the world economies will begin to change dramatically. Got that? Suddenly never changed dramatically because a shaking has begun and a shift has started to break their control over this world, to break the enemy’s control over this world, their markets, their fake and fraudulent governments. Because it’s more than just the United States of America. They have fake governments all over the place. So he said in the uptrend of truth, the wits of lords have begun to open their mouths and they started an avalanche of destruction against your enemies. Nothing can stop this momentum or even slow it down and explosions and eruptions in multiple ways that will cause disruption, that is annihilating everything you see against you. So long story short, things are changing. The truth is going to be revealed no matter who is trying to hide it, no matter who is lying, no matter who is an imposter and who’s not. God is saying all of this is going to be exposed, all of this is going to change and say Julie, this is conspiracy theory. That is not true. Look at all the processes that already been coming to pass. These things I could not make up. I am not a writer and why would I even waste my time? Why would I waste my time doing this? All I’m doing is giving you what God is telling for you to hear. Every single day I’m hearing it. He’s telling me to give it to you every single day to bring encouragement, to bring faith, to bring hope in the midst of hopeless, to destroy the fear, to destroy the power of the enemy, destroy depression, to destroy anxiety, to destroy all these things that enemy is trying to use against you. The good news is truth. This is truth. All of this word right here is something that everybody needs to get into it every single day. If you don’t understand some of these prophetic words, get into the presence of Almighty God and he will give you that revelation knowledge of what he’s saying. Don’t take my word for it because these are not my words. Get into God’s presence, get into his word and he will show you. He will show you what? Now he can’t show us everything but he can show us enough to build up our faith and trust in Him because God is good. So and like Robin Bullock always says, he’s absolutely good. Well, I want to pray on reaching every one of you today. Father God, in the name of Jesus, we want to thank you for Revelation knowledge. We want to bind that spirit of confusion and spirit of fear that has been running rampant all over this world. We thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against us a prosper. It will not stand and it will not stay. We thank you, Father God, that nothing against you is going to stay the way it is. We thank you, Father God, that all these things are changing, all these things are shaking, all this shift has begun. And we thank you that we will not be moved. We thank you, Father God, that you are perfecting us right now by the blood of Jesus. We thank you, Heavenly Father, that no weapon formed against us or prosper. We plead the blood of Jesus over the top of our heads and soles of our feet. We thank you that our guardian angels protect us everywhere we go and everything that we do. We thank you when we praise you, Father God, that you are guiding and leading us in the right direction and where we should go. That we are always in the right place at the right time. And we thank you for our protection. We thank you for our deliverances. We thank you for our freedom. We thank you, Father God, that you are changing the atmosphere, you’re changing the government, you’re changing the nations for us. And we thank you that we are part of this great exodus. In Jesus name, amen. Well, plain, please, like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth sets you free. Well, God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Bye.

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