I have never seen him obviously terrified before. He is assuring us the incredible news about the new Boston Lab virus is quite true. That its pandemic lethality could be massive should it do a Wuhan and escape the Lab.
His presentation is quite serious and reflects his grave concern and he is moved to quote 1818 philosophy about the arrogance of man.
Left a few comments of my own under his video.

Steve Trueblue
A small nuclear device to cauterize the lab comes to mind. Fauci financed this. Ordered this.

Steve Trueblue
No need to “be fair” Doctor toward a civilisation ending event.

Steve Trueblue
Boston Uni financed by Fauci as usual. A new civilisation ending event could be produced every few weeks.
Steve Trueblue
“Unwise” is medical/academic code for STUPID

Please share this video, this research must STOP. Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research Professor Shmuel Shapira, lead scientist, Israeli Government https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/ar…
This should be totally forbidden, it’s playing with fire Dr Richard Ebright, Rutgers University, New Brunswick The research is a clear example of gain of function research. If we are to avoid a next lab-generated pandemic, it is imperative that oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research be strengthened. it is imperative that officials at US-government agencies, who repeatedly have placed the public at risk by repeatedly violating the existing policies be held accountable Prof David Livermore, microbiology, University of East Anglia given the strong likelihood that the Covid pandemic originated from the escape of a lab-manipulated coronavirus in Wuhan, these experiments seem profoundly unwise Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories is one of 13 biosafety level 4 labs in the US Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 Omicron 14th October 2022 Boston University School of Medicine https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.11… Predominant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) is highly transmissible, even in fully vaccinated individuals, and causes attenuated disease compared with other major viral variants recognized to date The Omicron spike (S) protein, unusually large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 A chimera or chimeric virus One virus containing genetic material derived from two or more distinct viruses US Center for Veterinary Biologics https://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_hea…
A new hybrid microorganism, created by joining nucleic acid fragments from two or more different microorganisms, in which each of at least two of the fragments, contain essential genes necessary for replication We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate, and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant. The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor-binding motif, yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells. In K18-hACE2 mice https://www.jax.org/strain/034860 K18-hACE2 transgenic mice express human ACE2, including airway epithelia where infections typically begin. Because K18-hACE2 are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV viruses, they are useful for studying antiviral therapies to COVID-19 and SARS. In K18-hACE2 mice Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of S. Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, 1818 Frightful must it be; for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavour to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world (1831 edition)
Transcript here could be useful.
Boston Virus Horrifying Dr John Campbell
Hello, World, and welcome to today’s talk. Saturday, the 22 October. Now, there’s a rumor going round that scientists in Boston, in the United States, have made a new Sars Coronavirus too. And instead of killing essentially 0% of the mice it infects, it kills 80% of the mice it infects. Could this rumor possibly be true? I’m afraid to tell you, and it distresses me to tell you, that it is completely true. I find this unbelievable, outrageous arrogance. But we’ll take a look at it and pick it, and we will be looking at the scientific paper, of course. Now, this is the paper here. It’s actually in the form of a preprint at the moment, but given that it’s preprinted, it probably will be peer reviewed shortly. But of course, this does mean that the research took place. It’s unlikely that they’re lying about this research taking place. So this is actually happening. Now, this is the most incredible, in my view, gain of function research. We’ve gone from killing none of the mice to killing 80% of the mice. Now, okay, it might not be that bad. If it escapes into people, it might only kill 40% of the people that infects, or 4% of the people it infects. We don’t know. But playing with this sort of virus, to me, is just unbelievable. So let’s let’s have a look at it and you make your own mind up. Don’t let me introduce you too much. Now, this is enhanced potential pandemic pathogenic research. So they’re looking at these research. It’s the SAS coronavirus two. So what they’ve essentially done here is we all know about the SARS coronavirus two here, and it’s got these spike proteins on it, hasn’t it, like that. I think we know this well now. So what they’ve done actually here is they’ve taken one of the original Wuhan type viruses, which is a different type of virus, and essentially they’ve taken the spike proteins off that, off the original Wuhan type virus, and they’ve put on some of the new Omicron type spike proteins and they find out this combination has made it basically 80% more deadly to mice. So what this means is it’s not just the spike protein that make the virus deadly, it’s also the genetics and the proteins in the rest of the virus that make it deadly. It’s that combination. So that’s quite an interesting scientific finding, not too surprising. But basically what they’ve done is they’ve mixed up two viruses and come up with this new one that has a massively higher function. This is surely gain of function research that we’ve been so worried about. Now, what do other people think about it? Professor Shapiro, lead scientist, Israeli government. This should be totally forbidden. It’s playing with fire. I agree 100%. Dr. Richard Ed Bright New Brunswick the research is a clear example of gain of function research. So good. See, the doctor here agrees. If we’re able to avoid a next lab generated pandemic. This is pretty serious talk. Another lab generated pandemic, assuming we’ve had one to begin with, really quite serious talk. It’s imperative that oversight of enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research will be strengthened. Now, this is in the United States of America we’re talking about here. I am taken aback, really quite taken aback, that have allowed this. It’s imperative that officials in the United States government agencies who repeatedly have placed the public at risk by repeatedly violating the existing policies, be held accountable. So, pretty strong words there. What is going on with the regulation in the United States? Professor David Livermore from University of East Anglia in England, of course, given the strong likelihood that the COVID pandemic originated from an escaping a laboratory manipulated virus in Wuhan, could well have done these experiments seem profoundly unwise Englishunderstatement. But when an Englishman, I don’t know if his English is British anyway, I think you use the word profoundly. That really does mean profoundly. This is a strong wording. Now, this research seems to be carried out in Boston University National Emerging Infectious Disease Laboratory, one of 13 level four labs in the US. So think of one of these labs with people in soft spacesuits, things with breathing pipes and all that kind of thing, but it may not be 100% secure. Now, this is the paper here, all of the spike pathogen and antigenic behavior. So basically, antigen is the virus. And this is in the BA one that they looked at here. Okay, it’s a few months ago now. It’s moved on, but it was just published last week, boston University School of Medicine and other places. I’m not picking them out as the only one, but the work does seem to have been done in this Boston University’s National Emerging Diseases Lab. That seems to be where the work was carried out. As far as I can gather now, predominant Sarskround advice to Omacron variant is cyto-transmissible. Of course, we know this even evades even in fully vaccinated individuals and causes attenuated disease. So in other words, the disease is not as bad. So what they wanted to find out was, okay, the Omicrons BA one in this example caused less severe disease. Why is that? Because we know the spike proteins change, or is it because of the change in the spike protein that has less severe disease? But when they combined it with the original Wuhan variant, they found that it caused more severe disease. So it’s looking like it’s not so much the spike protein that’s causing more severe disease, it’s the other part of the virus. So the reason that fatalities, for example, were more extreme in the early part of the pandemic, there was a high number of people died, was probably because of the core of the virus, rather than necessarily because of these spike proteins of the virus. That’s what they wanted to find out, and they did find that out. But what risk is the question. Compared with other major viral variants recognized to date, fine. The omicron spike protein, usually has a large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes. The phenotype just means the way that the virus behaves in the real world. It’s the outward expression of the genetic material of the virus. So they said, regenerated a chimeric recombination Sars Coronavirus, too. And that’s what they did. They took the original Wuhan type virus, the genetics from that, that made the core of the virus. They took the genetic material from the omicron that generated the spike protein and then recombined these into a brand new virus. Now, as far as I can understand, this would never have occurred in nature. So they generated this completely new virus. Right? Now let’s look at what chimera is. So chimera just means a mix, doesn’t it? It’s two animals mixed. So, like a man with a lion’s head or a horse with wings, that would be a chimeric situation where you’ve got two organisms mixed up. But in this case, it’s a chimera or chimeric virus, one that contains genetic material derived from two or more distinct viruses. In this case, the original Wuhan virus and the SARS coronavirus. So the original SARS coronavirus from Wuhan, SARS CoV Two from Wuhan and Saskovie Two, but the one that’s a long time later. Now the army cron VA one. So they’ve combined these two in a way that really wouldn’t have occurred in nature, as far as I can see at all. Now. The US. Center for Veterinary Biology from the United States Department of Agriculture gives this definition of a chimera, a new hybrid microorganism created by joining nucleic acid, in this case, the RNA. Of course, from these two viruses, fragments from two or more different microorganisms, in this case, the original Wuhan virus and the BA One omicron virus. Artificially, though, in the lab, in which at least two of the fragments contain essential genes necessary for replication rep L-I-C-A-T-I-O-N. This virus can replicate potentially indefinitely, potentially, if it escaped to form a new pandemic, potentially killing 80% of mice that it infects. And as we’ll see, these mice were humanized. We’ll look at that in a minute. But this virus could kill potentially 40, 50, 60, 70% of the people that infect. And yet they seem to be doing research on this virus. I’m really concerned this is an existential threat. Existential to me means to do with existence. So if I caught this virus that they’re working within this lab, some might say playing within this lab, it’s an existential threat to my existence. I might no longer exist. If I got that, and that concerns me, we could be looking at mortality rates which are well, I don’t even want to think about it. Given that the original Wuhan virus and the omicron BA One virus kills essentially no mice, and this kills 80% of mice and of course we are vertebrates the same as mice. It just doesn’t bear thinking about how would they have the arrogance to do this? Back to the paper we regenerated chimeric recombination of Sasko in the virus too including the S gene of the spike gene of the army chrome in the backbone of the ancestral SAS coronavirus to isolate. So there you go spike protein from the spike proteins from the omicron and the original body if you like from the original Wuhan virus. This new rejiggled recombination and compared this virus with a natural circulating omicron variant the omicron S bearing virus robustly escaped vaccineinduced humoral immunity so this new virus have generated showed great immune escape. People that were immune to previous Saskarona virus too or the mice anyway didn’t have any immunity to this. So this escaped not only could it kill huge numbers of people potentially would also have no immunity to it or essentially no immunity to it or very limited immunity to it because it shows robust escape from vaccine induced immunity. So it would be almost like a brand new pandemic. We would have no immunity mainly due to mutations of the receptor binding motif what we call we tend to call this the RBD, don’t we? The receptor binding domain which is the part on the SAS coronavirus two here that actually binds into that actually binds into the ace receptor as we’ve looked at many times unlike naturally occurring Omicron efficiently replicates in the cell lines and primarily like distal lung cells. Now these cell lines here what you have to do of course viruses can’t reproduce on their own. They can only reproduce inside cells. So what they’ve done is they’ve taken some cells and these cells are like the distal lung cells. So the proximal lung cells if you look at the lung so we’ve got the main trachea there and the bronchial passages or the trachea I should say in the States and here’s the lungs here. So that is of course what we are familiar with from anatomy. Now the proximal tissues will be the ones up here near the mouth that they’re proximal tissues. The distal tissues will be the ones down here in the lungs right down here and of course as you probably know what happens is the airways get smaller and smaller branching to smaller and smaller airways until they get to the alveoli the air sacs where the gaseous exchange takes place. The oxygen goes from there to there and the carbon dioxide goes from the blood into the lungs. So the distal cells are like the cells you will get here in the distal part of the airway. These will all be distal airway cells and of course these are the ones that are particularly worried about because if we get inflammation in here this can fill up with fluid and we get the acute respiratory distress syndrome that killed so many people at the start of the pandemic not what we want. So they were trying these distal cells to see how it works in these distal cells, and that’s what they did. Now they’re using Khac two mice, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor two mice. Now, what this is now, I don’t like this research either, particularly, but I don’t pretend to be an expert in it. But what they’ve done here is they’ve taken some genes from a human, say me, for example, and they’ve taken the genes from me. That code for my H two receptors that make my S two receptors. And they put the genes from a human into a mouse so that it’s still a mouse, but it makes human molecular architecture type ace two receptors. So the H two receptors in the transgenic humanized mouse are basically chemically the same as mine, so they can model them. And these new virus, this new virus that they made, latched onto those in the mice and killed 80% of the mice. Therefore, it’s reasonable to assume that this new virus that they created would latch onto my digital ace two receptors as well, causing severe inflammation, just as it did in the unfortunate 80% of the mice that it killed. So transgenic mice, they express the human ace two angiotensin two receptor that the virus binds on to, including airway epithelial, where infection typically begins. As we know, the lining tissues of the airways, because they’re sensible to cars CoV two virus they are used for as an experimental model, basically. So it’s mice we’re talking about mice with human ace two receptors. That’s how they know that this would work in human cells because it’s the same as the same as the H two receptors that are expressed by the mice are the same as in me because it’s made by the same human gene, transgenic humanized mice. So that’s what that means. That’s what this line is. Omicron cases were mild, non fatal infections. Good in the mice. The army crossescarrying virus, the new one that jiggled around with what you might call the Frankenstein virus inflict severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. Now, 80%, that’s one more than 79%. This is massive. Just imagine if this virus escaped and it killed, worst case scenario, perhaps 80% of people. Suppose it only killed 8% of people. It would spread rapidly. We don’t have immunity to it. They’ve already said it has huge immune escape. The vaccine induced immunity would not work against this new virus. The natural induced immunity might work a bit better, but I don’t particularly want to find out.
I find this terrifying, to be quite honest. It kills 80% of these humanized mice. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by the mutation in the spike, the major determinant of viral pathogenicity right outside of the spike protein. So the reason that omacron is it’s interesting, to be fair. The reason Omicron is killing less people is less pathogenic might not be related to changes in the spike protein that we’ve been monitoring and we’ve been spending all our time looking at the spike protein. We’ve taken our eye off the ball for the other components of the virus and it seems to be changes in the other components of the virus, the envelope and the nucleocapsid protein and the RNA and things like that. It might be changes in those which makes the virus more or less pathogenic, and because they’ve changed, the army on variant is less pathogenic. So it’s interesting, but the risk to find out that piece of knowledge is, to me, just too immense. Let’s give the final word to Mary Shelley, who, of course, wrote Frankenstein, first published in 18. This book, of course, is about the risk of human arrogance that human beings, in all their cleverness, cleverness inverted commas, can make a monster which they can no longer control. It’s a terrifying idea, and it’s the reason why Mary Shelley Frankenstein has been a best seller for well over 200 years now. Because it gets to the heart of something. And let’s just look at one of the quotes. This is from the 1831 edition. Frightful must it be? For supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous mechanisms of the creator of the world. How dare we think we can copy the creator? We are mocking the situation. It may well be that we’ve just had a pandemic because of this human arrogance, we’ll probably never know for sure. And this research in Boston has got the risk of it causing another one. If it were to escape, I strongly suspect the security in Boston is way, way better than security in Wuhan. But personally, I don’t want to risk my life and the lives of my family and the lives of you watching just so we can write a few academic papers. I therefore call on the American government to close this research down immediately. Immediately. Hygienically. Destroy all these Frankenstein viruses. And if the viruses don’t exist, then they won’t escape. Thank you for watching.
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